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Pseudorabies virus (PrV) glycoproteins gII and gp50 are major constituents of the viral envelope and targets of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. Both are homologs of essential glycoproteins found in herpes simplex virus, gB (gII) and gD (gp50). We recently isolated a gII-negative PrV deletion mutant on complementing cell lines and established the essential character of gII for PrV replication (I. Rauh, F. Weiland, F. Fehler, G. Keil, and T.C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 65: 621-631, 1991). In this report, we describe the isolation of a gp50-negative PrV mutant after constructing cell lines that constitutively express gp50 and phenotypically complement the gp50 defect. Analysis of the gp50- mutant proved that gp50 is essential for PrV replication. Further studies showed that both gII and gp50 are required for viral penetration into target cells. The penetration defect in the gII and gp50 deletion mutants could be overcome by experimental polyethylene glycol-induced membrane fusion. Surprisingly, whereas gII proved to be essential for both penetration and cell-cell spread of the virus, gp50 was required only for penetration and appeared dispensable for direct cell-cell spread.  相似文献   

The propagation of pseudorabies virus (PrV) mutants deficient in essential glycoproteins gp50 and gII was studied after inoculation of transcomplemented gp50- and gII- PrV into the motor hypoglossal (XII) nerves of mice. In this model, viral spread from the infected XII motoneurons involves specific transneuronal transfer to connected cells and local, nonspecific transfer. For comparison, a PrV mutant lacking the nonessential nonstructural glycoprotein gX was included. Although the efficiencies of first-cycle replication were similar for the three viruses, only gX- and gp50- progeny mutants could spread from XII motoneurons via transneuronal and local transfer. The extents of transfer of gX- and gp50- PrV were comparable. The results show that the absence of gp50 does not alter the pattern of transneuronal or local spread of PrV, whereas gII is essential for both processes.  相似文献   

Phenotypically complemented pseudorabies virus gp50 null mutants are able to produce plaques on noncomplementing cell lines despite the fact that progeny virions are noninfectious. To determine whether gp50 null mutants and gp50+gp63 null mutants are also able to replicate and spread in animals, mice were infected subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. Surprisingly, both gp50 mutants and gp50+gp63 double mutants proved to be lethal for mice. In comparison with the wild-type virus, gp50 mutants were still highly virulent, whereas the virulence of gp50+gp63 mutants was significantly reduced. Severe signs of neurological disorders, notably pruritus, were apparent in animals infected with the wild-type virus or a gp50 mutant but were much less pronounced in animals infected with a gp50+gp63 or gp63 mutant. Immunohistochemical examination of infected animals showed that all viruses were able to reach, and replicate in, the brain. Examination of visceral organs of intraperitoneally infected animals showed that viral antigen was predominantly present in peripheral nerves, suggesting that the viruses reached the central nervous system by means of retrograde axonal transport. Infectious virus could not be recovered from the brains and organs of animals infected with gp50 or gp50+gp63 mutants, indicating that progeny virions produced in vivo are noninfectious. Virions that lacked gp50 in their envelopes, and a phenotypically complemented pseudorabies virus gII mutant (which is unable to produce plaques in tissue culture cells), proved to be nonvirulent for mice. Together, these results show that gp50 is required for the primary infection but not for subsequent replication and viral spread in vivo. These results furthermore indicate that transsynaptic transport of the virus is independent of gp50. Since progeny virions produced by gp50 mutants are noninfectious, they are unable to spread from one animal to another. Therefore, such mutants may be used for the development of a new generation of safer (carrier) vaccines.  相似文献   

The baculovirus gp64 envelope glycoprotein is a major component of the envelope of the budded virus (BV) and is involved in BV entry into the host cell by endocytosis. To determine whether gp64 alone was sufficient to mediate membrane fusion, the Orgyia pseudotsugata multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus gp64 protein was transiently expressed in uninfected insect cells. Cells expressing the baculovirus gp64 protein were examined for membrane fusion activity by using a syncytium formation assay under various conditions of exposure to low pH. Cells expressing the gp64 protein mediated membrane fusion and syncytium formation in a pH-dependent manner. A pH of 5.5 or lower was required to induce membrane fusion. In addition, exposure of gp64-expressing cells to low pH for as little as 5 s was sufficient to induce gp64-mediated syncytium formation. These studies provide direct evidence that gp64 is a pH-dependent membrane fusion protein and suggest that gp64 is the protein responsible for fusion of the virion envelope with the endosome membrane during BV entry into the host cell by endocytosis.  相似文献   

The Hantaan virus (HTNV) is an enveloped virus that is capable of inducing low pH-dependent cell fusion. We molecularly cloned the viral glycoprotein (GP) and nucleocapsid (NP) cDNA of HTNV and expressed them in Vero E6 cells under the control of a CMV promoter. The viral gene expression was assessed using an indirect immunofluorescence assay and immunoprecipitation. The transfected Vero E6 cells expressing GPs, but not those expressing NP, fused and formed a syncytium following exposure to a low pH. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against envelope GPs inhibited cell fusion, whereas MAbs against NP did not. We also investigated the N-linked glycosylation of HTNV GPs and its role in cell fusion. The envelope GPs of HTNV are modified by N-linked glycosylation at five sites: four sites on G1 (N134, N235, N347, and N399) and one site on G2 (N928). Site-directed mutagenesis was used to construct eight GP gene mutants, including five single N-glycosylation site mutants and three double-site mutants, which were then expressed in Vero E6 cells. The oligosaccharide chain on residue N928 of G2 was found to be crucial for cell fusion after exposure to a low pH. These results suggest that G2 is likely to be the fusion protein of HTNV.  相似文献   

Lopper M  Compton T 《Journal of virology》2004,78(15):8333-8341
Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) utilizes a complex route of entry into cells that involves multiple interactions between viral envelope proteins and cellular receptors. Three conserved viral glycoproteins, gB, gH, and gL, are required for CMV-mediated membrane fusion, but little is known of how these proteins cooperate during entry (E. R. Kinzler and T. Compton, submitted for publication). The goal of this study was to begin defining the molecular mechanisms that underlie membrane fusion mediated by herpesviruses. We identified heptad repeat sequences predicted to form alpha-helical coiled coils in two glycoproteins required for fusion, gB and gH. Peptides derived from gB and gH containing the heptad repeat sequences inhibited virus entry when introduced coincident with virus inoculation onto cells or when mixed with virus prior to inoculation. Neither peptide affected binding of CMV to fibroblasts, suggesting that the peptides inhibit membrane fusion. Both gB and gH coiled-coil peptides blocked entry of several laboratory-adapted and clinical strains of human CMV, but neither peptide affected entry of murine CMV or herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Although murine CMV and HSV-1 gB and gH have heptad repeat regions, the ability of human CMV gB and gH peptides to inhibit virus entry correlates with the specific residues that comprise the heptad repeat region. The ability of gB and gH coiled-coil peptides to inhibit virus entry independently of cell contact suggests that the coiled-coil regions of gB and gH function differently from those of class I, single-component fusion proteins. Taken together, these data support a critical role for alpha-helical coiled coils in gB and gH in the entry pathway of CMV.  相似文献   

Fluorescence photobleaching recovery was employed to study the effects of specific immobilization of Sendai virus envelope glycoproteins (F, the fusion protein, and HN, the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase) on the virally mediated fusion of human erythrocytes. Lateral immobilization of varying fractions of F and/or HN (after virus adsorption and hemagglutination, but before fusion) was achieved by cross-linking them with succinyl concanavalin A (inhibiting both F and HN) or with specific rabbit IgG directed against either F or HN. Alternatively, agglutinated cells were treated with low concentrations of the above proteins (inducing only minor inhibition of either mobility or fusion), and immobilization of F and/or HN was induced by cross-linking with a secondary antibody; this protocol ensured a minimal contribution of direct binding to the viral proteins to the inhibition of fusion. Our results demonstrate that lateral immobilization of either F or HN results in a strong inhibition of cell-cell fusion and a much weaker inhibition of virus-cell fusion. The level of cell-cell fusion was directly correlated with the level of laterally mobile viral glycoproteins in the cell membrane (either F or HN). We conclude that lateral mobility of both F and HN in the red cell membrane is essential for cell-cell fusion and that not only F but also HN has a role in this fusion event. The possible reasons for the different dependence of cell-cell and virus-cell fusion on viral glycoprotein mobility are discussed.  相似文献   

The charged amino acids near or within the membrane-spanning region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp41 envelope glycoprotein were altered. Two mutants were defective for syncytium formation and virus replication even though levels of envelope glycoproteins on the cell or virion surface and CD4 binding were comparable to those of the wild-type proteins. Thus, in addition to anchoring the envelope glycoproteins, sequences proximal to the membrane-spanning gp41 region are important for the membrane fusion process.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, MAbC3, that reacts with a 14,000-molecular-weight envelope protein (14K protein) of vaccinia virus completely inhibited virus-induced cell fusion during infection. Immunoblot and immunofluorescence studies revealed that the 14K protein was synthesized at about 6 to 7 h postinfection and transported from the cytoplasm to the cell surface. Synthesis and transport of the 14K protein during infection occurred in the presence of rifampin, an inhibitor of virus maturation. One- and two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analyses demonstrated that the 14K protein forms largely trimers (42K) that are covalently linked by disulfide bonds. The facts that MAbC3 prevents virus uncoating and blocks virus-induced cell fusion but does not prevent virus attachment to cells and the 14K envelope protein forms trimers all suggest that this protein plays major role in virus penetration.  相似文献   

Attachment of palmitic acid to cysteine residues is a common modification of viral glycoproteins. The influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) has three conserved cysteine residues at its C terminus serving as acylation sites. To analyze the structural and functional roles of acylation, we have generated by reverse genetics a series of mutants (Ac1, Ac2, and Ac3) of fowl plague virus (FPV) containing HA in which the acylation sites at positions 551, 559, and 562, respectively, have been abolished. When virus growth in CV1 and MDCK cells was analyzed, similar amounts of virus particles were observed with the mutants and the wild type. Protein patterns and lipid compositions, characterized by high cholesterol and glycolipid contents, were also indistinguishable. However, compared to wild-type virus, Ac2 and Ac3 virions were 10 and almost 1,000 times less infectious, respectively. Fluorescence transfer experiments revealed that loss of acyl chains impeded formation of fusion pores, whereas hemifusion was not affected. When the affinity to detergent-insoluble glycolipid (DIG) domains was analyzed by Triton X-100 treatment of infected cells and virions, solubilization of Ac2 and Ac3 HAs was markedly facilitated. These observations show that acylation of the cytoplasmic tail, while not necessary for targeting to DIG domains, promotes the firm anchoring and retention of FPV HA in these domains. They also indicate that tight DIG association of FPV HA is essential for formation of fusion pores and thus probably for infectivity.  相似文献   

Polyclonal B-cell activation is a characteristic feature of AIDS and of the AIDS-related complex. Since the immunoregulatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) plays a major role in inducing B-cell differentiation, we examined the effects of native human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoproteins gp120 and gp160 on IL-6 induction. In this study, we have demonstrated that both gp120 and gp160 have the ability to induce IL-6 mRNA and biologically active IL-6 protein secretion in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro. The envelope protein preparations had no detectable endotoxin as tested by the Limulus amebocyte lysate assay, and hence we can rule out the effect of contaminating endotoxin, which is a potent inducer of IL-6 in monocyte/macrophage cell cultures. In addition, we have shown that the envelope glycoproteins act directly on CD4(+)-cloned T cells to induce IL-6 production in the absence of monocytes. These findings indicate that monocytes and T cells both contribute to the secretion of IL-6, which plays an important role in the pathogenesis of B-cell activation in human immunodeficiency virus infection.  相似文献   

Two chimeric synthetic peptides incorporating immunodominant sequences from HTLV-I virus were synthesized. Monomeric peptides P7 and P8 represent sequences from transmembrane protein (gp21) and envelope protein (gp46) of the virus. The peptide P7 is a gp21 (374-400) sequence and the peptide P8 is a gp46 (190-207) sequence. Those peptides were arranged in a way that permits one to obtain different combinations of chimeric peptides (P7-GG-P8 and P8-GG-P7), separated by two glycine residues as spacer arms. The antigenic activity of these peptides were evaluated by UltramicroEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (UMELISA) by using panels of anti-HTLV-I-positive sera (n = 22), anti-HTLV-I/II-positive sera (n = 2), HTLV-positive (untypeable) serum samples (n = 2), and anti-HTLV-II-positive sera (n = 11), while specificity was evaluated with anti-HIV-positive samples (n = 19) and samples from healthy blood donors (n = 30). The efficacy of the chimeric peptides in solid-phase immunoassays was compared with the monomeric peptides and monomeric peptides together. The chimeric peptide P7-GG-P8 proved to be the most reactive with anti-HTLV-I-positive sera. These results may be related to a higher peptide adsorption capacity to the solid surface and for epitope accessibility to the antibodies. This chimeric peptide would be very useful for HTLV-I diagnostics.  相似文献   

In established T-cell lines, the membrane-fusing capacity of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoproteins mediates cytopathic effects, both syncytium formation and single-cell lysis. Furthermore, changes in the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins are responsible for the increased CD4(+) T-cell-depleting ability observed in infected monkeys upon in vivo passage of simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) chimeras. In this study, a panel of SHIV envelope glycoproteins and their mutant counterparts defective in membrane-fusing capacity were expressed in primary human CD4(+) T cells. Compared with controls, all of the functional HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins induced cell death in primary CD4(+) T-cell cultures, whereas the membrane fusion-defective mutants did not. Death occurred almost exclusively in envelope glycoprotein-expressing cells and not in bystander cells. Under standard culture conditions, most dying cells underwent lysis as single cells. When the cells were cultured at high density to promote syncytium formation, the envelope glycoproteins of the passaged, pathogenic SHIVs induced more syncytia than those of the respective parental SHIV. These results demonstrate that the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins induce the death of primary CD4(+) T lymphocytes by membrane fusion-dependent processes.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a herpesvirus that infects cells by fusing its lipid envelope with the target cell membrane. The fusion process requires the actions of viral glycoproteins gH, gL, and gB for entry into epithelial cells and additionally requires gp42 for entry into B cells. To further study the roles of these membrane-associated glycoproteins, purified soluble forms of gp42, gH, and gL were expressed that lack the membrane-spanning regions. The soluble gH/gL protein complex binds to soluble gp42 with high affinity, forming a stable heterotrimer with 1:1:1 stoichiometry, and this complex is not formed by an N-terminally truncated variant of gp42. The effects of adding soluble gp42, gH/gL, and gH/gL/gp42 were examined with a virus-free cell-cell fusion assay. The results demonstrate that, in contrast to gp42, membrane fusion does not proceed with secreted gH/gL. The addition of soluble gH/gL does not inhibit or enhance B-cell or epithelial cell fusion when membrane-bound gH/gL, gB, and gp42 are present. However, the soluble gH/gL/gp42 complex does activate membrane fusion with B cells, similarly to soluble gp42, but it does not inhibit fusion with epithelial cells, as observed for gp42 alone. A gp42 peptide, derived from an N-terminal segment involved in gH/gL interactions, binds to soluble gH/gL and inhibits EBV-mediated epithelial cell fusion, mimicking gp42. These observations reveal distinct functional requirements for gH/gL and gp42 complexes in EBV-mediated membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Herpesviruses contain a number of envelope glycoproteins which play important roles in the interaction between virions and target cells. Although several glycoproteins are not present in all herpesviruses, others, including glycoproteins H and L (gH and gL), are conserved throughout the Herpesviridae. To elucidate common properties and differences in herpesvirus glycoprotein function, corresponding virus mutants must be constructed and analyzed in different herpesvirus backgrounds. Analysis of gH- mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and pseudorabies virus (PrV) showed that in both viruses gH is essential for penetration and cell-to-cell spread and that its presence is required for virion localization of gL. Since gH homologs are found complexed with gL, it was of interest to assess the phenotype of gL- mutant viruses. By using this approach, HSV-1 gL has been shown to be required for entry and for virion localization of gH (C. Roop, L. Hutchinson, and D. Johnson, J. Virol. 67:2285-2297, 1993). To examine whether a similar phenotype is associated with lack of gL in another alphaherpesvirus, PrV, we constructed two independent gL- PrV mutants by insertion and deletion-insertion mutagenesis. The salient findings are as follows: (i) PrV gL is required for penetration of virions and cell-to-cell spread; (ii) unlike HSV-1, PrV gH is incorporated into the virion in the absence of gL; (iii) virion localization of gH in the absence of gL is not sufficient for infectivity; (iv) in the absence of gL, N-glycans on PrV gH are processed to a greater extent than in the presence of gL, indicating masking of N-glycans by association with gL; and (v) an anti-gL polyclonal antiserum is able to neutralize virion infectivity but did not inhibit cell-to-cell spread. Thus, whereas PrV gL is essential for virus replication, as is HSV-1 gL, gL- PrV mutants exhibit properties strikingly different from those of HSV-1. In conclusion, our data show an important functional role for PrV gL in the viral entry process, which is not explained by a chaperone-type mechanism in gH maturation and processing.  相似文献   

Twelve synthetic peptides containing hydrophilic amino acid sequences of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) envelope glycoprotein were coupled to tetanus toxoid and used to raise epitope-specific antisera in goats and rabbits. Low neutralizing antibody titers (1:10 to 1:20) raised in rabbits to peptides SP-2 (envelope amino acids [aa] 86 to 107), SP-3 (aa 176 to 189), and SP-4A (aa 190 to 209) as well as to combined peptide SP-3/4A (aa 176 to 209) were detected in the vesicular stomatitis virus-HTLV-I pseudotype assay. Higher-titered neutralizing antibody responses to HTLV-I (1:10 to 1:640) were detected with pseudotype and syncytium inhibition assays in four goats immunized with a combined inoculum containing peptides SP-2, SP-3, and SP-4A linked to tetanus toxoid. These neutralizing anti-HTLV-I antibodies were type specific in that they did not inhibit HTLV-II syncytium formation. Neutralizing antibodies in sera from three goats could be absorbed with peptide SP-2 (aa 86 to 107) as well as truncated peptides containing envelope aa 90 to 98, but not with equimolar amounts of peptides lacking envelope aa 90 to 98. To map critical amino acids that contributed to HTLV-I neutralization within aa 88 to 98, peptides in which each amino acid was sequentially replaced by alanine were synthesized. The resulting 11 synthetic peptides with single alanine substitutions were then used to absorb three neutralizing goat antipeptide antisera. Both asparagines at positions 93 and 95 were required for adsorption of neutralizing anti-HTLV-I antibodies from all three sera. Peptide DP-90, containing the homologous region of HTLV-II envelope glycoprotein (aa 82 to 97), elicited antipeptide neutralizing antibodies to HTLV-II in goats that were type specific. In further adsorption experiments, it was determined that amino acid differences between homologous HTLV-I and HTLV-II envelope sequences at HTLV-I aa 95 (N to Q) and 97 (G to L) determined the type specificity of these neutralizing sites. Thus, the amino-terminal regions of HTLV-I and -II gp46 contain homologous, linear, neutralizing determinants that are type specific.  相似文献   

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