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Tropospheric ozone concentrations (O3) are continuously increasing with harmful effects on vegetation. Ozone uptake triggers oxidative stress that may promote adverse changes in various plant physiological processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between meteorological conditions and O3 exposure in foliar injuries, gas exchanges and antioxidant enzyme activity in Psidium guajava Paluma. Saplings of Paluma were exposed in a site contaminated by O3. Foliar injuries, gas exchanges, and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR) were evaluated weekly. Results were analyzed by multivariate analysis. The O3 exposure reduced carbon assimilation and induced the onset of foliar injuries. The enzymatic activities were more related to meteorological conditions than to O3 exposure, indicating that these enzymes are not this species’ first line of defense. However, our finding indicates that Paluma may be considered a response indicator, given its presentation of foliar injuries even at low O3 concentrations.  相似文献   

Vegetational and coastal environmental changes have been interpreted from a 600cm long and 764014C yr B.P. old sediment core from Lago Crispim located in the northeastern Pará State in northern Brazil. The radiocarbon dated sediment core was studied by multi-element geochemistry, pollen and charcoal analysis.Holocene Atlantic sea-level rise caused an elevation of local water table, which allowed the formation of organic deposits in a probably former inter-dune valley. Dense, diverse and tall Amazon rain forest, and some restinga (coastal vegetation) covered the study area at the beginning of the record at 764014C yr B.P. Mangrove vegetation developed along rivers close to the core site at that time. Subsequent decrease in less mangrove vegetation near the study site indicates a sea-level regression, beginning since around 700014C yr B.P. Lower sea-levels probably favoured the formation of a local Mauritia/Mauritiella palm swamp at 662014C yr B.P. Oscillations of higher and lower sea-level stands probably changed the size of the local palm swamp area several times between 6620 and 363014C yr B.P. Sea-level transgression at around 363014C yr B.P., caused marked coastal environmental changes: the development of mangroves near the site, the replacement of the local palm swamp by a Cyperaceae swamp, the substitution of the surrounding former Amazon rain forest and some restinga vegetation mainly by salt marshes. High amount carbonised particles suggest a strong human impact by burning on the coastal ecosystems during this late Holocene period.Highest concentrations of NaCl and also Ca, Mg and K in the upper sediment core indicate that the Atlantic was close during the late Holocene period. The core site, which is today 500m from the coastline and only 1-2m above modern sea-level, was apparently never reached by marine excursions during the Holocene.Less representation of mangrove since ca. 184014C yr B.P., may be related due to a slightly lower sea-level or to human impact in the study region. The modern shallow lake seems to be formed recently by road construction, forming an artificial dam.  相似文献   

Nutrients and chlorophylls concentrations, as well as salinity, temperature and Secchi disk depth were determined from November 1999 to April 2000, at three stations and two depths, at Gandoca lagoon, Gandoca-Manzanillo National Wildlife Refuge, Limón, Costa Rica. Salinity profiles indicated that the lagoon was a salt wedge estuary with a partially mixed region near the mouth. No processes of eutrophication were found. The distribution and abundance of nutrients and chlorophylls showed a slight influence of continental water and water circulation patterns in the lagoon. A preliminary study was done in order to analyze the presence of 20 organochlorated and organophosphorated pesticides along the Gandoca lagoon in February 2000. None of the pesticides were detected by the analysis of residues from liquid-liquid extractions. The absence of the pesticides may be due to the fact that they did not reach the lagoon or, if they did, they were washed away by the strong rains during the sampling period.  相似文献   

The microsporidian parasite Edhazardia aedis is capable of vertical or horizontal transmission among individuals of its host, the mosquito Aedes aegypti, and either mode of transmission may follow the other. We show that following the horizontal infection of host larvae, the parasite's subsequent mode of transmission largely depends on host life history traits and their responses to different environmental conditions. In two experiments the intensity of larval exposure to infection and the amount of food available to them were simultaneously manipulated. One experiment followed the dynamics of host development and the parasite's production of spores while the other estimated the outcome of their relationship. Host life history traits varied widely across treatment conditions while those of the parasite did not. Of particular importance was the host's larval growth rate. Horizontal rather than vertical transmission by the parasite was more likely as low food and high dose conditions favoured slower larval growth rates. This pattern of transmission behaviour with host growth rate can be considered in terms of reproductive value: the potential vertical transmission success that female mosquitoes offer the parasite decreases as larval growth rates slow and makes them more attractive to exploitation for horizontal transmission (requiring host mortality). However, the lack of variation in the parasite's life history traits gave rise in some conditions to low estimates for both its vertical and horizontal transmission success. We suggest that the unresponsive behaviour of the parasite's life history traits reflects a bet-hedging strategy to reduce variance in its overall transmission success in the unpredictable environmental conditions and host larval growth rates that this parasite encounters in nature.  相似文献   



In this two-part paper (Background and Initial Assumptions (part 1) and Results of Survey Research (part 2)), we present surveys whose main objective is to determine whether, and to what extent, the life cycle assessment (LCA) technique is used for the identification and assessment of environmental aspects in environmental management systems (EMS) and whether there are any differences in this respect between the companies and countries analysed.


The survey research was carried out using the computer assisted self-administered interviewing method among selected Polish, German and Swedish organisations which implement EMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 and/or the EMAS regulation.


The organisations investigated, regardless of their country, are dominated by qualitative and semi-quantitative techniques of assessment and identification of environmental aspects. LCA was used sporadically, although some differences can be observed between the countries analysed.


The environmental managers accustomed to traditional qualitative and semi-quantitative solutions have not been given preparation to enable them to understand and adopt different approaches such as LCA. On the other hand, representatives of the organisations investigated declared that they were ready to accept an even longer timescale for the identification and assessment processes relating to environmental aspects, which represents a potential opportunity for LCA. The more precise understanding and definition of environmental problems that are precisely defined in LCA would represent a novelty for environmental managers. In practice, environmental problems are defined in a general sense and rather ambiguously, as this level of detail is sufficient in the context of qualitative and semi-quantitative techniques commonly used for the identification and assessment of environmental aspects.  相似文献   

Three field predator exclusion experiments were conducted in 1992 on a lagoonal muddy pan of the Bay of Cádiz to measure the effects of large epibenthic predators (fish and crustacean decapods) on the benthic macroinvertebrate community at different periods of the year (May–June, August–September, November–December). At the end of each field experiment (30–31 days), benthic macrofaunal communities within exclosures and control plots (three replicates for each treatment) were compared. There were no considerable exclosure artifacts in all three experiments, but a great heterogenity in the spatial macrofaunal distribution was observed especially in the late autumn experiment. No systematic change in overall faunal characteristics was observed with the exclusion of epibenthic predators, except significantly greater mean individual sizes (all experiments) and lower total densities (June and December) within exclosures. For several benthic species, a statistically detectable increased density and larger mean individual size were also observed within exclosures in May–June and August–September experiments but not in December, probably related to the higher predatory activity during the warm season. Conversely, the amphipod Microdeutopus gryllotalpa showed lower density but also larger mean size when epibenthic predators were excluded. An algal cover (Ulva) was present at three field experiments and had a mixed effect on the density of benthic macrofauna. Some epifaunal species (or epifaunal stages) were positively affected by the algal biomass, while some infaunal species were negatively affected.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the last ca. 8,000 years in the Tres Lagunas region of the Quimsacocha volcanic basin (ca. 3,800 m a.s.l.) in the southwestern Ecuadorian Andes. By means of a pollen and charcoal record, we analysed vegetation, fire, and climate history of this area, which is sensitive to climatic changes of both the Pacific as well as of the eastern Andes and Amazon region. Sediment deposits, pronounced increases of pollen and charcoal concentrations, and pollen taxa reflect warmer and drier conditions in the early to mid-Holocene (~8000 to 3900 cal. b.p.). During the late Holocene (2250 to −57 cal. b.p.), five warm and cold phases occurred at Quimsacocha. The most prominent cold phase possibly corresponds to the globally recognized Little Ice Age (LIA; ~600 to 100 cal. b.p.). The cold phase signal at Quimsacocha was characterized by a higher abundance of Poaceae, Iso?tes and Gentianella, which are favoured by cold and moist conditions. Frequent charcoal particles can be recorded since the early to mid-Holocene (~7600 b.p.). The high Andean tree species Polylepis underwent several phases of degradation and re-establishment in the basin, which could indicate the use of fire by pre-Columbian settlers to enhance the growth of preferred herb species. The Tres Lagunas record suggests that human populations have been influencing the environment around Quimsacocha since the last ca. 8,000 years.  相似文献   

Influences of the control of glucose and oxygen concentrations on cell growth and poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) accumulation in Alcaligenes eutrophus were studied. Glucose affects both biosynthesis and glycolysis directly and the other pathways indirectly. PHB accumulation could also be stimulated under oxygen limitation conditions, but the final PHB content within the cells was less than in the case of nitrogen limitation. When the culture was shifted from the PHB accumulation state to balanced growth conditions, PHB degradation occurred in the cells. The cell growth was inhibited by high PHB content within the cells.  相似文献   

Hédl  Radim 《Plant Ecology》2004,170(2):243-265
From 1941–;1944 nearly 30 phytosociological relevés were completed by F. K. Hartmann in the Rychlebské Mountains, a typical mountainous area in northeastern Czech Republic. Of the original plots still covered with adult grown beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest, 22 were resampled in 1998 and 1999. In order to describe the recent vegetation variability of the sites 57 relevés were recorded. Changes in vegetation were estimated using relative changes in species density and ordinations (PCA, RDA). Environmental changes were assessed using Ellenberg indicator values when no direct measurements were available. A decline in species diversity has been documented, particularly, many species occurring frequently in deciduous forests with nutrient and moisture well-supplied soils around neutral have decreased. In contrast, several light-demanding, acid- and soil desiccation-tolerant species have increased. Natural succession, quantified as forest age, contributed slightly to these changes. In Ellenberg indicator values, a decline in F (soil moisture), R (soil calcium) and N (ecosystem productivity), and an increase in L (understorey light) were shown. This is interpreted as the influence of modified forestry management and of airborne pollutants. Intensified logging caused the canopy to open and soil conditions to worsen. The latter is most likely also due to acid leaching of soil cations (Ca, K, Na). This caused a decline in soil productivity, thus the effect of nitrification could not be detected. The original relevés may have differed in size influencing the results. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Efforts to understand the cause of 12C versus 13C isotope fractionation in plants during photosynthesis and post‐photosynthetic metabolism are frustrated by the lack of data on the intramolecular 13C‐distribution in metabolites and its variation with environmental conditions. We have exploited isotopic carbon‐13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) spectrometry to measure the positional isotope composition (δ13Ci, ‰) in ethanol samples from different origins: European wines, liquors and sugars from C3, C4 and crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants. In C3‐ethanol samples, the methylene group was always 13C‐enriched (~2‰) relative to the methyl group. In wines, this pattern was correlated with both air temperature and δ18O of wine water, indicating that water vapour deficit may be a critical defining factor. Furthermore, in C4‐ethanol, the reverse relationship was observed (methylene‐C relatively 13C‐depleted), supporting the concept that photorespiration is the key metabolic process leading to the 13C distribution in C3‐ethanol. By contrast, in CAM‐ethanol, the isotopic pattern was similar to but stronger than C3‐ethanol, with a relative 13C‐enrichment in the methylene‐C of up to 13‰. Plausible causes of this 13C‐pattern are briefly discussed. As the intramolecular δ13Ci‐values in ethanol reflect that in source glucose, our data point out the crucial impact on the ratio of metabolic pathways sustaining glucose synthesis.  相似文献   

The acquisition of hypsodont molars is often regarded as a key innovation in the history of ruminant ungulates. Hypsodont ruminants diversified rapidly during the later Neogene, circa 15-2 Myr ago, and came to dominate the ruminant fossil record in terms of species diversity. Here we show that hypsodont clades had higher speciation and diversification rates than other clades. Hypsodont species had, on average, shorter stratigraphic durations, smaller range size and lower occupancy than non-hypsodont species. Within hypsodont clades, some species were very common and acquired large geographical ranges, whereas others were quite rare and geographically limited. We argue that hypsodont clades diversified in an adaptive radiation-like fashion, with species often splitting cladogenetically while still in the expansive phase of their occupancy history.  相似文献   

Sandy beaches constitute high natural value ecosystems which have been worldwide a target for growing human activities and ensuing pressures in the last decades, which caused ecological damages on these environments and led to its environmental quality decline. However, little is known about the responses of these ecosystems to distinct stressors and pressures, and holistic and integrated coastal management actions that protect beach environments and their ecological processes are yet to be developed. The aim of this viewpoint article is to present and discuss the utility of using a population approach to macrofaunal key species as a helpful tool for the assessment, management, and sustainable use of sandy beaches. The role of macrofaunal key species as indicators of environmental changes and of ecological quality condition is discussed and illustrated by some practical examples from the literature. The population is presented as a highly relevant ecological unit in management and one of the easiest ones to use, responding more rapidly to disturbances in the ecosystem than the most complex units. In this context, bio-ecology and population dynamics models are presented as tools and their potential, to improve the way we assess and manage ecological quality conditions of beach ecosystems aiming at its sustainable use, are discussed. Also, the advantages and drawbacks of the use of these tools in the population approach are evaluated. Monitoring, assessment and management practices focusing on beach key species bio-ecology as ecological indicator hold large potential in nowadays fast changing scenario, and should be encouraged as a function of their identifiable responses to manmade and natural disturbances.  相似文献   

The ability to form symbiotic associations with soil microorganisms and the consequences for plant growth were studied for three woody legumes grown in five different soils of a Portuguese coastal dune system. Seedlings of the invasive Acacia longifolia and the natives Ulex europaeus and Cytisus grandiflorus were planted in the five soil types in which at least one of these species appear in the studied coastal dune system. We found significant differences between the three woody legumes in the number of nodules produced, final plant biomass and shoot 15N content. The number of nodules produced by A. longifolia was more than five times higher than the number of nodules produced by the native legumes. The obtained 15N values suggest that both A. longifolia and U. europaeus incorporated more biologically-fixed nitrogen than C. grandiflorus which is also the species with the smallest distribution. Finally, differences were also found between the three species in the allocation of biomass in the different studied soils. Acacia longifolia displayed a lower phenotypic plasticity than the two native legumes which resulted in a greater allocation to aboveground biomass in the soils with lower nutrient content. We conclude that the invasive success of A. longifolia in the studied coastal sand dune system is correlated to its capacity to nodulate profusely and to use the biologically-fixed nitrogen to enhance aboveground growth in soils with low N content.  相似文献   

The early Eocene of the southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, is notable for its nearly continuous record of mammalian fossils. Microsyopinae (?Primates) is one of several lineages that shows evidence of evolutionary change associated with an interval referred to as Biohorizon A. Arctodontomys wilsoni is replaced by a larger species, Arctodontomys nuptus, during the biohorizon interval in what is likely an immigration/emigration or immigration/local extinction event. The latter is then superseded by Microsyops angustidens after the end of the Biohorizon A interval. Although this pattern has been understood for some time, denser sampling has led to the identification of a specimen intermediate in morphology between A. nuptus and M. angustidens, located stratigraphically as the latter is appearing. Because specimens of A. nuptus have been recovered approximately 60 m above the appearance of M. angustidens, it is clear that A. nuptus did not suffer pseudoextinction. Instead, evidence suggests that M. angustidens branched off from a population of A. nuptus, but the latter species persisted. This represents possible evidence of cladogenesis, which has rarely been directly documented in the fossil record. The improved understanding of both evolutionary transitions with better sampling highlights the problem of interpreting gaps in the fossil record as punctuations.  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons have been recognized for hosting a great abundance and diversity of biotic components, offering a wide range of services, and are some of the most economically productive; however, they are among the most threatened and stressed ecosystems. The Celestún Biosphere Reserve could be one of the most studied lagoons on the Yucatan coast; yet, little attention has been paid to temporal processes and environmental indicators. In the present study, the Celestún ichthyofauna was analyzed over 11 years to determine its functional arrangement and detect sensitive groups that can be used to determine changes in the system. A total of 92 species were segregated into 10 functional groups (FGs). Most species feed on mobile benthic crustaceans and inhabit estuaries, grass beds, and mangroves. Among the FGs that can be useful as indicators are FG1, FG3, FG4, FG5, FG6, FG8, and FG9 which can help detect increases in organic matter entering the lagoon, since they feed on detritus and plant matter. FG7 and FG10, which as top predators influence the structure and dynamics of food webs. In terms of conservation, it is important to pay attention to FG2 of which most species are in compromised conservation categories. In the 11 years here analyzed, the Celestún lagoon underwent important changes. An increase in species and functional richness, density, and biomass in 1993–1994, a constant decrease until 2011–2012, followed by an increase in 2013; this last increase may be related to the cessation of the multispecies fishery and the policies implemented in the Biosphere Reserve in 2000. Finally, it was observed that the increases are related to specific FGs, while the decreases affected the whole community.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the sedimentary environments, facies distribution, and sequence stratigraphy of the Coniacian–Santonian sediments of the Bangestan Palaeo-high in the Bangestan Anticline (Zagros, Iran). These sediments are subdivided into nine microfacies types belonging to various sedimentary environments, ranging from continental lacustrine to very shallow and relatively deep-water (hemipelagic to pelagic) marine environments. The lower boundary of the studied sections is characterised by an unconformity. The lacustrine and very shallow marine sediments at the base of the studied sections are interpreted as a lowstand system tract. The establishment of an open shelf carbonate platform took place during the transgressive system tract. The maximum flooding zone of the Early Santonian is an important surface because it extends from the distal to the proximal part of the depositional environment.  相似文献   

Nineteen aquatic environment sites from three hydrothermal areas on continental Portugal and one area on the island of S?o Miguel, Azores, were examined for the recovery of Legionella spp. Physicochemical and bacteriological parameters were also determined for each site. Water temperatures varied between 22 and 67.5 degrees C, although the majority had temperatures above 40 degrees C; the pH varied between 5.5 and 9.2. The number of Legionella spp. recovered varied between 5.0 x 10(2) and 2.3 x 10(6) CFU/liter. A total of 288 isolates from 14 sites were identified by indirect immunofluorescence assay. The majority of the isolates belonged to Legionella pneumophila (74.3%), of which most belong to serogroup 1, but the relative proportion of L. pneumophila serogroups varied considerably. L. pneumophila serogroup 1 constituted 96.2% of the isolates in area 2 from central Portugal, but no isolates of this serogroup were recovered from S?o Miguel, where serogroup 6 strains were the predominant isolates. Ninety-six percent of the L. pneumophila serogroup 1 isolates belonged to monoclonal antibody subgroups OLDA and Bellingham. Other species identified were L. bozemanii serogroup 2, L. dumoffii, L. micdadei, L. moravica, L. oakridgensis, L. sainticrucis, and L. sainthelensi. Two undescribed species, which react by indirect immunofluorescence assay to antisera to "L. londoniensis" and "L. nautarum" and a group of isolates with strong cross-reaction to L. cincinnatiensis/L. sainticrucis/L. longbeachae by indirect immunofluorescence assay were also recovered. The latter were the only isolates recovered from area 3, in east central Portugal, over a period of 1 year.  相似文献   

Edouard Chatton (1883–1947) began his scientific career in the Pasteur Institute, where he made several important discoveries regarding pathogenic protists (trypanosomids, Plasmodium, toxoplasms, Leishmania). In 1908 he married a "Banyulencque", Marie Herre; from 1920, he focused his research on marine protists. He finished his career as Professor at the Sorbonne (Paris) and director of the Laboratoire Arago in Banyuls-sur-mer, where he died in 1947. André Lwoff (1902–1994) lived several scientific lives in addition to his artistic and family life. But it is the study of protists that filled his first life after he encountered the exceptional Master who was Chatton. Lwoff's father was a psychiatrist and his mother an artist sculptor. He became a Doctor of Medicine in 1927 and then a Doctor of Sciences in 1932, his thesis dealing with biochemical aspects of protozoa nutrition. He met Chatton in 1921 and – until Chatton's death – their meetings, first in Roscoff and then in Banyuls-sur-mer, were numerous and their collaboration very close. Their monograph on apostome ciliates was one of the peaks of this collaboration. In 1938, Lwoff was made director of the Microbial Physiology Department at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, where he began a new life devoted to bacteria, and then to viruses, before pursuing his career as director of the Cancer Research Institute in Villejuif (France). Lwoff was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1965. He died in Banyuls in 1994. "Master" and "pupil" had in common perseverance in their scientific work, conception and observation, a critical sense and rigor but also a great artistic sensibility that painting and drawing in the exceptional surroundings of Banyuls-sur-mer had fulfilled. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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