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The primary immune response in mouse spleen cell cultures against heterologous red cell antigens is dependent on the medium being supplemented with selected batches of fetal calf serum. Mouse serum itself is not able to support this response. The active immune response-supporting component in fetal calf serum seems to be a distinct factor (s), which has been partially purified by Sephadex G-100 filtration and termed MaSF-2-mercaptoethanol-activated serum factor. In this report it is demonstrated that MaSF is also present in mouse serum. For functional detection, mouse MaSF has to be separated from higher m.w. inhibitors, and has to be activated by 2-ME. After separation and activation mouse MaSF can support the primary immune response in a completely homologous in vitro culture system. Evidence is presented that MaSF can also be activated by macrophages. It is concluded that macrophages and 2-ME have the same mode of action in the primary immune response in vitro, i.e., induction of lymphocyte competence by activation of a serum factor.  相似文献   

Fetuin: the mucoprotein of fetal calf serum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Amplifier T cells responsible for enhancement of the antibody response to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide have been shown to be resistant to the effects of antilymphocyte serum (ALS) given at the time of immunization, a treatment that eliminates suppressor T cell activity. The resistance of amplifier T cells to ALS can be attributed to the fact that their activity develops after that of suppressor T cells. ALS given 1 or 2 days after immunization does abrogate amplifier T cell activity, independent of the mode by which that activity is elicited. The data emphasize the importance of kinetic considerations in understanding the effects produced by immunologically active agents such as ALS.  相似文献   

The present investigation aimed to compare fetal calf serum (FCS) and Tween 40 with the commonly employed tetrahydrofuran (THF) with respect to cytotoxicity, stability of the solubilized carotenoids, and uptake and accumulation of the xanthophylls astaxanthin (AX) and canthaxanthin (CX) in cultured human liver cells (HepG2). Incubation of HepG2 cells for 24 h with THF (≥1.25%) or FCS (≥11.25%) with or without AX (≥25 μmol/L) or CX (≥25 μmol/L) did not affect cell viability. Tween 40 (0.25–1.25% in medium) reduced cell viability by 75–99%. The stabilities of AX and CX in cell-free RPMI 1640 medium for ≤24 h were higher when delivered with THF instead of FCS. The dose- and time-dependent accumulations of AX and CX (1–10 μmol/L) in HepG2 cells were higher when carotenoids were delivered with FCS compared to THF. In conclusion, FCS and THF, but not Tween 40, were suitable solvent systems for the delivery of AX and CX to HepG2 cells. In our experiments FCS was superior with regard to the uptake and accumulation of both carotenoids.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare fetal calf serum, new-born calf serum and normal steer serum as medium supplements in the development of bovine morulae in vitro . Bovine morulae were cultured in Hams F-10 tissue culture medium (HF-10) supplemented with 5% or 10% (v/v) fetal calf serum (FCS), new-born calf serum (NBCS) or normal steer serum (NSS). Embryos were recovered at slaughter from mixed bred donor cows of mixed breeding following estrus synchronization with prostaglandin and superovulation with follicle stimulating hormone. A total of 88 morulae were recovered, washed in HF-10 + 1% Bovine Serum Albumin and randomly assigned to treatments. Embryos were cultured in microdrops of medium under paraffin oil at 37 degrees C in a 5% CO(2) humidified atmosphere. Observations for stage of development were made every 24 hours. In vitro development was analyzed by assigning to each embryo a value of 0-5 based on the most advanced stage reached (0= no development, 5= development to a hatched blastocyst). Analysis of variance of these data revealed a significant treatment effect (P<.001) while no level effect or treatment x level interaction was apparent. Comparison of treatment means by Duncans new mulitple range test showed that NSS was superior to NBCS (P<.05) which was in turn superior to FCS (P<.05) as supplements of HF-10 in promoting the in vitro development of bovine morulae.  相似文献   

There is a great desire to relate the patterns of endogenous peptides in blood to human disease and drug response. The best practices for the preparation of blood fluids for analysis are not clear and also relatively few of the peptides in blood have been identified by tandem mass spectrometry. We compared a number of sample preparation methods to extract endogenous peptides including C18 reversed phase, precipitation, and ultrafiltration. We examined the results of these sample preparation methods by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) using MALDI-TOF/TOF and electrospray ionization-ion trap. Peptides from solid-phase extraction with C18 in the range of hundreds of femtomoles per spot were detected from the equivalent of 1 μL of serum by MALDI-TOF. We observed endogenous serum peptides from fibrinogen α- and β-chain, complement C3, α-2-HS-glycoprotein, albumin, serine (or cysteine) proteinase inhibitor, factor VIII, plasminogen, immunoglobulin, and other abundant blood proteins. However, we also recorded significant MS/MS spectra from tumor necrosis factor-α-, major histocompatibility complex-, and angiotensin-related peptides, as well as peptides from collagens and other low-abundance proteins. Amino acid substitutions were detected and a phosphorylated peptide was also observed. This is the first time the endogenous peptides of fetal serum have been examined by MS and where peptides from low-abundance proteins, phosphopeptides, and amino acid substitutions were detected.  相似文献   

Inconsistent results among reports on cadmium genotoxicity revealed that certain confounding factors might significantly influence the outcomes of assessment. In Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-W8) cells, chromosome aberration induced by six different cadmium compounds was found positively associated with intracellular cadmium concentration. A parallel association was also observed among different CHO strains treated with same cadmium compound, the cadmium acetate. Both the cadmium-induced chromosome aberration and cadmium uptake were influenced by the presence of fetal calf serum (FCS). The presence of 10% FCS during the 2 h treatment period greatly retarded the cellular cadmium uptake, and concurrently reduced the chromosome aberration induction. Other factors such as specific cadmium anion involved and the duration of cadmium treatment period in the investigation also influenced the assessment results of cadmium-induced chromosome aberration. In the protocol with a 2 h pulse treatment, cadmium acetate, chloride and sulfate induced more chromosome aberration than cadmium nitrate, carbonate and oxide. When cadmium was present in the culture of the entire treatment period for 18 h, the results went the opposite way. Cadmium nitrate, carbonate and oxide induced significant chromosome aberration, while other three cadmium compounds gave negative results. Cadmium compounds did not induce significant SCE at the same dose level that yielded significant chromosome aberration induction, either in the protocol with the short pulse or long treatment period.  相似文献   

Retinoblastoma is a rare malignant eye tumor found almost exclusively in young children. In 30% of cases, the tumor is bilateral and is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. In such patients, all of the cells in the body must carry the mutation predisposing to retinoblastoma. To search for the expression of the gene in cells outside the retina, we have studied several in vitro properties of skin fibroblasts from patients with bilateral retinoblastoma. Measurement in low concentrations of fetal calf serum of the initial growth rate and the plating efficiency show that fibroblasts from retinoblastoma donors grow significantly better than those from normal donors. However, we were unable to confirm the results of other investigators that fibroblasts from donors with bilateral retinoblastoma are unusually sensitive to ionizing radiation. In family studies, skin fibroblasts from normal siblings had the same radiation sensitivity as fibroblasts from sibling with retinoblastoma.  相似文献   

The fetal calf serum (FCS) that was incubated with 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) followed by the removal of free 2-ME could support the antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in vitro as effectively as native FCS plus 2-ME. The supporting activity of 2-ME-pulsed FCS was reversibly abrogated by the treatment with dithiothreitol followed by dialysis. In addition, iodoacetamidetreated FCS did not acquire the supportiveness by 2-ME pulsing. These observations suggest that the activity of 2-ME-pulsed FCS would be due to the mixed disulfide between 2-ME and FCS components. On the other hand, the disulfide form of 2-ME (2-MEox) could also augment the antibody response as effectively as fresh 2-ME (the reduced form). These derivatized forms of 2-ME as well as fresh 2-ME was found to stimulate the transport of [35S]cystine into murine lymphocytes when the uptake was examined by the long-term experiments (24 hr). These stimulations were thought to be mediated by the formation of the mixed disulfide between 2-ME and cysteine because the lymphocytes promoted the reaction of [35S]cystine with 2-MEox- or 2-ME-pulsed FCS to produce the mixed disulfide that had been shown to be taken up by the lymphocytes four to five times more rapidly than cystine. Therefore, it was suggested that 2-MEox and 2-ME-pulsed FCS could augment the antibody response in a similar fashion to 2-ME by stimulating the uptake of cystine, an essential amino acid.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages (AM) were collected by repeated endobronchial lavage from mice, rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits, and titrated into cultures of mitogen-stimulated syngeneic or autochthonous lymphocytes. Significant species differences were detected in regard to AM activity in the cultures. AM from guinea pigs and mice stimulated PHA-induced lymphoproliferation, while those from rats and rabbits were inhibitory; blood or peritoneal macrophages were not inhibitory in any of the species examined.  相似文献   

Summary Ten lots of specially procured fetal calf serum collected under sterile conditions and not filtered and 16 lots of commercial fetal calf serum were tested for both human and bovine viral contamination. The presence of viruses was evaluated by observing for cytopathogenic effect (CPE), hemadsorption with guinea pig erythrocytes, and interference with cytopathogenic challenge viruses in both embryonic bovine trachea (EBTr) and human diploid lung (HDL) cells. Isolates were characterized by their cytopathogenicity, morphology, serology, and ability to propagate and produce cPE in a variety of bovine and nonbovine cells. One isolate was unequivocally identified as bovine herpes virus 1, and the other was presumptively identified as a bovine virus-diarrhea virus. This study was supported by The National Institutes of Health under Contract PH 43-66-539.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of viruses from fetal calf serum   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

We have investigated the mechanism of action of fetal calf serum (FCS) on GH3 pituitary tumour cells by measuring intracellular free calcium levels. On the addition of FCS (1%) there was a transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ levels which was attenuated in conditions of reduced extracellular calcium concentrations. The Ca2+ response was abolished by the prior addition of lanthanum chloride (1mM). In contrast, the elevation of cytosolic calcium levels by TRH (100nM), an agonist which causes the mobilisation of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum, was attenuated but not abolished by lanthanum chloride (1mM). We suggest that FCS (1%) causes the release of calcium from the plasma membrane and the influx of calcium from the extracellular milieu, but does not mobilise calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

A culture system was developed to analyze the relationship between proteoglycans and growth factors during corneal injury. Specifically, the effects of transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-beta1) and fetal calf serum on proteoglycan synthesis in corneal fibroblasts were examined. Glycosaminoglycan synthesis and sulfation were determined using selective polysaccharidases. Proteoglycan core proteins were analyzed using gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. Cells cultured in 10% dialyzed fetal calf serum exhibited decreased synthesis of more highly sulfated chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate compared with cells cultured in 1% dialyzed fetal calf serum. The amount and sulfation of the glycosaminoglycans was not significantly influenced by TGF-beta1. The major proteoglycan species secreted into the media were decorin and perlecan. Decorin was glycanated with chondroitin sulfate. Perlecan was linked to either chondroitin sulfate, heparan sulfate, or both chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate. Decorin synthesis was reduced by either TGF-beta1 or serum. At early time points, both TGF-beta1 and serum induced substantial increases in perlecan bearing chondroitin sulfate and/or heparan sulfate chains. In contrast, after extended periods in culture, the amount of perlecan bearing heparan sulfate chains was unaffected by TGF-beta1 and decreased by serum. The levels of perlecan bearing chondroitin sulfate chains were elevated with TGF-beta1 treatment and were decreased with serum. Because both decorin and perlecan bind growth factors and are proposed to modulate their activity, changes in the expression of either of these proteoglycans could substantially affect the cellular response to injury.  相似文献   

Fetal calf serum (FCS) is unique among mammalian sera in its ability to support a primary antibody response, in vitro, by murine spleen cells. Another property unique to FCS among mammalian sera is its content of the tripeptide, glutathione. Since glutathione has a number of physiological functions important to cell function and survival, we have studied the possible relationship between the glutathione content of FCS and the ability of FCS to support a primary antibody response, in vitro. Our findings indicate that the capacity of FCS to support the murine spleen cell primary antibody response, in vitro, is, in part a function of its reduced glutathione (GSH) content, since: (a) GSH concentration correlates directly and definitively with the capacity of a lot of FCS to support an antibody response; (b) oxidation of GSH by heating a supportive FCS diminishes the supportive capacity of that FCS; and (c) such a treated FCS can be reconstituted to full supportiveness by appropriate doses of GSH. We postulate that reduced glutathione achieves this effect by scavenging lipid hydroperoxides generated by the action of oxygen-derived free radicals in the cell cultures.  相似文献   

K Okumura  T Tada 《Nature: New biology》1973,245(145):180-182

Variation of superoxide dismutase levels in fetal calf serum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Baret  I Emerit 《Mutation research》1983,121(3-4):293-297
The results of cytogenetic studies and of other experiments based on tissue-culture systems may be influenced by various components of tissue-culture medium and by variations among batches of fetal calf serum used for supplementation of the media. Negative results may be obtained in breakage studies as a consequence of medium components with a protective effect [6]. Attention has been drawn to differences in growth pattern [8] and mitotic indices [11] in lymphocyte cultures set up with different culture media. Variations in the incidence of sister-chromatid exchanges according to differences in media [7] and sera [5] have also been observed. It has been suggested [9] that the failure of some laboratories to detect increases in sister-chromatid exchanges after treatment with the tumor promoter phorbol-myristate-acetate (PMA) may be due to high concentrations of the free-radical-scavenging enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the sera used and that heat inactivation of the sera may be responsible for these differences. In the following, we report that considerable variation in the SOD content exists between batches of fetal calf serum, up to levels with anticlastogenic effect.  相似文献   

We have used indirect immunofluorescence to study antibody responses directed against membrane antigens expressed on in vitro and in vivo T1699 mammary adenocarcinoma cells. IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, IgG3, IgA, and IgM antibodies were present in the serum of DBA/2 mice bearing T1699 tumors; IgG2a and IgG2b antibodies were readily detected on the cells in situ. Lesser amounts of the other classes and subclasses could be detected by indirect immunofluorescence measurements on in vivo tumor cells and with low pH eluates of in vivo cells tested on the in vitro line of T1699. The antigenic determinants on in situ tumor cells are not saturated with antibody as these cells demonstrated enhanced fluorescence of all immunoglobulin classes and subclasses when treated with autologous serum. Experiments with thymus-depleted mice indicated that immunoglobulin production was strongly dependent on thymus-derived cells for all immunoglobulin classes and subclasses except IgG2b. Our studies suggest that IgG2a may be active in the macrophage-mediated cytotoxic reaction and IgG2b in the immediate hypersensitivity reaction to T1699 cells. These results provide further evidence for an active role of tumor-specific antibody in the host defense to the T1699 adenocarcinoma in situ.  相似文献   

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