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Besides genistein and daidzein, which are active inducers of the nodYABCSUIJ operon in Bradyrhizobium japonicum, soybean seeds also excrete compounds that are not inducers of the nodYABCSUIJ genes but enhance induction of this operon in the presence of a suboptimal genistein concentration. This synergism was studied in detail, and specific compounds were identified in seed exudate which specifically induce the nodD1 gene but not the nodYABCSUIJ operon. Therefore, our current hypothesis is that the observed synergism is caused by a specific induction of nodD1. The specific nodD1 inducers from soybean seed extract have been purified and characterized chemically. They appear to be derivatives of genistein, glycitein, and daidzein with glucose, malonyl, and acetyl groups attached. Both root and seed exudate appear to contain these compounds, with the seed being the major source. No hydrolysis of these compounds to their aglycone forms was detected in the presence of B. japonicum. A model for nod gene induction in B. japonicum is discussed.  相似文献   

The somatostatin-related peptides somatostatin-14 (SS-14) and somatostatin-28 (aSS-28) are synthesized at the C-terminal end of two separate pre-pro-somatostatins in anglerfish pancreatic islets. The purpose of this study was to determine whether these peptides are expressed in the same or different cell types. Antisera R141 and R293, which recognize the central region of SS-14 and the C-terminal region of aSS-28 ([Tyr7,Gly10] SS-14), respectively, were used in an immunohistochemical examination of anglerfish islets. The R293 antiserum-labeled cells were distributed individually or in small clusters. These same cells, as well as a separate set of cells arranged in large clusters, were stained by the R141 antiserum. Pre-absorption of the R141 antiserum with [Tyr7,Gly10] SS-14 eliminated staining by R141 of only those cells also labeled by R293, whereas pre-absorption of R141 with SS-14 prevented all staining. Pre-absorption of R293 with [Tyr7,Gly10] SS-14 eliminated all staining, whereas pre-absorption with SS-14 had no effect on aSS-28-like immunoreactivity. These results suggest the existence of two separate cell types which express either SS-14 or aSS-28. The cells that contained the somatostatin-related peptides were found to be distinct from those cells that contained insulin, glucagon, or anglerfish peptide Y. However, the cells stained by the R293 antiserum were distributed in close association with glucagon-containing cells. The implications of the existence of separate cell types which express SS-14 or aSS-28 are discussed with regard to processing of the biosynthetic precursors to these peptides.  相似文献   

The strontium content in scales of exceptionally large resident-coloured individual brown trout in a small stream was not higher than in smaller residents and well below the Sr content of scales from sympatric sea migrants. Therefore, it is concluded that adult migrants and stream residents can be distinguished safely by their coloration.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of the teratocarcinoma-derived, epithelial-type cell line 1H5 to differentiate into either of the two pathways to primary endoderm, and tested the hypothesis that 1H5 represents a state similar to primitive endoderm in the late 4th-day blastocyst. Like other endodermal cell types, 1H5 cells mixed with embryonal-carcinoma cells sort out into "embryoid bodies" or structures that resemble 4th-day mouse embryos. The epithelial line conforms morphologically and biochemically to the few known characteristics typical of primitive endoderm. The present study demonstrates that the formation in vitro of overt visceral endoderm is readily achieved. The spontaneous arrangement of the cells into a cystic form is followed by the appearance of several markers of visceral endoderm, most notably alphafetoprotein, which is detected when 1H5 cells are cultured either in the presence of retinoic acid or when the cells interact with embryonal-carcinoma cells in a specific spatial arrangement after sorting out. However, some less specific properties of visceral endoderm are not expressed. Although 1H5 differentiates histologically into parietal-like endoderm in the tumor form, parietal cells cannot yet be identified with certainty in vitro because of the paucity of parietal-specific markers. The 1H5 cell line could provide a useful system for studying the characteristics and mechanisms underlying visceral-endoderm differentiation in vitro, since it has the distinct advantage that homogeneous cultures are produced, in contrast to other teratocarcinoma cell lines such as F9 which differentiate into a mixture of cell types.  相似文献   

Summary There are two regions of steroidogenic cells in the duck adrenal gland. An outer, subcapsular zone (SCZ), consisting of cells with irregularly shaped nuclei, shows relatively little smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with shelf-like cristae. This region surrounds the inner zone (IZ) of the gland which is comprised of smaller cells with rounded nuclei, a more abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with tubular cristae. When samples of tissue from these distinct regions of the gland are superfused in vitro with media containing concentrations of 1–24 ACTH ranging from 100 to 1000 ng per ml (0.034 to 0.34 M) the steroidogenic cells in both zones release corticosterone in a dose-dependent manner. The dose-responsiveness of both the SCZ and the IZ cells over this range is a complex quadratic function of the 1–24 ACTH concentration in the medium and the semilogarithmic linear portions of the dose-response curves are restricted to a narrow midrange of ACTH concentrations. Throughout the dose-response range, however, the steroidogenic cells of the IZ are more responsive to corticotropic stimulation than are the cells of the SCZ. The cells of the two zones are further distinguished by their responses to a challenge for a second time with medium containing 1–24 ACTH; the responses of the IZ cells to a second challenge were greater than those of the SCZ cells, and at a high concentration of ACTH the SCZ slices showed no significant second response.This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (PCM 79-15777) to James Cronshaw and W.N. Holmes  相似文献   

The formation of dimers or higher-order multimers is critical to the biological activity of many eukaryotic regulatory proteins. However, biochemical analyses of the multimerization capacity of the Tat trans activator of human immunodeficiency virus types 1 (HIV-1) and 2 (HIV-2) have yielded contradictory results. We used the two-hybrid genetic assay for protein-protein interactions in the eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. Fields and O.-K. Song, Nature [London] 340:245-246, 1989) to examine the multimerization of Tat in vivo. Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 Tat are shown to form specific homo- but not heteromultimers in the yeast cell nucleus. Mutational analysis indicates a critical role for the essential core motif of Tat in mediating this interaction but demonstrates that efficient Tat multimerization does not require an intact cysteine motif. These data raise the possibility that the multimerization of Tat may be important for Tat function in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

A precursor molecule for 10 Sb RNA, the RNA moiety of the RNA processing enzyme RNase P, was purified, characterized for enzymatic activity, and compared to 10 Sb RNA and to RNase P. In these studies the K RNA, a dimeric precursor of tRNAGln-tRNALeu, coded by bacteriophage T4, was used as a substrate. This precursor contains two RNase P cleavage sites, one at each 5' end of the two tRNAs. The precursor 10 Sb and 10 Sb RNAs have the capacity to cleave the precursor tRNA molecule but only at the 5' end of tRNALeu, not at the 5' end of tRNAGln. Even when a substrate was prepared that contained only one site for RNase P (the one next to tRNAGln), this substrate was not cleaved by the RNA alone while the whole enzyme was effective in processing this substrate. The possible function of the protein of RNase P in the enzymatic reaction is discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of Th cells, type 1 (TH1), to activate and induce differentiation of B cells into antibody-secreting cells is controversial because 1) some clones of TH1 cells provide help while others do not, and 2) by using the same TH1 clone, different laboratories disagree on whether they provide help to B cells. One possible explanation for the latter is the variability in the activation status of the B cells used in different laboratories. In the present studies, we have used Ag-specific B cells from athymic (nu/nu) mice, or sterilely housed nu/+ mice to study the TH1-mediated activation of B cells that had received little or no prior help from T cells and/or antigen in vivo. These B cells express low levels of surface Ia (sIa) Ag, and fail to secrete IgG2a in response to TH1 cells plus Ag; in contrast, responses to TH2 cells plus Ag are normal. To explore this observation further, we prepared "surface(s) Ia1o" B cells from conventionally housed BALB/c mice by sorting spleen cells on the fluorescence-activated cell sorter. This sIalo population also failed to produce IgG2a in response to TH1 cells plus Ag. In contrast, the sIahi, (presumably more mature) B cells, responded to both the TH1 and TH2 cells. The addition of LPS, TH2 cells or the lymphokine, IL-4, to cultures of sIalo B cells from normal or nu/nu mice (plus Ag and TH1 cells), restored IgG2a responses to control levels. Low sIa levels were not the sole cause of nonresponsiveness of the nu/nu B cells because a 24-h pulse with IL-4 restored sIa to control levels without restoring IgG2a production after activation with TH1 cells plus Ag. These data support the conclusion that sIalo B cells are immature and require an activation/maturation signal from IL-4 in vivo in order to respond to TH1 cells and Ag in vitro.  相似文献   

Two short chain dehydrogenase/reductases mediate naphthol reduction reactions in fungal melanin biosynthesis. An X-ray structure of 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene reductase (4HNR) complexed with NADPH and pyroquilon was determined for examining substrate and inhibitor specificities that differ from those of 1,3,8-trihydroxynaphthalene reductase (3HNR). The 1.5 A resolution structure allows for comparisons with the 1.7 A resolution structure of 3HNR complexed with the same ligands. The sequences of the two proteins are 46% identical, and they have the same fold. The 30-fold lower affinity of the 4HNR-NADPH complex for pyroquilon (a commercial fungicide that targets 3HNR) in comparison to that of the 3HNR-NADPH complex can be explained by unfavorable interactions between the anionic carboxyl group of the C-terminal Ile282 of 4HNR and CH and CH(2) groups of the inhibitor that are countered by favorable inhibitor interactions with 3HNR. 1,3,8-Trihydroxynaphthalene (3HN) and 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene (4HN) were modeled onto the cyclic structure of pyroquilon in the 4HNR-NADPH-pyroquilon complex to examine the 300-fold preference of the enzyme for 4HN over 3HN. The models suggest that the C-terminal carboxyl group of Ile282 has a favorable hydrogen bonding interaction with the C6 hydroxyl group of 4HN and an unfavorable interaction with the C6 CH group of 3HN. Models of 3HN and 4HN in the 3HNR active site suggest a favorable interaction of the sulfur atom of the C-terminal Met283 with the C6 CH group of 3HN and an unfavorable one with the C6 hydroxyl group of 4HN, accounting for the 4-fold difference in substrate specificities. Thus, the C-terminal residues of the two naphthol reductase are determinants of inhibitor and substrate specificities.  相似文献   

Multiple computational methods have been employed in a comparative study of thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptors 1 and 2 (TRH-R1 and TRH-R2) to explore the structural bases for the different functional properties of these G protein-coupled receptors. Three-dimensional models of both murine TRH receptors have been built and optimized by means of homology modeling based on the crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin, molecular dynamics simulations, and energy minimizations in a membrane-aqueous environment. The comparison between the two models showed a correlation between the higher flexibility and higher basal activity of TRH-R2 versus the lesser flexibility and lower basal activity of TRH-R1 and supported the involvement of the highly conserved W6.48 in the signaling process. A correlation between the level of basal activity and conformational changes of TM5 was detected also. Comparison between models of the wild type receptors and their W6.48A mutants, which have reversed basal activities compared with their respective wild types, further supported these correlations. A flexible molecular docking procedure revealed that TRH establishes a direct interaction with W6.48 in TRH-R2 but not in TRH-R1. We designed and performed new mutagenesis experiments that strongly supported these observations.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) degrade or modify extracellular matrix or membrane-bound proteins in the brain. MMP-2 and MMP-9 are activated by treatments that result in a sustained neuronal depolarization and are thought to contribute to neuronal death and structural remodeling. At the synapse, MMP actions on extracellular proteins contribute to changes in synaptic efficacy during learning paradigms. They are also activated during epileptic seizures, and MMP-9 has been associated with the establishment of aberrant synaptic connections after neuronal death induced by kainate treatment. It remains unclear whether MMPs are activated by epileptic activities that do not induce cell death. Here we examine this point in two animal models of epilepsy that do not involve extensive cell damage. We detected an elevation of MMP-9 enzymatic activity in cortical regions of secondary generalization after focal seizures induced by 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) application in rats. Pro-MMP-9 levels were also higher in Wistar Glaxo Rijswijk (WAG/Rij) rats, a genetic model of generalized absence epilepsy, than they were in Sprague–Dawley rats, and this elevation was correlated with diurnally occurring spike-wave-discharges in WAG/Rij rats. The increased enzymatic activity of MMP-9 in these two different epilepsy models is associated with synchronized neuronal activity that does not induce widespread cell death. In these epilepsy models MMP-9 induction may therefore be associated with functions such as homeostatic synaptic plasticity rather than neuronal death.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have identified an element in the adenovirus E4 promoter that is critical for E1A-dependent trans activation and that can confer inducibility to a heterologous promoter. This DNA element is a recognition site for multiple nuclear factors, including ATF, which is likely a family of DNA-binding factors with similar DNA recognition properties. However, ATF activity was found not to be altered in any demonstrable way as a result of adenovirus infection. In contrast, another factor that recognizes this element, termed E4F, was found at only very low levels in uninfected cells but was increased markedly upon adenovirus infection, as measured in DNA-binding assays. Although both the ATF activity and the E4F activity recognized and bound to the same two sites in the E4 promoter, they differed in their sequence recognition of these sites. Furthermore, E4F bound only to a small subset of the ATF recognition sites; for instance, E4F did not recognize the ATF sites in the E2 or E3 promoters. Various E4F and ATF binding sites were inserted into an expression vector and tested by cotransfection assays for responsiveness to E1A. We found that a sequence capable of binding E4F could confer E1A inducibility. In contrast, a sequence that could bind ATF but not E4F did not confer E1A inducibility. We also found that E4F formed a stable complex with the E4 promoter, whereas the ATF DNA complex was unstable and rapidly dissociated. We conclude that the DNA-binding specificity of E4F as well as the alterations in DNA-binding activity of E4F closely correlates with E1A stimulation of the E4 promoter.  相似文献   

The conformationally dynamic HIV-1 envelope trimer (Env) is the target of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) that block viral entry. Single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) has revealed that HIV-1 Env exists in at least three conformational states on the virion. Prior to complete host–receptor engagement (State 3), Env resides most prevalently in the smFRET-defined State 1, which is preferentially recognized by most bnAbs that are elicited by natural infection. smFRET has also revealed that soluble trimers containing prefusion-stabilizing disulfide and isoleucine-to-proline substitutions reside primarily in State 2, which is a required intermediate between States 1 and 3. While high-resolution Env structures have been determined for States 2 and 3, the structure of these trimers in State 1 is unknown. To provide insight into the State 1 structure, here we characterized antigenic differences between smFRET-defined states and then correlated these differences with known structural differences between States 2 and 3. We found that cell surface–expressed Env was enriched in each state using state-enriching antibody fragments or small-molecule virus entry inhibitors and then assessed binding to HIV-1 bnAbs preferentially binding different states. We observed small but consistent differences in binding between Env enriched in States 1 and 2, and a more than 10-fold difference in binding to Env enriched in these states versus Env enriched in State 3. We conclude that structural differences between HIV-1 Env States 1 and 3 are likely more than 10-fold greater than those between States 1 and 2, providing important insight into State 1.  相似文献   

Human peroxiredoxins 1 and 2, also known as Prx1 and Prx2, are more than 90% homologous in their amino acid sequences. Prx1 and Prx2 are elevated in various cancers and are shown to influence diverse cellular processes. Although their growth regulatory role has traditionally been attributed to the peroxidase activity, the physiological significance of this function is unclear because the proteins are highly susceptible to inactivation by H(2)O(2). A chaperone activity appears to emerge when their peroxidase activity is lost. Structural studies suggest that they may form a homodimer or doughnut-shaped homodecamer. However, little information is available whether human Prx1 and Prx2 are duplicative in structure and function. We noted that Prx1 contains a cysteine (Cys(83)) at the putative dimer-dimer interface, which is absent in Prx2. We studied the role of Cys(83) in regulating the peroxidase and chaperone activities of Prx1, because the redox status of Cys(83) might influence the oligomeric structure and consequently the functions of Prx1. We show that Prx1 is more efficient as a molecular chaperone, whereas Prx2 is better suited as a peroxidase enzyme. Substituting Cys(83) with Ser(83) (Prx1C83S) results in dramatic changes in the structural and functional characteristics of Prx1 in a direction similar to those of Prx2. Here we also report the first crystal structure of human Prx1 and the presence of the Cys(83)-Cys(83) bond at the dimer-dimer interface of decameric Prx1. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that human Prx1 and Prx2 possess unique functions and regulatory mechanisms and that Cys(83) bestows a distinctive identity to Prx1.  相似文献   

Expression of c-myc and macromolecular synthesis have been associated with physiological cell death. We have studied their requirement for the death of factor (interleukin-3)-dependent cells (FDC-P1) bearing an inducible bcl-2 expression construct. FDC-P1 cells expressing bcl-2 turned off expression of c-myc when deprived of interleukin-3 but remained viable as long as bcl-2 was maintained. A subsequent decline in Bcl-2 allowed the cells to undergo apoptosis directly from G0, in the absence of detectable c-myc expression. Thus c-myc expression may lead to apoptosis in some cases but is not directly involved in the mechanism of physiological cell death that can be controlled by Bcl-2. The macromolecular synthesis inhibitors actinomycin D and cycloheximide triggered rapid cell death of FDC-P1 cells in the presence of interleukin-3, but the cells could be protected by Bcl-2. Thus, the cell death machinery can exist in a quiescent state and can be activated by mechanisms that do not require synthesis of RNA or protein.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can infect CD4+ lymphocytes, monocytes-macrophages, and various other cell lines, including B-cell lines. To study the parameters of B-cell infections, we examined the susceptibility of 24 B-lymphoid cell lines to both HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections. These cell lines included a series of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome-negative Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines and their EBV-converted counterparts. To infect these cells we used two HIV-1 isolates and one HIV-2 isolate. Infections were monitored with a cytoplasmic RNA dot-blot and a syncytium assay. HIV infection was also studied by a novel method based on electrophoresis of DNA liberated from cells that were lysed in situ in the well of an agarose gel. All human B-cell lines could be infected with HIV-1, regardless of the presence of EBV genomes; thus, EBV infection had no major effect on HIV susceptibility of B-cell lines. Integrated proviral HIV genomes could be detected by Southern blot analysis of DNA extracted from long-term, non-HIV-producing B-cell lines. This study suggests that B-lymphoid cells may serve as reservoirs for latent or persistent HIV infections in vivo, even in the absence of EBV infection.  相似文献   

K Sutoh  R C Lu 《Biochemistry》1987,26(14):4511-4516
The thiol-specific photoactivatable reagent 4-(2-iodoacetamido)benzophenone (BPIA) can be selectively incorporated into the SH-1 of myosin subfragment 1 (S1), and upon photolysis an intramolecular cross-link is formed between SH-1 and the N-terminal 25-kDa region of S1. If a Mg2+-nucleotide is present during photolysis, cross-links can be formed either with the 25-kDa or with the central 50-kDa region [Lu, R. C., Moo, L., & Wong, A. G. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83, 6392-6396]. Heavy chains with these two types of intramolecular cross-links and un-cross-linked heavy chain have different mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate (NaDodSO4)-polyacrylamide gels and therefore can be purified electrophoretically. Each type of heavy chain was cleaved with Staphylococcus aureus protease, chymotrypsin, or lysyl endopeptidase. The cleavage points were determined on the basis of the molecular weights of weights of peptides containing the N-terminus, which was identified with the use of an antibody. Locations of the cross-links were deduced by comparing the peptide maps of cross-linked and un-cross-linked heavy chains. The results indicate that the segment located about 12-16 kDa from the N-terminus of the heavy chain can be cross-linked to SH-1 via BPIA independently of the presence of a nucleotide, whereas the segment located 57-60 kDa from the N-terminus can be cross-linked to SH-1 only in the presence of a Mg2+-nucleotide. With use of the avidin-biotin system, it has been shown that SH-1 is located 13 nm from the head/rod junction [Sutoh, K., Yamamoto, K., & Wakabayashi, T. (1984) J. Mol. Biol. 178, 323-339]. Since BPIA spans less than 1 nm, our results show that two regions, separated by approximately 400 amino acid residues and located in the 25- and 50-kDa domains of S1, respectively, are also part of the head structure about 12-14 nm from the head/rod junction.  相似文献   

The casein complexes of bovine milk consist of four major protein fractions, alpha s1, alpha s2, beta, and kappa. Colloidal particles of casein (termed micelles) contain inorganic calcium and phosphate; they are very roughly spherical with an average radius of 650 A. Removal of Ca2+ leads to the formation of smaller protein aggregates (submicelles) with an average radius of 94 A. Two genetic variants, A and B, of the predominant fraction, alpha s1-casein, result in milks with markedly different physical properties, such as solubility and heat stability. To investigate the molecular basis for these differences, small-angle X-ray scattering was performed on the respective colloidal micelles and submicelles. Scattering curves for submicelles of both variants showed multiple Gaussian character; data for the B variant were previously interpreted in terms of two concentric regions of different electron density, i.e., a "compact" core and a relatively "loose" shell. For the submicelle of A, there was a third Gaussian, reflecting a negative contribution due to interparticle interference. Molecular parameters for submicelles of both A and B are in agreement with hydrodynamic data in the literature. Data for the micelles, for which scattering yields cross-sectional information, were fitted by a sum of three Gaussians for both variants; for these, the corresponding two lower radii of gyration represent the two concentric regions of the submicelles, while the third reflects the average packing of submicelles within the micellar cross section. Most of the molecular parameters obtained showed small but consistent differences between A and B, but for submicelles within the micelle several differences were particularly notable: A has a greater molecular weight for the "compact" region of the constituent submicelle (82,000 vs 60,000) and a much greater submicellar packing number (6:1 vs 3:1). Reasons for these and other differences are to be sought in sequence differences and in differences in calcium-binding sites and charge distribution.  相似文献   

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