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Wnt signaling plays critical roles in cell proliferation and carcinogenesis. In addition, numerous recent studies have shown that various Wnt signaling components are involved in mitosis and chromosomal instability. However, the role of Axin, a negative regulator of Wnt signaling, in mitosis has remained unclear. Using monoclonal antibodies against Axin, we found that Axin localizes to the centrosome and along mitotic spindles. This localization was suppressed by siRNA specific for Aurora A kinase and by Aurora kinase inhibitor. Interestingly, Axin over-expression altered the subcellular distribution of Plk1 and of phosphorylated glycogen synthase kinase (GSK3β) without producing any notable changes in cellular phenotype. In the presence of Aurora kinase inhibitor, Axin over-expression induced the formation of cleavage furrow-like structures and of prominent astral microtubules lacking midbody formation in a subset of cells. Our results suggest that Axin modulates distribution of Axin-associated proteins such as Plk1 and GSK3β in an expression level-dependent manner and these interactions affect the mitotic process, including cytokinesis under certain conditions, such as in the presence of Aurora kinase inhibitor.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that neurotransferrin (NTF), a transferrin extracted from adult chicken peripheral nerves, promotes growth of primary chick muscle cells in the absence of embryo extract. NTF was shown to stimulate DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. In the present study, we demonstrate that NTF is a mitogen using two independent methods; counts of orcein-stained mitotic figures and analysis of cell cycle kinetics with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. In low-density cultures mitotic activity increases with increasing doses of NTF followed by a plateau at concentrations greater than 6 μg/ml. Residual, embryonic mitotic activity progressively declines with time after plating muscle cells in the absence of NTF. Absence of NTF for 2 days causes cells to lose irreversibly their myogenic potential. In the presence of NTF, mitotic activity increases for 2 days followed by a decline concurrent with myoblast fusion and formation of myotubes. Cell cycle analysis showed that NTF addition causes cell populations to shift from Gt to S and G2 + M within 18.5 hr. Muscle cells, plated at high densities in the absence of NTF, show mitotic activities similar to those plated at low densities in the presence of NTF. Addition of NTF to high-density cultures is ineffective in stimulating mitosis. These studies show that at typical cell plating densities, NTF is a required mitogen for primary chick muscle cell cultures.  相似文献   

Centrosomes nucleate and organize interphase microtubules and are instrumental in mitotic bipolar spindle assembly, ensuring orderly cell cycle progression with accurate chromosome segregation. We report that the multifunctional structural protein 4.1R localizes at centrosomes to distal/subdistal regions of mature centrioles in a cell cycle-dependent pattern. Significantly, 4.1R-specific depletion mediated by RNA interference perturbs subdistal appendage proteins ninein and outer dense fiber 2/cenexin at mature centrosomes and concomitantly reduces interphase microtubule anchoring and organization. 4.1R depletion causes G(1) accumulation in p53-proficient cells, similar to depletion of many other proteins that compromise centrosome integrity. In p53-deficient cells, 4.1R depletion delays S phase, but aberrant ninein distribution is not dependent on the S-phase delay. In 4.1R-depleted mitotic cells, efficient centrosome separation is reduced, resulting in monopolar spindle formation. Multipolar spindles and bipolar spindles with misaligned chromatin are also induced by 4.1R depletion. Notably, all types of defective spindles have mislocalized NuMA (nuclear mitotic apparatus protein), a 4.1R binding partner essential for spindle pole focusing. These disruptions contribute to lagging chromosomes and aberrant microtubule bridges during anaphase/telophase. Our data provide functional evidence that 4.1R makes crucial contributions to the structural integrity of centrosomes and mitotic spindles which normally enable mitosis and anaphase to proceed with the coordinated precision required to avoid pathological events.  相似文献   

We have developed quantitative radioimmunological solid phase assays for the host protein p53 from mouse cells and from human cells. The first assay, for mouse p53, depends on having two monoclonal antibodies reacting with different determinants on the p53 molecule. With this assay we have shown that SV40-transformed cells have approximately 100-fold more p53 than untransformed mouse cells and that other transformed cells have intermediate levels. Embryonal carcinoma cell lines have approximately 50-fold less p53 than SV40-transformed cells. This is in contrast to the high levels of incorporation of [35S]methionine into p53 in these cells and indicates that metabolic labelling is not a valid approach for measuring p53 levels. The second assay, for human p53, required a different approach and made use of the anti-p53 antibodies detected in the sera of some breast cancer patients. Human tumour cell lines contained amounts of p53 varying from the high level seen in SV40-transformed human fibroblasts down to less than one hundredth of this amount. Normal human cells showed low levels of p53. The data confirm that many, but not all, human tumour cell lines contain more p53 than normal cells.  相似文献   

Guinea-pig uterine glandular epithelial cells were grown in primary culture. During the 4-day initial culture period, a 6.7 fold increase in DNA synthesis and a doubling time of approximately 30 hours were observed. Then the cells were submitted to serum depletion (60 hours) and the quiescent cells were stimulated with 15% fetal calf serum (FCS). The control cells were submitted to 1% heated and dextran-coated charcoal stripped FCS. In stimulated cells, the DNA synthesis increased and peaked between the 12th and 24th hour. In these cells, c-fos mRNAs increased rapidly, within 30 min., peaked at 75 min. (ratio to the control = 2.5), and returned to basal level within 90 min. These results prove that uterine epithelial cells in primary culture are able to respond to unspecific mitogen by both rapid expression of c-fos gene and DNA synthesis, suggesting that this cell culture system will be useful in studying the growth regulation in endometrium.  相似文献   

Burnouf T  Lee CY  Luo CW  Kuo YP  Chou ML  Wu YW  Tseng YH  Su CY 《Biologicals》2012,40(1):21-30
We have evaluated the capacity of two human blood fractions to substitute for FBS as growth medium supplement for human and animal cell cultures. Non-anticoagulated blood from volunteer donors (N = 13) was centrifuged to isolate a supernatant serum (SS) and a platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) clot which was squeezed to extract the releasate (PRFR). Both materials were characterized for the content in PDGF-AB, TGF-β1, VEGF, bFGF, EGF, IGF, total protein, albumin, IgG, IgM IgA, fibrinogen, cholesterol, triglycerides, various chemistry analytes and hemoglobin. Cell growth promoting activity of pooled SS and PRFR at 1, 5, and 10% in growth medium was evaluated over 7 days using human (HEK293, MG-63) and animal (SIRC, 3T3) cell lines and two human primary cultures (gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligaments). Viable cell count was compared to that in cultures in FBS free-medium and 10% FBS supplement. SS and PRFR at 1-10% stimulated cell growth significantly more than FBS-free medium and in a way similar to 10% FBS in all cultures apart from 3T3. These two human blood-derived fibrin releasates are equally efficient to substitute for FBS as supplement for cell cultures and could be useful for specialized applications in regenerative medicine, dentistry and oral implantology, or cell therapy.  相似文献   

Odf2 (outer dense fiber 2) is the major protein of the cytoskeleton of the sperm tail. In somatic cells, it is a component of the centrosome in which it is located in the appendages of the mother centriole. Additionally, as shown previously by forced expression in cultured cells, Odf2 localizes to centrioles, basal bodies, and primary cilia, which are all structurally and functionally interconnected. The importance of Odf2 has become obvious by the absence of primary cilia in Odf2-deficient cells and by the embryonic lethality of the Odf2 gene trap insertional mouse. However, nothing is known about the endogenous localization of Odf2 in the tissues of adult mice. We show here that Odf2 protein localizes to centrosomes, to photoreceptor primary cilia, and to basal bodies of ciliated cells of the respiratory epithelium and of the kidney. Our results thus suggest that Odf2 contributes to assorted ciliopathies.  相似文献   

The sequence of reconstruction of the metaphase mitotic apparatus of the KEPV cells under the action of 2-mercaptoethanol (0.001 M) and after moving off the agent has been studied. In the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol, a destruction of the metaphase plate and that of the mitotic spindle proceed independently. The destruction of the mitotic spindle does not involve an immediate disorganization of the metaphase plate, and vice versa. In the course of resumption of the normal division after moving off the agent, the restoration of the mitotic apparatus structure proceeds within a definite temporal sequence: at first, the mitotic spindle reestablishes, and after that the metaphase plate forms. Distinctions between the 2-mercaptoethanol action and the action of other antimitotic agents are discussed.  相似文献   

Secreted protein acidic and rich in cystein (SPARC) is a secreted glycoprotein involved in several biological processes such as tissue remodeling, embryonic development, cell/extracellular matrix interactions, and cell migration. In particular, SPARC affects bone remodeling through the regulation of both differentiation/survival of osteoblasts and bone extracellular matrix synthesis/turnover. Here, we investigated SPARC subcellular localization in the human osteoblastic HOBIT cell line by immunocytochemistry and western blot analysis. We show that, under normal exponential cell growth conditions, SPARC localized both to cell nucleus and to cytoplasm, with no co-localization on actin stress fibers. However, in colchicine-treated HOBIT cells and human primary osteoblasts undergoing blebs formation, SPARC showed a different cellular distribution, with an additional marked compartmentalization inside the blebs, where it co-localized with globular actin and actin-binding proteins such as alpha-actinin, cortactin, and vinculin. Moreover, we demonstrate by an in vitro assay that the addition of SPARC to actin and alpha-actinin inhibited the formation of cross-linked actin filaments and disrupted newly formed filaments, most likely due to a direct interaction between SPARC and alpha-actinin, as indicated by immunoprecipitation assay. The specific silencing of SPARC RNA expression markedly decreased the ability of colchicine-treated HOBIT cells to undergo blebbing, suggesting a direct role for SPARC in cell morphology dynamics during cytoskeletal reorganization.  相似文献   

12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) has a profound and rapid influence on the cytoskeleton of Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells. Within 10 min, TPA induces a rapid change in morphology, from a flat, cuboidal state to a rounded or elongated morphology in which the cell membranes become convoluted. Concomitant with this morphological change is a rapid dissolution of stress fibres and a redistribution of F-actin from microfilament bundles to a membrane or sub-membranous location. The rearrangement of actin is paralleled by a rearrangement of alpha-actinin and a reduction in the number of vinculin-containing adhesion plaques. Unusual F-actin configurations are often found emanating from a perinuclear location, usually containing alpha-actinin and terminating in a vinculin-containing adhesion plaque. The cytoskeletal rearrangements occur in the presence of inhibitors of protein synthesis or oxidative phosphorylation, but do not occur if glycolysis is also inhibited. The rearrangements are partly abrogated by the presence of cytochalasin B (CB). Despite these dramatic changes in microfilaments the polymerization state of actin remained unaltered after TPA treatment. Furthermore, although changes in the movement of membrane lipids have been reported, no obvious differences in the ability of glycoproteins to redistribute in the plane of the membrane were found as judged by FITC-concanavalin A (conA) induced patching. The rapidity of the morphological response of MDCK cells to TPA indicates that the cytoskeleton is one of the primary targets of TPA, but that tumour promoters differ from RNA tumour viruses in their effect on the state of actin polymerization.  相似文献   

We have compared the expression of the retinoblastoma (Rb) and p53 genes in normal human fibroblasts, colon carcinoma cell lines, matched pairs of colorectal tumor tissues and adjacent normal mucosa and in synchronized human diploid fibroblast cell line W138. The increased expression of Rb and p53 RNA was observed in a majority of colorectal cancers in comparison to adjacent normal mucosa and is accompanied by proportional increase in the expression of histone H3 gene. The Rb and p53 RNA levels varied significantly between the various colon carcinoma cell lines. However, we found that the expression of Rb and p53 RNA is regulated differently in cell cycle synchronized normal human fibroblasts. The Rb mRNA level did not change with the position in the cell cycle and did not differ significantly whether the cells were serum deprived or in 10% serum. But p53 mRNA expression follows the same pattern as histone H3 mRNA.  相似文献   

The cell surface Fas antigen transducts an apoptotic signal by its crosslinking with Fas ligand or anti-Fas antibody in a variety of human cultured cells. In this study, we examined the expression of Fas antigen and its mediation of apoptosis in six human colorectal carcinoma cell lines. A flow cytometric analysis revealed that LoVo, DLD-1, WiDr and SW837 cell lines showed higher expression levels of Fas antigen, in contrast to lower expression in COLO201 and COLO320DM. Interferon- enhanced the expression of Fas antigen in all of the cell lines examined. Both Fas ligand and Fas-associated phosphatase-1 (FAP-1) were expressed only in COLO320DM. Anti-Fas antibody induced apoptosis in LoVo carrying wild-type p53 gene, but not in the other five cell lines carrying mutated p53 gene. The transfection of wild-type p53 gene using an adenovirous vector upregulated P53 protein in WiDr and SW837 cells, both of which showed, however, no increase in apoptotic cells by anti-Fas antibody treatment. These results indicated that (1) Fas antigen was variably expressed, regardless of the p53 gene status and (2) the susceptibility to anti-Fas antibody-mediated apoptosis did not correlate to Fas, Fas ligand or FAP-1 expression levels. Therefore, we conclude that wild-type P53 expression might not necessarily be essential for Fas-mediated apoptosis in human colorectal carcinoma cell lines.  相似文献   

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