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Glycogen synthase activity is increased in response to insulin and exercise in skeletal muscle. Part of the mechanism by which insulin stimulates glycogen synthesis may involve phosphorylation and activation of Akt, serine phosphorylation and deactivation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3), leading to dephosphorylation and activation of glycogen synthase. To study Akt and GSK-3 regulation in muscle, time course experiments on the effects of insulin injection and treadmill running exercise were performed in hindlimb skeletal muscle from male rats. Both insulin and exercise increased glycogen synthase activity (%I-form) by 2-3-fold over basal. Insulin stimulation significantly increased Akt phosphorylation and activity, whereas exercise had no effect. The time course of the insulin-stimulated increase in Akt was closely matched by GSK-3alpha Ser(21) phosphorylation and a 40-60% decrease in GSK-3alpha and GSK-3beta activity. Exercise also deactivated GSK-3alpha and beta activity by 40-60%. However, in contrast to the effects of insulin, there was no change in Ser(21) phosphorylation in response to exercise. Tyrosine dephosphorylation of GSK-3, another putative mechanism for GSK-3 deactivation, did not occur with insulin or exercise. These data suggest the following: 1) GSK-3 is constitutively active and tyrosine phosphorylated under basal conditions in skeletal muscle, 2) both exercise and insulin are effective regulators of GSK-3 activity in vivo, 3) the insulin-induced deactivation of GSK-3 occurs in response to increased Akt activity and GSK-3 serine phosphorylation, and 4) there is an Akt-independent mechanism for deactivation of GSK-3 in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Insulin action in skeletal muscle is enhanced by regular exercise. Whether insulin signaling in human skeletal muscle is affected by habitual exercise is not well understood. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) activation is an important step in the insulin-signaling pathway and appears to regulate glucose metabolism via GLUT-4 translocation in skeletal muscle. To examine the effects of regular exercise on PI3-kinase activation, 2-h hyperinsulinemic (40 mU. m(-2). min(-1))-euglycemic (5.0 mM) clamps were performed on eight healthy exercise-trained [24 +/- 1 yr, 71.8 +/- 2.0 kg, maximal O(2) uptake (VO(2 max)) of 56.1 +/- 2.5 ml. kg(-1). min(-1)] and eight healthy sedentary men and women (24 +/- 1 yr, 64.7 +/- 4.4 kg, VO(2 max) of 44.4 +/- 2.7 ml. kg(-1). min(-1)). A [6, 6-(2)H]glucose tracer was used to measure hepatic glucose output. A muscle biopsy was obtained from the vastus lateralis muscle at basal and at 2 h of hyperinsulinemia to measure insulin receptor substrate-1(IRS-1)-associated PI3-kinase activation. Insulin concentrations during hyperinsulinemia were similar for both groups (293 +/- 22 and 311 +/- 22 pM for trained and sedentary, respectively). Insulin-mediated glucose disposal rates (GDR) were greater (P < 0.05) in the exercise-trained compared with the sedentary control group (9.22 +/- 0.95 vs. 6.36 +/- 0.57 mg. kg fat-free mass(-1). min(-1)). Insulin-stimulated PI3-kinase activation was also greater (P < 0.004) in the trained compared with the sedentary group (3.8 +/- 0.5- vs. 1.8 +/- 0.2-fold increase from basal). Endurance capacity (VO(2 max)) was positively correlated with PI3-kinase activation (r = 0.53, P < 0.04). There was no correlation between PI3-kinase and muscle morphology. However, increases in GDR were positively related to PI3-kinase activation (r = 0.60, P < 0.02). We conclude that regular exercise leads to greater insulin-stimulated IRS-1-associated PI3-kinase activation in human skeletal muscle, thus facilitating enhanced insulin-mediated glucose uptake.  相似文献   

Hickey, Matthew S., Charles J. Tanner, D. Sean O'Neill,Lydia J. Morgan, G. Lynis Dohm, and Joseph A. Houmard. Insulin activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in human skeletal muscle invivo. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3):718-722, 1997.The purpose of this investigation was to determinewhether insulin-stimulated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase)activity is detectable in needle biopsies of human skeletal muscle.Sixteen healthy nonobese males matched for age, percent fat, fastinginsulin, and fasting glucose participated in one of two experimentalprotocols. During an intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT)protocol, insulin-stimulated PI3-kinase activity was determined frompercutaneous needle biopsies at 2, 5, and 15 min post-insulinadministration (0.025 U/kg). In the second group, a 2-h, 100 mU · m2 · min1euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp was performed, and biopsies wereobtained at 15, 60, and 120 min after insulin infusion was begun.Insulin stimulated PI3-kinase activity by 1.6 ± 0.2-, 2.2 ± 0.3-, and 2.2 ± 0.4-fold at 2, 5, and 15 min, respectively, duringthe IVGTT. During the clamp protocol, PI3-kinase was elevated by 5.3 ± 1.3-, 8.0 ± 2.6-, and 2.7 ± 1.4-fold abovebasal at 15, 60, and 120 min, respectively. Insulin-stimulatedPI3-kinase activity at 15 min post-insulin administration wassignificantly greater during the clamp protocol vs. the IVGTT(P < 0.05). These observations suggest that insulin-stimulated PI3-kinase activity is detectable inneedle biopsies of human skeletal muscle, and furthermore, that theeuglycemic, hyperinsulinemic clamp protocol may be a useful tool toassess insulin signaling in vivo.


Y Kida  A Katz  A D Lee    D M Mott 《The Biochemical journal》1989,259(3):901-904
Activities of glycogen synthase (GS) and GS phosphatase were determined on human muscle biopsies before and after isometric contraction at 2/3 maximal voluntary force. Total GS activity did not change during contraction (4.92 +/- 0.70 at rest versus 5.00 +/- 0.42 mmol/min per kg dry wt.; mean +/- S.E.M.), whereas both the active form of GS and the ratio of active form to total GS decreased by approximately 35% (P less than 0.01). GS phosphatase was inactivated in all subjects by an average of 39%, from 5.95 +/- 1.30 to 3.63 +/- 0.97 mmol/min per kg dry wt. (P less than 0.01). It is suggested that at least part of the contraction-induced inactivation of GS is due to an inactivation of GS phosphatase.  相似文献   

For over 10 years, we have known that the activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) has correlated with the increase in skeletal muscle size and strength that occurs following resistance exercise. Initial cell culture and rodent models of muscle growth demonstrated that the activation of mTORC1 is common to hypertrophy induced by growth factors and increased loading. The further observation that high loads increased the local production of growth factors led to the paradigm that resistance exercise stimulates the autocrine production of factors that act on membrane receptors to activate mTORC1, and this results in skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Over the last few years, there has been a paradigm shift. From both human and rodent studies, it has become clear that the phenotypic and molecular responses to resistance exercise occur in a growth factor-independent manner. Although the mechanism of load-induced mTORC1 activation remains to be determined, it is clear that it does not require classical growth factor signaling.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of glycogen-depleting exercise on subsequent muscle total creatine (TCr) accumulation and glycogen resynthesis during postexercise periods when the diet was supplemented with carbohydrate (CHO) or creatine (Cr) + CHO. Fourteen subjects performed one-legged cycling exercise to exhaustion. Muscle biopsies were taken from the exhausted (Ex) and nonexhausted (Nex) limbs after exercise and after 6 h and 5 days of recovery, during which CHO (CHO group, n = 7) or Cr + CHO (Cr+CHO group, n = 7) supplements were ingested. Muscle TCr concentration ([TCr]) was unchanged in both groups 6 h after supplementation commenced but had increased in the Ex (P < 0.001) and Nex limbs (P < 0.05) of the Cr+CHO group after 5 days. Greater TCr accumulation was achieved in the Ex limbs (P < 0.01) of this group. Glycogen was increased above nonexercised concentrations in the Ex limbs of both groups after 5 days, with the concentration being greater in the Cr+CHO group (P = 0.06). Thus a single bout of exercise enhanced muscle Cr accumulation, and this effect was restricted to the exercised muscle. However, exercise also diminished CHO-mediated insulin release, which may have attenuated insulin-mediated muscle Cr accumulation. Ingesting Cr with CHO also augmented glycogen supercompensation in the exercised muscle.  相似文献   

Jiao Y  Shashkin P  Katz A 《Life sciences》2001,69(8):891-900
It was recently reported that MnSO4 stimulates glycogen synthase-dependent glucose transfer from UDPglucose into trichloroacetic acid precipitable endogenous glycoproteins (GSMn(T)) in human muscle extracts. To determine the physiologic significance of this reaction, we compared a new GS activity ratio, GSMn(T)/GSH(E) (where GSH(E) represents the usual glucose transfer to ethanol precipitable exogenous glycogen by GS at 7.2 mM glucose 6-phosphate), with the generally used GSL(E)/GSH(E) ratio (where GSL(E) represents glucose transfer at 0.17 mM glucose 6-P concentration). Biopsies were obtained from the quadriceps femoris muscle of healthy subjects at rest, after 40 min of bicycle exercise at approximately 65% of maximal oxygen uptake and after isometric contraction at 2/3 maximal force to fatigue (approximately 1 min). GSMn(T)/GSH(E) increased from 0.012+/-0.002 at rest to 0.054+/-0.008 (P<0.01) after 40 min of bicycle exercise and the increase in GSMn(T) activity was strongly related to the decrease in endogenous glycogen (i.e.. increase in short-chain endogenous glycoproteins) (r=0.90; P<0.05). On the other hand, GSL(E)/GSH(E) did not change significantly after bicycle exercise (rest = 0.49+/-0.04; exercise = 0.58+/-0.08, P>0.05). GSMn(T)/GSH(E) increased from 0.010+/-0.001 at rest to 0.016+/-0.002 (P<0.05) after isometric exercise, whereas GSL(E)/GSH(E) decreased from 0.27+/-0.04 to 0.20+/-0.02 (P<0.05) under corresponding conditions. Last, insulin, which stimulates glycogen synthesis, also increased GSMn(T)/GSH(E) (1.8-fold, P<0.05), as well as GSL(E)/GSH(E) (1.4-fold, P<0.05), in isolated rat soleus muscle. These data indicate that GSMn(T)/GSH(E) is influenced by endogenous substrate availability and covalent modification. Therefore, GSMn(T)/GSH(E) ratio may prove to be a useful alternative to other GS activity ratios that only reflect changes in the phosphorylation state of GS.  相似文献   

Contrary to the accepted feedback control mechanism of glycogen biosynthesis in skeletal muscle, evidence is presented here leading to the conclusion that glycogen does not control the activity of glycogen synthase phosphatase in intact human skeletal muscle tissue.  相似文献   

Leucine (Leu) is known to stimulate translation initiation of protein synthesis at mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in the insulin signaling pathway. However, potential feedback from mTOR to upstream aspects of the insulin signaling pathway remains controversial. This study evaluates the impact of a physiological oral dose of Leu and/or carbohydrate (CHO) on upstream elements of the insulin signaling pathway using phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) activity and glucose uptake as markers for insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis. Rats (approximately 200 g) were fasted 12 h and administered oral doses of CHO (1.31 g glucose, 1.31 g sucrose), Leu (270 mg), or CHO plus Leu. Animals were killed at 15, 30, 60, and 90 min after treatment. Plasma and gastrocnemius muscles were collected for analyses. Treatments were designed to produce elevated blood glucose and insulin with basal levels of Leu (CHO); elevated Leu with basal levels of glucose and insulin (Leu); or a combined increase of glucose, insulin, and Leu (CHO + Leu). The CHO treatment stimulated PI 3-kinase activity and glucose uptake with no effect on the downstream translation initiation factor eIF4E. Leu alone stimulated the release of the translation initiation factor eIF4E from 4E-BP1 with no effects on PI 3-kinase activity or glucose uptake. The CHO + Leu treatment reduced the magnitude and duration of the PI 3-kinase response but maintained glucose uptake similar to the CHO treatment and eIF4E levels similar to the Leu treatment. These findings demonstrate that Leu reduces insulin-stimulated PI 3-kinase activity while increasing downstream translation initiation and with no effect on net glucose transport in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The effects of inhibition or constitutive activation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) on glycogen synthase (GS) activity, abundance, and glycogen deposition in L6 rat skeletal muscle cells were investigated. GS protein expression increased approximately 5-fold during differentiation of L6 cells (comparing cells at the end of day 5 with those at the beginning of day 3). However, exposure of undifferentiated myoblasts (day 3) to 50 microM SB-415286, a GSK3 inhibitor, led to a significant elevation in GS protein that was not accompanied by changes in the abundance of GLUT4, another late differentiation marker. In contrast, stable expression of a constitutively active form of GSK3beta (GSK3S9A) led to a significant reduction (approximately 80%) in GS protein that was antagonized by SB-415286. Inhibition of GSK3 or expression of the constitutively active GSK3S9A did not result in any detectable changes in GS mRNA abundance. However, the increase in GS protein in undifferentiated myoblasts or that seen following incubation of cells expressing GSK3S9A with GSK3 inhibitors was blocked by cycloheximide suggesting that GSK3 influences GS abundance possibly via control of mRNA translation. Consistent with the reduction in GS protein, cells expressing GSK3S9A were severely glycogen depleted as judged using a specific glycogen-staining antibody. Inhibiting GSK3 in wild-type or GSK3S9A-expressing cells using SB-415286 resulted in an attendant activation of GS, but not that of glucose transport. However, GS activation alone was insufficient for stimulating glycogen deposition. Only when muscle cells were incubated simultaneously with insulin and SB-415286 or with lithium (which stimulates GS and glucose transport) was an increase in glycogen accretion observed. Our findings suggest that GSK3 activity is an important determinant of GS protein expression and that while glycogen deposition in muscle cells is inherently dependent upon the activity/expression of GS, glucose transport is a key rate-determining step in this process.  相似文献   

Physiological stress associated with muscle damage results in systemic insulin resistance. However, the mechanisms responsible for the insulin resistance are not known; therefore, the present study was conducted to elucidate the molecular mechanisms associated with insulin resistance after muscle damage. Muscle biopsies were obtained before (base) and at 1 h during a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp (40 mU x kg(-1) x min(-1)) in eight young (age 24+/-1 yr) healthy sedentary (maximal O(2) consumption, 49.7+/-2.4 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) males before and 24 h after eccentric exercise (ECC)-induced muscle damage. To determine the role of cytokines in ECC-induced insulin resistance, venous blood samples were obtained before (control) and 24 h after ECC to evaluate ex vivo endotoxin-induced mononuclear cell secretion of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-1beta. Glucose disposal was 19% lower after ECC (P<0.05). Insulin-stimulated insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 tyrosine phosphorylation was 45% lower after ECC (P<0.05). Insulin-stimulated phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase, Akt (protein kinase B) serine phosphorylation, and Akt activity were reduced 34, 65, and 20%, respectively, after ECC (P < 0.05). TNF-alpha, but not IL-6 or IL-1beta production, increased 2.4-fold 24 h after ECC (P<0.05). TNF-alpha production was positively correlated with reduced insulin action on PI 3-kinase (r = 0.77, P = 0.04). In summary, the physiological stress associated with muscle damage impairs insulin stimulation of IRS-1, PI 3-kinase, and Akt-kinase, presumably leading to decreased insulin-mediated glucose uptake. Although more research is needed on the potential role for TNF-alpha inhibition of insulin action, elevated TNF-alpha production after muscle damage may impair insulin signal transduction.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (ATP:protein phosphotransferase, EC phosphorylated K-casein 20-fold more rapidly than beta-casein, while alpha S1-casein was not a substrate. This distinguished it from casein kinase-I and casein kinase-II, which phosphorylate the beta-casein variant preferentially. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 phosphorylated a serine residue(s) in the C-terminal cyanogen bromide fragment on K-casein. In contrast, cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylated the N-terminal fragment, and phosphorylase kinase the N-terminal and intermediate cyanogen bromide fragments. The results emphasize the potential value of casein phosphorylation as a means of classifying protein kinases.  相似文献   

The present study examined the acute effects of hypoxia on the regulation of skeletal muscle metabolism at rest and during 15 min of submaximal exercise. Subjects exercised on two occasions for 15 min at 55% of their normoxic maximal oxygen uptake while breathing 11% O(2) (hypoxia) or room air (normoxia). Muscle biopsies were taken at rest and after 1 and 15 min of exercise. At rest, no effects on muscle metabolism were observed in response to hypoxia. In the 1st min of exercise, glycogenolysis was significantly greater in hypoxia compared with normoxia. This small difference in glycogenolysis was associated with a tendency toward a greater concentration of substrate, free P(i), in hypoxia compared with normoxia. Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity (PDH(a)) was lower in hypoxia at 1 min compared with normoxia, resulting in a reduced rate of pyruvate oxidation and a greater lactate accumulation. During the last 14 min of exercise, glycogenolysis was greater in hypoxia despite a lower mole fraction of phosphorylase a. The greater glycogenolytic rate was maintained posttransformationally through significantly higher free [AMP] and [P(i)]. At the end of exercise, PDH(a) was greater in hypoxia compared with normoxia, contributing to a greater rate of pyruvate oxidation. Because of the higher glycogenolytic rate in hypoxia, the rate of pyruvate production continued to exceed the rate of pyruvate oxidation, resulting in significant lactate accumulation in hypoxia compared with no further lactate accumulation in normoxia. Hence, the elevated lactate production associated with hypoxia at the same absolute workload could in part be explained by the effects of hypoxia on the activities of the rate-limiting enzymes, phosphorylase and PDH, which regulate the rates of pyruvate production and pyruvate oxidation, respectively.  相似文献   

Insulin binding to crude plasma membranes derived from human skeletal muscle was characterized. Incubations were performed for 22 h at 4°C. Typical insulin binding characteristics were found, i.e., (a) specificity for insulin, (b) pH sensitivity, (c) dissociation of insulin by the addition of excess insulin and (d) concave Scatchard curves. Half-maximal inhibition of 125I-labeled-insulin binding occurred at 1 · 10?8 M. Affinity constants were 0.76 · 109 and 0.02 · 109 M?1 for the high- and low-affinity receptor (2-site model), respectively, and the corresponding receptor numbers were 89 and 1450 fmol/mg protein, respectively. The procedures employed permit the determination of insulin binding to small quantities of human muscle (approx. 250 mg).  相似文献   

Insulin promotes dephosphorylation and activation of glycogen synthase (GS) by inactivating glycogen synthase kinase (GSK) 3 through phosphorylation. Insulin also promotes glucose uptake and glucose 6-phosphate (G-6-P) production, which allosterically activates GS. The relative importance of these two regulatory mechanisms in the activation of GS in vivo is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate if dephosphorylation of GS mediated via GSK3 is required for normal glycogen synthesis in skeletal muscle with insulin. We employed GSK3 knockin mice in which wild-type GSK3 alpha and -beta genes are replaced with mutant forms (GSK3 alpha/beta S21A/S21A/S9A/S9A), which are nonresponsive to insulin. Although insulin failed to promote dephosphorylation and activation of GS in GSK3 alpha/beta S21A/S21A/S9A/S9A mice, glycogen content in different muscles from these mice was similar compared with wild-type mice. Basal and epinephrine-stimulated activity of muscle glycogen phosphorylase was comparable between wild-type and GSK3 knockin mice. Incubation of isolated soleus muscle in Krebs buffer containing 5.5 mM glucose in the presence or absence of insulin revealed that the levels of G-6-P, the rate of [14C]glucose incorporation into glycogen, and an increase in total glycogen content were similar between wild-type and GSK3 knockin mice. Injection of glucose containing 2-deoxy-[3H]glucose and [14C]glucose also resulted in similar rates of muscle glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis in vivo between wild-type and GSK3 knockin mice. These results suggest that insulin-mediated inhibition of GSK3 is not a rate-limiting step in muscle glycogen synthesis in mice. This suggests that allosteric regulation of GS by G-6-P may play a key role in insulin-stimulated muscle glycogen synthesis in vivo.  相似文献   

Purified glycogen synthase is contaminated with traces of two protein kinases that can phosphorylate the enzyme. One is protein kinase dependent on adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) and the second is an activity termed glycogen synthase kinase-2 [Nimmo, H.G. and Cohen P, (1974)]. Glycogen synthase kinase-2 has been found to be localized relatively specifically in the protein-glycogen complex. It has been purified 4000-fold by two procedures, both of which involve disruption of the complex, followed by the DEAE-cellulose and phosphocellulose chromatographies. However the salt concentration at which glycogen synthase kinase-2 is eluted from DEAE-cellulose depends on the method that is used to disrupt the complex. The results indicate that glycogen synthase kinase-2 is firmly attached to a protein component of the complex. The isolation procedures separate glycogen synthase kinase-2 from phosphorylase kinase, cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and other glycogen-metabolising enzymes. Glycogen synthase kinase-2 is the major phosvitin kinase in skeletal muscle, although glycogen synthase is a six to eight-fold better substrate than phosvitin under the standard assay conditions. Phosphorylase kinase and phosphorylase b are not substrates for glycogen synthase kinase 2. Following incubation with cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase, cyclic AMP and Mg-ATP, the phosphorylation of glycogen synthase reaches a plateau at 1.0 molecules of phosphate incorporated per subunit and the activity ratio measured in the absence and presence of glucose 6-phosphate falls from 0.8 to a plateau of 0.18. The Ka for glucose 6-phosphate of this phosphorylated species, termed glycogen synthase b1, is the 0.6 mM. Following incubation with glycogen synthase kinase-2 and Mg-ATP, the phosphorylation reaches a plateau of 0.92 molecules of phosphate incorporated per subunit and the activity ratio decreases to a plateau of 0.08. The Ka for glucose 6-phosphate of this phosphorylated species, termed glycogen synthetase b2, is 4 mM. In the presence of both cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase and glycogen synthase kinase-2, the phosphorylation of glycogen synthase reaches a plateau when 1.95 molecules of phoshophate have been incorporated per subunit. The activity ratio is 0.01 and the Ka for glucose 6-phosphate is 10 mM. The results indicate that glycogen synthase can be regulated by two distinct phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycles. The implication of these findings for the regulation of glycogen synthase in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of insulin resistance on glycogen concentration and glycogen synthase activity in the red and white gastrocnemius muscles and to determine whether the inverse relationship existing between glycogen concentration and enzyme activity is maintained in insulin resistant state. These questions were addressed using 3 models that induce various degrees of insulin resistance: sucrose feeding, dexamethasone administration, and a combination of both treatments (dex+sucrose). Sucrose feeding raised triglyceride levels without affecting plasma glucose or insulin concentrations whereas dexamethasone and dex+sucrose provoked severe hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Sucrose feeding did not alter muscle glycogen concentration but provoked a small reduction in the glycogen synthase activity ratio (-/+ glucose-6-phosphate) in red but not in white gastrocnemius. Dexamethasone administration augmented glycogen concentration and reduced glycogen synthase activity ratio in both muscle fiber types. In contrast, dex+sucrose animals showed decreased muscle glycogen concentration compared to dexamethasone group, leading to levels similar to those of control animals. This was associated with lower glycogen synthase activity compared to control animals leading to levels comparable to those of dexamethasone-treated animals. Thus, in dex+sucrose animals, the inverse relationship observed between glycogen levels and glycogen synthase activity was not maintained, suggesting that factors other than the glycogen concentration modulate the enzyme's activity. In conclusion, while insulin resistance was associated with a reduced glycogen synthase activity ratio, we found no correlation between muscle glycogen concentration and insulin resistance. Furthermore, our results suggest that sucrose treatment may modulate dexamethasone action in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

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