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Bolger DT  Patten MA  Bostock DC 《Oecologia》2005,142(3):398-406
Recently, climate change research has emphasized the potential increase in the frequency and severity of climatic extremes. We compared the reproductive effort and output among four species of passerine birds in coastal southern California, USA, a semi-arid region, during a normal precipitation year (2001) and the driest year in a 150-year climate record (2002). Both reproductive effort and output differed dramatically between years. Mean reproductive output among the four species was 2.37 fledglings/pair in 2001 and 88.4% of all pairs observed attempted at least one nest. The birds attempted a mean of 1.44 nests per pair and were successful in 47.7% of those attempts. In 2002, only 6.7% of the pairs even attempted a nest and only 1.8% were successful, for a total output of 0.07 fledglings per pair. The abundance of suitable arthropod prey items in the environment was also much lower in 2002, suggesting that low food availability was the proximal cause of the reproductive failure. The data for one of these species, the rufous-crowned sparrow (Aimophila ruficeps), were combined with reproductive and rainfall data from a previous 3-year study (1997–1999) in the same sites. The combined data sets suggest that the response of reproduction to rainfall variation is linear, and that the low end of the precipitation range brings the population near reproductive failure. Any change in climate that would increase the frequency of extreme dry conditions would likely endanger populations of these species.  相似文献   

Questions: We addressed two poorly understood aspects of plant response to climate change: the impact of extreme climatic events and the mediating role of biotic interactions, through a study of heatwave effects on tree seedling survival rates and ability of the tree canopy to alter seedling responses. Location: Mountain belt of the northern French Alps (Maurienne Valley). Methods: The survival rates of two seedling cohorts from four tree species (Abies alba, Acer pseudoplatanus, Fraxinus excelsior and Picea abies) were measured during both the 2003 European heatwave and an average summer (2004) in deciduous broadleaf mountain forests. Seedlings were transplanted into two soil moisture conditions, and in experimental gaps or under the tree canopy. Results: The heatwave strongly decreased tree seedling survival rates, while there was an important species‐specific mediating role of biotic interactions. In the wettest conditions, the tree canopy strongly increased survival of Abies, buffering the negative impact of the heatwave. In contrast, in the driest conditions, the tree canopy decreased survival of Picea and Acer, amplifying the negative impact of the heatwave. We found evidence of increasing soil water stress in the understorey of the driest community, but further studies including vapour pressure deficit measurements are needed to elucidate the driving mechanism of facilitation. Conclusions: The high species specificity of the mediating role of biotic interactions and its variation along stress gradients leads to questions on our ability to predict large‐scale responses of species to climate changes.  相似文献   

北京地区主要草坪草种的质量表现和气候指标研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜尧东  胡林 《生态学杂志》2005,24(11):1258-1262
利用田间试验和平行脱测气象资料,研究了暖季型和冷季型草种在北京地区的质量表现和气候指标。结果表明,暖季型草种的质量表现呈单峰曲线,仅夏季质量表现良好。冷季型草坪质量表现呈双峰曲线,春季5、6月份及秋季9、10月份表现良好。冷季型草种的返青与有效积温关系密切。同时也与温度的界限值有关。≥10℃的有效积温可以作为各草种第1次质量表现良好时期的始日指标。≤10℃的有效胁迫积温可以作为冷季型草种的褪绿和第2次质量表现良好时期的终日指标;≤23℃的有效胁迫积温可以作为暖季型草种的褪绿和质量表现良好时期的终日指标;温湿指数的累积可以作为草坪草发病、痫斑恢复、冷季型草种第1次质量表现良好时期终日和第2次质量表现良好时期始目的指标。针对每个草种,确定了这些指际的具体数值。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess changes of morphological parameters in the blood of rats after oral (po) administration of aluminum (Al), in relation to the time and the administered dose. The experiment was performed on female Wistar rats. The animals were administered aluminum chloride (100 mg Al/kg) daily for 21 d. Morphological assays: red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit (HCT), iron serum concentration (Fe), MCH, MCHC, absolute corrected reticulocyte count (ACRC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelet count (PLT) were estimated on d 3, 7, 14, and 21, both in the control group and in intoxicated rats. After wk 1 of aluminum administration we observed a decrease of RBC, HCT, HGB and serum iron concentration in the blood of rats. The increase of the platelet count was observed earlier than changes in other parameters. Investigation has proved that the exposure of rats to aluminum administered orally results in normocytic anemia.  相似文献   



Retrotransposons are commonly occurring eukaryotic transposable elements (TEs). Among these, long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons are the most abundant TEs and can comprise 50–90% of the genome in higher plants. By comparing the orthologous chromosomal regions of closely related species, the effects of TEs on the evolution of plant genomes can be studied in detail.  相似文献   

Question: Are trait differences between grasses along a gradient related to climatic variables and/or photosynthetic pathway? Location: Temperate grassland areas of South and North America. Methods: In a common garden experiment, we cultivated C3 and C4 grasses from grasslands under different climatic conditions, and we measured a set of 12 plant traits related to size and resource capture and utilization. We described (1) interspecific plant trait differences along a climatic gradient defined by the precipitation and temperature at the location where each species is dominant and (2) the association between those plant trait differences and the photosynthetic pathway of the species. Results: Trait differences between grasses were related to the precipitation at the area where each species is dominant, and to the photosynthetic pathway of the species. Leaf length, leaf width, plant height, leaf area per tiller, specific leaf area, leaf δ13C ratio, and nitrogen resorption efficiency increased while leaf dry matter content and nitrogen concentration in senesced leaves decreased as precipitation increased. A proportion of these changes along the gradient was related to the photosynthetic pathway because dominant grass species in cold areas with low precipitation are mainly C3 and those from warm and wet areas are C4. Conclusions: A previous worldwide analysis showed that traits of graminoid species measured in situ changed slightly along climatic gradients (< 10% variance explained). In contrast, under a common environment we observed that (1) grass traits changed strongly along a climatic gradient (30‐85% variance explained) and, (2) a proportion of those changes were related to the association between photosynthetic pathway of the species and precipitation.  相似文献   

Drought events are projected to increase in frequency and magnitude, which may alter the composition of ecological communities. Using a functional community metric that describes abundance, life history traits and conservation status, based upon Grime's CSR (Competitive – Stress tolerant – Ruderal) scheme, we investigated how British butterfly communities changed during an extreme drought in 1995. Throughout Britain, the total abundance of these insects had a significant tendency to increase, accompanied by substantial changes in community composition, particularly in more northerly, wetter sites. Communities tended to shift away from specialist, vulnerable species, and towards generalist, widespread species and, in the year following, communities had yet to return to equilibrium. Importantly, heterogeneity in surrounding landscapes mediated community responses to the drought event. Contrary to expectation, however, community shifts were more extreme in areas of greater topographic diversity, whilst land‐cover diversity buffered community changes and limited declines in vulnerable specialist butterflies.  相似文献   

A significantly increased water regime can lead to inundation of rivers, creeks and surrounding floodplains- and thus impact on the temporal dynamics of both the extant vegetation and the dormant, but viable soil-seed bank of riparian corridors. The study documented changes in the soil seed-bank along riparian corridors before and after a major flood event in January 2011 in southeast Queensland, Australia. The study site was a major river (the Mooleyember creek) near Roma, Central Queensland impacted by the extreme flood event and where baseline ecological data on riparian seed-bank populations have previously been collected in 2007, 2008 and 2009. After the major flood event, we collected further soil samples from the same locations in spring/summer (November–December 2011) and in early autumn (March 2012). Thereafter, the soils were exposed to adequate warmth and moisture under glasshouse conditions, and emerged seedlings identified taxonomically. Flooding increased seed-bank abundance but decreased its species richness and diversity. However, flood impact was less than that of yearly effect but greater than that of seasonal variation. Seeds of trees and shrubs were few in the soil, and were negatively affected by the flood; those of herbaceous and graminoids were numerous and proliferate after the flood. Seed-banks of weedy and/or exotic species were no more affected by the flood than those of native and/or non-invasive species. Overall, the studied riparian zone showed evidence of a quick recovery of its seed-bank over time, and can be considered to be resilient to an extreme flood event.  相似文献   

Responses to soil flooding of two poplar clones differing in flood-tolerance were studied to elucidate ecophysiological and morphological adaptation to hypoxia. Results showed that Populus deltoides cv. Lux ex. I-69/55 (Lux) was flood-tolerant, whereas P. simonii was flood-susceptible, based on structural and functional differences. They differed in morphological, ecophysiological, and anatomical characteristics when subjected to flooding. The difference between cv. Lux and P. simonii became particular obvious with increased length of the flooding period (8–22 days), but responses to flooding differed already during the first week of flooding. Ecophysiologically, in the beginning of flooding cv. Lux kept a high level of photosynthesis, showed a high free water content and water use efficiency at reduced leaf conductances and leaf water potentials. Chlorophyll content of cv. Lux was reduced so that sunlight absorption was lower as well and destruction of the photosynthesis system by photooxidation was avoided. Free protein content of Lux under flooding was also low, probably in favor of synthesis of other substances that enforce flood tolerance. On the contrary, in P. simonii transpiration only slowly decreased due to slow stomatal closure of leaves in the first day of flooding, and water potential decreased slowly, accompanied with high transformation rate of free water into bound water and low water use efficiency. Slow decomposition of chlorophyll of P. simonii resulted in overabundant light energy absorption and serious destruction of photosynthesis system II (PSII). Net photosynthesis of P. simonii seriously decreased under flooding. At the morphological level, cv. Lux developed many small and obviously functional hypertrophied lenticels throughout the flooding treatment. Bigger hypertrophied lenticels of P. simonii inclined to become rotten. Under complete submergency, cv. Lux could keep an intact leaf structure, whereas epidermis and structure of leaves of P. simonii were destroyed severely. Anatomically, the ultrastructures of leaves of cv. Lux were still intact at the end of flooding, whereas those of P. simonii were destroyed seriously, and many organelles were decomposed.  相似文献   

Late spring frost events can affect vegetation. The response of grassland species, however, is generally unknown. We explore the late‐frost sensitivity of four common European grass species and investigate whether these species exhibit local adaptations to late frost on a continental scale and whether past climatic experience influences late frost sensitivity. Ecotypes of Arrhenatherum elatius, Alopecurus pratensis, Festuca pratensis, and Holcus lanatus from Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Sweden and Germany were exposed to late frost after drought and warming manipulations in the preceding growing season in a common garden experiment. Late frost reduced the productivity of the grasses on average by 20%. Ecotypes differed in their late‐frost sensitivity in three of the four species and local adaptations to late frost were identified. Previous exposure to drought and warming caused differences in late‐frost sensitivity in some cases. The impact of late frost events may increase in a warmer world due to an earlier onset of growing and no change in timing of late frost events. The history of climatic exposure can alter the performance of plants, possibly through epigenetic mechanisms. Based on the complex response pattern observed, a maximization of genetic diversity is proposed as a promising adaptation strategy against climate change.  相似文献   

We used the ant species Myrmica sabuleti as a model to study the impact of electromagnetic waves on social insects' response to their pheromones and their food collection. We quantified M. sabuleti workers' response to their trail, area marking and alarm pheromone under normal conditions. Then, we quantified the same responses while under the influence of electromagnetic waves. Under such an influence, ants followed trails for only short distances, no longer arrived at marked areas and no longer orientated themselves to a source of alarm pheromone. Also when exposed to electromagnetic waves, ants became unable to return to their nest and recruit congeners; therefore, the number of ants collecting food increases only slightly and slowly. After 180 h of exposure, their colonies deteriorated. Electromagnetic radiation obviously affects social insects' behavior and physiology.  相似文献   

Background and AimsGrasses in subfamily Pooideae live in some of the world’s harshest terrestrial environments, from frigid boreal zones to the arid windswept steppe. It is hypothesized that the climate distribution of species within this group is driven by differences in climatic tolerance, and that tolerance can be partially explained by variation in stomatal traits.MethodsWe determined the aridity index (AI) and minimum temperature of the coldest month (MTCM) for 22 diverse Pooideae accessions and one outgroup, and used comparative methods to assess predicted relationships for climate traits versus fitness traits, stomatal diffusive conductance to water (gw) and speed of stomatal closure following drought and/or cold.Key ResultsResults demonstrate that AI and MTCM predict variation in survival/regreening following drought/cold, and gw under drought/cold is positively correlated with δ 13C-measured water use efficiency (WUE). However, the relationship between climate traits and fitness under drought/cold was not explained by gw or speed of stomatal closure.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that Pooideae distributions are at least partly determined by tolerance to aridity and above-freezing cold, but that variation in tolerance is not uniformly explained by variation in stomatal traits.  相似文献   

Young sporophytes of Saccorhiza dermatodea and Alaria esculenta cultured from Spitsbergen isolates were exposed in the laboratory to either only photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) or to a spectrum including UV-radiation (PAR+UVA+UVB) by use of cutoff glass filters. The plants were grown at 8±2°C and 16:8 h light–dark cycles with 6 h additional UV exposure in the middle of the light period. Growth was measured every 10 min using growth chambers with online video measuring technique for 18–21 days. Tissue morphology and absorption spectra were measured in untreated young sporophytes while tissue chlorophyll-a content and DNA damage were measured from treated thalli at the end of the experiment. Under UVR, growth rates of S. dermatodea were significantly reduced while A. esculenta have a potential to acclimate. Tissue chlorophyll-a contents in both species were not significantly different between treatments suggesting that these algae may acclimate to moderate UVR fluence. Higher DNA damage in S. dermatodea effectively diverted photosynthetic products for repair constraining growth. Tissue optics (opacity and translucence) was correlated to the tissue absorbance in the UVR region characteristics of phlorotannin, an important UV-absorbing compound in brown macroalgae. Growth rates of sporophytes of both species exposed to PAR without UV was similar during day and night. The results showed that both species can recruit and inhabit a similar coastal zone when appropriate strategies are expressed to minimize damage in response to the stress factor.  相似文献   

The ventilatory and heart rate responses to exercise were studied in four experienced high-altitude climbers at sea level and during a 6-wk period above 4,500 m to discover whether their responses to hypoxia were similar to those of high-altitude natives. Comparison was made with results from four scientists who lacked their frequent exposure to extreme altitude. The climbers had greater Vo2max at sea level and altitude but similar ventilatory responses to increasing exercise. On acute hypoxia at sea level their ventilatory response was less than that of scientists. Their heart rate response did not differ from that of scientists at sea level, but with acclimatization the reduction in response was significantly greater. Alveolar gas concentrations were similar after acclimatization, but climbers achieved these changes more rapidly. The increase in hematocrit was similar in the two groups. It is concluded that these climbers, unlike high-altitude residents, have cardiorespiratory responses to exercise similar to those of other lowlanders except that their ventilatory response was lower and the reduction in their heart rate response was greater.  相似文献   

Due to its wide industrial use, chromium (Cr) is considered a serious environmental pollutant of aquatic bodies. In order to investigate the ecophysiological responses of water hyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms] to Cr treatment, plants were exposed to 1 and 10 mM Cr2O3 (Cr3+) and K2Cr2O7 (Cr6+) concentrations for two or 4 days in a hydroponic system. Plants exposed to the higher concentration of Cr6+ for 4 days did not survive, whereas a 2 days treatment with 1 mM Cr3+ apparently stimulated growth. Analysis of Cr uptake indicated that most of the Cr accumulated in the roots, but some was also translocated and accumulated in the leaves. However, in plants exposed to Cr6+ (1 mM), a higher translocation of Cr from roots to shoots was observed. It is possible that the conversion from Cr6+ to Cr3+, which immobilizes Cr in roots, was not total due to the presence of Cr6+, causing deleterious effects on gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence and photosynthetic pigment contents. Chlorophyll a was more sensitive to Cr than chlorophyll b. Cr3+ was shown to be less toxic than Cr6+ and, in some cases even increased photosynthesis and chlorophyll content. This result indicated that the Fv/F0 ratio was more effective than the Fv/Fm ratio in monitoring the development of stress by Cr6+. There was a linear relationship between qP and Fv/Fm. No statistical differences were observed in NPQ and chlorophyll a/b ratio, but there was a tendency to decrease these values with Cr exposure. This suggests that there were alterations in thylakoid stacking, which might explain the data obtained for gas exchanges and other chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters.  相似文献   

许皓  李彦  邹婷  谢静霞  蒋礼学 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5019-5028
随着全球变化的加剧,降水改变正导致荒漠生态系统中植物用水策略的适应性变化;对降水变化响应的种间差异性影响着荒漠植物群落组成。研究将生理生态与个体形态尺度相结合,调查中亚荒漠关键种梭梭Haloxylon ammodendron对降水变化导致的自然生境中水分条件改变的响应与适应。实验于2005年生长期开展,在古尔班通古特沙漠南缘原始盐生旱生荒漠中设置3个降水梯度(自然、双倍和无降水);观测并比较不同降水条件下光合作用、蒸腾作用、叶水势、水分利用效率、地上生物量累积和根系分布的变化。结果表明,梭梭主要利用降水形成的浅层土壤水维持生存;有效的形态调节和较强的气孔控制是其维持光合能力以及适应降水变化的主要机制;降水增多对其产生正效应,预示着梭梭可能在未来种间竞争和群落演替中占有优势。  相似文献   

Adult grass shrimp were exposed to four concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 ppm) of hexavalent chromium for 28 days. At the end of the exposure period, over 50% of the surviving shrimp possessed cuticular lesions that had many of the gross characteristics of “shell disease.” These lesions were usually associated with articulations of the appendages and abdomen. Furthermore, it was found that at increasing levels of chromium exposure, there was a proportionate increase in the loss of limbs such that nearly 50% of the limbs were lost in grass shrimp exposed to the highest test concentration of chromium. Histological and ultrastructural examination of numerous lesions demonstrated a range of degenerative features within the subcuticular epithelium that included cytoplasmic vacuolization, mitochondrial swelling, chromatin emargination, and the presence of unusual nuclear inclusions that appear to indicate direct chromium toxicity. Additionally, a marked retardation in new epicuticle and exocuticle formation was observed in viable tissues associated with lesions in late premolt shrimp. It is proposed that chromium interferes with the normal functions of subcuticular epithelium, particularly cuticle formation, and subsequently causes structural weaknesses or perforations to develop in the cuticle of newly moted shrimp. Because of these chromium-induced exoskeletal deficiencies, a viaduct for pathogenic organisms (e.g., bacteria) and direct chromium influx is formed that perpetuates lesion development.  相似文献   

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