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1. Pan traps or water traps have been used widely to sample agricultural insect pests, but no formal studies have assessed the utility of these traps as sampling devices for bees. 2. Coloured pan traps, used as flower models, can efficiently and selectively sample an oligolectic bee, Andrena (Hesperandrena) limnanthis, and other bees associated with white-flowered Limnanthes douglasii rosea. 3. Females and males of A. limnanthis unexpectedly exhibit different colour preferences. Females are strongly attracted to white and blue traps, but discriminate against yellow traps. Males prefer white traps over blue and yellow traps. Consequently, blue traps are selective for females only, while white traps are selective for both sexes. 4. Non-A. limnanthis bees were caught in significantly greater numbers in yellow than in blue or white traps. These bees included generalists, as well as specialists that are oligolectic on mostly yellow-flowered species. 5. Colour of traps had a significant effect on the numbers of A. limnanthis females and males, and non-A. limnanthis bees caught in traps. These results indicate that quantitative sampling of bees by pan trap methods can be highly sensitive to trap colour.  相似文献   

Mating behaviour affects reproductive isolation and phenotypic differentiation. In Lake Tanganyika, the cichlid fish Tropheus moorii diversified into numerous, currently allopatric colour variants. Allopatric isolation is periodically interrupted by dispersal and secondary contact during lake level fluctuations, making long‐term differentiation partly dependent on assortative mating. Laboratory experiments with two moderately distinct morphs revealed assortative female preferences in one (Nakaku), but random mate choice in the other morph (Mbita). No discrimination was apparent between two subtly differentiated morphs (Chimba and Moliro). Tested against each other in a previous study, the highly distinct Moliro and Nakaku exhibited strong assortative preferences. The correlation between colour pattern similarity and mate discrimination suggests that allopatry and philopatric behaviour are less crucial for the maintenance of differentiation between highly distinct morphs than for more similar morphs. Interestingly, the asymmetric isolation in one pair of morphs is congruent with a pattern of unidirectional mitochondrial introgression between populations.  相似文献   

Red is a common colour signal in both aposematic warning displays, and in fruit displays. One common feature is that red is conspicuous against the natural background of the prey and fruits. However, there is a potential conflict between fruits and aposematic prey in how a bird predator should react to red colours, where fruits aim to attract birds and aposematic insects aim to ward off, often the same bird individuals. Here we investigate possible differences in red/green colour preferences of frugivorous, wild-caught, young blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla), when food is either a fruit or an insect. Birds in two groups were presented with a series of pairs of food items that had been artificially painted red and green, in the order of (I) fruits, crickets and maggots, or (II) crickets, fruits, and maggots. Birds first presented with crickets or fruits differed in first attacks directed at the two colours: They showed no colour preference between fruits, but showed a clear preference for green over red crickets. Also, birds in both experimental groups clearly preferred green to red maggots. These results provide evidence that wild, frugivorous birds are able to differentiate between prey types, and show different colour preferences depending on whether food is insect or fruit. We conclude that blackcaps show an attack bias against red insects, and that one important function of the signal in insects, is to inhibit attack after discovery. However, the lack of preference for red fruits suggests other functions to red fruit displays, such as facilitating discovery per se, rather than directly stimulating attack after discovery.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

It has been proposed that variation in pollinator preferences or a fluctuating environment can act to maintain flower colour polymorphism. These two hypotheses were tested in an aquatic monocot Butomus umbellatus (Butomaceae) with a pink or white gynoecium in the field population.


Pollinator visitation was compared in experimental arrays of equivalent flowering cymes from both colour morphs. Seed set was compared between inter- and intramorph pollination under different water levels to test the effect of fluctuating environment on seed fertility.

Key Results

Overall, the major pollinator groups did not discriminate between colour morphs. Compared with the white morph, seed production in the pink morph under intermorph, intramorph and open pollination treatments was significantly higher when the water level was low but not when it was high. Precipitation in July was correlated with yearly seed production in the pink morph but not in the white morph.


The results indicated that the two colour morphs differed in their tolerance to water level. Our study on this aquatic plant provides additional evidence to support the hypothesis that flower colour polymorphism can be preserved by environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

1 An experiment was conducted in a winter wheat field using yellow water traps at crop height and at ground level, near to and distant from flowers, to test the hypothesis that such traps are seen as a source of food by flower‐feeding adult hoverflies and are therefore likely to selectively trap hungry individuals. Hoverflies caught in each trap were counted and identified and the amount of pollen in their guts was assessed. Ratios of numbers of hoverflies seen in the wheat crop to numbers caught in nearby traps were compared for the different treatments. 2 Most hoverflies were caught in crop‐high traps but they included a high proportion of individuals with empty guts. The taxa were: Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer), Metasyrphus corollae (F.) (these species together accounted for over 90% of the individuals trapped), with Sphaerophoria spp., Syrphus spp., Scaeva pyrastri (L.), Melanostomini and unidentified others making up the rest. 3 Significantly fewer hoverflies were captured in low than in high traps. The ratios of numbers trapped to numbers observed, in flower and in no flower treatments would be expected to be the same if the traps were not selective. This was supported for low traps. With high traps, however, there was a highly significant difference between the ratios (71.34 and 126 : 8, respectively). 4 Flies captured in high traps had less pollen in their gut than those captured in low ones. At each distance, more E. balteatus captured in high traps were in pollen category 1 (< 20 grains) than in any other category. The opposite state was seen in low trap catches, where most flies were in category 5 (> 5000 grains). Median pollen categories were 2 (21–200 grains) and 4 (1501–5000 grains) for flies caught in high and low traps, respectively. 5 The ecological selectivity of traps according to their height and the physiological condition of the targeted individuals is a problem likely to affect many trapping systems apart from the one described in this paper.  相似文献   

The growth of pikeperch Sander lucioperca was studied in 41 lakes in central Finland. The backcalculated average total length of 3 year‐old pikeperch was used as an indicator of growth. The growth correlated positively with total phosphorus and water colour and negatively with lake area and depth. The reason for differences in growth may be differences in the amount of suitable food, foraging success or temperature dynamics in different lakes.  相似文献   

Water-choice trial experiments revealed that Anguilla japonica glass eels collected in southern Japan possess strong preferences for fresh water and agricultural water. Their locomotor activity and preference for fresh water were higher and stronger, respectively, in this study when compared to previous studies conducted at lower temperatures. These results suggest that their locomotor activity and preference for fresh water is influenced by water temperature. The attraction to agricultural water indicates their upstream migration and habitat selection could be influenced by agricultural water.  相似文献   

Vertical and seasonal distributions of flying beetles were investigated in asuburban temperate deciduous forest in Kanazawa, Japan using water pan traps to determine the abundance and composition among vertical strata, change in the abundance and composition through seasons and determinant factors in generating the distributions. Traps were placed at three levels (0.5 m, 10 m, and 20 m above ground) on a tower. Samplings were carried out seasonally from May to November in 1999 and 2000. Variations in the abundance of flying beetles were observed from different layers. The results showed that the abundance and composition of flying beetles varied among strata and seasons. In both 1999 and 2000,Elateridae was consistently most abundant in the bottom layer, while Attelabidae and Cantharidae were most abundant in the upper layer. In 1999, Eucnemidae and overall scavengers were most abundance in the bottom layer, but results were not consistent with those in 2000. In general, the abundance of herbivores reaches a peak in the early season(May/June) and decreases in the following months. Peaks of abundance in predators vary vertically. In the bottom layer a peak was observed in the early season (May/June), while in the upper layer this was observed in July. Scavengers had two peaks, in May/June and September. These patterns indicated that vertical distributions in the abundance of differentfeeding guilds varied through seasons.  相似文献   

Acidification of lakes and rivers, as a consequence of anthropogenic interference, can cause fundamental changes to biological and ecological processes. One of the main consequences of a reduction in water pH for aquatic organisms is the disruption of their chemosensory abilities, as the detection of chemical cues underpins a wide range of decision‐making processes; for example, a reduction to low pH has been shown to interfere with predator avoidance and the detection of foraging cues. Moreover, aquatic organisms are known to make widespread use of chemical information to inform their social behaviour, although we have a comparably poor understanding of how this is impacted by water acidification, especially their shoaling behaviour. Using a standard behavioural assay, we therefore investigated the impact of low water pH on the social interactions mediated by diet‐derived chemical cues in three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), by quantifying social behaviour in water that varied either experimentally or naturally in pH. In both cases, we predicted that association patterns would be disrupted by low pH conditions, as reduced pH has shown to interfere with the perception of chemical cues in other non‐social contexts. Consistent with this prediction, our results demonstrate that an acute, short‐term reduction in water pH caused a breakdown in the diet‐mediated social interaction patterns seen in more alkaline water, although, interestingly, the pattern of associations for fish tested in naturally acidic water was both more complex and in a direction that was precisely contrary to our predictions. Overall, the findings provide insights into the potential effects of an acute reduction in water pH on fish communication and social interaction patterns, which may have implication for various individual, group, population and community‐level processes.  相似文献   

The aquatic larvae of two simuliid species, Austrosimulium furiosum (Skuse) and Simulium ornatipes Skuse, which often occur together in Victorian streams, were shown in laboratory experiments to have preferences for different water velocities: larvae of A. furiosum preferred water velocities of 0.2–0.3 m s–1, and S. ornatipes preferred water velocities of 0.9–1.3 m s –1 . Final instar larvae of both species selected slow water speeds of less than 0.25 m s –1 prior to pupation. Flow patterns around a cylinder in a laboratory stream were mapped, and the distribution of A. furiosum larvae within the wake, paired vortices and horseshoe vortex was recorded. Larvae selected areas with suitable water velocities and aligned with the flow, providing flow visualization of micro-current speed and direction. The potential for micro-habitat partitioning is discussed in relation to benthic sampling strategies.  相似文献   

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