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The influence of ice crystal formation in tissues of unhardened and hardened seedlings of Pinus silvestris L. and Picea abies (L.) Karst. was determined. An apparatus for this purpose was constructed. Unhardened seedlings of spruce collapsed completely as a result of ice crystal formation in their shoots, while unhardened seedlings of pine survived ice crystal formation with or without injury to the needles. After a hardening period of 4–5 weeks, seedlings of spruce and pine survived ice formation but injuries occurred in spruce. For pine, on the contrary, the temperature after ice formation had a decisive effect on the extent of the injuries. Observed injuries are discussed in terms of inter- and intracellular ice crystal formation.  相似文献   

Atwell, B. J. and Greenway, H. 1987. Carbohydrate metabolismof rice seedlings grown in oxygen deficient solution.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 466–478. Rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) were grown in the dark forup to 4 d in solutions containing various concentrations ofO2. The rate of depletion of the endosperm was most rapid inaerated solution (0·25 mol O2 m–3), largely dueto the inhibition of growth of seedlings at very low O2 concentrations.Earlier suggestions that there is a deficit of sugars for growthand energy generation in O2 deficient coleoptiles were tested. Coleoptiles, shaking in aerated solution, respired about one-thirdof the endogenous sugars to CO2 and incorporated the rest intostructural compounds. In contrast, the proportion of carbonwhich went to growth in anoxia was very low. Consistent withthese results, endogenous sugar levels were generally highestat low O2 concentrations. Even so, coleoptiles grown and testedas low as 0·03 mol O2 m–3 showed appreciable metabolismof exogenous 14C-glucose to CO2, soluble and insoluble compounds,suggesting that a minimal O2 supply was sufficient to sustainsome growth. Furthermore, glucose feeding caused little or norise in O2 uptake or tissue sugar levels. Similarly, the specificactivity of the evolved CO2 was not markedly different in coleoptilesgrowing at 0·03 and 0·25 mol O2 m–3 Further evidence was obtained to show that endogenous substrateswere adequate for growth and respiration at both low and highO2 concentrations. Exogenous glucose and malate did not stimulateO2 uptake at any stage of growth in aerated coleoptiles. Therewas sufficient endogenous substrate to sustain a 35–45%rise in O2 uptake induced by uncoupling and enrichment withO2. Exogenous glucose did not stimulate growth of intact seedlingsat any O2 concentration. Key words: Rice seedlings, carbohydrate metabolism, oxygen deficient solution  相似文献   

The effects of raised temperature and extended photoperiod onthe dehardening of quiescent and winter-hardy Scots pine saplingswere examined in an open-top-chamber experiment. The saplingswere exposed during winter to natural, square-curve fluctuating(between 1 and 11 °C with a 14 d interval), and constant(6 °C) temperatures with a natural and an extended (17 h)photoperiod. Frost hardiness of needles was determined by controlledfreezing tests and visual damage scoring. The constant 6 °Ctemperature treatment caused a gradual dehardening of needleswhereas under fluctuating temperatures the level of frost hardinessfluctuated. Trees exposed to extended photoperiods were lesshardy than under natural photoperiods after the initiation ofshoot elongation, but before this there were no clear differencesin frost hardiness between different photoperiodic treatments.The results indicate that the frost hardening competence ofScots pine changes during quiescence. Climate change; frost hardiness; hardening competence; photoperiod; Pinus sylvestris, Scots pine; temperature  相似文献   

LEINONEN  ILKKA 《Annals of botany》1996,78(6):687-693
The changes in the frost hardiness of Scots pine were modelledby a dynamic model where the input variables were temperatureand photoperiod and the phase of annual development. The damagecaused by freezing was described by the sigmoidal relationshipbetween the relative needle damage and freezing temperature.The model simulations were carried out using temperature datafrom two sites in central Finland—Suonenjoki and Tampere.The validity of the frost hardiness model was tested with measuredfrost hardiness data from Suonenjoki. The effects of climaticwarming were also simulated by increasing temperature of thelong-term climatic data. Genotypic differences in chilling requirement,which determines the timing of the reduction of hardening competence,were included in the simulations. The simulated needle damageincreased as a result of climatic warming, and the differencesin the chilling requirement had a stronger effect on the amountof damage in the warmed climate than in the present climate.A large variation between years was found in the level of damage. Annual development; climatic change; dynamic model; freeze damage; frost hardiness,Pinus sylvestris ; Scots pine  相似文献   

Success in restoring longleaf pine ecosystems depends on outplanting high‐quality longleaf pine seedlings. One important and relatively understudied attribute of seedling quality is cold hardiness. A suite of trials was conducted to investigate the influence of common nursery cultural practices on longleaf pine cold hardiness. Cold hardiness was increased with higher rates of nitrogen, unaffected by copper coating containers, greater for foliage than for root‐collar tissue, and tended to increase with increases in container size.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic action spectra of pine needles have been measured with an automatic recording method. A thin longitudinal cut from the flat surface of the needle was placed on top of an oxygen sensor and illuminated with monochromatic light in the range 400–700 nm. Good correspondence between absorption and action spectra was obtained in the range 550–700 nm. In the blue part of the spectrum photosynthetic efficiency was low compared with absorption. This low effect in blue light is probably due to screening absorption by photosynthetically inactive carotenoids. One-year-old needles showed a higher effect in the blue part of the spectrum than did current year needles. Needles from seedlings grown in the open had a lower photosynthetic effect in the blue part than needles from seedlings grown in a greenhouse. Pigment analyses support the idea that these differences are due to differences in the ratio chlorophylls/total carotenoids and/or differences in the composition of the carotenoid pigments.  相似文献   

Effect of Anoxia on Carbohydrate Metabolism in Rice Seedlings   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
The metabolism of carbohydrates was investigated in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings grown under anoxia. Two phases can be recognized in the utilization of carbohydrates: during the first days of germination under anoxia, the metabolism of sugars is mainly degradative, whereas after the induction of [alpha]-amylase (EC has taken place, the increased presence of glucose and sucrose indicates that both starch degradation and sucrose synthesis operate. The analysis of the enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism indicates that anoxic rice seedlings possess a set of enzymes that allow the efficient metabolism of starch and sucrose to fructose-6-phosphate. We propose that cytosolic sucrose metabolism in anoxic rice seedlings takes place mainly through a sucrose synthase (EC pathway with nucleoside diphosphate kinase (EC, allowing the cycling of urydilates needed for the operation of this pathway.  相似文献   

Oak Seedlings Grown in Different Light Qualities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seedlings of oak (Quercus robur) were germinated in darkness for 3 weeks and then given continuous light or short pulses of light (5–8 min every day). The morphological development was followed during 25 days. In continuous white, blue, and red light the stem growth terminated after about 10 days by formation of a resting bud. At that time the seedlings were about 100 mm high. In con tinuous long wavelength farred light (wavelength longer than 700 nm) the stem growth including leaf formation was continuous without the formation of resting buds, and the stem length was about 270 mm after 25 days. The number of nodes developed became twice that of the seedlings grown in while light. The leaves became well developed in all light colours, but leaf areas were largest in plants cultivated in white light. Compared to dark grown seedlings the mean area per leaf was increased about five times in continuous long wavelength far red light. A supplement with short (5 min) pulses of red light each day increased the leaf area up to 20 times. The stem elongation showed a high energy reaction response, i.e. the stem length increased only in continuous long wavelength far-red light but was not influenced by short pulses of red light or far-red light. The leaf expansion, however, was increased by short pulses of red light with a partial reversion of the effect by a subsequent pulse of far-red light. The fraction of the plant covered with periderm was higher in plants given continuous light. In respect to periderm inhibition continuous long wavelength far red light was the most effective. The transfer of seedlings from darkness to continuous white light gave anthocyanin formation in the stem 10–20 mm below the apex. This formation took place in the cortex and was evident in plants grown in darkness or under short pulses of light. Plants grown in continuous red, blue or long wavelength Far red light showed only traces of anthocyanin.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate carbohydrate metabolism in rice seedlings subjected to salt-alkaline stress. Two relatively salt-alkaline tolerant (Changbai 9) and sensitive (Jinongda 138) rice cultivars, grown hydroponically, were subjected to salt-alkaline stress via 50 mM of salt-alkaline solution. The carbohydrate content and the activities of metabolism-related enzymes in the leaves and roots were investigated. The results showed that the contents of sucrose, fructose, and glucose in the leaves and roots increased under salt-alkaline stress. Starch content increased in the leaves but decreased in the roots under salt-alkaline stress. The activities of sucrose-phosphate synthase, sucrose synthase, amylase, and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase increased whereas the activities of neutral invertase and acid invertase decreased in the leaves under salt-alkaline stress. The activities of sucrose-phosphate synthase, sucrose synthase, amylase, neutral invertase, and acid invertase increased in the roots under salt-alkaline stress. In conclusion, salt-alkaline stress caused the accumulation of photosynthetic assimilates in the leaves and decreased assimilation export to the roots.  相似文献   

Tissue injuries in winter are sometimes interpreted as caused by drought damages. The possibility that the tolerance of conifers of winter and spring conditions is increased through decrease in transpiration rate has been little investigated. The transpiration rate of 3 or 6 months old unhardened, hardened, and dehardened seedlings of Pinns silvestris L. and Picea abies (L.) Karst. was assessed gravimetrically, at 20°C. The transpiration rates of seedlings of spruce and pine which had been hardened for 3 months were about 1/2 the rates of dehardened seedlings. Transpiration during a dehardening period increased at different rates in pine and spruce. After a dehardening period of 3–5 days the transpiration rate of spruce reached a maximum, whereas pine reached the maximum transpiration rate after a dehardening period of 10–14 days. Transpiration of seedlings of spruce and pine hardened for 3 months showed only a very slight reaction to light and darkness. This indicated that stomata of hardened seedlings remained closed. The results are discussed in connection with frost and drought injuries in pine and spruce during early spring.  相似文献   

The influence of short days and low temperature on the development of frost hardiness in seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.) and Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.], grown for 6 months in glasshouses and climate chambers, was investigated. The degree of hardiness was estimated by freezing the shoots of the seedlings to predetermined temperatures. After 8 weeks in a glasshouse the viability of the seedlings was determined by establishing bud flushing. The most effective climate for the development of frost hardiness was short days (SD) and low temperature (2°C); the next most effective was SD and room temperature (20°C). However, long days (LD) and low temperature also had a marked effect on the development of hardiness. A combination of 3 weeks’treatment with SD and 20°C, and 3 weeks with SD and 2°C gave the same results as 6 weeks with SD and 2°C. The results clearly demonstrate the importance of the photoperiod prior to low temperature for the development of frost hardiness. In conclusion both short days and low temperature induce frost hardiness development. Probably this occurs by initiation of different processes in the two cases. The degree of frost hardiness development appears to depend on the sum of these different processes and on the timing between them.  相似文献   

Root Growth and Carbohydrate Metabolism at Low Temperatures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A study of carbohydrate metabolism in the roots of pea and maizeshows that the differing ability of these two species to growat low temperatures is associated with the maintenance of adequatesugar supplies to the root tip. In the maize root reducing theambient temperature to 2 °C causes a sharp and continuingfall in the soluble sugar content of the growing tip. A similartreatment with pea roots causes only a temporary reduction insugar content lasting no more than 24 h. The fall in root sugarsin maize is accompanied by a reduction in respiration rate andthe cessation of growth. During the periods of sugar shortagecaused by low temperatures both respiration and growth can bestimulated in root tips by a supply of exogenous glucose. Pearoots also show an additional ability to adapt to low temperaturesby lowering the Km value for invertase after pretreatment ata low temperature. This effect is not seen in maize.  相似文献   

Impedance Spectroscopy in Frost Hardiness Evaluation of Rhododendron Leaves   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Impedance spectroscopy was used in studying frost hardinessof leaves of two diploid rhododendron cultivars, RhododendronL. ‘PJM’ and R. ‘Cunningham's White’,and their tetraploid derivatives, R. ‘Northern Starburst’(NSB) and CW4. After the growing season and initial hardeningin a greenhouse, plants were subjected to an acclimation regimein a phytotron: 3 consecutive weeks at +5, +1 and -2°C each.Hardiness was studied with controlled freezing tests beforeeach decrease in temperature and at the end of the experiment,based on data of extracellular resistance reand relaxation time of the frost-exposed leaves. The correlation of the two estimateswas 0.92. Generally, the diploid clones had better frost hardinessthan the tetraploid clones. At the end of the experiment, frosthardiness of the diploid ‘PJM’ was -28.7°C andthat of the tetraploid NSB -20.6°C. Leaves of the diploid‘Cunningham's White’ and of the tetraploid CW4 hardenedto -32.0°C and -20.9°C, respectively. Frost hardinessestimated by impedance spectroscopy correlated well with earlierresults based on visual scoring (r = 0.81–0.86) and electrolyteleakage tests (r = 0.84–0.90), but results from impedancespectroscopy indicated weaker hardiness than the other tests.The difference between the results from impedance spectroscopyand the other tests was smaller and more coherent within the‘Cunningham's White’ clones than within ‘PJM’and NSB. Changes in extracellular and intracellular resistanceof non-frozen leaves during the acclimation correlated withthe changes in frost hardiness of ‘Cunningham's White’clones, but not with those of ‘PJM’ and NSB, whichbelong to another subspecies.Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Cold resistance, evergreen, frost hardiness, impedance spectroscopy, polyploid, Rhododendron, tetraploid  相似文献   

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