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The most spread mechanisms and models of 137Cs migration in soil were considered and the advantage of the models, which take into account the kinetics of sorption-desorption above the models with two components were presented.  相似文献   

The results of research of horizontal migration of 137Cs with soils water erosion are presented. It was found that quantitative parameters of 137Cs migration depended on radioactive pollution of cultivated soil layer, volume of water erosion of soils and character of usage of sloping lands. Activity of 137Cs in lower parts of slopes was 37-295 kBq/m2 higher than in the middle and apex parts of slopes. Increase in 137Cs activity varied from 10 to 18 percent in accumulation zone as compared to outwash zone with soil losses 5.0 t/ha and from 17 to 35 percent with soil losses 5.1-10.0 t/ha and from 30 to 127 percent with soil losses 10. 1-20.0 t/ha.  相似文献   

137Cs vertical migration in boggy soils has been studied 15 years after the Chernobyl accident. The rate of vertical migration of the radionuclide is shown to be dependent on the peculiarities of formation of peatbogs, their moistening regime and soil properties. 137Cs migration in a high-land peatbog is characterized by higher intensity then in lowland or transitional peatbogs. Differences in 137Cs vertical migration are to a large extent caused by the contents in soil of exhangeable and mobile radionuclide forms. The derived experimental data that describe 137Cs distribution over the profiles of peaty soils of different type are used for parameterization of two-component convective-diffusion model. Ecological and effective half-life periods of 137Cs content reduction in the soil root layer have been calculated. A long-term prediction is given of the dynamics of the radionuclide content in the root layer of peaty soils.  相似文献   

Mathematical model describing dynamics of 137Cs transfer in agroecosystems under rehubilitation measures on arable, haylands, pastures and natural meadow ecosystems is presented. Possibilities of the model application for prediction of the radionuclide content in agricultural production and estimation of efficiency of countermeasures in region of the ChNPP accident are shown.  相似文献   

To predict the external gamma-dose rate of Chernobyl-derived 137Cs for a period of about 100 years after its deposition, the vertical distribution of radiocesium in several meadow soils in the Chernobyl area and in Germany was determined, and the corresponding residence half-times of this radionuclide in the various soil layers were evaluated using a compartment model. The resulting residence half-times were subsequently used to calculate the vertical distribution of 137Cs in the soil as a function of time and finally to predict the external gamma-dose rates in air for these sites at various times. A regression analysis of the data obtained showed that the time dependence of the relative gamma-dose rate in air D(t) at the Chernobyl sites can be described by an exponential equation D(t) = a + b ⋅ exp(–t/c), where t is the time after deposition. For the ten German sites the best fit was obtained using the two-exponential equation D(t) = a ⋅ exp(–t/b) + c ⋅ exp(–t/d). The gamma-dose rate of 137Cs at the Chernobyl sites decreases significantly more slowly with time than at the German sites. This means that after e.g. 30 years the mean relative gamma-dose rate at the German sites will have decreased from 100% (corresponding to an infinite plane source on a smooth surface) to 9% (95% confidence interval 8%–10%), while at the sites in the Chernobyl area it will have decreased only to 21% (20%–23%). This difference is the result of the longer residence half-times of 137Cs in the soils at the Chernobyl sites. All results are compared with estimates from earlier studies. Received: 16 October 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 28 November 1996  相似文献   

The paper deals with a comparative study of 137Cs contamination in forest, old arable and cultivated soils of Tula Region. Initial interception of Chernobyl derived 137Cs is higher in forest ecosystems: oak-forest > birch-forest > pine-forest > agricultural ecosystems. Vertical migration of 137Cs in deeper layers of soils was intensive in agricultural ecosystems: cultivated soils > old arable soils > birch-forest soils > oak-forest soils > pine-forest soils. In study have been evaluated spatial variability of 137Cs in soil and asymmetrical distribution, that is a skew to the right. Spatial heterogeneity of 137Cs in agricultural soils is much lower than in forest soils. For cultivated soil are determined the rate of resuspension, which equal to 6.1 x 10(-4) day(-1). For forest soils are described the 137Cs concentration in litter of different ecosystems. The role of main accumulation and barrier of 137Cs retain higher layers of soils (horizon A1(A1E) in forest, horizon Ap in agricultural ecosystems) in long-term forecast after Chernobyl accident.  相似文献   

On five forest plots varying in species composition of woody plants and soil properties, 137Cs accumulation by vegetation of the forest understorey has been studied. Differences in 137Cs availability for root uptake are shown to be dependent on a vertical distribution of 137Cs content over the soil profile, percentage of exchangeable 137Cs and distribution of plant root systems (fungous mycelium) in soil. A 137Cs-bioavailability index is suggested and its non-linear relationship with 137Cs transfer factors to different plant species in the understorey is shown.  相似文献   

For prognosis of accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr in forages harvested in radionuclide contaminated sod-podzolic soils, it is suggested to use transfer factors (TF9a) (Bq/kg)/(kBq/m2)) established not only by the content of mobile potassium (137Cs, r = -0.53) and the value of exchange acidity (90Sr, r = -0.73), but also by the index of agrochemical soil cultivation I(cd) (137Cs, r = -0.69; 90Sr, r = -0.64). The possibility of obtaining forages conforming to the state standards on the haymaking and pasture areas with high density of radioactive contamination of soils was shown by the example of "Sudkovo" collective farm. The approach is based on achievement of a high degree of cultivation (l(cd) - 0.81-1.0) due to a complex of protective measures, which resulted in a 10-fold decrease in the specific activity of 137Cs and a 4-fold decrease in the activity of 90Sr, compared to the soils with a low degree of cultivation (I(cd) - 0.41-0.60).  相似文献   

The soil-potato transfer factor for 137Cs (TF) was estimated by using results of 137Cs activity concentration measurements in 214 samples of soil and potato taken at fields with various level of contamination with 137Cs. The relationships between the coefficient TF and soil characteristics (acidity pH (KCl), content of K2O, P2O5, CaO and MgO in soil) and soil contamination with 137Cs have been analysed. The results show that the TF values tend to decrease with increasing concentration of 137Cs, K2O, P2O5, and CaO in considered sod-podsolic sandyloam soil. The regression function describing the TF dependence of 137Cs, K2O, P2O5, and CaO content in soil has been derived.  相似文献   

Dynamics of 137Cs specific activity (SA) in woody plants was examined. It was found that interseasonal variations of SA are connected mainly with precipitations and related oxygen in soil as well as Eh level. The rate of daily variation in SA in an individual tree can reach 19%. Acropetal or basipetal 137Cs distribution in the bole depends on physiological condition category (PCC) of a tree, weather and environment; SA ratio of higher and lower PCC depends on the same factors. In winter compared to summer higher SA correlation of tree separate parts was observed. Trees with 137Cs acropetal distribution in bark had proven lower general CA level.  相似文献   

Summary The137Cs content of 118 species (668 samples) of higher fungi collected in the period from August 1984 to October 1989 at three different locations in Styria, Austria, was determined by gamma-spectrometry. The Cs-content of most mushrooms has been increasing since September 1986. In order to find out which factors determine the137Cs-contamination of mushrooms and the transfer-value soil to mushroom, the concentration of total and plant-available radiocesium in soils as well as the pH-value, the content of humus, clay, silt, sand, exchangeable cations, the composition of the clay minerals, and the particle size distribution of the soils of two different locations were examined. The higher the137Cs contamination of the soil, the thicker the layer of humus and the higher the content of humus, the lower the pH-value, and the lower the amount of essential cations, especially of K+, the higher the amount of137Cs plant-available will be. Therefore, the contamination of the mushrooms in the coniferous forest of Koralpenblick (1000 m) is higher than in the mixed forest at the Rosenberg around Graz at approx. 500 m height. Of 26 different species of mushrooms measured at both sites, only 61% show the highest TF-values soil to mushrooms also at the Koralpenblick. In the spruce forest at Koralpenblick there are many species of mushrooms with high137Cs-contamination which were not found at the Rosenberg. However, the properties of the species to which a mushroom belongs are more important than environmental conditions and soil properties. The transfer values of40K stay within narrow bounds, whereas those of137Cs differ widely.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Otto Härtel on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   


Radionuclide contamination is a concerning threat due to unexpected nuclear disasters and authorized discharge of radioactive elements, both in the past and in present times. Use of atomic power for energy generation is associated with unresolved issues concerning storage of residues and contaminants. For example, the nuclear accidents in Chernobyl 1986 and Fukushima 2011 resulted in considerable deposition of cesium (Cs) in soil, along with other radionuclides. Among Cs radioactive variants, the anthropogenic radioisotope 137Cs (t½?=?30.16 years) is of serious environmental concern, owing to its rapid incorporation into biological systems and emission of β and γ radiation during the decaying process. To remediate contaminated areas, mostly conventional techniques are applied that are not eco-friendly. Hence, an alternative green technology, i.e., phytoremediation, should in future be considered and implemented. This sustainable technology generates limited secondary waste and its objectives are to utilize hyper-accumulating plants to extract, stabilize, degrade, and filter the radionuclides. The review highlights plant mechanisms for up-taking radionuclides and influences of different environmental factors involved in the process, while considering its long-term effects.


137Cs from global fallout of nuclear weapon testings in the 1950s and 1960s was determined in successive layers (0–30 cm) of eight undisturbed grassland soils in Bavaria, Germany. The maximum activity concentration was found in soil layers between 4 and 15 cm below the surface. Using the vertical distribution of the cesium activity, which varied considerably from site to site, the mean residence half-time of 137Cs from global fallout in each soil layer was evaluated with a compartment model. These values ranged from 1.0 to 6.3 years/cm. The mean residence half-time averaged over all soil layers and all sites was 2.7±1.4 years/cm and, thus, about twice the corresponding residence half-time of the Chernobyl-derived 137Cs as determined in the same soil layers (also in 1993). The dose rate of the external gamma-radiation due to 137Cs from global fallout in the soil determined from the depth distributions varied between 0.34 and 0.57 (mean: 0.45±0.07) nGy/h per kBq/m2. The effect of soil water content on the dose rate was studied by considering four states of the soil, from water content zero to complete water saturation of the total pore volume. It was shown that the difference between the dose rates at the permanent wilting point and the field capacity, which both represent the most relevant water contents of soils, was only 10% of the dose rate at the permanent wilting point for all sites. Received: 8 September 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

Various transport models are presently used to predict the long-term migration behaviour of fallout radiocesium on the soil. To examine to what extent the uncertainty of these predictions is influenced by the spatial variability of the migration rates, we determined the depth profiles of Chernobyl-derived 137Cs at 100 plots in a 100 m×100 m pasture. These data were used to obtain the frequency distributions of the characteristic transport parameters of three widely used transport models (e.g. dispersion-convection model, residence time model, and back-flow model). The results show that these transport parameters are generally log-normally distributed with a coefficient of variation of about 80%. Finally, each transport model was employed to predict the resulting frequency distribution of the 137Cs inventory in the main root layer (0–7 cm) of the pasture, 20, 50, and 100 years after the deposition. If only the spatial variability of the transport parameters is taken into account, this analysis revealed that the dispersion-convection model and the back-flow model always predicted rather similar, but significantly higher median inventories than those obtained with the residence time model. If, in addition, the spatial variability of the amount of 137Cs deposited is also taken into account, the frequency distributions of the 137Cs inventories in the root layer become so wide that differences in the median inventories predicted by the three models become statistically significant only after 100 years. Several statistically significant correlations between the transport parameters of the three models were also detected. Received: 28 February / Accepted: 8 June 2000  相似文献   

The distribution of 137Cs and 239,240Pu in sediment core samples of the Finnish lakes Laukunlampi, Lovojärvi and Pääjärvi were determined. The sediment samples were collected using dry ice and liquid nitrogen freezing methods. The sediments of these lakes are annually laminated. A clear maximum concentration of 137Cs and 239,240Pu was found in sediment layers formed during 1962–1964, the years of maximum fallout, and the middle of the 1950's can be estimated from the 137Cs and 239,240Pu profiles. The highest concentrations, 11 500 and 820 pCi kg–1 dry wt for 137Cs and 239,240Pu, respectively, were found in the sediment of Laukunlampi. The vertical distribution was similar for 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the lakes investigated. A slight migration of 239,240Pu and 137Cs was found and the migration of 137Cs seems to be higher than that of 239,240Pu. The advantages of 137Cs dating method are rapidity and simplicity. 239,240Pu is preferable when the sample size is small. The agreement found between 137Cs and 239,240Pu dates and the annual laminae show that these fallout radio isotopes can be used for dating sediments formed during the past 25 years.  相似文献   

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