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花药壁及其中绒毡层的结构与功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
花药壁及其中绒毡层的结构与功能牛佳田(黑龙江省佳木斯师范专科学校154007)被子植物的花药壁是指雄蕊花药中药室外面由抱子体性质的几层细胞所组成的壁结构。分化至完全的花药壁从外至内依次是表皮、药室内壁(成熟后分成纤维层和唇细胞)、中层、绒毡层。花药壁...  相似文献   

李鹏  田嘉  陆婷  罗淑萍  李疆 《西北植物学报》2015,35(11):2219-2226
为探明扁桃花药开裂前后壁层细胞形态变化,以鹰咀扁桃鳞片开裂期、小蕾期、大蕾期和盛花期的花蕾为研究材料,运用石蜡切片法结合铁苏木精染色法、考马斯亮蓝染色法、PAS染色法对花药壁层细胞进行染色;同时用Nikon SMZ-250体视显微镜拍摄花药开裂过程,观测花粉粒长、短轴长度。结果表明:(1)从鳞片开裂期到小蕾期,花粉粒的长、短轴长度都增大,多糖颗粒数量增多,绒毡层细胞完全消失,中层细胞和药隔处细胞逐渐溶解;药室内壁细胞切向长度增加幅度大于径向长度,内、外壁长度都增大,螺旋状纤维进一步形成;表皮细胞切向长度增加幅度大于径向长度。(2)从小蕾期到大蕾期花粉粒长、短轴长度明显增大,多糖颗粒持续增多;中层细胞和药隔处细胞大部分溶解;药室内壁细胞径向、切向长度持续增大,内壁长度增大、外壁长度趋于稳定,多糖颗粒数量减少,螺旋状纤维基本形成;表皮细胞切向减小幅度大于径向。(3)从大蕾期到花药半开裂,花粉粒长、短轴长度稍微增大;中层细胞和药隔处细胞完全溶解;药室内壁细胞切向长度持续增大,径向长度趋于稳定,内壁长度持续增大,外壁长度逐渐减小,多糖颗粒数量较少;表皮细胞切向、径向长度持续减小。(4)花药半开裂后,花粉粒长、短轴长度都减小;药室内壁细胞和表皮细胞切向、径向长度都减小;药室内壁细胞内、外壁长度减小并趋于接近,内壁长度减小趋势出现晚于外壁。研究认为,扁桃花药壁层细胞形态变化是花药开裂的基础,并与花药开裂密切相关。  相似文献   

甜菊花药壁的超微结构及功能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

不同基因型小麦花药培养过程中药壁变化的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在相同的培养条件下 ,比较了不同基因型小麦花药培养过程中药壁变化的差异。组织切片观察表明 :易诱导材料花药培养过程中 ,药壁细胞发育充实 ,活力强 ,降解衰退较难诱导材料有所延缓 ;两种材料的花药刚离体时绒毡层就存在着明显的差异  相似文献   

薛建平  张爱民 《植物学报》2002,19(3):354-358
在相同的培养条件下,比较了不同基因型小麦花药培养过程中药壁变化的差异。组织切片观察表明:易诱导材料花药培养过程中,药壁细胞发育充实,活力强,降解衰退较难诱导材料有所延缓;两种材料的花药刚离体时绒毡层就存在着明显的差异。  相似文献   

百合花药壁层的发育及组织化学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
赵桦 《西北植物学报》1994,14(3):183-188
对生长在陕西留坝的百合的花药壁层发育过程,特别是绒毡层的发育做了形态学观察。其结果是:百合花药壁层的发育方式为基本型。花药绒毡层属腺质绒毡层类型。在单细胞花粉阶段后期,部分花粉粒壁一侧凹陷时,绒毡层细胞内切向面上出现乌氏体。随着发育阶段的推移,乌氏体的数量有所增加。在光学显微镜下观察:每个乌氏体只有一个乌氏体芯。在乌氏体出现时,也可观察到花粉外壁外层的出现。到二细胞花粉时,花药开裂之前,绒毡层细胞  相似文献   

小麦胚乳细胞化初期胞壁形成特征的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

以洋葱表皮细胞为研究材料,通过中性红液泡染色和质壁分离实验相结合,将能更清晰地观察到细胞壁,细胞质膜,细胞质,液泡膜,液泡,细胞核,核仁等结构,达到光学显微镜下观察植物细胞基本结构的教学目的。改进后的实验大大提高了利用洋葱表皮细胞观察植物细胞结构实验的教学效果,同时可以通过观察不同部位液泡体积变化,了解植物细胞的动态发育,使学生掌握了更多的知识点。  相似文献   

低温预处理对水稻花药培养中花药壁褐变的结构影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
药壁褐变是影响花药离体培养效率的因素。研究了粳稻品种台中6(5OryzasatvaL.)花药培养前低温预处理对药壁褐变的影响,观察了花药褐变前后药壁各层的变化及褐变对小孢子发育的作用。结果表明:药壁褐变主要发生在表皮与药室内壁。10℃低温预处理在花药培养前期可有效延缓表皮与药室内壁膜结构的降解速度,减缓褐变发生;花药经低温处理后,药壁中层细胞膨大,绒毡层降解速度减缓,有利于花粉脱分化。药壁褐变会影响药腔内小孢子的活力和继续发育,但不是制约花粉愈伤组织形成的关键因素。  相似文献   

The effects of ficoll in liquid culture media have been contradictory in previous reports. The objective of this study was to determine the functional properties of ficoll in potato 4 (P4) liquid induction medium and their influence on anther culture responses of wheat. Ficoll addition significantly (p0.01) reduced callus production from the anthers of spring wheat cv. Pavon 76. The reduction was directly related to the concentration of ficoll added within the range of 50 to 200 g l-1 medium. Although the addition of ficoll significantly (p0.01) increased the percentage of regenerable calli and the ratio of green vs. albino plants, the final yield of green plants per 100 anthers was significantly lower. Consistent results also were obtained with four other spring wheat genotypes (Chris, Butte 86, WA 6916, and Edwall). Ficoll concentration affected the density, viscosity, and osmolality of the liquid media. The higher medium density caused by ficoll addition increased the percentage of floating calli, as well as the percentage of regenerable calli and the ratio of green vs. albino plants. However, the increased medium viscosity by ficoll addition significantly (p0.01) reduced callus production. Ficoll addition also increased medium osmolality, which affected callus production by interacting with the sugar concentration of the induction media. Using response functions, the estimated maltose concentration for maximum callus production was 105 g l-1 for the standard P4 media, compared with 68 g l-1 for the ficoll-containing P4 media. These results clearly demonstrate that ficoll addition to the liquid P4 induction medium containing high sucrose concentration (90 g l-1) is deleterious to the maximum production of green plants from wheat anther culture.  相似文献   

The response of anthers to in vitro culture and the effect of coculture of ovaries on anther culturability have been studied in responsive and recalcitrant cultivars of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) from Morocco and ICARDA. A large genotypic-dependence of anther culture has been shown in 18 cultivars. Their response in term of callus and embryo induction varied from 0 to 13%. Coculture of ovaries with anthers enhanced the response of the most responsive genotype (cv. Sarif) and removed the recalcitrance in Cocorit and Isly cultivars. However, there was no effect of anther-ovary coculture on green plant regeneration. The implication of the genome and the media conditioning by the ovaries on anther response is discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

小麦遗传型与生理型雄性不育花药蛋白质双向电泳分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘卫  陈蕊红  张改生  牛娜 《遗传》2008,30(8):1063-1068
为了研究小麦雄性不育蛋白表达机制, 以具有异质同核的3个亲本: 即遗传型不育系ms(S)-西农1376、对应的保持系(A)-西农1376和生理型(化学杀雄剂SQ-1诱导)雄性不育系ms(A)-西农1376为材料, 利用IEF/SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳技术, 对发育到单核后期的花药全蛋白特异性进行了比较分析, 得到320~350个清晰的蛋白点。结果表明: 遗传型和SQ-1诱导的生理型不育系蛋白质图谱与正常保持系在蛋白质(多肽)表达量上存在一定的差异, 同时发现有几种蛋白质的表达有明显的特异性, 两个不育材料2D胶上共有几个明显的特异蛋白点, 而在保持系中未发现; 两个不育材料又分别具有自己的特异蛋白表达, 不育机理不同; 比较分析可知, 不育系中某些蛋白的表达受到了抑制, 并开启了与花药败育有关的特定蛋白的表达, 可能使物质能量代谢受阻,导致雄性不育的发生。  相似文献   

Cold pretreatments applied to excised anthers in liquid potato 2 medium proved to be unnecessary. Generally, cold pretreatments inhibited anther response and productivity as the duration was lengthened or as the pretreatment temperature was lowered. There were significant differences in response attributed to the anther donor genotype. Green and albino plants as well as roots only have been regenerated from the spring wheat cultivars Sinton, Neepawa, Pitic 62 and DW 50. Most plants were haploid.  相似文献   

Comparison of media for their aptitude in wheat anther culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Different media were evaluated with anthers of five spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes for their ability to produce embryos and green plants in anther culture. Our first experiment showed that the addition of a combination of 19 amino acids significantly increased the number of embryos and green plants obtained. The mean number of green plants per 100 anthers for the two genotypes in this experiment, HY320 and B723, went from 28.2 without amino acids in the medium, to 46.7 with addition of amino acids. Our second experiment with the genotypes HY320, Wim and Laval-19 showed that liquid medium with Ficoll is more efficient for anther culture (9.9 green plants/100 anthers) than solid (0 green plants), gelationous media (2.5 green plants/100 anthers) or liquid medium with Membrane Rafts (0 green plants; Hoechst Celanese Corp.). Our third experiment revealed that the effect of replacement of sucrose by maltose varied with the genotype of the donor plant. Maltose partially inhibited the androgenesis of three responsive genotypes, HY320, Wim and Reliance (40.3 green plants/100 anthers instead of 43.9 with sucrose), while maltose significantly increased the androgenesis of the recalcitrant genotype Laval-19 (10.8 green plants/100 anthers instead of 5.4 with sucrose). An amino acid x maltose interaction was also observed. Amino acids without maltose increased androgenesis, but the addition of maltose to the amino acid-enriched medium eliminated this positive effect of the amino acids.  相似文献   

桑树花粉愈伤组织的诱导与花粉细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论影响桑树花粉愈伤组织诱导频率的问题 ,描述花粉细胞早期发育和愈伤组织的分化过程  相似文献   

Anthers of wheat cultivars Orofen and Pitic 62 were incubated for 8 days at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40°C before transfer to 25°C. Compared with anthers cultured at 25°C constantly, anthers treated at 30°C produced 40% more microspore callus and green plants in both cultivars whereas those treated at 35°C produced 2–3 fold more green plants. Treatment at 40°C was deleterious. Possible modes of action of high temperature on callus production and albinism were discussed.  相似文献   

The role of ethylene in anther culture of durum wheat ( Triticum durum Desf. cv. Ardente) was analyzed by testing the effects of 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethrel) silver thiosulfate (Ag+), a -aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) and 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) on microspore division observed after 21 days of culture and on development of calli estimated at day 45. The use of ethrel and Ag+ indicated a positive effect of ethylene on microspore division, whereas the use of AOA, and to a lesser extent ACC, snowed a negative effect. In contrast, the addition of ethrel or Ag+ indicated that ethylene inhibits the development of microspore-derived calli. AOA gave contradictory results. Ethylene production by anthers was about 7 pl anther−1h−1 and decreased during culture. ACC content in the anthers was maximal at day 9, whereas malonyl ACC (MACC) increased sharply from day 0 to day 3 and then decreased. The addition of AOA or ACC to the culture medium decreased or increased, respectively, ethylene production of anthers and the ACC and/or MACC content, but at concentrations higher than those that modified the formation of calli. This formation seems to occur in two successive phases: induction and initiation of microspore division, which was promoted by ethylene, followed by callus development, which was inhibited by ethylene.  相似文献   

In a broad survey of anther glands in the mimosoid legume tribes Mimoseae and Parkieae, representatives from 30 genera with anther glands were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Four kinds of anther glands could be distinguished. The Piptadenia-type gland, found in all but four of the genera surveyed, is usually spherical to ellipsoid in shape and often borne on a stipe. The cells making up the gland vary in size among species and are often sculptured. Six different kinds of sculpturing can be recognized: smooth, reticulate, striate, rugulate, scabrate, and papillate. The Gagnebina-type gland is the least specialized, consisting of a simple extension of the connective with irregularly projecting cells. The Prosopis africana-type gland is borne ventrally between the thecae, the connective extending hump-like over the apex of the anther. The Pentaclethra-type gland, found only in the genus Pentaclethra, is distinguished by a median dorsal furrow and a ventral conical structure similar to a food body or osmophore. Anatomical sections revealed two different subtypes within the Piptadenia-type gland. Some glands are composed of a homogeneous matrix of isodiametric cells, whereas others have two layers: a peripheral layer of large radially elongated cells, and a central sphere of smaller isodiametric cells and large air spaces. Some characters of anther glands have clear taxonomic significance, and more detailed surveys within genera will undoubtedly provide additional taxonomic markers.  相似文献   

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