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Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the family Flaviviridae and contains a single-stranded RNA genome with positive-polarity. Like Dengue, Zika virus uses Aedes aegypti mosquito as a vector to infect human with a wide range of clinical signs, from asymptomatic to influenza-like syndrome. Despite significant progress in genomic analyses, how a viral relationship with two different hosts affect the overall fitness, constancy, and dodging of hosts immune system are elusive. Here we analyzed Zika virus codon-based evolution using eleven strains from different geographical locations. The overall codon usage was similar and slightly bias among all strains. An occurrence of A-ending in highly-preferred codons and analysis by various approaches strongly suggests that mutational bias is the main force shaping codon usage in this virus. However, natural selection and geographical realities cannot be ignored in marginal influence on codon usage. The viral genomes naturally favor Aedes aegypti over human host for tRNA pool in translation. Such findings will assist researchers in understanding elements contribute to viral adaptation and evolutionary setup with hosts.  相似文献   

Codon usage in plant genes.   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
We have examined codon bias in 207 plant gene sequences collected from Genbank and the literature. When this sample was further divided into 53 monocot and 154 dicot genes, the pattern of relative use of synonymous codons was shown to differ between these taxonomic groups, primarily in the use of G + C in the degenerate third base. Maize and soybean codon bias were examined separately and followed the monocot and dicot codon usage patterns respectively. Codon preference in ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate and chlorophyll a/b binding protein, two of the most abundant proteins in leaves was investigated. These highly expressed are more restricted in their codon usage than plant genes in general.  相似文献   

Sequences of the complete protein-coding portions of the mitochondrial (mt) genome were analysed for 6 species of cestodes (including hydatid tapeworms and the pork tapeworm) and 5 species of trematodes (blood flukes and liver- and lung-flukes). A near-complete sequence was also available for an additional trematode (the blood fluke Schistosoma malayensis). All of these parasites belong to a large flatworm taxon named the Neodermata. Considerable variation was found in the base composition of the protein-coding genes among these neodermatans. This variation was reflected in statistically-significant differences in numbers of each inferred amino acid between many pairs of species. Both convergence and divergence in nucleotide, and hence amino acid, composition was noted among groups within the Neodermata. Considerable variation in skew (unequal representation of complementary bases on the same strand) was found among the species studied. A pattern is thus emerging of diversity in the mt genome in neodermatans that may cast light on evolution of mt genomes generally.  相似文献   

Codon usage in Plasmodium vivax nuclear genes was analysed and compared with that in Plasmodium falciparum nuclear genes. Preferred codons were determined for P. vivax. Unlike P. falciparum, P. vivax genes are about 15% less A+T rich in the coding regions, with no obvious A+T bias at the third position of the codons. The amino-acid composition of P. vivax gene products is also different from that of P. falciparum. These results provide valuable information to facilitate gene cloning as well as expression and transfection studies for P. vivax.  相似文献   

The most common form of protein-coding gene overlap in eukaryotes is a simple nested structure, whereby one gene is embedded in an intron of another. Analysis of nested protein-coding genes in vertebrates, fruit flies and nematodes revealed substantially higher rates of evolutionary gains than losses. The accumulation of nested gene structures could not be attributed to any obvious functional relationships between the genes involved and represents an increase of the organizational complexity of animal genomes via a neutral process.  相似文献   

Highly expressed genes in any species differ in the usage frequency of synonymous codons. The relative recurrence of an event of the favored codon pair (amino acid pairs) varies between gene and genomes due to varying gene expression and different base composition. Here we propose a new measure for predicting the gene expression level, i.e., codon plus amino bias index (CABI). Our approach is based on the relative bias of the favored codon pair inclination among the genes, illustrated by analyzing the CABI score of the Medicago truncatula genes. CABI showed strong correlation with all other widely used measures (CAI, RCBS, SCUO) for gene expression analysis. Surprisingly, CABI outperforms all other measures by showing better correlation with the wet-lab data. This emphasizes the importance of the neighboring codons of the favored codon in a synonymous group while estimating the expression level of a gene.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of codon usage bias has been observed in a wide range of organisms. As organisms evolve, how their codon usage pattern change is still an intriguing question. In this article, we focused on the green plant mitochondrial genomes to analyze the codon usage patterns in different lineages, and more importantly, to investigate the possible change of determining forces during the plant evolution. Two patterns were observed between the separate lineages of green plants: Chlorophyta and Streptophyta. In Chlorophyta lineages, their codon usages showed substantial variation (from strongly A, T-biased to strongly G, C-biased); while in Streptophyta lineages, especially in the land plants, the overall codon usages are interestingly stable. Further, based on the Nc-GC3s plots and Akashi's scaled χ(2) -tests, we found that lineages within Chlorophyta exhibit much stronger evidence of deviating from neutrality; while lineages within Streptophyta rarely do so. Such differences, together with previous reports based on the chloroplast data, suggests that after plants colonized the land, their codon usages in organellar genomes are more reluctant to be shaped by selection force.  相似文献   

Esophageal cancer involves multiple genetic alternations. A systematic codon usage bias analysis was completed to investigate the bias among the esophageal cancer responsive genes. GC-rich genes were low (average effective number of codon value was 49.28). CAG and GTA are over-represented and under-represented codons, respectively. Correspondence analysis, neutrality plot, and parity rule 2 plot analysis confirmed the dominance over mutation pressure in modulating the codon usage pattern of genes linked with esophageal cancer.  相似文献   

Synonymous codons are unevenly distributed among genes, a phenomenon termed codon usage bias. Understanding the patterns of codon bias and the forces shaping them is a major step towards elucidating the adaptive advantage codon choice can confer at the level of individual genes and organisms. Here, we perform a large-scale analysis to assess codon usage bias pattern of pyrimidine-ending codons in highly expressed genes in prokaryotes. We find a bias pattern linked to the degeneracy of the encoded amino acid. Specifically, we show that codon-pairs that encode two- and three-fold degenerate amino acids are biased towards the C-ending codon while codons encoding four-fold degenerate amino acids are biased towards the U-ending codon. This codon usage pattern is widespread in prokaryotes, and its strength is correlated with translational selection both within and between organisms. We show that this bias is associated with an improved correspondence with the tRNA pool, avoidance of mis-incorporation errors during translation and moderate stability of codon-anticodon interaction, all consistent with more efficient translation.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is concerned with the divergence of synonymous codon usage and its bias in three homologous genes within vertebrate species. Genetic distances among species are described in terms of synonymous codon usage divergence and the correlation is found between the genetic distances and taxonomic distances among species under study. A codon usage clock is reported in alphaglobin and beta-globin. A method is developed to define the synonymous codon preference bias and it is observed that the bias changes considerably among species.  相似文献   

We analyze the frequencies of synonymous codons in animal mitochondrial genomes, focusing particularly on mammals and fish. The frequencies of bases at 4-fold degenerate sites are found to be strongly influenced by context-dependent mutation, which causes correlations between pairs of neighboring bases. There is a pattern of excess of certain dinucleotides and deficit of others that is consistent across large numbers of species, despite the wide variation of single-nucleotide frequencies among species. In many bacteria, translational selection is an important influence on codon usage. In order to test whether translational selection also plays a role in mitochondria, we need to control for context-dependent mutation. Selection for translational accuracy can be detected by comparison of codon usage in conserved and variable sites in the same genes. We give a test of this type that works in the presence of context-dependent mutation. There is very little evidence for translational accuracy selection in the mitochondrial genes considered here. Selection for translational efficiency might lead to preference for codons that match the limited repertoire of anticodons on the mitochondrial tRNAs. This is difficult to detect because the effect would usually be in the same direction in comparable to codon families and so would not cause an observable difference in codon usage between families. Several lines of evidence suggest that this type of selection is weak in most cases. However, we found several cases where unusual bases occur at the wobble position of the tRNA, and in these cases, some evidence for selection on codon usage was found. We discuss the way that these unusual cases are associated with codon reassignments in the mitochondrial genetic code.  相似文献   

双孢蘑菇Agaricus bisporus是世界上最广泛栽培的食用菌之一.本研究通过分析双孢蘑菇基因组密码子使用偏性,探讨密码子偏性的影响因素及其对基因表达的影响.以双孢蘑菇基因组和转录组数据为依据,分析了双孢蘑菇基因组基因、高表达基因(high expression gene,HEG)和低表达基因(low expre...  相似文献   

Patterns in codon usage were examined for the coding regions of the 23 known lepidopteran hemolymph proteins. Coding triplets are GC rich at the third position and a significant linear relationship between GC content of silent and nonsilent (replacement) sites was demonstrated. Intron GC content was significantly lower than in coding regions and no relationship between intron GC content and the same at silent and nonsilent sites was found. Though hemolymph proteins are all produced by the same tissue—fat body—significantly less bias was observed when all moth sequences were pooled than when sequences of the two major species were analyzed separately, as predicted by the genome hypothesis. In cases where no statistically significant bias was observed, polar or acidic basic amino acids were almost exclusively involved. Calculation of codon adaptation indices (CAI) was of limited value in quantifying the degree of codon bias and probably reflects the complexity of multicellular-organism life cycles and the changing patterns of gene expression over different developmental stages. Correspondence to: D.R. Frohlich  相似文献   

A similarity statistic for codon usage was developed and used to compare novel gene sequences found in clinical isolates of Haemophilus influenzae with a reference set of 80 prokaryotic, eukaryotic and viral genomes. These analyses were performed to obtain an indication as to whether individual genes were Haemophilus-like in nature, or if they probably had more recently entered the H.influenzae gene pool via horizontal gene transfer from other species. The average and SD values were calculated for the similarity statistics from a study of the set of all genes in the H.influenzae Rd reference genome that encoded proteins of 100 amino acids or longer. Approximately 80% of Rd genes gave a statistic indicating that they were most like other Rd genes. Genes displaying codon usage statistics >1 SD above this range were either considered part of the highly expressed group of H.influenzae genes, or were considered of foreign origin. An alternative determinant for identifying genes of foreign origin was when the similarity statistics produced a value that was much closer to a non-H.influenzae reference organism than to any of the Haemophilus species contained in the reference set. Approximately 65% of the novel sequences identified in the H.influenzae clinical isolates displayed codon usages most similar to Haemophilus sp. The remaining novel sequences produced similarity statistics closer to one of the other reference genomes thereby suggesting that these sequences may have entered the H.influenzae gene pool more recently via horizontal transfer.  相似文献   

Metazoan genomes are being sequenced at an increasingly rapid rate. For each new genome, the number of protein-coding genes it encodes and the amount of functional DNA it contains are known only inaccurately. Nevertheless, there have been considerable recent advances in identifying protein-coding and non-coding sequences that have remained constrained in diverse species. However, these approaches struggle to pinpoint genomic sequences that are functional in some species but that are absent or not functional in others. Yet it is here, encoded in lineage-specific and functional sequence, that we expect physiological differences between species to be most concentrated.  相似文献   



Development, differentiation and physiology of metazoans all depend on cell to cell communication and subsequent intracellular signal transduction. Often, these processes are orchestrated via sites of specialized cell-cell contact and involve receptors, adhesion molecules and scaffolding proteins. Several of these scaffolding proteins important for synaptic and cellular junctions belong to the large family of membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUK). In order to elucidate the origin and the evolutionary history of the MAGUKs we investigated full-length cDNA, EST and genomic sequences of species in major phyla.  相似文献   

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