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The mechanisms of lysis of endothelial cells derived from human umbilical vein (HUVEC) by autologous lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells, generated from cord blood lymphocytes of the same donor, were investigated. Freshly isolated HUVEC as well as HUVEC cultured for several passages were efficiently lysed by autologous LAK cells, and their susceptibility to the LAK cells was almost the some as that of allogenic HUVEC. Complement-depletion experiments revealed that the lysis was mainly dependent on CD16-natural killer (NK) LAK cells. Pretreatment of HUVEC with recombinant interferon (rIFN) for 24 h made them resistant to lysis by autologous LAK cells, while pretreatment with either rIL-1. rTNF, or acidic or basic fibroblast growth factor did not alter the lytic sensitivity of HUVEC. The resistance of rIFN-treated HUVEC was specific to lysis by CD16+ NK LAK cells, and their lysis by CD3+ T-LAK cells was not significantly altered. Moreover, in comparison with control HUVEC or rIL-1-treated HUVEC, rIFN-treated HUVEC had a significantly less potent inhibitory effect on the lysis of untreated HUVEC, when used as an unlabeled target. This suggests that rIFN treatment may down-regulate the recognition of some molecules on HUVEC by rIL-2-activated NK cells. These data suggest that damage of the endothelium during LAK therapy is mainly dependent on LAK cells with a NK phenotype that can specifically recognize a certain molecule on autologous endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Multiple intraperitoneal injections of inactivated Candida albicans cells resulted in the generation of cytotoxic peritoneal cells with phenotypical and functional properties similar to in vitro-generated lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells. Using an in vitro [3H]glucose uptake assay, C. albicans-induced LAK-like (CA-LAK) cells exhibited high levels of anti-hyphal activity, the effects being effector to target cell (E:T) ratio- and time-dependent. Maximal levels of anti-C. albicans activity (approximately 60%) were observed after 4 h and at E:T greater than or equal to 300:1. Similar patterns of anti-C. albicans activity were exerted by in vivo-activated natural killer (NK) cells, in vitro interleukin-2- (IL-2) generated LAK cells and polymorphonuclear cells. The anti-hyphal activity of CA-LAK cells was enriched by separation on a Percoll gradient, F2 and F3 fractions retaining most of the activity. Experiments using immunodepressed animals demonstrated that the in vivo lethality of the C. albicans hyphal form is significantly affected by in vitro pre-exposure to CA-LAK cells. While control mice receiving C. albicans alone had a median survival time of 2 d, mice receiving C. albicans pre-exposed to CA-LAK cells (E:T = 300:1) had a median survival time of 15 d. Overall, the susceptibility of the C. albicans hyphal form to CA-LAK cells suggests that C. albicans-induced effectors might play a significant role as a second-line defence mechanism against the C. albicans hyphal form.  相似文献   

Little IS known about the influence of IL-2 on phagocytes. We now describe the effects of human recombinant IL-2 on human neutrophil and monocyte functions related to mobility, phagocytosis, glucose uptake, respiration and degranulation. Neutrophil adherence and hexose monophosphate shunt activities were both suppressed after incubation with IL-2. IL-2 had no effect on neutrophil migration, phagocytosis, deoxyglucose uptake or degranulation, ionocytes demonstrated a greater sensitivity to IL-2 with suppression of monocyte adherence, random and stimulated migration, glucose uptake and hexose monophosphate shunt activity, even after addition of phorbol myristate acetate. Monocyte phagocytosis and degranulation were not affected. All of the effects observed were dose-dependent within a biologically active range for IL-2. These studies suggest that IL-2 may have an important down-regulatory role across a broad range of monocyte functions including movement, deoxyglucose uptake and respiration. However, its role in regulation of neutrophil function is limited to adherence and respiration. IL-2 may be a more versatile cytokine than has previously been appreciated.  相似文献   

The effect of IL-3, granulocyte-macrophage (GM)-CSF and macrophage (M)-CSF on Candida albicans growth inhibition by human peripheral blood monocytes was investigated. By using a radiolabel microassay developed in our laboratory that makes use of the incorporation of [3H]glucose into residual C. albicans, we demonstrated that rGM-CSF and rIL-3 effectively enhanced human monocyte-mediated anticandidal activity. Incubation for 24 h with either GM-CSF or IL-3 significantly enhanced monocyte antifungal responses down to 0.01 U/ml. M-CSF, at higher concentrations of 10 U/ml, could also enhance monocyte function but to a smaller degree. None of the CSF interfered directly with fungal growth, even up to 1000 U/ml. Because IFN-gamma is also a known monocyte activator, its effect on monocytes was also assessed. Monocytes were first cultured in medium for several days and then further incubated with each of the cytokines. Monocytes aged in medium were found to lose their spontaneous anticandidal activity. Such aged monocytes did not develop anticandidal activity in response to IFN-gamma but did in response to GM-CSF or IL-3. To further elucidate this difference, fresh monocytes were continuously cultured with or without cytokines for 1 to 5 days before assessing their anticandidal activity. Monocytes cultured in IFN-gamma progressively lost their activity by 2 days but monocytes in GM-CSF or IL-3 maintained their high level of anticandidal activity throughout the whole length of culture. Therefore, GM-CSF and IL-3 not only enhanced fresh monocyte anticandidal activity, but maintained monocyte function for a longer period. These results suggest that GM-CSF and IL-3 may act on monocytes via a different pathway than does IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Suppression of lymphokine-activated killer induction by neutrophils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Peripheral blood polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) suppressed the induction of PBL lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) function by rIL-2 in vitro. The suppression depended on the concentration of PMN in the IL-2 culture, and required intact PMN. However, PMN did not require treatment with immunoregulators such as IL-2, LPS, or TNF to express the suppressive activity, and no direct contact with PBL was needed for the suppression. Addition of anti-TNF antibodies had no effect on the suppression, suggesting that no endogenous TNF in the culture was involved in the suppression. PMN did not inhibit LAK function by preventing utilization of IL-2 by PBL or by selective depletion of NKH-1+ cells which constitute the majority of LAK precursors in PBL. The suppression was reversed by superoxide dismutase but not by catalase, suggesting that superoxide anion, not hydrogen peroxide, was involved in the suppression. No other suppressive factor was detectable in PMN culture supernates. Our results of PMN regulating LAK induction in vitro suggest that PMN may have a role in determining the outcome of immunotherapy with IL-2 in vivo.  相似文献   

Induction of murine lymphokine-activated killer cells by recombinant IL-7   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The data demonstrate that IL-7, a cytokine that was originally identified, purified, and cloned based upon its ability to support the growth of pre-B cells in vitro, also induces proliferation and promotes the generation of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell activity in populations of resting peripheral lymphoid cells. Although the kinetics of LAK induction by IL-7 (which peaked at days 6 to 8 of culture) was slower than that detected in cultures containing IL-2 (which peaked at day 4), IL-7 was significantly more effective at maintaining cytotoxic activity over longer periods of time, and greater viable cell recoveries, than was IL-2. A wide range of murine tumor target cells were found to be lysed in an MHC-unrestricted fashion by IL-7 induced LAK, but syngeneic Con A-induced lymphoblasts were not; nor were target cells from the human tumors K562 or Daudi lysed by IL-7 LAK. IL-7 LAK were induced in populations of lymphoid cells obtained from secondary lymphoid tissues (peripheral lymph nodes and spleen), but not from primary lymphoid tissues (thymus and bone marrow). LAK induced by IL-7 from unfractionated populations of lymphoid cells were completely eliminated by treatment with anti-CD8 or anti-Thy-1+C, and unaffected by treatment with anti-CD4, anti-asialo GM1 or anti-NK1.1+C. Interestingly, although no detectable CD4+ effector cells could be detected in populations of LAK generated from unfractionated populations of lymphoid cells stimulated by IL-7, they were found to be generated from populations of lymphoid cells from which CD8+ cells had been eliminated before being cultured in medium containing IL-7. These data suggest that CD4+ T cells do not normally give rise to IL-7-induced LAK unless they are first separated from CD8+ T cells. LAK induced by IL-7 appear to be distinct from LAK activity induced by IL-2 in that there is no detectable involvement of NK-like effector cells at either the precursor or effector cell stages.  相似文献   

Lysis of human monocytes by lymphokine-activated killer cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Human peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL), stimulated in vitro with recombinant human interleukin 2 (IL-2) for 2-7 days, were seen to lyse autologous and allogeneic monocytes in a 4-hr 51Cr-release assay. The lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells against monocytic cells were selective in that polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and nonadherent PBLs were not lysed by these cells. Monocytes which had been cultured for 2-7 days served as better targets than uncultured cells. Also, kinetic studies demonstrated parallel activation of cytolytic activity against monocyte targets and FMEX, an natural killer cell-insensitive human melanoma target. Separation of PBLs by discontinuous density centrifugation identified the effector population in the fractions enriched for large granular lymphocytes (LGL). Precursor cells were seen to express CD2, CD11, and some CD16 markers, but not CD3, CD4, CD8, CD15, Leu M3, or Leu 7. The effector population after IL-2 activation retained the phenotype of the precursor cell. These studies indicate that IL-2 can generate LAK cells against monocytic cells, and this cytolytic activity, especially against autologous monocytes, must be taken into account when IL-2 or LAK cells are used for immunomodulation in cancer patients.  相似文献   

IL-4 is a pluripotent lymphokine acting on various cell types. We investigated the role of human IL-4 on the generation of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity. Human IL-4 alone did not induce LAK activity and inhibited IL-2 induction of LAK activity from unstimulated PBMC, peripheral blood null cells, spleen cells, and lymph node cells in a dose-dependent manner. IL-4 also inhibited several phenomena induced by IL-2 such as cell proliferation, augmentation of NK activity, increase of Leu-19+ cells, and expression of IL-2R(p55) on either CD3+ or Leu-19+ cells. IL-4, however, augmented cell proliferation with other T cell mitogens including PHA, Con A, PMA, or allo-MHC Ag with or without IL-2. In contrast to unstimulated cells, IL-4 alone induced marked cell proliferation and LAK activity as well as Leu-19+ cells from in vitro IL-2 preactivated PBMC or null cells, and did not inhibit IL-2 induced cell proliferation, LAK activity, Leu-19+ cells and IL-2R(p55) expression, but rather augmented them with low doses of IL-2. Although IL-4 alone induced LAK activity from peripheral blood of some patients previously given IL-2, IL-4 inhibited in vitro LAK generation with IL-2 from these cells in most cases. Therefore, IL-4 appears to directly inhibit the IL-2 activation pathway via IL-2R(p70) and prevent resting LAK precursors from proliferating and differentiating into final effector cells. However, once cells were sufficiently preactivated by IL-2, IL-4 induced LAK activity and did not inhibit IL-2 activation of these cells. These data suggest an immunoregulatory role of IL-4 on human null cells and T cells.  相似文献   

Previous reports have demonstrated natural killer cells (NK) to exert growth inhibitory effects against certain fungi, but not against Candida albicans. In this investigation, interleukin-2 (IL-2)-induced lymph node cells with phenotypic and functional characteristics of NK were shown to inhibit the growth of C. albicans. Growth inhibition was evaluated by both the release of 51Cr by the fungus and the inhibition of microcolony growth of the fungus on Sabouraud's dextrose agar. Lymphoid cells derived from C57Bl/6 mice and immediately assessed for hyphal growth inhibition showed little or no activity. However, significant hyphal growth inhibition was produced by lymph node cells cultured with recombinant IL-2. Growth inhibitory activity was dependent upon the concentration of IL-2 and was mediated by nonadherent lymphocytes which lysed an NK-susceptible and to a lesser extent an NK-resistant cell line. Treatment of the IL-2-induced cells with anti-asialo GM1 but not anti-Thy-1 and complement abrogated growth inhibition of C. albicans. These results suggest that IL-2-induced lymph node cells with functional and phenotypic characteristics similar to those of activated NK, mediate in vitro growth inhibition of the hyphal form of C. albicans.  相似文献   

The induction of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells against fresh human leukemia cells was investigated. Two thirds of the 62 leukemias examined were susceptible to the lytic effect of allogeneic IL-2 induced LAK cells in vitro. No substantial differences could be detected between myeloid or lymphoid leukemias or with regard to the FAB subtype or the immunophenotype. Culturing mononuclear cells from peripheral blood or bone marrow of leukemia patients with IL-2 resulted in an expansion of residual large granular lymphocytes and development of cytotoxic activity. The combination of IL-2 with IFN-gamma or the presence of tumor cells during the activation process led to an enhancement of LAK cell cytotoxicity. These results suggest that LAK cells may be useful in the treatment of leukemia.  相似文献   

The in vitro incubation of B6 splenocytes with purified, mouse rIL-4 for 4 to 5 days was sufficient to generate lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity. In addition, rIL-4 augmented LAK cytotoxic activity when combined with rIL-2, as measured in a 4 h 51Cr-release assay against fresh, syngeneic MCA-sarcoma (MCA-102 and MCA-105) cells. Interestingly, this augmentation was not observed against the cultured YAC-1 target. LAK generation and augmentation of cytotoxicity by rIL-4 was species-specific, because human rIL-4 (up to 20,000 U/ml) failed to elicit these effects in the mouse splenocyte cultures. When 5-day B6 LAK cells (splenocytes incubated in rIL-2 at 1000 U/ml for 5 days) were split and recultured in the combination of rIL-2 plus rIL-4 for 4 additional days at least a twofold greater expansion in cell number resulted compared to similar cells cultured in either rIL-2 or rIL-4 alone. Moreover, LAK cells expanded in rIL-2 plus rIL-4 exhibited substantial increases in in vitro cytolytic activity (on a per cell basis) against MCA-102 and MCA-105 sarcoma cells, but not against YAC-1 targets. FACS analysis or negative selection using Lyt-2 or NK-1.1 mAb plus C revealed no differences in effector phenotype(s) of LAK cells expanded in rIL-2 alone compared to rIL-2 plus rIL-4 to account for the differences observed in both expansion and cytolytic activity by rIL-4. The majority of cells was Thy-1+, Lyt-2+, T3+, and ASGM-1+. However, a marked increase in the granule-associated serine esterase, BLT-E, was found only in LAK cells expanded in the combination of both lymphokines. Collectively, these studies show that rIL-4 has potent regulatory activities on splenic LAK generation, expansion, and cytotoxic function in the mouse.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that inoculating CD2F1 mice intraperitoneally with five doses of 2 x 10(7) inactivated Candida albicans (CA) cells was associated with the induction of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK)-like effectors. In this study we investigated the ability of some purified cell wall components of CA (CA-CW) to induce LAK-like cells in vivo. Multiple administrations of glucan ghost (GG), a mannoprotein mixture (MP) and a low-protein mannan fraction (M) at variance with whole CA did not induce LAK-like cells in the peritoneal cavity. However, the broad-spectrum antitumor cytotoxicity induced by CA could be recalled to a high level by a booster dose of MP and M, but not GG, given up to 70 days after the multiple CA-treatment. This induced cytotoxicity was maximum when the booster was given on Day +14 after CA-treatment and minimum on Day +70. In CA-treated mice, inoculated on Day +30 with CA or MP, LAK-like cytotoxicity was already significantly increased 4 hr after the booster, but the maximum value was reached at 24 hr. Anti-mannan antibodies did not interfere with LAK-like cells induction by CA because splenectomy before CA-treatment or passive administration of anti-mannan antibodies had no effect on the rapid activation of cytotoxicity by CA or a booster dose of MP. Administration of recombinant human interleukin-2 (rhIL-2) to CA-treated mice induced a higher level of NK activity than that induced by the same dose in untreated control mice, but did not activate LAK-like effectors. The results indicate that LAK-like effectors are easily generated in the peritoneal cavity by a booster with a defined antigenic constituent of CA cell wall for a long period in CA-sensitized mice.  相似文献   

The ability of NK cells to lyse noncultured solid tumor cells was investigated, and the results were compared with lysis of K562. Purified NK cell fractions separated by either Percoll centrifugation or a cell sorter exhibited higher level of lysis against noncultured melanoma cells than did NK-depleted cell fractions. However, the level of lysis was low (less than 10% lysis). Adding recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL 2) to the 4-hr assay induced significant lysis (more than 10%) of noncultured melanoma cells in 18 of 23 (78%) Percoll-enriched NK cell fractions and seven of 11 (64%) sorted Leu-11a+ cells at an E:T ratio of 80 and 10, respectively. In contrast, only two of 13 (14%) PBMC, five of 17 (29%) Percoll-decreased NK cell fractions, and one of 12 (8%) sorted Leu-11a- cells lysed noncultured melanomas in the presence of rIL 2. rIL 2 induced NK cells to lyse noncultured lung and breast cancer cells, as well as melanoma tumors. Exposure of NK cells to 2000 rad radiation abrogated the rIL 2-induced cytotoxicity against noncultured melanomas. Preculture of PBMC for 18 hr with recombinant interferon-gamma (rIFN-gamma) resulted in a modest level of lysis of non-cultured melanomas by sorted Leu-11a+ cells. Adding rIL 2 to the assay increased the cytotoxic activity in both rIFN-gamma-activated Leu-11a+ and Leu-7+ NK subsets. The level of noncultured tumor lysis correlated well with that of K562 lysis in all of the experiments. Purified NK cell fractions in rIL 2 cultures increased cytotoxic activity against noncultured tumor cells with incubation time for up to 3 days, and the level of NK cell-mediated lysis was dependent on both doses of rIL 2 and length of incubation. In contrast, both NK-depleted and sorted Leu-11a- cells demonstrated very low levels of solid tumor lysis after 3-day cultures with a high dose of rIL 2. Killer cell precursors induced by 3-day cultures of sorted cell fractions with rIL 2 and rIFN-gamma were found in both Leu-11a+ and Leu-7+ NK subsets, but not Leu-4+ or Leu-3a+ T lymphocytes. These results indicate that NK cells become cytotoxic for noncultured solid tumor cells by a brief contact with rIL 2, and increase cytotoxic activity after culture with rIL 2.  相似文献   

Other investigators have previously reported that TNF has been induced from macrophages by bacteria and, more recently, from NK cells by certain tumor cells. Sendai virus has also been reported to induce TNF from macrophages. We report here that an opportunistic fungi, Candida albicans, can also induce TNF, not only from human monocytes, but also from Percoll-fractionated large granular lymphocytes (LGL) which mediate NK function. Incubation of monocytes of LGL with C. albicans for 8 h was sufficient for detection of TNF release and peak induction was observed at 24 h. Induction of TNF from LGL did not require the participation of monocytes or T cells because treatment of the LGL with CD14 or CD15 to eliminate contaminating monocytes and CD3, CD4, or CD8 to eliminate contaminating T cells did not decrease the level of TNF produced from the treated LGL. Small T cells recovered from the denser fractions of the Percoll gradient had no ability to produce TNF, even when 10% monocytes were added to the T cells to provide accessory function. The phenotype of the TNF-producing LGL was CD2+, CD11+, CD16+, NKH1+, LEU7-. The TNF produced by both monocytes and LGL was neutralized by specific monoclonal and polyclonal anti-TNF but not by monoclonal antilymphotoxin. These results indicate that TNF production is a normal response of monocytes and LGL to stimulation by fungi such as C. albicans and that the release of TNF may be related to its ability to activate effector function to control Candida growth, which we have shown earlier for neutrophils with TNF.  相似文献   

It has been shown that lysis of tumor target cells caused by lymphokine-activated killers is possible both upon a direct contact and in the presence of isolated nongranular cytotoxic proteins. The contact of cytolytic lymphocytes with K-562 cells leads to Fas L activation on the lymphocyte membrane and secretion of a broad spectrum of soluble cytotoxic proteins immunologically related to Tag 7 described earlier. These proteins can form inactive complexes, which are reactivated upon heating and addition of ATP. The proteins induced discrete cytolytic processes in tumor cells, differing in the rate of cytolysis and the mechanism of the apoptotic signal transduction. Fast processes (revealed in 3 h) mediated by caspases, and slow ones (in 24 h) with the supposed involvement of mitochondria were detected. A scheme for the lymphokine-activated killer interaction with target tumor cells is proposed.  相似文献   

By traditional definitions, NK cells can be activated by cytokines to exhibit two functionally distinct levels of cytotoxicity. Whereas IL-2-mediated activation of NK cells leads to the development of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cytotoxicity, characterized by the acquisition of cytolytic activity against NK-resistant targets, IFN-treated NK cells become activated without the acquisition of novel cytolytic specificities. In this study we show that NK cells activated by 18 to 24 h of stimulation with either IFN-alpha or IFN-gamma do acquire LAK cytolytic activity, demonstrated by the ability of IFN-treated PBMC to lyse NK-resistant COLO 205 cells as well as fresh tumor targets. The level of IFN-alpha-induced LAK activity was significantly greater than that induced by IFN-gamma, although IL-2-induced LAK activity was considerably greater than IFN-alpha-induced LAK cytotoxicity. Maximal IFN-induced LAK cytotoxicity occurred after 24 h of culture, and occurred with the use of IFN-alpha at 500 U/ml and IFN-gamma at 1000 U/ml. Whereas neutralizing antibody experiments demonstrated that IFN-alpha-induced LAK activation did not involve the participation of endogenously produced IL-2, the partial inhibition (63%) of IFN-gamma-induced LAK cytotoxicity by anti-IL-2 and of IL-2-induced LAK by anti-IFN-gamma (33.3%) indicates that the induction of LAK cytotoxicity by either of these individual cytokines involves the endogenous production and participation of the other cytokine. Similar to IL-2-induced LAK cells, phenotypic analysis revealed that IFN-alpha/gamma LAK cells were Leu-19+, although the Leu 19"dim"+ subset exhibited greater IFN-induced LAK activity than the Leu-19"bright"+ subset. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma induce classic LAK activity and IFN-gamma plays a participatory role in the optimal induction of LAK cells by IL-2.  相似文献   

Of 16 patients, a total of 13 who received IL-2 and autologous IL-2-generated lymphokine-activated killer LAK cells developed eosinophilia late during the course of treatment. To understand the direct or indirect effects of IL-2 on eosinophils, the physical and functional characteristics of the late-treatment eosinophils were compared to those of early-treatment and control eosinophils. Late-treatment eosinophils differed from early-treatment and control eosinophils in the following respects: they had somewhat reduced density, hypersegmented nuclei, eosinophil cationic protein converted from the storage form to the secretory form, and a greater than 200% increased ability to kill larvae of Schistosoma mansoni by an antibody-dependent mechanism (cytotoxic function). In vitro, IL-2 (1000 U/ml in medium as used to culture LAK cells) did not affect the cytotoxic function of eosinophils from cancer patients or from control subjects. However, LAK cell-conditioned medium enhanced the cytotoxic function of eosinophils from early-treatment cancer patients and from normal subjects by greater than 150%. Thus, eosinophils late in the course of IL-2/LAK cell treatment undergo physical changes and become functionally activated. The involvement of IL-2 in these changes is probably indirect, as an inducer of factors that enhance eosinophil function.  相似文献   

Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is a multifunctional cytokine that regulates diverse functions of immune cells. Natural killer (NK) cells express the IL-10 and IL-10 receptor, but little is known about the function of IL-10 on NK cell activation. In this study, we show the expression and role of IL-10 in human NK cells. Among the cytokines tested, IL-15 was the most potent inducer of IL-10, with a maximal peak expression at 5 h after treatment. Furthermore, IL-10 receptor was shown to be expressed in NK cells. IL-10 alone had a significant effect on NK cytotoxicity which additively increased NK cell cytotoxicity in the presence of IL-15. Neutralizing IL-10 with anti-IL-10 antibody suppressed the inductive effect of IL-10 on NK cell cytotoxicity; however, IL-10 had no effect on IFN-γ or TNF-α production or NK cell activatory receptor expression. STAT signals are implicated as a key mediator of IL-10/IL-15 cytotoxicity response. Thus, the effect of IL-10 on NK cells is particularly interesting with regard to the STAT3 signal that was enhanced by IL-10 or IL-15.  相似文献   

Induction of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity by IL-2 has been described and characterized as broadly cytolytic activity against both fresh and cultured tumors. rIL-7 in the absence of IL-2 also induces LAK activity in human cells. This activity is unique for IL-7, because it is not shared by other cytokines including IL-1, IL-4, IL-6, and TNF-alpha. IL-7 also induces either de novo or increased expression of the surface markers CD25 (Tac, IL-2R alpha-chain), CD54 (ICAM-1), Mic beta 1 (IL-2R beta-chain) and CD69 (early T cell activation Ag). IL-7-induced LAK activity is independent of IL-2 secretion, because it is not abrogated by IL-2 antisera. The LAK precursor responding to IL-7 stimulation is enriched in the null cell fraction as has been demonstrated for IL-2-induced LAK cells. TGF-beta and IL-4 interfere with generation of LAK activity by IL-7. Anti-IL-4 antiserum enhances IL-7-induced LAK activity and augments induction of surface marker expression by IL-7. This may be indirect evidence that IL-7 stimulation leads to induction of IL-4 activity. Our results describe the activation of mature lymphoid cells by IL-7. This and the previously described role of IL-7 in lymphohemopoiesis makes it a cytokine of potential therapeutic value for treatment of immunodeficiency states and possibly the immunotherapy of cancer.  相似文献   

IL-2-stimulated human lymphocytes, referred to as lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells, can develop a broad range of lytic activity against fresh tumor cells and cultured tumor cell lines. IL-1, a pleiotropic cytokine shown to synergize with IL-2 on LAK induction, is endogenously synthesized and secreted by LAK cells. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that IL-2-stimulated PBL produced the 31- to 34-kDa pro-molecules of IL-1 within 24 h and maintained their expression for at least 96 h. The role of secreted IL-1 has been examined using rIL-1R antagonist (IL-1ra). The addition of IL-1ra to LAK activation culture resulted in dose-dependent inhibited lytic activity, which was more apparent in LAK cells cultured with higher doses of IL-2. However, IL-1ra had no effect on proliferative responses elicited in LAK cells by IL-2. Moreover, when IL-1 binding was blocked by IL-1ra, the expression of the IL-2R p55 subunit was reduced compared with control LAK cells. The effect of IL-1 binding blockade on expression of other cytokine mRNA was further examined by polymerase chain reaction analysis, and, specifically, inhibition of both TNF-alpha and TNF-beta mRNA expression by IL-1ra was observed in PBL stimulated with IL-2. The reduced biologic activity of TNF in culture supernatants correlated well with the inhibition of mRNA expression. These findings suggest that autocrine/paracrine IL-1 is involved in the initial generation of LAK activity and, in particular, that TNF expression could be induced via an IL-1 autocrine pathway.  相似文献   

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