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In an age-structured population that grows exponentially, each age groupP i(t) at periodt is asymptotically equivalent tox 0 t for some positive number x0. In this paper we show that the speed at which the ith age group reaches its exponential state of equilibrium can be measured by the rate at which the ratio vi(t)=Pi(t)/pi(t–1) converges tox 0. The age specific rate of convergence is determined by considering a quantityr satisfyingv i(t)-x 0 ¦ r t whent is large;R i=Infr (over all initial populations,r satisfying the above inequality) is the R-factor used in numerical analysis to measure the rate at which the sequencev i (t) converges tox 0;S i =- In Ri is then defined as the rate of convergence to stability of the ith age group. The case of constant net maternity rates is studied in detail; in this contextS 0 is compared to the population entropyH, which was proposed by Tuljapurkar (1982) as a measure of the rate of convergence to stability.  相似文献   

Let x(t) be a solution of a compartmental system. If, for some compartment j, xj(t)→0 as t→∞, then we say that the compartment j washes out. We show that a compartment washes out if it always reaches (along a fixed path) either the environment or another compartment for which there is no return path. Additional criteria, particularly regarding exponential convergence, are also presented. Examples are drawn from tracer kinetics, enzyme reactions, and epidemic models.  相似文献   

 A population with birth rate function B(N) N and linear death rate for the adult stage is assumed to have a maturation delay T>0. Thus the growth equation N′(t)=B(N(tT)) N(tT) e d 1 TdN(t) governs the adult population, with the death rate in previous life stages d 1≧0. Standard assumptions are made on B(N) so that a unique equilibrium N e exists. When B(N) N is not monotone, the delay T can qualitatively change the dynamics. For some fixed values of the parameters with d 1>0, as T increases the equilibrium N e can switch from being stable to unstable (with numerically observed periodic solutions) and then back to stable. When disease that does not cause death is introduced into the population, a threshold parameter R 0 is identified. When R 0<1, the disease dies out; when R 0>1, the disease remains endemic, either tending to an equilibrium value or oscillating about this value. Numerical simulations indicate that oscillations can also be induced by disease related death in a model with maturation delay. Received: 2 November 1998 / Revised version: 26 February 1999  相似文献   

The ultimate rate of approach to equilibrium in the infinite stepping-stone model is calculated. The analysis is restricted to a single locus in the absence of selection, and every mutant is assumed to be new to the population. Let f(t, x) be the probability that two homologous genes separated by the vector x in generation t are the same allele. It is supposed that f(0, x) = O(x?2?η), η > 0, as x ≡ ¦ x ¦ → ∞. In the absence of mutation, f(t, x) tends to unity at the rate t?12 in one dimension and (ln t)?1 in two dimensions. Thus, the loss of genetic variability in two dimensions is so slow that evolutionary forces not considered in this model would supervene long before a two-dimensional natural population became completely homogeneous. If the mutation rate, u, is not zero f(t, x) asymptotically approaches equilibrium at the rate (1 ? u)2tt?32 in one dimension and (1 ? u)2tt?1(lnt)?2 in two dimensions. Integral formulas are presented for the spatial dependence of the deviation of f(t, x) from its stationary value as t → ∞, and for large separations this dependence is shown to be (const + x) in one dimension and (const + ln x) in two dimensions. All the results are the same for the Malécot model of a continuously distributed population provided the number of individuals per colony is replaced by the population density. The relatively slow algebraic and logarithmic rates of convergence for the infinite habitat contrast sharply with the exponential one for a finite habitat.  相似文献   

In many biophysical and biochemical experiments one observes the decay of some ligand population by an appropriate system of traps. We analyse this decay for a one-dimensional system of randomly distributed traps, and show that one can distinguish three different regimes. The decay starts with a fractional exponential of the form exp[−(t/t 0)1/2], which changes into a fractional exponential of the form exp[−(t/t 1)1/3] for long times, which in its turn changes into a pure exponential time dependence, i.e. exp[−t/t 2] for very long times. With these three regimes, we associate three time scales, related to the average trap density and the diffusion constant characterizing the motion of the ligands.  相似文献   

In this paper the time evolution of substrate concentration profiles in spherical particles with homogeneous enzyme distribution is investigated. It turns out that the concentration S ? S(x, t) is monotone increasing in the time variable t against the uniquely defined steady state ? ? ?(x). Explizit formulas are derived for the estimation of the difference between the steady state ? and the presteady state S, that hold for all t ≧ 0, i.c., it is not only determined the order of magnitude of the convergence for sufficiently large t.  相似文献   

The first complete overtime solution is obtained for a group selection model of Levins E = E(x) type with recolonization but no other gene flow between islands. Assuming a subdivided population at carrying capacity, the model describes selection at a biallelic locus (A, a) where a is opposed by Mendelian selection but is favored by a lower rate of extinction of demes having high a frequency. By contrast to the linear diffusion equations encountered in classical mathematical genetics, the PDE governing the dynamics is now nonlinear in the metapopulation gene frequency distribution φ(x, t); furthermore, the initial conditions now heavily influence the equilibrium distribution φ(x). A fully explicit formula (20) expressing this dependence is derived. The results indicate that a fixation is never reached, but (A, a) polymorphism in the metapopulation will result if , where s 1 parametrizes the strength of Mendelian selection, E(x) is the Levins extinction operator, h (typically in the open interval (0, 1)) is the dominance of a, and B is a parameter measuring the flatness of the initial distribution f(x) in the x → 1 limit.  相似文献   

A population, reproducing wholly by selfing, is assumed to be observed at times . Individuals between x–1 and x units of age at time t are said to be in age class x at that time. The rate of increase in the long run of individuals of type AiAj is denoted by mij+1=mji+1. For each genotype there is also a set of reproductive values, corresponding to all age classes and genotypes of individuals having descendants of that genotype. Then, if the number of individuals of each sort of ancestor is multiplied by its reproductive value and the products are summed, the result is the total value, which is Vij(t) for genotype AiAj. Then Vij(t+1)–Vij(t) is equal to mijVij(t), where mij is the Malthusian parameter for AiAj. Furthermore, if the mean and variance at time t of the mijs, weighted by their corresponding reproductive values, are respectively (t) and m2(t), then m¯(t+1)–m¯(t)=m2(t)/(1+m¯(t)).  相似文献   

The estimator ?0(x) of the regression r(x) = E (Y | × = x) from measured points (xi, yi), i = 1(1) n, of a continuous two-dimensional random variable (X, Y) with unknown continuous density function f(x, y) and with moments up to the second order can be made with the help of a density estimation f?0(x, y) (see e.g. SCHMERLING and PEIL, 1980). Here f?0(x, y) still contains free parameters (so-called band-width-parameters), the values of which have to be optimally fixed in the concrete case. This fixing can be done by using a modification of the maximum-likelihood principle including jackknife techniques. The parameter values can be also found from the estimators for r(x). Here the cross-validation principle can be applied. Some numerical aspects of these possibilities for optimally fixing the bandwidth-parameter are discussed by means of examples. If ?0(x) is used as a smoothing operator for time series the optimal choice of the parameter values is dependent on the purpose of application of the smoothed time series. The fixing will then be done by considering the so-called filter-characteristic of ?C0(x).  相似文献   

The situation is considered where the multivariate distribution of certain variables X1, X2, …, Xp is changing with time in a population because natural selection related to the X's is taking place. It is assumed that random samples taken from the population at times t1, t2, …, ts are available and it is desirable to estimate the fitness function wt(x1, x2,…,xp) which shows how the number of individuals with Xi = xi, i = 1, 2, …, p at time t is related to the number of individuals with the same X values at time zero. Tests for population changes are discussed and indices of the selection on the population dispersion and the population mean are proposed. The situation with a multivariate normal distribution is considered as a special case. A maximum likelihood method that can be applied with any form of population distribution is proposed for estimating wt. The methods discussed in the paper are illustrated with data on four dimensions of male Egyptian skulls covering a time span from about 4500 B.C. to about 300 A.D. In this case there seems to have been very little selection on the population dispersion but considerable selection on means.  相似文献   

Chemotactic collapse for the Keller-Segel model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 This work is concerned with the system (S) {u t u − χ∇ (uv) for x∈Ω, t>0Γ v t v+(u−1) for x∈Ω, t>0 where Γ, χ are positive constants and Ω is a bounded and smooth open set in ℝ2. On the boundary ∂Ω, we impose no-flux conditions: (N) ∂u∂n =∂v∂n =0 for x∈∂ Ω, t>0 Problem (S), (N) is a classical model to describe chemotaxis corresponding to a species of concentration u(x, t) which tends to aggregate towards high concentrations of a chemical that the species releases. When completed with suitable initial values at t=0 for u(x, t), v(x, t), the problem under consideration is known to be well posed, locally in time. By means of matched asymptotic expansions techniques, we show here that there exist radial solutions exhibiting chemotactic collapse. By this we mean that u(r, t) →Aδ(y) as t→T for some T<∞, where A is the total concentration of the species. Received 9 March 1995; received in revised form 25 December 1995  相似文献   

Consider a model yt = ft(θ) + Mt, 0 ⩽ tT where θ∈ Θ in an unknown parameter, ft(θ) is a linear predictable process, Mt is a martingale difference, and the nature of E(M2t/ℱt—1) is unknown. This paper presents an estimating procedure for θ based on the asymptotic quasi-likelihood methodology. Conditions under which the asymptotic quasi-likelihood estimate converges to the true parameter θ0 are discussed. This method is applied to several simulated examples, and estimates of the unknown parameter are obtained by means of a two-stage technique. Comparison is made between the estimates obtained via this method and those obtained via the ordinary least squares method. Discussion is provided on the application of the model.  相似文献   

Analysis of a mathematical model for the growth of tumors   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
 In this paper we study a recently proposed model for the growth of a nonnecrotic, vascularized tumor. The model is in the form of a free-boundary problem whereby the tumor grows (or shrinks) due to cell proliferation or death according to the level of a diffusing nutrient concentration. The tumor is assumed to be spherically symmetric, and its boundary is an unknown function r=s(t). We concentrate on the case where at the boundary of the tumor the birth rate of cells exceeds their death rate, a necessary condition for the existence of a unique stationary solution with radius r=R 0 (which depends on the various parameters of the problem). Denoting by c the quotient of the diffusion time scale to the tumor doubling time scale, so that c is small, we rigorously prove that (i) lim inf t→∞ s(t)>0, i.e. once engendered, tumors persist in time. Indeed, we further show that (ii) If c is sufficiently small then s(t)→R 0 exponentially fast as t→∞, i.e. the steady state solution is globally asymptotically stable. Further, (iii) If c is not “sufficiently small” but is smaller than some constant γ determined explicitly by the parameters of the problem, then lim sup t→∞ s(t)<∞; if however c is “somewhat” larger than γ then generally s(t) does not remain bounded and, in fact, s(t)→∞ exponentially fast as t→∞. Received: 25 February 1998 / Revised version: 30 April 1998  相似文献   

Analysis of an SEIRS epidemic model with two delays   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
 A disease transmission model of SEIRS type with exponential demographic structure is formulated. All newborns are assumed susceptible, there is a natural death rate constant, and an excess death rate constant for infective individuals. Latent and immune periods are assumed to be constants, and the force of infection is assumed to be of the standard form, namely proportional to I(t)/N(t) where N(t) is the total (variable) population size and I(t) is the size of the infective population. The model consists of a set of integro-differential equations. Stability of the disease free proportion equilibrium, and existence, uniqueness, and stability of an endemic proportion equilibrium, are investigated. The stability results are stated in terms of a key threshold parameter. More detailed analyses are given for two cases, the SEIS model (with no immune period), and the SIRS model (with no latent period). Several threshold parameters quantify the two ways that the disease can be controlled, by forcing the number or the proportion of infectives to zero. Received 8 May 1995; received in revised form 7 November 1995  相似文献   

The conditions under which the output,γ b (t), of a biological system is related to the input,γ a (t), by an integral equation of the typeγ b (t) = ∫ 0 t γ a (ω)w(t−ω)dω, where ω(t) is a transport functioncharacteristic of the system, are analyzed in detail. Methods of solving this type of integral equation are briefly discussed. The theory is then applied to problems in tracer kinetics in which input and output are sums of exponentials, and explicit formulae, which are applicable whether or not the pool is uniformly mixed, are derived for “turnover time” and “pool” size.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that β-lactam antimicrobials cause cell death through a mechanism that interferes with cell wall synthesis. Later studies have also revealed that β-lactams modify the autolysis function (the natural process of self-exfoliation of the cell wall) of cells. The dynamic equilibrium between growth and autolysis is perturbed by the presence of the antimicrobial. Studies with Staphylococcus aureus to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) have revealed complex responses to methicillin exposure. The organism exhibits four qualitatively different responses: homogeneous sensitivity, homogeneous resistance, heterogeneous resistance and the so-called ‘Eagle-effect’. A mathematical model is presented that links antimicrobial action on the molecular level with the overall response of the cell population to antimicrobial exposure. The cell population is modeled as a probability density function F(x,t) that depends on cell wall thickness x and time t. The function F(x,t) is the solution to a Fokker-Planck equation. The fixed point solutions are perturbed by the antimicrobial load and the advection of F(x,t) depends on the rates of cell wall synthesis, autolysis and the antimicrobial concentration. Solutions of the Fokker-Planck model are presented for all four qualitative responses of S. aureus to methicillin exposure.  相似文献   

Summary The on-line estimation of biomass concentration and of three variable parameters of the non-linear model of continuous cultivation by an extended Kalman filter is demonstrated. Yeast growth in aerobic conditions on an ethanol substrate is represented by an unstructured non-linear stochastic t-variant dynamic model. The filter algorithm uses easily accessible data concerning the input substrate concentration, its concentration in the fermentor and dilution rate, and estimates the biomass concentration, maximum specific growth rate, saturation constant and substrate yield coefficient. The microorganismCandida utilis, strain Vratimov, was cultivated on the ethanol substrate. The filter results obtained with the real data from one cultivation experiment are presented. The practical possibility of using this method for on-line estimation of biomass concentration, which is difficult to measure, is discussed.Nomenclature D dilution rate (h-1) - DO2 dissolved oxygen concentration (%) - E identity matrix - F Jacobi matrix of the deterministic part of the system equations g - g continuousn-vector non-linear real function - h m-vector non-linear real function - K Kalman filter gain matrix - K S saturation constant (kgm-3) - KS expectation of the saturation constant estimate - M Jacobi matrix of the deterministic part of the measurement equations h - P(t0) co-variance matrix of the initial values of the state - P(tk/tk) c-variance matrix of the error in (t k|t k) - P(tk+1/tk) co-variance matrix of the error in (t k+1|t k - Q co-variance matrix of the state noise - R co-variance matrix of the output noise - S substrate concentration (kgm-3) - S i input substrate concentration - t time - t k discrete time instant with indexk=0, 1, 2,... - u(t) input vector - v(tk) measurement (output) noise sequence - w(t) n-vector white Gaussian random process - x(t0) initial state of the system - (t0) expectation of the initial state values - x(t) n-dimensional state vector - x(tk) state vector at the time instantt k - (tk|tk) expectation of the state estimate at timet k when measurements are known to the timet k - (tk+1|tk) expectation of the state prediction - X biomass concentration (kgm-3) - expectation of the biomass concentration estimate - y(tk) m-dimensional output vector at the time instantt k - Y XIS substrate yield coefficient - X|S expectation of the substrate yield coefficient estimate - specific growth rate (h-1) - M maximum specific growth rate (h-1) - expectation of the maximum specific growth rate estimate - state transition matrix  相似文献   

A group of n susceptible individuals exposed to a contagious disease isconsidered. It is assumed that at each point in time one or more susceptible individuals can contract the disease. The progress of this simple batch epidemic is modeled by a stochastic process Xn(t), t[0, ∞), representing the number of infectiveindividuals at time t. In this paper our analysis is restricted to simple batch epidemics with transition rates given by [α2Xn(t){nXn(t) +Xn(0)}]1/2, t[0, ∞), α(0, ∞). This class of simple batch epidemics generalizes a model used and motivated by McNeil (1972) to describe simple epidemic situations. It is shown for this class of simple batch epidemics, that Xn(t), with suitable standardization, converges in distribution as n→∞ to a normal random variable for all t(0, t0), and t0 is evaluated.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with the growth of age-structured populations whose vital rates vary stochastically in time and with the provision of confidence intervals. In this paper a model Yt + 1(ω) = Xt + 1(ω)Yt(ω) is considered, where Yt is the (column) vector of the numbers of individuals in each age class at time t, X is a matrix of vital rates, and ω refers to a particular realization of the process that produces the vital rates. It is assumed that {Xi} is a stationary sequence of random matrices with nonnegative elements and that there is an integer n0 such that any product Xj + n0 ··· Xj + 1Xj has all its elements positive with probability one. Then, under mild additional conditions, strong laws of large numbers and central limit results are obtained for the logarithms of the components of Yt. Large-sample estimators of the parameters in these limit results are derived. From these, confidence intervals on population growth and growth rates can be constructed. Various finite-sample estimators are studied numerically. The estimators are then used to study the growth of the striped bass population breeding in the Potomac River of the eastern United States.  相似文献   

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