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The mismatch repair system is involved in the maintenance of genomic integrity by editing DNA replication and recombination. However, although most mutations are neutral or deleterious, a mutator phenotype due to an inefficient mismatch repair may generate advantageous variants and may therefore be selected for. We review the evidence for inefficient mismatch repair due either to genetic defects in mismatch repair genes or to physiological conditions. Among natural isolates ofEscherichia coli andSalmonella enterica, about 1% are mutator bacteria, mostly deficient in mismatch repair (most of them defective in themutS gene). Characterization of mutators derived from laboratory strains led also to the isolation of mismatch repair mutants in which the most frequently found defects are inmutL andmutS. The correlation of the size of the antimutator genes with the frequency of their defective alleles amongE. coli andSalmonella strains reveals thatmutU mutants are underrepresented. Analysis of the progeny of a defined M13 phage heteroduplex DNA transfected intoE. coli cells shows that mismatch repair efficiency progressively decreases from the end of the exponential growth in K-12 and is variable among natural isolates. Implications of this defective mismatch repair activity for evolution and tumorigenesis will be discussed.  相似文献   

Denaturing HPLC was used to determine mutations occurring during the adaptive evolution of Escherichia coli K-12. The strains were evolved over 700 generations on glycerol as the sole carbon source from a sub-optimal to an optimal growth rate. The mutations detected by direct sequencing of amplicons of the glycerol-phosphate regulon repressor (glpR) gene were a synonymous substitution Val20Val in two separately evolved strains. Non-synonymous substitutions, Val119Gly and Gly179Trp, were also observed in each of the two strains. This procedure can be scaled to determine genome-scale sequence variations that have occurred during adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Stationary-phase mutagenesis in nondividingE. coli cells exposed to a nonlethal stress was, a few years ago, claimed to be a likely case of a Lamarckian mechanism capable of producing exclusively useful mutations in a directed manner. After a heated debate over the last decade it now appears to involve a Darwinian mechanism that generates a transient state of hypermutagenesis, operating on a large number of sites spread over the entire genome, at least in a proportion of the resting cells. Most of the studies that clarified this position were on the reversion of a frameshift mutation present in alacI-lacZ fusion inE. coli strain FC40. Several groups have extensively examined both the sequence changes associated with these reversions and the underlying genetic requirements. On the basis of our studies on the genomic sequence analysis, we recently proposed a model to explain the specific changes associated with the reversion hotspots. Here we propose a more detailed version of this model that also takes into account the observed genetic requirements of stationary-state mutagenesis. Briefly, G:T/U mismatches produced at methylatable cytosines are preferentially repaired in nondividing cells by the very short patch mismatch repair (VSPMR) mechanism which is itself mutagenic and can produce mutations in very short stretches located in the immediate vicinity of these cytosine methylation sites. This mechanism requires a homologous or homeologous strand invasion step and an error-prone DNA synthesis step and is dependent on RecA, RecBCD and a DNA polymerase. The process is initiated near sequences recognized by Dcm and Vsr enzymes and further stimulated if these sequences are a part of CHI or CHI-like sequences, but a double-strand-break-dependent recombination mediated by the RecBCD pathways proposed by others seems to be nonessential. The strand transfer step is proposed to depend on RecA, RuvA, RuvB and RuvC and is opposed by RecG and MutS. The model also gives interesting insights into the evolution of theE. coli genome.  相似文献   

Summary A set of plasmids containing 42, 21 and 13 bp direct repeats was used to analyze the effect of repeat length on the frequencies of deletion formation and the structure of the deleted derivatives of different recombination-deficient Escherichia coli strains. Agarose gel electrophoresis of plasmid DNA demonstrated that the formation of deletions in these plasmids was associated with dimerization of plasmid DNA. Restriction analysis of the dimers showed that deletions at short direct repeats arose non-conservatively, that is, the formation of a deletion in one monomeric plasmid unit was not associated with a duplication in the other. Mutations in the recA, recF, recJ and recO genes had no marked effect on either the frequencies of deletion formation or the structure of dimers. In contrast, recB recC mutations greatly increased the frequencies of deletion formation, 6-fold for 42 bp, and 115-fold for 21 by direct repeats. Conversion of DNA replication to the rolling circle mode in a recB recC strain, resulting in the formation of double-stranded ends, is suggested as the stimulatory effector.  相似文献   

The influences of double-strand breaks (DSBs) within a triplet repeat sequence on its genetic instabilities (expansions and deletions) related to hereditary neurological diseases was investigated. Plasmids containing 43 or 70 CTG.CAG repeats or 43 CGG.CCG repeats were linearized in vitro near the center of the repeats and were transformed into parental, RecA-dependent homologous recombination-deficient, or RecBC exonuclease-deficient Escherichia coli. The resulting repair process considerably increased deletion of the repeating sequence compared to the circular DNA controls. Unexpectedly, the orientation of the insert relative to the unidirectional ColE1 origin of replication affected the amount of instability generated during the repair of the DSB. When the CTG strand was the template for lagging-strand synthesis, instability was increased, most markedly in the recA- strain. Results indicated that RecA and/or RecBC might play a role in DSB repair within the triplet repeat. Altering the length, orientation, and sequence composition of the triplet repeat suggested an important role of DNA secondary structures during repair intermediates. Hence, we hypothesize that ColE1 origin-dependent replication was involved during the repair of the DSB. A model is presented to explain the mechanisms of the observed genetic instabilities.  相似文献   

Repair of heteroduplex DNA containing an A/G mismatch in a mutL background requires the Escherichia coli mutY gene function. The mutY-dependent in vitro repair of A/G mismatches is accompanied by repair DNA synthesis on the DNA strand bearing mispaired adenines. The size of the mufY-dependent repair tract was measured by the specific incorporation of -[32P]dCTP into different restriction fragments of the repaired DNA. The repair tract is shorter than 12 nucleotides and longer than 5 nucleotides and is localized to the 3 side of the mismatched adenine. This repair synthesis is carried out by DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

The dam-containing operon in Escherichia coli is located at 74 min on the chromosomal map and contains the genes aroK, aroB, a gene called urf74.3, dam and trpS. We have determined the nucleotide sequence between the dam and trpS genes and show that it encodes two proteins with molecular weights of 24 and 27 kDa. Furthermore, we characterize the three genes urf74.3, 24kDa, 27kDa and the proteins they encode. The predicted amino acid sequences of the 24 and 27 kDa proteins are similar to those of the CbbE and CbbZ proteins, respectively, of the Alcaligenes eutrophus cbb operon, which encodes enzymes involved in the Calvin cycle. In separate experiments, we have shown that the 24 kDa protein has d-ribulose-5-phosphate epimerase activity (similar to CbbE), and we call the gene rpe. Similarly, the 27 kDa protein has 2-phosphoglycolate phosphatase activity (similar to CbbZ), and we name the gene gph. The Urf74.3 protein, with a predicted molecular weight of 46 kDa, migrated as a 70 kDa product under denaturing conditions. Overexpression of Urf74.3 induced cell filamentation, indicating that Urf74.3 directly or indirectly interferes with cell division. We present evidence for translational coupling between aroB and urf74.3 and also between rpe and gph. Proteins encoded in the dam superoperon appear to be largely unrelated: Dam, and perhaps Urf74.3, are involved in cell cycle regulation, AroK, AroB, and TrpS function in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis, whereas Rpe and Gph are involved in carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Mutations affecting pore formation by haemolysin from Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary By introduction of site-specific deletions, three regions in HlyA were identified, which appear to be involved in pore formation by Escherichia coli haemolysin. Deletion of amino acids 9–37 at the N-terminus led to a haemolysin which had an almost threefold higher specific activity than wild-type and formed pores in an artificial asolectin lipid bilayer with a much longer lifetime than those produced by wild-type haemolysin. The three hydrophobic regions (DI–DIII) located between amino acids 238–410 contributed to pore formation to different extents. Deletion of DI led to a mutant haemolysin which was only slightly active on erythrocyte membranes and increased conductivity of asolectin bilayers without forming defined pores. Deletions in the two other hydrophobic regions (DII and DIII) completely abolished the pore-forming activity of the mutant haemolysin. The only polar amino acid in DI, Asp, was shown to be essential for pore formation. Removal of this residue led to a haemolysin with a considerably reduced capacity to form pores, while replacement of Asp by Glu or Asn had little effect on pore formation. A deletion mutant which retained all three hydrophobic domains but had lost amino acids 498–830 was entirely inactive in pore formation, whereas a shorter deletion from amino acids 670–830 led to a mutant haemolysin which formed abnormal minipores. The conductivity of these pores was drastically reduced compared to pores introduced into an asolectin bilayer by wild-type haemolysin. Based on these data and structural predictions, a model for the pore-forming structure of E. coli haemolysin is proposed.  相似文献   

Signal peptide mutants ofEscherichia coli   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Numerous secretory proteins of the Gram-negative bacteriaE. coli are synthesized as precursor proteins which require an amino terminal extension known as the signal peptide for translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane. Following translocation, the signal peptide is proteolytically cleaved from the precursor to produce the mature exported protein. Signal peptides do not exhibit sequence homology, but invariably share common structural features: (1) The basic amino acid residues positioned at the amino terminus of the signal peptide are probably involved in precursor protein binding to the cytoplasmic membrane surface. (2) A stretch of 10 to 15 nonpolar amino acid residues form a hydrophobic core in the signal peptide which can insert into the lipid bilayer. (3) Small residues capable of -turn formation are located at the cleavage site in the carboxyl terminus of the signal peptide. (4) Charge characteristics of the amino terminal region of the mature protein can also influence precursor protein export. A variety of mutations in each of the structurally distinct regions of the signal peptide have been constructedvia site-directed mutagenesis or isolated through genetic selection. These mutants have shed considerable light on the structure and function of the signal peptide and are reviewed here.  相似文献   

[目的]为了实现对大肠杆菌靶基因的点突变,本研究将同源重组系统与CRISPR-Cas9技术相结合,探索一种高效、简捷的两步法策略.[方法]将靶基因的上下游同源臂和标记基因(amp)与pKOV质粒连接,获得pKOV-HR重组质粒.将pKOV-HR转化至大肠杆菌,借助其自身RecA重组系统,介导DNA发生同源重组,获得靶基...  相似文献   

Summary The glutamine permease operon encoding the high-affinity transport system of glutamine in Escherichia coli could be cloned in one of the mini F plasmids, but not in pBR322 or pACYC184, by selection for restoration of the Gln+ phenotype, the ability to utilize glutamine as a sole carbon source. We determined the nucleotide sequence of the glutamine permease operon, which contains the structural gene of the periplasmic glutamine-binding protein (glnH), an indispensable component of the permease activity. The N-terminal amino acid sequence and the overall amino acid composition of the purified glutamine-binding protein were in good agreement with those predicted from the nucleotide sequence, if the N-terminal 22 amino acid residues were discounted. The latter comprised two Lys residues (nos. 2 and 6) followed by 16 hydrophobic amino acid residues and was assumed to be a signal peptide for transport into the periplasmic space. There were two additional reading frames (glnP and glnQ) downstream of glnH sharing a common promoter. It was concluded that the glnP and glnQ proteins as well as the glnH protein are essential for glutamine permease activity.  相似文献   

Summary Efficient in vivo expression of the biodegradative threonine dehydratase (tdc) operon of Escherichia coli is dependent on a regulatory gene, tdcR. The tdcR gene is located 198 base pairs upstream of the tdc operon and is transcribed divergently from this operon. The nucleotide sequence of tdcR and two unrelated reading frames has been determined. The deduced amino acid sequence of TdcR indicates that is is a polypeptide of Mr 12000 with 99 amino acid residues and contains a potential helix-turnhelix DNA binding motif. Deletion analysis and minicell expression of the tdcR gene suggest that TdcR may serve as a trans-acting positive activator for the tdc operon.  相似文献   

Summary Transport of vitamin B12 across the cytoplamic membrane ofEscherichia coli requires the products ofbtuC andbtuD, two genes in thebtuCED operon. The role ofbtuE, the central gene of this operon, was examined. Deletions withinbtuE were constructed by removal of internal restriction fragments and were crossed onto the chromosome by allelic replacement. In-frame deletions that removed 20% or 82% of thebtuE coding region did not affect expression of the distalbtuD gene. These nonpolar deletions had little effect on vitamin B12 binding (whole cells or periplasmic fraction) and transport. They did not affect the utilization of vitamin B12 or other cobalamins for methionine biosynthesis, even in strains with decreased outer membrane transport of vitamin B12. ThebtuE mutations did not impair adenosyl-cobalamin dependent catabolism of ethanolamine or repression ofbtuB expression. Thus, despite its genetic location in the transport operon, thebtuE product plays no essential role in vitamin B12 transport.  相似文献   

Summary DNA containing the Escherichia coli dam gene and sequences upstream from this gene were cloned from the Clarke-Carbon plasmids pLC29-47 and pLC13-42. Promoter activity was localized using pKO expression vectors and galactokinase assays to two regions, one 1650–2100 bp and the other beyon 2400 bp upstream of the dam gene. No promoter activity was detected immediately in front of this gene; plasmid pDam118, from which the nucleotide sequence of the dam gene was determined, is shown to contain the pBR322 promoter for the primer RNA from the pBR322 rep region present on a 76 bp Sau3A fragment inserted upstream of the dam gene in the correct orientation for dam expression. The nucleotide sequence upstream of dam has been determined. An open reading frame (ORF) is present between the nearest promoter region and the dam gene. Codon usage and base frequency analysis indicate that this is expressed as a protein of predicted size 46 kDa. A protein of size close to 46 kDa is expressed from this region, detected using minicell analysis. No function has been determined for this protein, and no significant homology exist between it and sequences in the PIR protein or GenBank DNA databases. This unidentified reading frame (URF) is termed urf-74.3, since it is an URF located at 74.3 min on the E. coli chromosome. Sequence comparisons between the regions upstream of urf-74.3 and the aroB gene show that the aroB gene is located immediately upstream of urf-74.3, and that the promoter activity nearest to dam is found within the aroB structural gene. This activity is relatively weak (about 15% of that of the E. coli gal operon promoter). The promoter activity detected beyond 2400 bp upstream of dam is likely to be that of the aroB gene, and is 3 to 4 times stronger than that found within the aroB gene. Three potential DnaA binding sites, each with homology of 8 of 9 bp, are present, two in the aroB promoter region and one just upstream of the dam gene. Expression through the site adjacent to the dam gene is enhanced 2-to 4-fold in dnaA mutants at 38°C. Restriction site comparisons map these regions precisely on the Clarke-Carbon plasmids pLC13-42 and pLC29-47, and show that the E. coli ponA (mrcA) gene resides about 6 kb upstream of aroB.  相似文献   

Summary A Co2+-dependent dipeptidase from E. coli strain AJ005, a peptidase-deficient mutant, was purified with streptomycin sulfate, ammonium sulfate and DEAE-cellulose. The purified dipeptidase increased by about 106-fold in specific activity, with dilysine as a substrate. The dipeptidase cleaved dilysine to two lysines among the lysine homopolymers, the possibility remaining that it is active toward peptides other than dilysine, since it was investigated in the present study only for activity toward lysine homopolymers. Activity was inhibited 54% by 10–3 M KCN and completely by 10–3 M PCMB, EDTA and benzethonium chloride, but not at all by soybean trypsin inhibitors. 78% and 95% of its activity was lost with 30 minutes' treatment at 45°C and 50°C, respectively. The apparent Km value was 6.7 × 10–4 M for dilysine. It is probable that the dipeptidase differs from dipeptidase DP.Abbreviations EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetate - PCMB pchloromercuribenzoate  相似文献   

Summary A new recombination gene called recR has been identified and located near dnaZ at minute 11 on the current linkage map of Escherichia coli. The gene was detected after transposon mutagenesis of a recB sbcB sbcC strain and screening for insertion mutants that had a reduced efficiency of recombination in Hfr crosses. The recR insertions obtained conferred a recombination deficient and extremely UV sensitive phenotype in both recB recC sbcA and recB recC sbcB sbcC genetic backgrounds. recR derivatives of recBC + sbc + strains were proficient in conjugational and transductional recombination but deficient in plasmid recombination and sensitive to UV light. Strains carrying recR insertions combined with mutations uvrA and other rec genes revealed that the gene is involved in a recombinational process of DNA repair that relies also on recF and recO, and possibly recJ, but which is independent of recB, recC and recD. The properties of two other insertions, one located near pyrE and the other near guaA, are discussed in relation to their proximity to recG and xse (the gene for exonuclease VII), respectively.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157 is a formidable human pathogen with the capacity to cause large outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness. The known virulence factors of this organism are encoded on phage, plasmid and chromosomal genes. There are also likely to be novel, as yet unknown virulence factors in this organism. Many of these virulence factors have been acquired by E. coli O157 by transfer from other organisms, both E. coli and non-E. coli species. By examination of biochemical and genetic characteristics of various E. coli O157 strains and the relationships with other organisms, an evolutionary pathway for development of E. coli O157 as a pathogen has been proposed. E. coli O157 evolved from an enteropathogenic E. coli ancestor of serotype O55:H7, which contained the locus of enterocyte effacement containing the adhesin intimin. During the evolutionary process, Shiga toxins, the pO157 plasmid and other characteristics which enhanced virulence were acquired and other functions such as motility, sorbitol fermentation and β-glucuronidase activity were lost by some strains. It is likely that E. coli O157 is constantly evolving, and changes can be detected in genetic patterns during the course of infection. A variety of mechanisms may be responsible for the development of the virulent phenotype that we see today. Such changes include uptake of as yet uncharacterised virulence factors, possibly enhanced by a mutator phenotype, recombination within virulence genes to produce variant genes with different properties, loss of large segments of DNA (black holes) to enhance virulence and possible adaptation to different hosts. Although little is known about the evolution of non-O157 STEC it is likely that the most virulent clones evolved in a similar manner to E. coli O157. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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