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Using a variety of physiological, biochemical, and molecular systematic analyses, we have shown previously that there are four groups within the species Fusobacterium nucleatum. Two of these groups of strains correspond to the recently proposed taxa F. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum and F. nucleatum subsp. polymorphum. In this paper we show that the two remaining groups are distinct and formally propose that they should be recognized as F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme (type strain, NCTC 11326) and F. nucleatum subsp. animalis (type strain, NCTC 12276). The tests which we used did not allow a full assessment of the status of F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii compared with F. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum.  相似文献   

The biological and biochemical properties, DNA base compositions, and levels of DNA-DNA homology of two biovars of Fusobacterium necrophorum were examined. Some differences were found between the two biovars in biological and biochemical properties. The G + C contents of DNAs from biovar A strains VPI 2891T (T = type strain), NCTC 10576, N167, Fn47, and Fn43, were 32, 30, 29, 28, and 31 mol%, respectively. The G + C contents of DNAs from biovar B strains Fn524T, 606, Fn49, Fn45, and 1260 were 30, 31, 27, 31, and 30 mol%, respectively. Labeled DNA from biovar A strain VPI 2891T exhibited 100 to 80% relatedness to DNAs from biovar A strains and 59 to 51% relatedness to DNAs from biovar B strains. Labeled DNA from biovar B strain Fn524T exhibited 100 to 81% relatedness to DNAs from biovar B strains and 71 to 60% relatedness to DNAs from biovar A strains. Therefore, the names Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum subsp. nov., nom. rev. (ex Flügge 1886), and Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. funduliforme subsp. nov., nom. rev. (ex Hallé 1898), are proposed for Fusobacterium necrophorum biovars A and B, respectively. The type strain of F. necrophorum subsp. necrophorum is strain VPI 2891 (= JCM 3718 = ATCC 25286), and the type strain of F. necrophorum subsp. funduliforme is strain Fn524 (= JCM 3724).  相似文献   

Two new species of aerobic, gram-negative, peritrichously flagellated or nonmotile marine bacteria usually forming star-shaped aggregates were isolated from northeastern Atlantic Ocean bottom sediments. These organisms resembled eight star-shaped-aggregate-forming bacterial species from the Baltic Sea originally ascribed to the genus Agrobacterium but not included on the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names because of their questionable relationships to true agrobacteria. These two sets of star-shaped-aggregate-forming bacteria were compared by means of phenotypic data, DNA base compositions, DNA-DNA relatedness, and one-dimensional electrophoretic analysis of low-molecular-weight RNAs (5S rRNA and tRNA). According to the results of genotyping, the northeastern Atlantic Ocean isolates and three of the Baltic Sea species formed a group of closely related bacteria that could not be excluded from the genus Agrobacterium with certainty. Until more genotypic data are available, these five marine species are regarded as a distinct subdivision of the genus Agrobacterium consisting of Agrobacterium atlanticum sp. nov. (type strain, 1480T = DSM 5823T), A. meteori sp. nov. (type strain, 1513T = DSM 5824T), A. ferrugineum sp. nov. nom. rev. emend. (type strain, ATCC 25652T), A. gelatinovorum sp. nov. nom. rev. emend. (type strain, ATCC 25655T), and A. stellulatum sp. nov. nom. rev. emend. (type strain, ATCC 15215T). "A. aggregatum" proved to be a later subjective synonym of A. stellulatum, which had priority. The remaining four Baltic Sea species, "A. agile," "A. kieliense," "A. luteum," and "A. sanguineum," could not be placed in the new subdivision of Agrobacterium.  相似文献   

We studied the taxonomic positions of the rapidly growing organism Mycobacterium fortuitum and phenotypically related organisms. We confirmed that "Mycobacterium peregrinum" ATCC 14467T (T = type strain) is genetically independent of M. fortuitum ATCC 6841T by using various DNA hybridization conditions. Strains that were genetically identified as "M. peregrinum" were phenotypically differentiated from M. fortuitum ATCC 6841T. Thus, we propose that "M. peregrinum" should be revived as an independent species, Mycobacterium peregrinum sp. nov., nom. rev. The type strain is strain ATCC 14467. M. fortuitum subsp. acetamidolyticum ATCC 35931T exhibited a high level of DNA relatedness to M. fortuitum ATCC 6841T. The hybridized DNAs maintained stable heteroduplexity at high stringency; thus, we confirmed that M. fortuitum subsp. acetamidolyticum is identical to M. fortuitum ATCC 6841T. We found that M. chelonae subsp. abscessus ATCC 19977T is genetically different from M. chelonae subsp. chelonae NCTC 946T on the basis of the results of quantitative hybridization even under optimal conditions. There was no reason to maintain this organism as a subspecies of M. chelonae. Thus, we propose that M. chelonae subsp. abscessus should be elevated to species status as Mycobacterium abscessus (Kubica et al.) comb. nov. The type strain is strain ATCC 19977.  相似文献   

On the basis of the DNA–DNA hybridization patterns and phenotypic characteristics, Fusobacterium nucleatum was classified into five subspecies. Previous studies have suggested that F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii is genetically similar to F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of classifying these two subspecies into a single subspecies by phylogenetic analysis using a single sequence (24,715 bp) concatenated 22 housekeeping genes of eight F. nucleatum strains including type strains of five F. nucleatum subspecies. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii and F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme were clustered in the same group and each strain of other F. nucleatum subspecies were also separated into the same cluster. These results suggested that F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme and F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii can be classified into a single subspecies. F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii was early published name; therefore, F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme Gharbia and Shah 1992 can be regarded as a later synonym of F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii Dzink et al. 1990.  相似文献   

'Streptococcus pluton' (White) differs to such an extent from the type species of Streptococcus, Strep. pyogenes (Rosenbach), that it cannot be retained in this genus. Culture, biochemical and chemical data indicate that ' Strep, pluton ' is a distinct taxon worthy of generic status. A new genus, Melissococcus , is described to contain one species Melissococcus pluton (White) nom. rev.; comb. nov. The type strain is M. pluton NCDO 2443.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop the strain-specific PCR primers for Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. fusiforme ATCC 51190T and F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii ATCC 49256T based on the nucleotide sequence of the Fs17 and Fv35 DNA probes, respectively. The strain specificity was tested against 10 type strains of Fusobacterium spp. or subsp., 21 clinical isolates of F. nucleatum from Koreans, and five type strains of distinct Fusobacterium species. Primer sensitivity was determined by testing serial dilutions (4 ng–4 fg) of the purified genomic DNA from each of the type strains. PCR showed that two pairs of PCR primers, Fs17-F14/Fs17-R14 and Fv35-F1/Fv35-R1 primers, could produce strain-specific amplicons from F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme ATCC 51190T and F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii ATCC 49256T, respectively. The two PCR primer sets could detect as little as 0.4 pg or 4 pg of the genomic DNA of each target strain. These results suggest that the two sets of PCR primers could be used to identify F. nucleatum subsp. fusiforme ATCC 51190T and F. nucleatum subsp. vincentii ATCC 49256T, particularly for ascertaining the authenticity of the strain.  相似文献   

Evidence from numerical taxonomic analysis and DNA-DNA hybridization supports the proposal of new species in the genera Actinobacillus and Pasteurella. The following new species are proposed: Actinobacillus rossii sp. nov., from the vaginas of postparturient sows; Actinobacillus seminis sp. nov., nom. rev., associated with epididymitis of sheep; Pasteurella bettii sp. nov., associated with human Bartholin gland abscess and finger infections; Pasteurella lymphangitidis sp. nov. (the BLG group), which causes bovine lymphangitis; Pasteurella mairi sp. nov., which causes abortion in sows; and Pasteurella trehalosi sp. nov., formerly biovar T of Pasteurella haemolytica, which causes septicemia in older lambs.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa, a fastidious bacterium causing disease in over 100 plant species, is classified as a single species, although genetic studies support multiple taxons. To determine the taxonomic relatedness among strains of X. fastidiosa, we conducted DNA-DNA relatedness assays and sequenced the 16S-23S intergenic spacer (ITS) region using 26 strains from 10 hosts. Under stringent conditions (Tm -15 degrees C), the DNA relatedness for most X. fastidiosa strains was *70%. However, at high stringency (Tm -8 degrees C), three distinct genotypes (A, B, and C) were revealed. Taxon A included strains from cultivated grape, alfalfa, almond (two), and maple, interrelated by 85% (mean); taxon B included strains from peach, elm, plum, pigeon grape, sycamore, and almond (one), interrelated by 84%; and taxon C included only strains from citrus, interrelated by 87%. The mean reciprocal relatedness between taxons A and B, A and C, and B and C, were 58, 41, and 45%, respectively. ITS results also indicated the same grouping; taxons A and B, A and C, and B and C had identities of 98.7, 97.9, and 99.2%, respectively. Previous and present phenotypic data supports the molecular data. Taxon A strains grow faster on Pierce's disease agar medium whereas B and C strains grow more slowly. Taxon B and C strains are susceptible to penicillin and resistant to carbenicillin whereas A strains are opposite. Each taxon can be differentiated serologically as well as by structural proteins. We propose taxons A, B, and C be named X. fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa [correction] subsp. nov, subsp. multiplex, subsp. nov., and subsp. pauca, subsp. nov., respectively. The type strains of the subspecies are subsp. fastidiosa [correction] ICPB 50025 (= ATTC 35879T and ICMP 15197), subsp. multiplex ICPB 50039 (= ATTC 35871 and ICMP 15199), and subsp. pauca ICPB 50031 (= ICMP 15198).  相似文献   

A spore-forming bacterium strain 4J5(T) was isolated from rice field mud. When co-cultured with Methanobacterium formicicum DSM 1535(T), strain 4J5(T) could syntrophically degrade saturated fatty acids with 4-8 carbon atoms, including 2-methylbutyrate. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene similarity showed that strain 4J5(T) was most closely related to Syntrophomonas wolfei subsp. wolfei DSM 2245(T) (98.9% sequence similarity); however, it differed from the latter in the substrates utilized and its genetic characteristics. Therefore, a new subspecies Syntrophomonas wolfei subsp. methylbutyratica is proposed. The type strain is 4J5(T) (=CGMCC 1.5051(T)=JCM 14075(T)). Furthermore, based on 16S rRNA sequence divergence and substrate utilization, we propose the assignment of Syntrophomonas wolfei subsp. saponavida DSM 4212(T) to Syntrophomonas saponavida sp. nov. comb. nov.  相似文献   

Based on epilithic diatom samples collected from the rocky littoral zone of Lake Malawi (102 diatom taxa belonging to 34 genera were listed in the Supporting Information) we proposed the transfer of three taxa to new genera. Afrocymbella brunii (Fricke) comb. nov. was transferred from Gomphonema because of its dorsiventral valve and its transapically elongated dorsal stigma. Afrocymbella rossii (Kociolek & Stoermer) comb. nov. was also transferred from Gomphocymbella, which is actually a synonym of Gomphonema. Aulacoseira euareolata (O.Müller) comb. nov. et nom. nov. was transferred from Melosira because of the presence of linking spines and mantle areolae, and its specific epithet was replaced because of homonymy with Aulacoseira areolata Moisseeva.  相似文献   

Two major subspecies of Staphylococcus cohnii, namely S. cohnii subsp. cohnii, from humans, and S. cohnii subsp. urealyticum, from humans and other primates, are described on the basis of a study of 14 to 25 strains and 18 to 33 strains, respectively. DNA-DNA hybridization studies conducted in our laboratory in 1983 (W. E. Kloos and J. F. Wolfshohl, Curr. Microbiol. 8:115-121, 1983) demonstrated that strains representing the different subspecies were significantly divergent. S. cohnii subsp. urealyticum can be distinguished from S. cohnii subsp. cohnii on the basis of its greater colony size; pigmentation; positive urease, beta-glucuronidase, and beta-galactosidase activities; delayed alkaline phosphatase activity; ability to produce acid aerobically from alpha-lactose; and fatty acid profile. The type strain of S. cohnii subsp. cohnii is ATCC 29974, the designated type strain of S. cohnii Schleifer and Kloos 1975b, 55. The type strain of S. cohnii subsp. urealyticum is ATCC 49330.  相似文献   

In a survey of rhizobia associated with the native legumes in Yunnan Province, China, seven and nine strains isolated from the root nodules of Psoralea corylifolia, Sesbania cannabina and Medicago lupulina were respectively classified into the novel genomic species groups I and II in the genus Ensifer (former Sinorhizobium) based on the sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA gene. Analyses of concatenated housekeeping genes (atpD, recA and glnII) further revealed that they were distinct lineages in the genus, and group I was most similar to Ensifer terangae and Ensifer garamanticus (both with 94.2% similarity), while group II was most similar to Ensifer adhaerens (94.0%). These groups could be distinguished from closely related species by DNA–DNA relatedness, MALID-TOF MS, cellular fatty acid profiles and a series of phenotypic characters. Therefore, two novel species were proposed: Ensifer psoraleae sp. nov. (seven strains, type strain CCBAU 65732T = LMG 26835T = HAMBI 3286T) and Ensifer sesbaniae sp. nov. (nine strains, type strain CCBAU 65729T = LMG 26833T = HAMBI 3287T). They had a DNA G + C mol% (Tm) of 58.9 and 60.4, respectively. Both of the type strains formed effective nodules on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and their hosts of origin. In addition, the previously described species Sinorhizobium morelense and Sinorhizobium americanum were renamed as Ensifer morelense comb. nov. and Ensifer americanum comb. nov. according to the accumulated data from different studies.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences reveals that Alysiella filiformis belongs to the family Neisseriaceae. The genus Simonsiella is phylogenetically separated by the genera Kingella and Neisseria. The species Simonsiella crassa and A. filiformis show a close phylogenetic relationship, with the 16S rDNA sequence similarity and the DNA-DNA hybridization representing 98.7% and 35%, respectively. Therefore, S. crassa should be transferred from the genus Simonsiella to the genus Alysiella as Alysiella crassa comb. nov. Simonsiella steedae and Simonsiella sp. of cat origin show strong genetic affinities and are distantly related with the type species of Simonsiella, S. mulleri. Thus, a new genus, Conchiformibium is proposed; Conchiformibium steedae comb. nov. and Conchiformibium kuhniae sp. nov. are accommodated in this new genus. On the basis of the phylogenetic, phenotypic and chemotaxonomic distinction from the genus Neisseria, N. denitrificans should be reclassified, for which a new genus and new combination Bergeriella denitrificans are proposed.  相似文献   

Xie  Fuquan  Pei  Shengxiang  Huang  Xiaoyun  Wang  Lina  Kou  Jinyan  Zhang  Gaiyun 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2021,114(12):2133-2145

A novel Gram-staining positive, aerobic, rod-shaped, non-motile and yellow-pigmented actinobacterium, designated strain WY83T, was isolated from a marine sediment of Indian Ocean. Strain WY83T grew optimally at 30–35 °C, pH 7–8 and with 0–3% (w/v) NaCl. The predominant menaquinones were MK-10, MK-11 and MK-12, and the major fatty acids were C19:1 ω9c/C19:1 ω11c, anteiso-C15:0, C17:0 3OH, and iso-C16:0. The polar lipids consisted of diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and one unidentified glycolipid. The cell-wall peptidoglycan contained lysine as a diamino acid. The DNA G?+?C content was 72.3 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and ninety-two bacterial core genes indicated that strain WY83T formed an evolutionary lineage with Chryseoglobus frigidaquae JCM 14730T, Chryseoglobus indicus CTD02-10-2T, Yonghaparkia alkaliphila JCM 15138T, Microcella alkaliphila DSM 18851T and Microcella putealis DSM 19627T within the radiation enclosing members of the family Microbacteriaceae. All pairwise percentage of conserved proteins between strain WY83T and the closely related phylogenetic neighbors were greater than 65%. The average nucleotide identity and in silico DNA–DNA hybridization values were both below the thresholds used for the delineation of a new species. On the basis of the evidence presented, strains WY83T, Y. alkaliphila JCM 15138T, C. frigidaquae JCM 14730T, M. alkaliphila DSM 18851T and M. putealis DSM 19627T should belong to different species of the same genus. Strain WY83T represents a novel species of the genus Microcella, for which the name Microcella flavibacter sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is WY83T (=?KCTC 39637T?=?MCCC 1A07099T). Furthermore, Chryseoglobus frigidaquae, Chryseoglobus indicus, and Yonghaparkia alkaliphila were reclassified as Microcella frigidaquae comb. nov., Microcella indica nom. nov., and Microcella alkalica nom. nov., respectively.


Xie  Fuquan  Pei  Shengxiang  Huang  Xiaoyun  Wang  Lina  Kou  Jinyan  Zhang  Gaiyun 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2022,115(7):953-953
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - In the original publication of the article, the protologue for Microcella indica was incorrectly published as “nom. nov.”. The correct name is Microcella...  相似文献   

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