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DeltapH-Dependent Amino Acid Transport into Plasma Membrane Vesicles Isolated from Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Leaves: II. Evidence for Multiple Aliphatic, Neutral Amino Acid Symports

Proton-coupled aliphatic, neutral amino acid transport was investigated in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L., cv Great Western) leaves. Two neutral amino acid symport systems were resolved based on inter-amino acid transport competition and on large variations in the specific activity of each porter in different species. Competitive inhibition was observed for transport competition between alanine, methionine, glutamine, and leucine (the alanine group) and between isoleucine, valine, and threonine (the isoleucine group). The apparent Km and Ki values were similar for transport competition among amino acids within the alanine group. In contrast, the kinetics of transport competition between these two groups of amino acids did not fit a simple competitive model. Furthermore, members of the isoleucine group were weak transport antagonists of the alanine group. These results are consistent with two independent neutral amino acid porters. In support of that conclusion, the ratio of the specific activity of alanine transport versus isoleucine transport varied from two- to 13-fold in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from different plant species. This ratio would be expected to remain relatively stable if these amino acids were moving through a single transport system and, indeed, the ratio of alanine to glutamine transport varied less than twofold. Analysis of the predicted structure of the aliphatic, neutral amino acids in solution shows that isoleucine, valine, and threonine contain a branched methyl or hydroxyl group at the β-carbon position that places a dense electron cloud close to the α-amino group. This does not occur for the unbranched amino acids or those that branch further away, e.g. leucine. We hypothesize that this structural feature of isoleucine, valine, and threonine results in unfavorable steric interactions with the alanine transport system that limits their flux through this porter. Hydrophobicity and hydrated volumes did not account for the observed differences in transport specificity. 相似文献
Kinetics Analysis of the Plasma Membrane Sucrose-H+ Symporter from Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Leaves 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2

Buckhout TJ 《Plant physiology》1994,106(3):991-998
The kinetics behavior of the H+-sucrose (Suc) symporter was investigated in plasma membrane vesicles from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaves by analyzing the effect of external and internal pH (pHo and pHi, respectively) on Suc uptake. The apparent Km for Suc uptake increased 18-fold as the pHo increased from 5.5 to 7.5. Over this same pHo range, the apparent Vmax for Suc uptake remained constant. The effects of pHi in the presence or absence of internal Suc were exclusively restricted to changes in Vmax. Thus, proton concentration on the inside of the membrane vesicles ([H+]i) behaved as a noncompetitive inhibitor of Suc uptake. The Km for the proton concentration on the outside of the membrane vesicles was estimated to be pH 6.3, which would indicate that at physiological apoplastic pH Suc transport might be sensitive to changes in pHo. On the other hand, the [H+]i for half-maximal inhibition of Suc uptake was approximately pH 5.4, making regulation of Suc transport through changes in [H+]i unlikely. These results were interpreted in the framework of the kinetics models for co-transport systems developed by D. Sanders, U.-P. Hansen, D. Gradmann, and C. L. Slayman (J Membr Biol [1984] 77: 123-152). Based on their analysis, the behavior of the Suc symporter with respect to the [H+]i is interpreted as an ordered binding mechanism by which the binding of Suc on the apoplastic side of the membrane and its release on the symplastic side precedes that of H+ (i.e. a first-on, first-off model). 相似文献
Immunological Evidence for the Existence of a Carrier Protein for Sucrose Transport in Tonoplast Vesicles from Red Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Root Storage Tissue

Getz HP Grosclaude J Kurkdjian A Lelievre F Maretzki A Guern J 《Plant physiology》1993,102(3):751-760
Monoclonal antibodies were raised in mice against a highly purified tonoplast fraction from isolated red beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. conditiva) root vacuoles. Positive hybridoma clones and sub-clones were identified by prescreening using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and by postscreening using a functional assay. This functional assay consisted of testing the impact of hybridoma supernatants and antibody-containing ascites fluids on basal and ATP-stimulated sugar uptake in vacuoles, isolated from protoplasts, as well as in tonoplast vesicles, prepared from tissue homogenates of red beet roots. Antibodies from four clones were particularly positive in ELISAs and they inhibited sucrose uptake significantly. These antibodies were specific inhibitors of sucrose transport, but they exhibited relatively low membrane and species specificity since uptake into red beet root protoplasts and sugarcane tonoplast vesicles was inhibited as well. Fast protein liquid chromatography assisted size exclusion chromatography on Superose 6 columns yielded two major peaks in the 55 to 65-kD regions and in the 110- to 130-kD regions of solubilized proteins from red beet root tonoplasts, which reacted positively in immunoglobulin-M(IgM)-specific ELISAs with anti-sugarcane tonoplast monoclonal IgM antibodies. Only reconstituted proteoliposomes containing polypeptides from the 55- to 65-kD band took up [14C]-sucrose with linear rates for 2 min, suggesting that this fraction contains the tonoplast sucrose carrier. 相似文献
Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Photon Yield of Oxygen Evolution in Iron-Deficient Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Leaves 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3

The response of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaves to iron deficiency can be described as consisting of two phases. In the first phase, leaves may lose a large part of their chlorophyll while maintaining a roughly constant efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry; ratios of variable to maximum fluorescence decreased by only 6%, and photon yields of oxygen evolution decreased by 30% when chlorophyll decreased by 70%. In the second phase, when chlorophyll decreased below a threshold level, iron deficiency caused major decreases in the efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry and in the photon yield of oxygen evolution. These decreases in photosystem II photochemical efficiency were found both in plants dark-adapted for 30 minutes and in plants dark-adapted overnight, indicating that photochemical efficiency cannot be repaired in that time scale. Decreases in photosystem II photochemical efficiency and in the photon yield of oxygen evolution were similar when measurements were made (a) with light absorbed by carotenoids and chlorophylls and (b) with light absorbed only by chlorophylls. Leaves of iron-deficient plants exhibited a room temperature fluorescence induction curve with a characteristic intermediate peak I that increases with deficiency symptoms. 相似文献
Calcium uptake was examined in sealed plasma membrane vesicles isolated from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) storage tissue using (45)Ca(2+). Uptake of (45)Ca(2+) by the vesicles was ATP-dependent and radiotracer accumulated by the vesicles could be released by the addition of the calcium ionophore A23187. The uptake was stimulated by gramicidin D but slightly inhibited by carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Although the latter result might suggest some degree of indirect coupling of (45)Ca(2+) uptake to ATP utilization via deltamuH(+), no evidence for a secondary H(+)/Ca(2+) antiport in this vesicle system could be found. Following the imposition of an acid-interior pH gradient, proton efflux from the vesicle was not enhanced by the addition of Ca(2+) and an imposed pH gradient could not drive (45)Ca(2+) uptake. Optimal uptake of (45)Ca(2+) occurred broadly between pH 7.0 and 7.5 and the transport was inhibited by orthovanadate, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, and diethylstilbestrol but insensitive to nitrate and azide. The dependence of (45)Ca(2+) uptake on both calcium and Mg:ATP concentration demonstrated saturation kinetics with K(m) values of 6 micromolar and 0.37 millimolar, respectively. While ATP was the preferred substrate for driving (45)Ca(2+) uptake, GTP could drive transport at about 50% of the level observed for ATP. The results of this study demonstrate the presence of a unique primary calcium transport system associated with the plasma membrane which could drive calcium efflux from the plant cell. 相似文献
The preparation of an extract from leaves of spinach beet (Betavulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris), which catalysed, the activationof cinnamate, is described. The reaction required CoA and wasmost rapid under nitrogen in the presence of thiol reagents.An enzyme which activated acetate was also present but was distinguishableby its indifference to thiol reagents and air during the reactionand its greater stability during storage under air. Extractscatalysing cinnamate activation could be prepared only fromrapidly growing leaves at the height of the growth season. 相似文献
B. K. Konwar 《Journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology.》1994,3(1):37-41
Genetic transformation of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cv Bella (2n = 3x = 27) cv Dipple Ero (2n = 2x = 18) and accession SVP31-188 (2n = 2x = 18) was investigated by Infecting in vitro-derived shoot base segments with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA 4404 carrying either pBin 19 or pSI 121 plasmid. MS media supplemented with 0.5 mg.l-1 naphthalene acetic acid, 0.25 mg.l-1 6-benzylaminopurine and 100 βg.ml-l kanamycin were effective for the production of callus and shoots from Agrobacterium Infected explants irrespective of the method of infection. Most of pSin 19- and all of pSI 121-medlated transformants failed to root on selective rooting media. Only 11.1% of pSin 19-mediated Sella transformants rooted on media containing 0.5 mg.l-1 kinetin and 100 βg.ml-1 kanamycin and all of them were the product of co-cultivation In the presence of acetosyringone. In the case of pSI 121-mediated transformants as many as 40–50 copies of the GUS gene was determined to be integrated with tandem repeats into at least six different sites of cv Sella genome. Fluorometrlc assay also demonstrated the transformed nature of a number of sugar beet shoots. 相似文献
以甜菜叶片为材料,用CTAB法提取基因组DNA.以分段PCR法扩增得到了完整的甜菜胞质型谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS1)基因组DNA.采用RT-PCR法扩增此GS1基因(GS1)的cDNA序列应用于对照.获得了长度为9 606bp的完整的GS1 DNA序列和长度为1 068 bp的GSI cDNA序列.分析GS1基因组DNA序列表明,它包含13个外显子,被12个内含子分隔开.其外显子区与已公布的GS1 mRNA序列的相似性达99.5%.RT-PCR法获得的cDNA序列与已知的GS1 mRNA序列相似性达99.6%.而2次实验中GS1基因组DNA外显子区与GS1 cDNA序列的相似性达99.9%.GenBank登录号为EU370974. 相似文献
Under mild water stress conditions, a potential site of regulationfor distribution of sucrose between osmotic adjustment and exportmay be at the mesophyll plasmalemma and/or tonoplast. This possibilitywas examined in attached leaves of sugarbeet (Beta vulgarisL.), labeled with 14CO2. Leaf discs were exposed to solutionscontaining 400 or 50 mM mannitol to generate "low" or "high"cellular turgor, respectively and release of labeled soluteswas monitored. Response to changes in cell turgor was rapidand reversible. High turgor increased solute efflux rates todouble those at low turgor conditions. Approximately 30% and55% of the released label was in the sugar (sucrose and hexose)fractions at low and high turgor, respectively. Paramercuribenzenesulfonic acid (PCMBS) had no effect on efflux, but N-ethylmaleimide(NEM) and carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) enhancedefflux, especially at high turgor. Presence of unlabeled sucrosegreatly enhanced efflux in a turgor-dependent manner; suggestinga sucrose exchange system. While influx across the plasmalemmais both turgor sensitive and carrier-mediated, turgor-regulatedplasmalemma efflux did not appear to involve a carrier. Boththe tonoplast and plasmalemma appeared to be involved in turgor-inducedsugar efflux. Turgor-regulated efflux of solutes from vacuole-containingcells (mesophyll), may contribute to the establishment of ahomeostatic turgor pressure in these cells. (Received June 9, 1989; Accepted September 5, 1989) 相似文献
Characteristics of Sucrose Transport and Sucrose-Induced H+ Transport on the Tonoplast of Red Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Storage Tissue 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4

Sucrose-induced changes of the energization state of the red beet root (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. conditiva) vacuolar membrane were observed with the fluorescent dyes 6-chloro-9-{[4-(diethylamino)- 1-methylbutyl]-amino}-2-methoxyacridine dihydrochloride, as a pH monitor, and 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine (ACMA). Consequently, transient acidification of the surrounding suspension medium could be measured with a pH electrode. This signal was specific for Suc and was not seen for sorbitol, mannitol, or maltose. Sucrose-induced medium acidification was sensitive to the same inhibitors that were efficient in inhibiting sucrose transport, including the monoclonal antibodies TNP56-12 and C50-5-3. It was seen with vacuoles and vesicles energized with MgATP before sucrose was added but also with vacuoles not artificially energized previously. Using bafilomycin A1 for the inhibition of the vacuolar ATPase of vacuoles previously energized by MgATP, apparent Km values for H+ export from the vacuoles to the medium could be calculated taking into account the passive proton leak. Apparent Km values for H+ export determined from data obtained with pH measurements in the medium and with ACMA corresponded to those obtained previously for sucrose uptake. Comparing sucrose uptake rates with corresponding H+ export rates at the respective sucrose concentrations and at Km, a stoichiometry of approximately one proton per transported sucrose was estimated. 相似文献
DeltapH-Dependent Amino Acid Transport into Plasma Membrane Vesicles Isolated from Sugar Beet Leaves: I. Evidence for Carrier-Mediated, Electrogenic Flux through Multiple Transport Systems

Amino acid transport into plasma membrane vesicles isolated from mature sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. cv Great Western) leaves was investigated. The transport of alanine, leucine, glutamine, glutamate, isoleucine, and arginine was driven by a trans-membrane proton concentration difference. ΔpH-Dependent alanine, leucine, glutamine, and glutamate transport exhibited simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and double-reciprocal plots of the data were linear with apparent Km values of 272, 346, 258, and 1981 micromolar, respectively. These results are consistent with carrier mediated transport. ΔpH-Dependent isoleucine and arginine transport exhibited biphasic kinetics, suggesting these amino acids may be transported by at least two transport systems. Symport mediated alanine transport was electrogenic as demonstrated by the effect of membrane potential (ΔΨ) on ΔpH-dependent flux. In the absence of significant charge compensation, a low rate of alanine transport was observed. When ΔΨ was held at 0 millivolt with symmetric potassium concentrations and valinomycin, the rate of flux was stimulated fourfold. In the presence of a negative ΔΨ, alanine transport increased sixfold. These results are consistent with an electrogenic transport process which results in a net flux of positive charge into the vesicles. The effect of changing ΔΨ on the kinetics of alanine transport altered Vmax with no apparent change in Km. Amino acid transport was inhibited by the protein modifier diethyl pyrocarbonate, but was insensitive to N-ethylmaleimide, 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbene disulfonic acid, p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid, phenylglyoxal, and N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Four amino acid symport systems, two neutral, one acidic, and one basic, were resolved based on inter-amino acid competition experiments. One neutral system appears to be active for all neutral amino acids while the second exhibited a low affinity for isoleucine, threonine, valine, and proline. Although each symport was relatively specific for a given group of amino acids, each system exhibited some crossover specificity for amino acids in other groups. 相似文献
Hideyuki Chiji Toshinobu Giga Masao Izawa Shuhachi Kiriyama 《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》2013,77(6):1653-1654
Ferredoxin-dependent sulfite reductase (Fd-SiR) (EC was purified about 1136-fold, with a yield of 11%, from fresh thalli of Porphyra yezoensis by a procedure involving ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, Buty 1-Toyopearl chromatography, Sephadex G-100 gel filtration and ferredoxin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The purified enzyme was apparently homogeneous, as judged on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis, with a specific activity of 100 units/mg of protein. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 70 kilodaltons by gel filtration. On subunit analysis by SDS-PAGE, a single band corresponding to molecular weight of 65 kilodaltons appeared. The purified enzyme (Fd-SiR) showed 5-times higher ferredoxin-dependent activity than methyl viologen-linked activity. In the oxidized form, the enzyme exhibited absorption maxima at 278, 390 (Soret band), 586 (a band) and 714 (CT band) nm, indicating that siroheme is involved in the catalysis of sulfite reduction. The absorbance ratios, A390: A218 and A586 :A390, were 0.32 and 0.31, respectively. A plot of the substrate (sulfite) and electron donor (ferredoxin) concentrations versus enzymatic (Fd-SiR) activity yielded sigmoidal curves, giving Hill coefficients («) of 2.3 (for sulfite) and 2.7 (for ferredoxin), respectively. Antibody against the isolated enzyme was raised in rabbits. Analysis of the antiserum by immunodiffusion suggested that it was specific against isolated Fd-SiR. Using the antiserum, dot immunoblotting was performed to determine the immunological similarity of Fd-SiRs from Porphyra yezoensis, Spirulina platensis, Brassica chinensis and Spinacia oleracea. The tests revealed that the four forms of assimilatory Fd-SiR have antigenic determinants in common. 相似文献
Expression of CMS in Zygotic and Apozygotic Progenies of Sugar Beet Beta vulgaris L. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Zygotic and apozygotic progenies of sugar beet exhibit high phenotypic variation with respect to cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). There are progenies with completely sterile, semisterile, semifertile, and fertile pollen. The proportions of semifertile and fertile plants in zygotic and apozygotic progenies varied from zero to 28% and from zero to 17.8%, respectively. Comparison of the phenotypic distributions in zygotic and apozygotic progenies did not reveal significant differences in the CMS expression, although the latter is determined by the maternal S-plasmotype and both maternal and paternal (pollinator) genotypes in zygotic progenies and only by the maternal S-plasmotype and genotype in apozygotic progenies. It has been hypothesized that the instability of the CMS expression in apozygotic progenies is determined by epigenetic variation in the activities of the genes that control the maintenance of the pollen-grain sterility. Inactivated dominant alleles R f
1 and R f
2 in homozygous state may function as sterility maintenance genes, whereas activation of these alleles during ontogeny results in a partial or complete restoration of pollen-grain fertility. It was demonstrated that pollen fertility of mother plants withS cytoplasm did not affect the CMS expression in two sib progenies. Conversely, in two other progenies, the proportion of fertile plants was significantly higher in the sib progenies of mother plants with fertile pollen and S cytoplasm (inheritance of epigenetic variation). 相似文献
Germination inhibitors in methanol and water extracts of redbeet fruits (Beta vulgaris cv. rubra L.) have been studied usinglettuce and red beet seed germination as bioassays. The methanolextracts contained substances which inhibited lettuce seed germination,but had no effect on the germination of red beet seeds. Germinationof both lettuce seeds and of water-leached or sulphuric acid-treatedred beet seed balls were inhibited by the water extracts. Theconcentrations of ammonia, ferulic acid, and oxalate in thewater extracts were much lower than required for inhibitionof red beet seed germination. The water extracts contained,however, large amounts of inorganic ions, and the results clearlydemonstrated that the inhibitory effect of the water extractson red beet seed germination was mainly due to the content ofsuch inorganic ions. 相似文献
利用同源序列克隆方法从标准偏高糖型甜菜品种甜研7号(Ty7)中获得氯素诱导NADH-NR基因片段,通过RACE技术克隆NADH-NR基因全长序列.该基因ORF长度2 718 bp,编码905个氨基酸,包括147 bp的5'UTR和382 bp的3' UTR,GenBank上的注册号为EU163265,基因编码蛋白的等电点为6.12,推测分子量大小为102 kD,C端(778-891 aa)有一个跨膜区域.基因编码多肽含有3个氧化还原功能区:钼辅因子功能区(eukary NR Moco,93 - 478aa),Fe-血红素结合区(Cytb5,535 -608 aa),FAD结合区(FAD binding 6,653 -760 aa).在甜研7号NR下游的氨基酸残基中含有NADH-NR特有的CGPPP-M基序,说明该蛋白以NADH为电子供体.通过比对,甜研7号的NADH-NR基因与菠菜NADH-NR基因同源性最高,为86.18%.经Southem杂变检验,甜研7号中NADH-NR基因以低拷贝数存在.经基因组克隆分析,甜研7号NADH-NR含有3个内含子,4个外显子. 相似文献
Variability of Chloroplast Number in Populations of Stomata Guard Cells in Sugar Beet Beta vulgaris L. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Diploid sugar beet plants demonstrate a broad variability of the number of chloroplasts in stomata guard cells, which is related to mixoploidy of cell populations in leaf apical meristems (epigenomic variability). In addition to random organelle segregation between daughter cells, this variability is affected by factors disrupting the mitotic cycle: (1) plant treatment with a mitotic poison, such as colchicine; (2) duration of the life cycle of a plant; the variability in second-year plants is greater than in first-year ones; (3) the mode of plant reproduction; the variability in inbred plants is greater than in the initial population. Treatment of germinating seeds with a diluted colchicine solution increases the number of organelles in cells in the myxoploid generation (generation C0) and the variance of the distributions in the first vegetation year. The variability in the organelle number in stomata cells correlates with that in maternal meristem cells. It is concluded that the epidermal cell monolayer (including stomata guard cells) keeps record of the epigenomic and epiplastome variability in meristem cells. The variability of the number of chloroplasts in stomata guard cells is approximated by binomials with negative powers. 相似文献
The majority of known plant resistance genes encode proteins with conserved nucleotide-binding sites and leucine-rich repeats (NBS-LRR). Degenerate primers based on conserved NBS-LRR motifs were used to amplify analogues of resistance genes from the dicot sugar beet. Along with a cDNA library screen, the PCR screen identified 27 genomic and 12 expressed NBS-LRR RGAs (nlRGAs) sugar beet clones. The clones were classified into three subfamilies based on nucleotide sequence identity. Sequence analyses suggested that point mutations, such as nucleotide substitutions and insertion/deletions, are probably the primary source of diversity of sugar beet nlRGAs. A phylogenetic analysis revealed an ancestral relationship among sugar beet nlRGAs and resistance genes from various angiosperm species. One group appeared to share the same common ancestor as Prf, Rx, RPP8, and Mi, whereas the second group originated from the ancestral gene from which 12C1, Xa1, and Cre3 arose. The predicted protein products of the nlRGAs isolated in this study are all members of the non-TIR-type resistance gene subfamily and share strong sequence and structural similarities with non-TIR-type resistance proteins. No representatives of the TIR-type RGAs were detected either by PCR amplification using TIR type-specific primers or by in silico screening of more than 16,000 sugar beet ESTs. These findings suggest that TIR type of RGAs is absent from the sugar beet genome. The possible evolutionary loss of TIR type RGAs in the sugar beet is discussed.
These authors (Yanyan Tian, Longjiang Fan) contributed equally to this work. 相似文献
Calcium transport was examined in microsomal membrane vesicles from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) storage tissue using chlorotetracycline as a fluorescent probe. This probe demonstrates an increase in fluorescence corresponding to calcium accumulation within the vesicles which can be collapsed by the addition of the calcium ionophore A23187. Calcium uptake in the microsomal vesicles was ATP dependent and completely inhibited by orthovanadate. Centrifugation of the microsomal membrane fraction on a linear 15 to 45% (w/w) sucrose density gradient revealed the presence of a single peak of calcium uptake which comigrated with the marker for endoplasmic reticulum. The calcium transport system associated with endoplasmic reticulum vesicles was then further characterized in fractions produced by centrifugation on discontinous sucrose density gradients. Calcium transport was insensitive to carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone indicating the presence of a primary transport system directly linked to ATP utilization. The endoplasmic reticulum vesicles contained an ATPase activity that was calcium dependent and further stimulated by A23187 (Ca(2+), A23187 stimulated-ATPase). Both calcium uptake and Ca(2+), A23187 stimulated ATPase demonstrated similar properties with respect to pH optimum, inhibitor sensitivity, substrate specificity, and substrate kinetics. Treatment of the red beet endoplasmic reticulum vesicles with [gamma-(32)P]-ATP over short time intervals revealed the presence of a rapidly turning over 96 kilodalton radioactive peptide possibly representing a phosphorylated intermediate of this endoplasmic reticulum associated ATPase. It is proposed that this ATPase activity may represent the enzymic machinery responsible for mediating primary calcium transport in the endoplasmic reticulum linked to ATP utilization. 相似文献
Procedures are described for producing axillary shoots fromseedling apices and adventitious shoots from petioles and leaf-derivedcallus of sugar beet cultivars. The rate of adventitious shootregeneration from petioles was influenced by temperature, BAPconcentration of the medium, and the time in culture of theseedling apices from which the petioles were excised. Petiolesectioning confirmed that adventitious shoots originated inthe sub-epidermal parenchyma. Two distinct types of callus wereproduced from leaf explants, but only white friable callus wascapable of shoot development. This callus developed from browntissue and was composed of thin-walled cells with dense cytoplasmand prominent nuclei. Green compact callus with thick-walledlignified cells developed from green tissue, but did not produceshoots. Successful seed sterilization and shoot regenerationfrom petiole explants and callus was cultivar-dependent. Adventitiousshoots were rooted and successfully transplanted to pottingcompost under glasshouse conditions. Key words: Adventitious shoots, axillary shoots, callus, sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) 相似文献
为丰富被子植物生殖生物学资料, 并为甜菜相关研究提供参考, 应用透射电镜技术研究栽培甜菜(Beta vulgaris)卵细胞、合子和二细胞原胚的超微结构特征。结果如下:在成熟卵细胞中多聚核糖体数量不多, 且细胞代谢活性较弱; 初期合子内, 核仁大量合成核糖体前体物质, 胞质中多聚核糖体数目众多, 细胞代谢活性较强; 休眠期合子的核仁变小, 胞质中核糖体数量急剧减少, 仅有少量多聚核糖体, 细胞代谢活性较弱; 合子分裂前期和二细胞原胚期, 核仁显著, 胞质中核糖体的密度增加, 出现大量多聚核糖体, 细胞代谢活性较强。根据上述结果可以得出, 栽培甜菜从卵细胞成熟→合子初期→合子休眠期→合子分裂前期→二细胞原胚的超微结构变化中多聚核糖体的变化最为显著, 表现为“少→多→少→多”的数量变化过程, 反映出细胞代谢状态也经历了“弱→强→弱→强”的变化过程, 这种变化趋势与配子体世代向孢子体世代转变有关。 相似文献