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1. The effect of phosphate on the oxidation of glyceric aldehyde by methylene blue, 1-naphthol 2-sulfonate indophenol, and phenol-indophenol has been studied. 2. At pH 4.77 in a phthalate-buffered medium phosphate does not catalyze the reaction. 3. At pH 7.9 in solutions buffered with borate, carbonate, or phenylalanine marked catalysis by phosphate is observed. The effect is most pronounced in borate. 4. Phosphate catalysis, within the limits studied, is strictly a linear function of the phosphate concentration. 5. The high concentration of HPO4 = and the low concentration of PO4 relative to that of the substrate virtually demand the conclusion that the PO4 ion is the active catalytic species.  相似文献   

A representative of the photosynthetic non-sulfur purple bacteria (Athiorhodaceae) capable of using simple alcohols has been isolated in pure culture. By means of quantitative analysis of cultures at different stages of development it has been shown that this organism converts isopropanol quantitatively into acetone, simultaneously reducing CO2 in the light. The data can be represented by the equation 2 CH3CHOHCH3 + CO2 → 2 CH3COCH3 + (CH2O) + H2O. Manometric experiments with suspensions of resting cells have fully corroborated the results obtained with growing cultures. The experiments have conclusively proved that an organic substrate may fulfill exclusively the function of hydrogen donor for the photochemical CO2-reduction in purple bacteria photosynthesis.  相似文献   

1. A method is described for the preparation and titration of prothrombin and thrombin. 2. Confirming the views of Morawitz, Howell (1916–17, 1925), and Bordet, thrombin cannot be regarded as an artificial by-product of coagulation (Wooldridge, Nolf (both quoted from Morawitz)). Calcium, a platelet factor, and a plasma factor (prothrombin) interact to form thrombin, and this then acts upon fibrinogen to form fibrin. The amount and rate of thrombin formation in the first reaction are independent of the presence or absence of fibrinogen. After a variable latent period, thrombin suddenly appears in large quantities, coincident with or immediately preceding the deposition of fibrin if fibrinogen is present. 3. The amount of thrombin formed in a mixture of prothrombin, Ca and platelets is independent of the platelet or Ca concentration, and depends primarily upon the amount of prothrombin used. The platelets (or cephalin) enormously accelerate the transformation of prothrombin to thrombin, and this acceleration seems to be their physiological rôle in the coagulation process. 4. Contrary to previous reports, platelets have not been demonstrated to contain significant quantities of prothrombin. 5. The available data do not allow any definite decision as to whether the platelet factor actually combines with prothrombin to form thrombin, or merely catalyzes the transformation. The very slow formation of thrombin in the complete absence of platelets may be due to dissolved traces of platelet material released during the physical manipulation of the plasma (centrifuging, Berkefeld filtration). 6. There was no evidence for a species-specific activity of platelets in the transformation of prothrombin to thrombin.  相似文献   

Four major non-collagenous bone proteins were localised by single and double immuno-histochemistry during de novo mineralisation and bone resorption. Both osteopontin and bone sialoprotein were localised ahead of the mineralisation front, suggesting that both proteins are necessary for the initiation of bone mineralisation. This supports previous suggestions that bone sialoprotein acts as a crystal nucleator. The role of osteopontin is less certain, but might be related to ensuring that only the right type of crystal is formed. Osteocalcin and osteonectin were not present in areas of first crystal formation, but were present in the fully mineralised matrix. Their role may be to control the size and speed of crystal formation. Osteopontin, bone sialoproteins and osteocalcin (but not osteonectin) were also present at reversal lines. Interpreting this localisation together with information from the literature, the following functions are suggested during resorption: Osteocalcin may act as a chemoattractant for osteoclasts, while both osteopontin and bone sialoprotein may facilitate the binding of osteoclasts via the arg-gly-asp motif.  相似文献   

1. When iron and copper are allowed to act on hydrogen peroxide and pyrogallol, enough carbon dioxide is produced to be readily measured. 2. The curve of the production of carbon dioxide may be fitted by an empirical equation, by the use of which the initial rate and the total amount of the oxidation may be determined. 3. The effect of the concentration of the reagents is different in each case, the effect varying as a fractional power of the copper and pyrogallol concentrations and as a logarithmic function of the hydrogen peroxide concentration. 4. When gold or silver is used the rate changes suddenly during the course of the reaction due to the precipitation of colloidal metal. 5. Mercury, cadmium, zinc, tin, and some other metals have no effect. 6. A theoretical set of equations is assumed to account for the action of the metals. 7. The metals are assumed to act by means of the formation of intermediate peroxides. 8. Experiments on the action of gold indicate that the metals are active in the ionic and not in the colloidal state.  相似文献   

Nearly 90% of the hydropower resources in the Yangtze River basin are concentrated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The cascaded hydropower dams and river channelization have caused habitat fragmentation and loss of fish diversity, which has aggravated the contradictions between hydropower development and environmental protection. This paper collected data on aquatic reserves (i.e. natural reserves and aquatic germplasm resources conservation zones) and cascade dams in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and vectorized the data in ArcGIS. Taking into account the diversity, richness and distribution of fish, we analyzed the changes in fish resources and the problems in the construction and management of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Therefore, several strategies have been proposed to reduce the conflicts between hydropower development and aquatic ecosystem protection, including conducting reserve census, evaluating management effectiveness of the protected areas for spatial optimization of the reserve networks, implementing the ecological restoration of essential fish habitats, implementing the rescue action plan for the upper Yangtze endangered endemic fish, establishing an efficient ecological compensation mechanism, and strengthening scientific monitoring and related research. These recommendations will provide a scientific basis for the coordinated development of hydropower exploitation and river ecological protection in the upper Yangtze River. © 2019, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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