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土壤有机质模型的比较分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
土壤有机质作为土壤C库,其含量和动态变化对全球C循环、土壤肥力、土壤质量和健康起着重要作用。SOM模型利用经验性的假设和已有数据对土壤有机质含量和动态变化进行模拟,尤其是可以对无法取得足够必要数据的试验进行模拟,所以SOM模型成为定量研究土壤有机质积累分解的重要手段,利用SOM模型有助于对土壤有机质分解机理的研究,并且可通过SOM模型对土壤CO2排放量、植物生产量进行预测。同时也可对农业管理措施做出评估,文中对几种SOM模型进行了概述,尤其对有影响的RothC模型和CENTURY模型进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

Incorporating crop residues and biochar has received increasing attention as tools to mitigate atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and promote soil carbon (C) sequestration. However, direct comparisons between biochar, torrefied biomass, and straw on both labile and recalcitrant soil organic matter (SOM) remain poorly understood. In this study, we explored the impact of biochars produced at different temperatures and torrefied biomass on the simple C substrates (glucose, amino acids), plant residues (Lolium perenne L.), and native SOM breakdown in soil using a 14C labeling approach. Torrefied biomass and biochars produced from wheat straw at four contrasting pyrolysis temperatures (250, 350, 450, and 550 °C) were incorporated into a sandy loam soil and their impact on C turnover compared to an unamended soil or one amended with unprocessed straw. Biochar, torrefied biomass, and straw application induced a shift in the soil microbial community size, activity, and structure with the greatest effects in the straw‐amended soil. In addition, they also resulted in changes in microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) leading to more substrate C being partitioned into catabolic processes. While overall the biochar, torrefied biomass, and straw addition increased soil respiration, it reduced the turnover rate of the simple C substrates, plant residues, and native SOM and had no appreciable effect on the turnover rate of the microbial biomass. The negative SOM priming was positively correlated with biochar production temperature. We therefore ascribe the increase in soil CO2 efflux to biochar‐derived C rather than that originating from SOM. In conclusion, the SOM priming magnitude is strongly influenced by both the soil organic C quality and the biochar properties. In comparison with straw, biochar has the greatest potential to promote soil C storage. However, straw and torrefied biomass may have other cobenefits which may make them more suitable as a CO2 abatement strategy.  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms play a pivotal role in soil organic matter (SOM) turn-over and their diversity is discussed as a key to the function of soil ecosystems. However, the extent to which SOM dynamics may be linked to changes in soil microbial diversity remains largely unknown. We characterized SOM degradation along a microbial diversity gradient in a two month incubation experiment under controlled laboratory conditions. A microbial diversity gradient was created by diluting soil suspension of a silty grassland soil. Microcosms containing the same sterilized soil were re-inoculated with one of the created microbial diversities, and were amended with 13C labeled wheat in order to assess whether SOM decomposition is linked to soil microbial diversity or not. Structural composition of wheat was assessed by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, sugar and lignin content was quantified and labeled wheat contribution was determined by 13C compound specific analyses. Results showed decreased wheat O-alkyl-C with increasing microbial diversity. Total non-cellulosic sugar-C derived from wheat was not significantly influenced by microbial diversity. Carbon from wheat sugars (arabinose-C and xylose-C), however, was highest when microbial diversity was low, indicating reduced wheat sugar decomposition at low microbial diversity. Xylose-C was significantly correlated with the Shannon diversity index of the bacterial community. Soil lignin-C decreased irrespective of microbial diversity. At low microbial diversity the oxidation state of vanillyl–lignin units was significantly reduced. We conclude that microbial diversity alters bulk chemical structure, the decomposition of plant litter sugars and influences the microbial oxidation of total vanillyl–lignins, thus changing SOM composition.  相似文献   

何念鹏  刘远  徐丽  温学发  于贵瑞  孙晓敏 《生态学报》2018,38(11):4045-4051
土壤有机质分解的温度敏感性(Q_(10))不仅是生态学和土壤学研究的核心科学问题之一,也是全球变化生态学研究的热点领域。国内外学者对Q_(10)的影响因素或机制开展了大量卓有成效的研究工作,并有不少相关的综述或展望;然而,迄今为止有关培养与测定模式的探讨却非常少。鉴于培养和测定模式对研究结果的重要性,在简要描述Q_(10)定义、基本理论和计算方法的基础上,重点比较了当前Q_(10)研究的不同培养和测定模式及其优缺点。结合最新研究进展,重点介绍了新发展的连续变温培养+连续自动测试模式,并简要阐述了新模式的应用前景。通过探讨,希望能为国内从事Q_(10)研究的学者提供一定的经验与借鉴;同时,希望能引起青年科研人员重视研究方法、技术和仪器的研发,更好更快地推动原创性研究。  相似文献   

Confidence in model estimates of soil CO2 flux depends on assumptions regarding fundamental mechanisms that control the decomposition of litter and soil organic carbon (SOC). Multiple hypotheses have been proposed to explain the role of lignin, an abundant and complex biopolymer that may limit decomposition. We tested competing mechanisms using data-model fusion with modified versions of the CN-SIM model and a 571-day laboratory incubation dataset where decomposition of litter, lignin, and SOC was measured across 80 soil samples from the National Ecological Observatory Network. We found that lignin decomposition consistently decreased over time in 65 samples, whereas in the other 15 samples, lignin decomposition subsequently increased. These “lagged-peak” samples can be predicted by low soil pH, high extractable Mn, and fungal community composition as measured by ITS PC2 (the second principal component of an ordination of fungal ITS amplicon sequences). The highest-performing model incorporated soil biogeochemical factors and daily dynamics of substrate availability (labile bulk litter:lignin) that jointly represented two hypotheses (C substrate limitation and co-metabolism) previously thought to influence lignin decomposition. In contrast, models representing either hypothesis alone were biased and underestimated cumulative decomposition. Our findings reconcile competing hypotheses of lignin decomposition and suggest the need to precisely represent the role of lignin and consider soil metal and fungal characteristics to accurately estimate decomposition in Earth-system models.  相似文献   

The flow of carbon and nutrients from plant production into detrital food webs is mediated by microbial enzymes released into the environment (ecoenzymes). Ecoenzymatic activities are linked to both microbial metabolism and environmental resource availability. In this paper, we extend the theoretical and empirical framework for ecoenzymatic stoichiometry from nutrient availability to carbon composition by relating ratios of ??-1,4-glucosidase (BG), acid (alkaline) phosphatase (AP), ??-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and phenol oxidase (POX) activities in soils to measures of organic matter recalcitrance, using data from 28 ecosystems. BG and POX activities are uncorrelated even though both are required for lignocellulose degradation. However, the ratio of BG:POX activity is negatively correlated with the relative abundance of recalcitrant carbon. Unlike BG, POX activity is positively correlated with (NAG + LAP) and AP activities. We propose that the effect of organic matter recalcitrance on microbial C:N and C:P threshold element ratios (TER) can be represented by normalizing BG, AP and (NAG + LAP) activities to POX activity. The scaling relationships among these ratios indicate that the increasing recalcitrance of decomposing organic matter effectively reverses the growth rate hypothesis of stoichiometric theory by decreasing carbon and nutrient availability and slowing growth, which increases TERN:P. This effect is consistent with the narrow difference between the mean elemental C:N ratios of soil organic matter and microbial biomass and with the inhibitory effect of N enrichment on rates of decomposition and microbial metabolism for recalcitrant organic matter. From these findings, we propose a conceptual framework for bottom-up decomposition models that integrate the stoichiometry of ecoenzymatic activities into general theories of ecology.  相似文献   

The soil microbial biomass (SMB) is known to participate in key soil processes such as the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM). However, its contribution to the isotopic composition of the SOM is not clear yet. Shifts in the 13C and 15N natural abundances of the SMB and SOM fractions (mineralised, water soluble and non-extractable) were investigated by incubating an unamended arable soil for 6 months. Microbial communities were also studied using Fatty Acid Methyl Ester specific isotope analysis. The SMB was significantly 13C and 15N-enriched relative to other fractions throughout the incubation. However, significant isotopic variations with time were also observed due to the rapid consumption of relatively 13C-enriched water soluble compounds. The increase in the difference in SMB and water soluble 15N compositions as the water soluble C/N ratio decreased, indicated a shift from N assimilation to N dissimilation during the incubation. These changes also induced modifications of the microbial community structure. Once the system reached a steady-state (after 1 month), the isotopic trends appeared to corroborate those obtained in long term experiments in the field in that there was a constant microbial isotopic fractionation leading to a 13C and 15N enrichment of the SOM over the long-term. This work also suggests that caution must be exercised when interpreting short term incubation studies since perturbations associated with experimental set-up can have an important effect on C and N dynamics, microbial fractionation of 13C and 15N and microbial community structure.  相似文献   

Large increases in nitrogen (N) inputs to terrestrial ecosystems typically have small effects on immediate N outputs because most N is sequestered in soil organic matter. We hypothesized that soil organic N storage and the asynchrony between N inputs and outputs result from rapid accumulation of N in stable soil organic pools. We used a successional sequence on floodplains of the Tanana River near Fairbanks, Alaska to assess rates of stable N accumulation in soils ranging from 1 to 500+ years old. One-year laboratory incubations with repeated leaching separated total soil N into labile (defined as inorganic N leached) and stable (defined as total minus labile N) pools. Stable N pools increased faster (2 g N m–2 yr–1) than labile N (0.4 g N m–2 yr–1) pools during the first 50 years of primary succession; labile N then plateaued while stable and total N continued to increase. Soil C pools showed similar trends, and stable N was correlated with stable C (r2 = 0.95). From 84 to 95 % of soil N was stable during our incubations. Over successional time, the labile N pool declined as a proportion of total N, but remained large on an aerial basis (up to 38 g N m–2). The stoichiometry of stable soil N changed over successional time; C:N ratios increased from 10 to 22 over 275 years (r2 = 0.69). A laboratory 15N addition experiment showed that soils had the capacity to retain much more N than accumulated naturally during succession. Our results suggest that most soil N is retained in a stable organic pool that can accumulate rapidly but is not readily accessible to microbial mineralization. Because stable soil organic matter and total ecosystem organic matter have flexible stoichiometry, net ecosystem production may be a poor predictor of N retention on annual time scales.  相似文献   

The decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) can be described by a set of kinetic principles, environmental constraints, and substrate supply. Here, we hypothesized that SOM decomposition rates (R) and its temperature sensitivity (Q10) would increase steadily with the N:C ratios of added substrates by alleviating N limitation on microbial growth. We tested this hypothesis by investigating SOM decomposition in both grassland and forest soils after addition of substrates with a range of N:C ratios. The results showed that Michaelis–Menten equations well fit the response of R to the N:C ratio variations of added substrates, and their coefficients of determination (R2) ranged from 0.65 to 0.89 (< 0.01). Moreover, the maximal R, Q10, and cumulative C emission of SOM decomposition increased exponentially with the N:C ratios of added substrates, and were controlled interactively by incubation temperature and the N:C ratios of the added substrates. We demonstrated that SOM decomposition rate and temperature sensitivity were exponentially correlated to substrate stoichiometry (N:C ratio) in both grassland and forest soils. Therefore, these correlations should be incorporated into the models for the prediction of SOM decomposition rate under warmer climatic scenarios.  相似文献   

不同土壤培肥措施下农田有机物分解的生态过程   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过在河北曲周实验站的田间试验,研究了4种不同土壤培肥措施条件下农田生态系统中几种主要土壤生物随有机物分解的变化规律、有机物的分解及其主要影响因素。研究结果表明:除土壤线虫外,其他几种主要的土壤生物的分布规律基本上是堆肥区〉原貌区〉对照区〉化肥区,与施入的有机物(小麦秸秆)的分解规律一致。在受人为扰动的堆肥区、化肥区和对照区土壤中,细菌占绝对优势,而在未开垦的原貌区中,真菌起着重要作用。 在有机物分解初期,土壤微生物能比较快地迁移到秸秆表面,秸秆表面的生物数量最多的是细菌,随着细菌的数量增加,原生动物数量亦呈现增加趋势,蚯蚓数量增多,而线虫的数量则减少。而有机物分解后期,真菌的数量逐渐减少,蚯蚓的数量也呈下降趋势,有机物的分解速度减慢。通过灰色关联度分析,9种外界因素(生物因素和环境因素)对小麦秸秆分解作用的相对重要程度排序:土壤温度(0.844)〉蚯蚓(0.777)〉真菌(0.764)〉全氮(0.754)〉线虫(0.753)〉有机质(0.742)〉细菌(O.738)〉原生动物(0.693)〉土壤含水量(0.661),其中土壤温度和蚯蚓是影响土壤有机物分解的最重要的两个因素。  相似文献   

The temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition has been a crucial topic in global change research, yet remains highly uncertain. One of the contributing factors to this uncertainty is the lack of understanding about the role of rhizosphere priming effect (RPE) in shaping the temperature sensitivity. Using a novel continuous 13C‐labeling method, we investigated the temperature sensitivity of RPE and its impact on the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition. We observed an overall positive RPE. The SOM decomposition rates in the planted treatments increased 17–163% above the unplanted treatments in three growth chamber experiments including two plant species, two growth stages, and two warming methods. More importantly, warming by 5 °C increased RPE up to threefold, hence, the overall temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition was consistently enhanced (Q10 values increased 0.3–0.9) by the presence of active rhizosphere. In addition, the proportional contribution of SOM decomposition to total soil respiration was increased by soil warming, implying a higher temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition than that of autotrophic respiration. Our results, for the first time, clearly demonstrated that root–soil interactions play a crucial role in shaping the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition. Caution is required for interpretation of any previously determined temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition that omitted rhizosphere effects using either soil incubation or field root‐exclusion. More attention should be paid to RPE in future experimental and modeling studies of SOM decomposition.  相似文献   

Crop residue-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in soil carbon (C) cycling. To investigate the effects of maize residue-derived DOM and urea additions on the native soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition and soil net C balance a pot experiment was carried out during the winter wheat growing season in the North China Plain (NCP). The results showed that adding maize residue-derived DOM alone (RDOM) or together with urea (RDOM?+?N) accelerated the decomposition of native SOC and resulted in a net SOC loss. The net loss of SOC was 3.90?±?0.61 and 3.53?±?0.48?g?C?m?2 in RDOM and RDOM?+?N treatments, respectively. The stimulatory effect of per unit DOM-C addition on the native SOC decomposition was 0.25?±?0.05 and 0.45?±?0.07 for the RDOM and RDOM?+?N treatments, respectively. Increases in the microbial biomass and the activity of β-glucosidase, invertase and cellobiohydrolase as well as soil mineral N content were responsible for a more intense priming effect in DOM-amended soils. The positive relationship between primed soil C and soil available N (R?=?0.76, P?<?0.05) suggested that the stimulation of decomposition of native SOC by DOM addition would be enhanced by nitrogen fertilizer application.  相似文献   

Jackson  Oyindamola  Quilliam  Richard S.  Stott  Andy  Grant  Helen  Subke  Jens-Arne 《Plant and Soil》2019,437(1-2):473-485
Plant and Soil - Root exudation is an important carbon (C) and energy source for soil microorganisms but quantifying its spatial distribution is challenging. We tested whether 14C imaging (analogue...  相似文献   

Elevated CO2, rhizosphere processes,and soil organic matter decomposition   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Cheng  Weixin  Johnson  Dale W. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(2):167-174
The rhizosphere is one of the key fine-scale components of C cycles. This study was undertaken to improve understanding of the potential effects of atmospheric CO2 increase on rhizosphere processes. Using C isotope techniques, we found that elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased wheat plant growth, dry mass accumulation, rhizosphere respiration, and soluble C concentrations in the rhizosphere. When plants were grown under elevated CO2 concentration, soluble C concentration in the rhizosphere increased by approximately 60%. The degree of elevated CO2 enhancement on rhizosphere respiration was much higher than on root biomass. Averaged between the two nitrogen treatments and compared with the ambient CO2 treatment, wheat rhizosphere respiration rate increased 60% and root biomass only increased 26% under the elevated CO2 treatment. These results indicated that elevated atmospheric CO2 in a wheat-soil system significantly increased substrate input to the rhizosphere due to both increased root growth and increased root activities per unit of roots. Nitrogen treatments changed the effect of elevated CO2 on soil organic matter decomposition. Elevated CO2 increased soil organic matter decomposition (22%) in the nitrogen-added treatment but decreased soil organic matter decomposition (18%) without nitrogen addition. Soil nitrogen status was therefore found to be important in determining the directions of the effect of elevated CO2 on soil organic matter decomposition.  相似文献   

Tidal marshes have a large capacity for producing and storing organic matter, making their role in the global carbon budget disproportionate to land area. Most of the organic matter stored in these systems is in soils where it contributes 2–5 times more to surface accretion than an equal mass of minerals. Soil organic matter (SOM) sequestration is the primary process by which tidal marshes become perched high in the tidal frame, decreasing their vulnerability to accelerated relative sea level rise (RSLR). Plant growth responses to RSLR are well understood and represented in century‐scale forecast models of soil surface elevation change. We understand far less about the response of SOM decomposition to accelerated RSLR. Here we quantified the effects of flooding depth and duration on SOM decomposition by exposing planted and unplanted field‐based mesocosms to experimentally manipulated relative sea level over two consecutive growing seasons. SOM decomposition was quantified as CO2 efflux, with plant‐ and SOM‐derived CO2 separated via δ13CO2. Despite the dominant paradigm that decomposition rates are inversely related to flooding, SOM decomposition in the absence of plants was not sensitive to flooding depth and duration. The presence of plants had a dramatic effect on SOM decomposition, increasing SOM‐derived CO2 flux by up to 267% and 125% (in 2012 and 2013, respectively) compared to unplanted controls in the two growing seasons. Furthermore, plant stimulation of SOM decomposition was strongly and positively related to plant biomass and in particular aboveground biomass. We conclude that SOM decomposition rates are not directly driven by relative sea level and its effect on oxygen diffusion through soil, but indirectly by plant responses to relative sea level. If this result applies more generally to tidal wetlands, it has important implications for models of SOM accumulation and surface elevation change in response to accelerated RSLR.  相似文献   

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