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In insects, mating often occurs after natal dispersal, and hence relies on a coevolved combination of sexual communication and movement allowing mate encounter. Volatile sex pheromones are widespread, generally emitted by females and triggering in‐flight orientation of conspecific males. In parasitoid wasps, unmated females can start laying unfertilized eggs via parthenogenesis so that host patches could serve as sites of rendezvous for mating. Males could therefore use cues associated with host patches to focus their search on females that have successfully found oviposition sites. We hypothesized that in parasitoids exploiting herbivorous hosts, sex pheromones, and herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPV) should act in synergy, triggering male orientation toward ovipositing females. We tested this hypothesis with the aphid parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes. Results from both field and laboratory experiments show that males are strongly attracted to virgin females, but that volatiles from aphid‐infested plants have no effect on male orientation, neither has a cue, nor in interaction with the female sex pheromone. The absence of synergy between sex pheromones and HIPV contrasts with results on other species and raises interesting questions on mating systems and sexual selection in parasitoid wasps.  相似文献   

Multi-species mating aggregations are crowded environments within which mate recognition must occur. Mating aggregations of fig wasps can consist of thousands of individuals of many species that attain sexual maturity simultaneously and mate in the same microenvironment, i.e, in syntopy, within the close confines of an enclosed globular inflorescence called a syconium – a system that has many signalling constraints such as darkness and crowding. All wasps develop within individual galled flowers. Since mating mostly occurs when females are still confined within their galls, male wasps have the additional burden of detecting conspecific females that are “hidden” behind barriers consisting of gall walls. In Ficus racemosa, we investigated signals used by pollinating fig wasp males to differentiate conspecific females from females of other syntopic fig wasp species. Male Ceratosolen fusciceps could detect conspecific females using cues from galls containing females, empty galls, as well as cues from gall volatiles and gall surface hydrocarbons.In many figs, syconia are pollinated by single foundress wasps, leading to high levels of wasp inbreeding due to sibmating. In F. racemosa, as most syconia contain many foundresses, we expected male pollinators to prefer non-sib females to female siblings to reduce inbreeding. We used galls containing females from non-natal figs as a proxy for non-sibs and those from natal figs as a proxy for sibling females. We found that males preferred galls of female pollinators from natal figs. However, males were undecided when given a choice between galls containing non-pollinator females from natal syconia and pollinator females from non-natal syconia, suggesting olfactory imprinting by the natal syconial environment.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of the quasi-gregarious egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) was investigated under field conditions. Trissolcus basalis has female-biased sex ratios and is a protandrous species, with males emerging 1–2 days before females. Males competed aggressively for control of the egg mass, with one male assuming dominance and control of the egg mass, although changes in dominance occurred at least once on each egg mass observed. Typical mating behavior involved the dominant male mating his sisters immediately upon their emergence from the egg mass. These behaviors are characteristic of an inbreeding species that manifests local mate competition. However, several aspects of the mating behavior of T. basalis are inconsistent with that of an inbreeding species. Over 18% of emerging females were not mated by the dominant male upon emergence, 13% of females were not observed to be mated at all and may have left their natal site as virgins, 25% of females were mated multiple times and sometimes by multiple males, females remained near the natal site for up to several hours after emergence before emigrating, and males dispersed away from the natal site during female emergence. Trissolcus basalis may be a predominantly inbreeding species but its emergence and mating behavior suggest that low-frequency outbreeding is also likely to occur.  相似文献   

Mating systems are shaped by a species' ecology, which sets the stage for sexual selection. Males of the gregarious parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis compete to mate virgin females at the natal site, before females disperse. Males could increase their fitness by being larger and monopolizing female emergence sites or by emerging earlier pre-empting access to females. We consider sexual selection on male body size and development time in Nasonia, and a potential trade-off between the two traits. We explored sex-specific patterns of larval and pupal development, finding that smaller wasps developed slower than their host-mates. Using competition experiments between brothers, we found that earlier eclosing males mated more females independently of absolute and relative body size. Our data explain the lack of relationship between fitness and body size in male Nasonia and reinforce the importance of protandry in mating systems where access to mates is time-limited.  相似文献   

The prediction of Charnov et al.'s (1981) host-size model that there should be a negative relationship between host size and wasp sex ratio (proportion sons) was supported for Spalangia cameroni, a solitary parasitoid wasp. The relationship was shown to be a result of offspring sex manipulation by females in response to host size rather than a result of differential mortality of the sexes. A major assumption of the host-size model is that host size has a greater effect on the ultimate reproductive success of emerging female wasps than of males. This assumption was not supported. Host size had a positive effect on the size of both male and female S. cameroni. However, neither host size nor wasp size affected longevity, production of offspring by females, or ability of males to compete for mates. Host size may differentially affect the reproductive success of female and male wasps through effects on other aspects of reproductive success. Tests of the assumptions of offspring sex-ratio manipulation hypotheses are scarce but critical, not only for parasitoid wasps, but also for other organisms.  相似文献   

Metaphycus luteolus Timberlake (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is a facultatively gregarious parasitoid of soft scale insects. We conducted behavioral experiments to better understand the mating structure of this species. Emergence of male and female offspring is synchronized, beginning at the onset of photoperiod. Both sexes are able to disperse, although dispersal of males from natal patches appears to take longer than dispersal of females. We demonstrated the presence of a female‐produced contact pheromone using open arena bioassays and motion tracking software, testing residues deposited by walking females, and extracts of females. Males responded to the females' ‘chemical footprints’ and to acetone and hexane extracts of females by searching and arrestment on the chemical residues. Responses of males were dose dependent and diminished with time since the stimulus was deposited. Our findings support the hypothesis that non‐local mating among wasps emerging from different hosts may be quite common in these parasitoids. The implications of our results for the mating structure and previously documented sex ratio patterns of these parasitoids are described.  相似文献   

1. Parasitic wasps with structured populations are generally assumed to follow the local mate competition (LMC) model: females lay only the minimal number of sons necessary to inseminate all daughters in the emergence patch, and increase this number when faced with additional broods from unrelated females. After emergence, daughters mate with local males before dispersing for host location and oviposition. The main predictions from the model have been verified for many species. 2. Conflicting evidence exists on the status of the egg parasitoids Trichogramma regarding their on‐patch versus off‐patch mating. Although the life‐history traits of several species indicate that mating must occur on the emergence patch, recent data suggest that mating could occur outside the natal patch. 3. In this study, we measured the level of off‐patch mating in the egg parasitoid Trichogramma euproctidis using two isofemale lines in a greenhouse experiment. The impact of the sex ratio on the level of off‐patch mating was also tested. 4. The overall off‐patch mating proportion was 40.5% with a range between 0 and 85.7%, and was influenced by the sex ratio on the emergence patch: the more males available at emergence, the less off‐patch mating occurring. 5. The mating structure of this species can be described as partial LMC.  相似文献   

The gregarious parasitoid Cotesia glomerata (L.) is often presumed to possess the characteristic attributes of a species that manifests local mate competition (LMC), as it commonly produces female-biased broods. However, our field surveys of sex ratio and laboratory observations of adult behaviour showed that this species is subject to partial local mate competition caused by natal dispersal. On average, 30% of males left their natal patch before mating, with the proportion of dispersing males increasing with an increase in the patch's sex ratio (i.e. proportion of males). Over 50% of females left their natal patch before mating, and only 27.5% of females mated with males emerging from the same natal patch. Although females showed no preference between males that were and were not their siblings, broods from females that mated with siblings had a significantly higher mean brood sex ratio (0.56) than broods from females that mated with nonsiblings (0.39). Furthermore, brood sex ratios increased as inbreeding was intensified over four generations. A field population of this wasp had a mean brood sex ratio of 0.35 over 3 years, which conformed well to the evolutionarily stable strategy sex ratio (r=0.34) predicted by Taylor's partial sibmating model for haplodiploid species. These results suggest that the sex allocation strategy of C. glomerata is based on both partial local mate competition in males and inbreeding avoidance in females. In turn, this mating system plays a role in the evolution of natal dispersal behaviour in this species.Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Factors affecting the orientation, reproduction, and sex ratio of the egg parasitoid Ooencyrtus kuvanae Howard were examined. Adult females were attracted to airborne volatiles from the egg mass and accessory gland of the primary host, the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar L. Visual cues also affected host selection. Background colors against which egg masses were placed affected oviposition preference. In the absence of egg masses, color variation did not affect wasp behavior. Light is required for parasitism by O. kuvanae. The age and density of both the host and parasitoid affected wasp reproduction and sex ratios. Older egg masses issued relatively fewer wasps and higher proportions of males than did young egg masses. Likewise, wasp reproduction and the proportion of females declined with wasp age. Larger egg masses produced more wasps and lower proportions of males than did smaller egg masses. The number of offspring per female, and the proportion of female offspring, were inversely related to wasp density. Implications to biological control of the gypsy moth and parasitoid ecology are discussed.  相似文献   

The potential for short‐range sex pheromone communication by the egg parasitoid wasp Trissolcus brochymenae (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) was investigated in closed arena bioassays. Males of this parasitoid showed more antennal drumming and more frequent mounting behaviour on 1‐ to 2‐d‐old virgin females compared with 8‐d‐old virgin females. Male copulation attempts were fewer with previously mated females than with virgin females. Males courted and made copulation attempts with 1‐ to 2‐d‐old female cadavers, but not with male cadavers or with female cadavers rinsed in organic solvents of different polarities. Male attraction to female cadavers was re‐established by treating cadavers with acetone extracts of females, but not with ether or hexane extracts. In experiments using female cadavers dissected into head, mesosoma, and gaster, and then reassembled using one unwashed body section and two body sections washed in acetone, males were attracted only to the reassembled cadavers with an unwashed mesosoma. These findings suggest that (1) courtship behaviour in males of T. brochymenae is triggered by a short‐range sex pheromone produced by females; (2) the age and the physiological condition of females (virgin/mated) influence pheromone release or production; (3) the female's mesosoma is the source of the sex pheromone; and (4) polar components of the sex pheromone play a major role in influencing male behaviour. Our results suggest that quasi‐gregarious egg parasitoids are selected for short‐range rather than long‐range sex pheromones.  相似文献   

1. Chemical espionage in nature may occur when predators or parasitoids home in on animal or plant communication signals. Parasitoid wasps are known to use pheromones emitted by adults hosts to locate host eggs, larvae or pupae. The response of Trichogramma egg parasitoids to a synthetic sex pheromone blend of moths has been shown in a number of studies over the past 40 years. 2. Trichogramma pretiosum (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) is a tiny parasitic wasp, attacking the eggs of the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). This study investigated whether T. pretiosum homes in on the sex pheromone of H. virescens at close range. The arrestment response of the wasps to sex pheromone gland extracts of two types of female moths, so‐called high and low females, was also tested, referring to two selected extreme pheromone types of H. virescens. The study also investigated whether the wasps would mount females, possibly to hitchhike with them. 3. The wasps were arrested by the common, ‘low’ pheromone, but not by the rare, ‘high’ pheromone or by extracts from male hairpencils. The wasps did not show a preference for separate sex pheromone compounds, but when pre‐exposed to the major sex pheromone component of H. virescens before the tests together with H. virescens eggs, they did show a preference, indicating learning behaviour. In the mounting experiments, mated females were mounted significantly more than virgin females or males, suggesting that hitchhiking is a strategy used by these wasps to locate moth eggs. 4. This represents the first study to show a differential response of parasitoid wasps to two different sex pheromone types in a single host species. The results warrant further investigations into the potential role of parasitic wasps in the evolution of sexual communication in moths.  相似文献   

Most parasitoid female wasps can distinguish between unparasitized and parasitized hosts and use this information to optimize their progeny and sex allocation. In this study, we explored the impact of mating on oviposition behaviour (parasitism and self‐ and conspecific superparasitism) on both unparasitized and already parasitized hosts in the solitary parasitoid wasp Eupelmus vuilleti (Crw.) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). Virgin and mated females had the same oviposition behaviour and laid eggs preferentially on unparasitized hosts. The sex ratio (as the proportion of females) of eggs laid by mated females in parasitism and conspecific superparasitism was 0.67 ± 0.04 and 0.57 ± 0.09, respectively. Likewise, females laid more eggs in conspecific superparasitism than self‐superparasitism under our experimental conditions. These experiments demonstrate that E. vuilleti females can (i) discriminate between unparasitized and parasitized hosts and adapt the number of eggs they lay accordingly, and (ii) probably discriminate self from conspecific superparasitized hosts. Finally, mating does not appear to influence the host discrimination capacity, the ovarian function, or the oviposition behaviour.  相似文献   

Males of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis showed no innate preference for blue versus yellow or for green versus brown. They learned to associate color with mates, but their ability to do so depended on the color used and the strength of the reward. Specifically, males learned to associate brown or green with a reward of many virgin females. With fewer females, fewer training periods, or mated females as the reward, males still learned a preference for green but not for brown. Males did not learn to associate color with rewards of honey or water. Previous studies of color preference and associative learning in parasitoid wasps have focused almost entirely on females. This is the first demonstration of associative learning in response to visual cues by male parasitoid wasps.  相似文献   

Charnov's host-size model explains parasitoid host-size-dependent sex ratio as an adaptive consequence when there is a differential effect of host size on the offspring fitness of parasitoid males versus females. This article tests the predictions and the assumptions of the host-size model. The parasitoid wasp Pimpla nipponica Uchida (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) laid more female eggs in larger or fresher host pupae when choice among hosts of different sizes or ages was allowed. Then, whether an asymmetrical effect of host size and age on the fitness of females versus males existed in P. nipponica was examined. Larger or fresher host pupae yielded larger wasps. Larger females lived longer, whereas male size did not influence male longevity. Large males mated successfully with relatively large females but failed with small females, whereas small males could mate successfully either with small or with large females. Thus, small-male advantages were found, and this held true even under male–male competition. Ovariole and egg numbers at any one time did not differ among females of different sizes. Larger females attained higher oviposition success and spent less time and energy for oviposition in hosts. Larger females produced more eggs from a single host meal. Taken together, females gained more, and males lost more, by being large. Host size and age thus asymmetrically affected the fitness of offspring males versus females through the relationships between host size or hast age and wasp size, which means the basic assumption of the host-size model was satisfied. Therefore, sex ratio control by P. nipponica in response to host size and age is adaptive. Received: November 13, 1998 / Accepted: January 18, 1999  相似文献   

Adaptiveness of sex ratio control by the solitary parasitoid wasp Itoplectis naranyae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in response to host size was studied, by examining whether differential effects of host size on the fitness of resulting wasps are to be found between males and females. The offspring sex ratio (male ratio) decreased with increasing host size. Larger hosts yielded larger wasps. Male larvae were less efficient in consuming larger hosts than female larvae. No significant interaction in development time was found between parasitoid sex and host size. Larger female wasps lived longer than smaller females, while longevity of male wasps did not increase with increasing wasp size. Smaller males were able to mate either with small or with large females, while larger males failed to mate with small females. Larger female wasps had a greater number of ovarioles and mature eggs at any one time than smaller females, although the number of eggs produced per host-feeding was not influenced by female wasps. Thus, the differential effect of host size on the fitness of males and females exists in I. naranyae. The basic assumption of the host-size model was therefore satisfied, demonstrating that sex ratio control by I. naranyae in response to host size is adaptive.  相似文献   

  1. Females of many species select mates based on important morphological and performance traits. This behaviour likely facilitates reproductive success thus exhibiting sexual selection. Most such studies have evaluated a single morphological variable, and only a minority of them studies the effects of behaviour and performance (functional capacity: Irschick et al., Evolutionary Ecology Research, 10 , 177–196, 2008) at all.
  2. This study compares male morphological and performance traits differing in three variables that may correlate with fitness: condition index, flight ascent speed and resistance to torpor in relation to male mating success in the parasitoid wasp species Alabagrus texanus (Braconidae), a species where males swarm about emerging virgin females that display both choosy and non-choosy behavioural phenotypes.
  3. Males that successfully mated with choosy females exhibited higher condition indices and somewhat stronger resistance to torpor than other males. Conversely, males that mated with non-choosy females did not differ in any trait from other males we measured. Early-arriving males did not have higher condition indices or greater mating success than other males.
  4. Thus, both morphological and performance traits contributed to male success, which acted through female choice, indicating a role for sexual selection. Patterns of choice further differed among females, independent of male traits.

The males of many fig wasps fight fatally for mating opportunities. The concentration of females in space has been proposed as one factor selecting for their aggressive behaviour. We studied the temporal distribution of receptive females to obtain a clearer impression of the operational sex ratio in figs. Females of nonpollinating species emerged from figs over a protracted period of time and this resulted in an extremely male-biased operational sex ratio, conducive to extreme fighting. Since there were so few receptive females at any one time, a male could defend an eclosing female. Consequently, the largest, Otitesella longicauda male in a fig had a much higher mating success than smaller males. This suggests that larger males have a larger fitness advantage than larger females and a Trivers-Willard effect could have important implications for sex allocation. Apterous and seemingly nondispersing males routinely left their figs. Such dispersal can affect both (1) sex allocation by reducing the degree of local mate competition between brothers and (2) male dimorphism by reducing the mating opportunities of males with a dispersing morphology. We show that the wingless digitata males of the Otitesella digitata species group disperse on to leaves close to their natal fig. An extremely male-biased sex ratio resulted in almost all O. longicauda females being mated. These findings suggest that the classical concept of the fig wasp mating system is too simplistic and that important assumptions of sex allocation models are violated. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera, Agaonidae) display sex ratio adjustment, producing less female‐biased combined sex ratios as the number of ovipositing females (foundresses) inside a fig increases. Because males have low mobility, the oviposition sites (galled ovules) chosen by each foundress are likely to have consequences for the mating structure of wasp populations within the figs. 2. In this study, the spatial location of male and female progeny of the pollinating fig wasp Liporrhopalum tentacularis developing within figs of its host plant Ficus montana was examined to investigate two questions: (i) are male and/or female wasp offspring clustered together or interspersed? and (ii) is their distribution affected by whether one or two foundresses are present? Microsatellite markers were used to identify the progeny of different foundresses in dual‐foundress figs. 3. More offspring developed in the central part of the figs, compared with the ostiolar and basal parts, irrespective of foundress number. Neither male nor female wasp offspring were clustered within a fig. 4. The sons of the second foundress to enter a fig were positioned at similar minimum distances to both sibling and non‐sibling females, whereas the sons of the first foundress were closer to their sibling females than to non‐sibling females. If male wasps mate predominantly with females in adjacent galls, then the positioning of sons by the second foundresses is beneficial for them both in terms of reduced sibling mating and because they are provided with ready access to the female progeny of the first foundress.  相似文献   

Males ofTrichogramma sp., a gregarious parasitoid which attacks eggs of the yellow-legged tussock mothIvela auripes (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), are polymorphic for wings. In mating within host eggs, no difference in mating success was observed between winged (large) males and wingless (small) males, whereas in mating outside eggs, the former were superior to the latter. Some wingless males were observed to perform sneaking copulation on egg masses. In the 1-male brood, which is thought to be founded by 1 mother wasp, the male size tended to decrease as the number of females per brood increased. But in the 2-male brood, which is assumed to be added with 1 more smaller male produced by the second mother wasp in double parasitism, the larger male did not reduce his size, compared with the male of the 1-male brood with an equal number of females. This phenomenon can be explained reasonably by a version of the kin-selection theory: When there is only 1 male in a host egg, he transfers resources in the egg to his sister females, but, when another male appears, he decides to act to the females less altruistically.  相似文献   

The response of the generalist egg parasitoid Ooencyrtus telenomicida (Vassiliev) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) to host-related chemical cues from tomato plants, Solanum lycopersicum L., and adults of Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) was investigated in laboratory-based no-choice and paired-choice tests. In Y-tube olfactometer experiments, when female wasps were exposed to volatiles from plants in different conditions, they were attracted only to volatiles produced by N. viridula adult-infested tomato plants. When female wasps were exposed to adults of N. viridula, they were attracted to volatiles from virgin males, and, at a lower level, to volatiles from mated females in preoviposition state. Finally, studies in open arena showed that chemical footprints left by adults of N. viridula did not induce arrestment responses in wasp females. These results are discussed in terms of extrinsic competition with other beneficial egg parasitoids that in field can compete for the same egg mass, since intraguild interactions may affect the success of a biological control program.  相似文献   

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