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The objective of this study was to determine if maternal platelet count, white blood cell count or other blood constituents undergo sustained alterations in concentration following fertilization. Blood samples from 17 Holstein females were collected over an 18-d period starting at estrus. Blood was analyzed for levels of platelets, white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit. Results were analyzed for differences between nonpregnant and pregnant groups. Analysis of variance revealed a day-by-group interaction in the platelet count (P<0.01). White blood cell count showed both a day-by-group interaction and a difference between days (P<0.01). Red blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin levels resulted in no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). While statistically significant differences were observed in platelet and white blood cell count, neither of these were sustained over a period longer than 2 d.  相似文献   

Sixteen multiparous nonpregnant lactating Holstein cows (each weighing 662 ± 65 kg in 150.4 ±40 day of lactation) were confined to wooden metabolic cages with 12:12 h light:dark cycle during the experiment. The cows were divided into two sequences of eight cows each and exposed to electric and magnetic fields (EMF) in an exposure chamber. This chamber produced a vertical electric field of 10 kV/m and a uniform horizontal magnetic field of 30 μT at 60 Hz. One sequence was exposed for three estrous cycles of 24 to 27 days. During the first estrous cycle, the electric and magnetic fields were off; during the second estrous cycle, they were on; and during the third estrous cycle, they were off. The second sequence was also exposed for three 24 to 26 days estrous cycles, but the exposure to the fields was reversed (first estrous cycle, on; second estrous cycle, off; third estrous cycle, on). The length of each exposure period (21 to 27 days) varied according to the estrous cycle length. No differences were detected in plasma progesterone concentrations and area under the progesterone curve during estrous cycles between EMF nonexposed and exposed periods (2.28 ±0.17 and 2.25 ± 0.17; and 24.5 ± 1.9 vs. 26.4 ± 1.9 ng/ml, respectively). However, estrous cycle length, determined by the presence of a functional corpus luteum detected by concentrations of progesterone equal to or more than 1 ng/ml plasma, was shorter in nonexposed cows than when they were exposed to EMF (22.0 ± 0.9 vs. 25.3 ± 1.4 days). Bioelectromagnetics 19:438–443, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lactobacilli have been barely studied in cows. We proposed isolate and characterize lactic acid bacteria from dairy cows as compared to those raised for meat production and elucidate the presence of strains with evident probiotic employment's potential. For this, isolation and quantification of LAB mainly lactobacilli were realized from vaginal cattle samples in MRS medium. Each selected microorganism was then briefly characterized. The MATH method was employed using hexadecane, xilene an toluene as solvent. According to the hydrophobic characteristics, strains were classified into three categories: high (71-100%), medium (36-70%) and low (0-35%). Hydrogen peroxide qualitative production was studies too, lactobacilli were streaked onto an MRS agar plate containing 5 mg of 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine and 0.20 mg of horseradish peroxidase. Twenty-one sampled cows (78%) were positive for lactic acid microflora, 12 belonging to the dairy group and 17 of the meat group. Total LAB counting including dairy and meat cows were log 2,41 CFU/ml. Of overall identified strains, an 83% corresponded to lactobacilli. Most strains belonged to the heterofermentative facultative group (75%), with L. plantarum as the most frequent specie. The highest proportion of isolated vaginal strains (69%) had low hydrophobicity, the LAB with highest hydrophobic characteristics (3 strains) were found only in meat cows. In the qualitative evaluation of H(2)O(2) production, a positive reaction was observed in 13 of 29 strains (45%). The role of lactobacilli in vaginal microbiota is limited, and therefore the present work is interesting in incorporate knowledge of normal microflora of progesteronic healthy cows, in this case in production animals. The isolation and characterization data obtained are consistent in consider the study of particular strains with great potential in the development of a probiotic for production cows.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the use of continuous housing systems for dairy cows, with various reasons put forward to advocate such systems. However, the welfare of dairy cows is typically perceived to be better within pasture-based systems, although such judgements are often not scientifically based. The aim of this review was to interrogate the existing scientific literature to compare the welfare, including health, of dairy cows in continuously housed and pasture-based systems. Although summarising existing work, knowledge gaps and directions for future research are also identified. The scope of the review is broad, examining relevant topics under three main headings; health, behaviour and physiology. Regarding health, cows on pasture-based systems had lower levels of lameness, hoof pathologies, hock lesions, mastitis, uterine disease and mortality compared with cows on continuously housed systems. Pasture access also had benefits for dairy cow behaviour, in terms of grazing, improved lying/resting times and lower levels of aggression. Moreover, when given the choice between pasture and indoor housing, cows showed an overall preference for pasture, particularly at night. However, the review highlighted the need for a deeper understanding of cow preference and behaviour. Potential areas for concern within pasture-based systems included physiological indicators of more severe negative energy balance, and in some situations, the potential for compromised welfare with exposure to unpredictable weather conditions. In summary, the results from this review highlight that there remain considerable animal welfare benefits from incorporating pasture access into dairy production systems.  相似文献   

A recently developed mechanistic mathematical model of the bovine estrous cycle was parameterized to fit empirical data sets collected during one estrous cycle of 31 individual cows, with the main objective to further validate the model. The a priori criteria for validation were (1) the resulting model can simulate the measured data correctly (i.e. goodness of fit), and (2) this is achieved without needing extreme, probably non-physiological parameter values. We used a least squares optimization procedure to identify parameter configurations for the mathematical model to fit the empirical in vivo measurements of follicle and corpus luteum sizes, and the plasma concentrations of progesterone, estradiol, FSH and LH for each cow. The model was capable of accommodating normal variation in estrous cycle characteristics of individual cows. With the parameter sets estimated for the individual cows, the model behavior changed for 21 cows, with improved fit of the simulated output curves for 18 of these 21 cows. Moreover, the number of follicular waves was predicted correctly for 18 of the 25 two-wave and three-wave cows, without extreme parameter value changes. Estimation of specific parameters confirmed results of previous model simulations indicating that parameters involved in luteolytic signaling are very important for regulation of general estrous cycle characteristics, and are likely responsible for differences in estrous cycle characteristics between cows.  相似文献   

Achieving a consistent level of robot utilisation throughout 24 h maximises automatic milking system (AMS) utilisation. However, levels of robot utilisation in the early morning hours are typically low, caused by the diurnal feeding behaviour of cows, limiting the inherent capacity and total production of pasture-based AMS. Our objective was to determine robot utilisation throughout 24 h by dairy cows, based on milking frequency (MF; milking events per animal per day) in a pasture-based AMS. Milking data were collected from January and February 2013 across 56 days, from a single herd of 186 animals (Bos taurus) utilising three Lely A3 robotic milking units, located in Tasmania, Australia. The dairy herd was categorised into three equal sized groups (n=62 per group) according to the cow’s mean daily MF over the duration of the study. Robot utilisation was characterised by an interaction (P< 0.001) between the three MF groups and time of day, with peak milking time for high MF cows within one h of a fresh pasture allocation becoming available, followed by the medium MF and low MF cows 2 and 4 h later, respectively. Cows in the high MF group also presented for milking between 2400 and 0600 h more frequently (77% of nights), compared to the medium MF group (57%) and low MF group (50%). This study has shown the formation of three distinct groups of cows within a herd, based on their MF levels. Further work is required to determine if this finding is replicated across other pasture-based AMS farms.  相似文献   

Variability in the superovulation response is an important problem for the embryo transfer industry. The objective of this study was to determine whether FSH treatment at the beginning of the cycle would improve the ovulation rate and embryo yield in dairy cows. Twenty-eight postpartum cyclic dairy cows were allocated at random to 4 treatment groups (A, B, C and D). Group A cows (n = 10) received FSH (35 mg) at a decreasing dose, starting on Day 9 (Day 0 = day of estrus) for 5 days followed by PGF(2alpha) (35 mg) on Day 12. Cows assigned to Groups B, C and D (n = 6 cows each, respectively) were given 35 mg FSH at a decreasing dose from Days 2 to 6 followed by PGF(2alpha) on Day 7. Group C and D cows received PRID inserts from Day 3 to Day 7. Cows in Group D additionally received 1000 IU hCG 60 hours after PGF(2alpha) treatment. Ovaries were scanned daily using a real time ultrasound scanner from the beginning of FSH treatment until embryo recovery, to monitor follicular development, ovulation and the number of unovulated follicles. Embryos were recovered from the uterus by a nonsurgical flushing technique 7 days after breeding. There were no differences (P>0.01) in the number of follicles > 10 mm at 48 hours after PGF(2alpha) treatment among the 4 groups. The mean numbers of follicles were 10.6 +/- 1.2, 9.3 +/- 1.3, 12.2 +/- 1.3 and 15.0 +/- 2.9 for Groups A, B, C and D, respectively. A significantly (P<0.001) higher number of ovulations was observed and a larger number of embryos was recovered in Group A than in the other groups. The results of this study indicate that superovulation with FSH at the beginning of the cycle causes sufficient follicular development but results in very low ovulation and embryo recovery rates.  相似文献   

Endometrial tissue homogenates obtained at luteal and follicular stages of the estrous cycle were determined for prostaglandin E(2) and progesterone contents by EIA and RIA, respectively. In Experiment 1, the concentrations and changes of PGE(2) in uterine tissues collected by biopsy before slaughfter and subsequent samples collected at 30, 60 and 90 min after slaughter were measured. No significant differences were observed in the concentration of PGE(2) preslaughter or at 30 and 60 min post slaughter. However, there was a significant decrease (P<0.01) in PGE(2) concentration 90 min post slaughter. In Experiment 2, the concentrations of PGE(2) in the ipsilateral and contralateral horns in relation to corpus luteum function were compared. A significant (P<0.05) interaction was found between stages of estrous cycle (luteal vs follicular) based on CL progesterone content, and type of uterine horn (ipsilateral vs contralateral) on uterine PGE(2) levels. The PGE(2) concentration was significantly higher (P<0.01) at luteal phase than at follicular phase. During the luteal phase PGE(2) concentrations in tissues of the uterine horn ipsilateral to the corpus luteum was significantly higher (P<0.01) than the contralateral horn. The PGE(2) concentration was low and did not differ significantly between horns during follicular phase. A parallel increase (luteal: high) and decrease (follicular: low) in PGE(2) and progesterone concentrations were observed. Correlations were observed for CL progesterone and uterine PGE(2) concentrations as well as for PGE(2) and progesterone concentrations in uterine tissues (r=0.70 and r=0.60, respectively). The results show that the increase in PGE(2) concentrations in uterine tissues coincides with the high uterine progesterone concentrations during luteal phase.  相似文献   

To study the effects of exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (EMF) on the estrous cycle of dairy cows under short-day photoperiod, 16 non-lactating, non-pregnant Holstein cows were exposed to a vertical electric field of 10 kV/m and a horizontal magnetic field of 30 microT for 16 h per day in a cross-over design consisting of two sequences. Each sequence included three periods, and each period corresponded to the duration of one estrous cycle. All animals were maintained under short photoperiod (8 h light/16 h dark) during the trial. Exposure to EMF had an impact on the duration of a complete estrous cycle (P<0.01) and on the duration of the luteal phase (P<0.01). The mean duration of one cycle was 19.5+/-0.4 for the control and 21.3+/-0.4 days for the exposed animals, respectively. The mean duration of the luteal phase was 15.4+/-0.4 days for the control and 17.2+/-0.4 days for the exposed group. The total area under the progesterone (P(4)) curve, the amplitude of the curve or the slope of the P(4) rise at the onset of the luteal phase were not affected by EMF exposure. Results indicate that exposure to EMF may increase the duration of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to examine the in vivo protein composition of the bovine oviduct during the estrous cycle. Oviduct fluid was collected daily from four oviduct-cannulated dairy cows for a total of four complete estrous cycles. Fluid secretion followed a definite cyclic pattern, with maximum secretion occurring at estrus in all cycles. Protein concentration fluctuated during the cycle and varied among animals. In general, protein concentration was lower at the time of estrus. Total protein in oviduct fluid, however, was higher around estrus, indicating increased transudation or secretion by the oviduct. One-dimensional SDS-PAGE separation revealed the protein pattern of oviduct fluid to be generally similar to that of blood serum and follicular fluid. Two proteins appeared to be oviduct-specific. The first, a protein of approximately 47 kDa, was evident in oviduct fluid throughout the estrous cycle. The second protein, evident as a broad diffuse staining band above albumin, appeared for only 3-4 days at or near ovulation. This protein had a molecular weight of 80-95 kDa and stained positive for carbohydrate with periodic acid-Schiff reagent. These studies indicate that the in vivo protein composition of oviduct fluid varies with the estrous cycle, and that around estrus, an oviduct-specific glycoprotein is present.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to confirm earlier findings, obtained with a small number of animals, that gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) can shorten corpus luteum functional life when it is administered 24 h after cloprostenol (PG) treatments given 7-9 days after estrus. In addition, the effects of two treatments, PG alone or PG + GnRH given before mid-diestrus, on signs of estrus were studied. Sixty cows in farm conditions were used in the experiment. Eight days after natural estrus, they were given an intramuscularly (i.m.) treatment of cloprostenol (0.5 mg). The animals were then divided into two groups. One group (n = 25) received an i.m. treatment of gonadorelin (0.1 mg) 24 h after the PG treatment (PG + GnRH group), while another group (n = 35) served as controls without any further treatment (PG group). Estrous signs were recorded. Progesterone concentrations were measured from samples of whole milk. No short cycles were observed in the PG group, whereas 33% of the cows in the PG + GnRH group exhibited premature luteal regression (P < 0.05). Cloprostenol treatment on Day 8 had no effect on the intensity of the estrous signs. Instead, GnRH treatment 24 h after PG treatment weakened the estrous signs significantly (P < 0.01). It is concluded that GnRH administration 24 h after a PG treatment given 8 days after estrus can cause short estrous cycles in some cows on an individual basis.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was that supplementation during the late prepartum period will differentially affect reproductive and productive variables according to parity. Primiparous (n=22) and multiparous (n=22) pregnant autumn calving Holstein cows were stratified in two groups according to parity (primiparous or multiparous) and within each group were randomly assigned to two treatments: (a) low supplemented (LS) or (b) high supplemented (HS) prepartum diet. The LS group was offered 5.2 kg/cow/day (DM basis) of wheat silage, and the HS group 4.7 kg cow/day (DM basis)/of corn silage and 3.6 kg (DM basis) of wheat bran+12 g of urea. Both groups grazed on natural pastures. After calving, all cows received the same diet. The experimental period was from 3 weeks before calving to 7 weeks postpartum (PP); body condition score (BCS) and blood samples for hormonal analyses were obtained weekly and ovarian ultrasonography was conducted three times per week. The loss in BCS around calving was less pronounced in HS cows, but only multiparous supplemented cows maintained BCS throughout the study. Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) increased during the prepartum period in the LS but not in the HS cows, with peak values occurring on day 14 PP in all groups. During the remainder of the experiment NEFA was greater in LS than in HS cows. Prepartum treatment did not affect the proportion of cows that had ovulations from the first dominant follicle postpartum, but decreased the interval to first ovulation in multiparous cows (22.9 compared with 38.2 days; P<0.05). This was associated with greater plasma IGF-I concentrations at the time the dominant follicle of the first follicular wave reached its maximum diameter (8.0 compared with 3.6 nmol/L; P<0.05). However, prepartum treatment had no effect on onset of ovarian activity in primiparous cows. Supplementation had no effect on milk production or milk protein percentage but increased milk fat percentage. We conclude that feeding a high-supplemented prepartum diet to multiparous cows allowed them to maintain BCS around calving, and this was associated with greater concentrations of IGF-I and an earlier onset of estrous cycles after calving.  相似文献   

Lopez H  Wu Z  Satter LD  Wiltbank MC 《Theriogenology》2004,61(2-3):437-445
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary phosphorus (P) concentrations of 0.38 (adequate) or 0.48% (excess) of the total mixed ration (TMR) (dry matter basis) on estrous behavior of lactating cows as measured by a radiotelemetric system (HeatWatch; De Forest, WI, USA). At calving, 42 Holstein cows (n=21 per treatment) were randomly assigned to one of two dietary P treatments. Cows were milked twice daily and milk weights were recorded. Cows were housed in a free-stall barn and were fitted with a radiotelemetric transmitter 40 days postpartum to record estrous mounting activity. The total number of estruses recorded for the 42 cows were 72 (37 and 35 for cows in the adequate and excess P groups, respectively). The mean duration of estrous cycles was 22 +/- 0.6 days and 21 +/- 0.4 days for cows fed the adequate and excess P diets, respectively (P=0.14). The mean duration of estrus was 8.9 +/- 1.1 h and 8.6 +/- 1.2 h (P=0.86), the average number of mounts during estrus was 7.0 +/- 1.2 and 8.2 +/- 1.7 (P=0.57), and the total mounting time was 27.1 +/- 4.3 s and 30.8 +/- 6.5 s (P=0.64) for cows fed the adequate and excess P diets, respectively. Phosphorus treatment had no significant effect on intensity or duration of estrus.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if there is an association between level of milk production and duration of estrus as determined by standing activity recorded by a radiotelemetry system. Holstein cows (n = 267; 50 DIM) were fitted with a transmitter that allowed continuous recording of standing activity. Cows were housed in a free-stall barn and milked twice daily. Ovulation was confirmed for all estruses (n = 380). Average milk production for the 10 days before the day of estrus was used to classify cows as lower (< 39.5 kg/day) or higher (>/= 39.5 kg/day) producers at the time of estrous expression. Follicle size and serum estradiol (E(2)) concentrations were determined in a subset of cows (n = 71) on the day of estrus. Duration (6.2 +/- 0.5 h versus 10.9 +/- 0.7 h; P < 0.0001), standing events (6.3 +/- 0.4 versus 8.8 +/- 0.6; P = 0.001), and standing time (21.7 +/- 1.3 s versus 28.2 +/- 1.9 s; P = 0.007) were shorter for estruses from higher (46.4 +/- 0.4 kg/day; n = 146) than lower producers (33.5 +/- 0.3 kg/day; n = 177). Milk production was correlated with the duration of estrus (r = -0.51; P < 0.0001; n = 323). Higher producers had lower E(2) concentrations than lower producers (6.8 +/- 0.5; n = 31 versus 8.6 +/- 0.5 pg/ml; n = 40; P = 0.01) in spite of larger pre-ovulatory follicle diameter (18.6 +/- 0.3; n = 31 versus 17.4 +/- 0.2 mm; n = 40; P 0.004). Interestingly, E(2) concentrations were not correlated with diameter of the pre-ovulatory follicle (r = -0.17; P = 0.15) but milk production was correlated with both E(2) concentrations (r = -0.57; P < 0.0001) and diameter of the pre-ovulatory follicle (r = 0.45; P < 0.0001). Thus, high milk production decreases duration of estrus probably due to decreased circulating concentrations of E(2).  相似文献   

The use of hCG in cattle at breeding or at different times after breeding has been associated with extension in estrous cycle length among cows that do not become pregnant. The objective of this study was to determine whether the increase in estrous cycle length observed in hCG-treated cows that fail to become pregnant is due to changes in ovarian follicular dynamics. Twelve nonbred lactating cows were randomly assigned either to receive hCG on Day 7 of the cycle (Day 0 = day of estrus, n = 6) or to serve as controls (n = 6). Ultrasound scanning was conducted daily from Day 0 until the onset of the next ovulation to monitor follicular and corpus luteum (CL) dynamics. Blood samples were collected for progesterone analysis at each ultrasound session. Ovulation of the Day 7 follicle occurred in all 6 hCG-treated cows. The time of emergence of the second-wave of follicular growth was advanced in hCG-treated cows but was not statistically different (P > 0.05) from that of the control cows (10.8 +/- 0.3 vs 12.7 +/- 1.4 d). The mean diameter of the second-wave dominant follicle from Days 15 to 18 was not different (P > 0.05) between the treatment groups. However, the second-wave dominant follicle had a slower growth rate (0.8 vs 1.3 mm/d) among cows treated with hCG compared with that of the controls. The second-wave dominant follicle was the ovulatory follicle in 5 control cows, but only in 3 hCG-treated cows. The dominant follicle from the third wave ovulated in 1 control and in 3 hCG-treated cows. The lifespan of the spontaneous CL and the time to low progesterone levels (< 1 ng/ml) were not different between the control and hCG-treated cows. These results suggest an altered follicular dynamic but no extension in estrous cycle length when hCG is administered on Day 7 of the cycle in postpartum cows.  相似文献   

Reproductive tract bacterial infections, particularly those caused by Escherichia coli and Trueperella pyogenes, can have a negative impact on reproductive performance. It has been hypothesized that the presence of E coli early postpartum may increase the risk of isolation of T pyogenes later postpartum. The objective of the present study was to examine associations between intrauterine bacterial infections with E coli and T pyogenes and any bacterial growth (irrespective of bacterial species), purulent vaginal discharge (PVD), cytologic evidence of endometritis (an increased proportion of polymorphonuclear cells [PMNs]), and reproductive performance. Dairy cows (n = 272) from six herds were examined at Days 0 (median, 2 days in milk), 21 and 42 postpartum. From each cow two intrauterine samples were collected via triple-guarded cytobrush at Days 0 and 21. The first cytobrush was used for bacteriologic culture. Escherichia coli and T pyogenes were isolated by culture, and E coli isolates were assigned to one of four phylogenetic groups using a two-step triplex polymerase chain reaction. In addition, T pyogenes was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. The second cytobrush was used to prepare a cytology slide. Nucleated cells (n = 200) were categorized as epithelial cells, PMNs, or macrophages. Cows were also assessed for body condition score, PVD score, the presence of a CL, and pregnancy. Statistical analysis was performed using multivariable models. There was no association between the presence of E coli at Day 0 and probability of isolation of T pyogenes 3 weeks later; however, E coli positive cows at Day 0 were more likely to be diagnosed with E coli at Day 21 (relative risk [RR] = 2.0, P < 0.01). Escherichia coli at Day 0 or T pyogenes at Day 21 increased the risk of PVD diagnosis 3 weeks later (RR = 1.9; P = 0.04 and RR = 3.0; P = 0.05, respectively). Cows with any bacterial growth at Day 21, irrespective of species, were less likely to conceive within 3 weeks after the start of the seasonal breeding program (RR = 0.8; P = 0.05). Interestingly, cows with 25% PMNs or greater at Day 0 had shorter time to pregnancy (hazard ratio = 1.32; P = 0.05). Intrauterine bacterial infection may impair reproductive performance but the presence of E coli was not associated with isolation of T pyogenes 3 weeks later. Increased endometrial flux of PMNs in cows early postpartum may be a physiological process and improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate ovarian follicular development and hormone concentrations in previously inseminated cows with estrous cycles resynchronized with various resynchronization treatments. Lactating dairy cows were treated with a previously used intravaginal progesterone releasing device (IVD) for 7d (EB+IVD 7+EB, n=15) or 8d (EB+IVD 8+EB, n=16), starting 13d (Day 13) after a first estrus (Day 0) and AI. Estradiol benzoate (EB; 1mgim) was given at device insertion and 24h after removal. Other cows were given the same treatment as the EB+IVD 8+EB cows, but were not treated with EB at IVD insertion (IVD 8+EB, n=11). There were no differences (P>0.05) between EB+IVD 7+EB and EB+IVD 8+EB treatments for follicle dynamics and plasma progesterone concentrations during treatment. Based on a comparison between the IVD 8+EB treated cows and the pooled results of the EB+IVD 7+EB and EB+IVD 8+EB treated cows, EB at device insertion increased the number of follicular waves between Days 13 and 20 (mean+/-S.E.M.; 2.3+/-0.14 vs 2.7+/-0.10, P=0.033), delayed emergence of follicles that were dominant or emerging on Day 20 (17.2+/-0.36 vs 14.1+/-0.65d, P<0.001), reduced diameters of dominant or emerging follicles on Day 20 (9.0+/-0.58 vs 12.7+/-0.59, P<0.001), and reduced plasma progesterone concentrations by 0.85+/-0.44ng/mL (P=0.059) during treatment. Furthermore, comparison of the IVD 8+EB to the EB+IVD 8+EB treated cows demonstrated that treatment with EB at device insertion also reduced the diameter of ovulatory follicles (14.2+/-0.58 vs 19.0+/-0.71mm, P=0.001), delayed emergence of ovulatory follicles (17.0+/-0.32 vs 13.5+/-1.26, P=0.020), and reduced the interval from emergence to ovulation (7.0+/-0.32 vs 10.5+/-1.26d, P=0.020). We concluded that administration of EB altered ovarian follicular dynamics and tended to reduce plasma progesterone concentrations during treatment with an IVD that was used to resynchronize estrous cycles. However, use of a 7-d compared to an 8-day treatment with an IVD did not significantly affect follicle dynamics nor plasma progesterone concentrations during treatment.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test the effect of ultrasonically-guided follicle aspiration on estrous cycle and follicular dynamics in Holstein cows. The objective of the first experiment was to determine if aspiration of all visible follicles would influence the estrous cycle. All visible follicles > or = 5 mm in diameter were punctured and the oocytes aspirated once during the second and fourth cycle, with no aspirations occurring during Cycles 1, 3 and 5 in 4 Holstein cows. Between aspirations the follicles were scanned ultrasonically every 2 to 3 d to monitor follicular waves. Estrus was monitored twice daily and plasma progesterone concentrations were measured daily. The inter-estrus periods were significantly longer when aspiration was performed than in the 3 cycles in which aspiration did not occur (25.0 vs 21.1 d; P < 0.01). To determine the maximum number of follicles harvestable on a continuing basis, a second experiment was conducted to contrast unstimulated cows subjected to ultrasonically-guided oocyte collection twice-weekly with animals from which oocytes were collected once a week after gonadotrophin stimulation. All visible follicles of multiparous Holstein cows were aspirated every 3 or 4 d (unstimulated group, n = 4), and the total number of follicles was compared with the number of follicles in cows that were aspirated weekly after 400 mg FSH were administered over 2 d (stimulated, n = 6). The study continued for 8 consecutive weeks. The weekly mean number of follicles available for aspiration in the unstimulated cows was 15.7 +/- 3.3 (mean +/-SEM), which was not different from the 14.2 +/- 1.9 follicles available for aspiration from the FSH-stimulated cows. Within the unstimulated cows, there was an increased number of follicles available for aspiration over time during the period of study (P < 0.001). The number of follicles available for aspiration from the stimulated cows did not change, but plasma concentrations of progesterone increased over time as persistent luteal tissue developed on the ovaries.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate factors associated with resumption of postpartum estrous cycles and embryonic survival in lactating dairy cows. Holstein cows, 6396 from four dairy farms were evaluated to determine the relationships among parity, body condition score (BCS) at calving and at AI, season of year when cows calved, and milk yield on resumption of postpartum estrous cycles by 65 days postpartum, and all the previous variables, estrual or anestrus and AI protocol on conception rates and embryonic survival at the first postpartum insemination. Cows had their estrous cycle pre-synchronized with two PGF injections given 14 days apart and were inseminated between 69 and 82 days postpartum following either an estrous or ovulation synchronization protocol initiated 12–14 days after the presynchronization. Blood was sampled and analyzed for progesterone twice, 12–14 days apart, to determine whether cows had initiated onset of estrous cycles after calving. Cows were scored for body condition in the week after calving, and again at AI, between 69 and 82 days postpartum. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 30 ± 3 and 58 ± 3 days after AI. Farm influenced all reproductive outcomes evaluated. More (P < 0.0001) multiparous than primiparous cows had initiated estrous cycles. Onset of estrous cycles was also influenced (P < 0.01) by BCS at calving and at AI, BCS change, season, and milk yield. More (P < 0.001) cows that had initiated estrous cycles than anestrous cows were pregnant at 30 and 58 days after AI, but anestrus did not affect pregnancy loss. Conception rates were also influenced (P < 0.01) by parity, BCS at calving and AI, BCS change, and season; however, milk yield and insemination protocol were not associated with conception rates at 30 and 58 days after AI. Factors that reduced conception rate on day 30 after AI also increased pregnancy loss between 30 and 58 days of gestation. Improving BCS at calving and AI, minimizing losses of BCS after calving, and hastening onset of estrous cycles early postpartum are all expected to increase conception because of enhanced embryonic survival.  相似文献   

To determine whether follicular development, superovulation and embryo production were affected by the absence or presence of a dominant follicle, cows were administered injections of FSH twice daily in the early (Days 2 to 6, estrus = Day 0) or middle stage (beginning on Day 10 or 11) of the estrous cycle. Treatment with FSH early in the cycle stimulated follicular development in 83 to 100% of all cows from 4 groups evaluated at different times after PGF2alpha treatment on Days 6 and 7. However, the proportion of cows with > 2 ovulations varied from 31 to 62.5%, indicating that induction of follicular development may occur in the absence of superovulation. When compared with cows treated in the middle of the cycle, no differences were observed in the proportion of cows with > 2 ovulations (31 vs 20%), ovulation rate. (26.0 +/- 6.3 vs 49.6 +/- 25.8), production of ova/embryos (13.3 +/- 3.2 vs 14.4 +/- 3.4), or the number of transferable embryos (8.0 +/- 3.6 vs 5.4 +/- 1.5; early vs middle, respectively). The proportion of the total number of embryos collected that were suitable for transfer was greater (P<0.01) in cows treated early in the cycle (60%) than at midcycle (37.5%). The diameter of the largest follicle observed by ultra-sound prior to initiation of FSH treatment in the early stage of the cycle (10.0 +/- 2.0 mm) was smaller (P<0.05) than at midcyle (16.8 +/- 1.3 mm). These results demonstrate that superinduction of follicular development is highly consistent after FSH treatment at Days 2 to 6 of the cycle and that superovulation and embryo production are not less variable than when FSH is administered during the middle of the cycle. However, superovulation in the early stage of the cycle may increase the proportion of embryos suitable for transfer.  相似文献   

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