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Identical satellite DNA sequences in sibling species of Drosophila   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The evolution of simple satellite DNAs was examined by DNA-DNA hybridization of ten Drosophila melanogaster satellite sequences to DNAs of the sibling species, Drosophila simulans and Drosophila erecta. Seven of these repeat types are present in tandem arrays in D. simulans and each of the ten sequences is repeated in D. erecta. In thermal melts, six of the seven satellite sequences in D. simulans and seven of the ten sequences in D. erecta melted within 1 deg.C of the corresponding values in D. melanogaster. The remaining sequences melted within 3 deg.C of the homologous hybrids. Therefore, there is little or no alteration in those satellite sequences held in common, despite a period of about ten million years since the divergence of D. melanogaster and D. simulans from a common ancestor. Simple satellite sequences appear to be more highly conserved than coding regions of the genome, on a per nucleotide basis. Since multiple copies of three satellite sequences could not be detected in D. simulans yet are present in D. erecta, a species more distantly related to D. melanogaster than is D. simulans, these sequences show discontinuities in evolution. There were major quantitative variations between species, showing that satellite DNAs are prone to massive amplification or diminution events over timespans as short as those separating sibling species. In D. melanogaster, these sequences amount to 21% of the genome but only 5% in D. simulans and 0.4% in D. erecta. There was a general trend of lower abundance with evolutionary distance for most satellites, suggesting that the amounts of different satellite sequences do not vary independently during evolution.  相似文献   

A class of restriction endonuclease fragments near 185 bp in length and comprising approximately 20% of the genomes of 3 species of Hawaiian Drosophila has been cloned using bacteriophage M13. The nucleotide sequences of 14 clones have been determined and the variation between clones has been found to be due to deletions and base changes. Analyses of uncloned material show that the cloning system itself does not introduce the variation. The variation of the basic repeat within and between species is high; 15% due to deletions and 10% due to base changes. The Drosophila data are similar in many respects to both the 23 bp calf satellite results (Pech et al., 1979b) and those from sequence analyses of the 170 bp primate restriction fragments (Rubin et al, 1979; Donehower et al., 1980, Wu and Manuelidis, 1980). The intraspecies level of base changes and deletions in the calf satellite approaches 25% as does that in the human/African green monkey/baboon comparisons. The between species variation in the primate group is near 35%. Direct sequencing methods thus reveal a widespread sequence heterogeneity in both invertebrate and mammalian satellite systems of long or short repeat length. This heterogeneity does not support the strict sequence conservation implied by the library hypothesis, which claims a functional role in speciation for the rigid conservation of satellite DNA sequences (Fry and Salser, 1977). Furthermore the Drosophila and primate data reveal that satellite DNAs can change rapidly, though nonrandomly, at the nucleotide sequence level in a relatively closely knit group such as the Hawaiian species, as well as in more distantly related species from amongst the primates. We draw two major conclusions. There is no universal attribute of satellite DNA sequence per se, the only biological variable to date being the amount of satellite DNA and its effects in the germ line. Many aspects of satellite DNA evolution conform to Kimura's (1979) concepts of neutrality.  相似文献   

cDNAs for alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) isozymes were cloned and sequenced from two tephritid fruit flies, the medfly Ceratitis capitata and the olive fly Bactrocera oleae. Because of the high sequence divergence compared with the Drosophila sequences, the medfly cDNAs were cloned using sequence information from the purified proteins, and the olive fly cDNAs were cloned by functional complementation in yeast. The medfly peptide sequences are about 83% identical to each other, and the corresponding mRNAs have the tissue distribution shown by the corresponding isozymes, ADH-1 and ADH-2. The olive fly peptide sequence is more closely related to medfly ADH-2. The tephritid ADHs share less than 40% sequence identity with Drosophila ADH and ADH-related genes but are >57% identical to the ADH of the flesh fly Sarcophaga peregrina, a more distantly related species. To explain this unexpected finding, it is proposed that the ADH: genes of the family Drosophilidae may not be orthologous to the ADH: genes of the other two families, Tephritidae and Sarcophagidae.  相似文献   

R S Jack  H Eggert 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(8):2603-2609
Sequence specific DNA binding proteins in eukaryotic cells must efficiently locate their binding sites in chromosomes. Restriction enzymes provide a simple model system with which to investigate the factors which influence this process. We have used P element mediated transformation to introduce a DNA fragment containing a set of characterized restriction sites into the Drosophila germline. Embryonic nuclei prepared from these transgenic animals were treated with restriction enzymes to probe the accessibility of the target restriction sites. The results show that the insert is within an accessible region of the chromosome and that restriction sites within the inserted sequence can be cut. However, the rate of cutting is biphasic. At each restriction site, a fraction of the chromosomes is cut rapidly after which the remainder is refractory. Similar levels of incomplete cutting are obtained when the same P element construct is examined at a different chromosomal location, when different sequence elements are introduced into the P element vector or when the experiment is carried out on nuclei from different embryonic stages. These results are discussed in terms of how sequence specific DNA binding proteins may locate their genomic targets in vivo.  相似文献   

The replication of mouse satellite DNA was delayed when synchronized 3T3 cells were exposed to low concentrations of hydroxyurea during S phase, It appears that the onset of satellite replication is not a time dependent event, but instead requires that a certain amount of main band DNA be synthesized first. Using hydroxyapatite chromatography and S1 nuclease digestion, a procedure was developed to quantitate the synthesis of both satellite and neighboring main band sequences. The replication kinetics of satellite determined by this method agree with previous estimates. Main band sequences adjacent to satellite appear to replicate in concert with satellite DNA. The results are discussed and related to the limitations of the techniques utilized.  相似文献   

DDP1 is a single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein of Drosophila melanogaster that associates with pericentric heterochromatin. DDP1 contains 15 consecutive KH domains and is homologous to the highly conserved vigilin proteins that, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are involved in the control of cell ploidy. DDP1 was identified and purified on the basis of its binding to the pyrimidine-rich C strand of the centromeric Drosophila dodeca-satellite. Here, the interaction of DDP1 with the dodeca-satellite C strand was analyzed in detail. This interaction is sequence specific. In particular, a guanine residue which is highly conserved in natural dodeca-satellite sequences was found to be essential for the efficient binding of DDP1. DDP1 binding was also found to be strongly influenced by the length and extent of secondary structure of the DNA substrate. Efficient DDP1 binding required a minimal length of about 75 to 100 nucleotides and was facilitated by the lack of secondary structure of the substrate. DDP1 also showed a significant affinity for the unstructured pyrimidine-rich strand of the most abundant centromeric Drosophila AAGAG satellite. The stoichiometry of the complexes formed with the dodeca-satellite C strand suggests that, in DDP1, the 15 consecutive KH domains are organized such that they define two nucleic acid binding surfaces. These results are discussed in the context of the possible contribution of DDP1 to heterochromatin organization and function.  相似文献   

Repetitive DNA sequences in Drosophila   总被引:35,自引:5,他引:35  
The satellite DNAs of Drosophila melanogaster and D. virilis have been examined by isopycnic centrifugation, thermal denaturation, and in situ molecular hybridization. The satellites melt over a narrow temperature range, reassociate rapidly after denaturation, and separate into strands of differing buoyant density in alkaline CsCl. In D. virilis and D. melanogaster the satellites constitute respectively 41% and 8% of the DNA isolated from diploid tissue. The satellites make up only a minute fraction of the DNA isolated from polytene tissue. Complementary RNA synthesized in vitro from the largest satellite of D. virilis hybridized to the centromeric heterochromatin of mitotic chromosomes, although binding to the Y chromosome was low. The same cRNA hybridized primarily to the -heterochromatin in the chromocenter of salivary gland nuclei. The level of hybridization in diploid and polytene nuclei was similar, despite the great difference in total DNA content. The centrifugation and hybridization data imply that the -heterochromatin either does not replicate or replicates only slightly during polytenization. Similar but less extensive data are presented for D. melanogaster. — In D. melanogaster cRNA synthesized from total DNA hybridized to the entire chromocenter (- and -heterochromatin) and less intensely to many bands on the chromosome arms. The X chromosome was more heavily labeled than the autosomes. In D. virilis the X chromosome showed a similar preferential binding of cRNA copied from main peak sequences.—It is concluded that the majority of repetitive sequences in D. virilis and D. melanogaster are located in the - and -heterochromatin. Repetitive sequences constitute only a small percentage of the euchromatin, but they are widely distributed in the chromosomes. During polytenization the -heterochromatin probably does not replicate, but some or all of the repetitive sequences in the -heterochromatin and the euchromatin do replicate.  相似文献   

Interspersion of mouse satellite deoxyribonucleic acid sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P J Stambrook 《Biochemistry》1981,20(15):4393-4398
DNA sequences with homology to the major (A + T)-rich mouse satellite component were localized in CsCl gradients by hybridization with a labeled satellite cRNA probe. Although, as expected, most of the hybridization was to DNA in the satellite-rich shoulder, substantial radioactive cRNA hybridized with DNA from denser regions of the gradient. Further examination revealed that hybridization to main-band DNA was not due to physical trapping of satellite DNA in the gradient, and melting experiments argue that the associated radioactivity was due to true RNA/DNA hybridization. Nearest-neighbor analysis of hybridized [alpha-32P]CTP-labeled l-strand cRNA indicates that hybridization to main-band DNA is by the satellite cRNA and not a contaminant. Together, these data argue that mouse satellite-like sequences are interspersed within the main-band fraction of DNA. For the support of this contention, total mouse DNA, purified main-band DNA, and purified satellite DNA were digested with EcoRI, sedimented in a sucrose gradient, and hybridized with labeled satellite cRNA. Mouse satellite DNA is not cleaved with EcoRI, so that purified EcoRI-digested satellite DNA sediments as a high molecular weight component. When total mouse DNA is digested with EcoRI, the majority of satellite-like sequences remain as high molecular weight DNA; however, significant amounts of satellite-like sequences sediment with the bulk of the lower molecular weight digested DNA, lending further credence to the argument that satellite-like sequences are interspersed with main-band DNA.  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) spanning the centromeric region of the human Y chromosome were introduced into mouse LA-9 cells by spheroplast fusion in order to determine whether they would form mammalian artificial chromosomes. In about 50% of the cell lines generated, the YAC DNA was associated with circular extrachromosomal structures. These episomes were only present in a proportion of the cells, usually at high copy number, and were lost rapidly in the absence of selection. These observations suggest that, despite the presence of centromeric sequences, the structures were not segregating efficiently and thus were not forming artificial chromosomes. However, extrachromosomal structures containing alphoid DNA appeared cytogenetically smaller than those lacking it, as long as yeast DNA was also absent. This suggests that alphoid DNA can generate the condensed chromatin structure at the centromere. Edited by: H. F. Willard  相似文献   

Satellite DNA sequences in Drosophila virilis   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  

Methylglyoxal metabolism was studied during Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown with D-glucose as the sole carbon and energy source. Using for the first time a specific assay for methylglyoxal in yeast, metabolic fluxes of its formation and D-lactate production were determined. D-Glucose consumption and ethanol production were determined during growth. Metabolic fluxes were also determined in situ, at the glycolytic triose phosphate levels and glyoxalase pathway. Maximum fluxes of ethanol production and glucose consumption correspond to maxima of methylglyoxal and D-lactate formation fluxes during growth. Methylglyoxal formation is quantitatively related to glycolysis, representing 0.3% of the total glycolytic flux in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

We have examined aspects of the interaction of cycled microtubule protein preparations with 35S-labeled mouse DNA tracer in a competition system with unlabelled competitor E. coli or mouse DNA. The nitrocellulose filter binding assay was used to measure interaction by scintillation counting. DNA molecular weight affected the levels of filter retained 35S-labelled mouse tracer DNA. Filter retention levels increased if 35S-labelled mouse DNA tracer size was increased, and the filter binding level decreased if competitor DNA size was increased. There was a sizeable, reproducible difference in the 35S-labelled mouse DNA tracer binding level of about 1% when E. coli or mouse DNA competitors were compared. Mouse DNA more effectively competed with 35S-labelled mouse DNA for microtubule protein binding than did E. coli DNA, suggesting that a small class of higher-organism DNA sequences interacts very strongly with microtubule protein. From other studies we know this to be the MAP fraction (Marx, K.A. and Denial, T. (1984) in The Molecular Basis of Cancer (Rein, R., ed.), Alan R. Liss, New York, in the press; and Villasante, E., Corces, V.G., Manso-Martinez, R. and Avila, J. (1981) Nucleic Acids Res. 9, 895–908). We find that this difference in competitor DNA strength is qualitatively similar under high-stringency conditions (0.5 M NaCl, high competitor [DNA]) we developed for examining high-affinity complexes. Under high-stringency conditions we isolated 1.2% and 0.6% of 35S-labelled mouse DNA at 4200 and 350 bp respective sizes as nitrocellulose filter bound DNA-protein complexes. At both molecular weights these high-affinity DNA sequences, isolated from the filters, were shown to be significantly enriched in repetitive DNA sequences by S1 nuclease solution reassociation kinetics. The kinetics are consistent with about a 4-fold mouse satellite DNA enrichment as well as enrichment in other repetitious DNA sequence classes. The high molecular weight filter-bound DNA samples were sedimented to equilibrium in CsCl buoyant density gradients and found to contain primarily mouse satellite DNA density sequences (1.691 g/cm3) with some minor fractions at other density positions (1.670, 1.682, 1.705, 1.740, 1.760 g/cm3) similar to those observed by our laboratory in previous investigations of micrococcal nuclease-resistant chromatin (Marx, K.A. (1977) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 78, 777–784). That the high-affinity microtubule-bound DNA was some 3–5-fold enriched in mouse satellite sequences was demonstrated by its characteristic BstNI restriction enzyme cleavage pattern  相似文献   

Melon (Cucumis melo) satellite DNA consists of two components, Q and S, each with a buoyant density in CsCl of 1.707 g/ml, but differing by 9 degrees C in "melting" temperature. These physical properties appear to be in contradiction, since both depend on G + C content. In order to resolve this anomaly, base compositions were directly determined for isolated fractions. the low-"melting" component S contains 41.8% G + C, with 6% of C present as 5-methylcytosine, whereas Q DNA contains 54% G + C, with 41% of C methylated. Analyses of restriction site loss agreed well with the direct determinations of methylation and divergence, and indicated some clustering of methylated sites in Q DNA. Analysis of restricted main-band DNA by hydridization with RNA complementary to Q satellite DNA ("Southern transfer") showed satellite Q tandem arrays interspersed in DNA of main-band density. Sequence divergence and extent of methylation did not appear to depend on whether a repeat array was present as satellite or interspersed in main-band DNA. Hydridization in situ indicated considerable heterogeneity in the genomic proportion of the Q-DNA sequences in melon fruit nuclei, implying over- and under-representation consistent with extensive unequal recombination in satellite Q tandem arrays. The cucumber, Cucumis sativus, contains less than 8% as much Q-homologous DNA per genome as the melon, suggesting rapid evolutionary gain or loss of these tandem repeat sequences.  相似文献   

Sheared fragments of mouse satellite DNA can form rings and other circular structures by several techniques. Folded rings are formed if the sheared fragments are simply annealed, indicating that shearing produces single-chain terminals, and that the repetitious sequence is shorter than the exposed ends. The occurrence of folded rings can be sharply reduced by prior treatment with single-chain specific endonuclease, and significantly increased if the fragments are treated with exonuclease III. Denaturation of satellite DNA followed by reassociation of the single chains results in the formation of slipped rings. These characteristics of the DNA lead to the conclusion that the sequences of the mouse satellite DNA are arranged in a tandemly repetitious manner.-About 20% of the DNA fragments from the main band cyclize after partial exonuclease III degradation, but not before this treatment. This indicates that a large fraction of the main band DNA is tandemly repetitious, but that the length of the repetitious sequence is on the average longer than the single-chain terminals produced by shearing.Reed Pyeritz is the recipient of a NSF predoctoral fellowship. C. S. Lee is a Fellow of the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research. This investigation has been supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (AI08186), the National Science Foundation (GB-8611), and the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research.  相似文献   

Single-strand interactions of mouse satellite DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A striking characteristic of the centromeric heterochromatin of Drosophila melanogaster is that each chromosome carries different satellite DNA sequences. Here we show that while the major component of the 1.688 satellite DNA family expands across the centromere of the X chromosome the rest of the minor variants are located at pericentromeric positions in the large autosomes. Immunostaining of prometaphase chromosomes with the kinetocore-specific anti-BUB1 antibody reveals the transient presence of this centromeric protein in all the regions containing the 1.688 satellite.  相似文献   

Simple repeated sequences in human satellite DNA.   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
In an extensive analysis, using a range of restriction endonucleases, HinfI and TaqI were found to differentiate satellites I, II and III & IV. Satellite I is resistant to digestion by TaqI, but is cleaved by HinfI to yield three major fragments of approximate size 770, 850 and 950bp, associated in a single length of DNA. The 770bp fragment contains recognition sites for a number of other enzymes, whereas the 850 and 950bp fragments are "silent" by restriction enzyme analysis. Satellite II is digested by HinfI into a large number of very small (10-80bp) fragments, many of which also contain TaqI sites. A proportion of the HinfI sites in satellite II have the sequence 5'GA(GC)TC. The HinfI digestion products of satellites III and IV form a complete ladder, stretching from 15bp or less to more than 250bp, with adjacent multimers separated by an increment of 5bp. The ladder fragments do not contain TaqI sites and all HinfI sites have the sequence 5'GA(AT)TC. Three fragments from the HinfI ladder of satellite III have been sequenced, and all consist of a tandemly repeated 5bp sequence, 5'TTCCA, with a non-repeated, G+C rich sequence, 9bp in length, at the 3' end.  相似文献   

We extracted nucleotide sequences from the EMBL database that flank dinucleotide microsatellites in the long sequenced parts of the human, mouse and drosophila genomes. Comparison of the flanking sequences showed that the microsatellites were mostly connected to the bulk of genomic DNA through conserved, highly non-random and mostly (A+T)-rich sequences having many dozens of nucleotides in length. In many cases, the connectors were mutated versions of the flanked microsatellites whose sequence pattern gradually vanished with the distance from the microsatellite center. Hence many microsatellites have hundreds rather than dozens of nucleotides in length, and their ends are diffuse. In contrast, some microsatellites containing predominantly C and/or G, did not influence their neighborhood at all. These results make us change notions about the microsatellite nature. They also indicate that the microsatellites are the dominant part of eukaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

The paper covers experimental results of introducing exogenic genetic material, namely DNA sequences of the Rous sarcoma virus, by microinjections in mice zygotes and Drosophila early embryos. In a number of cases integration of viral DNA into genomes of these organisms was detected. Blot-hybridizations analysis of cell DNA proved that the inserted viral sequences undergo rearrangements in the course of integration.  相似文献   

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