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Retroviral vector gene expression in F9 embryonal carcinoma cells.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
When F9 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells are infected with retroviral vectors, the efficiency of expression of selectable genes is considerably lower than that in mouse fibroblasts infected with the same retroviral vectors. In this study, several retroviral vectors with regulatory sequences placed immediately 5' to a selectable gene were constructed, packaged, and used to infect mouse fibroblasts and F9 EC cells. With selection as an assay, there was a hierarchy of relative expression in F9 cells compared with that in mouse fibroblasts. These internally placed regulatory sequences are the source of the mRNAs detected in F9 EC cells, while both retroviral long-terminal-repeat promoters and internal promoters are the source of steady-state mRNAs in mouse fibroblasts. This effect was observable with both the internally placed herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter and the Moloney murine leukemia virus promoter.  相似文献   

Differentiation of F9 embryonal carcinoma cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We found that monolayer cultures of F9 cells induced to differentiate with trans-retinoic acid (RA) contain two major subpopulations of cells. These two cell types can be distinguished by their cellular morphology, their pattern of laminin accumulation, and their ability to undergo further differentiation in response to N6-O2-dibutyryl adenosine 3':5' cyclic monophosphoric acid (dBcAMP). Furthermore, the developmental pathway induced by RA appears to lead to two alternative pathways, and differentiation at the branch point is either directly or indirectly controlled by cAMP. Differentiation along one branch of this pathway can be induced by 5-bromodeoxyuridine, whereas differentiation along an unrelated pathway is induced by N'-N'-dimethylacetamide. In all cases, differentiation is closely paralleled by suppression of the tumorigenic phenotype, indicating that these two processes are tightly linked and probably share a common step.  相似文献   

F9 line embryonal carcinoma cells were induced to differentiate into neural direction by long-term treatment of monolayer cultures with retinoic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Bi- and multi-polar cells appeared, expressing acetylcholinesterase and neurofilament proteins but not markers of glial differentiation including GFA-protein. Nerve growth factor combined with both retinoic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP greatly enhanced the development of neuron-like morphology and induced expression of immunoreactivity to tyrosine hydroxylase as well as to Leu-encephalin-like peptides. Similarly, serotonin-like immunofluorescence but not substance P-like immunoreactivity was demonstrable in such cultures. In addition, synaptic-like vesicles were often found in the processes. Analysis of matrix expression in neuronally differentiated F9 cells revealed marked increase in laminin production, as judged by immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy, but no demonstrable intracellular staining for fibronectin or type IV collagen. The results with neuronal cells contrast with the expression of all the three matrix components in endodermally differentiating F9 cells in the same cultures.  相似文献   

To study the function of proto-oncogene c-fos, we prepared an antisense plasmid that expresses in mammalian cells c-fos antisense RNA which is complementary to the endogenous c-fos mRNA. Upon transfection into undifferentiated F9 EC cells, the antisense plasmid directed constitutive expression of a large amount of c-fos antisense RNA. These cells were very low in the basal level of c-fos message and were unable to induce c-fos message when stimulated with interferon or phorbol ester. The failure to induce c-fos message led to the blockade of c-fos protein expression in these cells. Thus, these cells represented a c-fos defective phenotype. The blockade of c-fos gene expression seen in antisense-cells could be caused by rapid degradation of the c-fos message, since c-fos mRNA expression was rescued in these cells when treated with protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide. We found that expression of c-myc gene was down-regulated in c-fos antisense-cells: Although control undifferentiated F9 cells constitutively expressed a high level of c-myc message, the antisense cells had a much lower amount of c-myc mRNA. Since p53 and heat shock gene 70 were expressed at comparable levels in control and antisense cells, c-myc gene expression appears to be regulated by c-fos gene in F9 EC cells. Lastly, these antisense cells grew as rapidly as control F9 cells and underwent differentiation after retinoic acid treatment, indicating that c-fos expression is not a prerequisite for differentiation of F9 cells.  相似文献   

F9 embryonal carcinoma cells were induced to form a variety of differentiated cell types in monolayer culture. Cells with the morphological, histochemical and immunocytochemical properties of parietal and visceral endoderm, neurones and adipocytes were identified. Cells expressing Thy-1 antigen and large, multinucleated cells expressing cytoplasmic fibronectin were also observed. Various cell types were found together in colonies derived from individual F9 cells, allowing us to conclude that F9 cells are pluripotent in vitro.  相似文献   

The ability of retinoic acid (RA) to induce differentiation in embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells was examined by growing mouse F9 cells in a medium containing 1 μM RA. The altered properties of the cells became apparent after a lag period of approx. 24 h and were fully expressed after 5 days. The RA-induced phenotype was characterized by changes in cell morphology, slowing of the rate of cell multiplication, reduced DNA and protein synthesis, altered pattern of polypeptide synthesis and changes in cell surface components. The slowing of cell multiplication and general reduction in the rate of protein synthesis was paralleled by changes in the relative rates at which different polypeptides were synthesized. Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis of [35S]methioninelabelled cell proteins showed an altered relative synthesis of at least fifty polypeptides. The relative rate of synthesis of two components of the cytoskeleton identified as vimentin and tropomyosin were shown to increase.  相似文献   

F9 embryonal carcinoma cells can differentiate into endoderm-like cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The mouse teratocarcinoma cell line, F9, has been used in many laboratories as the epitome of the “nullipotent” embryonal carcinoma cell line. However, careful inspection of F9 cultures reveals the presence of small numbers of cells which possess several properties of endoderm, particularly parietal endoderm, and which can be shown to derive from the embryonal carcinoma component. Furthermore, tumors of F9 cells include isolated patches of endoderm-like cells surrounded by a thick secretion resembling Reichert's membrane. The proportion of endoderm-like cells in F9 cultures can be increased to varying degrees by causing the cells to form aggregates and/or maintaining them at high density for several days, although the endoderm-like cells produced in these ways contribute very little to the formation of subcutaneous tumors from the resultant mixed cultures. Differentiated cell types other than endoderm are rarely observed in F9 monolayer or aggregate cultures, even after several weeks. Cloning studies support the view that most, if not all, F9 cells can differentiate, albeit at very low incidence.  相似文献   

Hormonal responsiveness of the adenylate cyclase system of cultured F9 teratocarcinoma cells was investigated. Of numerous hormones tested only calcitonin, (−)isoproterenol, and prostaglandin E1, stimulate F9 adenylate cyclase activity. Of the active hormones, calcitonin is the most potent stimulator of cAMP formation. Treatment of intact F9 cells with calcitonin results in a time- and hormone concentration-dependent increase in the intracellular concentration of cAMP. cAMP accumulation is enhanced within 5 min after addition of 60 nM synthetic salmon calcitonin to intact F9 cells. These results raise the possibility that calcitonin may play a regulatory role in early embryonic development.  相似文献   

The study of gene functions in complex genetic environments such as mammalian cells would greatly benefit from systems allowing a tight control of gene expression. The tetracycline-inducible gene expression system and the site-specific Cre/loxP recombination system have gained increasing popularity for conditional expression and gene disruption. To facilitate the analysis of gene functions in a cell autonomous system, we have established an F9 murine embryonal carcinoma cell line, constitutively expressing both the doxycycline-controlled transactivator rtTA and the tamoxifen-dependent Cre recombinase Cre-ER(T). The expression of a reporter gene placed under the control of tetracycline operators was induced about 1000-fold by doxycycline, and tamoxifen-induced excision of a loxP-flanked DNA segment occurred in all cells. This genetically engineered cell line, which allows, upon simple ligand addition, sophisticated genetic manipulations, such as sequential inactivation of loxP-flanked genes, and tightly controlled reexpression of their cDNAs, should be a valuable tool for studying mammalian gene functions.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that three potent iron chelators, hinokitiol, dithizone and deferoxamine, induce differentiation of F9 embryonal carcinoma cells, as do other well-known morphogens such as retinoic acid (RA) and sodium butyrate (NaB). In this study, we compared the patterns of cell proliferation, cell death and cell cycle arrest during the process of differentiation induced by these five agents. When F9 cells were cultured with the agents at their individual differentiation-inducing concentrations, cell proliferation was rapidly inhibited by treatment with the iron chelators and NaB. In contrast, RA did not influence the rate of increase of cell number at the concentration of 1 microm. The three chelators also caused a marked reduction in cell viability, and the treated cells exhibited internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, whereas cells treated with NaB showed no apoptotic characteristics. RA induced apoptosis weakly at 1 microm and strongly at higher concentrations. In addition, all the iron chelators hindered cell cycle progression, resulting in an arrest at the G1-S interface or S phase. The phenomena observed in chelator-treated cells were considerably different from those in RA- or NaB-treated cells. It is concluded that the three iron chelators cause both severe apoptotic cell death and cell cycle arrest of proliferating F9 cells via cellular iron deprivation, and that this apoptotic change may be independent of the process of differentiation.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms that control anticoagulant heparan sulfate (HSact) biosynthesis, we previously showed that HSact production in the F9 system is determined by the abundance of 3-O-sulfotransferase-1 as well as the size of the HSact precursor pool. In this study, HSact precursor structures have been studied by characterizing [6-3H]GlcN metabolically labeled F9 HS tagged with 3-O-sulfates in vitro by 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phospho-35S and purified 3-O-sulfotransferase-1. This later in vitro labeling allows the regions of HS destined to become the antithrombin (AT)-binding sites to be tagged for subsequent structural studies. It was shown that six 3-O-sulfation sites exist per HSact precursor chain. At least five out of six 3-O-sulfate-tagged oligosaccharides in HSact precursors bind AT, whereas none of 3-O-sulfate-tagged oligosaccharides from HSinact precursors bind AT. When treated with low pH nitrous or heparitinase, 3-O-sulfate-tagged HSact and HSinact precursors exhibit clearly different structural features. 3-O-Sulfate-tagged HSact hexasaccharides were AT affinity purified and sequenced by chemical and enzymatic degradations. The 3-O-sulfate-tagged HSact hexasaccharides exhibited the following structures, DeltaUA-[6-3H]GlcNAc6S-GlcUA-[6-3H]GlcNS3(35)S+/-6S-++ +IdceA2S-[6-3H]Glc NS6S. The underlined 6- and 3-O-sulfates constitute the most critical groups for AT binding in view of the fact that the precursor hexasaccharides possess all the elements for AT binding except for the 3-O-sulfate moiety. The presence of five potential AT-binding precursor hexasaccharides in all HSact precursor chains demonstrates for the first time the processive assembly of specific sequence in HS. The difference in structures around potential 3-O-sulfate acceptor sites in HSact and HSinact precursors suggests that these precursors might be generated by different concerted assembly mechanisms in the same cell. This study permits us to understand better the nature of the HS biosynthetic pathway that leads to the generation of specific saccharide sequences.  相似文献   

F9 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, cultured in suspension in medium containing 5 X 10(-8) M retinoic acid, aggregate and differentiate into embryoid bodies with an outer layer of visceral endoderm cells that synthesize and secrete alphafetoprotein (AFP) (Hogan, B. L. M., A. Taylor, and E. Adamson, 1981, Nature (Lond.). 291:235-237). Here we analyze the formation of the outer layer of cells as a model for epithelial differentiation. Three morphological phases are described, but analyses of cell numbers and the synthetic rates of some proteins, as well as the appearance of markers of visceral endoderm and basement membrane, show that the formation of the outer layer occurs as an orderly progression of multiple events. The markers used to follow the ontogeny of epithelial layer formation include SSEA-1, l, and i blood group antigens, laminin, fibronectin, type IV collagen, cytoskeletal intermediate filament proteins (vimentin, Endo A, and B), and AFP. The onset of epithelium formation occurs between the third and fourth day of culture, but its function is maximally expressed only when it is well organized. We found the rate of AFP secretion to be a measure of the proper alignment and maturity of the epithelium which occurs at the seventh or eighth day. This model of epithelium formation may help to explain how similar processes occur during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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