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A CCAAT-binding activity present in nuclear extracts of rat liver and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts was purified using, as assay, DNA binding to a segment of the mouse alpha 2(I) collagen promoter. The activity consists of two components, designated factors A and B, which are separated by ion exchange chromatography on either Mono Q or Mono S columns. Factor A is heat-sensitive, whereas factor B is heat-resistant. Both factors are required for DNA binding and both are present in the DNA protein complex. The A + B complex was extensively purified by heparin-agarose and sequence-specific affinity chromatography. The Mr of factor A is 39,000, whereas the Mr of factor B is 41,000 as determined by renaturation of a highly purified preparation after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Competition experiments indicate that this CCAAT-binding complex has a DNA sequence specificity that is different from those of other CCAAT-binding proteins.  相似文献   

An analysis of the sequence information contained in a compilation of published binding sites for E. coli integration host factor (IHF) was performed. The sequences of twenty-seven IHF sites were aligned; the base occurrences at each position, the information content, and an extended consensus sequence were obtained for the IHF site. The base occurrences at each position of the IHF site were used with a program written for the Apple Macintosh computers in order to determine the similarity scores for published IHF sites. A linear correlation was found to exist between the logarithm of IHF binding and functional data (relative free energies) and similarity scores for two groups of IHF sites. The MacTargsearch program and its potential usefulness in searching for other sites and predicting their relative activities is discussed.  相似文献   

The histone-like protein integration host factor (IHF) of Escherichia coli binds to specific binding sites on the chromosome or on mobile genetic elements, and is involved in many cellular processes. We have analyzed the interaction of IHF with five different binding sites in vitro and in vivo using UV laser footprinting, a technique that probes the immediate environment and conformation of a segment of DNA. Using this generally applicable technique we can directly compare the binding modes and interaction strengths of a DNA binding protein in its physiological environment within the cell to measurements performed in vitro. We conclude that the interactions between IHF and its specific binding sites are identical in vitro and in vivo. The footprinting signal is consistent with the model of IHF-binding to DNA proposed by Yang and Nash (1989). The occupancy of binding sites varies with the concentration of IHF in the cell and allows to estimate the concentration of free IHF protein in the cell.  相似文献   

F factor TraY, a ribbon-helix-helix DNA-binding protein, performs two roles in bacterial conjugation. TraY binds the F origin of transfer (oriT) to promote nicking of plasmid DNA prior to conjugative transfer. TraY also binds the P(Y) promoter to up-regulate tra gene expression. The two plasmid regions bound by TraY share limited sequence identity, yet TraY binds them with similar affinities. TraY recognition of the two sites was first probed using in vitro footprinting methods. Hydroxyl radical footprinting at both oriT and P(Y) sites indicated that bound TraY protected the DNA backbone bordering three adjacent DNA subsites. Analytical ultracentrifugation results for TraY:oligonucleotide complexes were consistent with two of these subsites being bound cooperatively, and the third being occupied at higher TraY concentrations. Methylation protection and interference footprinting identified several guanine bases contacted by or proximal to bound TraY, most located within these subsites. TraY affinity for variant oriT sequences with base substitutions at or near these guanine bases suggested that two of the three subsites correspond to high-affinity, cooperatively bound imperfect inverted GA(G/T)A repeats. Altering the spacing or orientation of these sites reduced binding. TraY mutant R73A failed to protect two symmetry-related oriT guanine bases in these repeats from methylation, identifying possible direct TraY-DNA contacts. The third subsite appears to be oriented as an imperfect direct repeat with its adjacent subsite, although base substitutions at this subsite did not reduce binding. Although unusual for ribbon-helix-helix proteins, this binding site arrangement occurs at both F TraY sites, consistent with it being functionally relevant.  相似文献   

We examined general aspects of the DNA-protein interaction between the integration host factor (IHF) global regulator and its regulatory binding sites in the Escherichia coli K12 genome. Two models were developed with distinct weight matrices for the regulatory binding sites recognized by IHF. Using these matrices we performed a genome scale scan and built a set of computationally predicted binding sites for each of the models. The sites found by the model associated with repetitive sequences had a higher score in the sequence to matrix alignment. They were also more rare than the other sites. The sites not associated with repeats rapidly tended to become undistinguishable from the background as statistical stringency was relaxed. We compared our results to the known sites documented in RegulonDB and found new members of the IHF Regulon. The two models exhibit clearly distinct affinity patterns (scores in the sequence to matrix alignments and in the number of regulatory sites), as we vary the stringency of the statistical confidence parameters. We suggest that these differences may play an important role in the dynamics of the network. We concluded that IHF may regulate two genes encoding ATP-dependent RNA helicases. This interaction is not described in RegulonDB, even as a computational prediction. IHF may also regulate RNA modification processes.  相似文献   

P Prentki  M Chandler    D J Galas 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(8):2479-2487
The integration host factor of Escherichia coli (IHF) is a small, histone-like protein which participates in the integration of bacteriophage lambda into the E. coli chromosome and in a number of regulatory processes. Our recent footprinting analysis has shown that IHF binds specifically to the ends of the transposable element IS1, as well as to several sites within a short segment of the plasmid pBR322. We have extended our studies of the binding of the IHF molecule to these sites in vitro using a gel retardation assay. We report here that IHF bends the DNA upon binding, as judged from the strong cyclic dependence of the protein-induced mobility shift on the position of the binding site. Using cloned, synthetic ends of IS1 as substrates, we have found that some mutations within the conserved bases of the IHF consensus binding sequence abolish binding, and that alterations of the flanking sequences can greatly reduce IHF binding. The presence of multiple IHF sites on a single DNA fragment increases binding very little, indicating that IHF does not bind cooperatively in this complex. We discuss the possibility that DNA bending is related to the role IHF plays in forming and stabilizing nucleoprotein complexes, and suggest that bending at the IHF sites may be important to its diverse effects in the cell.  相似文献   

DNA sequences from retroviruses, retrotransposons, DNA transposons, and parvoviruses can all become integrated into the human genome. Accumulation of such sequences accounts for at least 40% of our genome today. These integrating elements are also of interest as gene-delivery vectors for human gene therapy. Here we present a comprehensive bioinformatic analysis of integration targeting by HIV, MLV, ASLV, SFV, L1, SB, and AAV. We used a mathematical method which allowed annotation of each base pair in the human genome for its likelihood of hosting an integration event by each type of element, taking advantage of more than 200 types of genomic annotation. This bioinformatic resource documents a wealth of new associations between genomic features and integration targeting. The study also revealed that the length of genomic intervals analyzed strongly affected the conclusions drawn--thus, answering the question "What genomic features affect integration?" requires carefully specifying the length scale of interest.  相似文献   

DNA sequence at the integration sites of the insertion element IS1.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
M P Calos  L Johnsrud  J H Miller 《Cell》1978,13(3):411-418
We have detected two independent occurrences of insertion mutations in the lacl gene of E. Coli, and have used small plasmids carrying the l gene to purify large amounts of DNA containing these insertions. Analyses with restriction endonucleases and DNA sequencing techniques establish that both insertions involve the previously characterized element IS1. In each case, the integration of IS1 into the l gene DNA is associated with a directly repeated sequence of 9 nucleotides appearing at each end of the insertion element. Since one of these sequences was present in the wild-type gene, the second sequence either preexisted in the IS1 before integration, or else was generated by the process of insertion itself. The 9 base repeat is different in both cases. We discuss the relevance of these findings to the mechanism of integration of transposable elements.  相似文献   

Human insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) mRNAs are subject to site-specific endonucleolytic cleavage in the 3' untranslated region, leading to an unstable 5' cleavage product containing the IGF-II coding region and a very stable 3' cleavage product of 1.8 kb. This endonucleolytic cleavage is most probably the first and rate-limiting step in degradation of IGF-II mRNAs. Two sequence elements within the 3' untranslated region are required for cleavage: element I, located approximately 2 kb upstream of the cleavage site, and element II, encompassing the cleavage site itself. We have identified a stable double-stranded RNA stem structure (delta G = -100 kcal/mol [418.4 kJ/mol]) that can be formed between element I and a region downstream of the cleavage site in element II. This structure is conserved among human, rat, and mouse mRNAs. Detailed analysis of the requirements for cleavage shows that the relative position of the elements is not essential for cleavage. Furthermore, the distance between the coding region and the cleavage site does not affect the cleavage reaction. Mutational analysis of the long-range RNA-RNA interaction shows that not only the double-stranded character but also the sequence of the stable RNA stem is important for cleavage.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda grows lytically on Escherichia coli defective for integration host factor, a protein involved in lambda site-specific recombination and the regulation of gene expression. We report the characterization of a mutant, lambda cos154, that, unlike wild-type lambda, is defective for growth in integration host factor-defective E. coli. The cis-dominant mutation in lambda cos154 is a single base pair change in a region of hyphenated dyad symmetry close to the lambda left cohesive end; this mutation prevents DNA packaging. We propose the following two alternative roles for this site in lambda DNA packaging: (i) to bind an E. coli accessory protein required in the absence of integration host factor or (ii) to bind the phage-encoded terminase protein that is essential for DNA packaging.  相似文献   

The essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae regulatory protein Rap1 contains two tandem Myb-like DNA binding sub-domains that interact with two defined DNA "hemisites", separated by a trinucleotide linker sequence. We have mapped the thermodynamically defined DNA-binding site of Rap1 by a primer extension method coupled with electrophoretic separation of bound and unbound DNAs. Relative to published consensus sequences, we detect binding interactions that extend 3 bp beyond the 5'-end of the putative DNA-binding site. This new site of interaction is located where the DNA minor groove faces the protein, and may account for the major DNA bending induced by Rap1p that previous studies have mapped to a site immediately upstream of the consensus binding site. In addition, we show that a minimal DNA-binding site made of one single consensus hemisite, preceded or followed by a spacer trinucleotide that interacts with the unstructured protein linker between the two Rap1p DNA binding domains, is able to bind the protein, although at lower affinity. These findings may explain the observed in vivo binding properties of Rap1p at many promoters that lack canonical binding sites.  相似文献   

Bacterial conjugation is the process by which a single strand of a conjugative plasmid is transferred from donor to recipient. For F plasmid, TraI, a relaxase or nickase, binds a single plasmid DNA strand at its specific origin of transfer (oriT) binding site, sbi, and cleaves at a site called nic. In vitro studies suggest TraI is recruited to sbi by its accessory proteins, TraY and integration host factor (IHF). TraY and IHF bind conserved oriT sites sbyA and ihfA, respectively, and bend DNA. The resulting conformational changes may propagate to nic, generating the single-stranded region that TraI can bind. Previous deletion studies performed by others showed transfer efficiency of a plasmid containing F oriT decreased progressively as increasingly longer segments, ultimately containing both sbyA and ihfA, were deleted. Here we describe our efforts to more precisely define the role of sbyA and ihfA by examining the effects of multiple base substitutions at sbyA and ihfA on binding and plasmid mobilization. While we observed significant decreases in in vitro DNA-binding affinities, we saw little effect on plasmid mobilization even when sbyA and ihfA variants were combined. In contrast, when half or full helical turns were inserted between the relaxosome protein-binding sites, mobilization was dramatically reduced, in some cases below the detectable limit of the assay. These results are consistent with TraY and IHF recognizing sbyA and ihfA with limited sequence specificity and with relaxosome proteins requiring proper spacing and orientation with respect to each other.  相似文献   

Site-specific DNA binding of architectural protein integration host factor (IHF) is involved in formation of functional multiprotein-DNA assemblies in Escherichia coli, while non-specific binding of IHF and other histone-like proteins serves to structure the nucleoid. Here, we report an isothermal titration calorimetry study of the thermodynamics of binding IHF to a 34 bp fragment composed entirely of the specific H' site from lambda-phage DNA. At low to moderate [K(+)] (60-100 mM), strong competition is observed between specific and non-specific binding as a result of a low specificity ratio (approximately 10(2)) and a very small non-specific site size. In this [K(+)] range, both specific and non-specific binding are enthalpy-driven, with large negative enthalpy, entropy and heat capacity changes and binding constants that are insensitive to [K(+)]. Above 100 mM K(+), only specific binding is observed, and both the binding constant and the magnitudes of enthalpy, entropy and heat capacity changes all decrease strongly with increasing [K(+)]. When interpreted in the context of the structure of the specific complex, the thermodynamics provide compelling evidence for a previously unrecognized design principle by which proteins that form extensive binding interfaces with nucleic acids control binding constants, binding site sizes and effects of temperature and ion concentrations on stability and specificity. We propose that up to 22 of the 23 IHF cationic side-chains that are located within 6 A of DNA phosphate oxygen atoms in the complex, are masked in the absence of DNA by pairing with anionic carboxylate groups in intramolecular salt-bridges (dehydrated ion-pairs). These salt-bridges increase in stability with increasing temperature and decreasing [K(+)]. To explain the unusual thermodynamics of IHF-DNA interactions, we propose that both specific and non-specific binding at low [K(+)] require disruption of salt-bridges (as many as 18 for specific binding) whereupon many of the unmasked charged groups hydrate and the cationic groups interact with DNA. From structural or thermodynamic parallels with IHF, we propose that large-scale coupling of disruption of protein salt-bridges to DNA binding is significant for other large-interface DNA wrapping proteins including the nucleosome, lac repressor core tetramer, RNA polymerase core protein, HU and SSB.  相似文献   

M M Tsai  Y H Fu    R C Deonier 《Journal of bacteriology》1990,172(8):4603-4609
F plasmid oriT DNA extending from the F kilobase coordinate 66.7 (base pair [bp] 1 on the oriT sequence map) rightward to bp 527 was analyzed for intrinsic bends (by permutation assays) and for binding of integration host factor (IHF) (by gel retardation and DNase footprinting). Intrinsic bending of the 527-bp fragment (bend center approximately at bp 240) was represented as a composite of at least two components located near bp 170 and near bp 260. IHF bound primarily to a site extending from bp 165 to 195 and with lower affinity to a site extending from bp 287 to 319. The intrinsic curvature and sequences to which IHF binds (IHF is known to bend DNA) may play a structural role in oriT function.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the antireceptor antibody alpha IR-3 inhibits binding of 125I-somatomedin-C/insulin-like growth factor I (Sm-C/IGF-I) to the 130-kDa alpha subunit of the type I receptor in human placental membranes, but does not block 125I-insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) binding to a similar 130-kDa complex in these membranes. To determine whether the 130-kDa 125I-IGF-II binding complex represents a homologous receptor or whether 125I-IGF-II binds to the type I receptor at a site that is not blocked by alpha IR-3, type I receptors were purified by affinity chromatography on Sepharose linked alpha IR-3. The purified receptors bound both 125I-Sm-C/IGF-I and 125I-IGF-II avidly (KD = 2.0 X 10(-10) M and 3.0 X 10(-10) M, respectively). The maximal inhibition of 125I-Sm-C/IGF-I binding by the antibody, however, was 62% while only 15% of 125I-IGF-II binding was inhibited by alpha IR-3. In the presence of 500 nM alpha IR-3, Sm-C/IGF-I bound with lower affinity (KD = 6.5 X 10(-10) M) than IGF-II (KD = 4.5 X 10(-10) M) and IGF-II was the more potent inhibitor of 125I-Sm-C/IGF-I binding. These findings suggest that the type I receptor contains two different binding sites. The site designated IA has highest affinity for Sm-C/IGF-I and is blocked by alpha IR-3. Site IB has higher affinity for IGF-II than for Sm-C/IGF-I and is not blocked by alpha IR-3.  相似文献   

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