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本文针对湖北松滋响水洞剖面及建始小茶园剖面牯牛潭组至宝塔组地层进行了详细的牙形类序列分析及对比。研究结果表明,自下而上可识别7个牙形类化石带,分别是Lenodus antivariabilis带、Lenodus variabilis带、Yangtzeplacognathus crassus带、Dzikodus tablepointensis带、Yangtzeplacognathus foliaceus带、Yangtzeplacognathus jianyeensis带及Hamarodus brevirameus带。剖面牙形类序列与华南中晚奥陶世综合序列基本一致,但缺失达瑞威尔晚期牙形类生物带(Eoplacognathus suecicus带至Yangtzeplacognathus protoramosus带)的完整记录,这一缺失在扬子台地多个剖面均有记录,可能指示达瑞威尔晚期存在的区域性海平面变化以及全球海洋古环境变化事件。关键词牙形类生物地层地层缺失牯牛潭组–宝塔组中–上奥陶统湖北地区  相似文献   

甘肃平凉官庄剖面为上奥陶统平凉组的建组剖面,出露其完整的地层序列,主要由细砂、粉砂级颗粒的碎屑岩和灰岩构成。该地区在平凉组沉积时期的构造背景属华北板块西部,位于鄂尔多斯古陆西缘。对官庄剖面平凉组灰岩夹层开展的微相分析显示其中含有丰富的泥状灰岩砂屑,生屑种类含量偏低且破碎程度高,无浅海区特有的沉积构造,海水深度不利于底栖生态群落栖居。灰岩的沉积学机制指示鄂尔多斯古陆西南海区存在较陡的海底地貌,这些内碎屑不是原地或近原地沉积的,它们最初产生于浅海碳酸盐岩台地,经重力流、等深流长距离搬运后到达接近秦岭-祁连海槽的深水区沉积。  相似文献   

江西玉山祝宅上奥陶统下镇组发育一层珊瑚生物层,是扬子板块奥陶纪以珊瑚为主的生物碳酸盐岩建造的典型代表,其形成的水深一直缺乏有效的限定。本文研究首次在该珊瑚层中发现蓝细菌,包括Girvanella和Rothpletzella。蓝细菌生活的水体深度不超过50 m,从而将该珊瑚生物层形成时的水体深度限定在50 m以内。珊瑚生物层的下伏灰岩地层产出大型腕足动物,但属种单调,不产任何珊瑚。本文研究在该层灰岩中发现的蓝细菌Hedstroemia和Garwoodia,是两个典型的潟湖相蓝细菌,因此推测该层灰岩中珊瑚的缺失不是因为水太深,而是因为环境的局限。该剖面下部有一套与页岩互层的灰岩,以前被认为是深水相的,但这次在其中发现了蓝细菌Acuasiphonoria,因此也应该是浅水相的。  相似文献   

南疆塔里木板块北部轮南油田在上奥陶统良里塔格组沉积期显示大致由东向西加深的陆表海缓坡地貌,19口钻井岩芯灰岩中可鉴定出钙质微生物Renalcis、Girvanella、Wetheredella、Garwoodia、Phacelophyton yushanensis、Hedstroemia?和Halysis;钙藻类Vermiporella、Dasyporella、Plexavaria和Solenopora;后生动物类型含海绵、珊瑚、苔藓虫、三叶虫、腕足动物、棘皮动物、腹足类、介形类等。不同钻井之间的古生态地层单元对比显示生物礁和灰泥丘主要发育于轮南油田西部井区,而东部井区则多为台内碎屑滩相沉积;海底地貌差异,特别是向西水深加大可视为控制轮南油田良里塔格组生态组合展布的主要因素。  相似文献   

新疆柯坪和甘肃平凉上奥陶统底部附近的牙形刺   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
新疆柯坪大湾沟和甘肃平凉官司庄剖面是Nemagraptusb gracilis带及上奥陶统底界的重要剖面,研究这两剖面的牙形刺具有十分重要的意义。本文描述了采自新疆柯坪大湾沟和甘肃平凉官司庄剖面上奥陶统底界附近的牙形刺共13属18种。  相似文献   

浙江常山辉埠上奥陶统三衢山组钙藻化石一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了CaliforniellaPoncet,1987与DasypoellaStolley,1893两属之间的关系,并描述了浙江省常山县辉埠地区上奥陶统三衢山组上段钙藻化石一新种Californiellahuibuensissp.nov.,其与CaliforniellapotteriPoncet,1987的区别在于前者叶状体较小,皮层薄,"中央茎"和边缘细胞较大。  相似文献   

塔里木中央隆起区上奥陶统的牙形刺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
塔里木板块中央隆起区的上奥陶统,即巴楚露头剖面吐木休克组和良里塔格组以及塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中油田井下良里塔格组皆为灰岩相.作者对前人报道的牙形刺带作了修改,首次系统描述牙形刺动物群全貌,共计14属21种.在曾归入Pygodus serra带和P.anserinus带的吐木休克组底部和下部发现Yangtzeplacognathus jianyeensis,故应改为Yangtzeplacognathus jianyeensis带;吐木休克组中部因发现Baltoniodus alobatus和B.variabilis共生,应属B.alobatus带.在Yangtzeplacognathus jianyeensis带和Baltoniodus alobatus带之间尚未发现可靠的B.variabilis,因此是否存在B.variabilis带尚存疑问.巴楚露头区上奥陶统的牙形刺序列由下而上应为Yangtzeplacognathus jianyeensis带,Baltoniodus variabilis带?,B.alobatus带和Belodina confluens带.塔中的良里塔格组则可识别出B.confluens带和Yaoxianognathus yaoxianensis带.将中央隆起区牙形刺动物群组合与其相邻的柯坪地块进行对比,说明晚奥陶世因两个地理区水深的差异导致牙形刺带完整性的差异.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地南缘上奥陶统生物礁的层孔虫化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中系统描述了鄂尔多斯盆地南缘淳化县铁瓦殿、岐山县烂泥沟上奥陶统生物礁中的层孔虫化石,包括2目5属9种,分别为囊层孔虫(Cystistroma)、拉贝希层孔虫(Labechia)、穿孔层孔虫(Forolinia)、网格层孔虫(Clathrod ict yon)和蜂巢层孔虫(Ecclimadictyon).建立拉贝希层孔...  相似文献   

塔里木板块塔中Ⅰ号坡折带附近上奥陶统良里塔格组取芯井段中可识别多种生物礁灰岩类型,包括珊瑚骨架/障积岩、海绵骨架/绑结岩、苔藓虫绑结岩、钙藻障积岩、钙质菌藻障积/绑结岩等礁灰岩类,藉此可归纳出珊瑚礁、珊瑚-钙藻礁、层孔虫礁、层孔虫-钙藻礁、珊瑚-层孔虫-钙藻礁、苔藓虫礁丘、钙藻礁丘、灰泥丘和微生物礁等生物建造单元。这些礁体的时空分布模式与古环境分异相关联,纵向上具有灰泥丘向珊瑚-层孔虫-钙藻礁至苔藓虫礁丘和钙藻礁的群落结构更替趋势;空间分布则向台地北缘,即I号坡折带延伸显示由低能带灰泥丘向高能带珊瑚-层孔虫-钙藻礁的相变,而且高能带珊瑚-层孔虫-钙藻主体礁和环其周缘相对低能带的钙藻礁丘、灰泥丘等在一定范围内构成造礁群落结构分异。  相似文献   

对川西汉源-荥经地区CYD2井下奥陶统弗洛阶大乘寺组的笔石进行研究,结果表明Baltograptus deflexus笔石带在这一覆盖区发育良好。CYD2井的该带笔石动物群共含2属5种。根据下垂对笔石类的始端发育型式,修正前人对波罗的笔石属(Baltograptus)和巅峰笔石属(Corymbograptus)内一些种的归属,并对CYD2井的5种笔石进行描述。可能受制于钻心标本的限制,该地区的Baltograptus deflexus带笔石动物群分异度较低。川西汉源-荥经-峨眉山地区的大乘寺组与上覆二叠系梁山组呈假整合接触,表明该地区长期遭受沉积间断和剥蚀作用,B.deflexus带的确定,指示了这一长期剥蚀作用的最大深度。  相似文献   

The Upper Ordovician (late Whiterockian to Mohawkian) Lourdes Formation represents a narrow (tens of kilometers), short-lived [∼5–7 million years (my)], open-ocean (high-energy) mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp that onlapped allochthonous strata along the orogen side of the local Taconic foreland basin. Platform development followed a 6–8 my hiatus during which weathering had concentrated chemically mature siliciclastics that were admixed with initial carbonate sediments. A cross-platform facies gradient contains paleokarst and peritidal carbonates and sandstones, shallow-ramp carbonate bioherms and skeletal shoals, and deeper ramp calcareous shales. Transgressive systems tracts are marked by ramp-wide sheets and shoals of skeletal grainstone and low accumulation rates, and highstand systems tracts are marked by significant admixture and interbedding of siliciclastics with cross-ramp carbonate facies. Platform demise coincides with increased siliciclastic input, which is likely tectonically influenced. The Lourdes platform is equivalent to epicontinental foreland ramps along eastern Laurentia, but its narrower width precluded formation of oceanographically restricted platform-interior facies.  相似文献   

鄂西地区中–晚奥陶世之交的庙坡组由数米厚的页岩夹少量薄层灰岩构成,沉积于扬子陆表海区凹陷带中,深度位于最大浪基面下,含有多样性、丰度高的化石组合。宜昌北部的陈家河剖面以及远安真金剖面庙坡组中–上部页岩属晚奥陶世桑比期Nemagraptus gracilis笔石带。笔者在该层位首次采获30余枚海林檎化石,经系统古生物学鉴定均为Cheirocrinus penniger (Eichwald, 1842)。远安真金剖面产出的C. penniger标本多以萼部区数个不同类型压扁的骨板形式保存, 1枚标本保存有完整的茎部;宜昌陈家河剖面的C. penniger标本均以单个萼部骨板形式保存。奥陶纪的Cheirocrinus广泛分布于多个板块,本文描记庙坡组的Cheirocrinus化石记录实例,扩展了该属在华南板块的时空分布,它可以从黔南三都早奥陶世斜坡相的同高组延续到晚奥陶世台内凹陷带的庙坡组。  相似文献   

Biodiversity curves for the Ordovician of Baltoscandia show a substantial increase in taxonomical diversity through the period, as seen also in global data sets. A database of 10,340 records of first and last appearances of species at different localities in the region has been analysed using simple species counts, and partly validated with resampling methods. While the biodiversity curve for all fossil groups combined is probably reasonably accurate except for an unknown scaling constant, taxonomical or geographical subsets may not be sufficiently well sampled to allow precise measurement of their species counts through time. The analysis shows a major diversification event commencing in the middle Arenig (Ibex-Whiterock boundary), and more limited diversification events in the Llanvirn, Caradoc and Ashgill. The Scandinavian (Norwegian and Swedish) biodiversity curves are broadly correlated with major changes in sea level, with low biodiversity at highstands and high biodiversity at lowstands, although this pattern is not clear for all fossil groups. In the Arenig, graptolites and trilobites appear to have higher diversities at high sea levels, while the brachiopods and ostracodes show higher diversities at low sea level. As a consequence, the Arenig diversification is delayed for the latter two groups until the upper end of the interval.  相似文献   

The carbonates associated with the Late Ordovician (Katian–Hirnantian) Boda mounds of the Siljan district, Sweden, contain a rich cephalopod fauna. Cephalopods are rare in the micritic stromatactis facies of the Katian Boda Core Member, but are concentrated together with other molluscs and trilobites in synsedimentary fillings of caves and crevices of the lithified mound limestone. More than 60 cephalopod species are known from these fillings. The assemblage is dominated in richness and abundance by small orthoconic proteoceratids of the genus Isorthoceras and by curved barrandeocerids, and is considerably less endemic than the benthic fauna of the Boda mounds. Similarities are remarkable at the species level with assemblages from elsewhere in Baltica, with Avalonia and south‐western Kazakhstan. A genus‐level comparison reveals affinities with Laurentia. However, the genus‐level similarities are interpreted as reflecting mainly similarities of the depositional environment and of physicochemical conditions. The presence of calcareous algae in the Boda Limestone and maximum hydrostatic septal strength of cephalopods indicate a depositional depth of <100 m, well within the euphotic zone. The dominance and diversity of cephalopods with vertical migrant lifestyle and the absence of actinocerids indicate a cool, nutrient‐rich deeper neritic environment. The post‐Katian sediments contain a drastically reduced diversity, dominated by orthocerids. The maximum hydrostatic septal strength of the Hirnantian cephalopods and sedimentological features indicate a shallowing during the Hirnantian, but a continuation of high food availability for cephalopods in the water column.  相似文献   

Scoyenia beerboweri is a new ichnospecies of burrow from the late Ordovician (Ashgill) Juniata Formation in central Pennsylvania, USA. The burrows are abundant in red calcareous palaeosols, and were created by animals living at the time of soil formation, because they are filled with red sediment like that of the palaeosol matrix, and both cut across, and are cut by, nodules of pedogenic carbonate. The isotopically light carbon and oxygen of carbonate in the palaeosols indicate a terrestrial ecosystem of well-drained floodplains in a tropical seasonally-dry semi-arid palaeoclimate. Backfill layering within the burrows is evidence of a bilaterally symmetrical animal. Size distribution of the burrows reveals discontinuous growth, as found in arthropods. Ferruginized faecal pellets in the burrows indicate that they ingested sediment. For these reasons the burrows of Scoyenia beerboweri are most likely to be the work of millipedes. The nature of vegetation supporting them is unknown, although a single problematic plant-like fossil cast was found, and liverwort spores are widespread in rocks of this age. Vegetative biomass was limited judging from the degree of chemical weathering, extent of burial gleization and isotopic composition of carbon in the palaeosols. These distinctive respiration-dominated liverwort-millipede polsterlands lived at a time of global greenhouse climate, following Precambrian–Cambrian lichen-algal microbial earths and supplanted by Silurian brakelands of early vascular land plants.  相似文献   

Thin-bedded, pyrite-rich, fine sandstones and mudstones of the Floian-Dapingian Upper Fezouata Formation contain abundant trace fossils Rusophycus carleyi in close association with a species of the asaphid trilobite Asaphellus. The sizes and shapes of this trilobite and the traces match closely. Five specimens have even been found where an articulated specimen of Asaphellus appears to be directly located over a specimen of Rusophycus carleyi within a thin bed of sandstone, suggesting that the trilobite animal may have been trapped on top of a trace that it had just made. Such intimate associations between a putative tracemaker and a trace are rare in the fossil record and particularly rare for Trilobita. The number of coxal impressions that form part of R. carleyi, eleven, matches the number expected for an asaphid trilobite (one for each of eight thoracic segments and one for each of three post-oral cephalic appendages). Impressions of the hypostome, thoracic tip impressions, cephalic margin, and pygidial margin in a few of the traces also match those of this asaphid trilobite. R. carleyi has been found in Ordovician strata of other parts of the world in association with asaphid trilobites.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Late Ordovician vertebrate faunas occur in clastic sedimentary units along the length of the Rocky Mountains from Colorado to Montana, and across the border into Canada. Most research has, however, been conducted on localities in the southern part of the outcrop belt, particularly the Harding Sandstone Formation of Colorado. Micropalaeontological sampling of the coeval South Piney Member (Winnipeg Formation) in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming has revealed an abundant vertebrate fauna. The vertebrate assemblage includes a low-abundance fauna of 13 conodont taxa that together indicate an undatus Chronozone age (mid-Mohawkian; mid-Caradoc; Late Ordovician). The pteraspidomorphs Astraspis desiderata Walcott and Eriptychius americanus Walcott are also present together with one new taxon, Eleochera glossa gen. et sp. nov., which is interpreted as a derived stem-gnathostome on the basis of its scale histology and morphology. The fauna bears a strong similarity to that of the Harding Sandstone but is of lower diversity. In particular, it lacks the fine-grained, deeper water component of the Harding Sandstone that contains, inter alia , thelodonts and stem-chondrichthyans.  相似文献   

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