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Fragments of the imaginal wing disc of Drosophila melanogaster were cultured in adult hosts before transfer to larvae for metamorphosis. Transdetermination occurred only after at least 2 weeks of culture in vivo, producing structures of the leg, antenna, head, and thoracic spiracle. Details of the transdetermined structures and their locations with respect to normal wing disc structures are reported. We present evidence suggesting that regulation can occur between the wing and the second leg imaginal discs, and we propose that many transdeterminations which involve neighboring discs may result from such interdisc regulation.  相似文献   

Regeneration of an imaginal disc involves highly ordered proliferation and pattern regulation of the newly formed tissue. Although the general principles of imaginal disc regeneration have been extensively studied, knowledge of the underlying molecular mechanisms is far from complete. Results from other model organisms suggest that regeneration is the result of local recapitulation of the normal patterning genes. To analyze the dynamics of one major Drosophila patterning gene, decapentaplegic (dpp), in wing imaginal disc regeneration, a vital GFP reporter together with iontophoretic cell labeling were used. Our observations reveal that the restoration of compartment-border-specific dpp expression is a common event in imaginal disc regeneration. However, we did not find evidence of an upregulation of dpp expression during the regeneration process.  相似文献   

Teleman AA  Cohen SM 《Cell》2000,103(6):971-980
The secreted signaling protein Dpp acts as a morphogen to pattern the anterior-posterior axis of the Drosophila wing. Dpp activity is required in all cells of the developing wing imaginal disc, but the ligand gradient that supports this activity has not been characterized. Here we make use of a biologically active form of Dpp tagged with GFP to examine the ligand gradient. Dpp-GFP forms an unstable extracellular gradient that spreads rapidly in the wing disc. The activity gradient visualized by MAD phosphorylation differs in shape from the ligand gradient. The pMAD gradient adjusted to compartment size when this was experimentally altered. These observations suggest that the Dpp activity gradient may be shaped at the level of receptor activation.  相似文献   

Regen rating fragments of wing imaginal discs were cultured in vivo for various periods up to 1 week. At specified times the fragments were removed, macerated, and the resulting cell counts were compared to similar counts made on the contralateral intact disc. Significant growth was seen beginning on the second day if the hosts were transferred to fresh media daily, while seen only on Day 4 and not thereafter if hosts were maintained on the same media throughout the culture period.  相似文献   

Distribution of the enzyme aldehyde oxidase (AO) within the pouch of the mature wing disc is precise and differential. General locations of compartmental boundaries have been identified by fate mapping and studies of AO distribution. The suspected locations of the boundaries were verified by analyzing the distribution of AO-negative cells within an AO-stained background in gynandromorphs and in X-ray-induced clones of AO-negative cells. The anterior/posterior border appeared slightly anterior to the junction of the AO+ anterior presumptive wing surfaces and AO? posterior wing surfaces. A narrow band of AO+ cells extending proximodistally on both presumptive wing surfaces belongs to the posterior compartment. Two dorsal/ventral (dor./vent.) restrictions were found. The dor./vent. restriction equivalent to the dor./vent. border found in the adult wing was located at the ventral most edge of the AO-stained presumptive wing margin. A second restriction which was less strictly obeyed was found on the dorsal edge of the wing margin. We conclude that the whole presumptive wing margin is part of the dorsal compartment. Within the anterior wing margin an intensively stained oval was also found to be clonally restrictive. Therefore, territories were found within the prospective wing margin for which no such features have been identified in the adult Drosophila melanogaster wing.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of the wing imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alonso J  Santarén JF 《Proteomics》2005,5(2):474-489
We have combined high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry with the aim of identifying proteins represented in the 2-D gel database of the wing imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster. First, we obtained a high-resolution 2-D gel pattern of [35S]methionine + [35S]cysteine-labeled polypeptides of Schneider cells, a permanent cell line of Drosophila embryonic origin, and compared it with the standard pattern of polypeptides of the wing imaginal disc. These studies reveal qualitative and quantitative differences between the two samples, but have more than 600 polypeptides in common. Second, we carried out preparative 2-D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using Schneider cells mixed with radioactively labeled wing imaginal discs in order to isolate some of the shared polypeptides and characterize them by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight MALDI-TOF analysis. Using this strategy we identified 100 shared proteins represented in the database, and in each case confirmed their identity by MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis.  相似文献   

The effects of homeotic mutations on transdetermination in eye-antenna imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster were studied. After 12 days of culture in vivo, antenna discs transformed to ventral mesothorax by AntpNs or AntpZ, transdetermined to notum and wing structures four to five times more frequently than the corresponding wild-type antenna discs. Likewise, eye discs transformed to dorsal mesothorax by eyopt transdetermined to leg structures, also extremely frequently (90%). It seems that, during culture, homeotic antenna as well as homeotic eye discs tend to complete the structural inventory of the mesothoracic segment. Transdetermination in the homeotic disc parts is interpreted as a regeneration process which reestablishes an entire segment, i.e., the ventral mesothoracic portion (leg) in the antenna disc regenerates dorsal mesothoracic parts, and the dorsal mesothoracic portion in the eye disc (wing) regenerates ventral mesothoracic parts, respectively. This implies that antenna and leg discs (ventral qualities) as well as eye and wing discs (dorsal qualities) are serially homologous. The transdetermination frequency of the untransformed eye disc to notum and wing structures is enhanced by Antp to the same extent as is the transdetermination frequency of the antenna disc. The first allotypic wing disc structure formed by the eye disc is notum, followed by structures of the anterior wing compartment and finally by posterior wing structures. No evidence for such a sequence was found in the transdetermination pattern of the antenna disc.  相似文献   

Summary We report on the size distribution of clones marked by mitotic recombination induced by several different doses of X-rays applied to 72 h oldDrosophila larvae. The results indicate that the radiation significantly reduces the number of cells which undergo normal proliferation in the imaginal wing disc. We estimate that 1000 r reduces by 40–60% the number of cells capable of making a normal contribution to the development of the adult wing. Part of this reduction is due to severe curtailment in the proliferative ability of cells which nevertheless remain capable of adult differentiation; this effect is possibly due to radiation-induced aneuploidy. Cytological evidence suggests that immediate cell death also occurs as a result of radiation doses as low as 100 r. The surviving cells are stimulated to undergo additional proliferation in response to the X-ray damage so that the result is the differentiation of a normal wing.  相似文献   

Subdivision of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc by EGFR-mediated signaling   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Growth and patterning of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc depends on its subdivision into dorsoventral (DV) compartments and limb (wing) and body wall (notum) primordia. We present evidence that both the DV and wing-notum subdivisions are specified by activation of the Drosophila Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR). We show that EGFR signaling is necessary and sufficient to activate apterous (ap) expression, thereby segregating the wing disc into D (ap-ON) and V (ap-OFF) compartments. Similarly, we demonstrate that EGFR signaling directs the expression of Iroquois Complex (Iro-C) genes in prospective notum cells, rendering them distinct from, and immiscible with, neighboring wing cells. However, EGFR signaling acts only early in development to heritably activate ap, whereas it is required persistently during subsequent development to maintain Iro-C gene expression. Hence, as the disc grows, the DV compartment boundary can shift ventrally, beyond the range of the instructive EGFR signal(s), in contrast to the notum-wing boundary, which continues to be defined by EGFR input.  相似文献   

Summary The mutationsvestigial (vg; recessive) andUltravestigial (vg U; dominant) ofDrosophila melanogaster give rise to identical mutant adult phenotypes in which much of the cases this results from cell death in the presumptive wing margin of the wing disc in the third larval instar, but the process of cell degeneration is quite different in the two mutants. Invg cell death occurs continuously throughout the third larval instar, while invg U it occurs only in the early third instar. Cells fragment and some of the fragments condense, becoming electron dense (apoptosis). Both condensed and ultrastructurally normal cell fragments are extruded to the basal side of thevg disc epithelium. They accumulate under the basal lamina in the wing pouch area until they are phagocytosed by blood cells entering the wing pouch during the six hours following pupariation. Fragments are not extruded from thevg U epithelium but are apparently phagocytosed by neighboring epithelial cells. The basal lamina undergoes mophological changes following pupariation and is phagocytosed by blood cells in both wild-type andvestigial, but investigial the degenerated cell fragments are also engulfed by the same blood cells.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that control organ growth are among the least known in development. This is particularly the case for the process in which growth is arrested once final size is reached. We have studied this problem in the wing disc of Drosophila, the developmental and growth parameters of which are well known. We have devised a method to generate entire fast-growing Minute(+) (M(+)) discs or compartments in slow developing Minute/+ (M/+) larvae. Under these conditions, a M(+) wing disc gains at least 20 hours of additional development time. Yet it grows to the same size of Minute/+ discs developing in M/+ larvae. We have also generated wing discs in which all the cells in either the anterior (A) or the posterior (P) compartment are transformed from M/+ to M(+). We find that the difference in the cell division rate of their cells is reflected in autonomous differences in the developmental progression of these compartments: each grows at its own rate and manifests autonomous regulation in the expression of the developmental genes wingless and vestigial. In spite of these differences, ;mosaic' discs comprising fast and slow compartments differentiate into adult wings of the correct size and shape. Our results demonstrate that imaginal discs possess an autonomous mechanism with which to arrest growth in anterior and posterior compartments, which behave as independent developmental units. We propose that this mechanism does not act by preventing cell divisions, but by lengthening the division cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Species hybrids obtained from corsses betweenD. azteca andD. athabasca display characteristic growth anomalies. These are restricted to hybrid males while hybrid females resemble the pure species. The ratio of the wing length to body length is 1 in pure species, 1.3 in hybrid males from the crossD. azteca x D. athabasca and 0.65 in hybrid males from the reciprocal cross. This indicates a disproportionate enlargement and diminuation, respectively, restricted to some tissues. Whereas the number of ommatidia in the compound eye is normal, the number of wing cells is approximately twice as high in hybrid giant males as in hybrid females and pure species. Microdeterminations of the DNA content of wing discs show that an extra DNA replication step occurs during the early pupal stage of hybrid giant males; the pupal stage of these males lasts about 58 h longer than that of the pure species. In eye-antenna discs no extra DNA synthesis has been found. Incorporation experiments reveal a delayed uptake of radioactively labeled thymidine into the DNA of wing discs in late third instar larvae and early pupae of hybrid giant males. The results of this study are interpreted to indicate that a disturbed balance between sex-linked and autosomal genes in hybrid males is responsible for the modified rhythm of DNA synthesis and of cell proliferation in certain cell types.  相似文献   

The gene homothorax (hth) is originally expressed uniformly in the wing imaginal disc but, during development, its activity is restricted to the cells that form the thorax and the hinge, where the wing blade attaches to the thorax, and eliminated in the wing pouch, which forms the wing blade. We show that hth repression in the wing pouch is a prerequisite for wing development; forcing hth expression prevents growth of the wing blade. Both the Dpp and the Wg pathways are involved in hth repression. Cells unable to process the Dpp (lacking thick veins or Mothers against Dpp activity) or the Wg (lacking dishevelled function) signal express hth in the wing pouch. We have identified vestigial (vg) as a Wg and Dpp response factor that is involved in hth control. In contrast to its repressing role in the wing pouch, wg upregulates hth expression in the hinge. We have also identified the gene teashirt (tsh) as a positive regulator of hth in the hinge. tsh plays a role specifying hinge structures, possibly in co-operation with hth.  相似文献   

Upon fragmentation of a leg imaginal disc, cells near parts of the wounded surface are reprogrammed and form a blastema. This occurs without a change in fate and without the direct contact of the two wounded surfaces (G. H. Karpen and G. Schubiger, Nature (London) 294, 744-747, 1981). Two phases of the cell cycle have now been analyzed for several areas of disc fragments prior to and during wound healing. A mitotic index was used to compare the location of cell division, and autoradiography was used to reveal patterns of DNA synthesis. In contrast to the uniform division pattern in noncultured fragments, more dividing cells were observed near the two wound surfaces after 1 day of in vivo culture. During the second day, wound healing began and mitotic activity increased dramatically near both wound areas, and decreased in distant areas. Three and a half days of culture led to more complete wound closure and only cells on one site continued to show the highest frequency of labeled cells. It is concluded that changes in patterns of DNA synthesis and an increase in cell division begin prior to wound closure. This proliferation is consistent with the morphological changes and regulative behavior observed. In addition, the role of compartmental identity during regulation was tested. After wound closure began an increase in mitotic activity near wounds in the anterior compartment was observed whereas such an increase in division level was not seen in posterior cells near a wound.  相似文献   

A new method for modelling cell division is reported which uses a cellular representation based on graph theory. This allows us to model the adjacencies of non-regular dividing cells accurately, avoiding the rigid geometrical constraints present in earlier simulations. We use this system to simulate compartment boundary maintenance in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. We show that a boundary of minimum length between two growing polyclones of cells could depend on sorting between cells in the different polyclones. We also investigate the response of the model to differential cell division rates within polyclones. This is the first demonstration that cell sorting can generate a smooth boundary in a dividing cell mass. We suggest that biological analogs of our computer sorting rules are responsible for the similar straight polyclone borders seen in the real wing disc. A possible strategy for showing the existence of these analogs is also given.  相似文献   

While the membrane potential of cells has been shown to be patterned in some tissues, specific roles for membrane potential in regulating signalling pathways that function during development are still being established. In the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, Hedgehog (Hh) from posterior cells activates a signalling pathway in anterior cells near the boundary which is necessary for boundary maintenance. Here, we show that membrane potential is patterned in the wing disc. Anterior cells near the boundary, where Hh signalling is most active, are more depolarized than posterior cells across the boundary. Elevated expression of the ENaC channel Ripped Pocket (Rpk), observed in these anterior cells, requires Hh. Antagonizing Rpk reduces depolarization and Hh signal transduction. Using genetic and optogenetic manipulations, in both the wing disc and the salivary gland, we show that membrane depolarization promotes membrane localization of Smoothened and augments Hh signalling, independently of Patched. Thus, membrane depolarization and Hh‐dependent signalling mutually reinforce each other in cells immediately anterior to the compartment boundary.  相似文献   

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