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Humes  Arthur G. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):549-554
Recent explorations of hydrothermal vents in the eastern Pacific (Juan de Fuca spreading zone, Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California, East Pacific Rise at 21° N and 13° N, and Galapagos Rift) and on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge have revealed many copepods, mostly siphonostomatoids with few poecilostomatoids. In these habitats in depths from 1 808 to 3 650 m water temperatures may reach nearly 15 ° C. Among more than 22 000 copepods from vents examined two new families, 11 new genera, and 32 new species were represented.In addition, two new copepods were found in 3 260 m at cold seeps at the base of the West Florida Escarpment in the Gulf of Mexico, an environment not thermally active, with water temperatures about 4.39 °C.Some of these copepods were associated with host invertebrates such as a Nuculana-like protobranch bivalve, a polychaete, and two species of shrimps. Others were obtained from washings of bivalves or vestimentiferans or by means of corers or slurp guns.  相似文献   

Chown SL 《PLoS biology》2012,10(1):e1001232
The diversity of many marine benthic groups is unlike that of most other taxa. Rather than declining from the tropics to the poles, much of the benthos shows high diversity in the Southern Ocean. Moreover, many species are unique to the Antarctic region. Recent work has shown that this is also true of the communities of Antarctic deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Vent ecosystems have been documented from many sites across the globe, associated with the thermally and chemically variable habitats found around these, typically high temperature, streams that are rich in reduced compounds and polymetallic sulphides. The animal communities of the East Scotia Ridge vent ecosystems are very different to those elsewhere, though the microbiota, which form the basis of vent food webs, show less differentiation. Much of the biological significance of deep-sea hydrothermal vents lies in their biodiversity, the diverse biochemistry of their bacteria, the remarkable symbioses among many of the marine animals and these bacteria, and the prospects that investigations of these systems hold for understanding the conditions that may have led to the first appearance of life. The discovery of diverse and unusual Antarctic hydrothermal vent ecosystems provides opportunities for new understanding in these fields. Moreover, the Antarctic vents south of 60°S benefit from automatic conservation under the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources and the Antarctic Treaty. Other deep-sea hydrothermal vents located in international waters are not protected and may be threatened by growing interests in deep-sea mining.  相似文献   

Microorganisms-grauling above 60 °C isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal vents were screened for amylolytic activity. Of the 269 strains tested, 70 were found to be positive. Nine archaea (including Thermococcus hydrothermalis AL662 and Thermococcus fumicolans ST557) and one thermophilic bacterium were selected for the determination of thermostability, and the temperature and pH optima of their amylolytic enzymes. Pullulanase, α-glucosidase and α-amylase activities were detected in four archaeal strains (including AL662 and ST557) related to the genus Thermococcus. The anaerobic hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus hydrothermalis was chosen for the further study of the α-glucosidase activity, and a preliminary characterization of this enzyme was carried out. The small number of highly thermostable α-glucosidases that has been described to date, combined with the very interesting properties of this enzyme, suggest a use for this enzyme in biotechnological processes.  相似文献   

Two out of three extremely thermophilic anaerobic archaea, isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal vents, produced pullulanase activity in the presence of maltose in the growth medium. Enzyme activities were mainly extracellular and characterized by optimum temperatures of 95°C and 80–95°C, optimum pH of 5.0–7.0 and a high degree of thermostability. One strain when grown in a fermenter with maltose as inducer produced pullulanase at 35 U/l. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Over the past 35 years, researchers have explored deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments around the globe and studied a number of archaea, their unique metabolic and physiological properties, and their vast phylogenetic diversity. Although the pace of discovery of new archaeal taxa, phylotypes and phenotypes in deep-sea hydrothermal vents has slowed recently, bioinformatics and interdisciplinary geochemistry-microbiology approaches are providing new information on the diversity and community composition of archaea living in deep-sea vents. Recent investigations have revealed that archaea could have originated and dispersed from ancestral communities endemic to hydrothermal vents into other biomes on Earth, and the community structure and productivity of chemolithotrophic archaea are controlled primarily by variations in the geochemical composition of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

The culturability of a strictly anaerobic, extremely thermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus peptonophilus (optimal growth temperature: 85° C), was studied during survival stages at various temperatures (98, 85, 70, and 4° C). Total cell number (determined by DAPI staining), active cells (rhodamine-stained cells), and culturable cells (using most-probable-number) were counted over time. The number of culturable cells decreased under each condition tested. The total number of cells significantly decreased only at temperatures close to the maximum for growth (98° C); at this temperature, the cells spontaneously lysed. Our results suggested that survival at 4° C in oxygenated waters might be a mechanism for the dispersion of extreme thermophiles in the ocean. In addition, we proved the existence of T. peptonophilus cells in several physiological states: culturable cells, active non-culturable cells, inactive non-culturable cells, and dead cells. Cell death was caused by cellular lysis. Received: 5 February 1996 / Accepted: 16 April 1996  相似文献   

Experimental ecology at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: a perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In situ and laboratory experiments conducted over the past quarter of a century have greatly increased our understanding of the ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal systems. Early experiments suggested that chemosynthetic primary production constituted the principal source of organic matter for biological communities associated with vents, although subsequent studies have revealed many complexities associated with interactions between microbes and higher organisms inhabiting these ecosystems. A diversity of host-microbial symbiont relationships has been identified and experimental studies have revealed the exquisite physiological adaptations within the giant tubeworm, Riftia pachyptila, for the uptake, fixation, and assimilation of carbon. In vitro experiments demonstrated the unusual sulfide binding properties of tubeworm hemoglobin that prevent inhibition of the cytochrome-c oxidase enzyme system during transport of sulfide to symbiont-bearing tissues. Studies of respiration and growth of several species of vent organisms conducted over the past two decades transformed earlier views that low metabolism and slow growth are characteristics of all organisms inhabiting all deep-sea environments. Results of recent experiments suggest that metabolic rates correlate with the degree of mobility of the organisms rather than with any specific attribute of the deep-sea environment itself, and growth rates of certain vent organisms (e.g., R. pachyptila) were found to be among the highest in any marine environments. While extreme thermal tolerance has been suggested as characteristic of certain vent fauna (e.g., alvinellid polychaetes and alvinocarid shrimp), the majority of vent metazoans live at temperatures below 20 °C and additional experiments are necessary to reconcile field experiments documenting thermal tolerance in situ, thermal tolerance in vivo, and thermal sensitivity of biochemical constituents of vent organisms. Transplantation and clearance experiments, as well as in situ characterization of vent fluid chemistry, have greatly increased our understanding of organism–environment interactions. Early analyses of metazoan egg size and larval morphology, coupled with in vivo larval culture experiments, available physical oceanographic data, and genetic studies of gene flow, have contributed greatly to our understanding of mechanisms of dispersal between widely separated vent sites. The documentation of invertebrate colonization and succession of new vents following a volcanic eruption, and a series of manipulative field experiments, provide considerable insights into the relative roles of abiotic conditions and biotic interactions in structuring vent communities. Recent and emerging technological developments, such as in situ chemical analyzers, observatory approaches, and laboratory-based pressure culture systems, should provide invaluable new experimental tools for tackling many remaining questions concerning the ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   

The diversity of thermophilic prokaryotes inhabiting deep-sea hot vents was actively studied over the last two decades. The ever growing interest is reflected in the exponentially increasing number of novel thermophilic genera described. The goal of this paper is to survey the progress in this field made in the years 2000–2005. In this period, representatives of several new taxa of hyperthermophilic archaea were obtained from deep-sea environments. Two of these isolates had phenotypic features new for this group of organisms: the presence of an outer cell membrane (the genus Ignicoccus) and the ability to grow anaerobically with acetate and ferric iron (the genus Geoglobus). Also, our knowledge on the diversity of thermophilic bacteria from deep-sea thermal environments extended significantly. The new bacterial isolates represented diverse bacterial divisions: the phylum Aquificae, the subclass Epsilonproteobacteria, the order Thermotogales, the families Thermodesulfobacteriaceae, Deferribacteraceae, and Thermaceae, and a novel bacterial phylum represented by the genus Caldithrix. Most of these isolates are obligate or facultative lithotrophs, oxidizing molecular hydrogen in the course of different types of anaerobic respiration or microaerobic growth. The existence and significant ecological role of some of new bacterial thermophilic isolates was initially established by molecular methods.  相似文献   

The deep-sea hydrothermal vents are located along the volcanic ridges and are characterized by extreme conditions such as unique physical properties (temperature, pression), chemical toxicity, and absence of photosynthesis. However, life exists in these particular environments. The primary producers of energy and organic molecules in these biotopes are chimiolithoautotrophic bacteria. Many animals species live in intimate and complex symbiosis with these sulfo-oxidizing and methanogene bacteria. These symbioses imply a strategy of nutrition and a specific metabolic organization involving numerous interactions and metabolic exchanges, between partners. The organisms of these ecosystems have developed different adaptive strategies. In these environments many microorganisms are adapted to high temperatures. Moreover to survive in these environments, living organisms have developed various strategies to protect themselves against toxic molecules such as H2S and heavy metals.  相似文献   

A pluri-disciplinary in situ colonization experiment was performed to study early stages of colonization in deep-sea vent Alvinella spp. worm habitats. Four colonization devices were deployed onto Alvinella spp. colonies of different chimneys of the East-Pacific Rise (EPR 13 degrees N), for two different periods: a short (less than a week) and a longer one (3 weeks). Video imagery and monitoring of the thermal and physico-chemical conditions were performed during the colonization experiments. Numerous microorganisms bearing specialized adhesion-appendages and/or high amounts of polymeric extracellular matrix were observed on devices, which may efficiently contribute to the colonization of new surfaces. The microbial cohorts preceding and accompanying Alvinella spp. settlement were identified. In all cases, Archaea could not be detected and the microbial mats were essentially composed of e-Proteobacteria. Within this group, one phylotype (AlviH2) was found to dominate the libraries of three colonization devices. Dominance of e-Proteobacteria in the libraries may reflect the wide physiological variety encountered within this group or an adaptability of these microorganisms towards their changing environment. Bacteria affiliated to the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group or to the e-Proteobacteria, that grow either chemo-organoheterotrophically by fermentation or chemolithoautotrophically with H2 as an electron donor and S degrees /S2O32- or NO3- as a terminal electron acceptor, were isolated from one of the microbial mat formed in 20 days.  相似文献   

The lack of information about mobile DNA in deep-sea hydrothermal vents limits our understanding of the phylogenetic diversity of the mobile genome of bacteria in these environments. We used culture-independent techniques to explore the diversity of the integron/mobile gene cassette system in a variety of hydrothermal vent communities. Three samples, which included two different hydrothermal vent fluids and a mussel species that contained essentially monophyletic sulfur-oxidizing bacterial endosymbionts, were collected from Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin, Japan, and Pika site, Mariana arc. First, using degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers, we amplified integron integrase genes from metagenomic DNA from each sample. From vent fluids, we discovered 74 new integrase genes that were classified into 11 previously undescribed integron classes. One integrase gene was recorded in the mussel symbiont and was phylogenetically distant from those recovered from vent fluids. Second, using PCR primers targeting the gene cassette recombination site (59-be), we amplified and subsequently identified 60 diverse gene cassettes. In multicassette amplicons, a total of 13 59-be sites were identified. Most of these sites displayed features that were atypical of the features previously well conserved in this family. The Suiyo vent fluid was characterized by gene cassette open reading frames (ORFs) that had significant homologies with transferases, DNA-binding proteins and metal transporter proteins, while the majority of Pika vent fluid gene cassettes contained novel ORFs with no identifiable homologues in databases. The symbiont gene cassette ORFs were found to be matched with DNA repair proteins, methionine aminopeptidase, aminopeptidase N, O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase and glutamate synthase, which are proteins expected to play a role in animal/symbiont metabolism. The success of this study indicates that the integron/gene cassette system is common in deep-sea hydrothermal vents, an environment type well removed from anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

The symbiotic hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila needs to supply its internal bacterial symbionts with carbon dioxide, their inorganic carbon source. Our aim in this study was to characterize the carbonic anhydrase (CA) involved in CO(2) transport and conversion at various steps in the plume and the symbiotic tissue, the trophosome. A complete 1209 kb cDNA has been sequenced from the trophosome and identified as a putative alpha-CA based on BLAST analysis and the similarities of total deduced amino-acid sequence with those from the GenBank database. In the plume, the putative CA sequence obtained from cDNA library screening was 90% identical to the trophosome CA, except in the first 77 nucleotides downstream from the initiation site identified on trophosome CA. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the annelidan Riftia CA (CARp) emerges clustered with invertebrate CAs, the arthropodan Drosophila CA and the cnidarian Anthopleura CA. This invertebrate cluster appeared as a sister group of the cluster comprising mitochondrial and cytosolic isoforms in vertebrates: CAV, CAI II and III, and CAVII. However, amino acid sequence alignment showed that Riftia CA was closer to cytosolic CA than to mitochondrial CA. Combined biochemical approaches revealed two cytosolic CAs with different molecular weights and pI's in the plume and the trophosome, and the occurrence of a membrane-bound CA isoform in addition to the cytosolic one in the trophosome. The physiologic roles of cytosolic CA in both tissues and supplementary membrane-bound CA isoform in the trophosome in the optimization of CO(2) transport and conversion are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: A numerical taxonomic study has been carried out with 80 strains, newly isolated, from three geographically separated deep-sea hydrothermal vents (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Guaymas Basin and Lau Basin) and eleven thermophilic reference strains representing 11 Bacillus species. The deep-sea isolates were all halotolerant spore-forming rods and grew aerobically above 65°C. Results from unweighted average linkage cluster analysis of a similarity matrix derived from the simple matching coefficient, showed formation of nine major phena, which were defined at the 83% similarity level or above. Seven phena were composed exclusively of strains isolated from the same site (4 from Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 1 from Guaymas Basin and 2 from Lau Basin). The majority of the Lau Basin isolates clustered with 6 of the reference strains in one phenon, while isolates from Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Guaymas Basin were found separated from this phenon at the 69% similarity level. The other reference strains showed less than 69% similarity with the deep-sea isolates.  相似文献   

Specific and genetic diversity at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hydrothermal vent communities are ancient (i.e. early Mesozoic) and characterized by high biomasses, low number of species and high levels of endemism. However, little is known about the ecology and behaviour of the vent macro-and megafauna. Data on the biology and the life-history of hydrothermal-vent organisms are scarce and lead us to hypothesize various ways in which such species disperse and colonize their habitat. Such biological and ecological patterns are important for assessing both the spatial and temporal distribution of the vent fauna and the evolution of such peculiar species with geological times and, therefore need to be reviewed. Scattered information referring to vent-site distribution, bottom currents, temporal evolution of the vent emissions and their implication on the related fauna have been accumulated over the last decade. To date, several ecological and genetic studies have attempted to analyse vent fauna structures to understand how populations and communities evolve with time in such a patchy and unstable environment. They also provide faunistic comparisons across the vent communities discovered so far on well-separated oceanic ridges. This article provides a synthetic overview on biodiversity in deep-sea hydrothermal vents, genetic diversity of hydrothermal-vent species and factors responsible for similarities or differences among the vent fauna within and between well-separated venting areas of the Atlantic and Pacific ridges.  相似文献   

Diversity in mussel beds at deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remarkably little is known about fundamental distinctions (or similarities) between the faunas of deep‐sea hydrothermal vents and seeps. Low species richness at vents has been attributed to the transient nature of vent habitats and to toxic effects of hydrogen sulphide and heavy metals in vent effluents. Seeps are arguably more stable and more chemically benign than vents. They have also been regarded as more diverse, but until now there has not been a rigorous test of this hypothesis. We evaluated diversity indices for invertebrates associated with mussel beds at six vents and two seeps and found that invertebrate diversity was significantly higher at seeps than vents, although some vent mussel beds supported nearly the same diversity as seep mussel beds. Lower diversity at vents may be a consequence of a greater physiological barrier to invasion at vents than at seeps. Diversity was lowest where spacing between vents was greatest, suggesting that risks of extinction as a result of dispersal‐related processes may contribute to the pattern of diversity observed at vents.  相似文献   

Growth of the obligately chemolithotrophic Thiomicrospira sp. strain L-12, isolated from a hydrothermal vent at a depth of 2,550 m in the Galapagos Rift region, was optimal at pH 8 and required 200 mM Na+ and divalent ions (Ca2+ and Mg2+). The organism was microaerophilic and tolerated 300 microM sulfide without a decrease in the rate of CO2 incorporation. Growth and CO2 incorporation occurred within the temperature range of 10 to 35 degrees C, with both optimal at 25 degrees C. At the in situ pressure of 250 atm. the rate of CO2 incorporation was reduced by 25% relative to that measured at 1 atm: it was entirely suppressed at 500 atm. The results of this physiological characterization suggest that Thiomicrospira sp. strain L-12 can be an active autotroph in the hydrothermal environment.  相似文献   

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