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Attempts to gain a better understanding of the relationship between the epidermal ridge patterns (dermatoglyphics) and flexion creases on the volar aspects of human hands and feet and specific medical disorders led to a search for a suitable animal model, allowing studies of the fetal development of the pertinent structures. A common experimental animal, the rat (Rattus norvegicus), was found to be an excellent candidate, owing to the strong resemblance of the volar pads and flexion creases on its palmar and plantar surfaces to those of human subjects. A hereditary preaxial polydactyly mouse (Pdn) provides an opportunity to study the effects of this malformation on the surrounding morphological structures and, specifically, on the volar pads, i.e., the sites over which the dermatoglyphic patterns develop. The hands and feet of the wild‐type (+/+) mice show no anomalies, and their major pad and flexion crease configurations correspond to those of normal rats. The heterozygous (Pdn/+) mice, in spite of having a thumb/big toe with a duplicated distal phalanx on their hands/feet, did not display any alterations in palmar/plantar pads. The homozygous (Pdn/Pdn) mice have a protrusion in the thenar area and one to three supernumerary digits on the preaxial portion of both the hands and feet. The effect of these anomalies was found to be limited to the pad and flexion crease configurations in the preaxial areas; the postaxial sites were not affected. The original number of pads on the thenar/first interdigital areas of Pdn/Pdn mice was apparently identical to that of the +/+ and Pdn/+ mice. The preaxial protrusion, however, affected the number, size, and location of the pads observed in the newborn mice, resulting in varying pad configurations, such as fused and scattered pads or a pad cluster formed by gathering the neighboring pads. These pad modifications were induced by the preaxial plantar/palmar protrusion only and were not affected by the presence of supernumerary preaxial digits. In view of the similarities in the morphology and fetal development of human and mouse distal limbs, the present study is relevant to human subjects, particularly to the understanding of the significance of dermatoglyphic variations in individuals with specific medical disorders. Future studies of naturally occurring or experimentally induced limb malformations in mice or rats should provide valuable insights into the development of human hands and feet and into factors contributing to their congenital anomalies. J. Morphol. 239:87–96, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Quantitative finger dermatoglyphics have been analyzed in a Spanish population on the Mediterranean coast, from a sample of 347 individuals (163 males and 184 females) whose four grandparents were born in the studied region (Murcia). From the prints of the sampled individuals, radial, ulnar, and maximal ridge counts have been examined using classical methodology according to the pattern orientation. Kolmogorov test was used to evaluate the normality of the count values. Paired t-test, t-test for two samples, and Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney non-parametric U test were used to explore bimanual and sexual differences. Maximal and radial ridge counts show similar distributions fitting into a normal distribution. Instead, ulnar values show a particular distribution clearly different from normality. The bilateral and sexual differentiation patterns reveal the divergence between the ulnar counts and the maximal and radial values. In comparison to other Iberian populations our results show a particular position of Murcia with the lowest TFRC values in the Spanish variation ranges.  相似文献   

This paper presents a 2-year survey ofArtemisia airborne pollen concentrations in Murcia. An importantArtemisia blooming taking place in winter is confirmed in Murcia (SE Spain). This phenomenon could explain the incidence of winter pollinosis in Murcia. On the other hand, for the first time, three consecutive pollen seasons ofArtemisia, corresponding to three different species (A. campestris, A. herba-alba andA. barrelieri) have been noted. Mathematical analyses show the relations between pollen concentrations ofArtemisia in summer and autumn, and precipitation occurring 6–8 weeks before. Blooming outsets seem to be related to cumulative percentage of isolation from 1 March. Meteorological factors do not seem to influence pollen concentration in any significant way once pollination has begun.  相似文献   

Annual variations in the abundance ofAlternaria spores were related to the length of the spore period for data from Murcia (southeastern Spain). To understand the relationship between the number of spores and climatic factors,Alternaria spore counts for March 1993 to February 1994 were examined by means of correlation and regression analyses with fourteen different weather parameters. The results indicated that there was a tendency forAlternaria spore concentrations to increase with increases in temperature, wind speed and hours of sunshine. Negative correlations were observed with air pressure, wind direction and humidity. Theoretical curves forAlternaria spore counts are given in relation to temperatures during the period studied.  相似文献   

During six consecutive years (1993–1998), aBurkard volumetric pollen trap was continuouslyoperated to sample pollen from the air of thecity of Murcia. The aim of the study was toelucidate the spectra of airborne pollen andthe variations during the year, and toelaborate a pollen calendar. This time spanincludes the end of the period with severedrought from 1990–1995, which particularly affected the south-eastern region of Spain.The total sum of daily average pollenconcentrations amounted to 148,645 pollen grainsbelonging to 93 different taxa. A daily averageof 74 pollen grains/m3 and 11 taxa wererecorded, with maxima of 1157 and 27respectively. The total pollen amountregistered in a year correlated with yearlyrainfall, but there was no relation with meanannual temperature. As for annual fluctuations,there seemed to be no influence by totalrainfall or temperature. Spring and winter werethe seasons with the highest pollen counts andpollen diversity.From the 93 identified taxa, 36 are included inthe pollen calendar. Noteworthy findings are:(i) the presence of Thymelaeaceae,Robinia, Betula, Castanea,Zygophyllum, Caryophyllaceae andCannabis, (ii) a long pollen season ofChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Urticaceae,Poaceae, Arecaceae and Plantago, (iii)the occurrence of summer, autumn and winterflowering of Artemisia, (iv) the lateappearance of Corylus pollen, and (v) theminor presence of Casuarina pollen duringthe mid winter and late spring.  相似文献   

Distribution of live benthic foraminifera in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The spatial and vertical distributions of live benthic foraminifera from the muddy central axis of the Ría de Vigo were examined under downwelling and upwelling conditions. The spatial distribution of the main benthic foraminiferal species is controlled by salinity variations (San Simón Assemblage), food availability (Outer Ría Assemblage) and oxygen concentrations and/or reducing microenvironmental conditions in the sediment (Inner Ría Assemblage).The microhabitat distribution of benthic foraminifera is mainly dependant on the oxygenation/redox conditions in the sediment and the vertical segregation of food. In the inner areas of the ría, low oxygen and/or reducing microenvironmental conditions prevent the vertical segregation of microhabitats. In outer areas oxygen penetration is deep but microhabitat partitioning only occurs in the presence of additional food resources (mainly fresh organic carbon from phytoplankton blooms) which triggers the colonisation of the surface layer by new species and the migration upwards and reproduction of opportunistic species.  相似文献   

The biochronological age of the small-mammal populations of Los Gargantones 1, 2 and La Celia (upper Miocene, La Celia sub-basin, Murcia, Spain) is re-interpreted. The presence in Los Gargantones of Occitanomys adroveri, Parapodemus barbarae, Parapodemus cf. gaudryi, Huerzelerimys turoliensis, Atlantoxerus cf. adroveri, and Alilepus evidences a correlation to MN12 (∼7.5–7 Ma) rather than to MN11 (∼9–7.5 Ma), as inferred previously. The assemblage corresponds to that of the more eastern, near-coast sites of Crevillente 8 and 15, situated in the Alicante area. The stratigraphically highest site of La Celia contains Hispanomys adroveri, a species also indicative of MN12. The presence of Castromys cf. littoralis together with an advanced O. adroveri points to a slightly younger age than that of Los Gargantones, approaching that of MN13 sites. The assemblage best matches that of Crevillente 17. Other species described in this paper are Prolagus crusafonti, Prolagus sp., Parasorex cf. ibericus, Panelimnoecus cf. repenningi, and Blarinella aut Petenyia sp. indet.  相似文献   

A quantitative taphonomic analysis of the fossil assemblages, together with a sedimentary study of the Pliocene deposits of the Vejer Basin (Cádiz, Spain), has been carried out. This multidisciplinary analysis has allowed us to establish with great precision the palaeoenvironmental conditions under which these materials were formed. The Pliocene deposits can be divided into three units, named from bottom to top: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3. Unit 1 is formed of medium-to-coarse-grained sands at the base, corresponding to subtidal bar deposits. At the top, the sands become coarser, and beach and littoral dunes were formed. Within these sedimentological contexts, the fossil remains exhibit a strong degree of taphonomic destruction due to high hydrodynamic energy. Unit 2, consisting of clays, corresponds to deposits formed in a protected coastal bay. A low-energy environment allowed the fossils to maintain a good state of conservation and even thin-shelled bivalves with a delicate ornamentation are preserved. Unit 3 comprises highly bioclastic sands and calcarenites-calcirudites. This unit displays a shallowing upwards trend, passing from deposits generated under shallow subtidal conditions in the lower part to materials deposited on beaches and coastal dunes in the upper part. Under these conditions, the fossil remains show a high degree of taphonomic destruction. In Units 1 and 3, the fossils are mainly accumulated in horizontal beds, with extensive lateral continuity and with erosive bottoms and graded tops. These accumulations of fossils are interpreted as tempestites. As compared with the fossils preserved in surrounding sediments, the taphonomic attributes of these bioclasts suggest a superposition of the background and event processes. During normal conditions, the high energy of the littoral environments produced a strong degree of taphonomic destruction. During storm events, a mixture of taphonomic attributes was produced: high fragmentation and disarticulation and little abrasion and edge rounding of the fragments. This mixture was a consequence of sudden burial after storms, which prevented long periods of exposure of the bioclasts in the taphonomically active zone. Three taphofacies models are proposed, based on taphonomic attributes of fossils contained in the different units: inner-shelf taphofacies, protected shallow-lagoon taphofacies and storm bed taphofacies.  相似文献   

The pre-climax epiphytic communities of forests from the Spanish Mediterranean region (Central Plateau) were studied by numerical and traditional floristic methods. One hundred phytosociological relevés were analyzed through a classical numerical approach based on hard partitions improved by PCoA — Principal Coordinates Analysis — ordinations. Two groups easily related to two different suballiances included in Frullanion dilatatae Lecointe 1975, Ulotenion crispae (Barkman 1958) Lecointe 1975 and Fabronienion pusillae Barkman 1958 were detected. Two new syntaxa within the ass. Ortotrichetum lyellii (Allorge 1922) Lecointe 1975 are proposed. Phytogeography, syntaxonomy and ecology of these communities are discussed.  相似文献   

Two small estuaries, the Eden Estuary of eastern Scotland and the Ria de Foz of north west Spain, are compared. The former was glaciated during the Pleistocene, the latter was not. These water bodies are macrotidal, of similar size, entrance morphology and advanced state of sedimentary infill. There are, however, major differences in their sedimentary dynamics partly as a result of anthropogenic interference. A training wall partially confines the main channel of the Ria de Foz, whereas the Eden Estuary lacks comparable structures. Prior to the extension of the Foz wall, the rate of migration of a spit at the mouth of the ria was up to one order of magnitude greater than that of a similar spit in the Eden Estuary. Following completion of the wall, the rate of spit erosion in the Ria de Foz increased to two orders of magnitude greater than that of natural processes in the Eden. A beach nourishment scheme at Foz, relocating sediment deposited within the Ria, has succeeded in stabilising the spit and substantially reducing erosion. Relative stability of land and sea may have existed over the last 5,000 years at Foz but not at the mouth of the Eden, where isostatic uplift has exceeded sea level rise. The requisite stability for complete sedimentary infill at Foz may not exist owing to the predicted worldwide rise of sea level due to global warming. The rise of sea and land levels around the Eden Estuary are now believed to be counterbalanced, providing the necessary geological conditions for complete sedimentary infill.  相似文献   

The low Lower Cambrian rocks from the Sierra de Córdoba, which consist of well exposed mixed facies and abundant fossil assemblages showing long stratigraphic ranges throughout the Pedroche Formation, represent one of the best successions of this age in Europe. The fossil assemblages include diverse Ovetian archaeocyaths, trilobites, small shelly fossils, calcimicrobia, trace fossils and stromatolites. Trilobites are still poorly known, and thus they are the main objective of this work. The trilobites studied originate from three sections. At the Arroyo de Pedroche 1 section, cf. Bigotinella and Bigotinabivallata are replaced towards the top by Lemdadellalinaresae, Lemdadellaperejoni sp. nov. and, finally, by Eoredlichia cf. ovetensis. At the Arroyo de Pedroche 2 section, Lemdadellalinaresae is replaced by Lemdadellaperejoni sp. nov. and Eoredlichia cf. ovetensis, while at the Puente de Hierro section Lemdadellalinaresae, L. aff. linaresae and Serraniaverae occur together. These new biostratigraphic data confirm that the Pedroche Formation, originally defined as a repetitive sequence of four members, contains only two members. The new trilobite discoveries permit the first tentative correlation between the Ovetian of southern Spain and Lower Cambrian strata from the High Atlas (Morocco), Siberia, Antarctica and Carteret (France).  相似文献   

In this data paper, a dataset of passerine bird communities is described in Sierra Nevada, a Mediterranean high mountain located in southern Spain. The dataset includes occurrence data from bird surveys conducted in four representative ecosystem types of Sierra Nevada from 2008 to 2015. For each visit, bird species numbers as well as distance to the transect line were recorded. A total of 27847 occurrence records were compiled with accompanying measurements on distance to the transect and animal counts. All records are of species in the order Passeriformes. Records of 16 different families and 44 genera were collected. Some of the taxa in the dataset are included in the European Red List. This dataset belongs to the Sierra Nevada Global-Change Observatory (OBSNEV), a long-term research project designed to compile socio-ecological information on the major ecosystem types in order to identify the impacts of global change in this area.  相似文献   

In this article, the upper cervical spine remains recovered from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) middle Pleistocene site in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) are described and analyzed. To date, this site has yielded more than 5000 human fossils belonging to a minimum of 28 individuals of the species Homo heidelbergensis. At least eleven individuals are represented by the upper cervical (C1 and C2) specimens: six adults and five subadults, one of which could represent an adolescent individual. The most complete adult vertebrae (three atlases and three axes) are described, measured, and compared with other fossil hominins and modern humans. These six specimens are associated with one another and represent three individuals. In addition, one of these sets of cervical vertebrae is associated with Cranium 5 (Individual XXI) from the site. The metric analysis demonstrates that the Sima de los Huesos atlases and axes are metrically more similar to Neandertals than to our modern human comparative sample. The SH atlases share with Neandertals a sagittally elongated canal. The most remarkable feature of the SH (and Neandertal) axes is that they are craniocaudally low and mediolaterally wide compared to our modern male sample. Morphologically, the SH sample shares with Neandertals a higher frequency of caudally projected anterior atlas arch, which could reflect greater development of the longus colli muscle. In other features, such as the frequency of weakly developed tubercles for the attachment of the transverse ligament of the atlas, the Sima de los Huesos fossils show intermediate frequencies between our modern comparative samples and the Neandertals, which could represent the primitive condition. Our results are consistent with the previous phylogenetic interpretation of H. heidelbergensis as an exclusively European species, ancestral only to H. neanderthalensis.  相似文献   

Production (P) and production/biomass ratio (P/B) were estimated from 21 species of peracarid and eucarid crustaceans belonging to two different compartments (infauna: 10 species and suprabenthos: 11 species) using the Hynes size–frequency method. Calculations were based on 7 cruises performed between December 2002 and November 2003 in the continental shelf of the Ebro river delta (ED, Catalan Sea: northwestern Mediterranean). Within ED, P and P/B were compared between two neighbouring sites, one located on 47 m (S1), the other at 61 m (S2). The possible effects of natural variability on production were considered. Sediments in ED were muddy (%clay between 40 and 65%). No significant trend in production comparing S1 and S2 was detected, with 50% of species showing higher P value in S1, and 50% in S2. A significant trend emerged from P/B estimates, with 18 of 21 species showing higher P/B at S1. Similarly significant trends for infauna and suprabenthos were found after analyzing both compartments separately. It is suggested that the more significant P/B found on S1 both among infauna and suprabenthos could be caused by the higher temperature and organic matter content (%TOC) at S1. In multi-linear regression (MLR) models, differences in P between S1 and S2 were greater with increasing differences in the density of species (RD) between sites. Differences were greater in infauna than in suprabenthos, and greater among rare species (those with low dominance, %D). P/B differences between S1 and S2 were mainly explained by %D and RD, and to a lesser extent by differences between sites in the mean size of species (RW). In other words changes in P and P/B were not explained by removal of large size specimens. Some trawling activity occurred at S2, and it may alter the habitat of small macrofauna. In addition to natural variability, we discussed the possible influence of trawling disturbance on P and P/B, bearing in mind the feeding type, mobility, and dispersal capability of species. We suggest that amphipods of the genus Ampelisca, showing higher P/B on S1, characterized by low mobility (probably tube-dwellers), low trophic level (e.g. filter feeding strategies) and low dispersal capability (not free larvae), could be especially vulnerable to trawling impact.  相似文献   

A study of airborne fungi was carried out in the architectural complex of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) during 2002, by using viable volumetric sampling methods. This resulted in a total of 35 identified taxa, of which the most abundant were: Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Penicillium. Sampling was completed with data from the outdoor atmosphere and swab samples in specific places.In general there were no statistically significant indoor/outdoor differences and in both cases the highest CFU m-3 were obtained during the spring-summer. Similar relatively low numbers of the same fungi were likewise detected at different points in the Cathedral nave, while up to nearly 6500 CFU m-3 were recorded in the Corticela Chapel. The study of intradiurnal levels carried out in the Cathedral nave reveals greater abundance of fungal concentrations at 13:00 h, the moment of massive influx of visitors in the Cathedral, with 406 CFU m-3 compared to the 380 CFU m-3 sampled at 9:00 h and the 350 CFU m-3 at 21:00 h. The whole investigation is the first study of the atmospheric fungal content of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.  相似文献   

José Luis Sanz 《Geobios》1982,15(6):943-949
A sauropod tooth, from the Barremian-Aptian ofGalve (Teruel), is described in Spain for the first time. This tooth probably belongs to the sauropod reported by A.F. de Lapparent (1), a Brachiosaurinae different of that reported by J.V. Santafé, M.L. Casanovas & J.L. Sanz (2) and J.L. Sanz, J.V. Santafé & M.L. Casanovas (3) from Morella (Castellón, Spain), Lower Aptian in age. It is probably a lower left piece with a developped worn surface. The subfamily Brachiosaurinae-sensuR. Steel, 1970 (4)-has a certain coherence of tooth morphology in respect of other Camarasauridae-sensuR. Steel, 1970 (4). The piece from Galve belongs to a Brachiosaurinae close to Brachiosaurus, though could differ of this genus in the structure and distribution of enamel ornamentation.  相似文献   

New palynological analysis of the Arcillas de Morella Formation provides data for determinations of age of the Lower Cretaceous strata in the Ermita Sant Antoni de la Vespa section located in the district of Els Ports in the Morella sub-basin of Castellón province, north-eastern Spain. Controversy still exists over the age of this formation, which is imprecisely dated as either Barremian or Aptian in age. Detailed reconnaissance of palynological content (dinocyst, pollen and spore assemblages) together with ammonoid data permits a more accurate biostratigraphic assessment of this deposit. The presence of Subtilisphaera terrula, Florentinia mantelli and Oligosphaeridium abaculum indicates a Barremian age at the base of the formation. The presence of Stellatopollis at the top of this formation possibly indicates that the deposit may be as old as latest Barremian. Furthermore, a recent study of ammonoids situated the Barremian-Aptian boundary within the overlying Cap de Vinyet Member of the Forcall Formation in the Morella sub-basin. This study together with the palynological assemblage from the Arcillas de Morella Formation indicates a Barremian age for this deposit.  相似文献   

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