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The distribution and growth forms of the mangroves on Zanzibar island (Unguja and Pemba) were investigated. Pemba island, with approximately 12000 ha of mangroves, had nine species; and Unguja island, with 6 000 ha, had eight. Average cropping intensities in Pemba island varied between 350–1937 cut plants per ha while in Unguja these were between 777–3567 cut plants per ha. In Pemba, mangrove forests were relatively less heavily exploited compared to those in Unguja, where clear felling was common. Charcoal, lime and salt production are the major activities which involve heavy utilization of mangrove wood.The fishery resources (shellfish and finfish) associated with the mangrove vegetation were also investigated by examining the composition of fish catches at landing stations in mangrove as well as nonmangrove zones of fishing districts. A survey on the fauna associated with mangrove forests was also conducted. A number of the local commercial fish species were found to be associated with the mangrove vegetation. The fishes of the genusLethrinus and the rabbit fishSiganus were found to constitute the bulk of the fish caught from waters adjacent to mangroves using movable traps. The molluscPyrazus sp., which is commonly used by the local people for food and bait, was found only in the mangroves.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to apply different remote sensing techniques to monitor shifting mangrove vegetation in the Danshui River estuary in Taipei, Taiwan, in order to evaluate a long-term wetland conservation strategy compromising between comprehensive wetland ecosystem management and urban development. In the Danshui estuary, mangrove dominated by Kandelia candel is the major vegetation, and a large area of marsh with freshwater grasses has been protected in three reserves along the river shore. This study applied satellite imagery from different remote sensors of various resolutions for spectral analysis in order to compare shifting wetland vegetation communities at different times. A two-stage analytical process was used for extracting vegetation area and types. In the first-stage, a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was adopted to analyze SPOT, Landsat, and QuickBird imagery to obtain the spatial distribution of vegetation covers. In the second stage, a maximum likelihood classification (MLC) program was used to classify mangrove and non-mangrove areas. The results indicated that the spatial distribution of mangroves expanded 15.18 and 40 ha in two monitoring sites in 10 years, demonstrating the success of establishing reserves for protecting mangrove habitats. The analytical results also indicated that satellite imagery can easily discern the difference in characteristics between imagery of mangrove and other vegetation types, and that the logistical disadvantages of monitoring long-term vegetation community changes as well as evaluating an inaccessible area may be overcome by applying remote sensing techniques.  相似文献   

There is now considerable evidence that, as the climate continues to warm, bushfires are becoming more common and severe, particularly in regions such as south-eastern Australia. The extraordinary Australian bushfires over the summer of 2019/2020 resulted in the burning of habitats such as highland peat swamps and intertidal estuarine wetlands over unprecedented spatial scales. Across New South Wales, these bushfires affected 183 ha of saltmarshes and 23 ha of mangroves in 19 estuaries. The percentage of fire-affected saltmarsh ranged from 51% to 81% in the worst impacted estuaries, although typically ≤15% of mapped saltmarsh was damaged. Just over 50% of mangroves were burnt in Wonboyn Lake (although this constituted <0.2 ha), whereas in all other estuaries, ≤5% of mangroves were burnt. At the state-wide scale, the likelihood of saltmarshes being affected by fire was unrelated to adjacent terrestrial vegetation; however, mangroves adjacent to burnt wet sclerophyll forest were more likely to burn than not. Burnt mangroves were almost exclusively associated with extreme or high severity fires in adjacent terrestrial vegetation, yet saltmarshes were also impacted in some cases by moderate or low-intensity fires. Many species of saltmarsh plants had re-sprouted or germinated after 6–24 months, but the extent of any recovery or changes in species composition were not quantified. The majority of fire-affected mangrove trees appeared to be dead 24 months after the fires, despite observations of epicormic growth on some trees after six months. Bushfire impacts to estuarine wetlands are likely to become more frequent and results from our work can help target hazard reduction burning that might be considered for minimising damage to mangroves. More work is required to better understand potential longer term impacts and the capacity for natural recovery of estuarine wetlands from bushfires.  相似文献   

The mangrove communities along the coastline of the former Transkei, now part of the Eastern Cape Province, have not been looked at in detail since Ward and Steinkes survey in 1982. Mangroves previously occurred in 17 estuaries but were now found in only 14 of the 76 estuaries visited, with a complete loss of mangroves evident in the Mnyameni, Mzimvubu and Bulungula estuaries amounting to 7.5 ha. Total mangrove loss amounted to 17.6 ha which represents a 6.5% loss over 17 years or 1.04 ha per annum. Tree cover had increased by 16.15 ha in eight other estuaries. This increase could be attributed to the inaccessibility of mangrove stands or to protection afforded by provincial nature reserves and hotel resorts. No new mangrove stands were recorded, although Steinke (pers. comm.) has recently recorded mangroves along the north bank of the Kei River. There has been little change in mangrove species composition in the different estuaries over the past 17 years. Total mangrove loss amounted to 17.6 ha which represents a 6.5% loss over 17 years or 1.04 ha per annum and the species recorded included Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorhiza and Rhizophora mucronata. The mangrove fern Acrostichum aureum L. was recorded for the first time in the Mkozi estuary. Tree density for all estuaries was between 10 and 2594 trees ha–1. The Mngazana and Mntafufu estuaries had the highest tree densities of 2594 and 1402 trees ha–1 respectively, typical of riverine mangrove forests. Fringe mangroves were evident in most other systems. Removal of trees for wood has the greatest impact on mangrove cover. Fringe mangrove stands are particularly accessible to harvesters. Only 6% of the current area of trees is afforded some protection in conservation areas. The Mdumbi, Mzamba and Kobonqaba estuaries receive no conservation protection and harvesting has resulted in more than 50% of the trees being removed. The density of dead tree stumps was greater than the number of living trees and no seedlings or juvenile trees were found. Further removal of mangroves within the estuaries south of the Mzimvubu River is expected in the fringe mangroves, as most are unprotected and easily accessible.  相似文献   

Aims In this paper, we highlighted some key progresses in mangrove conservation, restoration and research in China during last two decades.Methods Based on intensive literature review, we compared the distribution and areas of existing mangroves among selected provinces of China, discussed the issues associated with mangrove conservation and restoration and highlighted major progresses on mangrove research conducted by key institutions or universities in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.Important findings The population boom and rapid economic developments have greatly reduced mangrove areas in China since 1980s, leaving only 22?700 ha mangroves in mainland China in 2001. Chinese government has launched a series of programs to protect mangroves since 1980s and has established mangrove ecosystems as high-priority areas for improving environmental and living resource management. During last three decades, a total of 34 natural mangrove conservation areas have been established, which accounts for 80% of the total existing mangroves areas in China. Mangrove restoration areas in Mainland China accounted for <7% of the total mangroves areas in 2002. A great deal of research papers on Chinese mangroves has been published in international journals. However, more systematic protection strategies and active restoration measurements are still urgently needed in order to preserve these valuable resources in China.  相似文献   

红树林湿地在海岸生态系统维护中的功能*   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
段舜山  徐景亮 《生态科学》2004,23(4):351-355
综述了红树林湿地在海岸生态系统中所具有的维护生物多样性、防风消浪、促淤护岸、防灾减灾、净化海水、调节大气和美化海岸带景观等方面的功能。探讨了广东及华南沿海红树林的分布状况和存在问题,指出了华南沿海现存的红树林湿地正在遭受严重的威胁和破坏。华南沿海现存红树林湿地面积仅有1.5×105hm2,比历史最大面积减少了70%;广东省的红树林湿地由10年前的1.47×104hm2减少到现在的9100hm2,减少了38%。提出了建立和完善红树林自然保护网络系统、积极实施红树林湿地生态修复工程、注重红树林的引种和种苗培育技术研究、充分评估红树林湿地的巨大生态效价等对策与建议。  相似文献   

Six plant associations were identified at Gandoca Lagoon by photointerpretation and field verification: a) mangroves, b) palm trees swamp, and palm trees with Acrostichum aureum and A. danaefolium, c) mixed palm trees, d) very humid tropical rain forest, and e) tropical beach vegetation. The mangroves cover 12.5 ha surrounding the lagoon and extend 2 km up the Gandoca River. Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove) was the dominant species, with Avicennia germinans (black mangrove), Laguncularia racemosa (white mangrove) and Conocarpus erectus (buttonwood) also present. Moving inland the mangroves grade into a tropical rain forest. Gandoca, the largest and best preserved mangrove of Caribbean Costa Rica, tripled its area from 1976 to 2000. Possible causes include sedimentation and the Limón earthquake, which may have subside the lagoon area.  相似文献   

The Mngazana Estuary has the third largest area of mangroves in South Africa (118 ha) and one of the main environmental threats is the cumulative effects of long term small scale harvesting from local communities. This study investigated the change in aerial cover of the mangrove forest over time and assessed the effect of harvesting on the microenvironment and the population structure of Rhizophora mucronata (preferred harvested species) in both harvested and non-harvested sites. In 1982 there were 150 ha of mangroves of all species and since then 32 ha (21%) of the forest area has been lost. Areas of the estuary where mangroves have been completely removed showed significant differences in sediment characteristics. Changes in population size, ratios of adult trees to juveniles (harvested sites—1:5.5, non-harvested sites 1:3.4) and significant differences in height structure are some of the indications that harvesting is affecting the mangrove populations. Results show that while it is necessary to suggest proposals aimed at the sustainable use of the Mngazana mangroves, it is equally important in the short-term to make available alternative sources of materials to replace mangrove poles for building. The formation of the Mngazana Mangrove Management Forum provides an ideal opportunity to drive Participatory Forest Management (PFM) but this would require scientific and management support. The data shown here will provide ecological information required for PFM.  相似文献   

Mangroves and brackishwater pond culture in the Philippines   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Around 50% of mangrove loss in the Philippines can be traced to brackishwater pond construction. The decrease in mangroves from 450 000 ha in 1920 to 132 500 ha in 1990 has been accompanied by expansion of culture ponds to 223 000 ha in 1990. The history of fishpond development in the country includes a government-sponsored fishpond boom in the 1950-g and 1960s, the proconservation decade of the 1970s followed by a shrimp fever in the 1980s. Production from brackisshwater ponds has increased from 15 900 mt worth P7.6 million in 1938 to 267 000 mt valued at P6.5 billion in 1990. On the other hand, the maximum valuation of over $11 000 ha–1 yr–1 for unmanaged and managed mangrove forests makes them economically on par with the most profitable pond farming systems. The loss of mangrove systems and their varied goods and services is the single most important consequence of brackishwater pond culture in the Philippines. Moreover, intensive shrimp farming is associated with other ecological and socioeconomic effects such as pollution of coastal waters and decline in domestic food crops. New legislation and enforcement of existing laws, conservation of remaining mangroves, massive rehabilitation of denuded mangrove areas, and promotion of sustainable aquaculture and fisheries are recommended.  相似文献   

Mangroves form a unique ecosystem of limited extent covering an area of about 53 000 ha along the Kenyan coast which need protection from overexploitation. Background information on the areal extent and status of these mangroves is limited and makes their protection and management difficult.A model study has been carried out on the Mida Creek mangroves based on a double sampling approach starting with SPOT multispectral satellite imagery followed by ground checks to provide information on species composition, density and distribution of mangroves. The utilization of mangroves and uses around and within the mangroves were determined.During this study, seven mangrove species were identified in Mida Creek, namely:Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia alba, Xylocarpus granatum andLumnitzera racemosa. This report briefly outlines the present utilisation of mangrove species. It is recommended that a multidisciplinary management plan be developed in order to conserve and manage the mangroves of Kenya on a sustainable yield basis.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests of Tanzania are reserved by law, but the capacity to effectively enforce this institution has remained far from reach and mangrove forests continue to be exploited as cheap sources of wood and forest land for other uses. Often, the rural poor who depend on mangroves for their subsistence are pointed out by the state institutions as culprits of the degradation. Promisingly though, this paradigm is being offset by the emerging positive view about human proclivity for caring and nurturing common resources. Traditional and community based forest management practices are emerging as appropriate alternatives to state control and institutional arrangement for ensuring sustainable management of forest resources. Nonetheless, community based management has not yet been robustly implemented for mangrove forests in Tanzania. Retrospectively, this paper argues that nationalization of mangrove forests has not been successful in reversing mangrove degradation. The experiences have instead been the frictions between people and the state, as desperate rural poor continue to plunder on and make a living at the expense of mangrove forests. The paper exemplify how policy failure, weak or dysfunctional state institutions in Tanzania compounded by little participatory awareness and self commitment are ruining the restoration and conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

Mangroves are threatened worldwide, and their loss or degradation could impact functioning of the ecosystem. Our aim was to investigate three aspects of mangroves at a global scale: (1) their constituents (2) their indispensable ecological functions, and (3) the maintenance of their constituents and functions in degraded mangroves. We focused on answering two questions: “What is a mangrove ecosystem” and “How vulnerable are mangrove ecosystems to different impacts”? We invited 106 mangrove experts globally to participate in a survey based on the Delphi technique and provide inputs on the three aspects. The outputs from the Delphi technique for the third aspect, i.e. maintenance of constituents and functions were incorporated in a modeling approach to simulate the time frame for recovery. Presented here for the first time are the consensus definition of the mangrove ecosystem and the list of mangrove plant species. In this study, experts considered even monospecific (tree) stands to be a mangrove ecosystem as long as there was adequate tidal exchange, propagule dispersal, and faunal interactions. We provide a ranking of the important ecological functions, faunal groups, and impacts on mangroves. Degradation due to development was identified as having the largest impact on mangroves globally in terms of spatial scale, intensity, and time needed for restoration. The results indicate that mangroves are ecologically unique even though they may be species poor (from the vegetation perspective). The consensus list of mangrove species and the ranking of the mangrove ecological functions could be a useful tool for restoration and management of mangroves. While there is ample literature on the destruction of mangroves due to aquaculture in the past decade, this study clearly shows that more attention must go to avoiding and mitigating mangrove loss due to coastal development (such as building of roads, ports, or harbors).  相似文献   

Practical mapping methods employing GPS field surveys and manual image analyses with affordable software were used to assess two mangrove sites in Aklan Province, NE Panay Island, central Philippines. The Jawili mangroves, absent from current maps, actually included 21.5 ha with 24 true mangrove species. On the other hand, the Batan Estuary mangroves, shown to be 4244 ha in available topographic maps, revealed only 406 ha of scattered patches. Actual mangrove data on specific areas worldwide is limited, especially in the Philippines where available maps show discrepancies from actual mangrove distribution. Remote sensing (RS) techniques provide promising results but require expensive setup, particularly for small areas. Therefore, financially limited users need affordable and rapid mapping alternatives. The practical techniques presented here can be immediately implemented at minimal cost and can produce useful estimates of actual mangrove area, fundamental for coastal management. Basic principles used here also have potential applications in other systems and locations. When resources are available though, additional confirmation and precise mapping are also further recommended.  相似文献   

Our objective was to ascertain the population status of the Pygmy Three-toed Sloth, Bradypus pygmaeus, an IUCN Critically Endangered species, on Isla Escudo de Veraguas, Panama. Bradypus pygmaeus are thought to be folivorous mangrove specialists; therefore we conducted a visual systematic survey of all 10 mangrove thickets on the island. The total mangrove habitat area was measured to be 1.67 ha, comprising 0.024% of the total island area. The population survey found low numbers of B. pygmaeus in the mangrove thickets and far lower numbers outside of them. The connectivity of subpopulations between these thickets on the island is not established, as B. pygmaeus movement data is still lacking. We found 79 individuals of B. pygmaeus; 70 were found in mangroves and 9 were observed just beyond the periphery of the mangroves in non-mangrove tree species. Low population number, habitat fragmentation and habitat loss could lead to inbreeding, a loss of genetic diversity, and extinction of B. pygmaeus.  相似文献   

Aerial photographs and satellite images have been used to determine land cover changes during the period 1953 to 2011 in the Mui Ca Mau, Vietnam, especially in relation to changes in the mangrove area. The mangrove area declined drastically from approximately 71,345 ha in 1953 to 33,083 ha in 1992, then rose to 46,712 ha in 2011. Loss due to herbicide attacks during the Vietnam War, overexploitation, and conversion into agriculture and aquaculture encouraged by land management policies are being partially counteracted by natural regeneration and replanting, especially a gradual increase in plantations as part of integrated mangrove-shrimp farming systems. The nature of the mangrove vegetation has markedly been transformed over this period. The results are valuable for management planning to understand and improve the contribution of mangrove forests to the provision of ecosystem services and resources, local livelihood and global interest.  相似文献   

We analyzed a time series of aerial photographs and Landsat satellite imagery of the Pioneer River Estuary (near Mackay, Queensland, Australia) to document both natural and anthropogenic changes in the area of mangroves available to filter river runoff between 1948 and 2002. Over 54 years, there was a net loss of 137 ha (22%) of tidal mangroves during four successive periods that were characterized by different driving mechanisms: (1) little net change (1948–1962); (2) net gain from rapid mangrove expansion (1962–1972); (3) net loss from clearing and tidal isolation (1972–1991); and (4) net loss from a severe species-specific dieback affecting over 50% of remaining mangrove cover (1991–2002). Manual digitization of aerial photographs was accurate for mapping changes in the boundaries of mangrove distributions, but this technique underestimated the total loss due to dieback. Regions of mangrove dieback were identified and mapped more accurately and efficiently after applying the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery, and then monitoring changes to the index over time. These remote sensing techniques to map and monitor mangrove changes are important for identifying habitat degradation, both spatially and temporally, in order to prioritize restoration for management of estuarine and adjacent marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aim Our scientific understanding of the extent and distribution of mangrove forests of the world is inadequate. The available global mangrove databases, compiled using disparate geospatial data sources and national statistics, need to be improved. Here, we mapped the status and distributions of global mangroves using recently available Global Land Survey (GLS) data and the Landsat archive. Methods We interpreted approximately 1000 Landsat scenes using hybrid supervised and unsupervised digital image classification techniques. Each image was normalized for variation in solar angle and earth–sun distance by converting the digital number values to the top‐of‐the‐atmosphere reflectance. Ground truth data and existing maps and databases were used to select training samples and also for iterative labelling. Results were validated using existing GIS data and the published literature to map ‘true mangroves’. Results The total area of mangroves in the year 2000 was 137,760 km2 in 118 countries and territories in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Approximately 75% of world's mangroves are found in just 15 countries, and only 6.9% are protected under the existing protected areas network (IUCN I‐IV). Our study confirms earlier findings that the biogeographic distribution of mangroves is generally confined to the tropical and subtropical regions and the largest percentage of mangroves is found between 5° N and 5° S latitude. Main conclusions We report that the remaining area of mangrove forest in the world is less than previously thought. Our estimate is 12.3% smaller than the most recent estimate by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. We present the most comprehensive, globally consistent and highest resolution (30 m) global mangrove database ever created. We developed and used better mapping techniques and data sources and mapped mangroves with better spatial and thematic details than previous studies.  相似文献   

Amongst the most threatened ecosystems on Earth, mangrove forests are also one of the more difficult to work in due to their growth in mud and open water coastal zones and their dense tangled stems, branches and prop roots. Consequently, there has been an impetus to employ remotely sensed imagery as a means for rapid inventory of these coastal wetlands. To date, the majority of mangrove maps derived from satellite imagery utilize a simple mangrove classification scheme which does not distinguish mangrove species and may not be useful for conservation and management purposes. Although more elaborate satellite based mangrove classification schemes are being developed, given their enhanced complexity they deserve additional justification for end users. The purpose of this study was to statistically examine the appropriateness of one such classification scheme based on an inventory of field data. In January of 2007 and May of 2008, 61 field sample plots were selected in a stratified random fashion based on a previous classification of a degraded mangrove forest of the Isla La Palma (Sinaloa, Mexico) using Landsat TM5 data. Unlike other previous Landsat TM based classifications of this region, which simply identified the mangrove forests as one class, the mangroves were classified (i.e. mapped) according to four conditions; healthy tall, healthy dwarf, poor condition, and dead mangroves. Within each sample plot, all mangroves of diameter of breast height (dbh) greater than 2.5 cm were identified and their height, condition and dbh recorded. An estimated Leaf Area Index (LAI) value also was obtained for each sample and the shortest distance from the center of each sample plot to open flowing water was determined using a geographic information system (GIS) overlay procedure. These data were then used to calculate mean values for the four classes as well as to determine stem densities, basal areas, and the Shannon–Wiener diversity index. In order to assess the appropriateness of this mangrove classification scheme a discriminant analysis approach was then applied to these field data. The results indicate this forest has undergone severe degradation, with decreasing mean tree heights, mean dbh and species diversity. In regards to the discriminant analysis procedure, further classification of these field plots and cross-validation based on these significant variables provided high classification accuracy thus validating the appropriateness of the satellite based image classification scheme. Moreover, the discriminant analysis indicated that the estimated LAI, mean height, and mean dbh are significant in the separation of the classification of mangrove forest condition along these field sample plots.  相似文献   

Among the many ecosystem services provided by mangrove ecosystems, their role in carbon (C) sequestration and storage is quite high compared to other tropical forests. Mangrove forests occupy less than 1 % of tropical forested areas but account for approximately 3 % of global carbon sequestration by tropical forests. Yet there remain many areas where little data on the size and variation of mangrove C stocks exist. To address this gap and examine the range of C stocks in mangroves at landscape scales, we quantified C stocks of Honduran mangroves along the Pacific and Caribbean coasts and the Bay Islands. We also examined differences in ecosystem C stocks due to size and structure of mangrove vegetation found in Honduras. Ecosystem C stocks ranged from 570 Mg C ha?1 in the Pacific coast to ~1000 Mg C ha?1 in Caribbean coast and the Bay Islands. Ecosystem C stocks on the basis of mangrove structure were 1200, 800 and 900 Mg C ha?1, in low, medium and tall mangroves, respectively. We did not find significant differences in ecosystem C stocks on the basis of location (Pacific coast, Caribbean coast and Bay Islands) or mangrove type (low, medium and tall). Mangrove soils represented the single largest pool of total C in these ecosystems, with 87, 81 and 94 % at the Pacific coast, Caribbean coast and the Bay Islands, respectively. While there were no significant differences in total ecosystem stocks among mangrove types, there were differences in where carbon is stored. Mangrove soils among low, medium and tall mangroves contained 99, 93 and 80 % of the total ecosystem C stocks. In addition, we found a small yet significant negative correlation between vegetation C pools and pore water salinity and pH at the sampled sites. Conversion of mangroves into other land use types such as aquaculture or agriculture could result in loses of these soil C reserves due to mineralization and oxidation. Coupled with their other ecosystem services, an understanding of the size of mangrove ecosystem C stocks underscores their values in the formulation of conservation and climate change mitigation strategies in Central America.  相似文献   

We used a stratified random sampling design to inventory the mangrove vegetation within the Zambezi River Delta, Mozambique, to provide a basis for estimating biomass pools. We used canopy height, derived from remote sensing data, to stratify the inventory area, and then applied a spatial decision support system to objectively allocate sample plots among five strata. Height and diameter were measured on overstory trees, saplings and standing dead trees in nested plots, and biomass was calculated using allometric equations. Each of the eight mangrove species occurring in Mozambique exist within the Delta. They are distributed in heterogeneous mixtures within each of the five canopy height classes, not reflecting obvious zonation. Overstory trees averaged approximately 2000 trees ha?1, and average basal area ranged from 14 to 41 m2 ha?1 among height classes. The composition of the saplings tended to mirror the overstory, and the diameter frequency distributions suggest all-aged stands. Above-ground biomass ranged from 111 to 483 Mg ha?1 with 95 % confidence interval generally within 15 % of the height class mean. Despite over 3000 trees ha?1 in the small-tree component, 92 % of the vegetation biomass is in the overstory live trees. The objective inventory design proved effective in estimating forest biomass within the 30,267 ha mangrove forest.  相似文献   

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