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Spider diversity in a tropical habitat gradient in Chiapas, Mexico   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents an assessment of spider diversity in a complex landscape of southern Mexico. Eighteen different habitats were identified, measured and mapped across this fragmented landscape. Habitat types were characterized by measuring various features, including number of plant forms, tree cover and litter depth. Each month from February to April (dry season) and from June to August 2002 (wet season), spiders were sampled on each habitat by using pitfall traps and direct collection. Correlations between spider diversity and habitat characteristics were carried out to explore the relative contribution of each habitat variable as related to changes in spider composition and richness. In total, 115 spider species were recorded in 18 habitat types, and the mean number and density of species per habitat were 21 (± 3, standard error of mean) and 57 (± 9), respectively. The species recorded represent 41% of the fauna recorded in the Mexican state of Chiapas and 4% of the fauna recorded in Mexico. Relatively pristine habitats (e.g. deciduous forest) contained an important proportion of spider diversity in this fragmented landscape. Epigean spider diversity was significantly correlated with tree cover and with the diversity of plant forms during the rainy season. No correlation was detected between soil spider diversity and the habitat variables measured for any season. The results of this work suggest that in highly fragmented tropical landscapes, some habitat types (e.g. coffee plantations, hedgerows) might play an important role for the persistence of spider populations. The prevalence of relatively stable conditions in some of these habitats can allow spiders species (e.g. Nephila clavipes ) to overcome adverse conditions such as a decrease in humidity and dramatic changes in temperature and wind exposure, allowing them to recolonize when favourable conditions return.  相似文献   

Ceratozamia zoquorum sp. nov. from the northern mountains of Chiapas, Mexico, is described and illustrated. It has affinities with C. miqueliana Wendl. from Veracruz, but differs in leaf, male female cone and trunk morphology.  相似文献   

Agricultural development and maize diversity in Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mexico is within the center of origin of Zea mays and has among the highest levels of maize genetic diversity in the world. This diversity is traced to factors at the regional and farm levels. Loss of crop genetic diversity has been related to economic and agricultural development, although opposed views of this exist for the Mexican case. Agricultural development appears to be affecting virtually all types of farms in Mexico. A case study in Chiapas suggests that the adoption of some improved varieties has enhanced genetic diversity in maize, but one improved type competes with landraces in the most favorable land. The adoption of this improved type is associated with greater access to capital and with lower risk.The research for this project was carried out with the support of the UC/MEXUS program of the University of California and CONACYT. We wish to acknowledge the advice and assistance provided by Esteban Betanzos of the Chiapas office of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarios, Efraim Hernandez of the Colegio de Postgraduados at Chapingo, Robert Tripp of the Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo, and to Manuel Parra of the Centro de Investigaciones Ecologicas del Sureste in San Cristobal de las Casas. The authors wish to thank J. Edward Taylor, Andraes Buerkert, Aaron Zazueta, and Daniel Mountjoy for their useful comments on an earlier draft.  相似文献   

Simulium blackfly larvae (Diptera: Simuliidae) were collected from rivers and streams at 500-1500 m a.s.l. in Chiapas State of southern Mexico. Among 45 sites surveyed over an area of 2300 km2 (around 15 degrees 15'N 92 degrees 20'W), some Simulium larvae from three sites were opalescent violet-blue, interpreted as patent infection with invertebrate iridescent virus (IIV). Dissection confirmed the presence of putative Iridovirus particles, 130nm diameter, but no IIV isolates were obtained from homogenates injected into Galleria mellonella (L) larvae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). All Simulium with patent IIV infection died before metamorphosis, whereas approximately 60% of asymptomatic Simulium survived to adulthood in the laboratory. During 1997, standard monthly samples from two parallel rivers 42-50 km north-west of Tapachula comprised the following species proportions (and rates of patent IIV infection): 41.8% (47%) Simulium mexicanum Bellardi complex, 31.3% (31.4%) S. rubicundum Knab, 10.1% (13.1%) S. paynei, 6.5% (2.9%) S. callidum (Dyar & Shannon), 6.3% (5.1%) S. ochraceum Walker complex, 3.1% (0.7%) S. downsi Vargas et al., 0.7% S. samboni Jennings and 0.2% S. metallicum Bellardi complex, showing a strong correlation between blackfly abundance and the prevalence of patent infection. An epizootic of IIV in January and February (infection rates 41-100%) was followed by absence of larvae (March-August) until the end of the rainy season, when numbers collected on nylon strings rose to approximately 1/cm with patent IIV infection rates of 0-12.5% during September-December. Further investigations are underway to isolate this IIV and assess its potential usefulness for biological control of Simulium pests and vectors of onchocerciasis.  相似文献   

Ceratozamia mirandai sp. nov. from the Sepultura Biosphere reserve of Chiapas, Mexico, is described and illustrated. Its closest affinities are with C. kuesteriana Regel from Tamaulipas of north-east Mexico, but differs in male and female cone and trunk morphology.  相似文献   

In Chiapas, southern Mexico, there are Miocene amber deposits containing high diversity of biological inclusions of plants, fungi, crustaceans, and vertebrates. Here I describe a new species of Podopterus (Polygonaceae), P. mijangosae n. sp. based on well-preserved fruit fossils collected from the Los Pocitos mine, Chiapas. The fruit specimens are characterized by obovate shape, emarginate apex, cuneate base with three thin wings, and the endocarp being pubescent or tomentose. The wings are thin and translucent with entire to undulate margin, pubescent hairs, and fine fusiform-reticulate venation. This new record of Podopterus represents the second fossil record to the southernmost in North America, and further supports the idea that several genera that grow in Mexico today were present in the area since the Miocene.  相似文献   

Due to the current environmental crisis, many animal species face extinction problems. Amphibian populations have been affected by this crisis. Our goal is to study amphibian species diversity in Chiapas, which has 7.6% of the endemic amphibians in Mexico and 53 protected areas. Only 58% of the protected areas have management plans or information on their resident amphibians. We aim to determine the extent of protection provided by the network of natural areas for the conservation of amphibian species in the state and to discuss the effectiveness of this protection. Therefore, we compiled a georeferenced database of 112 amphibian species in Chiapas to create each distribution model. In addition, we carried out representativeness, beta diversity, and species richness analyses. As a result, we obtained a high degree of representativeness for the records and species distribution models. However, we found a decrease in the richness of amphibians involving 20% of total species, 13% of endemics, 18% threatened according to NOM-059, and 31% threatened according to IUCN between 1800 and 2020 and 1980–2020. We also identified two biodiversity hotspots in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas and the Northern Highlands physiographic regions. Finally, based on potential distributions, we found more endemic and threatened species outside protected natural areas than inside them. Our results give a broader picture of how amphibian richness is distributed in Chiapas. This information can help to prioritize conservation efforts toward those areas rich in threatened or endemic species, such as the Northern Mountains Hotspot we identified in northern Chiapas.  相似文献   

A plant microfossil assemblage of 24 identified and five unknown pollen and spore types is reported from the early Miocene La Quinta Formation near Simojovel, Chiapas, Mexico. The taxa group into seven paleocommunities representing versions of the modern mangroves (Pelliciera, Rhizophora), swamp and lowland riparian forest (Ceratopteris, Crudia, Pachira), tropical rain forest (Selaginella, cf. Antrophyum, Pteris, Sphaeropteris/Trichipteris, cf. Aguiaria, Crudia, Guarea, Pachira), lower montane rain forest (Alfaroa/Oreomunnea, possibly Eugenia), evergreen cloud forest [Picea, Pinus, Podocarpus, Ericaceae (possibly Cavendishia/Vaccinium)], evergreen seasonal forest (Hymenaea, Ilex, possibly Eugenia), and tropical deciduous forest (Cedrela). Elements of arid and high-elevation habitats were absent or few, and northern temperate elements (Picea, Pinus?) were few or rare. Paleoelevations are estimated at 1000–1200 m (present average 2000 m, maximum 3004 m), MAT (mean annual temperature) at least as warm as the present 24°C, and annual rainfall near the present ∼2500 mm but more evenly distributed. The La Quinta (Simojovel) and other Tertiary floras from the region reflect a trend toward higher altitudes, more seasonal rainfall, cooling tempertures, increased introduction of cool-temperate elements from the north after ∼15 Ma (million years), and increased introduction of tropical elements from the south after completion of the isthmian land bridge ∼3.5 Ma ago.  相似文献   

The Coastal Plain of Chiapas (southern Mexico) was formerly covered by large tracts of subhumid tropical forests but is heavily deforested at present. In this region, 15 pastures were selected to characterize species composition of isolated trees, as well as to describe species composition, growth form patterns, and patterns of dispersal units in the vegetation growing under their canopies. The 65 recorded pasture trees belonged to 20 species and 11 families, of which Fabaceae and Moraceae were the most species-rich. Coccoloba barbadensis (Polygonaceae) and Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Fabaceae) were the most abundant and frequent trees in the studied pastures. More than half (55%) of isolated tree species were fleshy-fruited. In the vegetation sampled under pasture trees, 134 species and 45 families were found. Fabaceae and Poaceae had the largest numbers of species. Herbs were the predominant growth form (46.3%), followed by shrubs (23.9%), trees (23.1%), and lianas (2.2%); 6 species could nor be placed in any growth form category. Most species of this flora were fleshy-fruited (43.3%), followed by heavy, gravity-dispersed fruits (17.9%). The analysis of dispersal units by growth form category confirmed the prevalence of fleshy fruits, although their predominance was not so obvious among herb species. Almost half (49.2%) of the flora under pasture trees was typical of secondary vegetation; this pattern was true for herbs but not for most woody species, which were typical of primary vegetation. A numeric classification of the vegetation samples taken under pasture trees produced eight floristic groups, all of which were independent of the specific identity of pasture trees. No significant effect of dispersal unit type of pasture tree on the characteristics of the vegetation growing under them was found. Future attempts to re-create the original forest cover using isolated trees in pastures as regeneration foci should pay more attention to the maintenance of a large specific diversity independently of the dispersal types among these components of tropical landscapes.  相似文献   

Montane cloud forest (MCF) has high levels of species diversity, contributes positively to the catchment water yield, and is a globally threatened habitat type. The shortage of reliable data regarding the area currently occupied by MCF remains an obstacle to operational conservation planning in Mexico. This paper assesses how much MCF remains in the central Highlands of Chiapas (Mexico) and how fragmented it is in relation to other forest cover. We estimated that the area covered by MCF was between 3700–5250 ha. This estimate contrasted with the approximately 40,000 ha reported for the same region by the Mexican National Forestry inventory in 2000. MCF was highly scattered and fragmented within a matrix of other tropical montane forest types. Other forest types may be partially buffering the remaining MCF habitats, however, mitigating their disturbance and enhancing their connectivity. We conclude that mechanisms should be sought to promote the protection of core areas containing MCF fragments in agreement with communal and private landowners and to conserve the ecological functions of surrounding buffer zones. Such a conservation strategy would match the natural configuration of these endangered habitats.  相似文献   

Aim We aim to assess regional patterns in the distribution and species richness of vascular epiphytes with an emphasis on forests that differ in altitude and the amount of rainfall. Location Tropical America, in particularly the 75,000 km2 large state of Chiapas in southern Mexico at 14.5–18.0°N. Chiapas is diverse in habitats with forests from sea‐level to the tree‐line at c. 3800 m altitude and with annual amounts of rainfall ranging from 800 to over 5000 mm. It is also one of the botanical best‐explored regions in the tropics. Methods First we give an overview of epiphyte inventories to date. Such epiphyte surveys were mostly carried out on the basis of surface area or individual trees and we discuss their problematic comparison. Applying a different methodological approach, we then used 12,276 unique vascular epiphyte plant collections from Chiapas that are deposited in various botanical collections. The locality data were georeferenced and compiled in a relational data base that was analysed using a geographical information system. To compare the number of species between inventories that differed in the numbers of records, we estimated the total richness, SChao, at each. Results We recorded 1173 vascular epiphyte species in thirty‐nine families (twenty‐three angiosperms), comprising c. 14% of all confirmed plant species in the state. About half of all species were orchids (568). Ferns and bromeliads were the next species‐rich groups with 244 and 101 species, respectively. Most species were found in the Montane Rain Forest and in the Central Plateau. Trees of different forest formations, rainfall regimes, altitudes and physiographical regions supported a characteristic epiphyte flora. Main conclusions We were able to confirm the presumed presence of a belt of high diversity at mid‐elevations (500–2000 m) in neotropical mountains. In contrast to predictions, however, we observed a decrease in diversity when the annual amount of rainfall exceeded 2500 mm. The decrease is attributed to wind‐dispersed orchids, bromeliads and Pteridophyta that may find establishment problematical under frequent downpours. In the wet but seasonal forests in Chiapas, this decrease is not compensated by plants in the animal‐dispersed Araceae that are abundant elsewhere. We presume that in addition to the annual amount of rainfall, its distribution in time determines the composition of the epiphyte community.  相似文献   

Coffee is a globally important crop that is subject to numerous pest problems, many of which are partially controlled by predatory ants. Yet several studies have proposed that these ecosystem services may be reduced where agricultural systems are more intensively managed. Here we investigate the predatory ability of twig-nesting ants on the main pest of coffee, the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) under different management systems in southwest Chiapas, Mexico. We conducted both laboratory and field experiments to examine which twig-nesting ant species, if any, can prey on free-living borers or can remove borers embedded in coffee fruits and whether the effects of the twig-nesting ant community differ with habitat type. Results indicate that several species of twig-nesting ants are effective predators of both free-living borers and those embedded in coffee fruits. In the lab, Pseudomyrmex ejectus, Pseudomyrmex simplex, and Pseudomyrmex PSW-53 effectively removed free-living and embedded borers. In the field, abundance, but not diversity, of twig-nesting ant colonies was influenced by shade management techniques, with the highest colony abundance present in the sites where shade trees were recently pruned. However, borer removal rates in the field were significant only in the shadiest site, but not in more intensively managed sites. This study provides evidence that twig-nesting ants can act as predators of the coffee berry borer and that the presence of twig-nesting ants may not be strongly linked to shade management intensity, as has been suggested for other arthropod predators of the borer.  相似文献   

This study describes the foraging ecology of birds during summer and winter in two different types of coffee agroecosystems in Chiapas, Mexico. Avian foraging behavior is documented in two agroecosystems of differing management intensity, structurally similar but with different levels of floristic diversity, during summer and winter seasons. The distribution of tree species used by birds was more even, and birds used a greater diversity of tree species, in the more diverse coffee shade system. Much of the variation in resource use derived from shifts in the use of flowers and fruit, highlighting the importance in resource phenology for birds. Insectivory was more frequent in winter than summer for the coffee layer, and in summer for the shade layer. Given the vegetative structural similarity of the two coffee agroecosystems included in this study, floristic differences probably accounted for much of the difference in the bird communities between the management systems, especially given the strong seasonal response to flowering and fruiting. This work suggests that plentiful and diverse food resources associated with the high diversity of plant species may facilitate coexistence of the high number of bird species found in shade-grown coffee agroecosystems.  相似文献   

1. We evaluated the potential of small, isolated cornfields embedded in a large forest matrix as an appropriate compromise between conservation and sustainable development.
2. We examined the relationship between habitat structure and diversity with overall mammal species richness and abundance of six common small mammals in four 6-year-old abandoned cornfields (oldfields) and four continuous rainforest sites in the most speciose region in Mexico, the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas.
3. Species richness did not differ between forests and oldfields, indicating that forest-dependent mammals penetrate oldfields of size 0·9–2·9 ha, presumably because forest cover and resources are nearby. Even species which strongly selected forest habitat, such as H. desmarestianus and D. marsupialis , were present in oldfields, and only the latter showed a significant decline in the number of captures as a function of distance from forest edge.
4. The Lacandon Indian use of the land for agriculture in the form of small (> 3 ha) agricultural plots embedded in a large forest matrix increases spatial heterogeneity and promotes mammal diversity.
5. Those small plots (in agricultural production terms) are intermediate in size when the whole continuum of the local natural and anthropogenic disturbance sizes are considered; more common are the extensive clearings for agriculture or cattle ranching, whereas the most common forest disturbance is treefall gaps, at least 20 times smaller than oldfields.
6. This form of land use should be considered as an important, appropriate productive element when decisions are made about managing reserves and pursuing sustainable development.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucomutase (PGM; EC isozyme variants were studied in a large number of inbred lines, crosses, and races of maize (Zea mays L.). Patterns of Mendelian inheritance demonstrated for PGM isozyme variants indicated that they are encoded by nuclear genes. Two unlinked loci, Pgm1 and Pgm2, located on the long arm of chromosome 1 and the short arm of chromosome 5, respectively, specify the observed electrophoretic variation on starch gels. No intra- or interlocus hybrid bands were found, suggesting that each isozyme band consists of a single polypeptide. PGM isozymes were present in all plant parts studied and the activity specified by both loci appears to reside in the cytoplasm. In studies of 520 racial collections of maize from Latin America, a single allele at each locus predominated in most collections. Likewise, the same alleles predominated in a set of 406 inbred lines of maize from the United States and Canada.This work was supported in part by NIH Research Grant GM 11546.Paper No. 8496 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, North Carolina.  相似文献   

Mechanisms explaining patterns of biodiversity along elevation gradients in tropical mountain systems remain controversial. We use a set of climatic, topographic, and soil variables encompassing regional, landscape, and local‐level spatial scales to explain the spatial variation of tree species diversity in the Sierra Madre of Chiapas, Mexico. We sampled 128 circular plots (0.1‐ha each) in four elevational bands along four elevation gradients or transects encompassing 100–2200 m. A total of 12,533 trees belonging to 444 species were recorded. Diversity patterns along the elevation gradient and the explanatory power of independent variables were dependent on spatial scale (regional vs transect) and functional group (total vs late‐successional or pioneer species). Diversity of all species and late‐successional species (1 – proportion of pioneer species) showed a constant pattern at the regional and transect scales, with low predictive power of climatic variables and/or elevation. A linear decrease in either number or proportion of pioneer species diversity was observed with increasing elevation, which was correlated with temperature, rainfall, and human disturbance trends. Total species diversity showed an increase with rainfall of the warmest quarter, indicating a regional‐level limiting effect of seasonality (drought duration). Yet the explanatory power of climatic and topographic variables was higher at the individual transect level than at the regional scale, suggesting the parallel but differential influence of evolutionary and geological history factors on diversification not so far studied to explain elevation patterns of species diversity in tropical mountain systems.  相似文献   

Much of the remaining “forest” vegetation in eastern Chiapas, Mexico is managed for coffee production. In this region coffee is grown under either the canopy of natural forest or under a planted canopy dominated by Inga spp. Despite the large differences in diversity of dominant plant species, both planted and rustic shade coffee plantations support a high overall diversity of bird species; we recorded approximately 105 species in each plantation type on fixed radius point counts. We accumulated a combined species list of 180 species on repeatedly surveyed transects through both coffee plantation types. These values are exceeded regionally only by moist tropical forest. Of the habitats surveyed, shade coffee was second only to acacia groves in the abundance and diversity of Nearctic migrants. The two plantation types have similar bird species lists and both are similar in composition to the dominant woodland—mixed pine-oak. Both types of shade coffee plantation habitats differ from other local habitats in supporting highly seasonal bird populations. Survey numbers almost double during the dry season—an increase that is found in omnivorous migrants and omnivorous, frugivorous, and nectarivorous resident species. Particularly large influxes were found for Tennessee warblers (Vermivora peregrina) and northern orioles (Icterus galbula) in Inga dominated plantations.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the Chiapas Highlands, a tropical mountain region where traditional agricultural practices have resulted in a mosaic landscape of forest fragments embedded in a matrix of secondary vegetation and crop fields. The question addressed was how may woody species richness be affected by forest fragment attributes derived from traditional land-use patterns. Species inventories of total woody species, canopy and understorey trees, and shrubs were obtained in 22 forest fragments (5 ha). Multiple regression analyses were applied to examine the effects of size, matrix, isolation and shape of the forest fragments on richness of these species guilds. Fragment size was correlated with shape (r = 0.75) and isolation (r = –0.69), and isolation was correlated with shape (r = –0.75). Total species richness, and number of shrubs and understorey trees in fragments were related to isolation; moreover, additive effects of fragment shape were found for shrubs. The number of canopy species was not related to any fragment variable. Matrix did not help to explain species richness, possibly due to the landscape structure created by the traditional land-use patterns. In addition to size and isolation, we point out the need of considering shape and matrix as additional fragmentation attributes, along with social and economic factors, if we are ever going to be successful in our management and conservation actions.  相似文献   

The genus Capsicum is New World in origin and represents a complex of a wide variety of both wild and domesticated taxa. Peppers or fruits of Capsicum species rarely have been identified in the paleoethnobotanical record in either Meso- or South America. We report here confirmation of Capsicum sp. residues from pottery samples excavated at Chiapa de Corzo in southern Mexico dated from Middle to Late Preclassic periods (400 BCE to 300 CE). Residues from 13 different pottery types were collected and extracted using standard techniques. Presence of Capsicum was confirmed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)/MS-MS Analysis. Five pottery types exhibited chemical peaks for Capsicum when compared to the standard (dihydrocapsaicin). No peaks were observed in the remaining eight samples. Results of the chemical extractions provide conclusive evidence for Capsicum use at Chiapas de Corzo during a 700 year period (400 BCE–300 CE). Presence of Capsicum in different types of culinary-associated pottery raises questions how chili pepper could have been used during this early time period. As Pre-Columbian cacao products sometimes were flavored using Capsicum, the same pottery sample set was tested for evidence of cacao using a theobromine marker: these results were negative. As each vessel that tested positive for Capsicum had a culinary use we suggest here the possibility that chili residues from the Chiapas de Corzo pottery samples reflect either paste or beverage preparations for religious, festival, or every day culinary use. Alternatively, some vessels that tested positive merely could have been used to store peppers. Most interesting from an archaeological context was the presence of Capsicum residue obtained from a spouted jar, a pottery type previously thought only to be used for pouring liquids.  相似文献   

In previous papers we found that the frequency of B chromosomes in native races of maize varies considerably in different populations. Moreover, we found genotypes that control high and low transmission rates (TR) of B chromosomes in the Pisingallo race. In the present work crosses were made to determine whether the genes controlling B-TR are located on the normal chromosome set (As) or on the B chromosomes (Bs). We made female f.0B × male m.2B crosses between and within high (H) and low (L) B-TR groups. The Bs were transmitted on the male side in all cases. The mean B-TR from the progeny of f.0B (H) × m.2B (H) and f.0B (H) × m.2B (L) crosses was significantly higher than that from f.0B (L) × m.2B (L) and f.0B (L) × m.2B (H) crosses. The results show that the B-TR of the crosses corresponds to the H or L B-TR of the 0B female parents irrespective of the Bs of the male parent. This indicates that B-TR is genetically controlled by the 0B female parent and that these genes are located on the A chromosomes.  相似文献   

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