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Widespread mouth ulcerations were observed in largemouth bass collected from eight inland lakes in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan during the summer months of 2002 and 2003. These ulcerations were associated with, and most likely caused by, leech parasitism. Through the use of morphological dichotomous keys, it was determined that all leeches collected are of one species: Myzobdella lugubris. Among the eight lakes examined, Lake Orion and Devils Lake had the highest prevalence of leech parasitism (34% and 29%, respectively) and mouth ulcerations (53% and 68%, respectively). Statistical analyses demonstrated that leech and ulcer prevalence varied significantly from one lake to the other. Additionally, it was determined that the relationship between the prevalence of ulcers and the prevalence of leech attachment is significant, indicating that leech parasitism is most likely the cause of ulceration. The ulcers exhibited deep hemorrhagic centers and raised irregular edges. Affected areas lost their epithelial lining and submucosa, with masses of bacteria colonizing the damaged tissues. Since largemouth bass is a popular global sportfish and critical to the food web of inland lakes, there are concerns that the presence of leeches, damaged buccal mucosa, and general unsightliness may negatively affect this important sportfishery.  相似文献   

Two previously undescribed species of myxozoan parasites were observed in the gills of bass inhabiting the Potomac and James River basins. They are described using morphological characteristics and small-subunit (SSU) rDNA gene sequences. Both were taxonomically identified as new species of Myxobolus; Myxobolus branchiarum n. sp. was found exclusively in smallmouth bass, and Myxobolus micropterii n. sp. was found in largemouth and smallmouth bass. Small, spherical, white plasmodia of M. branchiarum from smallmouth bass were observed grossly in the gills; these plasmodia had an average length of 320.3 μm and width of 246.1 μm. The development of the plasmodia is intralamellar in the secondary lamellae of the gills. Mature spores were pyriform in shape with a length of 12.8 ± 1.4 (8.1-15.1) μm and width of 6.9 ± 1.1 (4.0-9.0) μm. Analysis of SSU rDNA identified M. branchiarum in a sister-group to 3 species of Henneguya , although morphologically caudal appendages were absent. Myxobolus micropterii observed in the gills of largemouth and smallmouth bass had larger, ovoid, cream-colored plasmodia with an average length of 568.1 μm and width of 148.1 μm. The cysts developed at the distal end of the gill filament within the primary lamellae. The mature spores were ovoid in shape with a length of 10.8 ± 0.7 (9.2-12.2) μm and width of 10.6 ± 0.6 (9.0-11.8) μm. SSU rDNA analysis placed M. micropterii in a sister group with Henneguya lobosa and Myxobolus oliveirai . The highest prevalence of M. branchiarum was observed in the gills of bass collected from the Cowpasture River (50.9%). Prevalence was 44.6% in bass from the Potomac River and only 4.3% in bass collected from the Shenandoah River. A seasonal study of M. branchiarum , which included both infected and uninfected smallmouth bass, determined that a significantly higher intensity was observed in the spring than in the summer (P < 0.001) or fall (P = 0.004). In an analysis excluding uninfected bass, a higher intensity was observed in the spring than in the summer (P = 0.001) or fall (P = 0.008). Prevalence and seasonal differences were not determined for M. micropterii .  相似文献   

Studies on Gull Lake, Michigan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The seasonal and depth distribution of phytoplankton in Gull Lake, a moderately large, temperate, dimictic, recreational lake in southern Michigan, U.S.A., is described and discussed. Diatoms (Fragilaria crotonensis, Cyclotella michiganiana, Asterionella formosa, and Synechococcus) grow mainly in summer. Diatoms grew under the winter ice, and objections are lodged to the classic explanation of seasonal growth in temperate lakes, and to a recent hypothesis concerning the `paradox of the plankton'. Two raphe-bearing large diatom species were considered to be truly planktonic. A Synechococcus species was similar to that described previously only from Loch Leven.  相似文献   

Many vertebrates undergo large increases in body size over the course of a lifetime, and these increases are often accompanied by changes in morphological and physiological parameters. For instance, in most animals, increases in size with growth are accompanied by decreases in the maximum speed of shortening (V(max)) in locomotor muscles. Curiously, in muscles involved in suction feeding, V(max) shows no decreases with size in vitro, despite the fact that timing of kinematic events involved in suction feeding (e.g., time to peak gape) slow with increased size. The goal of this study was to examine whether muscular speed in vivo varies with size during suction feeding in the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). The dorsal epaxial musculature of 10 individual bass (varying from 123 to 685 g and from 18.1 to 32.0 cm standard length [SL]) was implanted with sonometric crystals to measure muscle length during feeding on elusive prey (large goldfish). No relationship was found between the mean individual or maximum speed of shortening with mean individual log-transformed SL. However, mean magnitude of shortening and maximum shortening magnitude showed nonsignificant increases with SL ([Formula: see text] and 0.06, respectively). Average duration of shortening was found to increase with log-transformed SL. The size invariance of observed shortening velocity in the epaxial muscles during feeding may stem from size invariance of imposed loads during suction feeding. This is in contrast to what is normally seen in locomotor systems where loads on muscles often increase with body size.  相似文献   

Few drugs are approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for treating parasite infections in minor species such as fish, due in part to the high cost of developing such drugs and to a relatively small market share for drug sponsors. Because in vivo effectiveness trials for antiparasitic drugs are costly, time consuming, and use many animals, a systematic in vitro screening approach to describe parasite motility could help find promising drug candidates. We evaluated the effects of 7 antiparasitics on the activity and survival of the endoparasitic monogenean Acolpenteron ureteroecetes (Dactylogyridae) collected from the posterior kidneys of juvenile largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede, 1802) (Centrarchidae) held in the laboratory. Tests were conducted in 12 well tissue culture plates; each well had 3 parasites, and we tested 3 concentrations and 1 control for each of the 7 antiparasitics. The parasites were observed immediately after adding the drug, at 1 to 3 h, and 17 to 26 h, and video recordings were made. Drug effects were recorded by documenting morbidity (reduced movement, tremors, contracted body, abnormal morphology) and mortality. A. ureteroecetes was strongly affected by the quinoline praziquantel, the imidazothiazide levamisole, and the organophosphates dichlorvos and trichlorfon. The parasites were moderately affected by the macrocyclic lactones ivermectin and emamectin, and generally unaffected by the benzimidazole mebendazole. Our study demonstrates the utility of characterizing in vitro responses with video microscopy to document responses of fish parasites for initial screens of drug effects on a fish monogenean.  相似文献   

In a closed population of smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui during a 9-year period in Nebish Lake, Wisconsin, total egg production in spring, the percentage of constructed nests that receive eggs, and the mean number of eggs/nest were inversely related to spawning stock biomass. Yet, there was no relationship between total egg production or spawning stock biomass and total young-of-the-year production in autumn of the same year. Together, these results suggest that density-dependent processes regulate egg production, but not young-of-the year production, in smallmouth bass.  相似文献   

Previous investigations of within-reach distribution patterns of the stoneroller minnow, Campostoma anomalum Rafinesque, suggest that this species behavioural response to piscivorous bass differs among streams with different bass species. This study compares the responses of Camposloma to two common piscivorous fishes, largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides Lacepede, and smallmouth bass, M. dolomieui Lacepede. Field experiments in Brier Creek, Oklahoma, U.S.A. showed that Campostoma responded to the presence of adult largemouth bass by shifting to shallow water habitats (commonly < 20 cm), but responded weakly or not at all to adult smallmouth bass. The magnitude of the response of Campostoma was positively related to activity level of the predators. Differences in behaviour between these two predator species may contribute to the differences in spatial distribution patterns of Micropterus and Campostoma observed in earlier investigations, but differences in stream channel morphology and temperature regimes among streams may also be important.  相似文献   

A five-year study examined the responses of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), emergent vegetation, and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) to variations in water level in a large lake in Florida, USA. SAV was assessed using a combined transect survey/spatial mapping approach, emergent vegetation was quantified with aerial photography and GIS, and bass were surveyed by electro-shocking. During the period leading up to this study (1995–1999), water levels were high in the lake, and the SAV was reduced in spatial extent and biomass, compared to its condition in the early 1990s. Spatial extent of emergent vegetation also was low, and largemouth bass surveys indicated low densities and failure to recruit young fish into the population. This was attributed to the lack of critical vegetative habitat. In spring 2000, the lake was lowered by discharging water from major outlets, and this was followed by a regional drought. Water levels dropped by 1m, and there was widespread development of Chara lawns in shoreline areas, with coincident increases in water clarity. There was some germination of vascular SAV, but Chara was the extreme dominant, such that structural complexity remained low. There was no substantive improvement in bass recruitment. During 2001, water levels declined further, and emergent plants germinated in exposed areas of the lake bottom. SAV was restricted to sites farther offshore, and continued to be dominated by Chara. There again was no bass response. In 2002, conditions changed when water levels increased to a moderate depth, flooding shoreline habitat to 0.5m. Vascular SAV increased in biomass and spatial extent, such that the community developed a high structural complexity. At the same time, emergent aquatic plants developed dense stands along the western shoreline. Largemouth bass had a strong recruitment of young fish for the first time in 5years. Recruitment continued to be successful in 2003, when spatial extent of SAV was somewhat reduced by higher water but total biomass and diversity remained high. These results demonstrate an important effect of inter-annual variation in water depth on the population dynamics of aquatic plants and fish in a subtropical lake.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The seasonal and depth distributions of dominant phytoplankters, in situ primary productivity, organic carbon, and major chemical variables are described for Gull Lake, Michigan for the years 1971–74. Despite efforts by residents surrounding this moderately large dimictic lake to reduce phosphorus loading, all indications are of progressive eutrophication over the period. Previously dominant Cyclotella michiganiana has almost completely disappeared while araphidinean diatoms have increased greatly; certain blue-green algae that were absent previously are becoming characteristic. The ratio of araphidinean to centric diatoms in recent sediments has also increased. Primary productivity and particulate and dissolved organic carbon concentrations have also increased. Voluntary attempts to reduce nutrient loading have apparently been inadequate to arrest increasing rates of eutrophication.  相似文献   

The diet of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, in Lake Naivasha, Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake Naivasha is a freshwater lake situated in the eastern rift valley of Kenya. Only five species of fish are present, all of which have been introduced. Of these, Oreochromis leucostictus, Tilapia zillii and Micropterus salmoides (largemouth black bass) support an important gillnet fishery with bass also being taken for sport. Until bass reached 260 mm f.l. they depended upon invertebrate food organisms. Thereafter crayfish, fish and frogs became increasingly important the larger the size of the bass. The most important invertebrate prey species was the water boatman, Micronecta scutellaris , followed by chironomid and culicid pupae. Zooplank-ton was consumed but only in large quantity by fish smaller than 80 mm. For bass over 260 mm the crayfish, Procambarus darkii , was the principal food. The largemouth bass in Lake Naivasha are generalized macro-predators, feeding principally on free-living animals of a kind most likely to be found in the littoral zones.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of abrupt temperature change on the hatching success and larval survival of eggs, yolk-sac larvae (YSL) and larvae above nest (LAN), for both largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides and smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu were quantified. Temperature had a significant effect on hatching success and time to 50% mortality, with large heat shocks causing accelerated mortality. The temperature changes shown to influence survival of all life stages, however, were beyond what is typically experienced in the wild. Micropterus salmoides had greater egg hatching success rates and increased survival rates at YSL and LAN stages, relative to M. dolomieu. Additionally, egg hatching success and survival of LAN varied across nests within the study. These findings suggest that temperature alone may not account for variations in year-class strength and may emphasize the need for protection of the nest-guarding male Micropterus spp. to ensure recruitment.  相似文献   

Synopsis Reproductive success was determined for individual male rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris, inhabiting the Middle Thames River near London, Ontario. Successful males produced numbers of young similar to rock bass breeding elsewhere, but the probability of males producing any young at all was comparatively small. Flooding, predation, and fouling of nests by algae were the major causes of brood mortality. Brood vulnerability was greatest within the egg, when nests were probably most conspicuous to predators. Male reproductive success was positively correlated with large size, early nesting, warm water conditions, and minimal flow rates. Larger males were chosen preferentially by females, and renested more often.  相似文献   

Fish populations in the Rondegat River, a mountain stream in the Olifants-Doring system in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa were surveyed to assess the impact of predatory alien invasive smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu (Lacepède) on the indigenous fishes. This was the first such attempt to quantify the predatory impacts of M. dolomieu within this region. The Rondegat River is home to five species of indigenous fish and is partially invaded by M. dolomieu, which has penetrated the lower river up to a waterfall barrier. Seasonal surveys were conducted at five sites above, and five below, the waterfall. Physical habitat was measured at each site. Four of the five indigenous fish species were absent at bass-invaded sites. Labeobarbus capensis (Smith), while still present below the waterfall, appeared to have suffered a near-total loss of post-spawning recruits. Analyses of physical habitat quality failed to explain the loss of indigenous fish below the waterfall, although sedimentation may have increased the vulnerability of the catfish Austroglanis gilli (Barnard) to M. dolomieu predation by obliterating benthic cover. Consequently, predation by M. dolomieu was presumed to be the critical mechanism explaining the loss of indigenous fishes in the lower Rondegat River.  相似文献   

The number of plerocercoids of the bass tapeworm, Proteocephalus ambloplitis, in wild largemouth bass was negatively correlated (r = -0.94) with the number of Neoechinorhynchus sp. Competitive inhibition between the 2 parasites appeared to exist. Similarly, the numbers of Neoechinorhynchus sp. in wild bass decreased when adult bass tapeworms were present in the intestine. Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoids used to challenge bass vaccinated with either P. ambloplitis adult or Neoechinorhynchus sp. antigens were smaller (P less than 0.05) when recovered than those used to challenge control bass. Based on preliminary results, both antigens might have enabled the bass to limit growth and/or development of the invading bass tapeworm, plerocercoids. Cross-protective immunity may be the reason for this occurrence, in which case, it could offer an explanation for competitive inhibition existing between P. ambloplitis and Neoechinorhynchus sp.  相似文献   

Synopsis Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) populations are declining in areas vulnerable to anthropogenic acidification. To determine if populations may be lost directly from acid effects (i.e., in isolation from synergists), we performed a laboratory study on the effects of acid exposure on growth, survival and histology of young smallmouth bass (3 to 36 d post swimup). We exposed them to declining, then fluctuating acid levels averaging pH 7.4 (control), 5.7 and 5.0. Substantial decreases in survival were observed, as well as damage to tissues. Survival declined with increasing acidity to 43% of that in controls at pH 5.7 and to 4% at pH 5.0. Histological analysis revealed severe changes in the most acidic treatment, with damage to blood, gill, and epithelial tissue. In contrast, growth was less useful as an indicator of response to acidity. Growth in both length and dry weight was greater at the lower pH levels than in controls. This was probably a reflection of lower survival at the lower pH levels, reduced density, and hence less competition for food. Our results suggest that an increase in environmental acidity is sufficient to cause losses in this species, even in the absence of synergists such as heavy metals.School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Juvenile largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides were intraperitoneally injected with largemouth bass virus (LMBV), a member of the genus Ranavirus, family Iridoviridae. Moribund fish which had been injected with 10(6.2) tissue culture infectious doses, 50% endpoint (TCID50), were sampled 4 d after injection; other largemouth bass injected with this dose died between 3 and 5 d after injection. Fish injected with 10(2.8) TCID50 of LMBV were also examined after 4 d and had lesions similar to those of fish injected with the high dose. Clinical signs included darker pigmentation, inflammation and necrosis at the site of injection, distended abdomen, corkscrew swimming, and lateral recumbency. Internally, fish had focally pale livers, bright red spleens and reddened intestinal ceca. Histologically acute fibrinous peritonitis affected the surface of all organs in the peritoneal cavity, but deeper portions of organs appeared normal. There was also necrosis of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Except for the injection site, lesions were confined to the peritoneal cavity.  相似文献   

Two new species of Myxobolus Bütschli, 1882 (Bivalvulida: Myxobolidae) are described from the gill and scales of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu Lacepède, 1802 [Centrarchiformes: Centrarchidae]) from the Watauga River, French Broad River Basin, North Carolina, United States. Myxobolus intralamina n. sp. infects the lumen of the lamellar arterioles and Myxobolus infrabractea n. sp. infects the inner surface of the scale. They differ from all congeners by a combination of myxospore dimensions, polar tubule coil count, and the presence or absence of an iodinophilic vacuole in the sporoplasm and an intercapsular process. A phylogenetic analysis of the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) recovered M. intralamina n. sp. sister to Myxobolus lepomis and Myxobolus branchiarum and M. infrabractea n. sp. sister to Myxobolus micropterii in a clade composed of five Myxobolus spp. infecting centrarchids and Henneguya spp. (Myxobolidae) infecting percids. Histological sections of infected gill revealed intra-lamellar plasmodia of M. intralamina n. sp. within the lumen of the lamellar arterioles and plasmodia of M. infrabractea n. sp. developing beneath the scales. These new species comprise the first species of Myxobolus reported from a black bass (Micropterus Lacepède, 1802) in the Southeast United States.  相似文献   

Coastal embayments have been and will continue to be constructed along the northwest shoreline of Lake Ontario to restore and create warmwater fish habitat. However, very little is known about the biological connections among embayments. Using otolith microchemistry on pumpkinseed, largemouth bass and yellow perch collected from three constructed embayments in 2006?C2009, we confirm that these three species of fish each exist in a metapopulation. We find that juvenile pumpkinseed, largemouth bass and yellow perch occupy embayments different from their natal habitat after their first winter, and for at least pumpkinseed, continue to move among embayments after their second winter. We hypothesize that these fishes move among embayments after haphazardly dispersing from their overwintering habitat to the littoral zone each spring. Habitat restoration and remediation efforts in coastal Great Lakes habitats should take a system-based management approach that considers the spatial proximity of embayments, and attempts to create or preserve connected networks.  相似文献   

In species that provide parental care, care for offspring is often accompanied by an increase in locomotor activity and a decrease in feeding opportunities which can negatively impact endogenous energy reserves. Depletion of parental energy stores and declines in nutritional condition can cause physiological disturbances, such as an imbalance between free radical production and available antioxidants, known as oxidative stress. Using the teleost smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) as a model, we tested if the energetic challenge associated with sole paternal care was associated with oxidative stress. Blood samples from parental males were collected throughout parental care, during egg, embryo, and larval stages of offspring development, and assayed for both antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage. A reduction in oxygen radical absorbance capacity was observed during the parental care period, indicating a decrease in resistance to oxidative stress. Although no change was observed in the reduced:total thiol ratio, a significant increase in the concentration of both oxidized and total thiols occurred during the parental care period. No increase in the oxidative stress markers 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine, protein carbonyls and lipid peroxides was observed. We concluded that oxidative stress did not occur as a result of parental care in the male smallmouth bass. This study provides evidence that participation in energetically taxing activities, such as parental care, can result in a decrease in antioxidant resources, but may not always result in oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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