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Neurovirulence tests in Macaca fascicularis using commercial preparations of different vaccine bulks and a wild-type strain revealed that the test was unable to distinguish mixed from pure populations or a suitable vaccine from a related strain which has been shown to be associated with clinical meningitis. However, the test was able to distinguish a wild-type strain from the vaccine strains successfully. The ability of the test to discriminate between acceptable and unacceptable seeds requires further examination.  相似文献   

Avian influenza A virus A/teal/HK/W312/97 (H6N1) possesses seven gene segments that are highly homologous to those of highly pathogenic human influenza H5N1 viruses, suggesting that a W312-like H6N1 virus might have been involved in the generation of the A/HK/97 H5N1 viruses. The continuous circulation and reassortment of influenza H6 subtype viruses in birds highlight the need to develop an H6 vaccine to prevent potential influenza pandemics caused by the H6 viruses. Based on the serum antibody cross-reactivity data obtained from 14 different H6 viruses from Eurasian and North American lineages, A/duck/HK/182/77, A/teal/HK/W312/97, and A/mallard/Alberta/89/85 were selected to produce live attenuated H6 candidate vaccines. Each of the H6 vaccine strains is a 6:2 reassortant ca virus containing HA and NA gene segments from an H6 virus and the six internal gene segments from cold-adapted A/Ann Arbor/6/60 (AA ca), the master donor virus that is used to make live attenuated influenza virus FluMist (intranasal) vaccine. All three H6 vaccine candidates exhibited phenotypic properties of temperature sensitivity (ts), ca, and attenuation (att) conferred by the internal gene segments from AA ca. Intranasal administration of a single dose of the three H6 ca vaccine viruses induced neutralizing antibodies in mice and ferrets and fully protected mice and ferrets from homologous wild-type (wt) virus challenge. Among the three H6 vaccine candidates, the A/teal/HK/W312/97 ca virus provided the broadest cross-protection against challenge with three antigenically distinct H6 wt viruses. These data support the rationale for further evaluating the A/teal/HK/W312/97 ca vaccine in humans.  相似文献   

Langat virus (LGT), strain TP21, a naturally avirulent tick-borne flavivirus, was used to construct a chimeric candidate virus vaccine which contained LGT genes for premembrane (preM) and envelope (E) glycoprotein and all other sequences derived from dengue type 4 virus (DEN4). The live virus vaccine was developed to provide resistance to the highly virulent, closely related tick-borne flaviviruses that share protective E epitopes among themselves and with LGT. Toward that end the chimera, initially recovered in mosquito cells, was adapted to grow to high titer in qualified simian Vero cells. When inoculated intraperitoneally (i.p.), the Vero cell-adapted LGT TP21/DEN4 chimera remained completely attenuated for SCID mice. Significantly, the chimera protected immunocompetent mice against the most virulent tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). Subsequently, rhesus monkeys were immunized in groups of 4 with 10(5) or 10(7) PFU of LGT strain TP21, with 10(5) PFU of DEN4, or with 10(3), 10(5), or 10(7) PFU of the chimera. Each of the monkeys inoculated with DEN4 or LGT TP21 became viremic, and the duration of viremia ranged from 1 to 5 days. In contrast, viremia was detected in only 1 of 12 monkeys inoculated with the LGT TP21/DEN4 chimera; in this instance the level of viremia was at the limit of detection. All monkeys immunized with the chimera or LGT TP21 virus developed a moderate to high level of neutralizing antibodies against LGT TP21 as well as TBEV and were completely protected against subsequent LGT TP21 challenge, whereas monkeys previously immunized with DEN4 virus became viremic when challenged with LGT TP21. These observations suggest that the chimera is attenuated, immunogenic, and able to induce a protective immune response. Furthermore, passive transfer of serum from monkeys immunized with chimera conferred significant protection to mice subsequently challenged with 100 i.p. 50% lethal doses of the highly virulent TBEV. The issue of transmissibility of the chimera by mosquitoes was addressed by inoculating a nonhematophagous mosquito, Toxorhynchites splendens, intrathoracically with the chimera or its DEN4 or LGT parent. Neither the LGT TP21/DEN4 vaccine candidate nor the wild-type LGT TP21 virus was able to infect this mosquito species, which is highly permissive for dengue viruses. Certain properties of the chimera, notably its attenuation for monkeys, its immunogenicity, and its failure to infect a highly permissive mosquito host, make it a promising vaccine candidate for use in immunization against severe disease caused by many tick-borne flaviviruses.  相似文献   

In the present study, SYBR Green and TaqMan real time PCRs (rt-PCR) based on the C18L gene (encodes ankyrin repeat protein) of camelpox (CMLV) and buffalopox viruses (BPXV) were, respectively employed for potency evaluation of live attenuated camelpox and buffalopox vaccines. Cells infected with the respective vaccine viruses were harvested at critical time points and subjected to respective PCRs. The critical time points of harvests for CMLV and BPXV respectively, were 36 and 30 h post infection and were respectively determined based on maximum slopes of (−3.324) and (−3.321) standard curves. On evaluation of eight batches of camelpox and seven batches of buffalopox vaccines, the results indicated that the titres estimated by respective rt-PCRs were well comparable to the conventional TCID50 method. The rt-PCR assays were found relatively more sensitive, specific and rapid than end point dilution assay. Thus, they could be used as additional tools for estimation of live CMLV and BPXV particles in camelpox and buffalopox vaccines.  相似文献   

Macaque monkeys are susceptible to measles infection which triggers temporary immuno-depression similar to the well known phenomenon in humans. It is known that feral monkeys become infected with measles virus when they are exposed to humans. Since Macaca mulatta and M. fascicularis are species used to assay the neurovirulence of oral poliovirus vaccine, the immunodepression caused by measles infection of the test monkeys could significantly alter the results of the neurovirulence test. The serum titers of measles-neutralizing antibodies were studied in over 1500 monkeys used for neurovirulence tests. A high proportion of the feral monkeys had measles antibodies (51-100%); in contrast, none of 493 M. fascicularis monkeys which had been bred in a primate colony under strict isolation measures was found positive for measles antibodies. An increase in the prevalence of measles in the population of Ontario and Quebec provinces was accompanied with an increase in the proportion of measles-positive monkey and their serum antibody titers were found higher. It was observed that monkeys used in tests that had been performed during high measles prevalence presented with a poliomyelitis of more pronounced severity clinically and histologically. The analysis of 29 tests conducted on type 1 vaccines over several years showed a positive correlation (correlation coefficient = 0.5141, P less than 0.0022) between severity of poliomyelitis and the presence of measles serum antibodies in test monkeys (some animals seroconverted during the test). A similar observation, when type 3 Sabin vaccines were tested in M. fascicularis, was recently reported from another laboratory in Ontario.  相似文献   

The regulation for batch testing of avian live viral vaccines for extraneous agents was modified recently in order to reduce animal use, and routine batch testing had to be adapted to this new regulation. As a result, however, some tests have become more complicated and time-consuming. Due to systematic technical problems, the new methods required could only be applied to a small proportion of the batches produced. As a consequence, the majority of batches are still tested in animals.  相似文献   

Two different derivatives of the 17D strain of yellow fever (YF) vaccine virus, i.e. ALV-free seed virus 6676 and three consecutive vaccine lots, A, B and C, obtained from another seed, were compared in monkey neurovirulence tests using rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys. In addition the ALV-contaminated seed lot AB 237 was safety tested in rhesus monkeys. According to WHO clinical criteria for acceptability, lots A, B, C and lot AB 237 consistently passed, while lot 6676 passed some tests and failed others. In the same tests, quantitative clinical evaluation and histological examination of CNS gave more definitive and consistent data on the higher degree of neurovirulence of lot 6676. Especially differentiating histological findings were obtained from some anatomical structures of the CNS ('discriminator areas') and almost no difference was found between the products in the structures apparently most susceptible to YF virus ('target areas'). Although some of the target and discriminator areas were different, cynomolgus monkeys were not less susceptible than rhesus monkeys to YF vaccine virus. The use of a quantitative method of scoring specific lesions in CNS of monkeys and the comparison of the average scores of a YF vaccine lot under study with a 'reference' vaccine, which has proven to be safe and effective in humans, should provide for a more reproducible method of assessing vaccine neurovirulence.  相似文献   

为了解乙型脑炎 (乙脑 )减毒活疫苗弱毒株SA14 14 2神经毒力的减弱程度 ,本文对弱毒株及其原株SA14强毒株进行了猴体和小白鼠的致病性和病理学变化的比较试验。SA14强毒株病毒 (原始滴度 6 15× 10 8/ml) ,以10 -2 和 10 -4 ~ 10 -7不同稀释度于丘脑两侧合并脊髓注射恒河猴 ,每组除 10 -4 1只外其余均为 2只。另以 10 -4 和10 -6~ 10 -8不同稀释度脑内注射小鼠 ,每组 8只。结果猴子除 10 -4 1只外其余全部发病死亡 ,小鼠则全部死亡。SA14 14 2以 1∶5稀释病毒 (原始滴度为 8× 10 6/ml)按同样方法注射 4只猴和 30只小鼠 ,结果全部存活。另以SA1410 -2 病毒皮下注射 3只猴未死亡 ,而以 10 -1皮下注射 30只小鼠时则全部死亡。SA14 14 2以 1∶5稀释病毒皮下注射小鼠时则全部存活。病理组织学结果显示二种动物接种SA14株强毒后主要表现为弥散性脑脊髓炎 ,以神经细胞坏死为其主要特征和最突出的病变。猴子的病变以脊髓前角、丘脑和中脑黑质为重 ,小鼠的病变则以大脑皮质、海马部最重 ,脊髓的病变却比脑轻。接种弱毒株的动物则仅有轻微炎症反应、神经细胞坏死极少出现。以上结果表明以脑内接种时恒河猴和小鼠对乙脑病毒均高度敏感 ,以皮下接种时小鼠的敏感性高于猴子。乙脑SA14 14 2弱毒株的神经毒力包括致  相似文献   

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a fatal immunity-mediated disease caused by mutants of a ubiquitous coronavirus. Since previous attempts to protect cats under laboratory and field conditions have been largely unsuccessful, we used our recently developed system of reverse genetics (B. J. Haijema, H. Volders, and P. J. M. Rottier, J. Virol. 77:4528-4538, 2003) for the development of a modified live FIP vaccine. With this objective, we deleted the group-specific gene cluster open reading frame 3abc or 7ab and obtained deletion mutant viruses that not only multiplied well in cell culture but also showed an attenuated phenotype in the cat. At doses at which the wild-type virus would be fatal, the mutants with gene deletions did not cause any clinical symptoms. They still induced an immune response, however, as judged from the high levels of virus-neutralizing antibodies. The FIP virus (FIPV) mutant lacking the 3abc cluster and, to a lesser extent, the mutant missing the 7ab cluster, protected cats against a lethal homologous challenge; no protection was obtained with the mutant devoid of both gene clusters. Our studies show that the deletion of group-specific genes from the coronavirus genome results in live attenuated candidate vaccines against FIPV. More generally, our approach may allow the development of vaccines against infections with other pathogenic coronaviruses, including that causing severe acute respiratory syndrome in humans.  相似文献   

Studies in children and adults revealed cold-adapted, live, attenuated, trivalent, intranasal influenza vaccine (CAIV-T) to be well accepted, well tolerated and highly protective against culture-confirmed influenza, and to provide significant health benefits. A 2 year, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled efficacy field trial of CAIV-T in children aged 15-71 months with annual re-immunization revealed the vaccine to be highly protective against culture-confirmed influenza. Vaccine induced serum and secretory antibodies in vaccinated children. Overall, during 2 years of study, vaccine was 92% protective against culture-confirmed influenza. During the second year of study the vaccine was 86% protective against influenza A/Sydney/5/97-like virus, a significantly drifted strain not well matched to the vaccine. Antibody studies on children given CAIV-T revealed that high titres of cross-reacting antibodies to influenza A/Sydney/5/97 were induced with vaccination by live attenuated influenza A/Wuhan/359/95-like vaccine. Effectiveness measures revealed significant reductions in febrile illness (21% reduction in year 1, 19% reduction in year 2), febrile otitis media (33% reduction in year 1, 16% reduction in year 2) and associated antibiotic use among vaccinated children compared with placebo recipients. In adults, vaccination with CAIV-T resulted in protection during experimental challenge with virulent wild-type viruses. An effectiveness trial in adults demonstrated significant benefits of CAIV-T vaccine (28% reduction in days of missed work for febrile upper respiratory illness days with associated 45% reduction in days taking antibiotics). General use of CAIV-T has the potential to significantly reduce the impact of influenza in children and adults.  相似文献   

BackgroundInfluenza is a cause of febrile acute respiratory infection (FARI) in India; however, few influenza vaccine trials have been conducted in India. We assessed absolute and relative efficacy of live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) and inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) among children aged 2 to 10 years in rural India through a randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted over 2 years.Methods and findingsIn June 2015, children were randomly allocated to LAIV, IIV, intranasal placebo, or inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) in a 2:2:1:1 ratio. In June 2016, vaccination was repeated per original allocation. Overall, 3,041 children received LAIV (n = 1,015), IIV (n = 1,010), nasal placebo (n = 507), or IPV (n = 509). Mean age of children was 6.5 years with 20% aged 9 to 10 years.Through weekly home visits, nasal and throat swabs were collected from children with FARI and tested for influenza virus by polymerase chain reaction. The primary outcome was laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated FARI; vaccine efficacy (VE) was calculated using modified intention-to-treat (mITT) analysis by Cox proportional hazards model (PH) for each year.In Year 1, VE was 40.0% (95% confidence interval (CI) 25.2 to 51.9) for LAIV and 59.0% (95% CI 47.8 to 67.9) for IIV compared with controls; relative efficacy of LAIV compared with IIV was −46.2% (95% CI −88.9 to −13.1). In Year 2, VE was 51.9% (95% CI 42.0 to 60.1) for LAIV and 49.9% (95% CI 39.2 to 58.7) for IIV; relative efficacy of LAIV compared with IIV was 4.2% (95% CI −19.9 to 23.5). No serious adverse vaccine-attributable events were reported. Study limitations include differing dosage requirements for children between nasal and injectable vaccines (single dose of LAIV versus 2 doses of IIV) in Year 1 and the fact that immunogenicity studies were not conducted.ConclusionsIn this study, we found that LAIV and IIV vaccines were safe and moderately efficacious against influenza virus infection among Indian children.Trial registrationClinical Trials Registry of India CTRI/2015/06/005902.

Anand Krishnan and co-workers study the efficacy and safety of influenza vaccines for children in India.  相似文献   

While live attenuated influenza vaccines (LAIVs) have been shown to be efficacious and have been licensed for human use, the surface glycoproteins hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) have to be updated for optimal protective efficacy. Little is known about the effect of different HA and NA proteins on the immunogenicity of LAIVs developed using the same backbone. A panel of LAIVs that share the internal protein genes, with unique HA and NA gene segments from different influenza subtypes, was rescued by reverse genetics, and a comparative study of immune responses induced by these vaccines was conducted in mice. The results suggest that the magnitude of lung immunity, including pulmonary IgA antibody and memory CD8(+) T lymphocytes, induced by the vaccines depends on the replication efficiency of the LAIVs, as well as the induction of cytokines/chemokines in the lungs. However, these factors are not important in determining systemic immunity such as serum antibody titers and memory CD8(+) T cells in the spleen. A qualitative analysis of immune responses induced by a single dose of an H5N1 LAIV revealed that the vaccine induced robust systemic and mucosal immunity in mice. In addition, antibodies and memory lymphocytes established in the lungs following vaccination were required for protection against lethal challenge with homologous and heterologous H5N1 viruses. Our results highlight the different requirements for inducing systemic and lung immunity that can be explored for the development of pulmonary immunity for protection against respiratory pathogens.  相似文献   

The Delta30 deletion mutation, which was originally created in dengue virus type 4 (DEN4) by the removal of nucleotides 172 to 143 from the 3' untranslated region (3' UTR), was introduced into a homologous region of wild-type (wt) dengue virus type 1 (DEN1). The resulting virus, rDEN1Delta30, was attenuated in rhesus monkeys to a level similar to that of the rDEN4Delta30 vaccine candidate. rDEN1Delta30 was more attenuated in rhesus monkeys than the previously described vaccine candidate, rDEN1mutF, which also contains mutations in the 3' UTR, and both vaccines were highly protective against challenge with wt DEN1. Both rDEN1Delta30 and rDEN1mutF were also attenuated in HuH-7-SCID mice. However, neither rDEN1Delta30 nor rDEN1mutF showed restricted replication following intrathoracic inoculation in the mosquito Toxorhynchites splendens. The ability of the Delta30 mutation to attenuate both DEN1 and DEN4 viruses suggests that a tetravalent DEN vaccine could be generated by introduction of the Delta30 mutation into wt DEN viruses belonging to each of the four serotypes.  相似文献   

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