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Summary An interspecies comparison was made between the 3 ends of Balbiani ring genes fromChironomus. The comparison was focused on the BR2.2 gene, and a part at the 3 end fromChironomus pallidivittatus (which included also a segment of the gene core) was cloned. Its sequence, and other previously published BR sequences from this species and fromChironomus tentans were used in the analysis.The 3 parts of these repetitive genes can be divided into a region belonging to the core of the genes followed by a terminal region. In the core region the repeats (each of which consists of a constant part and a subrepeated part) are highly similar and the constant parts show little interspecies differentiation. Furthermore, the two parts of the repeats are units in an evolutionary and probably also functional sense.The terminal region contains modified constant units, usually isolated betwen acidic so-called cys regions, the whole arrangement lying upstream of an intron toward a 3-terminal exon. Most of the modified constant units are mosaics in rates of evolution with stable outer quarters bordering to equally stable cys regions and a central half with a very high rate of evolution. One of the terminal units, present only in the BR2.2 gene and second from the end, differs distinctly not only from corresponding core units but also from other terminal units in the three normally active BR genes. It lies upstream of all cys regions and is evolutionarily conserved over most of its length.Furthermore, two-dimensional protein structure prediction does not exclude an endoproteolytic cleavage site in this unit. Such a site appears unlikely in other terminal or core regions. This is of interest in view of evidence for intracellular cleavage of the BR2.2 terminal region with liberation of a part containing a DNA-binding domain (Botella et al. 1988).All in all the fine anatomy of evolutionary changes at the BR gene termini shows interesting correlations with postulated functional relations and may have predictive value in the further functional analysis of this part of the gene.  相似文献   

Summary Two cDNA clones representing the 3-end regions of BR1 and BR2 75S mRNA were obtained fromChironomus pallidivittatus. The regular structure characterizing the core of these genes, consisting of tandemly arranged repeat units, changes into a more irregular structure toward the 3 end. Distal to a standard type of repeat unit with a characteristic excess of positive charges, a new type of repeat with a high, negative charge density is interspersed among parts of the standard unit. The last 111 amino acids before the stop codon represent a unique region distinctly different in amino acid composition from upstream regions, and include two partially homologous hydrophobic regions. Sequence comparison of 3-end regions from clones representing BR1 and BR2 genes indicates striking sequence conservation in the unique part of the region. Analysis of the level of silent site divergence shows that the homology increases in the 3 direction up to the polyadenylation site. That the unique region is retained as a part of the secreted protein is shown by Western blotting.  相似文献   

RNA molecules play different roles in coding, decoding and gene expression regulation. Such roles are often associated to the RNA secondary or tertiary structures. The folding dynamics lead to multiple secondary structures of long RNA molecules, since an RNA molecule might fold into multiple distinct native states. Despite an ensemble of different structures, it has been theoretically proposed that the separation between the 5′ and 3′ ends of long single-stranded RNA molecules (ssRNA) remains constant, independent of their base content and length. Here, we present the first experimental measurements of the end-to-end separation in long ssRNA molecules. To determine this separation, we use single molecule Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer of fluorescently end-labeled ssRNA molecules ranging from 500 to 5500 nucleotides in length, obtained from two viruses and a fungus. We found that the end-to-end separation is indeed short, within 5–9 nm. It is remarkable that the separation of the ends of all RNA molecules studied remains small and similar, despite the origin, length and differences in their secondary structure. This implies that the ssRNA molecules are ‘effectively circularized’ something that might be a general feature of RNAs, and could result in fine-tuning for translation and gene expression regulation.  相似文献   

The 3′-terminus of 26 S rRNA from the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus has been determined by oligonucleotide fingerprinting, S1 nuclease mapping and terminal nucleotide analysis. There are two species of 26 S rRNA of approximately equal abundance, one 19 nucleotides longer than the other.  相似文献   

The RNA genome of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains multiple conserved structural cis domains that direct protein synthesis, replication, and infectivity. The untranslatable regions (UTRs) play essential roles in the HCV cycle. Uncapped viral RNAs are translated via an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located at the 5′ UTR, which acts as a scaffold for recruiting multiple protein factors. Replication of the viral genome is initiated at the 3′ UTR. Bioinformatics methods have identified other structural RNA elements thought to be involved in the HCV cycle. The 5BSL3.2 motif, which is embedded in a cruciform structure at the 3′ end of the NS5B coding sequence, contributes to the three-dimensional folding of the entire 3′ end of the genome. It is essential in the initiation of replication. This paper reports the identification of a novel, strand-specific, long-range RNA–RNA interaction between the 5′ and 3′ ends of the genome, which involves 5BSL3.2 and IRES motifs. Mutants harboring substitutions in the apical loop of domain IIId or in the internal loop of 5BSL3.2 disrupt the complex, indicating these regions are essential in initiating the kissing interaction. No complex was formed when the UTRs of the related foot and mouth disease virus were used in binding assays, suggesting this interaction is specific for HCV sequences. The present data firmly suggest the existence of a higher-order structure that may mediate a protein-independent circularization of the HCV genome. The 5′–3′ end bridge may have a role in viral translation modulation and in the switch from protein synthesis to RNA replication.  相似文献   

Flavonoid 3′ (F3′OH) and 3′5′ hydroxylase (F3′5′OH) play a major role in the synthesis of flavonoids. They are involved in the flavonoid modification and the B-ring hydroxylation produces quercetin and myricetin, respectively. We introduced the petunia F3′OH and F3′5′OH genes in potato and expression of these enzyme was confirmed by Southern and Northern blot analyses in these transgenic plants. In the flavonoid, staining experiment, all transgenic plants with petunia F3′OH and F3′5′OH genes were successfully changed with their green color to orange, confirming that quercetin was synthesized in those plants. Especially, the F3′5′OH transgenic potatoes showed the strongest orange color, and it was revealed by capillary electrophoresis that they produce quercetin one and a half times as much as the untransformed potatoes.  相似文献   

The degradation of eukaryotic mRNAs can be initiated by deadenylation, decapping, or endonuclease cleavage. This is followed by 5′–3′ degradation by homologs of Xrn1, and/or 3′–5′ degradation by the exosome. We previously reported that, in African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei, most mRNAs are deadenylated prior to degradation, and that depletion of the major 5′–3′ exoribonuclease XRNA preferentially stabilizes unstable mRNAs. We now show that depletion of either CAF1 or CNOT10, two components of the principal deadenylation complex, strongly inhibits degradation of most mRNAs. RNAi targeting another deadenylase, PAN2, or RRP45, a core component of the exosome, preferentially stabilized mRNAs with intermediate half-lives. RRP45 depletion resulted in a 5′ bias of mRNA sequences, suggesting action by a distributive 3′–5′ exoribonuclease. Results suggested that the exosome is involved in the processing of trypanosome snoRNAs. There was no correlation between effects on half-lives and on mRNA abundance.  相似文献   

Many of the unique properties of wheat flour are derived from seed storage proteins such as the α-gliadins. In this study these α-gliadin genes from diploid Triticeae species were systemically characterized, and divided into 3 classes according to the distinct organization of their protein domains. Our analyses indicated that these α-gliadins varied in the number of cysteine residues they contained. Most of the α-gliadin genes were grouped according to their genomic origins within the phylogenetic tree. As expected, sequence alignments suggested that the repetitive domain and the two polyglutamine regions were responsible for length variations of α-gliadins as were the insertion/deletion of structural domains within the three different classes (I, II, and III) of α-gliadins. A screening of celiac disease toxic epitopes indicated that the α-gliadins of the class II, derived from the Ns genome, contain no epitope, and that some other genomes contain much fewer epitopes than the A, S(B) and D genomes of wheat. Our results suggest that the observed genetic differences in α-gliadins of Triticeae might indicate their use as a fertile ground for the breeding of less CD-toxic wheat varieties.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of genes and enzymes involved in the last two steps of monolignol synthesis is examined in the light of recent data coming from genomic studies and mutant/transformant analyses. The two catalytic activities considered--cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR) and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD)--are encoded by small multigene families. While some degree of diversification can be noted at the sequence level, it is often difficult to use this information to assign substrate specificities to each member of a gene family. Expression profiles, however, suggest for both CAD and CCR the existence of two sub-families: one devoted to developmental lignification, and the other involved in the synthesis of defence-related compounds.  相似文献   

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