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Using various three-dimensional traps alone and in combination with the onion volatile, dipropyl-disulphide (Pr2S2), we found that visual behaviour of female onion flies, Delia antiqua (Meigen), varied with the visual context (background composition and trap spacing) in which traps were presented and the females' reproductive state (mated vs. unmated). Against a background of real onions, females alighted more frequently on spherical than cylindrical traps, and white than green spheres, but females responded equally to white and green cylinders. In an onion field, baiting traps with Pr2S2 significantly increased female response to white over green traps, but had no influence on their response to trap shape. When traps were spaced 10 m apart and against a background of bare soil, females orienting to Pr2S2 baits alighted more frequently on vertical than horizontal traps, but shape and spectral reflectance were insignificant. However, when traps were spaced 0.25 m apart, females orienting to Pr2S2 baits alighted more frequently on cylinders than spheres. Mated females alighted more frequently on green than white cylinders, but unmated females responded to cylinders independent of spectral reflectance. When located 20 m downwind from Pr2S2 baits, mated females alighted on green cylinders significantly more often than unmated females. Response to traps mimicking onion plants suggests that ovipositional host-finding in female onion flies is dominated by olfactory responses at long range (several metres) and by visual cues at short-range (ca. 1 m). The view that host location by female onion flies is a hierarchical response pattern mediated by multiple sensory modalities and modified by resource level (habitat) and reproductive status, is discussed.  相似文献   

When gravid onion fly females, Delia antiqua (Meigen) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) were presented in laboratory choice test with 6-week-old plants of a susceptible cultivar and of onion breeding lines selected for resistance, mean numbers of eggs laid ranged from 34.8 to 1.6 eggs per plant. Differences in ovipositional responses were mirrored by differences in plant size. Analysis of covariance revealed no significant differences in ovipositional responses to breeding lines when differences in size were taken into account. Foliar surrogates were developed so that single size parameters could be varied while holding all other plant stimuli constant. Tests using these surrogates revealed that among plants with basal diameters of 1 to 4 mm and heights of 100 to 350 mm, diameter alone significantly influenced responses of ovipositing females. Ovipositional responses to plants beyond this size range could not be explained strictly by diameter differences. These results underscore the necessity of considering plant size as well as plant chemistry and texture in efforts to evalute and design resistant cultivars.
Résumé A la lumière d'opinions récentes concernant la découverte des plantes-hôtes par D. antiqua, nous avons examiné les conditions de la résistance chez plusieurs lignées de A. cepa les moins attaquées lors d'essais en plein champ aux Pays-Bas, et dont on considérait que la résistance était due à une antixénose.Des femelles gravides en présence, au laboratoire, d'un choix de plants de 6 semaines, pondent en moyenne 1,6 à 34,8 oeufs par plant. Les différences entre les pontes correspondent aux tailles des plants. Si l'on tient compte de ces dernières, l'analyse de covariance ne montre pas de différence significative entre les pontes sur les différentes lignées. Des substituts de feuilles ont été créés de façon à faire varier les paramètres de taille tout en maintenant constants les autres stimuli de la plante: pour des plantes, dont le diamètre à la base variait de 1 à 4 mm et la hauteur de 100 à 350 mm, seul le diamètre a significativement influé sur la ponte. Les pontes sur les plantes hors de ces dimensions n'ont pu être expliquées par les seules différences de diamètre.Comme les paysans des principales régions productrices d'oignons d'Europe et des U.S.A. font des bénéfices importants avec la culture d'oignons précoces, ces lignées, sélectionnées par mégarde pour leur développement lent, ne sont probablement pas une bonne source de résistance à la mouche de l'oignon. Cependant, ces résultats soulignent la nécessité de tenir autant compte de la taille de la plante que de son chimisme ou de sa texture lors de l'évaluation et de la création de cultivars résistants.

ABSTRACT. When presented with dishes containing a range of 'foliar' shapes, the onion fly, Delia antiqua (Meigen), laid the most eggs around narrow (4 mm) vertical cylinders. Response to cylinders diminished when their diameter was increased or decreased, when cylinder height was reduced to less than 2 cm, and when cylinder/substrate angle deviated from 90. Differences in egg numbers on stimulatory and non-stimulatory forms reflected primarily differences in post-alighting pre-ovipositional behaviours. Females alighting on narrow vertical cylinders initiated and completed stem runs rapidly and without interruptions, and frequently went on to probe and oviposit. Females alighting on other shapes, or larger, smaller, or non-vertical cylinders, either did not initiate or did not complete stem runs, or did not go on to probe after completing a stem run. Such females rarely oviposited. Possible causes of such examining behaviours are discussed.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory experiments were made in order to understand the relation between the spectral characteristic of a substrate and its attractiveness for Delia radicum (L.) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) flies to land or oviposit. Landing females preferred substrates with high reflectance of green and particularly of yellow wavelengths, but substrates with a high proportion of the blue and green reflectance simultaneously (light blue and white) were also very attractive. Unattractive substrates had either low reflectance across the whole insect-visible spectrum (dark blue) or increased reflectance only in orange or red region of the spectrum (red) or a large proportion of UV reflectance (aluminium). Landing males were most attracted to the substrates with the highest total reflection. Oviposition attractiveness of a substrate grew with an increase in the proportion of reflectance in the blue and a decrease in the green regions of the spectrum. In addition, the oviposition attractiveness increased with increasing total reflection and contrast with the background, and decreased with a high proportion of UV reflectance.  相似文献   

The oviposition deterrent properties of pine oil (Norpine 65, Northwest Petrochemicals, Anacortes, Washington) for the onion maggot, Delia antiqua (Meigen), were verified using a two-choice bioassay with onion oil as an attractive control. The principal deterrent property of this pine oil was found to reside in three monoterpenes, 3-carene, limonene, and p-cymene, which were the primary constituents identified in the most deterrent of two fractions made by preparative gas chromatography of steam-distilled pine oil. At release rates of 220, 320 and 320 g per 24 h in two-choice bioassays these monoterpenes respectively caused 73.2, 65.4 and 56.3% deterrency of oviposition, while the ternary mixture released at 320 g per 24 h caused 88.6% deterrency. The ternary mixture also caused 62.5% deterrency in a no-choice bioassay. Of eight other monoterpenes tested, myrcene, -phellandrene, -terpinene, -phellandrene, -terpinene, terpinolene, and -pinene were significantly deterrent in declining order, while -pinene was inactive. The ternary mixture was released from glass capillary tubes or flexible plastic cylinders in further bioassays that challenged caged females to oviposit around the base of 35 potted onion seedlings with release devices placed on the soil surface. The most effective deterrency (85.3%) was achieved at a release rate of 280 g per 24 h per pot if plastic cylinder devices were deployed 24 h before the treated pot was exposed to D. antiqua females. If female D. antiqua were given only a treated pot, deterrency of oviposition on potted onion seedlings was significant, but low (11.7–63.2%). Because of incomplete efficacy, a monoterpene-based deterrent formulation would be best used operationally if combined with other deterrents, or if it were integrated with some other tactic.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Distant olfactory orientation of female adult Delia antiqua (Meigen) to the host-plant Allium volatile dipropyl-disulphide (DPDS) was examined in the field using mark-release-recapture experiments and observations of flight behaviour. Onion-reared, post-diapause, virgin females from a laboratory colony dispersed upwind when released in the centre of 25, 50 and 100 m radius circles of eight 50 μl UDPDS baits. Percentage recapture and dispersal directedness did not decrease as a function of increasing distance to baits. In all cases the mean flight direction of recaptured flies closely correlated with mean wind direction. However, modes of the circular distributions of recaptured flies were located further crosswind when odour-baits were more distant. When distance was held constant (25 m) and DPDS concentration serially reduced (500–0.05 μ/bait), flies dispersed randomly in the absence of DPDS, crosswind in response to 0.05 μl baits and upwind in response to all other baits. Percentage recaptures on DPDS-baited traps of all concentrations were significantly greater than unbaited traps. Results from markrecapture studies were corroborated by observations of flight behaviour downwind. Flies located 100 m downwind from 50 μl DPDS baits flew upwind on take off while take-off flights in the absence of DPDS were random. Our data indicate that Allium volatiles like DPDS are involved not only in the acceptance phase of host-selection, but also in the first and probably most important stage when onion flies are initiating search long distances downwind. We conclude that D. antiqua orients to host-plants using olfactory cues from distances that should be classified as long-range ( sensu Kennedy , 1977  相似文献   

Pesticide-induced differential mortality betweenDelia antiqua(MEIGEN)and several other organisms associated with its natural control [D. platura(MEIGEN),Coenosia tigrina (F.),Entomophtora muscae (COHN), andAphaereta pallipes (SAY)] were evaluated under simulated field conditions. Direct and residual differential mortalities were described for 3 herbicides (Chloro-IPC, nitrofen, and CDAA), 3 fungicides (maneb, chlorothalonil, and copper sulfate), and 1 insecticide (malathion). The recommended field application rates of these chemicals produced high positive differential mortality levels betweenD. antiqua and some of the natural mortality agents. Chloro-IPC, a preplant and midseason herbicide, induced 100% mortality ofA. pallipes over the 3-day residual test period. Modifications in behavioral orientation and death patterns ofD. antiqua adults infected withE. muscae were also noted in malathion-treated flies such that subsequent conidial dispersal was highly restricted. Michigan Agricultural Experimental Station Journal Article Number 10133.  相似文献   

Visual host finding and form recognition by the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum, were studied using four shapes of yellow sticky traps as plant models. Cross, disc, and Y traps caught similar numbers of flies. Cross traps caught more females than vertical or horizontal rectangular traps. Black borders did not increase rectangle trap catches. Discs (8 cm diam.) at ground level caught more females than discs at 40 cm above ground. Larger discs (11.2 and 13.8 cm diam.) caught more females per trap than 8 cm diam. discs, but not as many per unit area.Volatile mustard oils were added to sticky cross traps as single and multiple-component baits. Traps with multiple-component baits did not consistently catch more females than single baited traps. Yellow traps baited with isothiocyanates caught 4–7 times as many females as clear plastic allylisothiocyanate (ANCS)-baited traps.Results indicated yellow discs or crosses at ground level beited with ANCS effectively monitored female D. radicum. Main factors affecting landing of female D. radicum are suggested to be color of substrate, height above ground, presence of host volatiles in vicinity, visual prominence, and area of attractive color. The view that host finding in some insects is mediated by complex responses to multichannel stimuli was supported.
Résumé L'étude de la perception visuelle et de la reconnaissance des formes par les D. radicum adultes a été réalisée en utilisant des pièges jaunes gluants de quatre formes différentes comme leurres de plantes. Des pièges en croix, en disque et en Y ont permis la capture des mêmes nombres de mouches. Plus de femelles ont été capturées avec des pièges en croix qu'avec des pièges rectangulaires verticaux ou horizontaux. Les captures n'ont pas augmenté avec des pièges bordés de noir. Des disques de 8 cm de diamètre disposés au niveau du sol ont permis la capture de plus de femelles que des disques à 40 cm au-dessus du sol. La capture par piège a été supérieure avec des pièges de 11,2 et 13,8 cm de diamètre qu'avec ceux de 8 cm, mais moindre par unité de surface.Des essences volatiles de moutarde ont été ajoutées aux pièges en croix comme appâts simples ou composés. Les pièges avec appâtes composés n'ont pas été significativement plus efficaces que les pièges à appâts simples. Les pièges jaunes appâts avec de l'isothiocyanata ont entraîné la capture de 4 à 7 fois plus de mouches que des pièges en plastique transparent appâtés avec de l'allylisothiocyanate (ANCS). Les résultats ont montré que des disques ou des croix jaunes appâtés avec de l'ANCS au niveau du sol permettent d'organiser un avertissement agricole contre D. radicum. Les principaux facteurs intervenant dans l'atterrissage des femelles de D. radicum semblent être la couleur du substrat, l'élévation audessus du sol, le contraste visuel, la présence de substance de l'hôte dans le voisinage, et l'aire d'attractivité de la couleur. En conclusion, il est exact de considérer que la perception de l'hôte est provoquée chez quelques insectes par une réponse complexe à des stimuli multicanaux.

When given a choice of feeding sites in laboratory arenas, Delia antiqua (Meigen) larvae exhibited a 3: 1 bias for internal vs outer sections of onion bulbs and distributed themselves non-randomly among identical preferred onion sections. Larval clustering did not appear to be correlated with increased fitness in the laboratory; larval development was identical across the range of densities from 1 to 50 larvae per onion. Larvae feeding on preferred internal sections developed 14% faster, were 38% heavier upon pupation, and were two times more likely to survive to the adult stage than larvae feeding on outer sections. D. antiqua larval food preference was therefore positively correlated with increased fitness.  相似文献   

The various diapause and post-diapause stages entered by cabbage root fly pupae during the overwintering period are shown schematically. Although diapause induction started in mid-Aug., the early-pupating insects did not develop further but were maintained in diapause by the warm autumn temperatures. Therefore, diapause development was simultaneous in all Wellesbourne pupae, whether of second or third generation origin. Diapause development started only in mid-Oct., when mean soil temperatures fell below 10°. In the field, 90% of the overwintering population of cabbage root fly pupae had completed pleted diapause by 5 March 1980, 17 Feb. 1981 and 18 Feb. 1982. This was equivalent to a duration of 19 weeks from mid-Oct. onwards, during the winters of 1979–80, 1980–81 and 1981–82 respectively. A further break between the completion of diapause and the warm conditions required to start post-diapause development also helps to condense the emergence of flies in the spring. Hence, an accurate forecast of the time of spring attack by populations of flies similar to those at Wellesbourne should be possible.This study was financed partly by the Commission of the European Communities as CEC Contract No. 0771.  相似文献   

The behaviour of female cabbage root flies during host plant selection was studied in the laboratory using brassica plants growing in backgrounds of bare soil, clover, grass, peas and four non-living materials. Gravid females landed about twice as often on brassica plants growing in bare soil than on comparable plants growing amongst non-host plants. Once a receptive female landed on a brassica plant, the female made, on average, four ‘spiral flights’ and two jumps on and off the plant before laying alongside the plant. Surrounding a brassica plant with a diverse background altered the behaviour of the flies, so that the spiral flights around the host plant were replaced by short hops between nearby vertical objects. The loss of contact and recontact with the host plant then prevented the females from accumulating sufficient contacts with the host plant to be stimulated to lay. Spiral flights around host plants appear to determine whether or not flies will lay alongside host plants. Flies in mixed plantings have a reduced rate of settling on the host plant, and a higher rate of locomotion, because they land frequently on non-host plants. Hence, visual stimuli appeared to have greater effects than, chemical or mechanical barriers in deterring flies from laying alongside brassica plants in diverse backgrounds. In ‘choice’ situations, backgrounds of real plants reduced oviposition alongside brassica plants by at least 50%. In ‘no-choice’ situations, flies laid similar numbers of eggs alongside all brassica plants irrespective of plant background or plant size. If numbers of fly eggs are to be reduced on commercial brassica crops by undersowing the crops with clover, plants growing in bare soil may also have to be included to provide the flies with sites preferred for oviposition.  相似文献   

This study investigates the behavioural and neural mechanisms involved in the oviposition behaviour of the turnip root fly,Delia floralis (Fallen). Behavioural studies showed that glucosinolates modulated the oviposition behaviour of the flies on artificial leaves as well as the number of eggs laid in the soil at the base of these leaves. Electrophysiological responses to glucosinolates were obtained from type A and type D sensilla on the prothoracic and mesothoracic tarsi, as well as from the long contact sensilla on the labellum. The neural responses from these sensilla were positively correlated with the oviposition behaviour of the flies and with the number of eggs laid. Of the eleven glucosinolates tested in the behavioural and electrophysiological tests, the flies were most responsive to glucobrassicanapin, gluconapin and glucobrassicin. The type D tarsal sensilla were more responsive to the glucosinolates than either the type A tarsal sensilla or the labellar sensilla. The structure-activity investigations showed that slight modifications to the chemical composition of the glucosinolates resulted in changes in neural activity.  相似文献   

The repertoire of courtship behaviors of male onion maggots,Delia antiqua (Meigen), in a laboratory bioassay chamber, was analyzed by direct observation and by video recordings, in conjunction with a multichannel event recorder. Seven courtship behaviors were categorized: inspection from the substrate, aerial inspection, contact from the substrate, contact from the air, genital alignment, copulation, and male-male interaction. The frequency distribution of copulation bouts was best described by a Poisson distribution; peak mating activity occurred about 1 h into the bioassay. The duration in copulo, however, was extremely variable. On average, males spent 30 sin copulo (n=183); <30% of bouts were >50 s. The ability of males to discriminate between sexes, sexually immature and mature females, and between females ofD. antiqua and the cabbage maggot,Delia radicum (L.), was most pronounced in the elements of genital alignment and attempted copulation. The courtship and mating behavior inD. antiqua is consistent with a sequence that relies initially primarily on indiscriminate visual recognition of a potential mate, followed by species-and sex-specific semiochemical recognition upon contact.  相似文献   

The effects of foliar form, colour and surface characteristics on the oviposition behaviour of the cabbage fly were investigated by presenting females with various leaf models made of paper. The models differed in shape, size, colour, surface coating, the presence of 3 dimensional folds and a stem. It was shown that in the presence of host leaf surface extracts physical factors can strongly influence oviposition behaviour. Females laid the most eggs around the base of bright green or yellow models having a stem, vertical folds and covered with a thin layer of paraffin. The vertical folds in the surface increased the chance of a behavioural transition from leaf run to stem run.
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe von Papiermodellen von Kohlblättern wurde der Einfluss von visuellen und mechanischen Eigenschaften des Blattes auf das Eiablageverhalten der kleinen Kohlfliege, Delia radicum, untersucht. Die verwendeten Modelle unterschieden sich in Form, Grösse, Farbe, Oberflächen struktur und Stiel des Blattes. Es wurde gezeigt, dass physikalische Reize zusammen mit den chemischen Stoffe auf der Blattoberfläche stimulierend wirken. Ein natürliches Eiablageverhalten und die stärkste Eiablage wurde durch ein Modell ausgelöst, welches sich durch leuchtend grüne Farbe, Stiel und vertikale Falten und einen Paraffinnüberzug auszeichnete.

The effects of protein-deprivation on the sexual activity and reproductive fitness of male onion flies, Delia antiqua (Meigen) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), were investigated under laboratory conditions. The percentage of males inseminating gravid females, the magnitude of ovipositional response, and the total numbers of eggs deposited in 1:1 or 1:10 male:female matchings over two days was unaffected by deprivation of dietary protein. The LT50's (median survival time) for solitary males provided proteinaceous, sucrose, or water diets were 38.0, 25.8, and 6.0 days, respectively. Yet independent of diet effects, males lost 50% of their wing tissue by fragmentation after 26 days, suggesting that wing condition is more important in determining male reproductive fitness than longevity. Male mating frequency in single pairings with previtellogenic females deprived of proteinaceous diet for ten days was similar to that of gravid, protein-fed females. In no-choice and choice mating bioassays at a 10:1 female:male ratio, however, males inseminated significantly fewer previtellogenic than gravid females over 24 h. Despite evidence for male autogeny, removal of exogenous protein resources in the Allium agroecosystem may have important effects on the reproductive competency and fecundity of D. antiqua.  相似文献   

The effect of insect age on the neural responsiveness of gustatory sensilla was investigated. Electrophysiological recordings were obtained from type A and type D sensilla on the pro- and meso-thoracic tarsi, and from sensilla on the labellum of the turnip root fly,Delia floralis (Fallen) in response to potassium chloride, sucrose and sinigrin. The age of the fly did have an effect on the numbers of sensilla responding to the test stimuli and on the magnitude of the response, but there was no consistent pattern in these effects among sensilla. The labellar sensilla were more responsive to sucrose than the tarsal sensilla and the proportion of flies whose labellar sensilla responded to sucrose was initially low, but increased after day 2 of adult life. In contrast, the number of flies whose tarsal sensilla responded to stimulation with sucrose was initially high and decreased as the flies aged. There was a similar decline in the proportion of tarsal sensilla responding to potassium chloride. Neither the proportion of flies whose tarsal sensilla responded to sinigrin nor the magnitude of the response was influenced by the age of the fly. These finding are discussed in relation to the feeding and host selection behaviour of the fly.  相似文献   

A high-moisture infection chamber was used for the in vivo transmission of Entomophthora muscae within laboratory populations of the onion fly, Delia antiqua. This cadaver-to-fly transmission procedure provided an average experimental infection rate well above 95%. Laboratory infection and temperature-dependent incubation rates of E. muscae were further examined in adult populations of D. antiqua. The time from initial exposure until host death and pathogen sporulation was accurately predicted using a second-order function of the incubation temperature. A developmental base temperature of approximately 5°C was estimated, with 105 degree-days being the average number of heat units required between host infection and death. E. muscae transmission between D. antiqua and D. platura, two insect pests typically associated with Michigan onion production, was verified under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses of female onion flies, Delia antiqua (Meigen), to hostplant cues were quantified during encounters of individual flies with onion plants and onion foliar surrogates. The behavioral repertoire of such females included sitting, grooming, running up and down foliar surfaces, extension of the proboscis such that the labellum contacted foliar and soil surfaces, movements of the tip of the abdomen over surfaces (surface probing), subsurface probing of soil crevices with the ovipositor, and oviposition. Sequences of behaviors preceding oviposition were probabilistic rather than highly stereotyped but generally followed the order given above. Foliar surrogates were used to determine the effects of n-dipropyl disulfide (Pr2S2) on the sequence of behaviors leading up to oviposition. The addition of a Pr2S2-treated surrogate to a cage increased the frequency of alighting on that surrogate but also increased alighting on a nearby foliar surrogate without Pr2S2. After alighting, females encountering surrogates treated with Pr2S2 had shorter latencies to proboscis extension and surface probing, spent less time sitting and grooming, and had runs of shorter duration. These females were also more likely to make the transition from probing of surfaces of foliage and soil to subsurface probing of soil crevices and oviposition. Thus, rather than mediating a particular step in the behavioral sequence, Pr2S2 played a role throughout the sequence leading up to oviposition. Collectively, these data and past studies on the onion fly support the hypothesis that egglaying is triggered by a temporal summation of inputs to the central nervous system from various sensory modalities rather than strict behavioral chaining, with each transition effected by some unique cue.  相似文献   

In Brassica crops differences in susceptibility to root fly attack can be largely attributed to antixenotic resistance. Plants of four genotypes (two swedes and two kales) with widely differing resistance in field trials, were compared in laboratory choice assays for their susceptibility to oviposition by the root flies Delia radicum (L.) and D. floralis (Fallen) (Diptera, Anthomyiidae). For both species the preference among the genotypes corresponded to the susceptibility of the genotypes in the field. The preference ranking in response to surrogate leaves treated with methanolic surface extracts of the four genotypes was identical to the preference among potted plants, demonstrating that chemical factors on the leaf surface mediate host preference for oviposition in these species.For both species of fly, glucosinolates are major oviposition stimulants and for D. radicum an additional, nonglucosinolate oviposition stimulant, presently called CIF, is known. We describe a procedure for chromatographic separation of glucosinolates from CIF in leaf surface extracts. In oviposition-choice assays with D. radicum, the CIF-fractions of the two swede genotypes applied to surrogate leaves received a 1.8 and 4.6 times higher proportion of eggs than the respective glucosinolate-fractions, confirming the major importance of CIF as an oviposition stimulant. The genotype of swede that was preferred by both fly species in tests with plants and methanolic leaf surface extracts, also stimulated oviposition more in tests with the glucosinolate-fractions or the CIF-fractions derived from the surface extracts, respectively. Thus, glucosinolates and CIF together account for the observed preference among the genotypes and may also be responsible for their susceptibility under field conditions. In the two kale genotypes the preference for plants or surface extracts differed from the preference among the corresponding glucosinolate- and CIF-fractions, indicating that additional, as yet unknown chemical factors may also be involved.For both groups of stimulants tarsal chemoreceptors allow electrophysiological monitoring of glucosinolate- and CIF-activity in fractionated surface extracts. For D. radicum the chemosensory activity of both glucosinolate- and CIF-fractions corresponded to the respective behavioural activity in the oviposition preference tests, suggesting that preference for oviposition among genotypes can be predicted from the electrophysiological activity of their fractions. The chemosensory response of D. floralis, in particular to the CIF-fractions, was less pronounced than the response of D. radicum, indicating interspecific differences in the perception of the major oviposition stimulants. We discuss the potential application of electrophysiological techniques in support of other screening methods used in breeding for root fly resistance in Brassica crops.  相似文献   

The angle of inclination of the surface on which flies prefer to land in vegetable crops was studied in field plots and in field-cages using one-sided sticky traps aligned in one plane but orientated in eight directions. The four Delia species studied, D. antiqua, D. floralis, D. platura and D. radicum, preferred to land on horizontal surfaces, indicating that they are likely to be trapped in largest numbers on traps with a horizontal trapping surface, such as water traps. This trend was even more pronounced with the Syrphidae. In contrast, greatest numbers of the carrot fly, Psila rosae, were caught on the lower surface of traps inclined at 45° to the vertical. The advantages of using traps inclined in this way for trapping P. rosae are that more flies are caught on such surfaces, the sticky trapping compound is protected from the adverse effects of rain, and the traps are highly selective.
Résu,é L'angle d'inclinaison de la surface sur laquelle les mouches préfèrent atterrir dans les cultures de légumes a été examiné dans la nature, dans des parcelles et dans des cages, en utilisant des pièges englués sur un côté, alignés dans le même plan, mais orientés dans 8 directions. Les 4 espèces de Delia étudiées: D. antiqua, D. floralis, D. platura, D. radicum, ont préféré atterrir sur des surfaces horizontales, ce qui implique qu'elles sont probablement prises en plus grand nombre sur des pièges avec une surface de capture horizontale, comme des pièges liquides. Cette tendance est encore plus prononcée chez les Syrphidae. A l'opposé, de nombreuses mouches de la carotte, Psila rosae, ont été capturées sur la face inférieure de pièges inclinés de 45°. Il est avantageux d'utiliser des pièges inclinés de cette façon contre P. rosae parce que, d'une part ils sont très efficaces, d'autre part le produit actif est protégé de la pluie et enfin, le piège est très sélectif.

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