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Extensive allelic polymorphism in the Plasmodium falciparum major merozoite antigen precursor (MSP1/PMMSA) is partly due to intragenic recombination events within a short region near the 5' end of the gene. Newly described allelic sequences from this region of the gene are compared to those previously published, revealing additional sites of intragenic recombination. Epitopes recognised by monoclonal antibodies on the protein have been assigned on the basis of correlations between serology and amino acid sequence polymorphisms among different allelic types of MSP1. Serological analyses of MSP1 from 567 wild isolates from The Gambia, Nigeria, and Brazil reveal that certain pairs of epitopes, although sited on MSP1 domains separated by known sites of intragenic recombination, are highly significantly associated on parasites in endemic populations. Most associations are similar in the three countries. These associations are discussed with respect to the intragenic recombination hypothesis.  相似文献   

In addition to the major carbohydrate moieties of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor, we report that Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1) bears O-GlcNAc modifications predominantly in beta-anomeric configuration, in both the C- and N-terminal portions of the protein. Subcellular fractionation of parasitized erythrocytes in the late trophozoite/schizont stage reveals that GPI-anchored C-terminal fragments of MSP-1 are recovered in Triton X-100 resistant, low-density membrane fractions. Our results suggest that O-GlcNAc-modified MSP-1 N-terminal fragments tend to localize within the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane while GPI-anchored MSP-1 C-terminal fragments associate with low-density, Triton X-100 resistant membrane domains (rafts), redistribute in the parasitized erythrocyte and are eventually shed as membrane vesicles that also contain the endogenous, GPI-linked CD59.  相似文献   

The major surface antigen of the merozoite (MMSA) is very immunogenic in humans and it is considered a candidate for developing a malaria vaccine. This protein consists of conserved, dimorphic and polymorphic sequences that might differ in their ability to induce immunity. Epidemiological studies were undertaken in two different endemic areas of West Africa with the aim to identify the sequences within the protein that are the target of the humoral and cellular immune responses. Recombinant polypeptides expressed in E. coli, covering the conserved, the dimorphic and polymorphic regions, were used to evaluate the reactivity of sera and of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) from inhabitants of rural communities exposed to P. falciparum transmission. The analysis of the humoral immune response against the MMSA showed that both qualitative and quantitative differences exist among groups of individuals with different susceptibility to P. falciparum infection. Furthermore, an association between intensity of transmission and antibody reactivity against the dimorphic regions was observed in individuals living in a malaria endemic area. The proliferative response of the PBMC was in most cases very low, however, several T cell clones could be established. The dimorphic region of MMSA was shown to contain T cell epitopes together with sequences most frequently recognized by human sera.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface is specifically labelledwith a neoglycoprotein bearing N-acetylgluco-samine (GlcNAc)residues in a sugar-dependent manner, as shown by affinity cytochemistryin fluorescence and electron microscopy. To ascertain the natureof the sugar receptor, merozoite proteins were blotted and testedby a two-step method using biotinylated GlcNAc—bovineserum albumin (BSA) and streptavidin—peroxidase conjugate.Three parasite proteins were specifically revealed and designatedas Pf 120, Pf 83 and Pf 45 GlcNAc-binding proteins. These proteinsbind to a gel substituted with GlcNAc and are specifically elutedwith 300 mM GlcNAc. Using a rabbit antiserum raised againstPf 83, the Pf 120 GlcNAc-binding protein, in addition to Pf83, was labelled by Western blotting. Comparative analyses withan antibody against the Pf 83 MSP derived from the P.falciparummerozoite surface protein (Pf MSP) indicated that the Pf 83GlcNAc-binding protein is not related to the fragment of thePf MSP antigen. Similarly, the Pf 83 GlcNAc-binding proteinis not related to the apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA 1) whichalso has the same molecular mass. Therefore the Pf 120, Pf 83and Pf 45 GlcNAc-binding proteins which are located on the merozoitesurface and recognize GlcNAc residues could be involved in thebinding of merozoites to the glycoconjugates of the surfaceof the red blood cells. GlcNAc lectin neoglycoprotein Plasmodium falciparum red blood cell  相似文献   

Merozoite surface proteins are thought to play an important role during the invasion of red blood cells by merozoites. In this article the strategies for the chromatographic isolation and for the functional and molecular characterisation of isolated antigens from freshly harvested Plasmodium falciparum merozoites from cultures are described.  相似文献   

The gene for the precursor of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface antigens has been cloned. The entire sequence of the gene from a Thai isolate of the parasite is reported. It provides evidence for a signal peptide, a region containing short repeating peptides and an anchor sequence. In addition, the 5' end of a Papua New Guinea isolate has been sequenced. Comparison of these and other sequences defines, at the genetic level, a polymorphic region in the protein, and suggests that other parts of the protein are less susceptible to variation. Furthermore it appears that several signal peptides of P. falciparum exhibit extensive sequence homologies.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins coat the surface of extracellular Plasmodium falciparum merozoites, of which several are highly validated candidates for inclusion in a blood-stage malaria vaccine. Here we determined the proteome of gradient-purified detergent-resistant membranes of mature blood-stage parasites and found that these membranes are greatly enriched in GPI-anchored proteins and their putative interacting partners. Also prominent in detergent-resistant membranes are apical organelle (rhoptry), multimembrane-spanning, and proteins destined for export into the host erythrocyte cytosol. Four new GPI-anchored proteins were identified, and a number of other novel proteins that are predicted to localize to the merozoite surface and/or apical organelles were detected. Three of the putative surface proteins possessed six-cysteine (Cys6) motifs, a distinct fold found in adhesive surface proteins expressed in other life stages. All three Cys6 proteins, termed Pf12, Pf38, and Pf41, were validated as merozoite surface antigens recognized strongly by antibodies present in naturally infected individuals. In addition to the merozoite surface, Pf38 was particularly prominent in the secretory apical organelles. A different cysteine-rich putative GPI-anchored protein, Pf92, was also localized to the merozoite surface. This insight into merozoite surfaces provides new opportunities for understanding both erythrocyte invasion and anti-parasite immunity.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum merozoites have a variable surface protein of about 195,000 molecular weight which may be involved in strain-specific immunity. We have cloned and sequenced a major portion of the gene encoding this antigen from the CAMP strain and have located sites of preferred mung bean nuclease cleavage around the gene. These sites depend on reaction conditions, but at 40% formamide and 2 units of mung bean nuclease per microgram DNA, the intact gene was excised from the chromosome. Comparison of the CAMP strain gene with the same gene from other strains of P. falciparum by matching available DNA sequences and by DNA hybridization revealed five regions of homology separated by divergent segments. Two of the variable regions encoded three amino acid repeats, predominantly Ser-Gly-Thr and Thr-Glu-Glu. Implications of these findings on the function of the antigen, and possible mechanisms for generation of variants are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of adjuvants on the specificity of immune responses to the Plasmodium falciparum gp195 protein was investigated using adjuvant formulations based on synthetic muramyl dipeptide and monophosphoryl lipid A derivatives, in parallel with CFA and alum. Although these immunomodulators were as effective as CFA in inducing an antibody response to gp195, there were distinct differences in the recognition of B cell epitopes by these antibody populations. We have also demonstrated that MHC control of antibody specificity can be related to the adjuvant used for immunization. In general, the potency of adjuvants, their ability to induce antibodies of a particular specificity, or their ability to overcome MHC control of immune responsiveness varied independently. These findings suggest a critical role of adjuvants in the determination of the specificity of the immune response to protein Ag. Thus, the influence of adjuvants should be a major consideration in studies on immunologic recognition, as well as in the design of modern subunit vaccines.  相似文献   

Infants born in areas of stable malaria transmission are relatively protected against severe morbidity and high density Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage infection. This protection may involve prenatal sensitization and immunologic reactivity to malaria surface ligands that participate in invasion of red cells. We examined cord blood T and B cell immunity to P. falciparum merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) in infants born in an area of stable malaria transmission in Kenya. T cell cytokine responses to the C-terminal 19-kDa fragment of MSP-1 (MSP-1(19)) were detected in 24 of 92 (26%) newborns (4-192 IFN-gamma and 3-88 IL-4-secreting cells per 10(6)/cord blood lymphocytes). Peptide epitopes in the N-terminal block 3 region of MSP-1 also drove IFN-gamma and/or IL-13 production. There was no evidence of prenatal T cell sensitization to liver-stage Ag-1. A total of 5 of 86 (6%) newborns had cord blood anti-MSP-1(19) IgM Abs, an Ig isotype that does not cross the placenta and is therefore of fetal origin. The frequency of neonatal B cell sensitization was higher than that indicated by serology alone, as 5 of 27 (18%) cord blood samples contained B cells that produced IgG when stimulated with MSP-1(19) in vitro. Neonatal B cell IgG responses were restricted to the Q-KNG allele of MSP-1(19), the major variant in this endemic area, whereas T cells responded to all four MSP-1(19) alleles evaluated. In utero sensitization to MSP-1 correlated with the presence of malaria parasites in cord blood (chi(2) = 20, p < 0.0001). These data indicate that prenatal sensitization to blood-stage Ags occurs in infants born in malaria endemic areas.  相似文献   

Plasmodium vivax malaria is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases in Asia and Latin-America. The difficulty of maintaining this parasite culture in vitro has hampered identifying and characterising proteins implied in merozoite invasion of red blood cells. We have been able to identify an open reading frame in P. vivax encoding the Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 10 homologous protein using the partial sequences from this parasite's genome reported during 2004. This new protein contains 479 amino-acids, two epidermal growth factor-like domains, hydrophobic regions at the N- and C-termini, being compatible with a signal peptide and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor site, respectively. The protein is expressed during the parasite's asexual stage and is recognised by polyclonal sera in parasite lysate using Western blot. P. vivax-infected patients' sera highly recognised recombinant protein by ELISA.  相似文献   

Plasmodium merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) is an essential antigen for the merozoite invasion of erythrocytes. A key challenge to the development of an effective malaria vaccine that can block the erythrocyte invasion is to establish the molecular interaction(s) among the parasite surface proteins as well as with the host cell encoded receptors. In the present study, we applied molecular interactions and proteome approaches to identify PfMSP-1 associated complex on the merozoite surface. Proteomic analysis identified a major malaria surface protein, PfRhopH3 interacting with PfMSP-1(42). Pull-down experiments with merozoite lysate using anti-PfMSP-1 or anti-PfRhopH3 antibodies showed 16 bands that when identified by tandem mass spectrometry corresponded to11 parasite proteins: PfMSP-3, PfMSP-6, PfMSP-7, PfMSP-9, PfRhopH3, PfRhopH1, PfRAP-1, PfRAP-2, and two RAP domain containing proteins. This MSP-1 associated complex was specifically seen at schizont/merozoite stages but not the next ring stage. We could also identify many of these proteins in culture supernatant, suggesting the shedding of the complex. Interestingly, the PfRhopH3 protein also showed binding to the human erythrocyte and anti-PfRhopH3 antibodies blocked the erythrocyte invasion of the merozoites. These results have potential implications in the development of PfMSP-1 based blood stage malaria vaccine.  相似文献   



Malaria kills almost 1 million people every year, but the mechanisms behind protective immunity against the disease are still largely unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, surface plasmon resonance technology was used to evaluate the affinity (measured as kd) of naturally acquired antibodies to the Plasmodium falciparum antigens MSP2 and AMA1. Antibodies in serum samples from residents in endemic areas bound with higher affinities to AMA1 than to MSP2, and with higher affinities to the 3D7 allele of MSP2-3D7 than to the FC27 allele. The affinities against AMA1 and MSP2-3D7 increased with age, and were usually within similar range as the affinities for the monoclonal antibodies also examined in this study. The finding of MSP2-3D7 type parasites in the blood was associated with a tendency for higher affinity antibodies to both forms of MSP2 and AMA1, but this was significant only when analyzing antibodies against MSP2-FC27, and individuals infected with both allelic forms of MSP2 at the same time showed the highest affinities. Individuals with the highest antibody affinities for MSP2-3D7 at baseline had a prolonged time to clinical malaria during 40 weeks of follow-up, and among individuals who were parasite positive at baseline higher antibody affinities to all antigens were seen in the individuals that did not experience febrile malaria during follow up.


This study contributes important information for understanding how immunity against malaria arises. The findings suggest that antibody affinity plays an important role in protection against disease, and differs between antigens. In light of this information, antibody affinity measurements would be a key assessment in future evaluation of malaria vaccine formulations.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte invasion by malaria parasites requires multiple protein interactions. Our earlier studies showed that erythrocyte band 3 is an invasion receptor binding Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 and 9 (MSP1, MSP9) existing as a co-ligand complex. In this study, we have used biochemical approaches to identify the binding sites within MSP1 and MSP9 involved in the co-ligand complex formation. A major MSP9-binding site is located within the 19kDa C-terminal domain of MSP1 (MSP1(19)). Two specific regions of MSP9 defined as Delta1a and Delta2 interacted with native MSP1(19). The 42 kDa domain of MSP1 (MSP1(42)) bearing MSP1(19) in the C-terminus bound directly to both MSP9/Delta1a and Delta2. Thus, the regions of MSP1 and MSP9 interacting with the erythrocyte band 3 receptor are also responsible for assembling the co-ligand complex. Our evidence suggests a ternary complex is formed between MSP1, MSP9, and band 3 during erythrocyte invasion by P. falciparum.  相似文献   



The asexual blood stages of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum produce highly immunogenic polymorphic antigens that are expressed on the surface of the host cell. In contrast, few studies have examined the surface of the gametocyte-infected erythrocyte.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used flow cytometry to detect antibodies recognising the surface of live cultured erythrocytes infected with gametocytes of P. falciparum strain 3D7 in the plasma of 200 Gambian children. The majority of children had been identified as carrying gametocytes after treatment for malaria, and each donated blood for mosquito-feeding experiments. None of the plasma recognised the surface of erythrocytes infected with developmental stages of gametocytes (I–IV), but 66 of 194 (34.0%) plasma contained IgG that recognised the surface of erythrocytes infected with mature (stage V) gametocytes. Thirty-four (17.0%) of 200 plasma tested recognised erythrocytes infected with trophozoites and schizonts, but there was no association with recognition of the surface of gametocyte-infected erythrocytes (odds ratio 1.08, 95% C.I. 0.434–2.57; P = 0.851). Plasma antibodies with the ability to recognise gametocyte surface antigens (GSA) were associated with the presence of antibodies that recognise the gamete antigen Pfs 230, but not Pfs48/45. Antibodies recognising GSA were associated with donors having lower gametocyte densities 4 weeks after antimalarial treatment.


We provide evidence that GSA are distinct from antigens detected on the surface of asexual 3D7 parasites. Our findings suggest a novel strategy for the development of transmission-blocking vaccines.  相似文献   

E Kimura  D Mattei  S M di Santi  A Scherf 《Gene》1990,91(1):57-62
We studied the diversity of the polymorphic 195-kDa antigen (p190) of Plasmodium from infected individuals. Genomic parasite DNA was extracted from the blood of 30 donors from different endemic areas of Brazil. The 5' region, encoding the polymorphic N-terminal part of p190 was analysed following polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Multiple infections of genetically distinct parasites could be detected within infected malaria patients. Sequence analysis and oligodeoxyribonucleotide typing of the PCR products demonstrated the prevalence of a third polymorphic form of p190.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum merozoites have variable surface proteins that are processed from a 190-kd precursor protein (p190). The gene encoding p190 exists in two allelic forms and cross-over events occurring mainly near the 5' end, combined with isolate-specific tripeptide repeats, contribute to its antigen diversity. We have sequenced a large portion of the p190 gene from the parasite isolate RO-33 (Ghana). Remarkably, the typical N-terminal tripeptide repeat structure is lacking. Apart from mutations in the variable parts, the gene appears identical to the MAD-20 allele (Papua, New Guinea). Southern blot analysis detects p190 genes similar to RO-33 in other parasite isolates independent of their geographical origin. The lack of p190 repeats in RO-33 eliminates the possibility that they are involved in host cell recognition or integration and restricts their function to immune escape.  相似文献   

The structures of the major merozoite surface antigen of Plasmodium falciparum and the gene encoding it were indistinguishable for the Wellcome strain and the Thai clone T9/94 but different for clones T9/96, T9/98, and T9/101. The central portion of the gene is subject to the greatest variation in structure. The protein from all five lines was found to be posttranslationally modified by covalent addition of both carbohydrate and fatty acid.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the 96-residue C-terminal fragment of the merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1) from Plasmodium falciparum has been determined using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic measurements on uniformly13C/15N-labelled protein, efficiently expressed in the methylotrophic yeast Komagataella (Pichia) pastoris. The structure has two domains with epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like folds with a novel domain interface for the EGF domain pair interactions, formed from a cluster of hydrophobic residues. This gives the protein a U-shaped overall structure with the N-terminal proteolytic processing site close to the C-terminal glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI) membrane anchor site, which is consistent with the involvement of a membrane-bound proteinase in the processing of MSP-1 during erythrocyte invasion. This structure, which is the first protozoan EGF example to be determined, contrasts with the elongated structures seen for EGF-module pairs having shared Ca2+-ligation sites at their interface, as found, for example, in fibrillin-1. Recognition surfaces for antibodies that inhibit processing and invasion, and antibodies that block the binding of these inhibitory antibodies, have been mapped on the three-dimensional structure by considering specific MSP-1 mutants.  相似文献   

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