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THE AVIAN SALT GLAND   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

发状念珠藻对盐胁迫的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
探讨了发状念珠藻(NostocflagelliformeBornetFlah)对盐胁迫的耐受适应机制,采用含不同浓度NaCl(0、01、02、04、06、08、10mol/L)的BG110培养液处理具有正常生理活性的丝状体,25±05℃,40μmol/m2/s下照光培养12h,测定藻体光合作用、呼吸作用等生理活性以及体内一些物质的含量,结果表明:随培养液中NaCl浓度的升高藻体光合作用、呼吸作用以及PSⅡ活性(Fv/Fm)降低;质膜透性不断增大,丙二醛含量升高,自由水含量、自由水/束缚水比值下降,类胡萝卜素、可溶性糖含量增加,脯氨酸含量变化不大。由此可知,盐胁迫下发状念珠藻正常生理活性受到抑制而表现出一定的抗逆能力;该藻对盐胁迫具有一定的耐受能力,类胡萝卜素的增加有助于清除藻体内的氧自由基,可溶性糖可能是其主要渗透调节物质之一,脯氨酸在盐胁迫中的渗透调节作用不大。    相似文献   

A study of the fine structure of the avian lung revealed the presence of a unique laminated membrane surface and associated osmiophilic inclusions in epithelial cells of the tertiary bronchi and atria. These structures were not found in the air-capillary epithelium. Each lamination of the membrane surface had the appearance and dimensions of the unit membrane. It is suggested that the laminated membrane surface is associated with the formation of the osmiophilic inclusions and that these inclusions compare with those described in mammalian alveolar epithelium. It is further suggested that the laminated membrane surface is lipoprotein or phospholipid in composition and is responsible for the surface-tension-reducing properties of avian lung extracts.  相似文献   

Structural features of the pulvinus of the solar-tracking leaf of Lavatera cretica L. that are involved in its capacity for omnidirectional and fully reversible bending in response to vectorial excitation of the lamina were studied by light- and scanning electron microscopy. Pulvini that had bent in the plane at right angles to the midvein were bisected along that plane and the symmetrical tissues of the expanded and contracted flanks were compared. The pulvinus contains a central vascular core and exhibits a transversely furrowed exterior. These specialized features enable the fully mature tissue of this region of the petiole to bend reversibly. The epidermis, chlorenchyma, peripheral collenchyma, and cortical parenchyma in the pulvinus form concentric, radially symmetric sheaths around the vascular core and exhibit structural features in their cell walls that would allow considerable changes in cell volume and consequently enable the omnidirectional bending of this pulvinus. Thickened wall portions of the pulvinar epidermis and peripheral collenchyma exhibit a highly specialized architecture, consisting of alternating thick and thin strips, that enhances their flexibility, while maintaining mechanical support. Cell walls of the chlorenchyma and the cortical parenchyma are thin and capable of reversible infolding. Those of the cortical parenchyma also exhibit numerous prominent transverse pit fields, indicative of anisotropic orientation of their microfibrillar lattice transverse to the pulvinar axis. This orientation is compatible with elastic deformation of the cortical parenchyma cells along the pulvinar axis. Filament-like cytoplasmic strands were observed along the walls of pulvinar motor cells, predominantly transverse to the pulvinar axis, but their function (if any) in volume changes of these cells is unknown.  相似文献   

Sections through various levels of small intestine from adult male rats were examined by fluorescence microscopy after treatment with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled lectins from Dolichos biflorus, Lotus tetragonolobus, Ricinus communis, and Triticum vulgare (wheat germ). The latter three lectins reacted with the microvillar portion of the epithelial cells lining the crypts and villi in sections of intestine adjacent to the pylorus. This pattern of reactivity was sharply altered along the first 15 cm of intestine so that in sections distal to this point the luminal surfaces of only those epithelial cells in the crypts and at the base of the villi reacted with the L. tetragonolobus and R. communis lectins, whereas the wheat germ lectin reacted with the surfaces of the cells lining the villi. In sections from the distal end of the small intestine, all three lectins reacted with the surfaces of cells only at the base of the villi and in the crypts. These results show a difference in surface components in cells at various portions on the villi and the dependence of these differences on the region of intestine. The D. biflorus lectin reacted with approximately 25% of the goblet cells at each level of intestine studied whereas the reactivities of the goblet cells with the other three lectins were dependent upon the region of intestine.  相似文献   

逆境下植物体内积累氨基丁酸(GABA)。盐胁迫严重影响玉米种子的萌发,而加入外源GABA可明显提高玉米种子的萌发率。外源GABA能迅速提高SOD、POD、和CAT这三种酶的活性。鉴于超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶是植物抗氧化保护系统中重要的组成部分,推测,盐胁迫条件下,GABA可通过提高保护酶系统活性而缓解盐胁迫对植物的伤害。  相似文献   

The nature and content of lytic bodies and the localization of acid phosphatase (AcPase) activity were investigated in mammotrophic hormone-producing cells (MT) from rat anterior pituitary glands. MT were examined from lactating rats in which secretion of MTH1 was high and from postlactating rats in which MTH secretion was suppressed by removing the suckling young. MT from lactating animals contained abundant stacks of rough-surfaced ER, a large Golgi complex with many forming secretory granules, and a few lytic bodies, primarily multivesicular bodies and dense bodies. MT from postlactating animals, sacrificed at selected intervals up to 96 hr after separation from their suckling young, showed (a) progressive involution of the protein synthetic apparatus with sequestration of ER and ribosomes in autophagic vacuoles, and (b) incorporation of secretory granules into multivesicular and dense bodies. The content of mature granules typically was incorporated into dense bodies whereas that of immature granules found its way preferentially into multivesicular bodies. The secretory granules and cytoplasmic constituents segregated within lytic bodies were progressively degraded over a period of 24 to 72 hr to yield a common residual body, the vacuolated dense body. In MT from lactating animals, AcPase reaction product was found in lytic bodies, and in several other sites not usually considered to be lysosomal in nature, i.e., inner Golgi cisterna and associated vesicles, and around most of the immature, and some of the mature secretory granules. In MT from postlactating animals, AcPase was concentrated in lytic bodies; reaction product and incorporated secretory granules were frequently recognizable within the same multivesicular or dense body which could therefore be identified as "autolysosomes" connected with the digestion of endogenous materials. Several possible explanations for the occurrence of AcPase in nonlysosomal sites are discussed. From the findings it is concluded that, in secretory cells, lysosomes function in the regulation of the secretory process by providing a mechanism which takes care of overproduction of secretory products.  相似文献   

The pineal body of white normal rats, 1.5 to 3 months old, was studied under the electron microscope. A single type of parenchymal cell—the pinealocyte—is recognized as the main component of the tissue, and some of the structural characteristics of the nucleus and cytoplasm are described. The main morphological characteristic of the pinealocytes is represented by club-shaped perivascular expansions connected to the cell by thin pedicles. They are found lying in a large, clear space surrounding the blood capillaries. The name plurivesicular secretory processes is proposed, to emphasize the main structural feature and the probable function of these cellular expansions. A tubulofibrillar component is mainly found in the pedicle, and within the expansion there are numerous small mitochondria and densily packed vesicles of about 425 A. Two types of vesicles, one with a homogeneous content and another with a very dense osmium deposit, are described. Between the two types there are intermediary forms. In these processes, mitochondria show profound changes which may lead to complete vacuolization. The significance of this plurivesicular secretory component is discussed in the light of recent work on the biogenic amines of the pineal body and preliminary experiments showing the release of the vesicles containing dense granules after treatment with reserpine. These vesicles are interpreted as the site of storage of some of the biogenic amines. Bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers and endings on large blood vessels which also contain a plurivesicular content are described and tentatively interpreted as adrenergic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

1. The swelling and the osmotic pressure of gelatin at pH 4.7 have been measured in the presence of a number of salts. 2. The effect of the salts on the swelling is closely paralleled by the effect on the osmotic pressure, and the bulk modulus of the gelatin particles calculated from these figures is constant up to an increase in volume of about 800 per cent. As soon as any of the salts increase the swelling beyond this point, the bulk. modulus decreases. This is interpreted as showing that the elastic limit has been exceeded. 3. Gelatin swollen in acid returns to its original volume after removal of the acid, while gelatin swollen in salt solution does not do so. This is the expected result if, as stated above, the elastic limit had been exceeded in the salt solution. 4. The modulus of elasticity of gelatin swollen in salt solutions varies in the same way as the bulk modulus calculated from the osmotic pressure and the swelling. 5. The increase in osmotic pressure caused by the salt is reversible on removal of the salt. 6. The observed osmotic pressure is much greater than the osmotic pressure calculated from the Donnan equilibrium except in the case of AlCl3, where the calculated and observed pressures agree quite closely. 7. The increase in swelling in salt solutions is due to an increase in osmotic pressure. This increase is probably due to a change in the osmotic pressure of the gelatin itself rather than to a difference in ion concentration.  相似文献   

花椒果实分泌囊发育过程的超微结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电镜观察结果表明,花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.)果实分泌囊是由裂生方式形成,由鞘细胞、上皮细胞和油腔构成。对分泌囊的原始细胞、油腔发生和扩大以及发育成熟3个时期的超微结构研究表明,其精油是在分泌囊油腔发生时开始积累,以油滴形态存在于上皮细胞的质体内及其周围的细胞质中。根据各细胞器的变化规律分析,质体是精油合成的主要场所,内质网参与精油的合成和转运,线粒体为上述活动提供能量。上皮细胞内积累的精油可能通过两种途径排出细胞,分泌至油腔内贮存。鞘细胞内也积累精油,其主要合成场所也与质体有关,以后转运至上皮细胞内。成熟分泌囊的质体由于功能改变,其内出现蛋白质结晶和淀粉粒。  相似文献   

柳苗对盐激的快速反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用电子称重法检测了柳(Salix babylonica L.)苗蒸腾对盐激(NaCl)的快速反应。结果表明,100~500mmol/L的NaCl处理柳苗根系时,均能引起根系中产生一个负水压信号,并以极快的速度传递至冠部叶片,引起植物体液向下流动,在1~2s内使柳苗蒸腾速率增加至原来的8~15倍,然后逐渐下降,8~12min后,蒸腾速率保持在原来的水平(或略低)。另外,在蒸腾速率变化约2min后,在叶片区柳茎表面记录到电波的快速传递(速度变化范围在28~120mm·s~(-1)),这可能是主动调节冠部水分消耗的一个信号。  相似文献   

Isolated retinas of rats or frogs were incubated in various salt or sucrose solutions over a wide range of osmolarities and then fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide solutions of matching osmolarities. Light and electron microscope observations were concentrated on the outer segments of the intact photoreceptors. These became globular and of increasing size with increasing hypoosmolarity and irregularly linear and condensed in hyperosmotic solutions. Isoosmotic incubations of rat retinas in solutions containing potassium as the only cation also produced swelling of the outer segments when chloride or acetate was present; but swelling was less when the cation was sodium and it was not seen with either cation when the anion was methylsulfate. The effects of various metabolic and membrane poisons are also reported. The behavior of the saccules within the outer segments was equivocal. While there was a tendency toward more saccules with wider lumina with hypoosmolarity, most of the saccules were not swollen. Surprisingly, intrasaccular space was consistently enlarged in rat retinas exposed to hyperosmotic sucrose but not to salt. The saccules or their derivatives within swollen outer segments tend to maintain their intersaccule spacing and approximation to the cell membrane. It was also noted that the ciliary connectives resist swelling and that retinal Müller cells swell readily.  相似文献   

杂交稻 (Oryza sativa L .ssp.indica)离体叶片在 - 0 .8MPa渗透胁迫下 ,随着光强的提高 ,叶绿体中 1 O2 (单线态氧 )大量产生 ,光合色素降解加剧 ;Car先于 Chl而被破坏 ,Chl/Car比值明显增大。 1 O2 的产生与光合色素含量的降低及膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛 (MDA)含量的增加具有极显著的相关性。 1 O2 清除剂β- Car及组氨酸 (His)预处理可阻抑渗透胁迫及光诱导的 MDA增加 ,减缓 Chl和 Car的降解 ;而光敏化剂核黄素 (RF)预处理的效应正好相反。这些结果表明 ,渗透胁迫及较高光强下水稻幼苗叶绿体中所产生的 1 O2 在光合色素的降解及 Car的优先氧化中起着重要的作用 ,而 1 O2 产生的主要途径可能是叶绿素的光敏化作用。  相似文献   

Synchronization of the secretory cycle in vivo was obtained by injecting isoprenaline as an inducer of secretion. A quantitative correlation between enzyme release, its subsequent reaccumulation, and the sequence of ultrastructural changes was found. At the ultrastructural level secretion was paralleled by depletion of zymogen granules through fusion of the granule membrane with the lumen membrane and discharge of the content. Each zymogen granule membrane, once connected with the lumen, acted as a lumen membrane. Fusion was thus sequential and resulted in a dramatic enlargement of the lumen space. During the entire process the passage between the lumen and the intercellular space remained blocked by the tight junctions, as shown by their impenetrability to ferritin. Reduction of the lumen size following enzyme discharge seemed to be achieved by withdrawal of lumen membrane in the form of small smooth vesicles which appeared mostly in the apical part of the cell. At the same time, the cell retracted towards the lumen, the whole process being completed within 2 hr from onset of secretion. Disappearance of the smooth vesicle followed, concomitant with formation of many condensing vacuoles and appearance of mature zymogen granules. The fate of the zymogen granule membrane, including its fusion with the lumen membrane, resorption in the form of small smooth vesicles, and its eventual reutilization mediated by the Golgi system, is discussed.  相似文献   

吴茱萸果实中分泌囊的发生和发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王黎  胡正海  景汝勤   《广西植物》1992,(2):172-176+197
吴茱萸果皮内分布有许多分泌囊。我们作了发育解剖学方面的研究。在花蕾期,雌蕊的子房中分泌囊原始细胞即开始发生,它起源于单个表皮细胞和其内的1—4层薄壁细胞。分泌囊最初为裂生,后期由于上皮细胞的破毁,其腔隙逐渐扩大,因此,腔隙发生方式应属裂溶生型。成熟分泌囊是由多层鞘细胞和上皮细胞包围圆形腔隙构成。  相似文献   

Buoyant cyanobacteria, previously mixed throughout the water column, float to the lake surface and form a surface waterbloom when mixing subsides. At the surface, the cells are exposed to full sunlight, and this abrupt change in photon irradiance may induce photoinhibition; at the same time, temperature rises as well. This study investigated the damaging effects of this increase in temperature as well as the ecologically more relevant combination of both an increased temperature and a high photon irradiance. Analysis of surface blooms with oxygen microelectrodes showed that integrated oxygen contents that are dependent on the balance of photosynthetic oxygen evolution and respiratory oxygen uptake decreased when temperature was raised above the lake temperature. Gross rates of photosynthesis were unaffected by temperatures up to of 35°C; hence, a moderate increase in temperature mainly stimulated oxygen uptake. Preincubation of cells of the cyanobacterium Anabaena flos-aquae (Lyngb.) de Brébisson at temperatures up to 35°C did not affect the subsequent measurement of rates of net photosynthesis. Another 5°C rise in temperature severely damaged the photosynthetic apparatus. Failure to restore net rates of photosynthesis was coupled to a strong quenching of the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm, that was the result of a rise in Fo. A combination of high temperature and high photon irradiance was more damaging than high temperature alone. In contrast, low photon irradiances offered substantial protection against heat injury of the photosynthetic apparatus. I conclude from this study that because cyanobacteria usually are acclimated to low average irradiance prior to bloom formation, there is a reasonable risk of chronic photoinhibition. The increase in temperature will enhance the photodamage of cells in the top layer of the bloom. Low photon irradiances in subsurface layers will offer protection against heat injury. If the high temperatures extend to the deepest, dark layers of the bloom, damage in those layers is likely to occur.  相似文献   

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