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Five species of lysianassoid amphipods (Anonyx nugax, Anonyx sarsi, Onisimus caricus, Onisimus edwardsii, Orchomenella minuta) co-occur in the shallow sublittoral of Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Arctic), share similar functional attributes, and exploit a common food base. All species are known to be necrophagous; however, this study revealed through combination of gut-content analysis with the morphological characteristics of their mandibles and available information on feeding ecology, the complexity of their trophic strategies. Only mature individuals of A. nugax are true scavengers; immature individuals of this species feed on both animal and non-animal food. A. sarsi and O. caricus are scavengers and predators; the former prefers polychaetes, while the latter relies mostly on zooplankton. O. edwardsii is an omnivorous feeder, and the set of its primary food consists of carrion, crustaceans, and algae. O. minuta is a detrivorous–carnivorous species. These results indicate that niche overlap among these closely related species is reduced, not only by spatial segregation, but also by the exploitation of different components of food resources.  相似文献   

This paper deals with food selectivity in large herbivores of Eastern Mongolia, its factors, and their impact on the herbivore community structure. It is shown that, due to the degradation of vegetation, all studied herbivores display a significant selectivity level conditioned by their morpho–physiological features and spatial distribution. The selectivity seems to provide competitive advantages but no food niche differentiation. We suppose that herbivore communities in Eastern Mongolia, both human-controlled and wild, bear an increase of the small browser portion under pasture degradation. This, in turn, increases the degradation rate. This cyclic interaction shows a possible mechanism for the formation of endogenous crises in herbivore communities and can explain features of extinction events of large herbivores of the “Mammoth fauna.”  相似文献   

Re-introduced Przewalski horses in Hustai National Park, Mongolia could suffer from food competition with other herbivore species through food resource depletion. Diet composition of the Przewalski horse (Equus ferus przewalskii), red deer (Cervus elaphus) and four livestock species (sheep, goat, cattle and horse) were studied, using micro histological analysis of faecal samples in the summer of 2005 and winter of 2006 – 2007. We expected that herbivores become less selective in food choice in winter regarding to summer, resulting in a larger diet breadth, a larger similarity in diet and a larger dietary overlap in winter, potentially triggering exploitative competition by depletion of shared resources. Vegetation biomass decreased during winter, and the different herbivores species in HNP changed their diet from summer to winter. As expected diet breadth, diet similarity and dietary overlap were significantly larger in winter in comparison to summer. The existence of competition by resource depletion between the different species cannot be ruled out. Vegetation biomass was probably not a limiting factor according to the correlation between annual rainfall and herbivore species biomass, however the forage quality may be limiting, triggering competition.  相似文献   

Summary Food partitioning among lemurs was studied in relation to food patch size and plant chemistry in the eastern rainforest and a western deciduous forest of Madagascar. Patch size (i.e. crown diameter of food trees) is significantly correlated with group body weight of different lemur species. But intraspecific variability is high and prevents effective species separation. Chemical analyses of more than 400 plant parts eaten by seven different lemur species revealed major differences in their food choice with respect to protein concentrations, condensed tannins and alkaloids. Among the leaf eating lemurs discriminant analysis segregates three groups à two species based on chemical characteristics of their food. Whereas differences in food chemistry are pronounced between groups they are lacking between the two species within each group. The two species of each group avoid interference competition by different activity rhythms. Actual competition for slowly renewable resources such as leaves and fruit, however, can not be reduced by different activities. Here interspecific differences in gross categories of food, food species composition and different habitat utilization due to other constraints may contribute to the possible coexistence of species. Thus interspecific differences in food selection in relation to primary and secondary plant chemicals is an integrated part of the mechanisms allowing several primate species to coexist in sympatry.  相似文献   

Food resource partitioning in a rocky intertidal fish assemblage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Food partitioning among scorpaenid fishes in Mediterranean seagrass beds   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Diets of three scorpaenid fishes, Scorpaena notata, S. porcus and S. scrofa , from a Posidonia seagrass bed off Marseilles were quantitatively analysed and categorized according to the size and sex of individuals, to elucidate diel and seasonal rhythms. All three preyed on the same crustacean and fish species, but in different proportions: S. notata mostly fed on Caridae, S. porcus on brachyurans and S. scrofa on fishes. Individual size and diel period were the main factors responsible for diet variation and food partitioning that evolved according to both cyclic (temporal) and continuous (ontogenic) trends. A strong interspecific food overlap was observed in juveniles (S.L. < 50 mm), whereas intraspecific potential competition was low between juveniles and adults. Among medium and large size classes, intra- and interspecific food overlaps were high and of equal intensity. Narrower food niches at night, due to a stronger specialization on type and size of prey, diminished the intra- and interspecific potential competition during this period of maximum feeding activity. This probably allowed the high number of coexisting scorpaenid populations in Mediterranean seagrass beds. Nevertheless, microhabitat and time partitioning seemed as important as food partitioning in the structuring of fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Stephen A. Bloom 《Oecologia》1981,49(3):305-315
Summary Habitat and food resource partitioning ecologically isolate six species of Pacific Northwest dorid nudibranchs. Food resources along a gradient of sponge skeletal structure are partitioned between two exploitive guilds. The guilds are characterized by mutually exclusive predatory and digestive adaptations which allow efficient processing of sponges with poorly- or well-organized skeletons. Habitats along a depth gradient are partitioned within guilds. For a dorid species, feeding rates, extraction efficiencies and food quality are virtually identical for sponges with the appropriate extreme (either poorly- or well-organized) and intermediate skeletal organizations, but growth and reproductive rates supported by the former prey type are twice those supported by the latter prey type. Prey types with the appropriate extreme skeletal organization are thus optimal food and specialization to that food is expected. When two divergent specialist species co-occur, food resource partitioning is demonstrable but arises from self-stabilizing specializations to maximize net energy accumulation and not from competitive interactions. Habitat partitioning is viewed as arising from prey distributions and dorid physiological tolerances. This system represents an example of morphological and behavioral specializations giving rise to resource partitioning as opposed to competition giving rise to resource partitioning and subsequent morphological and behavioral specializations.  相似文献   

Rauno V. Alatalo 《Oecologia》1980,45(2):190-196
Summary The five most abundant species were included in a year-round study with respect to six foraging niche dimensions. Approximately full multidimensional utilization functions were used for niche metrics. During summer foraging overlaps were invariably high, but in other seasons periodically lower. Foraging site breadth was lower in winter, when fewer sites are profitable for foraging than in summer. Feeding posture versatility, by contrast, was highest in winter. Seasonal foraging shifts were very prominent, as great in fact as between-species differences. Often seasonal trends were parallel in different species. Niche axes of macrohabitat-type (e.g. tree) were more open for foraging variation and axes of microhabitat-type (tree part) more rigid. Among the resident species seasonal variation in foraging was greatest in Regulus regulus and Parus cristatus, whereas the foraging behaviour was more stable for P. montanus (an abundant species with broad niche), perhaps owing to greater intraspecific competition. In these northern forests foliage-gleaners must be versatile generalists to cope with the unpredictable resources, and thus they overlap broadly in their general resource niches which are determined by their genetically fixed cost and benefit relations to each resource type. Anyhow, presumably during periodical food shortage, the actual resource uses adjusted by resource availability and competition may overlap narrowly.  相似文献   

ávila-Pires’ saddle-back tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis avilapiresi) and red-cap moustached tamarins (S. mystax pileatus), coexisting in highly stable mixed-species groups, overlapped considerably in their use of plant food resources at an Amazonian terra firme forest site. Overlap between food types consumed by the two species was particularly high during periods of lowest fruit availability, when they resorted to a common food supply, primarily the pod exudates of two emergent species of legume trees (Parkia nitida andParkia pendula) and nectar ofSymphonia globulifera. Within-group interspecific competition did not covary with independent measures of resource availability, contrary to predictions based on resource partitioning models. A greater number of both saddle-back and moustached tamarins were able to feed for longer patch residence periods within larger and more productive food patches, whereas small and clumped patches could be monopolized by the socially and numerically dominant moustached tamarins to the physical exclusion of the smaller-bodied saddle-back tamarins. Overall rates of interspecific aggression were extremely low, however, partly because patches that could be monopolized contributed with a minor proportion of either species’ diet. Saddle-backs foraged at lower levels in the understory and encountered smaller food patches more often, whereas moustached tamarins foraged higher and encountered more larger patches in the middle canopy. Although the two species led one another to differently-sized patches, moustached tamarins initiated most feeding bouts and encountered significantly larger and more productive patches that tended to accommodate the entire mixed-species group. Disadvantages of exploitative and interference feeding competition over plant resources, and advantages of shared knowledge of food patches, are but one component of the overall cost-benefit relationship of interspecific associations in tamarins.  相似文献   

Apex predators may influence carnivore communities through the suppression of competitively dominant mesopredators, however they also provide carrion subsidies that could influence foraging and competition among sympatric mesopredators when small prey is scarce. We assessed coyote Canis latrans and red fox Vulpes vulpes winter diet overlap and composition from scats collected in two study areas with 3‐fold difference in grey wolf Canis lupus density due to a wolf control program. We hypothesized that differences in diet composition would be driven by the use of carrion, and tested whether 1) apex predators facilitate resource overlap, or 2) apex predators facilitate resource partitioning. We estimated the available biomass of snowshoe hares and voles based on pellet density and vole capture rates in each study area. We used molecular analysis to confirm species identification of predator scats, and used microscopic evaluation of prey remains to analyze diet composition of 471 coyote and fox scats. Ungulate carrion, voles and snowshoe hares comprised 73% of coyote and fox diet, and differences in use of carrion and microtines accounted for nearly 60% of the dissimilarity in diet among these canids. Carrion was the top‐ranked item in the coyote diet in both study areas, whereas carrion use by red foxes declined 3‐fold in the study area with higher wolf and small prey abundance. Diet overlap tended to be lower and diet diversity tended to be higher where wolves were more abundant, though these trends were not statistically significant. Taken together, our findings indicate that carrion provisions could facilitate resource partitioning in mesocarnivore communities by alleviating exploitation competition for small mammals.  相似文献   

郭兴健  邵全琴 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8671-8681
生物多样性维持是三江源区的重要生态功能,野生动物保护的科学规划需要掌握区内野生动物的栖息地分布状况与资源竞争关系。利用无人机遥感的新技术,在三江源玛多县开展藏野驴、藏原羚和岩羊的适宜栖息地识别与划定以及生境资源利用竞争关系研究。结果显示,2017年玛多县藏野驴适宜生境面积3559.43 km2,距水源距离是限制适宜生境面积的主要因子;藏原羚的适宜生境面积为283.76 km2,岩羊的适宜生境面积为29.97 km2,坡度、距水源距离以及植被类型是制约适宜栖息地面积的主要因素。由于在栖息地坡度选择中的生态位差异,三种大型野生食草动物的生境重叠面积均较小,生境竞争关系较弱。研究为生物多样性保护提供了全新的思路,可为相似区域的野生动物保护与恢复综合规划提供支撑。  相似文献   

Resource partitioning by mammalian herbivores in the high Arctic   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
D. R. Klein  C. Bay 《Oecologia》1994,97(4):439-450
Willow (Salix arctica) and sedges (Carex stans and Eriophorum triste) were the dominant plants available as forage for herbivores in the high Arctic of Greenland. Willow leaves were of high quality as forage in early stages, of phenology, but crude protein and digestibility declined markedly by late stages whereas sedges, remained high in forage quality throughout the growing season. Densities of fecal pellets indicated that muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) made heaviest use of sedge-dominated vegetation types in both winter and summer, although increased use of willow communities was observed in early summer. Hares (Lepus arcticus) favored willow-dominated communities in both winter and summer. Evidence of collared lemming (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) winter use was mainly in willow-dominated communities where snow had accumulated, whereas in summer they were present in drier habitas dominated by willows, but with greater plant diversity. Analyses of plant tissues in feces indicated that graminoids composed over 60% of the diet of muskoxen in winter and over 40% in summer. Willows were of nearly equal importance in the muskox diet in summer, and forbs, Dryas integrifolia, and moss collectively composed over 20% of the diet in both summer and winter. Grass accounted for nearly 50% of the diet of hares in both summer and winter, with willows, forbs, and moss accounting for most of the remainder. Willows and graminoids dominated the diet of lemmings, with willows being somewhat more important in summer and graminoids in winter. Moss was a noteworthy dietary component of lemmings. Differences in body and digestive-tract morphology among the three mammalian herbivores account for differences in locomotive efficiency, predator avoidance, and foraging efficiency which interact with vegetation quality, density, and patchiness. The resulting patterns of use of the landscape result in minimal overlap in use of forage resources and help to explain the distribution and co-existence of high Arctic herbivores.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication among birds plays an important role in attracting mates and defending territories. For the successful transmission of songs, individuals of different species often avoid singing at the same time to reduce acoustic interference from background noise and overlapping signals from heterospecifics. Such behavioural acoustic niche partitioning may occur especially among closely related species due to their ecological similarities. In this study, we recorded bird sounds in a subtropical forest in China in May–June 2019 and detected seven cuckoo species. Extracting characteristics of the cuckoo calls, we found that only four of the 21 pairs of species overlapped in frequency range, and 19 pairs were classified accurately using a linear discriminant analysis classifier based on their features. The remaining two species pairs could be separated based on temporal or spatial distribution patterns. We also analysed the temporal distribution patterns and overlap time of the calls, finding that the seven species exhibit partitioning in at least one of three acoustic dimensions (site, frequency, activity time). We conclude that the seven sympatric cuckoo species were strongly partitioned in acoustic signal space and minimally masked each other's signals.  相似文献   

Prey diversity and temporal foraging patterns of six abundant,predatory ant species were investigated seasonally in an agroecosystem with two main vegetable crops.Pheidole sp.demonstrated the highest predation success and therefore appears to be the dominant species while Tapinoma melanocephalum showed the lowest success under the natural field conditions.Investigation of prey diversity and temporal activity patterns with the null model tests of niche overlap revealed a significant overlap indicating that t...  相似文献   

The menhadens Brevoortia gunteri and B. patronus are sympatric and morphologically similar. The two species are planktophagous and exhibited significant ( P < 0·0001) food resource partitioning, with phytoplankton predominating in B. patronus stomachs and zooplankton in B. gunteri. The branchial apparatus of both species is of the typical alosine form. Brevoortia patronus has significantly more branchiospinules per mm (=19·47) and significantly longer gill rakers (=13·35 mm) than B. gunteri (=14·11, =12·01 mm respectively). B. patronus is characterized by a gill raker system forming a fine-meshed filter capable of retaining smaller food items. The results support the hypothesis that food resource partitioning is related to different morphological features of the branchial apparatus.  相似文献   

In channel and floodplain habitats of the Cinaruco River, Venezuela, Cichla temensis was more abundant and larger than C. intermedia and C. orinocensis . Seasonal variation in hydrology influenced habitat use, spawning, and predator-prey interactions. The three piscivores partitioned habitat, with C. intermedia showing a strong affinity for structured habitats in the main channel during all water level fluctuations. C. orinocensis was most abundant in shallow areas with submerged structure in lagoons and, to a lesser extent, in low velocity regions of the channel, and C. temensis occupied a wide range of lotic and lentic habitats. During the low-water period, the feeding frequency and body condition of all three species declined, and this was related, in part, to preparation for spawning near the end of the low-water season. The diet of C. intermedia was least similar to its two congeners during falling and rising water. C. orinocensis and C. temensis had lowest diet overlap during the low-water conditions, the period when many individuals of these two species move into lagoons for nesting. Prey in stomachs were significantly larger during the falling-water than the rising-water period, and predation by Cichla and other large piscivores during the falling-water period may have reduced the abundance of large prey, particularly Semaprochilodus kneri . These migratory detritivorous fish were important prey for C. temensis during the falling-water period and probably contributed a substantial fraction of the annual energy intake for this species. Together, the three Cichla species consume a wide spectrum of prey from a diverse fish assemblage, but prey are subdivided based on habitat, prey type, and season.  相似文献   

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