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The binding of TNP-ATP (2 or 3-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-ATP) to cytochrome c oxidase (COX) from bovine heart and liver and to the two-subunit COX of Paracoccus denitrificans was measured by its change of fluorescence. Three binding sites, two with high (dissociation constant Kd = 0.2 µM) and one with lower affinity (Kd = 0.9 µM), were found at COX from bovine heart and liver, while the Paracoccus enzyme showed only one binding site (Kd = 3.6 µM). The binding of [35S]ATPaS was measured by equilibrium dialysis and revealed seven binding sites at the heart enzyme (Kd = 7.5 µM) and six at the liver enzyme (Kd = 12 µM). The Paracoccus enzyme had only one binding site (Kd = 16 µM). The effect of variable intraliposomal ATP/ADP ratios, but at constant total concentration of [ATP + ADP] = 5 mM, on the H+/e- stoichiometry of reconstituted COX from bovine heart and liver were studied. Above 98% ATP the H+/e- stoichiometry of the heart enzyme decreased to about half of the value measured at 100% ATP. In contrast, the H+/e- stoichiometry of the liver enzyme was not influenced by the ATP/ADP ratio. It is suggested that high intramitochondrial ATP/ADP ratios, corresponding to low cellular work load, will decrease the efficiency of energy transduction and result in elevated thermogenesis for the maintenance of body temperature. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 131–135, 1997)  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase from bovine heart contains seven high-affinity binding sites for ATP or ADP and three additional only for ADP. One binding site for ATP or ADP, located at the matrix-oriented domain of the heart-type subunit VIaH, increases the H+/e stoichiometry of the enzyme from heart or skeletal muscle from 0.5 to 1.0 when bound ATP is exchanged by ADP. Two further binding sites for ATP or ADP, located at the cytosolic and the matrix domain of subunit IV, increases the K M for Cytochrome c and inhibit the respiratory activity at high ATP/ADP ratios, respectively. We propose that thermogenesis in mammals is related to subunit VIaL of cytochrome c oxidase with a H+/e stoichiometry of 0.5 compared to 1.0 in the enzyme from bacteria or ectotherm animals. This hypothesis is supported by the lack of subunit VIa isoforms in cytochrome c oxidase from fish.  相似文献   

Krabet al. (1984) have recently tried to resolve the long-standing controversy as to whether the mechanistic H+/O coupling ratio for electrons passing through sites II and III of the mammalian electron transport chain to O2 is 6 or 8. Using a mathematical model they concluded that the higher number reported by Costaet al. (1984) was an overestimate because of the unaccounted for delayed response of the O2 electrode. Responding to criticisms of Lehningeret al. (1985), they have recently used (Krab and Wikström, 1986) an improved mathematical model which shows that the higher number found by Costaet al. was probably due to an inadequate accounting for the effects of the proton leak process which accompanies the translocation process. The impression is left that the situation is now resolved in favor of the lower number. We agree that the procedures of Costaet al. do not properly account for the leak process, and provide further evidence in this paper of the magnitude of the problem. However, we disagree that the number 6.0, favored by Wikströmet al., rests on any more solid experimental support. We provide evidence here for this conclusion and raise the question as to whether or not any unique, fixed, integral number exists for the H+/O ratio accompanying the oxidation of a particular substrate.  相似文献   

Summary The initial rate of ATP-dependent proton uptake by hog gastric vesicles was measured at pH's between 6.1 and 6.9 by measuring the loss of protons from the external space with a glass electrode. The apparent rates of proton loss were corrected for scalar proton production due to ATP hydrolysis. For vesicles in 150mm KCl and pH 6.1, corrected rates of proton uptake and ATP hydrolysis were 639±84 and 619±65 nmol/min×mg protein, respectively, giving an H+/ATP ratio of 1.03±0.7. Furthermore, at all pH's tested the ratio of the rate of proton uptake to the rate of ATP hydrolysis was not significantly different than 1.0. No proton uptake (<10 nmol/min×mg protein) was exhibited by vesicles in 150mm NaCl at pH 6.1 despite ATP hydrolysis of 187±46 nmol/min×mg (nonproductive hydrolysis). Comparison of the rates of proton transport and ATP hydrolysis in various mixture of KCl and NaCl showed that the H+/ATP stoichiometries were not significantly different than 1.0 at all concentrations of K+ greater than 10mm. This fact suggests that the nonproductive rate is vanishingly small at these concentrations, implying that the measured H+/ATP stoichiometry is equal to the enzymatic stoichiometry. This result shows that the isolated gastric (K++H+)-ATPase is thermodynamically capable of forming the observed proton gradient of the stomach.  相似文献   

Sulfate is a partial inhibitor at low and a non-essential activator at high [ATP] of the ATPase activity of F(1). Therefore, a catalytically-competent ternary F(1) x ATP x sulfate complex can be formed. In addition, the ANS fluorescence enhancement driven by ATP hydrolysis in submitochondrial particles is also stimulated by sulfate, clearly showing that the ATP hydrolysis in its presence is coupled to H(+) translocation. However, sulfate is a strong linear inhibitor of the mitochondrial ATP synthesis. The inhibition was competitive (K (i) = 0.46 mM) with respect to Pi and mixed (K (i) = 0.60 and K'(i) = 5.6 mM) towards ADP. Since it is likely that sulfate exerts its effects by binding at the Pi binding subdomain of the catalytic site, we suggest that the catalytic site involved in the H(+) translocation driven by ATP hydrolysis has a more open conformation than the half-closed one (beta(HC)), which is an intermediate in ATP synthesis. Accordingly, ATP hydrolysis is not necessarily the exact reversal of ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

The proton translocation stoichiometry (H+/ATP ratio) was investigated in membrane vesicles from a Synechocystis 6803 mutant in which the serine at position 37 in the hydrophilic loop of the c-subunit from the wild type was replaced by a negatively charged glutamic acid residue (strain plc37). At this position the c-subunit of chloroplasts and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus 6716 already contains glutamic acid. H+/ATP ratios were determined with active ATP synthase in thermodynamic equilibrium between phosphate potential (G p ) and the proton gradient ( H +) induced by acid–base transition. The mutant displayed a significantly higher H+/ATP ratio than the control strain (wild type with kanamycin resistance) at pH 8 (4.3 vs. 3.3); the higher ratio also being observed in chloroplasts and Synechococcus 6716. Furthermore, the pH dependence of the H+/ATP of strain plc37 resembles that of Synechococcus 6716. When the pH was increased from 7.6 to 8.4, the H+/ATP of the mutant increased from 4.2 to 4.6 whereas in the control strain the ratio decreased from 3.8 to 2.8. Differences in H+/ATP between the mutant and the control strain were confirmed by measuring the light-induced phosphorylation efficiency (P/2e), which changed as expected, i.e., the P/2e ratio in the mutant was significantly less than that in the wild type. The need for more H+ ions used per ATP in the mutant was also reflected by the significantly lower growth rate of the mutant strain. The results are discussed against the background of the present structural and functional models of proton translocation coupled to catalytic activity of the ATP synthase.  相似文献   

Changes in the bulk-phase concentration of O2 and H+ associated with the reduction of O2 to water are simultaneously determined in reactions catalyzed by fully reduced cytochrome c oxidase both isolated and embedded in liposomes. Consistent with the polyphasic kinetics of electron transfer through the oxidase, the time course of O2 consumption and H+ translocation exhibit the following novel characteristics: (1) The uptake of scalar protons (Hm +), the ejection of vectorial protons (H+ v), and the consumption of O2, all proceed in a kinetically polyphasic process. (2) During the first phase of the reaction the rates of O2 uptake and H+ transfer are extremely fast and compatible with the rates of electron flow through the oxidase. (3) The Km of the oxidase for O2 is close to 75 M, the same for O2 consumption and scalar H+ uptake. The Vmax of O2 reduction to water in reactions catalyzed by the isolated enzyme is, at least, 0.5 × 104 s–1. (4) The extent of vectorial H+ ejection by cytochrome c oxidase embedded in liposomes is an exponential function dependent on both enzyme concentration and extent of O2 consumption. (5) The H+/O stoichiometry of H+ ejection is a variable that may reach a maximum value of 4.0 only when the enzyme undergoes net oxidation at extremely high enzyme/O2 molar ratios. It is postulated that the generation of useful energy at the level of cytochrome c oxidase depends not only on the number of molecules of O2 reduced to water but also on the extent and state of reduction and/or protonation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Low concentrations of hydrophobic pyridine homologues (1 mM) were found to increase the rate of the Hill reaction in chloroplasts without significantly affecting either the steady-state proton uptake or the rate of proton leakage in the dark. By assuming that the organic base can be bound to two types of independent binding sites in the thylakoid membrane with dissociation constantsK 1 andK 2 respectively, the kinetic data can be treated quantitatively. The values ofK 1 andK 2 determined by the treatment are in the same relative order as the hydrophobicities of the pyridine homologues:K 1=1.16 mM andK 2=54 mM for pyridine; 0.6 and 38 mM for 4-picoline; 0.27 and 31 mM for 4-ethylpyridine, 0.10 and 4.2 mM for 4-t-butylpyridine; 0.08 and 3.2 mM for 4-n-butylpyridine. The rates of oxygen generation and proton uptake by illuminated chloroplasts with either ferricyanide or 1,4-benzoquinone as the electron acceptor were also measured in the presence of various pyridine homologues. Low concentration of pyridine homologues were found to decrease the H+/e ratio. This last observation seems to substantiate an indirect coupling mechanism between electron transport and proton translocation.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - CF0 - CF1 the coupling factor complex of chloroplast - FCCP carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - Tricine N-tris-(hydroxymethyl)methylglycine  相似文献   

It was shown before (Wooten, D. C., and Dilley, R. A. (1993) J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 25, 557–567; Zakharov, S. D., Li, X., Red'ko, T. P., and Dilley, R. A. (1996) J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 28, 483–493) that pH dependent reversible Ca2+ binding near the N- and C-terminal end of the 8 kDa subunit c modulates ATP synthesis driven by an applied pH jump in chloroplast and E. coli ATP synthase due to closing a proton gate proposed to exist in the F0 H+ channel of the F0F1 ATP synthase. This mechanism has further been investigated with the use of membrane vesicles from mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803. Vesicles from a mutant with serine at position 37 in the hydrophilic loop of the c-subunit replaced by the charged glutamic acid (strain plc 37) has a higher H+/ATP ratio than the wild type and therefore shows ATP synthesis at low values of H +. The presence of 1 mM CaCl2 during the preparation and storage of these vesicles blocked acid–base jump ATP formation when the pH of the acid side (inside) was between pH 5.6 and 7.1, even though the pH of the acid–base jump was thermodynamically in excess of the necessary energy to drive ATP formation at an external pH above 8.28. That is, in the absence of added CaCl2, ATP formation did occur under those conditions. However, when the base stage pH was 7.16 and the acid stage below pH 5.2, ATP was formed when Ca2+ was present. This is consistent with Ca2+ being displaced by H+ ions from the F0 on the inside of the thylakoid membrane at pH values below about 5.5. Vesicles from a mutant with the serine of position 3 replaced by a cysteine apparently already contain some bound Ca2+ to F0. Addition of 1 mM EGTA during preparation and storage of those vesicles shifted the otherwise already low internal pH needed for onset of ATP synthesis to higher values when the external pH was above 8. With both strains it was shown that the Ca2+ binding effect on acid–base induced ATP synthesis occurs above an internal pH of about 5.5. These results were corroborated by 45Ca2+- ligand blot assays on organic solvent soluble preparations containing the 8 kDa F0 subunit c from the S-3-C mutant ATP synthase, which showed 45Ca2+ binding as occurs with the pea chloroplast subunit III. The phosphorylation efficiency (P/2e), at strong light intensity, of Ca2+ and EGTA treated vesicles from both strains were almost equal showing that Ca2+ or EGTA have no other effect on the ATP synthase such as a change in the proton to ATP ratio. The results indicate that the Ca2+ binding to the F0 H+ channel can block H+ flux through the channel at pH values above about 5.5, but below that pH protons apparently displace the bound Ca2+, opening the CF0 H+ channel between the thylakoid lumen and H+ conductive channel.  相似文献   

The number of protons released inside the chloroplast thylakoids per electron which is transferred through the electron transport chain (H+/e ratio) was measured in isolated pea chloroplasts at pH 6.0 under continuous illumination and with methyl viologen as an electron acceptor. At saturating light intensity (200 W · m–2) (strong light) the H+/e ratio was 3. At low intensity (0.9 W · m–2) (weak light) the H+/e ratio was 2 with dark-adapted chloroplasts, but it was close to 3 with chloroplasts that were preilluminated with strong light. It is shown that the presence of azide in the reaction mixture leads to errors in the determination of the H+/e ratio due to underestimation of the initial rate of H+ efflux on switching off the light. To explain the above data, we assume that transformation of the electron transport chain occurs during illumination with strong light, namely, the Q cycle becomes operative.  相似文献   

The Na+/H+ exchanger is an integral membrane protein found in the plasma membrane of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. In eukaryotes it functions to exchange one proton for a sodium ion. In mammals it removes intracellular protons while in plants and fungal cells the plasma membrane form removes intracellular sodium in exchange for extracellular protons. In this study we used the Na+/H+ exchanger of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sod2) as a model system to study amino acids critical for activity of the protein. Twelve mutant forms of the Na+/H+ exchanger were examined for their ability to translocate protons as assessed by a cytosensor microphysiometer. Mutation of the amino acid Histidine 367 resulted in defective proton translocation. The acidic residues Asp145, Asp178, Asp266 and Asp267 were important in the proton translocation activity of the Na+/H+ exchanger. Mutation of amino acids His98, His233 and Asp241 did not significantly impair proton translocation by the Na+/H+ exchanger. These results confirm that polar amino acids are important in proton flux activity of Na+/H+ exchangers.  相似文献   

Venturicidin behaves as an orthodox energy transfer inhibitor in intact cells of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata as judged by the following criteria. 1. It led to inhibition of respiration. Inhibition was relieved by low concentrations of uncoupling agent. 2. It enhanced light-induced and oxygen dependent H+ efflux. 3. It stimulated light-induced and oxygen dependent carotenoid band shifts. The rate of decay of the band shifts after short flash excitation was decreased in the presence of venturicidin. 4. It stimulated light-induced and oxygen dependent butyltriphenylphosphonium uptake. 5. It inhibited the rise in cellular ATP concentration accompanying either photosynthesis or respiration.  相似文献   

梅毒螺旋体(Treponemapallidum,Tp)是严重危害人类健康的性传播疾病梅毒的病原体,目前仍难以实现体外人工培养.Tp在感染期间是如何获得足够的能量来完成其复杂的致病过程迄今不明.本文就Tp的葡萄糖转运、糖酵解途径、丙酮酸去路以及NAD+再生的研究进展做一综述,旨在为探索Tp尚未明了的生理代谢机能、突破Tp...  相似文献   

In previous work, calcium ions, bound at the lumenal side of the CF0H+ channel, were suggested to keep a H+ flux gating site closed, favoring sequestered domain H+ ions flowing directly into the CF0-CF1 and driving ATP formation by a localized gradient. Treatments expected to displace Ca++ from binding sites had the effect of allowing H+ ions in the sequestered domains to equilibrate with the lumen, and energy coupling showed delocalized characteristics. The existence of such a gating function implies that a closed-gate configuration would block lumenal H+ ions from entering the CF0-CF1 complex. In this work that prediction was tested using as an assay the dark, acid-base jump ATP formation phenomenon driven by H+ ions derived from succinic acid loaded into the lumen.Chlorpromazine, a photoaffinity probe for many proteins having high-affinity Ca++-binding sites, covalently binds to the 8-kDa CF0 subunit in the largest amounts when there is sufficient Ca++ to favor the localized energy coupling mode, i.e., the gate closed configuration. Photoaffinity-bound chlorpromazine blocked 50% or more of the succinate-dependent acid-base jump ATP formation, provided that the ionic conditions during the UV photoaffinity treatment were those which favor a localized energy coupling pattern and a higher level of chlorpromazine labeling of the 8-kDa CF0 subunit. Thylakoids held under conditions favoring a delocalized energy coupling mode and less chlorpromazine labeling of the CF0 subunit did not show any inhibition of acid-base jump ATP formation.Chlorpromazine and calmidazolium, another Ca++-binding site probe, were also shown to block redox-derived H+ initially released into sequestered domains from entering the lumen, at low levels of domain H+ accumulation, but not at higher H+ uptake levels; ie., the closed gate state can be overcome by sufficiently acidic conditions. That is consistent with the observation that the inhibition of lumenal succinate-dependent ATP formation by photoaffinity-attached chlorpromazine can be reversed by lowering the pH of the acid stage from 5.5 to 4.5.The evidence is consistent with the concept that Ca++ bound at the lumenal side of the CF0 H+ channel can block H+ flux from either direction, consistent with the existence of a molecular structure in the CF0 complex having the properties of a gate for H+ flux across the inner boundary of the CF0. Such a gate could control the expression of localized or delocalized energy coupling gradients.  相似文献   

We studied the ATP dependence of NHE-1, the ubiquitous isoform of the Na+/H+ antiporter, using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique to apply nucleotides intracellularly while measuring cytosolic pH (pHi) by microfluorimetry. Na+/H+ exchange activity was measured as the Na+-driven pHi recovery from an acid load, which was imposed via the patch pipette. In Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) fibroblasts stably transfected with NHE-1, omission of ATP from the pipette solution inhibited Na+/H+ exchange. Conversely, ATP perfusion restored exchange activity in cells that had been metabolically depleted by 2-deoxy-d-glucose and oligomycin. In cells dialyzed in the presence of ATP, no “run-down” was observed even after extended periods, suggesting that the nucleotide is the only diffusible factor required for optimal NHE-1 activity. Half-maximal activation of the antiporter was obtained at ∼5 mM Mg-ATP. Submillimolar concentrations failed to sustain Na+/H+ exchange even when an ATP regenerating system was included in the pipette solution. High ATP concentrations are also known to be required for the optimal function of other cation exchangers. In the case of the Na/Ca2+ exchanger, this requirement has been attributed to an aminophospholipid translocase, or “flippase.” The involvement of this enzyme in Na+/H+ exchange was examined using fluorescent phosphatidylserine, which is actively translocated by the flippase. ATP depletion decreased the transmembrane uptake of NBD-labeled phosphatidylserine (NBD-PS), indicating that the flippase was inhibited. Diamide, an agent reported to block the flippase, was as potent as ATP depletion in reducing NBD-PS uptake. However, diamide had no effect on Na+/H+ exchange, implying that the effect of ATP is not mediated by changes in lipid distribution across the plasma membrane. K-ATP and ATPγS were as efficient as Mg-ATP in sustaining NHE-1 activity, while AMP-PNP and AMP-PCP only partially substituted for ATP. In contrast, GTPγS was ineffective. We conclude that ATP is the only soluble factor necessary for optimal activity of the NHE-1 isoform of the antiporter. Mg2+ does not appear to be essential for the stimulatory effect of ATP. We propose that two mechanisms mediate the activation of the antiporter by ATP: one requires hydrolysis and is likely an energy-dependent event. The second process does not involve hydrolysis of the γ-phosphate, excluding mediation by protein or lipid kinases. We suggest that this effect is due to binding of ATP to an as yet unidentified, nondiffusible effector that activates the antiporter.  相似文献   

It is known that permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane is low to most univalent cations (K+, Na+, H+) but high to Tl+. Swelling, state 4, state 3, and 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP)-stimulated respiration as well as the membrane potential (ΔΨmito) of rat liver mitochondria were studied in media containing 0–75 mM TlNO3 either with 250 mM sucrose or with 125 mM nitrate salts of other monovalent cations (KNO3, or NaNO3, or NH4NO3). Tl+ increased permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane to K+, Na+, and H+, that was manifested as stimulation of the swelling of nonenergized and energized mitochondria as well as via an increase of state 4 and dissipation of ΔΨmito. These effects of Tl+ increased in the order of sucrose <K+ <Na+ ≤ NH4+. They were stimulated by inorganic phosphate and decreased by ADP, Mg2+, and cyclosporine A. Contraction of energized mitochondria, swollen in the nitrate media, was markedly inhibited by quinine. It suggests participation of the mitochondrial K+/H+ exchanger in extruding of Tl+-induced excess of univalent cations from the mitochondrial matrix. It is discussed that Tl+ (like Cd2+ and other heavy metals) increases the ion permeability of the inner membrane of mitochondria regardless of their energization and stimulates the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in low conductance state. The observed decrease of state 3 and DNP-stimulated respiration in the nitrate media resulted from the mitochondrial swelling rather than from an inhibition of respiratory enzymes as is the case with the bivalent heavy metals.  相似文献   

The effect of pH and transmembrane pH on the efficiency of the proton pump of the mitochondrialbc 1 complex bothin situ and in the reconstituted state was studied. In both cases the H+/e ratio for vectorial proton translocation by thebc 1 complex respiring at the steady state, under conditions in which the transmembrane pH difference (pH) represents the only component of the proton motive force (p), was significantly lower than that measured under level flow conditions. The latter amounts, at neutral pH, to 1 (2 including the scalar H+ release). In the reconstituted system steady-state pH was modulated by changing the intravesicular buffer as well as the intra/extra-liposomal pH. Under these conditions the H+/e ratio varied inversely with the pH. The data presented show that pH exerts a critical control on the proton pump of thebc 1 complex. Increasing the external pH above neutrality caused a decrease of the level flowH +/e ratio. This effect is explained in terms of proton/electron linkage inb cytochromes.  相似文献   

The arrangement and function of the redox centers of the mammalianbc 1 complex is described on the basis of structural data derived from amino acid sequence studies and secondary structure predictions and on the basis of functional studies (i.e., EPR data, inhibitor studies, and kinetic experiments). Two ubiquinone reaction centers do exist—a QH2 oxidation center situated at the outer, cytosolic surface of the cristae membrane (Q0 center), and a Q reduction center (Q i center) situated more to the inner surface of the cristae membrane. The Q0 center is formed by theb-566 domain of cytochromeb, the FeS protein, and maybe an additional small subunit, whereas the Q i center is formed by theb-562 domain of cytochromeb and presumably the 13.4kDa protein (QP-C). The Q binding proteins are proposed to be protein subunits of the Q reaction centers of various multiprotein complexes. The path of electron flow branches at the Q0 center, half of the electrons flowing via the high-potential cytochrome chain to oxygen and half of the electrons cycling back into the Q pool via the cytochromeb path connecting the two Q reaction centers. During oxidation of QH2, 2H+ are released to the cytosolic space and during reduction of Q, 2H+ are taken up from the matrix side, resulting in a net transport across the membrane of 2H+ per e flown from QH2 to cytochromec, the H+ being transported across the membrane as H (H+ + e) by the mobile carrier Q. The authors correct their earlier view of cytochromeb functioning as a H+ pump, proposing that the redox-linkedpK changes of the acidic groups of cytochromeb are involved in the protonation/deprotonation processes taking place during the reduction and oxidation of Q. The reviewers stress that cytochromeb is in equilibrium with the Q pool via the Q i center, but not via the Q0 center. Their view of the mechanisms taking place at the reductase is a Q cycle linked to a Q-pool where cytochromeb is acting as an electron pump.  相似文献   

Various ecophysiological investigations on carnivorous plants in wet soils are presented. Radial oxygen loss from roots of Droseraceae to an anoxic medium was relatively low 0.02 – 0.07 mol(O2) m– 2 s–1 in the apical zone, while values of about one order of magnitude greater were found in both Sarracenia rubra roots and Genlisea violacea traps. Aerobic respiration rates were in the range of 1.6 – 5.6 mol kg–1 (f.m.) s–1 for apical root segments of seven carnivorous plant species and 0.4 – 1.1 mol kg–1 (f.m.) s–1 for Genlisea traps. The rate of anaerobic fermentation in roots of two Drosera species was only 5 – 14 % of the aerobic respiration. Neither 0.2 mM NaN3 nor 0.5 mM KCN influenced respiration rate of roots and traps. In all species, the proportion of cyanide-resistant respiration was high and amounted to 65 – 89 % of the total value. Mean rates of water exudation from excised roots of 12 species ranged between 0.4 – 336 mm 3 kg–1 (f.m.) s–1 with the highest values being found in the Droseraceae. Exudation from roots was insensitive to respiration inhibitors. No significant difference was found between exudation rates from roots growing in situ in anoxic soil and those kept in an aerated aquatic medium. Carnivorous plant roots appear to be physiologically very active and well adapted to endure permanent soil anoxia.  相似文献   

pH i recovery in acid-loaded Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and pH i maintenance at steady-state were studied using the fluorescent probe BCECF.Both in nominally HCO 3 -free media and at 25 mm HCO 3 , the measured pH i (7.26 and 7.82, respectively) was significantly more alkaline than the pH i . value calculated assuming the transmembrane HCO 3 gradient to be equal to the Cl gradient. Thus, pH i in these cells is not determined by the Cl gradient and by Cl/HCO 3 exchange.pH i recovery following acid loading by propionate exposure, NH 4 + withdrawal, or CO2 exposure is mediated by amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchange in HCO3 free media, and in the presence of HCO 3 (25 mm) by DIDS-sensitive, Na+-dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange. A significant residual pH i recovery in the presence of both amiloride and DIDS suggests an additional role for a primary active H+ pump in pH i regulation. pH i maintenance at steady-state involves both Na+/H+ exchange and Na+-dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange.Acute removal of external Cl induces a DIDS-sensitive, Na+-dependent alkalinization, taken to represent HCO 3 influx in exchange for cellular Cl. Measurements of 36Cl efflux into Cl-free gluconate media with and without Na+ and/or HCO 3 (10 mm) directly demonstrate a DIDS-sensitive, Na+ dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange operating at slightly acidic pH i (pHo 6.8), and a DIDS-sensitive, Na+-independent Cl/HCO 3 exchange operating at alkaline pH i (pH o 8.2).The excellent technical assistance of Marianne Schiødt and Birgit B. Jørgensen is gratefully acknowledged. The work was supported by the Carlsberg Foundation (B.K.) and by a grant from the Danish Natural Science Foundation (E.K.H. and L.O.S.).  相似文献   

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