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Ion-selective microelectrode measurements of molecular diffusion have provided unique information about the structural characteristics of the extracellular compartment of brain tissue. Magnetic resonance (MR) techniques can also be used to perform diffusion measurements in living tissue in situ. In MR applications, the challenge to study a particular physiological compartment lies in achieving the appropriate specificity in the experimentally-observed MR signal, and many strategies have been used to provide measurements that reflect molecular diffusion within the extracellular space. This review describes how magnetic resonance and microelectrode diffusion measurements are performed, and applications using the MR technique are summarized. Comparisons of experimental results obtained from the two techniques indicate that their use in combination may further augment what is known about extracellular space structure.  相似文献   

Extrasynaptic volume transmission, mediated by the diffusion of neuroactive substances in the extracellular space (ECS), plays an important role in short- and long-distance communication between nerve cells. The ability of a substance to reach extrasynaptic high-affinity receptors via diffusion depends on the ECS diffusion parameters, ECS volume fraction alpha (alpha=ECS volume/total tissue volume) and tortuosity lambda (lambda2=free/apparent diffusion coefficient), which reflects the presence of diffusion barriers represented by, e.g., fine astrocytic processes or extracellular matrix molecules. These barriers channel the migration of molecules in the ECS, so that diffusion may be facilitated in a certain direction, i.e. anisotropic. The diffusion parameters alpha and lambda differ in various brain regions, and diffusion in the CNS is therefore inhomogeneous. Changes in diffusion parameters have been found in many physiological and pathological states, such as development and aging, neuronal activity, lactation, ischemia, brain injury, degenerative diseases, tumor growth and others, in which cell swelling, glial remodeling and extracellular matrix changes are key factors influencing diffusion. Changes in ECS volume, tortuosity and anisotropy significantly affect the accumulation and diffusion of neuroactive substances and thus extrasynaptic transmission, neuron-glia communication, mediator "spillover" and synaptic crosstalk as well as, cell migration. The various changes occurring during pathological states can be important for diagnosis, drug delivery and treatment.  相似文献   

In order to increase the potentials recorded extracellularly from nerve fibres, peripheral nerves are often placed in restricted space with cylindrical geometry. Equations are derived for computing the potentials expected at the surface of the cylinder, based on the potentials at the external surface of a small nerve fibre located on the long axis of the cylinder. These equations are evaluated numerically, using two formulae for a nerve impulse given in the literature. In both cases there is little attenuation for cylinders with radii less than 0.5 mm, but the potential declines approximately as a power of radius b for 1<b<10 mm. Various factors which might affect these results under different experimental conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

The vomeronasal organ of mice and frogs was studied by highspatial resolution magnetic resonance imaging. By this techniquethe presence of material in the vomeronasal lumen can be evidencedin vivo.  相似文献   

For an isolated membrane, the resting (zero current) potential is stable is the slope conductance is positive, and is unstable if the slope conductance is negative. Recent work suggests that the properties of many preparations are influenced by the presence of an extracellular space that is not in good diffusive contact with the bulk extracellular fluid. Ionic current flow across the membrane changes the ion concentrations in this space. These concentration changes affect the stability of the membrane potential. Even if the slope conductance is negative, the presence of the extracellular space can confer stability on the resting potential. Conversely, even if the slope conductance is positive, the extracellular space can produce instability of the resting potential. Evaluation of the relevant parameters for cardiac Purkinje fibres, from published experimental data, suggests that concentration changes in the extracellular space may play a significant role in determining when an action potential is initiated.  相似文献   

Nitrite (NO(2)-), being a product of metabolism of both nitric oxide (NO(*)) and nitrate (NO(3)-), can accumulate in tissues and regenerate NO() by several mechanisms. The effect of NO(2)- on ischemia/reperfusion injury was also reported. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of intracellular NO(2)- accumulation are poorly understood. We suggested significant role of nitrite penetration through biological membranes in the form of undissociated nitrous acid (HNO(2)). This hypothesis has been tested using large unilamellar phosphatidylcholine liposomes and several spectroscopic techniques. HNO(2) transport across the phospholipid bilayer of liposomes facilitates proton transfer resulting in intraliposomal acidification, which was measured using pH-sensitive probes. NO(2)(-)-mediated intraliposomal acidification was confirmed by EPR spectroscopy using membrane-impermeable pH-sensitive nitroxide, AMC (2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-yloxy-2,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-3-ium-4-yl)-aminomethanesulfonic acid (pK 5.25), and by (31)P NMR spectroscopy using inorganic phosphate (pK 6.9). Nitrite accumulates inside liposomes in concentration exceeding its concentration in the bulk solution, when initial transmembrane pH gradient (alkaline inside) is applied. Intraliposomal accumulation of NO(2)- was observed by direct measurement using chemiluminescence technique. Perfusion of isolated rat hearts with buffer containing 4 microM NO(2)- was performed. The nitrite concentrations in the effluent and in the tissue, measured after 1 min perfusion, were close, supporting fast penetration of the nitrite through the tissue. Measurements of the nitrite/nitrate showed that total concentration of NO(x) in myocardium increased from initial 7.8 to 24.7 microM after nitrite perfusion. Physiological significance of passive transmembrane transport of NO(2)- and its coupling with intraliposomal acidification are discussed.  相似文献   

A finite element model is developed to predict the penetration time-history of three different solutes into the human lumbar disc following intravenous injection. Antibiotics are routinely administered intravenously in spinal surgery to prevent disc infection. Successful prophylaxis requires antibiotics to reach adequate inhibitory levels. Here, the transient diffusion of cephazolin is investigated over 10h post-injection in a human disc model subject to reported concentrations in the blood stream as the prescribed boundary sources. Post-injection variation of cephazolin concentrations in the disc adjacent to supply sources closely followed the decay curve in the blood stream and fell sharply with time. Much lower concentrations were computed in the inner annulus and nucleus; much of the disc (80% at 1h and 49% at 4h) experienced concentrations below required inhibitory level of 1mg/L in agreement with measurements. Changes in endplate permeability, disc size, and solute molecular weight had profound effects on concentration profiles at all times and regions, especially in the disc centre, demonstrating their crucial roles on the adequate delivery of drugs. Larger solutes markedly slow transport into the disc. The failure to reach critical therapeutic levels in the central disc regions, especially when endplates calcify and in larger discs, raises concerns and calls for caution in attempts to extrapolate findings of studies on animals with much smaller and non degenerate discs to the human discs. The current study also demonstrates the capability of computational models in predicting the transport of intravenously injected solutes into the disc.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging may improve the staging of prostate cancer compared with clinical evaluation alone, computerized tomography, or transrectal ultrasound, and it allows simultaneous and detailed evaluation of prostatic, periprostatic, and pelvic anatomy. Endorectal magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (endoMRI/MRSI) allow better visualization of the zonal anatomy of the prostate and better delineation of tumor location, volume, and extent (stage). Metabolic criteria used to identify and localize prostate cancer with endoMRI/MRSI have been standardized, thus improving the accuracy of the examination and limiting interobserver variations in interpretation. Evidence is now emerging that endoMRI/MRSI may also be helpful in assessing response to prostate cancer treatment, most commonly with radiation and/or androgen-deprivation therapy.  相似文献   

We report a microvascular-interstitium model on microfluidic devices to study leakage of drugs from blood vessels under in vivo-like flow conditions. We employed magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate the compatibility of the model for experimental animals and humans. We observed transport of two types of different molecular-weight contrast agents into the model interstitium. The ratio of the transport rates of agents agreed with the ratio calculated from diffusion coefficients of the agents. We expect that the model will be useful for the estimation and evaluation of leakage of many kinds of agents in vivo.  相似文献   

Tortuosity of the extracellular space describes hindrance posed to the diffusion process by a geometrically complex medium in comparison to an environment free of any obstacles. Calculating tortuosity in biologically relevant geometries is difficult. Yet this parameter has proved very important for many processes in the brain, ranging from ischemia and osmotic stress to delivery of nutrients and drugs. It is also significant for interpretation of the diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance data. We use a volume-averaging procedure to obtain a general expression for tortuosity in a complex environment. A simple approximation then leads to tortuosity estimates in a number of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) geometries characterized by narrow pathways between the cellular elements. It also explains the counterintuitive fact of lower diffusion hindrance in a 3D environment. Comparison with Monte Carlo numerical simulations shows that the model gives reasonable tortuosity estimates for a number of regular and randomized 2D and 3D geometries. Importantly, it is shown that addition of dead-end pores increases tortuosity in proportion to the square root of enlarged total extracellular volume fraction. This conclusion is further supported by the previously described tortuosity decrease in ischemic brain slices where dead-end pores were partially occluded by large macromolecules introduced into the extracellular space.  相似文献   

Based on MRI findings in 15 patients with primary non-organic tumors and 9 patients with metastatic neoplasms of the retroperitoneal space, the paper describes the MRI-semiotics of these diseases and proposes methodological approaches to their identification in its second part. By comparing the data of MRI and autopsies, the author defines the values of the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the technique in detecting primary and metastatic non-organic tumors of the retroperitoneal space. The author emphasizes the advantages and disadvantages of MRI, shows how difficult to make a differential diagnosis of benign and malignant types of primary non-organic tumors by means of this method.  相似文献   

Psoriatic arthritis is a diverse condition that may be characterized by peripheral inflammatory arthritis, axial involvement, dactylitis and enthesitis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows visualization of soft tissue, articular and entheseal lesions, and provides a unique picture of the disease process that cannot be gained using other imaging modalities. This review focuses on the literature on MRI in psoriatic arthritis published from 1996 to July 2005. The MRI features discussed include synovitis, tendonitis, dactylitis, bone oedema, bone erosions, soft tissue oedema, spondylitis/sacroiliitis and subclinical arthropathy. Comparisons have been drawn with the more extensive literature describing the MRI features of rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the diagnosis of demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system, including multiple sclerosis, by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The low-magnetic induction tomographs "Obraz" ("Image") and "Ellips" ("Ellipse") made in Russia were used to perform MRI of the brain in 255 patients diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis. Whether low-magnetic induction MRI can detectfocal changes in the brain in the presence of multiple sclerosis was assessed; the tomographic signs of the disease were clarified and classified. There was a relationship between the detection of focal changes in the brain and the duration of the disease. Particular emphasis is laid on the cases of various abnormalities at MRI, which clinically mask multiple sclerosis. The cases are summarized and a list of conditions to be particularly emphasized while making a differential diagnosis is drawn up.  相似文献   

For modeling anticataract drugs diffusion into the lens surface tension of drugs, their solubility in nonpolar solvent and drug adsorption at air-water and water-lipid monolayer surface were measured. It has been shown that diffusion of many drugs into the lens is limited by their low solubility in a monolayer phase of the membrane. Catachrom concentration in the lens should be the highest, because it can concentrate at interfaces.  相似文献   

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) offers a non-invasive method to visualize the intracerebral structures. Coupled to a compatible stereotactic frame and software, MRI can be used to determine the coordinates of intracranial targets. Coordinates of the anterior commissure, posterior commissure, targets and intercommissural distance were obtained from positive contrast ventriculography and by MRI in 6 patients undergoing stereotactic localization prior to the implantation of stimulating thalamic electrodes for pain control. The correlation of coordinates and measurements obtained with ventriculography and MRI is +/- 1 mm in most measurements, but up to 3 mm in 2 cases. Magnetic resonance stereotaxy allows non-invasive and precise localization of intracerebral targets, but does not yet allow its routine use with confidence. Further understanding of distortion and artifacts and corrections of these is mandatory.  相似文献   

Podocalyxin (PODXL) is a type I membrane mucoprotein abundantly presented in the epithelial cells (podocytes) of kidney glomeruli where it plays an important role in maintaining the plasma filtration. PODXL is also expressed in other types of cells but its function is ignored. A recombinant soluble fragment of the PODXL ectodomain modifies the signaling of the membrane bound PODXL. Based on this antecedent, we aimed at investigating whether PODXL could be cleaved and released into the extracellular space as a soluble peptide. In this study, we used a fusion protein of human PODXL and green fluorescent protein expressed in CHO cells (CHO-PODXL-GFP) and a human tumor cell (Tera-1) inherently expressing PODXL. PODXL was detected by wide-field microscopy in the Golgi, the plasma membrane and in a vesicular form preferentially located at the leading edges of the cell and also progressing along the filopodium. We detected PODXL in the insoluble and soluble fractions of the extracellular medium of CHO-PODXL-GFP cells. Stimulation of protein kinase C (PKC) by Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) enhanced the release of PODXL to the extracellular space whereas this effect was prevented either by inhibitors of PKC or specific inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases. It is concluded that intact PODXL is released to the extracellular space as a cargo of microvesicles and also as a soluble cleaved fragment of ectodomain.  相似文献   

This article evaluates MRI diagnostic value in discovering of the non-organic hydatid disease. MRI data of 21 patients, suffering from parasite pathology of liver (n = 12), liver and peritoneum cavity (n = 2), liver and retroperitoneal space (n = 2), liver and thigh's muscles (n = 1), peritoneum cavity (n = 2), retroperitoneal space (n = 1), spine and paravertebral area (n = 1) were analyzed. Based on histopathological results, features of unusually localized hydatid cysts (HC) MRI- semiotics are described in detail and compared with liver echinococcosis. MRI technique for identification of some hydatid cyst's structures is shown. The authors discuss the MRI reliability in differential diagnosis of non-organic HC and several disorders (non-parasite congenital and acquired cysts, hematoma, abscess, metastasis) of the same anatomical region. They underline some MRI advantages in GD disclosing comparing with ultrasonography and computed tomography. However, serological tests are needed for diagnosis verification. The authors also postulate the importance of clinical data being taken into account for radiological conclusion.  相似文献   

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