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Vertebral band formations were used to define age and growth in three Neotrygon species caught regularly as by-catch in prawn trawl fisheries in north-east Australia. Centrum edge and marginal increment ratio analyses were used to validate annual band formations. Age estimates ranged from 1 to 18 years, with the von Bertalanffy growth function considered to have the best fit to Neotrygon picta (males, W(D∞) = 271 mm, k = 0·12; females, W(D∞) = 360·5 mm, k = 0·08) and Neotrygon kuhlii (males, W(D∞) = 438·6 mm, k = 0·08; females, W(D∞) = 440·6 mm, k = 0·08) disc width (W(D))-at-age data. The Gompertz growth function had the best fit to Neotrygon annotata W(D)-at-age data (males, W(D∞) = 230·4 mm, k = 0·20; females, W(D∞) = 265·5 mm, k = 0·31). Age at sexual maturity ranged from 3 to 6 years, with N. picta having the smallest size at birth (100 mm W(D)), smallest W(D) at 50% maturity (W(D50): male, 172 mm, female, 180·7 mm) and lowest age at sexual maturity (3-4 years). This study helps redefine and improve the accuracy of fisheries-based risk assessments for these small species with relatively conservative life-history variables.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to describe the diet and estimate the trophic level and food selection of Jenyns's sprat Ramnogaster arcuata, one of the common fishes in the Bahía Blanca estuary in Argentina. The copepods Acartia tonsa [53·7% index of relative importance (I(RI))] and Eurytemora americana (13·4% I(RI)), the mysid Arthromysis magellanica (13·9%I(RI)) and the small shrimp Peisos petrunkevitchi (8·2% I(RI)) were the most important food items for this species, and its diet exhibited monthly variability with respect to the principal prey categories. The zooplankton species in the study area consisted of 32 taxa. Acartia tonsa was the most abundant species [54% individuals (N) m(-3)], followed by Balanus glandula (13·8% N m(-3)) and E. americana (10·1% N m(-3)). The rest of the zooplankton groups represented <3% N m(-3). The most preferred items throughout the year were A. magellanica and Idotea sp. The trophic level value estimated was 3·1.  相似文献   

The gut contents of 90 individuals of common dragonet Callionymus lyra were analysed, of which 76 contained prey, along with 100 corresponding benthic grab samples in order to assess the diet of C. lyra in relation to the availability of its prey in the environment. Forty-five prey taxa were identified in the diet from 350 potential prey taxa identified in the environment. Calculation of the index of relative importance (I(RI) ) found the main food components were crustaceans (%I(RI) = 86·3), mostly the porcelain crab Pisidia longicornis (%I(RI) = 43) and other decapods (%I(RI) = 18). Polychaetes played only a supplementary role in the overall diet (%I(RI) = 12·5). This study demonstrated that C. lyra is predominantly an opportunistic feeder that can modify its feeding behaviour to exploit alternative, more abundant prey.  相似文献   

Diet and feeding strategy of thornback ray Raja clavata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The diet and feeding strategy of thornback ray Raja clavata, from the eastern-central Adriatic Sea, were investigated. Stomach contents of 428 specimens, total length (L(T) ) of 14·0-75·1 cm, were collected from commercial bottom trawls. The prey items identified in the stomachs belong to eight major groups: Cephalopoda, Polychaeta, Stomatopoda, Decapoda (Natantia and Reptantia), Mysidacea, Isopoda, Amphipoda and Teleostei. Decapods were the most important prey (index of relative important, %I(RI) ,= 72·8) followed by teleosts (%I(RI) = 20·4), whereas other prey groups were only occasionally ingested. Small-sized individuals (<25 cm L(T) ) fed primarily on small crustaceans (mysids and amphipods), whereas large-sized specimens consumed larger prey, such as decapods, cephalopods and teleosts. Diet composition showed little seasonal variation; decapods were the most important prey in all seasons. There was high dietary similarity between sampling locations. The percentage of empty stomachs did not differ significantly among size classes and seasons. In terms of composition by species, the diet of R. clavata was characterized by a variety of rare or unimportant prey. As a result, R. clavata could be considered a generalist predator.  相似文献   

The diets of Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni and Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides were examined around the South Sandwich Islands in the Southern Ocean, one of few regions with overlapping populations of the two species. Despite large differences in the proportion of stomachs containing prey (76·2% of D. mawsoni compared to 7·2% of D. eleginoides), diet composition was broadly similar (Schoener overlap index of 74·4% based on prey mass) with finfishes (particularly macrourids and muraenolepidids) and cephalopods (mainly Kondakovia longimana) comprising >90% of the prey mass of both species. Predation rates of the main fish prey, as mean counts per stomach sampled, were spatially correlated with their relative abundance around the islands derived from fishery by-catch data, suggesting a general lack of prey selectivity. This study supports the view that bathyal Dissostichus are opportunistic carnivores and finds that D. mawsoni and D. eleginoides occupy a similar trophic niche and are likely to compete for prey in regions where both are distributed. The large increase in rate of prey occurrence and size of prey in D. mawsoni stomachs relative to D. eleginoides suggests, however, species differences in feeding behaviour, which may reflect the increased metabolic demands of a cold-water adapted physiology. [Correction added after online publication 13 June 2011: spelling of species name corrected].  相似文献   

Feeding intensity, diet composition, selectivity, energy ingestion and dietary niche breadth of larval Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus were studied on the eastern (Mediterranean) spawning grounds of the species. Larval T. thynnus were collected in the Balearic Archipelago (north-west Mediterranean Sea) during 2004 and 2005 using surveys specific for larval scombrids. Larvae between 2·6 and 8·7 mm standard length (L(S) ) are diurnal feeders, and 94% of the guts collected during daylight hours were full. The mean ±s.d. number of prey per gut was 7·1 ± 5·7, with mean ±s.d. ranging from 3·0 ± 1·6 in the smallest T. thynnus larvae to 11·1 ± 5·8 in 5·0-6·0 mm L(S) larvae. Up to 21 prey were found in a single larval gut (5·0-6·0 mm L(S) ) at the end of the day. Larvae progressively selected larger prey and exhibited increased carbon content concurrent with preflexion development of feeding and locomotory structures. Larvae of 5·0-6·0 mm L(S) exhibited positive selection of cladocerans over other prey (Chesson's index), whereas copepod nauplii dominated the diets of earlier stages. The dietary niche breadth measured increased initially but decreased at c. 5·5 mm L(S) . Appendicularians were found in the diet of larger larval sizes, but no piscivory was observed. Results are discussed in light of the sparse existing data for larval T. thynnus and other larval tuna species.  相似文献   

Species with narrow or limited diets (trophic specialists) are expected to be less flexible in their feeding repertoire compared to species feeding on a wide range of different prey (trophic generalists). The ability to modulate prey capture kinematics in response to different prey types and prey position, as well as the overall variability in prey capture kinematics, is evaluated in four clariid species ranging from trophic generalist (Clarias gariepinus) to species with morphological specializations and a narrow diet (Channallabes apus and Gymnallabes typus). High-speed video recordings were made of prey captures on two prey that differ in shape, attachment strength and hardness. While the observed amount of strike-to-strike variability in prey capture kinematics is similar for all species and not influenced by prey type, only the two less specialized species showed the ability to modulate their prey capture kinematics in function of the presented prey types. All species did, however, show positional modulation during the strike by adjusting the magnitude of neurocranial elevation. These results indicate that the narrow dietary breadth of trophic specialists is indeed indicative of functional stereotypy in this group of fishes. Although most studies focussing on prey processing found a similar result, the present study is one of the few that was able to demonstrate this relationship when focussing on prey capture mechanics. Possibly, this relationship is less frequently observed for prey capture compared to prey processing because, regardless of prey type, the initial capture of prey requires a higher amount of variability.  相似文献   

Functional consequences of trophic specialization in pufferfishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Trophic breadth may be correlated with behavioural and functional versatility or flexibility (Liem 1984), such that species with limited diets would be predicted to be less versatile or flexible in their feeding capabilities than would trophic generalists. The relationship was examined between the trophic breadth of a species and the degree to which muscle activity is influenced by prey type in two species of pufferfishes: Chilomycterus schoepfi, a specialist on hard-shelled prey, and Sphoeroides nephalus, a generalist predator. It was predicted that the specialist would show a decreased ability to alter its motor pattern in response to prey type and an increased amount of motor-pattern variability when feeding on different prey.
2. Electromyographic recordings of five feeding muscles were made from five individuals per species feeding on four prey types that differed in their hardness and escape abilities. Muscle-activity duration, relative onset and integrated rectified area were analysed for prey capture and manipulation behaviours for each prey type.
3. Prey-type effects on mean motor-pattern variables for capture were limited to one of 14 variables in each species. Prey effects on buccal manipulation were not significant for any of the 14 variables for C. schoepfi, but S. nephalus exhibited prey effects for seven out of 14 variables. No differences in motor-pattern variation were found for the strike, but species differed significantly in overall motor-pattern variability during buccal manipulation; C. schoepfi, the dietary specialist, exhibited greater motor variability than S. nephalus, the dietary generalist.
4. The results therefore support a direct relationship between the trophic breadth of a species and its functional versatility for buccal manipulation. In contrast, prey capture was a relatively stereotyped behaviour for both species, as few prey-type effects were found.  相似文献   

This study examined the reproduction and population structure of the blue-spotted maskray Neotrygon kuhlii within Moreton Bay, a subtropical embayment in south-east Queensland, Australia. Mean sizes at maturity were 314 mm disc width ( W D) in females ( n = 140, 115–465 mm W D) and 294 mm W D in males ( n = 123, 129–381 mm W D). Female N. kuhlii had a synchronous annual reproductive cycle, with one litter of one to three pups (mean ± s.d . 1·67 ± 0·71) produced per year. Mating behaviours were observed in October and November, and ovulation occurred early in the Austral summer, overlapping with the start of embryonic development. Gestation took c. 4 months with parturition occurring in late February and March. Size at birth was 115–170 mm W D. The population showed a significant female bias, particularly in larger size classes. Tagging studies produced a total recapture rate of 16·1% and indicated that N. kuhlii were site resident for up to 1081 days.  相似文献   

The stomachs of 464 speckled guitarfish Rhinobatos glaucostigma were sampled from the south‐eastern Gulf of California (GC) to determine diet composition. Numerical indices and prey‐specific index of relative importance (%IPSIR) were used to determine the feeding strategy of the species. An analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) was used to determine differences in diet with respect to sex, season (dry or rainy) and maturity stages (immature or mature). The diversity and niche breadth (by sex, season and maturity) and a general trophic level were determined. The overall diet was dominated by shrimps (%IPSIR = 43·47), amphipods (%IPSIR = 18·89) and crabs (%IPSIR = 18·07). ANOSIM demonstrated differences in the diet by maturity and season, but not by sex. Rainy and dry season diets were dominated by shrimps and amphipods, respectively. Immature specimens fed mainly on amphipods, whereas mature fish preferred shrimps and crabs. Rhinobatos glaucostigma showed a narrow niche breadth with an intermediary trophic level (TL = 3·72) and can be considered as a secondary consumer in the soft‐bottom demersal community of the south‐east GC. Understanding the feeding habits and trophic level of R. glaucostigma is vital to help identify the segments of the population vulnerable to overfishing by artisanal and industrial fisheries, and to aid in conservation and management of this elasmobranch.  相似文献   

In this study, fishes and invertebrates collected from the continental slope (1000 m) of the eastern North Pacific Ocean were analysed using stable-isotope analysis (SIA). Resulting trophic positions (T(P) ) were compared to known diets and habitats from the literature. Dual isotope plots indicated that most species groups (invertebrates and fishes) sorted as expected along the carbon and nitrogen axes, with less intraspecific variability than interspecific variability. Results also indicated an isotopically distinct benthic and pelagic food web, as the benthic food web was more enriched in both nitrogen and carbon isotopes. Trophic positions from SIA supported this finding, resulting in the assignment of fishes to different trophic positions from those expected based on published dietary information. These differences can be explained largely by the habitat of the prey and the percentage of the diet that was scavenged. A mixing model estimated dietary contributions of prey similar to those of the known diet of Bathyraja trachura from stomach-content analysis (SCA). Linear regressions indicated that trophic positions calculated from SIA and SCA, when plotted against B. trachura total length for 32 individuals, exhibited similar variation and patterns. Only the T(P) from SCA yielded significant results (stomach content: P < 0·05, stable isotope: P > 0·05).  相似文献   

Ecological stoichiometry has emerged as a tool for exploring nutrient demand and evolutionary responses to nutrient limitation. Previous studies of insects have found predictable variability in stoichiometry, both in relation to body size and trophic mode, at ordinal levels or higher. Our study further examines the evolutionary and ecological lability in these traits by comparing the effects of body size, trophic mode (larval and adult) and larval habitat on the stoichiometry of insects within one order (Diptera). The study also expands on previous work by analyzing trophic mode both at coarse (detritivore, herbivore, predator) and fine (high- vs low- nutrient quality resources within trophic categories) scales and by comparing nutrient stoichiometry in two geographical regions, Sweden and Arizona. As predicted, adults feeding on nectar or pollen had the lowest body N content in the dataset. Additionally, for Diptera with predatory larvae, species low N diets had lower body N content than those with high N diets. However, body N content was not consistently lower for all species with low N resources, as species feeding on plant material were indistinguishable in stoichiometry from predators with high N diets. We suggest that these results emerge because larval resource exploitation is poorly understood in herbivorous Diptera species. Body P content for Swedish Diptera decreased with body size for all trophic modes, and the only difference among trophic modes was that blood feeders had higher P content than other groups. The regional comparison further showed that the allometry of body P content is a labile trait that may vary at regional scales, as there was no allometric scaling of body P content in the Arizona data set, in contrast to the Swedish data set. These results are not easily explained by existing theoretical frameworks, but instead point to a general context-dependence of P stoichiometry, which should now be a focus for future work.  相似文献   

Information on the ecology and feeding behaviour of the large oceanic predatory fishes is crucial for the ecosystem approaches to fisheries management models. Co-existing large pelagic predators in the open oceans may avoid competition for the limited forage by resource partitioning on spatial, temporal or trophic levels. To test this, we studied the prey species composition, diet overlap, trophic level, and trophic organisation of 12 large predatory fishes co-existing in the eastern Arabian Sea. Stomach contents of 1,518 specimens caught by exploratory longline operations in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone during the years 2006–2009 were analysed. Finfishes were dominant prey of all species except blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), which fed mainly on cephalopods, and long-snouted lancetfish (Alepisaurus ferox) and pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea), which fed mainly on crustaceans. Common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) and yellowfin tuna fed on a wider variety of prey than the other species, while the diets of lancetfish and black marlin (Istiompax indica) were narrowest. Pelagic stingray and great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) fed on species occupying epipelagic waters, whereas the contribution of mesopelagic prey was higher in the diets of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and pelagic thresher (Alopias pelagicus). Trophic levels of these fishes ranged from 4.13 to 4.37. Diet overlap index revealed that some of the large pelagic predatory fishes share common prey species. Cluster analysis of the diets revealed four distinct trophic guilds namely ‘flyingfish feeders’ (common dolphinfish and great barracuda); ‘mesopelagic predators’ (pelagic thresher and swordfish); ‘crab feeders’ (lancetfish, pelagic stingray and silky shark) and ‘squid feeders’ (yellowfin tuna, Indo-Pacific sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus), skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), black marlin and blue marlin). Large predatory fishes of the eastern Arabian Sea target different prey types, and limit their vertical extent and time of feeding to avoid competing for prey.  相似文献   

This study describes the feeding ecology of three pelagic shark species in the California Current: shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus); blue (Prionace glauca); and thresher (Alopias vulpinus) sharks. Stomach contents of sharks collected from 2002 to 2008 were identified to the lowest taxonomic level and analyzed using univariate and multivariate methods. Of 330 mako sharks sampled (53 to 248?cm fork length [FL]), 238 stomachs contained 42 prey taxa, with jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) and Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) representing the most important prey based on the geometric index of importance (GII). In addition, 158 blue sharks were sampled (76 to 248?cm FL) and 114 stomachs contained 38 prey taxa, with jumbo and Gonatus spp. squids representing the most important prey. Lastly, 225 thresher sharks were sampled (108 to 228?cm FL) and 157 stomachs contained 18 prey taxa with northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) and Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) identified as the most important prey. Overall, mako sharks had the most diverse diet based upon Simpson??s diversity index (1/D) (8.43?±?1.16), feeding on many species of teleosts and cephalopods, followed by blue sharks (6.20?±?2.11) which consumed a wide range of prey (primarily cephalopods), while thresher sharks were most specialized (2.62?±?0.34), feeding primarily on coastal pelagic teleosts. Dietary overlap was lowest between blue and thresher sharks (S?rensen similarity index?=?0.321 and Simplified Morisita Horn index?=?0.006), and seasonal variability in diet was greatest for blue sharks (Simplified Morisita Horn index?=?0.260, Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) p?<?0.001). In addition, size class, and subregion were significant factors that affected diet of each species differently (ANOSIM p?<?0.001). Despite similarities in life history characteristics and spatial and temporal overlap in habitat, diets of these three common shark species are distinct in the California Current.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyse the feeding habits and trophic interactions between four oceanic predatory fish around the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (FNA), Brazil, in the western equatorial Atlantic (3.86°S/32.42°W), internationally recognized as an environment of high economic and ecological value. For this purpose, biological samples of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri), barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) and dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) were collected for stomach content and stable isotope analysis. Values of the index of relative importance revealed varied diets, with a strong presence of teleost fishes (Diodontidae and Exocoetidae) for all species, with yellowfin tuna having a greater diversity of food items. Despite being generalists/opportunists, the feeding strategy of these predators showed a tendency towards a specialized diet in the use of the available resources around the FNA. They presented a narrow trophic niche width (Levin's index, Bi < 0.6) and low overlap between species, except between barracuda and wahoo (MacArthur and Levin's, R0 = 0.72). Isotopic compositions had broad values of δ13C and δ15N, and were significantly different between species. Our results provide information about the four species' trophic organization and suggest that the predators avoid competition by preying on different prey, thus allowing their coexistence.  相似文献   

The feeding habits and habitats of the speckled worm eel Myrophis punctatus were studied on the mangrove edge of the Indian River Lagoon (IRL, Florida) using gut-content and stable-isotope analyses of carbon (δ(13) C) and nitrogen (δ(15) N). Four taxa were identified through analyses of gut contents, and the index of relative importance suggested that amphipods, microphytobenthos and annelids are the most important food sources in the fish's diet. To assess the feeding habits of the fish after their recruitment to the IRL, these food sources were collected from mangroves and nearby seagrass beds for isotope analyses. Stable isotopes constituted a powerful tool for discriminating fish prey items from mangroves (mean ± s.d.δ(13) C = -20·5 ± 0·6‰) and those from seagrass beds (mean ± s.d.δ(13) C = -16·9 ± 0·6‰), thus providing good evidence of food source origins. The 56 M. punctatus collected [10·0 < total length (L(T) ) < 16·2 cm] had average isotopic signatures of δ(13) C = -16·7 ± 0·2‰ and δ(15) N = 8·2 ± 0·1‰. A significant depletion in (13) C was observed for larger juveniles (15·0 < L(T) < 16·2 cm), suggesting that they found a portion of their food in mangroves. Estimation of the trophic level from stable isotopes (T(Liso)) was similar among different size groups of juvenile fish (T(Liso) = 3·2-3·5); therefore, M. punctatus was considered a secondary consumer, which is consistent with its zoobenthic diet. The concentration-dependent mixing Stable Isotope Analysis in R (SIAR) model revealed the importance of food sources from seagrass beds as carbon sources for all the fish collected, with a significant increase in mangrove prey contributions, such as annelids, in the diet of larger juveniles. This study highlights the importance of seagrass beds as feeding habitats for juveniles of M. punctatus after their recruitment to coastal waters.  相似文献   

Our understanding of fish feeding interactions at Tijuana Estuary was improved by incorporating estimates of spatial and temporal variability into diet analyses. We examined the stomach contents of 7 dominant species (n=579 total fish) collected between 1994 and 1999. General feeding patterns pooled over time produced a basic food web consisting of 3 major trophic levels: (1) primary consumers (Atherinops affinis, Mugil cephalus) that ingested substantial amounts of plant material and detritus; (2) benthic carnivores (Clevelandia ios, Hypsopsetta guttulata, Gillichthys mirabilis, and Fundulus parvipinnis) that ingested high numbers of calanoid copepods and exotic amphipods (Grandidierella japonica); and (3) piscivores (Paralichthys californicus and Leptocottus armatus) that often preyed on smaller gobiids. Similarity-based groupings of individual species' diets were identified using nonmetric multidimensional scaling to characterize their variability within and between species, and in space and time. This allowed us identify major dietary shifts and recognize events (i.e., modified prey abundance during 1997–98 El Ni no floods) that likely caused these shifts.  相似文献   

Analysis of resource partitioning between larvae of three Anisopteran species showed that Aeshna cyanea and Anax imperator (both Aeshnidae) tended to occupy similar ecological niches which were not shared by Libellula depressa (Libellulidae).The diets of these predators and comparisons between trophic availability and diets indicated that prey species eaten varied according to season and predator species, and that some selection of prey species occurred.  相似文献   

Trophic interactions are important factors structuring animal communities. We assessed the trophic relations of four fish species that live in sympatry in the River Ladra (NW Spain), and cluster analysis differentiated two feeding strategies: (1) species with omnivorous feeding habits, feeding mainly on detritus and plant material but with aquatic macroinvertebrates as an important complement (Achondrostoma arcasii and Pseudochondrostoma duriense) and (2) species feeding mainly (Salmo trutta) or exclusively (Gasterosteus gymnurus) on aquatic macroinvertebrates. Concerning ingested macroinvertebrates, the trophic overlap was quantified using Schoener’s index and the results obtained revealed a high diet overlap among the species (from 81.3 up to 99.2%). In order to get a deeper insight into mechanisms of fish species coexistence, we used ten biological and ecological traits of macroinvertebrate prey to discriminate feeding preferences. As a result, despite the high similarity among the diets, our analyses suggest that differences in diel activity patterns and drift behaviour of preys, as well as differences in the prey size, are important adaptive features that may reduce the inter-specific competition in the fish community and permit the partitioning of food that allows coexistence.  相似文献   

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