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Research longline sampling was conducted seasonally from December 2006 to February 2009 to investigate the occurrence and population structure of the broadnose sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus in coastal areas of south-east Tasmania. Notorynchus cepedianus showed a consistent temporal trend in seasonal occurrence in Norfolk Bay characterized by high abundances in summer to near absence in winter. This pattern was less pronounced in the Derwent Estuary, where fish were still caught during winter. The absence of smaller total length (L(T) ) classes (<80 cm) from the catches suggests that N. cepedianus are not using these coastal habitats as nursery areas. Of the 457 individuals tagged, 68 (15%) were recaptured. Time at liberty ranged from 6 days to almost 4 years and all but one of the recaptures were caught in its original tagging location, suggesting site fidelity. The large number of N. cepedianus in these coastal systems over summer indicates that these areas are important habitats for this species and that N. cepedianus may have a significant influence on community dynamics through both direct and indirect predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

Green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, are the most marine-oriented of North American sturgeons. However, their estuarine/marine distribution and the seasonality of estuarine use are largely unknown. We used acoustic telemetry to document the timing of green sturgeon use of Washington estuaries. In the summers of 2003 and 2004, uniquely coded acoustic transmitters were surgically implanted in green sturgeon captured using commercial gillnets. All sturgeon tagged were greater than 1.2 m total length. They were caught, tagged, and released in both Willapa Bay (n = 49) and Columbia River (n = 11) estuaries. We deployed an array of four fixed- site acoustic receivers in Willapa Bay to detect the estuarine entry and exit of these and any of over 100 additional green sturgeon tagged in other systems during 2003 and 2004. Green sturgeon occurred in Willapa Bay in summer when estuarine water temperatures exceeded coastal water temperatures by at least 2°C. They exhibited rapid and extensive intra- and inter- estuary movements and green sturgeon from all known spawning populations were detected in Willapa Bay. We hypothesize that green sturgeon optimize their growth potential in summer by foraging in the relatively warm, saline waters of Willapa Bay and we caution that altering the quality of estuarine habitats could negatively affect this species throughout its range.  相似文献   

The broadnose sevengill shark (Notorynchus cepedianus) is a high-order marine predator distributed worldwide in shallow coastal waters of temperate seas. Recent reports have suggested it may be a prevalent component of Pacific Northwest coastal estuarine communities, although biological characteristics of the shark population remain undocumented despite growing interest in recreational harvest of the species. Longline sampling was conducted in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor, Washington, USA seasonally during 2003–2006 to collect sevengill shark size, maturity, and sex ratio data, and establish some baseline catch rate information. Sevengill sharks were collected on 65% of longline sets and catches were composed of subadult and mature individuals (122–283 cm TL) of both sexes. Most male sevengill sharks were large sexually mature adults, based on external clasper calcification levels, whereas most comparably sized females were considered subadults, based on literature-based size-at–maturity estimates. Neonates and young sharks <120 cm were not collected, nor have they been reported in other historic estuary sampling efforts. Sex ratios were skewed toward males in Willapa Bay and suggest some degree of sexual segregation for the species, as has been shown for populations elsewhere. We suggest sevengill sharks are a largely ignored but potentially important predator in Pacific Northwest estuaries. This study therefore provides some of the first, basic information for guiding management decisions associated with a late-maturing, slow-growing shark species in these coastal habitats.  相似文献   

The embryonic past of glass eels was studied from the interpretation of microstructures registered on otoliths. The aim of this work is to put in evidence possible seasonal modifications of the growth of otoliths so that differences between otoliths of glass eels caught off marine and estuarine environment. So during the season 1999-2000, from November till March, otolith sampling was realised in the southwestern part of France, in an estuarine and coastal zone. We observed a spatial and temporal evolution of proportions of the three various types of otoliths taken into account. Glass eels sampled at sea sometimes have a mark on their otoliths indicating the transition in the estuary, especially at the end of the fishing season. Measures of growth marks of otoliths showed that there were no seasonal differences during phases of the transoceanic migration and the crossing of the continental shelf. The radius of otoliths of glass eels sampled at sea was significantly smaller than those sampled in estuary. These results translated homogeneous environmental modifications met by the various larvae groups during the oceanic crossing and during the principal migration season as well as a turn over of these groups during the transition between marine and continental environment.  相似文献   

Estuaries are particularly susceptible to climate change and drought resulting in atypical changes to freshwater flows. How such changes in flow impact on the ecology of estuarine fishes may depend on how a species moves in response to changing flow conditions. Acoustic telemetry was used to interpret fine-scale movements of two co-inhabiting estuarine fish species, black bream, Acanthopagrus butcheri and estuary perch, Macquaria colonorum in relation to freshwater flows, season and moon phase. We found black bream to be highly mobile, regularly travelling the length of the estuary and into the neighbouring estuaries. In contrast, estuary perch had particular home ranges and made occasional, upstream or downstream movements. Possibly influenced by freshwater flows, estuary perch moved at greater rates in the Tambo compared to fish in the Mitchell. Black bream resided in the upper estuary during winter and spring and the lower estuary during summer and autumn, whereas estuary perch remained in the upper estuary throughout the year, with occasional downstream movements in winter and spring. This study revealed 1) significantly large increases in freshwater flows result in mass downstream movements in both species, 2) fish moved upstream during full moons and 3) there are contrasting spatio-temporal patterns in movement between species. The results from this study highlight that estuarine fishes are likely to show differential sensitivity to the impacts of drought and climate change and illustrate how acoustic telemetry methods can be used to determine the environmental needs of fishes and help efforts to conserve and manage estuaries worldwide.  相似文献   

Information on the fine-scale movement of predators and their prey is important to interpret foraging behaviours and activity patterns. An understanding of these behaviours will help determine predator-prey relationships and their effects on community dynamics. For instance understanding a predator's movement behaviour may alter pre determined expectations of prey behaviour, as almost any aspect of the prey's decisions from foraging to mating can be influenced by the risk of predation. Acoustic telemetry was used to study the fine-scale movement patterns of the Broadnose Sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus and its main prey, the Gummy shark Mustelus antarcticus, in a coastal bay of southeast Tasmania. Notorynchus cepedianus displayed distinct diel differences in activity patterns. During the day they stayed close to the substrate (sea floor) and were frequently inactive. At night, however, their swimming behaviour continually oscillated through the water column from the substrate to near surface. In contrast, M. antarcticus remained close to the substrate for the entire diel cycle, and showed similar movement patterns for day and night. For both species, the possibility that movement is related to foraging behaviour is discussed. For M. antarcticus, movement may possibly be linked to a diet of predominantly slow benthic prey. On several occasions, N. cepedianus carried out a sequence of burst speed events (increased rates of movement) that could be related to chasing prey. All burst speed events during the day were across the substrate, while at night these occurred in the water column. Overall, diel differences in water column use, along with the presence of oscillatory behaviour and burst speed events suggest that N. cepedianus are nocturnal foragers, but may opportunistically attack prey they happen to encounter during the day.  相似文献   

Synopsis The coastal fish assemblages of Wemindji, eastern James Bay, were studied in 1987 and 1988 to describe seasonal utilization of the Maquatua River estuary and the adjacent coastal waters by marine and anadromous fishes. Fish diversity was low (11 sp.) and experimental gill net catches were highly variable between sites in the estuary and coastal waters, and also seasonally at a given site. During summer, the estuarine fishes were numerically dominated by two marine species, the fourhorn sculpin,Myoxocephalus quadricornis, and the slender eelblenny,Lumpenus fabricii, and also by juvenile cisco,Coregonus artedii, and juvenile lake whitefish,C. clupeaformis. In coastal waters, three marine species were abundant: the shorthorn sculpin,M. scorpius, the arctic sculpin,M. scorpioides and the Greenland cod.Gadus ogac. In contrast with the estuary, large (> 270 mm) cisco and lake whitefish were abundant in coastal waters indicating extensive movements of these species in James Bay during the summer. Distribution patterns were influenced by a combination of physical conditions (salinity and temperature) and biological characteristics (habitat choice, migration and reproduction) depending on the season.  相似文献   

Sturgeon diet and feeding habitats are notoriously difficult to document. We mapped the locations of feeding pits in Willapa Bay, Washington, to characterize estuarine habitats used by sub-adult and adult sturgeon for infaunal feeding. Monthly summer surveys of intertidal plots revealed that feeding pit density was highest in July and August, when sturgeon occupy Willapa Bay. The ephemeral nature of feeding pits and high daily densities (> 1000 pits/ha) indicated intensive sturgeon feeding over unvegetated littoral mud flats during high tide. Feeding pit density was lowest in subtidal areas, over sand (grain sizes primarily >63 μ), and at sites with dense stands of non-indigenous seagrass, Zostera japonica. Sub-adult and adult sturgeon apparently used these habitats significantly less than would be predicted based on their availability. Feeding pit formation was negatively correlated with Z. japonica shoot dry weight and positively correlated with the abundance of thalassinid shrimp burrows. Experimental removal of Z. japonica resulted in increased sturgeon feeding, but experimental removal of burrowing shrimp did not significantly affect feeding pit formation. Aquaculture activities that harden substrate and proliferation of invasive seagrass both appear to produce estuarine substrates that are unsuitable for benthic feeding by sturgeon.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the period of ice cover in Hudson Bay has decreased, owing to climate warming, with breakup occurring approximately 3 weeks earlier than it did 30 years ago. The trend towards lengthening of the open water season has led to speculation that ringed seal numbers would decline, but then harbour seals might become numerous enough to replace ringed seals in the diet of polar bears. The movement patterns of 18 harbour seals equipped with satellite-linked transmitters in the Churchill River estuary (western Hudson Bay) were examined, as well as the dive behaviour of 11 of these seals. During the ice-free period, seals followed a general central place-foraging strategy, making repeated trips between their haul-out site in the Churchill River estuary and nearshore areas (<20 km) near the river mouth and estuary. Seal behaviour changed significantly as ice started to form along the coast of western Hudson Bay: animals remained significantly farther from the Churchill River haul-out site and from the coast and performed longer and deeper dives. However, throughout the entire tracking period, whether ice was present or not, all animals restricted their movements to a narrow band of shallow coastal waters (<50 m depth) along a 600-km stretch of the western Hudson Bay coastline, centred on the Churchill River estuary haul-out site. This natural self-limitation to nearshore shallow waters could restrict the potential for the population to increase in size and replace ringed seals as a primary energy resource for polar bears.  相似文献   

Synopsis The green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, is a long-lived, iteroparous, anadromous acipenserid that is native to the San Francisco Bay Estuary, California. Sub-adult and adult fish are oceanic, but enter the estuary during the spring and remain through autumn. Little is known about green sturgeon distribution within the estuary or what, if any, physical parameters influence their movements. We report the results of a telemetry study conducted between September 2001 and November 2002. Five sub-adult and one adult green sturgeon were captured by trammel net in the San Pablo Bay region of the estuary. We implanted depth-sensing, ultrasonic transmitters within the peritoneum of individuals and tracked them from a boat for 1 – 15 h per day over periods ranging from 1 to 12 days. Salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen profiles of the water column were measured hourly. Observed movements were categorized as either non-directional or directional. Non-directional movements, accounting for 63.4% of observations, were closely associated with the bottom, with individuals moving slowly while making frequent changes in direction and swim speed, or not moving at all. Directional movements consisted of continuous swimming in the top 20% of the water column while holding a steady course for extended periods. Four of the five sub-adult fish remained within the confines of San Pablo Bay for the duration of their tracking period. The remaining sub-adult moved over 45 km up-river into Suisun Bay before contact was lost. The adult fish exited the bay and entered the ocean 6 h after release near Tiburon, CA, a movement of approximately 10 km. The sub-adult fish typically remained at the shallower depths (<10 m) of the estuary, but there were no apparent preferences for temperature, salinity, or dissolved oxygen, with the fish moving widely and rapidly across the range of these physical parameters. Activity is believed to be independent of light level with no discernable crepuscular, nocturnal, or diurnal peaks in activity.  相似文献   

Plate tectonics and sediment processes control regional continental shelf topography. We examine the genetic consequences of how glacial‐associated sea level change interacted with variable nearshore topography since the last glaciation. We reconstructed the size and distribution of areas suitable for tidal estuary formation from the last glacial maximum, ~20 thousand years ago, to present from San Francisco, California, USA (~38°N) to Reforma, Sinaloa, Mexico (~25°N). We assessed range‐wide genetic structure and diversity of three codistributed tidal estuarine fishes (California Killifish, Shadow Goby, Longjaw Mudsucker) along ~4,600 km using mitochondrial control region and cytB sequence, and 16–20 microsatellite loci from a total of 524 individuals. Results show that glacial‐associated sea level change limited estuarine habitat to few, widely separated refugia at glacial lowstand, and present‐day genetic clades were sourced from specific refugia. Habitat increased during postglacial sea level rise and refugial populations admixed in newly formed habitats. Continental shelves with active tectonics and/or low sediment supply were steep and hosted fewer, smaller refugia with more genetically differentiated populations than on broader shelves. Approximate Bayesian computation favoured the refuge–recolonization scenarios from habitat models over isolation by distance and seaway alternatives, indicating isolation at lowstand is a major diversification mechanism among these estuarine (and perhaps other) coastal species. Because sea level change is a global phenomenon, we suggest this top‐down physical control of extirpation–isolation–recolonization may be an important driver of genetic diversification in coastal taxa inhabiting other topographically complex coasts globally during the Mid‐ to Late Pleistocene and deeper timescales.  相似文献   

The diet of juvenile and adult twaite shad was studied at a number of freshwater and estuarine sites in the rivers Severn and Wye and in the coastal waters of Cardigan Bay (West Wales). In the Severn estuary and in the freshwater reaches of the Severn and Wye, adult twaite shad consumed little during their pre-spawning migration. In the Severn Estuary post-spawning adults were present during the summer months where they fed actively on mysids, gammarids and shrimps. Mysids dominated the diet of the adults caught in coastal waters during the autumn. The diet of one year old twaite shad was studied in the Severn Estuary. In May the one year olds from the lower estuary consumed mainly gammarids. During the summer months, this age-class moved into the inner estuary where they fed predominantly on mysids.The larvae and juveniles (age 0+) fed mainly on chironomid larvae and pupae and Simuliidae larvae, while in fresh water. In the estuary copepods, cladocerans and mysids dominated the diet of the juveniles. There was some suggestion of an increase in prey size during their period of residency in the estuary. The contrasting distribution of the juveniles in two river systems is discussed in relation to the effects of channelization.  相似文献   

Habitat use can be complex, as tradeoffs among physiology, resource abundance, and predator avoidance affect the suitability of different environments for different species. Green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris), an imperiled species along the west coast of North America, undertake extensive coastal migrations and occupy estuaries during the summer and early fall. Warm water and abundant prey in estuaries may afford a growth opportunity. We applied a bioenergetics model to investigate how variation in estuarine temperature, spawning frequency, and duration of estuarine residence affect consumption and growth potential for individual green sturgeon. We assumed that green sturgeon achieve observed annual growth by feeding solely in conditions represented by Willapa Bay, Washington, an estuary annually frequented by green sturgeon and containing extensive tidal flats that harbor a major prey source (burrowing shrimp, Neotrypaea californiensis). Modeled consumption rates increased little with reproductive investment (<0.4%), but responded strongly (10–50%) to water temperature and duration of residence, as higher temperatures and longer residence required greater consumption to achieve equivalent growth. Accordingly, although green sturgeon occupy Willapa Bay from May through September, acoustically-tagged individuals are observed over much shorter durations (34 d + 41 d SD, N = 89). Simulations of <34 d estuarine residence required unrealistically high consumption rates to achieve observed growth, whereas longer durations required sustained feeding, and therefore higher total intake, to compensate for prolonged exposure to warm temperatures. Model results provide a range of per capita consumption rates by green sturgeon feeding in estuaries to inform management decisions regarding resource and habitat protection for this protected species.  相似文献   

张敬怀 《生物多样性》2014,22(3):302-1263
利用2006年7-8月(夏季)、2007年4-5月(春季)和2007年10-12月(秋季)珠江丰水期、平水期和枯水期3个航次在南中国海北部珠江口附近海域4条由河口、近岸到深水区调查断面的数据, 研究大型底栖动物多样性由河口-近岸-深水的变化趋势及与环境因子的关系。春季、夏季和秋季分别获得大型底栖动物273、256和148种, 各季节均以环节动物种类最多, 节肢动物次之。大型底栖动物种类数、丰度、生物量和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均由河口向近岸海域升高, 再由近岸向外海深水区降低。Pielou均匀度深水区最高, 其次为近岸。河口和深水区大型底栖动物k-优势度曲线位于近岸浅水域曲线之上, 表明生物多样性由河口向近岸升高, 而由近岸向深水则降低。大型底栖动物与环境因子Pearson相关性分析表明, 春、秋季大型底栖动物种类数、丰度和生物量与水深呈显著的负相关, 秋季种类多样性指数和均匀度也与水深呈显著的负相关性, 而夏季仅生物量与水深呈显著的负相关; 春、秋季大型底栖动物种类数、生物量、丰度、多样性指数和种类均匀度与盐度的相关性不显著, 但是夏季大型底栖动物种类数、丰度、多样性指数和种类均匀度与盐度呈显著正相关。单位面积(0.2 m2)内, 珠江口及邻近海域大型底栖动物在近岸浅水区较深水区和河口生物多样性高, 且生物量丰富。  相似文献   

Understanding the habitat preferences of large marine vertebrates has only recently become tractable with the widespread availability of satellite telemetry for monitoring movements and behaviour. For many species with low population abundances, however, little progress has been made in identifying space use patterns. The endothermic porbeagle shark, Lamna nasus, has declined in the North Atlantic due to severe fishing pressure, with little evidence of recovery. One potential factor exacerbating population decline is area fidelity to coastal waters where fisheries are intensive. We tested for short-term area fidelity by attaching pop-up satellite-linked archival transmitters to four porbeagles in summer 2007, resulting in 175 days total tracking time covering an estimated 10,256 km distance. Throughout July and August the sharks occupied localised areas (8,602 – 90,153 km2) within the Celtic Sea, between the south-west UK, south-west Wales and southern Ireland. Only one shark was tracked into the autumn, when it moved into deep water off the continental shelf, then north towards colder latitudes. Sharks occupied a broad vertical depth range (0 – 552 m) and water temperatures (9° - 19 °C). Dives were made frequently from the surface to near the seabed in shelf areas, however, in shelf edge habitats extended periods of time were spent at depths > 300 m. Porbeagles showed considerable plasticity in diel depth changes within and between individuals and as a function of habitat type. In addition to no obvious day-night difference in depth occupation, some sharks showed reverse diel vertical migration (DVM) (dawn ascent – dusk descent) in well-mixed coastal waters whereas normal DVM (dawn descent – dusk ascent) characterised movements into deeper, thermally well-stratified waters. The variable behaviours may reflect the need for different search strategies depending on habitat and prey types encountered. These results show porbeagles are potentially vulnerable to fisheries throughout the summer when they aggregate, and that large scale movement across national boundaries identifies the need for international conservation measures.  相似文献   

Dispersal of invertebrate larvae is determined by larval swimmingbehavior, the length of planktonic development and the hydrodynamicregime. Larvae of estuarine invertebrates must refrain fromexport or invade an estuary after development in the ocean.This study investigates retention patterns of estuarine molluscsby measuring time series of larval abundance in relation tohydrodynamic processes. Previous investigations of larval dynamicshave generally focused on larger estuarine systems that areoften stratified and have relatively long hydraulic residencetimes. The estuary studied in this investigation supports densepopulations of infaunal clams yet has a water depth to tidalamplitude ratio near unity. To access processes affecting larvalretention, the circulation patterns of the estuary were measuredwith time series of salinity, temperature, pressure and horizontalvelocity. Transport rates of larvae between ocean and estuary,and within the estuary proper, were calculated from velocityand larval concentration time series. The daily residence timeof the estuary was determined for the summer spawning period.The results demonstrate that molluscan larvae were routinelytransported between the estuary and nearshore zone in tidalflows. Based on the magnitude of the horizontal current velocities,passive transport of larvae predominates during most of thetidal cycle in the estuary. Residence time calculations suggestthat the ability of larvae to remain in the estuary throughlarval development is unlikely, and there was no evidence ofselective retention of mature bivalve larvae in the estuary.Rather, larvae are exported rapidly from the estuary and undergodevelopment in the coastal ocean. Mesoscale physical processesin the coastal ocean probably control variation in the deliveryof larvae back to estuarine systems. Recruitment to this andsimilar estuaries must therefore be dependent on invasion.  相似文献   

长江口及邻近海域富营养化指标原因变量参照状态的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河口区参照状态的确定是营养盐基准制定的核心步骤.采用参照点或观测点指标频数分布曲线法,利用长江口及邻近海域1992-2010年的调查数据,针对长江口外海区及舟山海区富营养化指标的原因变量,即无机氮和活性磷酸盐,进行参照状态值的确定.经分析,长江口外海区无机氮各季节参照状态可确定如下:春季为0.317mg/L、夏季为0.273 mg/L、秋季为0.211mg/L,活性磷酸盐各季节参照状态:春季为0.014mg/L、夏季为0.009 mg/L、秋季为0.018 mg/L;舟山海区无机氮各季节参照状态确定如下:春季为0.372mg/L、夏季为0.273 mg/L、秋季为0.441 mg/L,活性磷酸盐各季节参照状态:春季为0.020mg/L、夏季为0.018 mg/L、秋季为0.029 mg/L.  相似文献   

Movement patterns and habitat utilization by black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae), an estuarine resident species, were investigated using acoustic telemetry in a small estuary on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia. Thirty‐four adult A. butcheri were tracked for periods of up to 187 days between August 2005 and January 2006. Although able to tolerate a wide range of salinities, the fish spent most of the time within the upper and middle regions of the estuary, where brackish conditions dominated. The species exhibited extensive movements linked to tidal cycles, with small‐scale upstream movements during incoming tides and downstream movements during out going tides. The extent of these movements was positively correlated with the tidal height difference between consecutive tidal peaks and troughs. Freshwater inflows and resultant changes in salinity also significantly influenced distribution and movement patterns. Fish moved downstream during the periods of heavy inflows, returning upstream as salinities increased to c. >10. During the peak of spawning period (November to December) fish moved into the upper region of the estuary, where they aggregated to spawn. Periodic increases in freshwater discharge, however, resulted in fish leaving the spawning grounds and moving downstream. Towards the end of the spawning season (January), the fish became more dispersed throughout the entire estuarine system.  相似文献   

We measured sediment properties and the abundance and aerobic metabolism of microbes in Willapa Bay, Washington, USA, to test the response of sediment microbes to oyster aquaculture. Sites spanned the estuary gradient (practical salinity units ranged from 24 to 30 under seasonally low river flows) and six different low-intertidal habitat types: eelgrass (Zostera marina), unstructured tideflat, oyster hummocks (reefs of Crassostrea gigas), longline oyster aquaculture, hand-picked on-bottom oyster aquaculture, and dredged on-bottom oyster aquaculture. Aerobic metabolism was assessed by sole-source carbon use (SSCU) of 31 carbon sources on Biolog plates. Sediments generally became siltier and more organically enriched into the estuary, but no consistent differences in sediment properties occurred across habitat types. Bacterial cell density tracked organic content. Across the estuary gradient, overall aerobic SSCU increased less steeply than bacterial cell density, possibly as anaerobic metabolism became more important. Across habitats, aerobic SSCU differed significantly in both overall metabolism and diversity of carbon sources. Aerobic metabolism was generally lower for sediment microbes from intertidal on-bottom oyster aquaculture than from eelgrass. Humans indirectly alter microbial activity through biogenic habitats created during aquaculture, but, as has been shown for bivalves more generally, these changes were relatively small, particularly in comparison to sediment changes along estuarine gradients.  相似文献   

The habitat use and movements of the round stingray Urobatis halleri were compared between shallow restored and natural habitats of the Anaheim Bay Estuary (CA, U.S.A.) in relation to water temperature. Restored habitat remained significantly warmer than natural habitat from spring through to autumn. Strong sexual segregation occurred in the restored habitat with mature female U. halleri forming large unisex aggregations in summer, during months of peak seasonal water temperatures, and males only present during spring. Most mature females collected from restored habitat during months of high abundance were determined to be pregnant using non-invasive field ultrasonography. Tagged females typically spent <14 days in the restored habitat, using the habitat less as seasonal water temperatures decreased. Females tended to emigrate from the estuary by mid-August, coinciding with the time of year for parturition. The elevated water temperatures of the restored habitat may confer an energetic cost to male U. halleri, but females (particularly pregnant females) may derive a thermal reproductive benefit by using warm, shallow habitats for short periods of time during months of peak water temperatures. These findings have management implications for the design of coastal habitat restoration projects and marine protected areas that incorporate thermal environments preferred by aggregating female elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

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