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Life-history parameters of Deania calcea and Deania quadrispinosa suggested that their productivity was very low. Maturity (L(T50) ) occurs at c. 80% of maximum observed total lengths (L(T) ) for both species and sexes. A large proportion of mature females were neither pre-ovulatory nor pregnant, and the reproductive cycle included a distinct resting phase after pregnancy. For D. calcea, mean ovarian fecundity was 12 and maximum observed litter size was 10 (average of six); D. quadrispinosa averaged 17 pups per litter. Birth L(T) was 28-33 cm for D. calcea and 23-25 cm for D. quadrispinosa. The male and female reproductive cycles were aseasonal, and consequently, the length of the reproductive cycle could not be determined. Preliminary ageing data from dorsal-spine growth bands suggested that female D. calcea lived to 31-36 years and males to 24-32 years. The L(T) -at-age data using external bands on the spines showed maturity occurring at 15·5 years (males) and 21·5 years (females), whereas banding on the internal dentine indicated maturity at 10·5 and 17·5 years for males and females. Thus, a female lifetime of 31-36 years allowed for a maximum of 7 litters if a 2 year cycle is assumed or only five litters with a 3 year cycle, resulting in a lifetime fecundity of only 42 pups (2 year cycle) or even lower (3 year cycle).  相似文献   

This study provides the first detailed information on the reproductive biology of the smooth butterfly ray Gymnura micrura. A total of 905 individuals were sampled, 377 of which were used for the reproductive study. Juveniles accounted for 75% of the sample, but all life cycle stages were present in the study area. The disc width at which 50% were mature (W(D50) )was estimated at 269 and 405 mm for males and females, respectively. The W(D50V) (based on the onset of vitellogenesis) was estimated at 359 mm. Uterine fecundity (mean ±s.d. = 3·8 ± 1·3; range: 1-6) was positively correlated with female size. A 3564% gain in mean wet mass was observed from egg to full-term embryo in utero. Size at birth ranged from 135 to 175 mm W(D) (19·5 to 55·0 g), with a mean of 165·1 mm W(D) (43·3 g). The embryo sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1. The ovaries of pregnant females were undergoing vitellogenesis during gestation, with females ready to ovulate soon after parturition. Gymnura micrura may have an asynchronous reproductive cycle, with females reproducing continuously throughout the year.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic variation of Avicennia germinans using 172 AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) bands of 45 plants from four localities on the Colombian Pacific coast: 11 from Virudó (Chocó), 10 from La Plata (Valle), 12 from Tumaco (Nariño), and 12 from Chontal (Nariño). AFLP variation among localities (16.2%) was highly significant (AMOVA; P < 0.0001). All the analyses showed that Tumaco was the most genetically distinct locality of the four under study. The other three localities, La Plata, Virudó, and Chontal, apparently form a large single subpopulation with high‐to‐moderate gene flow among localities. We also found the genetic diversity of A. germinans on the Colombian Pacific coast (HE= 0.251) higher than that estimated by others over the broad geographic range of A. germinans. All these results together show that mangroves on the Colombian Pacific coast deserve a strong investigative effort to improve our ecological, evolutionary, and biogeographic knowledge of this important tropical forest type.  相似文献   

Donax dentifer is a dominant member of the sandy beach communities of the Colombian Pacific coast. A population of this bivalve was monthly sampled in Playa Chucheros at the Bay of Málaga, Colombian Pacific, between August 1997 and July 1998, during the "El Ni?o 1997/1998" phenomenon. Quantitative samples were taken in perpendicular and parallel to the coastal line transects to determine the population density and a length-frequency distribution. Qualitative samples were taken to study the reproduction and monthly length weight relationship. Sea surface temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH in the water was monthly registered in the sampling station. Additionally, a tagging-recapture experiment was performed to growth estimations. Results indicate a continuous reproduction cycle with two annual spawning seasons in December and March. The growth parameters of the non-oscillating von Bertalanffy growth function were K = 0.62 yr-1 and L infinity = 29.3 mm. Mortality (Z) was higher (2.65 yr-1) for small individuals (between 2 mm and 5 mm) while a lower Z value (1.71 yr-1) were obtained for larger ones (between 19 mm and 25 mm). An annual mean biomass value of B = 1.229 g ash-free dry weight m-2 and an annual somatic production of Psom = 1.215 g ash-free dry weight m-2 were estimated, which correspond to a Psom/B value of 0.988. Population density increased in November and April, but any population density pattern related with "El Ni?o" was evident. Low body weight during November-December seems to show a relation between reproductive cycle in D. dentifer and El Ni?o 97/98 event. The fluctuation in dissolved oxygen show a high correlation with parameters of the reproductive cycle, which could be related to assimilation process and body weight cycle. Growth in D. dentifer in the Colombian Pacific coast was faster than other Donax species, as can be expected for tropical bivalves mollusks in comparison whit high latitude bivalves. The mortality pattern suggest that the population was selectively affected by El Ni?o 97/98, due to smaller individuals are living in the lowest areas of the beach, where they are exposed to abnormal seawater conditions for a longer time. Individual and population production was higher for medium-size animals than each for small-size ones, which were the most abundant in the population.  相似文献   

The total length (TL) at sexual maturity by sex, fecundity characteristics, and some population aspects (size structures and sexual proportions) are presented for the yellownose skate, Dipturus chilensis , in the eastern South Pacific Ocean. Samples were taken between January 2003 and August 2004 from three zones (principal fishing grounds for the species) in Chile's southern channels (41°30'S–55°10'S). TL at which 50% of the individuals reach maturity was significantly different by sex, with females estimated to mature at 103.9 cm and males at 89.7 cm. The average estimated fecundity was 23.4 (SD 6.4) ova per female. We report on the relationships of clasper lengths and oviducal gland widths with TL and the stages of maturity. Length compositions were statistically different by sex in the same zone (P < 0.05) and between zones for combined sexes (P < 0.05). The proportion of females increased when these reached the TL at which 50% attained maturity, becoming highly available to the fishing gear, possibly in relation to the reproductive strategy. Finally, the results yielded valuable knowledge about population responses to exploitation through fishing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the basic life history of a lightly exploited stock of Squalus suckleyi in the Gulf of Alaska to establish a baseline for future comparison and to provide critical information for stock assessments. Average total length (total length extended) of females (87·7 cm) was significantly larger (t-test, t = -12·57, d.f. = 1533, P < 0·01) than males (80·3 cm); size at 50% maturity (74·5 and 97·3 cm, males and females, respectively) and age at 50% maturity (21 and 36 years, respectively) were also significantly different between the sexes (i.e. bootstrapped 95% c.i. did not overlap). Total average fecundity was 8·5 pups per female, and individual fecundity was a linear function of either length or whole mass. The best estimate of instantaneous natural mortality was 0·097. The delayed age of maturity, low natural mortality and low rates of reproduction imply that only very low rates of fishing mortality are sustainable. Finally, this paper provides the first reported evidence that a small percentage of the adult females may undergo an extended resting period between pregnancies of ≥ 1 years.  相似文献   

This work focuses on aspects of reproductive biology of Sardina pilchardus from the Atlantic coast of Morocco. The mean values of batch fecundity estimated for the species is 23150(+/-1301) oocytes for a mean size of 19.5(+/-0.49) cm, the mean relative fecundity being 346(+/-7.34) oocytes per gram of female without ovary. Batch fecundity increases with total length and body weight without ovary. Sizes at first sexual maturity (L50) are reached for males and females at 15.8(+/-0.29) cm and 15.8(+/-0.35) cm, respectively. The spawning period for the population extends between October and July and the spawning peak occurs from October to February. However, the small sardines (14.5-17 cm) in their first reproduction spawn between November and June, whereas larger fish (17.5-25 cm) spawn between October and July. The factor of condition (K) increased in summer during the sexual resting phase. It is weak in winter during the period of reproduction. Regarding, the sex ratio, there was no significant difference in the number of males and females.  相似文献   

Shark populations tend to be highly vulnerable to overexploitation due to low fecundity and slow growth rates. Recent fishing pressure on the smooth dogfish in the northwest Atlantic has created a necessity for more information about their basic biology. Length and age at maturity, fecundity, and reproductive season were estimated. Total length at 50% maturity was 102cm for females, and 86cm for males. The majority of females were mature at age 4 or 5, and all males were mature at 2 or 3 years of age. Females had an 11–12 month gestation with parturition occurring in May, ovulation occurring between May and July likely in late May and early June, and mating occurring between May and September. Fecundity ranged between 3 and 18 pups per litter, and was positively related to length and age, with a mean of 9.53 pups per litter. Sperm was found in the terminal zone of the oviducal gland of females throughout the year.  相似文献   

Vertebral band formations were used to define age and growth in three Neotrygon species caught regularly as by-catch in prawn trawl fisheries in north-east Australia. Centrum edge and marginal increment ratio analyses were used to validate annual band formations. Age estimates ranged from 1 to 18 years, with the von Bertalanffy growth function considered to have the best fit to Neotrygon picta (males, W(D∞) = 271 mm, k = 0·12; females, W(D∞) = 360·5 mm, k = 0·08) and Neotrygon kuhlii (males, W(D∞) = 438·6 mm, k = 0·08; females, W(D∞) = 440·6 mm, k = 0·08) disc width (W(D))-at-age data. The Gompertz growth function had the best fit to Neotrygon annotata W(D)-at-age data (males, W(D∞) = 230·4 mm, k = 0·20; females, W(D∞) = 265·5 mm, k = 0·31). Age at sexual maturity ranged from 3 to 6 years, with N. picta having the smallest size at birth (100 mm W(D)), smallest W(D) at 50% maturity (W(D50): male, 172 mm, female, 180·7 mm) and lowest age at sexual maturity (3-4 years). This study helps redefine and improve the accuracy of fisheries-based risk assessments for these small species with relatively conservative life-history variables.  相似文献   

Life-history effects of migratory costs in anadromous brown trout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mean size of sexually mature anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta in south-east Norway increased significantly with migratory distance ( D ) between the feeding area at sea and the spawning area in fresh water, from 32 cm for those spawning close to the river mouth to 43 cm at the spawning grounds 40 km inland. This was largely due to an increased size of the smallest anadromous spawners with increasing D . The raised mean size of the long-distance migrants is paralleled by an increased age at sexual maturity. Body mass at the same length of sea trout decreased with D in fresh water, meaning that the fish moving far inland was slimmer than those spawning near the coast. Gonadal mass of first-time spawning anadromous males declined significantly with D , and the fecundity and the ratio of fecundity over mean mass of the individual eggs adjusted for variation in fish mass, increased with D . There was no clear relationship between the ratio of anadromous to resident fish and D , probably because more variables than D , influence this relationship in the study streams.  相似文献   

In this paper, the population biology of the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax was studied and life‐history coefficients determined. Age was estimated from sections of the second dorsal spine and validated by marginal increment analysis. Males attained a maximum age of 8 years while 11 year‐old females were found. Several growth models were fitted and compared for both size‐at‐age and mass‐at‐age data, showing that even though this is a small‐sized species, it has a relatively slow growth rate. This species matures late, specifically at 49·6 and 42·5% of the maximum observed ages for males and females, respectively. It has a low fecundity, with a mean ovarian fecundity of 9·94 oocytes and a mean uterine fecundity of 7·59 embryos per reproductive cycle. This species seems to have a long reproductive cycle, and even though no conclusive data were obtained, a 2–3 year cycle is possible. The estimated coefficients indicate that this species has a vulnerable life cycle, typical of deepwater squalid sharks. Given the high fishing pressures that it is suffering in the north‐east Atlantic, this fish may already be facing severe declines or in risk of facing them in the near future.  相似文献   

The present work provides a detailed analysis of the reproductive strategy of the undulate ray Raja undulata in Portuguese mainland waters. The species was found mostly between 30 and 40 m deep on sandy bottoms. Egg‐laying sites were observed in the north, centre and south‐west regions, mainly at depths below 30 m. The peak of the reproductive season occurred from December to May. Asynchrony between reproductively active females and males appeared to occur, although most adult males were capable of reproducing throughout the year. The estimated length at 50% maturity was 86·2 cm (8·7 years) and 76·8 cm (7·6 years) total length for females and males, respectively. The maximum potential fecundity was estimated to be 69·8 follicles per female per reproductive season, which are released in 4·7 batches of 15 follicles. The life‐history and demographic parameters of R. undulata are similar to those of other skate species, while the potential rate of population increase (0·49) is above the published values for other elasmobranch species. With these new findings, this study makes an important contribution to the understanding of the life history of R. undulata, and provides a first evaluation of the productivity and susceptibility of the species to exploitation.  相似文献   

Litter fall from a San Andres Island mangrove (12 degrees 32' N, 81 degrees 41' W, Colombian Caribbean coast), was collected monthly (1994-1995) with mesh baskets, keeping results separate for the three species (Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa), and taking a sample and a replica per case. Nine sampling sites were selected in two groups of woodlands: one in the inner side behind a sand-bar and the coast road (Mount Pleasant, Salt Creek, Sound Bay and Smith Channel) and a peripheral site, exposed to the waves (Bahía Hooker-Bahía Honda and El Cove). Productivity was greater for all species in the inner group, and higher in the rainy seasons. Rhizophora mangle was the only species contributing reproductive components throughout the year.  相似文献   


Aspects of the reproductive biology of Argonauta nouryi Lorois, 1852 from the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico, were analysed. A total of 54 specimens with dorsal mantle length (ML) ranging from 6.2 to 41.1?mm were obtained from the stomach contents of five species of large predatory fishes from January 2016 to June 2018. The goals of this study were to collect data on reproductive indicators in order to evaluate the reproductive strategy of A. nouryi in the southeast Mexican Pacific and to use histological analysis to characterise the different ovarian phases based on oogenesis. Immature females (19.6?mm?ML) had sperm in their oviducal glands, indicating that female A. nouryi store sperm long after hectocotyli transmission by males. Potential fecundity was estimated as 31,000–75,026 eggs, with a batch fecundity of 2,000–8,000 eggs. Six distinct developmental stages were observed in the eggs suspended in the A. nouryi shell. Our data indicate that the A. nouryi reproductive strategy includes continuous low batch spawnings, mating early in life, and sperm storage in the spermatheca.  相似文献   

Labeo horie Heckel is increasingly becoming commercially important in Lake Chamo but its reproductive biology in the lake is not well enough to guide its management. Sex ratio, breeding season, length at first maturity and fecundity of L. horie were studied from 1197 fish samples collected between August 1998 and October 1999 in Lake Chamo, Ethiopia. The sex ratio was significantly different (χ 2 = 12.12, P < 0.001). The peak‐breeding period was during the rainy months of March to May, during which time more than 90% of both sexes had ripe gonads. The size at maturity ( L m50 ) of males was 52 cm while the L m50 of females was 62 cm. The smallest ripe male in the catch was 46.7 cm and weighed 890 g while the smallest ripe female caught was 49.5 cm and weighed 1145 g. The weight of ripe ovaries ranged from 54.3 g to 991.8 g and contained between 68,400 and 1,320,400 eggs. Relative fecundity ranged between 60 and 290 eggs per g of body weight. The relationships between fecundity and total length and between fecundity and total weight were curvilinear, while the relationship between fecundity and ovary weight was linear. L. horie conformed to the general pattern of reproduction in a tropical environment where peak‐breeding activity occurred during the rainy season. In order to protect the spawning population, fishing pressure should be minimized during breeding time at the shallower littoral regions.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the painted sweetlips Diagramma pictum was determined from 487 individuals collected between January and December 2010 in the southern Arabian Gulf. There was no evidence of sex change and the combination of histological results with the sex composition of the size and age structures indicated a gonochoristic sexual pattern. There were peaks in gonado-somatic indices for females in March and October with spawning occurring during two seasons (April to May and November). The mean size and age at sexual maturity (L(m50) and A(m50) ) were 35·7 cm fork length (L(F) ) and 2·9 years for females and 26·7 cm L(F) and 0·5 years for males. The maximum recorded age (11 years) and small mean size and young age at sexual maturity for males may be a direct result of intensive demersal fishing in the southern Arabian Gulf. There was an exponential increase in the cumulative reproductive potential with size and a linear increase with age for both sexes. The mean L(F) (L(c50) ) at which D. pictum became vulnerable to capture was 33·3 cm, which corresponded to only 3 and 7% of the cumulative reproductive potential of males and females, respectively. Size-specific and age-specific reproductive potential indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of D. pictum.  相似文献   

Features of the life history of Himantura astra from north-east Australia were examined including its age and growth, reproduction and diet. Centrum edge and marginal increment ratio analyses were used to validate annual band formations with the Gompertz growth function providing the best fit to male (W(D∞) = 722·7 mm, k = 0·104) and female (W(D∞) = 821·8 mm, k = 0·073) disc width (W(D))-at-age data. At 29 years, the maximum age of females was higher than males (18 years). Sizes at 50% sexual maturity (W(D50)) for males and females were 469·3 and 462·3 mm, respectively. Ages at sexual maturity (A(M50)) were reported at 7·32 (males) and 8·67 (females) years. An index of relative importance (I(RI)) revealed carid shrimps (77·9%), brachyurans (12·1%) and stomatopods (4·9%) as the most important prey groups, with prey diversity increasing with W(D) from 0·92 to 1·63 (Shannon-Weiner index). This study provides significant insights into the biology of H. astra and contributes to the ongoing development of fisheries-based risk assessments for this species.  相似文献   

Throughout 1997, the catches of artisanal gillnetters working off the coast of northeastern Brazil were sampled monthly for Bagre marinus (Mitchill 1815). Significantly more females (n = 207) than males (n = 82) were caught, although there was no significant difference in their size compositions (21–47 cm fork length, FL). All males sampled (21–40 cm FL) had developed gonads and were classified as sexually mature. According to macroscopic and microscopic examination of their reproductive tract, females were separated into four reproductive stages (immature, maturing, mature, and resting). Size at 50% sexual maturity for females was estimated to be 33 cm FL. A positive linear relationship was detected between the size of mature females and their fecundity (between 11 and 32 oocytes). Clear reproductive progress indicated a spawning period between March and May. We conclude that further fishery‐independent data are required to determine patterns of male abundances and distributions.  相似文献   

According to data obtained off the eastern coast of the Northern Kurils in October–December 1998, the body length of spawning females of the longfin thornyhead Sebastolobus macrochir is 26–41 cm (on average, 31.5 ± 0.27). Mass spawning is recorded in females 28 cm in length and longer. The individual absolute fecundity of females is 69355-411710 (on average, 189086 ± 13662) eggs. The reproductive potential of females of the longfin thornyhead is estimated as 189 million eggs. It is supposed that all females participate in spawning.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle and sexuality ofLethrinus rubrioperculatus in waters off Okinawa and Yaeyama were studied. The spawning period extended from April to December off Okinawa, but only until August off Yaeyama. Sexual maturation in the species started at about 20 cm FL, being completed in females at 26 cm FL. Spawning intervals were estimated as between 1.0 and 1.52 days from May to October. FL-batch fecundity relationships were also estimated. The species exhibited protogynous hermaphroditism. The smallest male and largest female were 26.4 cm and 41.9 cm FL, respectively, off Okinawa, and 29.2 cm and 32.8 cm FL, respectively, off Yaeyama.  相似文献   

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