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Selman, R.G., Hunter, M.L. & Perrin, M.R. 2000. Rüppell's Parrot: status, ecology and conservation biology. Ostrich 71 (1& 2): 347–348.

We have started the first in-depth study into the behaviour of Rüppell's Parrot in the wild. Here we provide the initial results with information on its breeding biology, diet and use of natural and artificial water pools in northern Namibia. A variety of predators are listed, the terrestrial and arboreal ones causing complete losses at some nests. Illegal trade is the major threat to this species.  相似文献   

Although most countries have ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects and other sentient animals, the ethical issues associated with field research have received little attention. Most experimental marine biologists and ecologists operate without ethical guidelines or scrutiny, despite intermittent community concern about their activities. We offer suggestions on how marine biologists and ecologists can protect the future of research involving the field collection and experimental manipulation of organisms by developing mechanisms to address community concerns that such research is ethically responsible. We urge experimental marine biologists and ecologists to take pre-emptive initiatives by encouraging: (1) institutional animal ethics committees to broaden their terms of reference to include environmental ethics; (2) scientific societies to develop codes of ethics to guide the environmental research conducted by their members; (3) editorial boards of journals to require the research they publish to conform to an appropriate code of ethics, and (4) management agencies that issue permits for field research to establish an ethics committee to advise them on the ethical issues raised by specific research proposals. We conclude that the resultant administrative burden on scientists would be low but that the penalties of operating without such protection can be high.  相似文献   

IndiSeas (“Indicators for the Seas”) is a collaborative international working group that was established in 2005 to evaluate the status of exploited marine ecosystems using a suite of indicators in a comparative framework. An initial shortlist of seven ecological indicators was selected to quantify the effects of fishing on the broader ecosystem using several criteria (i.e., ecological meaning, sensitivity to fishing, data availability, management objectives and public awareness). The suite comprised: (i) the inverse coefficient of variation of total biomass of surveyed species, (ii) mean fish length in the surveyed community, (iii) mean maximum life span of surveyed fish species, (iv) proportion of predatory fish in the surveyed community, (v) proportion of under and moderately exploited stocks, (vi) total biomass of surveyed species, and (vii) mean trophic level of the landed catch. In line with the Nagoya Strategic Plan of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2011–2020), we extended this suite to emphasize the broader biodiversity and conservation risks in exploited marine ecosystems. We selected a subset of indicators from a list of empirically based candidate biodiversity indicators initially established based on ecological significance to complement the original IndiSeas indicators. The additional selected indicators were: (viii) mean intrinsic vulnerability index of the fish landed catch, (ix) proportion of non-declining exploited species in the surveyed community, (x) catch-based marine trophic index, and (xi) mean trophic level of the surveyed community. Despite the lack of data in some ecosystems, we also selected (xii) mean trophic level of the modelled community, and (xiii) proportion of discards in the fishery as extra indicators. These additional indicators were examined, along with the initial set of IndiSeas ecological indicators, to evaluate whether adding new biodiversity indicators provided useful additional information to refine our understanding of the status evaluation of 29 exploited marine ecosystems. We used state and trend analyses, and we performed correlation, redundancy and multivariate tests. Existing developments in ecosystem-based fisheries management have largely focused on exploited species. Our study, using mostly fisheries independent survey-based indicators, highlights that biodiversity and conservation-based indicators are complementary to ecological indicators of fishing pressure. Thus, they should be used to provide additional information to evaluate the overall impact of fishing on exploited marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - Marine ecosystems and their associated biodiversity sustain life on Earth and hold intrinsic value. Critical marine ecosystem services include maintenance of...  相似文献   

Summary Australia’s temperate woodlands are environments of cultural and ecological importance and significant repositories of Australia’s biodiversity. Despite this, they have been heavily cleared, much remaining vegetation is in poor condition and many species of plants and animals are threatened. Here, we provide a brief overview of key issues relating to the ecology, management and policy directions for temperate woodlands, by identifying and discussing ten themes. When addressing issues relating to the conservation and management of temperate woodlands, spatial scale is very important, as are the needs for a temporal perspective and a complementary understanding of pattern and process. The extent of landscape change in many woodland environments means that woodland patches, linear networks and paddock trees are critical elements, and that there can be pervasive effects from ‘problem’ native species such as the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala). These consequences of landscape change highlight the challenge to undertake active management and restoration as well as effective monitoring and long‐term data collection. In developing approaches for conservation and management of temperate woodlands, it is essential to move our thinking beyond reserves to woodland conservation and management on private land, and recognise the criticality of cross‐disciplinary linkages. We conclude by identifying some emerging issues in woodland conservation and management. These include the need to further develop non‐traditional approaches to conservation particularly off‐reserve management; the value of documenting approaches and programmes that demonstrably lead to effective change; new lessons that can be learned from intact examples of temperate woodlands; and the need to recognise how climate change and human population growth will interact with conservation and management of temperate woodlands in future decades.  相似文献   

Human population density within 100 km of the sea is approximately three times higher than the global average. People in this zone are concentrated in coastal cities that are hubs for transport and trade – which transform the marine environment. Here, we review the impacts of three interacting drivers of marine urbanization (resource exploitation, pollution pathways and ocean sprawl) and discuss key characteristics that are symptomatic of urban marine ecosystems. Current evidence suggests these systems comprise spatially heterogeneous mosaics with respect to artificial structures, pollutants and community composition, while also undergoing biotic homogenization over time. Urban marine ecosystem dynamics are often influenced by several commonly observed patterns and processes, including the loss of foundation species, changes in biodiversity and productivity, and the establishment of ruderal species, synanthropes and novel assemblages. We discuss potential urban acclimatization and adaptation among marine taxa, interactive effects of climate change and marine urbanization, and ecological engineering strategies for enhancing urban marine ecosystems. By assimilating research findings across disparate disciplines, we aim to build the groundwork for urban marine ecology – a nascent field; we also discuss research challenges and future directions for this new field as it advances and matures. Ultimately, all sides of coastal city design: architecture, urban planning and civil and municipal engineering, will need to prioritize the marine environment if negative effects of urbanization are to be minimized. In particular, planning strategies that account for the interactive effects of urban drivers and accommodate complex system dynamics could enhance the ecological and human functions of future urban marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The world's oceans are now attracting the serious attention of conservationists. Paradoxically, as the value of marine biological diversity is recognized, the ecosystems that harbor this diversity are fast becoming degraded. New thinking about how to conserve coastal areas has resulted in protected-area models that incorporate principles of landscape ecology, adaptive and ecosystem management, and zoning in protected-area plans.  相似文献   

David Dudgeon 《Hydrobiologia》1992,248(3):167-191
Tropical Asian rivers are characterized by their flow seasonality. One (sometimes two) peaks in discharge cause temporary declines in phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos biomass, but lead to inundation of river floodplains and significant land-water interactions. Fishes undertake lateral or longitudinal breeding migrations within the river system during the flood season, which is marked also by intensive feeding upon allochthonous inputs.Among the diverse human influences upon tropical Asian rivers, three threats stand out. Firstly, degradation of drainage basins (particularly through deforestation and overgrazing) leads to increased suspended sediment loads and extensive flooding. Excessive floodplain siltation alters habitats causing species decline or disappearance. The second threat — river regulation and control — has been practised widely in the region for centuries but, with the planned development of massive projects on the Yangtze and Mekong Rivers, the potential for environmental damage has increased. Flow regulation reduces flood-season peaks, changing the magnitude and extent of floodplain inundation and land-water interactions. Fish breeding migrations may be disrupted, because dams block migration routes or changed flow regimes fail to stimulate reproduction. River pollution is pervasive throughout the region, and constitutes the third threat. Untreated sewage is a particular problem in densely-populated areas, and pollution by industrial effluents and mining wastes is becoming more important. The effects of pollution in tropical Asian rivers are essentially the same as those recorded in north-temperate regions. However, biological understanding has yet to be matched by an ability to halt or limit river degradation.Together, the three threats have led to declines and range constrictions of aquatic animals and those terrestrial species associated with riparian corridors and floodplains. River dolphins and certain crocodilians are particularly threatened, but declines in species of waterfowl, floodplain deer, a host of fishes, macrophytes, and invertebrates have been documented. Reversing the trend is difficult as pollution, flow regulation, and drainage-basin degradation have non-additive detrimental effects on river ecosystems, and enhance the success of exotic invasive species. Moreover, our ability to predict the outcome of man-made changes is hampered by a lack of knowledge of species' life histories and a paucity of data on the trophic basis of production. Despite a lack of detailed information, conservation of tropical Asian rivers will be effected only if limnologists move beyond the bailiwick of science. Ecologically viable management strategies for tropical Asian rivers will succeed only if the socioeconomic context of development plans is taken into account. A failure to rise this challenge will result in the further degradation of these endangered ecosystems.  相似文献   

Africa is facing problems of deforestation, desertification, loss of soil fertility, loss of wildlife habitats and biodiversity, and the deterioration of aquatic ecosystems and lack of accessible, good quality water. Governments have formulated policies, enacted legislation and established various institutions addressing these issues. African countries are yet to arrest the environmental problems they are facing, due to, among others, the ineffectual theoretical analysis of the problem of ecosystems degradation. This study argues for the adoption of the political ecological framework in the analysis of sociopolitical sources, conditions and ramifications of ecosystems change and also highlights the explanatory power of this conceptual framework as far as the explanation of the problem of ecosystems degradation is concerned, and shows how it can enable us deal with the multi-layered causality rather than the symptoms of the problem of ecosystems change.  相似文献   

Global livestock genetic diversity includes all of the species, breeds and strains of domestic animals, and their variations. Although a recent census indicated that there were 40 species and over 8000 breeds of domestic animals; for the purpose of conservation biology the diversity between and within breeds rather than species is regarded to be of crucial importance. This domestic animal genetic diversity has developed through three main evolutionary events, from speciation (about 3 million years ago) through domestication (about 12000 years ago) to specialised breeding (starting about 200 years ago). These events and their impacts on global animal genetic resources have been well documented in the literature. The key importance of global domestic animal resources in terms of economic, scientific and cultural heritage has also been addressed. In spite of their importance, there is a growing number of reports on the alarming erosion of domestic animal genetic resources. This erosion of is happening in spite of several global conservation initiatives designed to mitigate it. Herein we discuss these conservation interventions and highlight their strengths and weaknesses. However, pivotal to the success of these conservation initiatives is the reliability of the genetic assignment of individual members to a target breed. Finally, we discuss the prospect of using improved breed identification methodologies to develop a reliable breed‐specific molecular identification tool that is easily applicable to populations of livestock breeds in various ecosystems. These identification tools, when developed, will not only facilitate the regular monitoring of threatened or endangered breed populations, but also enhance the development of more efficient and sustainable livestock production systems.  相似文献   

Human‐environmental relationships have long been of interest to a variety of scientists, including ecologists, biologists, anthropologists, and many others. 1 , 2 In anthropology, this interest was especially prevalent among cultural ecologists of the 1970s and earlier, who tended to explain culture as the result of techno‐environmental constraints. 3 More recently researchers have used historical ecology, an approach that focuses on the long‐term dialectical relationship between humans and their environments, as well as long‐term prehuman ecological datasets. 4 - 7 An important contribution of anthropology to historical ecology is that anthropological datasets dealing with ethnohistory, traditional ecological knowledge, and human skeletal analysis, as well as archeological datasets on faunal and floral remains, artifacts, geochemistry, and stratigraphic analysis, provide a deep time perspective (across decades, centuries, and millennia) on the evolution of ecosystems and the place of people in those larger systems. Historical ecological data also have an applied component that can provide important information on the relative abundances of flora and fauna, changes in biogeography, alternations in food webs, landscape evolution, and much more.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the main findings of rocky shore and subtidal nearshore experimental marine ecology (EME) in cold and temperate marine ecosystems during the past four decades. It analyzes the role of EME in coastal management and conservation. The historical development of strategies for managing single or multispecies fisheries are reviewed. The published results show over-exploitation and depletion of more than 60% of the fish stocks and a lack of connection between the management of fisheries and results derived from experimental marine ecology. This is mainly due to: (a) the different temporal and spatial scale at which most marine ecologists and fishery managers operate; (b) the lack of long-term fishery monitoring and adaptive techniques for management; and (c) limitations in the design of experiments on fisheries. Large-scale oceanic perturbations, due to combinations of excessive resource exploitation and environmental variability coupled with present trends in management approaches are discussed. Modern approaches and tools for management of fisheries, such as Adaptive Management (AM), Territorial User Rights in Fisheries (TURFs), Individual Transferrable Quotas and Non-Transferrable Quotas (ITQs, INTQs) are discussed in the context of small-scale fisheries and EME. Published views on limits of applied ecological research with regards to management of fisheries are discussed. Linkages between EME, marine conservation and the establishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and experimental exclusions of humans are highlighted. Results derived from MPAs, such as: (a) species or community trophic cascades, and (b) the role of key-stone species and species interaction strengths, are discussed. It is concluded that the role of EME in conservation has been greater than has been the case in management of fisheries. The potential to link EME, conservation and the management of fisheries is exemplified through the proposed establishment in Chile of a connected network of Scientific Reserves, MPAs and TURFs sites. The final conclusion is that to cross-fertilize EME, conservation and management, there are three main challenges: (1) to end the traditional view of approaching the management of fisheries and marine conservation as contradictory/antagonizing issues; (2) to improve communications between experimental marine ecology and the management of fisheries through the implementation of experimentation and adaptive management; (3) to improve linkages between marine conservation, the management of fisheries and social sciences.  相似文献   

Ecology has often been characterized as an immature scientific discipline. This paper explores some of the sources of this alleged immaturity. I argue that the perception of immaturity results primarily from the fact that historically ecologists have based their work upon two very different approaches to research.  相似文献   

Racism permeates ecology, evolution, and conservation biology (EECB). Meaningfully advancing equity, inclusion, and belonging requires an interdisciplinary anti-racist pedagogical approach to educate our community in how racism shaped our field. Here, we apply this framework, highlight disparities and interdisciplinary practices across institutions globally, and emphasize that self-reflection is paramount before implementing anti-racist interventions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the possibility that birth order affects the degree to which individuals attain higher status. Humans give birth to a variable number of (usually) single offspring spaced one to many years apart, and continue to maintain contact with them for extended periods of time. The continued presence of older siblings, and arrival of younger ones, means that each child is reared in a different family environment. Research findings from the field of behavior genetics suggest that these differences have a significant impact on the development of individual differences between children in the same family. Although no two families are likely to be exactly the same, factors such as birth order remain constant across them, and may have similar influences. The present study examines the relationships between birth order, sibship size, and several variables thought to index future status attainment (status striving) in a random sample of Canadians. Firstborn children appear to be more status oriented than lastborns, and this effect is mediated by sibship size. While firstborn children are unaffected by the number of younger siblings they have, the status ambitions of youngest children decrease the more older siblings they have. Birth order effects on status attainment are not as strong as they are on status ambitions.  相似文献   

The Anatolian Biogeographical Region is unique in the Palearctic realm, with high plant and butterfly species richness and populations of globally threatened birds, mammals and herptiles (amphibians and reptiles). It is a place of diverse land-use practices, dating back to the earliest farming practices in the world. Among 10,930 species of vascular plants, birds, butterflies, mammals and herptiles distributed in Turkey, we identified 1130 living predominantly in steppic environments and being classified either as threatened, near-threatened or data deficient at the national level, if not globally. A total of 28 effective protected areas were present in the region, covering 1.5 % of the 391,597 km2 land area. Only 16.2 % of the threatened and near-threatened species (n = 809) were distributed within the protected area network, ranging from 94.1 % for birds to as low as 12.9 % for vascular plants. The total area of steppe and steppe forest vegetation has been reduced by at least 44 % of its former extent due to diverse habitat destructive activities. The most significant threats arise from unsustainable agricultural activities including overgrazing, conversion to croplands and afforestation. To maintain steppe diversity, we propose a “to-do list”, including mainstreaming biodiversity, effective implementation of Turkey’s Rangeland Act, conducting effective environmental impact assessments, establishing an effective site network for steppe biodiversity conservation and filling gaps in scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of a species is shaped by the interaction of contemporary and historical factors. Analyses of individuals from the same population sampled at different points in time can help to disentangle the effects of current and historical forces and facilitate the understanding of the forces driving the differentiation of populations. The use of such time series allows for the exploration of changes at the population and intraspecific levels over time. Material from museum collections plays a key role in understanding and evaluating observed population structures, especially if large numbers of individuals have been sampled from the same locations at multiple time points. In these cases, changes in population structure can be assessed empirically. The development of new molecular markers relying on short DNA fragments (such as microsatellites or single nucleotide polymorphisms) allows for the analysis of long‐preserved and partially degraded samples. Recently developed techniques to construct genome libraries with a reduced complexity and next generation sequencing and their associated analysis pipelines have the potential to facilitate marker development and genotyping in non‐model species. In this review, we discuss the problems with sampling and available marker systems for historical specimens and demonstrate that temporal comparative studies are crucial for the estimation of important population genetic parameters and to measure empirically the effects of recent habitat alteration. While many of these analyses can be performed with samples taken at a single point in time, the measurements are more robust if multiple points in time are studied. Furthermore, examining the effects of habitat alteration, population declines, and population bottlenecks is only possible if samples before and after the respective events are included.  相似文献   

Aims Ecosystems dominated by herbaceous plant communities are amongst the most diversified landscape units in the Guayana (Guiana) Shield region. This paper aims to present a synthetic overview of the wide array of herbaceous ecosystems found in the region in an attempt to furnish a more concrete baseline for a better understanding of the pattern of variation, and to clarify some of the differences that occur in the vegetation of the area. Location The Guayana Shield region, and the area of north‐eastern South America extending between the Orinoco River to the North and the Amazon River to the South (c. 8° N to 1° S). Methods Floristic and ecological field data gathered from over 300 study sites located at different altitudinal levels in the Venezuelan Guayana and the northern Brazilian Amazon are evaluated and interpreted in the light of personal observations and existing literature. Results The diversification pattern includes physiognomic as well as floristic variation and shows two opposing tendencies in relation to their altitudinal location: grass‐dominated meadows (savannas) predominate in the macrothermic lowlands, whereas non‐gramineous, broadleaved herbaceous communities are dominant in the mesothermic highlands of the Guayanan mountains. In detail, the biogeographic region of Guayana (Guiana) consists of three easily recognized altitudinal levels, each of which contains a highly characteristic set of landscape types with their associated ecosystems and endemic plant communities. Between 0 and c. 500 m a.s.l. the extensive macrothermic (mean annual temperature, MAT > 24 °C) lowlands are found, where an enormous – still largely unexplored – diversity of forest types represents the main plant cover of the plains, peneplains, glacis and piedmont slopes. Sparsely distributed within this forest cover are numerous herbaceous ecosystems, ranging from true grass savannas to unusual and poorly understood meadows developed on extremely oligotrophic white sandy soils dominated by non‐gramineous genera of Rapateaceae and Xyridaceae. In the intermediate submesothermic (MAT 24–18 °C) Guayana uplands, extending roughly between 500 and 1500 m a.s.l., the grasslands of the Gran Sabana in south‐eastern Venezuela reach their upper altitudinal limit. At the same altitudinal level, however, several distinct herbaceous communities are found, in which other genera of Rapateaceae, together with Bromeliaceae and Xyridaceae, are predominant. Finally, at the uppermost altitudinal level, i.e. in Pantepui (which includes the characteristically flat topped mountain summits (tepuis) of the Guayana highlands) between 1500 and 3000 m a.s.l., encompassing a range of meso‐ to submicrothermic temperature regimes (MAT 18–8 °C), the extensive herbaceous ecosystems are developed either on deep organic soils (peat) or on open sandstone surfaces. These high‐tepui meadows present a considerable physiognomic diversification and are formed by a variety of endemic genera of the Rapateaceae, Bromeliaceae, Xyridaceae, Eriocaulaceae and Cyperaceae families, often dominated by locally endemic species on each of the larger tepui massifs. In contrast, grass dominated plant communities are very rare and restricted to only a few high‐tepui sites. Main conclusions A marked floristic and ecologic differentiation of herbaceous ecosystems in the Guayana Shield region can be recognized. The ecological differentiation results primarily from the wide spectrum of variations in the substrate found at the various altitudinal levels of the Guayana Shield region. A possible explanation for the present‐day pattern of herbaceous vegetation types may be the following: Non‐gramineous meadows representing ancient species pools of Guayana‐centred families had evolved successful colonization strategies in occupying extremely nutrient poor sites at all altitudinal levels. In contrast, the more modern grass savannas, which preferentially occupy the peripheral Guayana landscapes, are restricted to richer soil conditions with better internal drainage and water retention conditions.  相似文献   

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