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Specimens of Diplograptus sp. from the late Middle Ordovician Lebanon Limestone in central Tennessee have been isolated from the matrix and examined with transmission electron microscopes at 60 and 650 kv. The fine structure of the fusellar layer in the metasicula and in the thecae is a mesh formed from fibers. The cortical layer has two sublayers, one of which is a mesh that is closely similar to the mesh of the fusellar layer and the other is formed from two sets of long fibers that are oriented at moderate to high angles to each other. The prosicula outer wall is a loosely-woven, open mesh formed of fibers that are 0.080–0.165 microns in diameter. The spiral thread appears to be a band that is also formed of interwoven fibers. The longitudinal rod is a bundle of long fibers. Prosicula microstructures of this Diplograptus are significantly different from those in an Orthograptus of the O. quadrimucronatus (Hall) group.  相似文献   

Amphibian lampbrush chromosomes and meiotic prophase chromosomes of various insects and plants consist of a bundle of microfibrils about 500 A thick. These fibrils are double, being made of two closely associated fibrils 200 A thick. Fragments of interphase nuclei contain a mass of fibrils 200 A thick. Ultrathin sections through nuclei in prophase or interphase show sections of these double or single fibrils cut at various angles. A comparison of sections with the methacrylate left in and sections that were shadowed after removing the methacrylate suggests that the OsO4 reacts only with the outer part of the fibrils either because it does not penetrate, or as a result of a chemical difference of the inner core and the outside of the fibril. It is suggested that in analogy to the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus the chromosomal microfibril may have an inner core of DNA surrounded by a shell of protein.  相似文献   

卵壳的超微结构特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
佘德伟 《动物学报》1995,41(3):243-255
本文运用扫描电镜研究了美洲鸵鸟,鹂鹋,非洲鸵鸟,普通家鸡,环颈雉,绿头鸭,王企鹅等七种现生鸟蛋壳和更新世安氏鸵鸟蛋壳以及六种白垩纪恐龙蛋壳(长形长形蛋Elongatoolithuselongatus,安氏长形蛋Elongatoolithusandrewsi,瑶屯巨形蛋Macroolithusyaotunensis粗皮巨形蛋Macroolithusrugustus,将军顶圆形蛋Spheroolith  相似文献   

The dynamics of peroxidase activity and antioxidant contents in wheat seeds were studied in the course of 24-hour swelling at 5°C (group 1) and 23°C (group 2). Both parameters were 1.5 times higher in seeds of the first group. In the same seeds, peroxidase activity in the endosperm and seed coat increased by factors of 1.5 and 1.8, respectively. Catalytic constants of wheat seed peroxidase were determined in the reactions of o-dianisidine and ascorbic acid peroxidation. In the pH range studied (pH 5–7), K m proved to change only slightly. In seedlings, an increase in the lipid peroxidation rate was accompanied by an increase in the content of antioxidants. Peroxidase activity increased as the content of antioxidants decreased, and vice versa. Thus, the reciprocal influence of peroxidase and low-molecular antioxidants during seed germination in wheat was revealed.  相似文献   

Redox activities, NADH:ferricyanide reductase, NAD(P)H:cytochrome reductases, and NADH:ascorbate free-radical reductase, are present in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and glyoxysomal membranes from the endosperm of germinating castor bean (Ricinus comminus L. var Hale). The development of these functions was followed in glyoxysomes and ER isolated on sucrose gradients from castor bean endosperm daily from 0 through 6 days of germination. On a per seed basis, glyoxysomal and ER protein, glyoxysomal and ER membrane redox enzyme activities, and glyoxylate cycle activities peaked at day 4 as did the ER membrane content of cytochrome P-450. NADH:ferricyanide reductase was present in glyoxysomes and ER isolated from dry seed. This activity increased only about twofold in glyoxysomes and threefold in ER during germination relative to the amount of protein in the respective fractions. The other reductases, NADH:cytochrome reductase and NADH:ascorbate free-radical reductase, increased about 10-fold in the ER relative to protein up to 4 to 5 days, then declined. NADPH:cytochrome reductase reached maximum activity relative to protein at day 2 in both organelles. The increases in redox activities during germination indicate that the membranes of the ER and glyoxysome are being enriched with redox proteins during their development. The development of redox functions in glyoxysomes was found to be coordinated with development of the glyoxylate cycle.  相似文献   

In this article, we show that the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in Arabidopsis thaliana undergoes morphological changes in structure during ER stress that can be attributed to autophagy. ER stress agents trigger autophagy as demonstrated by increased production of autophagosomes. In response to ER stress, a soluble ER marker localizes to autophagosomes and accumulates in the vacuole upon inhibition of vacuolar proteases. Membrane lamellae decorated with ribosomes were observed inside autophagic bodies, demonstrating that portions of the ER are delivered to the vacuole by autophagy during ER stress. In addition, an ER stress sensor, INOSITOL-REQUIRING ENZYME-1b (IRE1b), was found to be required for ER stress–induced autophagy. However, the IRE1b splicing target, bZIP60, did not seem to be involved, suggesting the existence of an undiscovered signaling pathway to regulate ER stress–induced autophagy in plants. Together, these results suggest that autophagy serves as a pathway for the turnover of ER membrane and its contents in response to ER stress in plants.  相似文献   

In the aleurone cells of the quiescent wheat grain endoplasmicreticulum was sparse and present as short profiles. During germinationlong profiles of endoplasmic reticulum developed near to thenuclear membrane and in close association with plastids. Muchof this development occurred during the first 2 d of germination,but further development and stacking of the membranes appearedto take place after this time. The development of the long profileswas independent of the presence of the embryo and thereforeof control by gibberellic acid. On the contrary, after the secondday of germination gibberellic acid produced a decline in theamount of endoplasmic reticulum associated with vesiculationof the reticulum profiles. The results of this ultrastructuralstudy are discussed in the context of available informationon the biosynthesis of phospholipids in aleurone tissue. Someaspects of our results are at variance with those of otherswho have studied the aleurone tissue of barley. These differencesare discussed and suggestions for their resolution are made.  相似文献   

Effects of Water Deficit during Germination of Wheat Seeds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Germinating seeds of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were tolerant to dehydration up to the 4th day following imbibition and from the 5th day the seedling survival decreased. Dehydration also inhibited the rate of seed dry mass depletion and seedling dry matter accumulation and increased the content of soluble sugars both in grain and seedlings. Glucose supplied either to dry seeds or to 4-d-old seedlings increased survival of dehydrated seedlings. In contrast, exogenously supplied non-readily metabolizable sorbose and mannose suppressed seedling survival.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of the retinal rods has been studied with the electron microscope in white mice from birth up to the 16th day of age. Observations have been mainly concentrated on specimens of the 8th and 12th days and on the differentiation of the inner and outer segments of the retinal rods. In the morphogenesis of the outer segment three main stages have been considered. The first stage consists in the development of a primitive cilium projecting from a bulge of protoplasm which constitutes the primordium of the inner segment. A basal body, nine pairs of peripheral filaments, a surface membrane, and a matrix filled with a fine vesicular material have been recognized as components of the primitive cilium. The vesicles are called "morphogenetic material" because it is believed that they represent the macromolecular primordium of the rod sacs of the future outer segment. The second stage corresponds to the great enlargment of the apical region of the primitive cilium due to the rapid building up of the lamellar material of the rod sacs. The primitive rod sacs appear to be connected with the ciliary filaments. The basal portion of the primitive cilium remains undifferentiated and constitutes the connecting cilium of the adult rod (1). The third stage consists in the remodelling and reorientation of the rod sacs into their permanent transverse disposition. This process starts in the middle portion of the outer segments and proceeds towards both extremities which can be considered as zones of growth of the outer segment. The inner segment is at the beginning a bulge of protoplasm containing unoriented mitochondria, a basal body, a small Golgi zone, and numerous dense particles. Then this region becomes elongated and the different components assume the stratified disposition found in the adult (1). The demonstration that the entire outer segment of the rod cell is the result of the differentiation of a primitive cilium is discussed in view of the conflicting interpretations found in the literature. The possible macromolecular mechanisms that may be involved in the submicroscopic morphogenesis of the rod sacs are discussed and the possible role of the morphogenetic material is considered. The results described in this paper confirm and extend the interpretation of the submicroscopic morphology of the adult rod cell as presented in a previous paper (1).  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of animal cells is a single, dynamic, and continuous membrane network of interconnected cisternae and tubules spread out throughout the cytosol in direct contact with the nuclear envelope. During mitosis, the nuclear envelope undergoes a major rearrangement, as it rapidly partitions its membrane-bound contents into the ER. It is therefore of great interest to determine whether any major transformation in the architecture of the ER also occurs during cell division. We present structural evidence, from rapid, live-cell, three-dimensional imaging with confirmation from high-resolution electron microscopy tomography of samples preserved by high-pressure freezing and freeze substitution, unambiguously showing that from prometaphase to telophase of mammalian cells, most of the ER is organized as extended cisternae, with a very small fraction remaining organized as tubules. In contrast, during interphase, the ER displays the familiar reticular network of convolved cisternae linked to tubules.  相似文献   

四君子汤抗骨骼肌疲劳作用的定量细胞化学和电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用细胞化学技术及单细胞定量对运动疲劳小鼠股四头肌不同类型肌纤维的成分进行分析,实验结果显示:经服四君子汤恢复后的三种肌纤维类型的糖原含量、琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的活性明显高于疲劳组,超微结构的改变则位于线粒体的变化,提示四君子汤对解除骨骼肌的高度疲劳、增强体质具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

The relation between the endoplasmic reticulum and peribacteroid membranes during the development of infected cells of Chinese soybean (Glycine max L. cv. Harvest 11) root nodules by transmission electron microscopy was observed. After the host cells are infected by bacteria, the ultrastructures of the infected cells appear to have many changes, such as that their cytoplasm becomes thicker, the vacuoles decrease in size and organelles rapidly increase in number, among these organelle changes are more obvious than the others. However, changes of endoplasmic reticulum is mostly striking. It is not only increases greatly in number but often swells and forms wider inter-spaces. The swelling of endoplasmic reticulum is especially conspicuous at its ends and often form various vesicles. Sometimes, the front part of the endoplasmic reticulum also forms a gourd-shaped structure, which together with the vesicles usually contain fibrillar material. After they are released from the endoplasmic reticulum to the host cytoplasm, they continuously move towards neighbouring bacteria and close to the peribacteroid membranes. The gourd-shaped structures always locate near but never fuse with the peribacteroid membranes. However, the vesicles can do that and form a kind of papillae, often containing fibrillar material, on the peri bacteroid membranes. These papillae and their fibrillar material gradually disappear whilst the membrane of the vesicle derived from endoplasmic reticulum becomes one part of the peribacteroid membrane by way of fusing with the latter to form a papilla on it.  相似文献   

A light and electron microscopic study of interlamellar granules in Oscillatoria chalybia was made to determine their physiological nature. Oscillatoria chalybia was cultured under continuous light in media of high nitrogen content, moderate nitrogen content and low nitrogen content. Cultures growing vigorously in a medium of moderate nitrogen content were placed in darkness for an additional 96 hr. Periodic acid-Schiffs reagent tests were made on specimens from these 4 cultural conditions. Electron microscopic studies of interlamellar granules were correlated with the cytochemical tests. It is shown that diastase digestion will eliminate the PAS-positive substance and the interlamellar granules. Conclusions are that the interlamellar granules are polyglucoside in nature and that they vary in number and size with available nitrogen, light intensity and age of culture in such a way as to indicate that they are food reserves.  相似文献   

Ching TM  Rynd L 《Plant physiology》1978,62(6):866-870
Developmental patterns of embryos from high and low protein wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain produced under varied fertilizer conditions were compared. High protein grain produced seedlings 25% heavier with 25% more total RNA, 30% more DNA, 40% more amino acids, 60% more ribosomes, and 80% more soluble protein content than that of low protein seed. Consistently higher glutamine synthetase and α-amylase and lower acid phosphatase activities were observed in high protein seeds, though the isozyme pattern of α-amylase was not different in the two kinds of seeds. The high total ribosomes and particularly, polysome content observed in high protein seeds may be responsible for the rapid growth and high yield of these seeds.  相似文献   

Leek (Allium porrum) plasma membrane is enriched in phosphatidylserine (PS) by the vesicular pathway, in a way similar to that already observed in animal cells (B. Sturbois-Balcerzak, D.J. Morré, O. Loreau, J.P. Noel, P. Moreau, C. Cassagne [1995] Plant Physiol Biochem 33: 625–637). In this paper we document the formation of PS-rich small vesicles from leek endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes upon addition of ATP and other factors. The omission of ATP or its replacement by ATPγ-S prevents vesicle formation. These vesicles correspond to small structures (70–80 nm) and their phospholipid composition, characterized by a PS enrichment, is compatible with a role in PS transport. Moreover, the PS enrichment over phosphatidylinositol in the ER-derived vesicles is the first example, to our knowledge, of phospholipid sorting from the ER to ER-derived vesicles in plant cells.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a response to the stress of nutrient limitation in yeast, whereby cytosolic long-lived proteins and organelles are non-selectively degraded, and the resulting macromolecules are recycled to allow new protein synthesis that is essential for survival. We recently revealed that endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress induces autophagy. When misfolded proteins accumulate in the ER the resulting stress activates the unfolded protein response (UPR) to induce the expression of chaperones and proteins involved in the recovery process. Under conditions of ER stress, the pre-autophagosomal structure is assembled, and transport of autophagosomes to the vacuole is stimulated in an Atg protein-dependent manner. Interestingly, Atg1 has high kinase activity during ER stress-induced autophagy similar to the situation in starvation-induced autophagy.

Addendum to:

Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Triggers Autophagy

T. Yorimitsu, U. Nair, Z. Yang and D.J. Klionsky

J Biol Chem 2006; 281:30299-304  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an interconnected network comprised of ribosome-studded sheets and smooth tubules. The ER plays crucial roles in the biosynthesis and transport of proteins and lipids, and in calcium (Ca2+) regulation in compartmentalized eukaryotic cells including plant cells. To support its well-segregated functions, the shape of the ER undergoes notable changes in response to both developmental cues and outside influences. In this review, we will discuss recent findings on molecular mechanisms underlying the unique morphology and dynamics of the ER, and the importance of the interconnected ER network in cell polarity. In animal and yeast cells, two family proteins, the reticulons and DP1/Yop1, are required for shaping high-curvature ER tubules, while members of the atlastin family of dynamin-like GTPases are involved in the fusion of ER tubules to make an interconnected ER network. In plant cells, recent data also indicate that the reticulons are involved in shaping ER tubules, while RHD3, a plant member of the atlastin GTPases, is required for the generation of an interconnected ER network. We will also summarize the current knowledge on how the ER interacts with other membrane-bound organelles, with a focus on how the ER and Golgi interplay in plant cells.  相似文献   

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