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Using a binding site selection procedure, we have found that sequence-specific DNA-binding by the mouse c-myb protein involves recognition of nucleotides outside of the previously identified hexanucleotide motif. Oligonucleotides containing a random nucleotide core were immunoprecipitated in association with c-Myb, amplified by the Polymerase Chain Reaction and cloned in plasmids prior to sequencing. By alignment of sequences it was apparent that additional preferences existed at each of three bases immediately 5' of the hexanucleotide consensus, allowing an extension of the preferred binding site to YGRCVGTTR. The contributions of these 5' nucleotides to binding affinity was established in bandshift analyses with oligonucleotides containing single base substitutions; in particular, it was found that replacement of the preferred guanine at position -2 with any other base greatly reduced c-Myb binding. We found that the protein encoded by the related B-myb gene bound the preferred c-Myb site with similar affinity; however, B-Myb and c-Myb showed distinct preferences for the identity of the nucleotide at position -1 relative to the hexanucleotide consensus. This study demonstrates that the c-Myb DNA-binding site is more extensive than recognised hitherto and points to similar but distinct nucleotide preferences in recognition of DNA by related Myb proteins.  相似文献   

The genome of the geminivirus tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) consists of two circular DNA molecules designated as components A and B. The A component encodes the only viral protein, AL1, that is required for viral replication. We showed that AL1 interacts specifically with TGMV A and B DNA by using an immunoprecipitation assay for AL1:DNA complex formation. In this assay, a monoclonal antibody against AL1 precipitated AL1:TGMV DNA complexes, whereas an unrelated antibody failed to precipitate the complexes. Competition assays with homologous and heterologous DNAs established the specificity of AL1:DNA binding. AL1 produced by transgenic tobacco plants and by baculovirus-infected insect cells exhibited similar DNA binding activity. The AL1 binding site maps to 52 bp on the left side of the common region, a 235-bp region that is highly conserved between the two TGMV genome components. The AL1:DNA binding site does not include the putative hairpin structure that is conserved in the common regions or the equivalent 5' intergenic regions of all geminiviruses. These studies demonstrate that a geminivirus replication protein is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein, and the studies have important implications for the role of this protein in virus replication.  相似文献   

Thermostable RecA protein (ttRecA) from Thermus thermophilus HB8 showed strand exchange activity at 65 degrees C but not at 37 degrees C, although nucleoprotein complex was observed at both temperatures. ttRecA showed single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-dependent ATPase activity, and its activity was maximal at 65 degrees C. The kinetic parameters, K(m) and kcat, for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis with poly(dT) were 1.4 mM and 0.60 s-1 at 65 degrees C, and 0.34 mM and 0.28 s-1 at 37 degrees C, respectively. Substrate cooperativity was observed at both temperatures, and the Hill coefficient was about 2. At 65 degrees C, all tested ssDNAs were able to stimulate the ATPase activity. The order of ATPase stimulation was: poly(dC) > poly(dT) > M13 ssDNA > poly(dA). Double-stranded DNAs (dsDNA), poly(dT).poly(dA) and M13 dsDNA, were unable to activate the enzyme at 65 degrees C. At 37 degrees C, however, not only dsDNAs but also poly(dA) and M13 ssDNA showed poor stimulating ability. At 25 degrees C, poly(dA) and M13 ssDNA gave circular dichroism (CD) peaks at around 192 nm, which reflect a particular structure of DNA. The conformation was changed by an upshift of temperature or binding to Escherichia coli RecA protein (ecRecA), but not to ttRecA. The dissociation constant between ecRecA and poly(dA) was estimated to be 44 microM at 25 degrees C by the change in the CD. These observations suggest that the capability to modify the conformation of ssDNA may be different between ttRecA and ecRecA. The specific structure of ssDNA was altered by heat or binding of ecRecA. After this alteration, ttRecA and ecRecA can express their activities at each physiological temperature.  相似文献   

Activated glucocorticoid receptor (GR) from the human cell line HeLa S3 was purified by differential chromatography on DNA-cellulose followed by DEAE-Sepharose chromatography to 50-60% homogeneity according to sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and densitometric scanning of silver-stained gels. These gels routinely demonstrated a main band of Mr 94,000 (94K band) and two minor bands of Mr 79,000 (79K band) and 39,000 (39K band), respectively. Photoaffinity labeling indicated that the hormone was bound to the 94K and 79K components. In some preparations, a 72K band was observed. Further characterization of the purified receptor by gel permeation chromatography on Sephadex G-200 revealed a receptor complex with a Stokes radius of 5.8 nm. The sedimentation coefficient of the purified receptor was 4.4 Sw. In analogy to the rat hepatic GR, limited proteolysis of the purified GR with trypsin or alpha-chymotrypsin led to degradation of the 94K and 79K components and appearance of 28K and 39K fragments, respectively. In addition, no difference in the protease digestion pattern using Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease was observed. Immunoblotting using a monoclonal antibody raised against the 94K GR from rat liver demonstrated cross-reactivity with the human 94K and 79K proteins from HeLa S3 cells, indicating similar antigenic characteristics between rat and human GR. In our study, five out of nine tested monoclonal antibodies against the rat liver GR cross-reacted with human GR. DNase I and exonuclease III protection experiments demonstrated binding of the purified human GR to specific GR binding regions in mouse mammary tumor virus DNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Photoaffinity polyamines: sequence-specific interactions with DNA.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
ANB-spermine is a photoaffinity analog of the naturally-occurring polyamine, acetylspermine. ANB-spermine was used to determine its binding sites on naked double stranded DNA, at the nucleotide level, using a modification of the primer extension technique. A total of 1,275 nucleotides was examined in 5 sequences of DNA from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Binding sites were non-random. The primary determinant of binding was the presence of a thymidine residue. Secondary determinants appeared to depend on the secondary structure of the DNA, with runs of thymidines providing unusually poor binding sites while TA and, especially, TATA providing the strongest binding sites. The 'TATA element' upstream of the URA3 gene from S. cerevisiae was the strongest binding site. The data indicate that ANB-spermine binding to DNA is a probe for DNA secondary structure and suggest a role for polyamines in regulating the structure of chromatin in vivo.  相似文献   

Lambda exonuclease processively degrades one strand of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in the 5"-3" direction. To understand the mechanism through which this enzyme generates high processivity we are analyzing the first step in the reaction, namely the interaction of lambda exonuclease with the ends of substrate DNA. Endonuclease mapping of lambda exonuclease bound to DNA has shown that the enzyme protects approximately 13-14 bp on dsDNA, and no nucleo-tides on the single-stranded tail of the DNA product. We have developed a rapid fluorescence-based assay using 2-aminopurine and measured the steady-state rate constants for different end-structures of DNA. The relative k(cat)for 5" ends decreases in the order 5" recessed > blunt >> 5" overhang. However, k(cat)/K(m)remains relatively constant for these different structures suggesting they are all used equally efficiently as substrates. From these data we propose that a single-stranded 5" overhang end can bind non-productively to the enzyme and the non-hydrolyzed strand is required to aid in the proper alignment of the 5" end. We have also measured the length-dependence of the steady-state rate para-meters and find that they are consistent with a high degree of processivity.  相似文献   

Microinjection experiments suggested previously that protein binding to the DNA nucleotide sequence GTCACATG, identical to the CDEI element of the yeast centromere, plays an important role in the early development of the mouse. We established from a series of overlapping mouse cDNA clones the sequence of a candidate CDEI-binding protein. Synthesis in Escherichia coli of a fusion protein which binds specifically the CDEI box in vitro confirmed its identification. On the other hand, the translated 511 amino acid sequence shows two regions with high degrees of similarity to the protein precursor (APP) of the beta-protein (amyloid) that accumulates in the brain and blood vessels of Alzheimer patients. A continuous stretch of 195 amino acids includes 133 residues identical to part of the extracellular domain of APP, and 48 of the 70 C-terminal residues of the open reading frame are identical to the APP transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains.  相似文献   

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is an intracellular lipase that plays an important role in the hydrolysis of triacylglycerol in adipose tissue. HSL has been shown to interact with adipocyte lipid-binding protein (ALBP), a member of the family of intracellular lipid-binding proteins that bind fatty acids and other hydrophobic ligands. The current studies have addressed the functional significance of the association and mapped the site of interaction between HSL and ALBP. Incubation of homogeneous ALBP with purified, recombinant HSL in vitro resulted in a 2-fold increase in substrate hydrolysis. Moreover, the ability of oleate to inhibit HSL hydrolytic activity was attenuated by co-incubation with ALBP. Co-transfection of Chinese hamster ovary cells with HSL and ALBP resulted in greater hydrolytic activity than transfection of cells with HSL and vector alone. Deletional mutations of HSL localized the region of HSL that interacts with ALBP to amino acids 192-200, and site-directed mutagenesis of individual amino acids in this region identified His-194 and Glu-199 as critical for mediating the interaction of HSL with ALBP. Interestingly, HSL mutants H194L and E199A, each of which retained normal basal hydrolytic activity, failed to display an increase in hydrolytic activity when co-transfected with wild type ALBP. Therefore, ALBP increases the hydrolytic activity of HSL through its ability to bind and sequester fatty acids and via specific protein-protein interaction. Thus, HSL and ALBP constitute a functionally important lipolytic complex.  相似文献   

The properties of antibodies generated in rabbits against native riboflavin carrier protein (cRCP), riboflavin carrier protein that had been denatured/renatured by SDS treatment (SDS-RCP) or disulphide-bond-reduced then S-carboxymethylated (Carb-RCP) were studied. SDS-RCP could displace native RCP in radioimmunoassay (r.i.a.), whereas Carb-RCP could not. By using antibodies raised in five different rabbits against native cRCP, 125I-labelled Carb-RCP could bind between 0 and 30% of the native antibodies. Antibodies raised against native RCP appear to be largely directed towards specific conformational determinants of RCP. Carb-RCP displaced native RCP in an r.i.a. using antibodies raised against SDS-RCP. SDS denaturation presumably unmasks cryptic epitopes in native RCP. Carb-RCP was a weak immunogen and elicited, presumably, antibodies to sequential epitope/epitopes. When injected into pregnant mice the antibodies caused neutralization of RCP, leading to termination of pregnancy, indicating highly conserved sequential epitopes in chicken and rodent RCP. Antibodies raised against Carb-RCP or native RCP reacted with CNBr fragments of native RCP, further confirming the presence of sequence-specific antibodies elicited by Carb-RCP.  相似文献   

The origin binding protein (OBP) of herpes simplex virus (HSV), which is essential for viral DNA replication, binds specifically to sequences within the viral replication origin(s) (for a review, see Challberg, M.D., and Kelly, T. J. (1989) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 58, 671-717). Using either a COOH-terminal OBP protein A fusion or the full-length protein, each expressed in Escherichia coli, we investigated the interaction of OBP with one HSV origin, OriS. Binding of OBP to a set of binding site variant sequences demonstrates that the 10-base pair sequence, 5' CGTTCGCACT 3', comprises the OBP-binding site. This sequence must be presented in the context of at least 15 total base pairs for high affinity binding, Ka = approximately 0.3 nM. Single base pair mutations in the central CGC sequence lower the affinity by several orders of magnitude, whereas a substitution at any of the other seven positions reduces the affinity by 10-fold or less. OBP binds with high affinity to duplex DNA containing mismatched base pairs. This property is exploited to analyze OBP binding to DNA heteroduplexes containing singly substituted mutant and wild-type DNA strands. For positions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, substitutions are tolerated on one or the other DNA strand, indicating that base-mediated interactions are limited to one base of each pair. For both Boxes I and II, these interactions are localized to one face of the DNA helix, forming a recognition surface in the major groove. In OriS, the 31 base pairs which separate Boxes I and II orient the two interaction surfaces to the same side of the DNA.  相似文献   

We have fabricated double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) microarrays containing unimolecular hairpin dsDNA probes immobilized on glass slides. The unimolecular hairpin dsDNA microarrays were manufactured by four steps: Firstly, synthesizing single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) oligonucleotides with two reverse-complementary sequences at 3' hydroxyl end and an overhang sequence at 5' amino end. Secondly, microspotting ssDNA on glutaraldehyde-derived glass slide to form ssDNA microarrays. Thirdly, annealing two reverse-complementary sequences to form hairpin primer at 3' end of immobilized ssDNA and thus to create partial-dsDNA microarray. Fourthly, enzymatically extending hairpin primer to convert partial-dsDNA microarrays into complete-dsDNA microarray. The excellent efficiency and high accuracy of the enzymatic synthesis were demonstrated by incorporation of fluorescently labeled dUTPs in Klenow extension and digestion of dsDNA microarrays with restriction endonuclease. The accessibility and specificity of the DNA-binding proteins binding to dsDNA microarrays were verified by binding Cy3-labeled NF-kappaB to dsDNA microarrays. The dsDNA microarrays have great potential to provide a high-throughput platform for investigation of sequence-specific DNA/protein interactions involved in gene expression regulation, restriction and so on.  相似文献   

Studies of the interaction of RecA protein with DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Ethidium fluorescence assays were adapted for the rapid and sensitive detection of precA; in addition, fluorescence measurements on binding precA to linear, OC and CCC PM2 DNAs have enabled the stoichiometry of precA binding as well as the precA-induced unwinding angle of DNA to be determined. The stoichiometry of binding was independently confirmed by sedimentation analysis to be one precA molecule per 3 bp. The unwinding angle was also independently confirmed by measurements of fluorescence changes induced by the binding of precA to CCC DNA which was relaxed by topoisomerase to give a precA-induced unwinding angle of 51 degrees. Electron microscopy of OC DNA molecules which bound nonsaturating amounts of precA revealed that the length increase in DNA due to precA was approximately 55%. Finally, examination of negatively stained precA complexes with a variety of linear DNAs showed that the minor groove is the primary site of interaction for this protein.  相似文献   

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