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The Madagascar! representatives of the genus Sarcostemma are investigated. All Malagasy material studied can be assigned to four taxa. S. viminale ssp. viminale occurs in Madagascar as well as on other islands along the African coast and on the African mainland: the other three species are endemic to Madagascar. All four species occur in the southern, arid part of the island, to which S. decorsei is endemic. S. membranaceum and S. elachistemmoides are new. All species are described and illustrated and a key and distribution maps are presented.  相似文献   

本文对狭义小奥德蘑属Oudemansiella s. str.的概念做了修订,在修订后的属中,狭义干蘑属Xerula s. str.的物种不纳入其中。在狭义小奥德蘑属下,提出了一个包含4个组O. sect. Oudemansiella、Mucidula、Dactylosporina 和 Radicatae的新系统。小奥德蘑组sect. Oudemansiella包括热带至南温带的一些物种,如新热带小奥德蘑O. platensis、澳洲小奥德蘑O. australis、旧热带小奥德蘑O. canarii和宽褶小奥德蘑O. crassifolia,这些物种的菌盖表皮为粘栅栏型,由菌丝组成,但其中常夹杂有链状排列的膨大细胞。粘蘑组sect. Mucidula包含北半球温带至亚热带的一些物种,如粘小奥德蘑O. mucida、网褶小奥德蘑O. venosolamellata和近粘小奥德蘑O. submucida,其菌盖表皮为粘子实层-栅栏型,由近棒状的顶端膨大细胞组成。小奥德蘑组和粘蘑组的物种,在外形和小生境上有相似之处,其担子果皆生于地表外的腐木上,菌柄上有或无菌环。刺孢组sect. Dactylosporina包含中南美洲那些孢子表面有指状凸起的物种。长根组sect. Radicatae由长根小奥德蘑O. radicata及其近缘种为代表,是该属中最大的组,包括该属其他三组之外的所有种。北美的O. americana、欧洲的O. caussei 和东亚的O. hongoi曾被置于小奥德蘑属中的白毛组O. sect. Albotomentosae或干蘑属的亮毛组X. sect. Hyalosetae,在本系统中它们没有纳入小奥德蘑属,因为它们可能代表一个单独的属。本文还提出了1新等级、32个新组合和1个新名称。  相似文献   

On the basis of the study of the original material used by Planchon, the typification previously made by other authors is discussed, and an interpretation of the U. minor-galli group is presented. We conclude that the name U. galli must continue in use in its traditional sense, and, therefore, U. cantabricus Alvarez Martínez el al. must become a mere synonym. The new combinations U. breoganii (Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo) Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo, stat. nov. and U. minor subsp. gallii (Planchon) Castroviejo & Valdés-Bermejo, comb. nov. are proposed.  相似文献   

A multivariate morphometric study of the genus Pyrus in south-west Europe and North Africa shows that five species may be recognized in the area: P. bourgaeana Decne., P. communis L., P. cordata Dew., P. spinosa Forssk, and P. nivalis Jacq. Some valuable characters for identification of these species are proposed. In particular the width of fruit peduncle, petal size, leaf width and petiole length served to discriminate the taxa. Several names such as P. gharbiona Trab., P. cossonii Rehder (|M= P. longipes Balansa ex Coss. & Durieu) and P. boisseriana Buhse, are regarded as synonyms of P. cordata , while P. marnormis Trab. of P. bourgaeana. Consequently a check-list and a key to these species are provided.  相似文献   

Thirty-two differential characters are numerically analysed for the six existing taxa of the genus Vella L. The closely related monotypic genus Boleum Desv. is also included for comparison. Most of the characters used are morphological, but cariological, ecological and biogeographical aspects have also been studied. The results indicate that four distinct species, one ( V. pseudocytisus L.) with three sub-species, should be distinguished. The new combination V. anremerica (Lit. et Maire) Gómez-Campo (basionym: V. pseudocytisus L. subsp. anremerica Lit. et Maire) and the new name V. pseudocytisus L. subsp. paui Gómez-Campo for V. pseudocytisus L. var. glabrescens Willk., nornen nudum are presented. A key is given to aid identification of these taxa. Their conservation status is also discussed.  相似文献   

Boissier described several taxa in Anthriscus , summarized in his Flora orientalis account. The names include A. lamprocarpa, A. kotschyi, A. ruprechtii, A. tenerrima, A. t. var. leiocarpa, A. anatolica, A. macrocarpa, A. nemorosa var. mollis, A. n. var. glabra; the hst four are still recognized as separate species. These names are typified in this paper, based on the material in Boissier herbarium at G.  相似文献   

An update on the taxonomy and geographic distribution of the genus Thymus in Sicily is given. This study is based on literature, herbarium and field investigations. In total, five taxa belonging to Thymus sect. Serpyllum (Th.richardii subsp. nitidus, Th.longicaulis and Th.praecox subsp. parvulus) and Th. sect. Hyphodromi (Th.spinulosus and Th.paronychioides) occur in Sicily. For each one, information about taxonomy, habitat, phenology, chromosome number and distribution are provided. Furthermore, the name Thymus pedicillatus Lojac. is here typified. Finally, an analytical key for the identification of the studied taxa is proposed.  相似文献   

Although Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae) is a conserved name, with C. longa L. as its conserved type, the type of C. longa is still uncertain. Numerous discussions about the identity of the taxon called C. longa by Linnaeus have been followed by various attempts to rename turmeric, suggestions as how to settle the type and proposals to conserve the name from a later author in order to stabilize the situation. Unfortunately, none of the previous proposals can be upheld for reasons which are discussed in this article. A lectotype is selected from extant material examined by Linnaeus and an epitype collected near the type locality is designated here. The identity of C. longa is discussed and a colour plate of the species is included. Synonyms of C. longa and their types are discussed and notes on the variability of C. longa are provided.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 37–46.  相似文献   

JURY, S. L., 1987. A new species of the genus Torilis Adanson (Apiaceae). The name Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertner has been shown to have been used to include two very distinct variants. Torilis nodosa is therefore typified, and the other variant described as a new species.  相似文献   

Species of Erythroneurini (Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) currently placed in the genus Zygina and found in Australia, New Zealand and some neighbouring islands are transferred to the new genus Anzygina , type species Erythroneura sidnica Kirkaldy, following comparison with the type species of the genus: Typhlocyba nivea Mulsant and Rey. New combinations are Anzygina sidnica (Kirkaldy), Anzygina honiloa (Kirkaldy), Anzygina melanogaster (Kirkaldy) and Anzygina sativae (Evans) from Australia, Anzygina toetoe (Cumber), Anzygina agni (Knight), Anzygina dumbletoni (Ghauri) and Anzygina ramsayi (Knight) from New Zealand, Anzygina zealandica (Myers) from Australia and New Zealand, Anzygina jowettae (Knight) from Norfolk Island and Anzygina medioborealis (Ghauri) from Papua New Guinea. Lectotypes are designated for Erythroneura honiloa Kirkaldy and E. sidnica Kirkaldy. Anzygina billi sp.n. is described from SE Qld, and Anzygina barrattae sp.n. is described from the South Island of New Zealand. A. agni is a new record for Australia and is presumed to be Australian in origin. A. dumbletoni has a distribution which suggests that it also is introduced to New Zealand although its origins are not known. A. ramsayi, A. barrattae and A. toetoe , all of which appear to be New Zealand endemics, show affinity with each other based on aedeagal structure. A key to these species, based on males, is provided. The lack of male syntypes for Erythroneura honiala Kirkaldy and Erythroneura lubra Kirkaldy precludes establishment of their identities relative to other species of the genus, and both names are regarded as having nomen dubium status. Australian species not transferred to Anzygina are Zygina evansi (Ross) and Zygina ipoloa (Kirkaldy), both of which belong elsewhere.  相似文献   

The majority of authors consider Festuca jubata Lowe as an endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores. Saint-Yves proposed that F. jubata was an Azorean endemic and described a geovicarious taxon in Madeira: F. filiformis C. Sm. ex Link in Buch ssp. mandonii St.-Yves. We undertook a complete bibliographical revision of the taxonomy, nomenclature, and chorology of F. jubata s.l. , and contrasted it with morphological and anatomical studies performed on samples from the Azores and Madeira. Azorean plants usually identified as F. jubata had a character combination distinct from that of those with a Madeiran provenance. Saint-Yves' proposal of two independent taxa was correct, but he erroneously considered F. jubata as an Azorean endemic because the name F. jubata was based on Madeiran plants. Consequently, F. jubata auct. pl. from the Azores belongs to a new species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 493–499.  相似文献   

A comprehensive taxonomic revision of the genus Maesa Forssk. (Maesaceae) occurring in the Philippines is presented for the first time. Thirteen species are recognized, including a newly described species, M. stonei , which is most similar to M. reflexa . Several previously used names are reduced to synonymy, including M. pachyphylla and M. undulata (both reduced to synonymy with M. cumingii ), and M. elmeri , M. laxa and M. ramosii (all reduced to synonymy with M. indica ). Extensive lectotypification has been necessary due to the destruction of many type specimens, particularly those of C. Mez (in B) and E. D. Merrill (in PNH). The conservation status of each species is determined using the IUCN red list categories and criteria.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 145 , 17–43.  相似文献   

The taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Huperzia Bernh. in the Azores and Madeira have been reviewed. Plants collected in the Azores and Madeira were characterized morphologically. The independence between two endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores Islands –Huperzia suberecta (Lowe) Tardieu and Huperzia dentata (Herter) Holub – is clearly shown. A clear‐cut morphological separation between these taxa and Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. of continental Europe is established. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 522–533.  相似文献   

Pria Stephens is redefined and distinguished from related genera. A key is provided to the 73 species recognized, including 47 described as new. Pria nigricans Grouvelle, P. ruficollis Grouvelle and P. vicina Grouvelle are newly placed in synonymy, whilst P. nitidior Grouvelle is transferred to the genus Microporellus Endrody-Younga. Lectotypes are designated for 25 nominal species and a neotype is designated for Pria deplanata Reitter.  相似文献   

OOST, E. H., BRANDENBURG, W. A. & JARVIS, C. E., 1989. Typification of Brassica oleracea L. (Cruciferae) and its Linnaean varieties. The Linnaean concept of Brassica oleracea and its varieties is discussed. In the light of this concept several types are considered and chosen.  相似文献   


Original material of the 12 taxa described as new by Bertoloni has been examined, and typification of their names is discussed. Lectotypes are designated for 11 of Bertoloni's names, one (O. densiflora Bertol.) had been lectotypified before. Orobanche bicolor Bertol. (non C. A. Mey.) belongs to O. cernua L., O. cruenta Bertol. to O. gracilis Sm., O. stricta Moris ex Bertol. to O. schultzii Mutel, O. thyrsoidea Moris ex Bertol to O. rigens Loisel., O. crithmi Bertol. to O. minor Sm., O. vitalbae Bertol. to O. artemisiae-campestris Gaudin, O. fragrantissima Bertol. to O. lutea Baumg., O. laurina Bertol. to O. hederae Duby, O. yuccae Savi f. ex Bertol. to O. hederae Duby (not to O. minor Sm.), O. centaurina Bertol. to O. litorea Guss. (not to O. artemisiae-campestris Gaudin). O. australis Moris ex Bertol., included by Beck in O. canescens C. Presl, is a good species restricted to Sardinia. O. densiflora Bertol. must not, as is customary, be ascribed to Reuter who republished it later.  相似文献   

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