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Asymmetric fluid flow in the node and Nodal signaling in the left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) drive left–right patterning of the mammalian body plan. However, the mechanisms linking fluid flow to asymmetric gene expression in the LPM remain unclear. Here we show that the small GTPase Rab23, known for its role in Hedgehog signaling, plays a separate role in Nodal signaling and left–right patterning in the mouse embryo. Rab23 is not required for initial symmetry breaking in the node, but it is required for expression of Nodal and Nodal target genes in the LPM. Microinjection of Nodal protein and transfection of Nodal cDNA in the embryo indicate that Rab23 is required for the production of functional Nodal signals, rather than the response to them. Using gain- and loss-of function approaches, we show that Rab23 plays a similar role in zebrafish, where it is required in the teleost equivalent of the mouse node, Kupffer?s vesicle. Collectively, these data suggest that Rab23 is an essential component of the mechanism that transmits asymmetric patterning information from the node to the LPM.  相似文献   

The planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathway, principally understood from work in Drosophila, is now known to contribute to development in a broad swath of the animal kingdom, and its impairment leads to developmental malformations and diseases affecting humans. The ‘core’ mechanism underlying PCP signaling polarizes sheets of cells, aligning them in a head-to-tail fashion within the sheet. Cells use the resulting directional information to guide a wide variety of processes. One such process is lateralization, the determination of left–right asymmetry that guides the asymmetric morphology and placement of internal organs. Recent evidence extends the idea that PCP signaling underlies the earliest steps in lateralization and that PCP is invoked again during asymmetric morphogenesis of organs including the heart and gut.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity has been shown to have a profound effect on population dynamics and biological invasions, yet the effect of its spatial structure on the dynamics of disease invasion in a spatial host–parasite system has received little attention. Here we explore the effect of environment heterogeneity using the pair approximation and the stochastic spatially explicit simulation in which the lost patches are clustered in a fragmented landscape. The intensity of fragmentation is defined by the amount and spatial autocorrelation of the lost habitat. More fragmented landscape (high amount of habitat loss, low clustering of lost patches) was shown to be detrimental to the parasitic disease invasion and transmission, which implies that the potential of using artificial disturbances as a disease-control agency in biological conservation and management. Two components of the spatial heterogeneity (the amount and spatial autocorrelation of the lost habitat) formed a trade-off in determining the host–parasite dynamics. An extremely high degree of habitat loss was, counter-intuitively, harmful to the host. These results enrich our understanding of eco-epidemiological, host–parasite systems, and suggest the possibility of using the spatial arrangement of habitat patches as a conservation tool for guarding focal species against parasitic infection and transmission.  相似文献   

The degree of conservation among phyla of early mechanisms that pattern the left–right (LR) axis is poorly understood. Larvae of sea urchins exhibit consistently oriented LR asymmetry. The main part of the adult rudiment is formed from the left coelomic sac of larvae, the left hydrocoel. Although this left preference is conserved among all echinoderm larvae, its mechanism is largely not understood. Using two marker genes, HpNot and HpFoxFQ-like, which are asymmetrically expressed during larval development of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, we examined in this study the possibility that the recently discovered ion flux mechanism controls asymmetry in sea urchins as it does in several vertebrate species. Several ion-transporter inhibitors were screened for the ability to alter the expression of the asymmetric marker genes. Blockers of the H+/K+-ATPase (omeprazole, lansoprazole and SCH28080), as well as a calcium ionophore (A23187), significantly altered the normal sidedness of asymmetric gene expression. Exposure to omeprazole disrupted the consistent asymmetry of adult rudiment formation in larvae. Immuno-detection revealed that H+/K+-ATPase-like antigens in sea urchin embryos were present through blastula stage and exhibited a striking asymmetry being present in a single blastomere in 32-cell embryos. These results suggest that, as in vertebrates, endogenous spatially-regulated early transport of H+ and/or K+, and also of Ca2+, functions in the establishment of LR asymmetry in sea urchin development.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Data on the frequencies of all (50412) surnames in a total population of 849399 people have been treated by various methods of multivariate statistics (cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, and factor analysis) to show that 22 district populations of the Central Chernozem region of Russia form a definite, ordered system of population groups. All raions (administrative districts) of Belgorod oblast (administrative region) have been grouped into four clusters corresponding to the actual geographic locations of the populations. Districts of the eastern cluster are characterized by very specific spectrum and frequencies of surnames; districts of the western cluster differ in a high proportion of Ukrainian surnames  相似文献   

The concepts of adaptive/fitness landscapes and adaptive peaks are a central part of much of contemporary evolutionary biology; the concepts are introduced in introductory texts, developed in more detail in graduate-level treatments, and are used extensively in papers published in the major journals in the field. The appeal of visualizing the process of evolution in terms of the movement of populations on such landscapes is very strong; as one becomes familiar with the metaphor, one often develops the feeling that it is possible to gain deep insights into evolution by thinking about the movement of populations on landscapes consisting of adaptive valleys and peaks. But, since Wright first introduced the metaphor in 1932, the metaphor has been the subject of persistent confusion, from equivocation over just what the features of the landscape are meant to represent to how we ought to expect the landscapes to look. Recent advances—conceptual, empirical, and computational—have pointed towards the inadequacy and indeed incoherence of the landscapes as usually pictured. I argue that attempts to reform the metaphor are misguided; it is time to give up the pictorial metaphor of the landscape entirely and rely instead on the results of formal modeling, however difficult such results are to understand in ‘intuitive’ terms.
Jonathan KaplanEmail:

1. The rate of RNA-DNA hybridization was studied under conditions of RNA excess, with RNA synthesized in vitro. The initial rate of the reaction was proportional to the initial RNA concentration. Throughout the observed course of the reaction there was a linear relationship between the reciprocal of the amount of RNA hybridized/mug. of DNA and the reciprocal of time. The slope of the reciprocal plot was inversely proportional to the initial RNA concentration. 2. A comparison was made of the hybridization of DNA from Escherichia coli and from bacteriophages T4 and lambda with homologous RNA. The initial rate of hybridization was inversely proportional to the genetic complexity of the hybridizing system. The slope of the reciprocal-time plot was directly proportional to genetic complexity. These results are interpreted to indicate that the rate of hybridization reflects the mean concentration of the various unique RNA species in a preparation.  相似文献   

Current pacing practice is undergoing continuous and substantial changes. Initially pacing had an exclusively palliative role, since it was reserved for patients developing complete heart block or severe symptomatic bradycardia. With the appearance of novel pacing indications such as pacing for heart failure and atrial fibrillation, the effect of pacing site on cardiac function has become a critically important issue and a subject for consideration. It seems that the classical pacing site in the right ventricular apex is no longer the gold standard because of possible disadvantageous effects on cardiac function. The aim of this review article is to discuss the effect of right ventricular apical pacing on cardiac function including cellular and hemodynamic changes. We also aim to discuss the role of alternative pacing sites in the light of cardiac function.  相似文献   

The discussion of the adaptive landscape in the philosophical literature appears to be divided along the following lines. On the one hand, some claim that the adaptive landscape is either “uninterpretable” or incoherent. On the other hand, some argue that the adaptive landscape has been an important heuristic, or tool in the service of explaining, as well as proposing and testing hypotheses about evolutionary change. This paper attempts to reconcile these two views.
Anya PlutynskiEmail:

Tad A. Dallas  Luca Santini 《Ecography》2020,43(9):1341-1351
Species have been commonly hypothesized to have high population densities in geographic areas which correspond to either the centre of the species geographic range or climatic niche (abundant–centre hypothesis). However, there is mixed empirical support for this relationship, and little theoretical underpinning. We simulate a species spreading across a set of replicated artificial landscapes to examine the expected level of support for abundant–centre relationships in geographic and niche space. Species niche constraints were modeled as a single axis which was related directly to population growth rates. We found strong evidence for abundant–centre relationships when populations follow deterministic growth, dispersal is high, environmental noise is absent and intraspecific competition is low. However, the incorporation of ecological realism reduced the detectability of abundant–centre relationships considerably. Our results suggest that even in carefully constructed artificial landscapes designed to demonstrate abundant–centre dynamics, the incorporation of small amounts of demographic stochasticity, environmental heterogeneity or landscape structure can strongly influence the relationship between species population density and distance to species geographic range or niche centre. While some simulated relationships were of comparable strength to common empirical support for abundant–centre relationships, our results suggest that these relationships are expected to be fairly variable and weak.  相似文献   

The influence of the orientations and concentrations of the Stone–Wales (SW) defects on the thermal conductivity of zigzag and armchair graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) is explored using the reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics method. The results show that the thermal conductivity of GNRs with two different chirality cases reaches the minimum in the range of 0.1–0.7% defect concentration. Beyond a critical value of the SW defect concentration, the thermal conductivity increases with the increase in SW concentration for both zigzag and armchair GNRs. It is shown that at high concentrations of the SW defects, the thermal conductivity of zigzag GNRs with Type II defects is larger than the GNRs with Type I defects. Finally, the dependence of the SW defect concentration and orientation on the power spectra overlaps have also been explored.  相似文献   

As a corollary to the Red Queen hypothesis, host–parasite coevolution has been hypothesized to maintain genetic variation in both species. Recent theoretical work, however, suggests that reciprocal natural selection alone is insufficient to maintain variation at individual loci. As highlighted by our brief review of the theoretical literature, models of host–parasite coevolution often vary along multiple axes (e.g. inclusion of ecological feedbacks or abiotic selection mosaics), complicating a comprehensive understanding of the effects of interacting evolutionary processes on diversity. Here we develop a series of comparable models to explore the effect of interactions between spatial structures and antagonistic coevolution on genetic diversity. Using a matching alleles model in finite populations connected by migration, we find that, in contrast to panmictic populations, coevolution in a spatially structured environment can maintain genetic variation relative to neutral expectations with migration alone. These results demonstrate that geographic structure is essential for understanding the effect of coevolution on biological diversity.  相似文献   

The land snail genus Schileykula Gittenberger, 1983 is distributed in arid limestone areas from western Turkey to north-western Iran. It comprises eight species, which display high variation in shell size and morphology. The cylindrical shells are 5–12 mm in height and the last shell whorls bear several inner lamellae and plicae. Two taxa differ in their chirality having sinistral shells, while all the others are dextrals such as the vast majority of orculids. The aim of this study was to establish a molecular genetic phylogeny of Schileykula and to test whether it conforms to the current morphology-based classification. Furthermore, we were interested in the phylogenetic position of the two sinistral forms in order to assess whether one or two reversals happened in the evolution of the genus. Nine out of ten species, including all four subspecies of Schileykula trapezensis and three of six subspecies of Schileykula scyphus, were investigated. A section of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene was analyzed in 54 specimens of Schileykula and from a subsample, partial sequences of the mitochondrial genes for the 12S rRNA and the 16S rRNA, and a section of the nuclear H4/H3 histone gene cluster were obtained. The phylogenetic trees based on the mitochondrial sequences feature high support values for most nodes, and the species appear well differentiated from each other. The two chiral forms evolved independently and are not sister lineages. However, some groupings disagree with the present morphology-based classification and taxonomical conclusions are drawn. Schileykula trapezensis is polyphyletic in the molecular genetic trees; therefore, three of its subspecies are elevated to species level: Schileykula acampsis Hausdorf, 1996 comb. nov., Schileykula neuberti Hausdorf, 1996 comb. nov., and Schileykula contraria Neubert, 1993 comb. nov. Furthermore, Schileykula sigma is grouped within S. scyphus in the mitochondrial and nuclear trees and consequently treated as a subspecies of the latter (Schileykula scyphus sigma Hausdorf, 1996 comb. nov.). Schileykula nordsiecki, whose shell morphology is indistinguishable from that of the neighboring Schileykula scyphus lycaonica, but who differs in its genital anatomy, was confirmed to represent a distinct lineage. The phylogenies produced by the mitochondrial and nuclear data sets are to some extent conflicting. The patterns differ concerning the grouping of some specimens, suggesting at least two independent hybridization events involving S. contraria, S. scyphus and S. trapezensis. The results exemplify the importance of integrating both mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data in order to complement morphology-based taxonomy, and they provide further evidence for hybridization across distantly related lineages in land snails.  相似文献   


We analysed the relative role of landscape context (city, suburb and exurb) and distance to the edge (from forest edge to 45 m in interior) on plant diversity of natural forests in Wuhan city. The results indicated that landscape context had significant effects on plant diversity, and both landscape context and distance to the edge affect vegetation and disturbance characteristics. Landscape context was the main factor affecting richness of woods, herbs, indigenous species, forest generalists and insect or wind pollination species. These species tended to be higher in exurban forests while non-indigenous species were higher in the urban forests. The number of non-indigenous species, forest specialists, herbs and insect pollination species also depended on distance to the edge or on both interactions. Richness of non-indigenous species decreased with increasing distance to the edge in urban forest. Vegetation characteristics that shrub cover was lower and disturbance characteristics that disturbed cover and human activity were higher in the urban edge than in the suburb and exurb edge, which decreased from the edge to the interior. Therefore, we should prioritize the preservation of less disturbed and frequented forests (suburban and exurban) to buffer the invasion of non-indigenous species, and to reserve more indigenous species.  相似文献   

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