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Long-term climate–growth relationships, were examined in tree rings of four co-occurring tree species from semi-arid Acacia savanna woodlands in Ethiopia. The main purpose of the study was to prove the presence of annual tree rings, evaluate the relationship between radial growth and climate parameters, and evaluate the association of El Niño and drought years in Ethiopia. The results showed that all species studied form distinct growth boundaries, though differences in distinctiveness were revealed among the species. Tree rings of the evergreen Balanites aegyptiaca were separated by vessels surrounding a thin parenchyma band and the growth boundary of the deciduous acacias was characterized by thin parenchyma bands. The mean annual diameter increment ranged from 3.6 to 5.0 mm. Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal showed more enhanced growth than Acacia tortilis and B. aegyptiaca. High positive correlations were found between the tree-ring width chronologies and precipitation data, and all species showed similar response to external climate forcing, which supports the formation of one tree-ring per year. Strong declines in tree-ring width correlated remarkably well with past El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and drought/famine periods in Ethiopia. Spectral analysis of the master tree-ring chronology indicated occurrences of periodic drought events, which fall within the spectral peak equivalent to 2–8 years. Our results proved the strong linkage between tree-ring chronologies and climate, which sheds light on the potential of dendrochronological studies developing in Ethiopia. The outcome of this study has important implications for paleoclimatic reconstructions and in restoration of degraded lands.  相似文献   

We present five Brachystegia spiciformis Benth. (BrSp) tree-ring chronologies from the seasonally dry miombo woodland in south central Africa. Between 9 and 34 stem discs were collected from three dry and two wet miombo sites. All samples showed distinct growth rings, which were marked by terminal parenchyma bands. Site chronologies varied in length between 43 and 149 years. An increase in the number of growth ring anomalies in older trees, however, resulted in an increase in dating error and a decrease in between-tree correlations with increase in the chronology length. Annual precipitation variability accounted for some 28% of the common variance in the BrSp chronologies and we found no difference in climate sensitivity between wet and dry miombo sites. The influence of climate, and of precipitation in particular, on tree growth was strongest at the core of the rainy season (December–February). This is also the time of the year when ENSO peaks in amplitude and ENSO effects on precipitation variability in southern Africa are the strongest. We found a negative response of tree growth to ENSO throughout most of the growth year, suggesting that the development of longer chronologies from the miombo region would allow for the investigation of temporal ENSO variability. A spatial extension of the miombo tree-ring network should therefore focus on regions where ENSO effects are the strongest (e.g., southeastern Africa).  相似文献   

While the forest-tundra zone in Siberia, Russia has been dendroclimatologically well-studied in recent decades, much less emphasis has been given to a wide belt of northern taiga larch forests located to the south. In this study, climate and local site conditions are explored to trace their influence on radial growth of Gmelin larch (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr.) trees developed on permafrost soils in the northern taiga. Three dendrochronological sites characterized by great differences in thermo-hydrological regime of soils were established along a short (ca. 100 m long) transect: on a river bank (RB), at riparian zone of a stream (RZ) and on a terrace (TER). Comparative analysis of the rate and year-to-year dynamics of tree radial growth among sites revealed considerable difference in both raw and standardized tree-ring width (TRW) chronologies obtained for the RZ site, characterized by shallow soil active layer depth and saturated soils. Results of dendroclimatic analysis indicated that tree-ring growth at all the sites is mostly defined by climatic conditions of a previous year and precipitation has stronger effect on TRW chronologies in comparison to the air temperatures. Remarkably, a great difference in the climatic response of TRW chronologies has been obtained for trees growing within a very short distance from each other. The positive relation of tree-ring growth with precipitation, and negative to temperature was observed in the dry site RB. In contrary, precipitation negatively and temperature positively influenced tree radial growth of larch at the water saturated RZ. Thus, a complicate response of northern Siberian larch forest productivity to the possible climate changes is expected due to great mosaic of site conditions and variability of environmental factors controlling tree-ring growth at different sites. Our study demonstrates the new possibilities for the future dendroclimatic research in the region, as various climatic parameters can be reconstructed from tree-ring chronologies obtained for different sites.  相似文献   

Although it has been widely recognized that tree-ring response to climate drivers may change over recent decades, often due to anthropogenic environment changes, there are fewer reports of such changes in earlier pre-warming periods. In this paper we report on the pre-1930 unstable relationship between climate and tree-ring width (TRW) of Pinus taiwanensis Hayata in southeastern China based on reliable long-term temperature data. TRW of P. taiwanensis is strongly controlled by temperatures in two seasons, previous spring to summer (March to August, mainly June to July) and previous winter to current spring (December to March). However, TRW are insensitive to previous spring to summer temperature between 1890 and 1930. Reduced summer temperature variability, changing regimes of spring-summer temperature and precipitation, and complicated tree physiological processes behind the complex growth-climate relationship are the more likely causes of this phenomenon. This study adds to the body of knowledge that lower climate sensitivity of tree rings is not specific to the most recent decades.  相似文献   

In the tropical Andes climate change is expected to increase temperatures and change precipitation patterns. To overcome the lack of systematic weather records that limits the performance of climate models in this region, the use of the environmental information contained in tree rings from tropical Andean species have been found useful to reconstruct spatio-temporal climate variability. Because classical dendrochronology based on ring-width patterns is often challenging in the tropics, alternative approaches such as Quantitative Wood Anatomy (QWA) based on the measurement and quantification of anatomical traits within tree rings can be a significant advance in the field. Here we assess the dendrochronological potential of Polylepis microphylla and its climate sensitivity by using i) classic dendrochronological methods to generate the first Tree-ring Width (TRW) chronology for this tree species spanning from 1965 to 2018; ii) radiocarbon (¹⁴C) analyses as an independent validation method to assess the annual periodicity of the tree growth layers; and iii) QWA to generate tree-ring annual records of the number (VN) and size (VS) of vessels to investigate the climate sensitivity of these anatomical traits. The annual periodicity in P. microphylla radial growth was confirmed by both dendrochronological and ¹⁴C analyses. We found that VN and VS are promising new proxies to reconstruct climate variability in this region and that they provide different information than TRW. While TRW provides information at inter-annual resolution (i.e., year-to-year variability), VN and VS generated with sectorial QWA provide intra-annual resolution for each stage of the growing process. The TRW and the anatomical traits (i.e., VN and VS) showed strong positive correlation with maximum temperature for different periods of the growing season: while VS is higher with warmer conditions prior to the growing season onset, tree-rings are wider and present higher number of vessels when warmer conditions occur during the current growing season. Our findings pointed out the suitability of P. microphylla for dendrochronological studies and may suggest a good performance of this species under the significant warming expected according to future projections for the tropical Andes.  相似文献   

Spring (March–June) precipitation has been reconstructed since AD 1840 for the Rara National Park (RNP), western Nepal Himalaya using Abies spectabilis tree-ring width. The reconstruction accounts for 35.8% of the total variance of the instrumental precipitation from 1958 to 2012 and captured distinct wet and dry variability. The longest wet periods occurred during 1850–1862, 1878–1886, 1909–1917, 1971–1984 and 2000–2008 while dry periods were usually shorter and occurred during 1873–1877, 1921–1923, 1925–1929, 1951–1956, 1958–1962 and 1994–1996. Spectral analysis of the reconstruction shows significant peaks at periodicity ranging 2.4–6.5 year, suggesting a covariation in inter-annual variability similar to that of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Spectral analysis of the reconstruction shows significant quasi–cyclic (2.4–3.4 year) and multidecadal (24.8–39.2 year) periodicity, suggesting a potential association with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO).  相似文献   

Tree-ring research in the highland tropics and subtropics represents a major frontier for understanding climate-growth relationships. Nonetheless, there are many lowland regions – including the South American Pampa biome – with scarce tree ring data. We present the first two tree-ring chronologies for Scutia buxifolia in subtropical Southeastern South America (SESA), using 54 series from 29 trees in two sites in northern and southern Uruguay. We cross-dated annual rings and compared tree growth from 1950 to 2012 with regional climate variability, including rainfall, temperature and the Palmer Drought Severity Index – PDSI, the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). Overall, ring width variability was highly responsive to climate signals linked to water availability. For example, tree growth was positively correlated with accumulated rainfall in the summer-fall prior to ring formation for both chronologies. Summer climate conditions were key for tree growth, as shown by a negative effect of hot summer temperatures and a positive correlation with PDSI in late austral summer. The El Niño phase in late spring/early summer favored an increase in rainfall and annual tree growth, while the La Niña phase was associated with less rainfall and reduced tree growth. Extratropical climate factors such as SAM had an equally relevant effect on tree growth, whereby the positive phase of SAM had a negative effect over radial growth. These findings demonstrate the potential for dendroclimatic research and climate reconstruction in a region with scarce tree-ring data. They also improve the understanding of how climate variability may affect woody growth in native forests – an extremely limited ecosystem in the Pampa biome.  相似文献   

Seasonally dry tropical forests are an important global climatic regulator, a main driver of the global carbon sink dynamics and are predicted to suffer future reductions in their productivity due to climate change. Yet, little is known about how interannual climate variability affects tree growth and how climate-growth responses vary across rainfall gradients in these forests. Here we evaluate changes in climate sensitivity of tree growth along an environmental gradient of seasonally dry tropical vegetation types (evergreen forest – savannah – dry forest) in Northeastern Brazil, using congeneric species of two common neotropical genera: Aspidosperma and Handroanthus. We built tree-ring width chronologies for each species × forest type combinations and explored how growth variability correlated with local (precipitation, temperature) and global (the El Niño Southern Oscillation - ENSO) climatic factors. We also assessed how growth sensitivity to climate and the presence of growth deviations varied along the gradient. Precipitation stimulates tree growth and was the main growth-influencing factor across vegetation types. Trees in the dry forest site showed highest growth sensitivity to interannual variation in precipitation. Temperature and ENSO phenomena correlated negatively with growth and sensitivity to both climatic factors were similar across sites. Negative growth deviations were present and found mostly in the dry-forest species. Our results reveal a dominant effect of precipitation on tree growth in seasonally dry tropical forests and suggest that along the gradient, dry forests are the most sensitivity to drought. These forests may therefore be the most vulnerable to the deleterious effects of future climatic changes. These results highlight the importance of understanding the climatic sensitivity of different tropical forests. This understanding is key to predict the carbon dynamics in tropical regions, and sensitivity differences should be considered when prioritizing conservation measures of seasonally dry topical forests.  相似文献   

Tropical lowland forests are characterized by humid climate conditions with interannual variations in amount of precipitation, length of dry season, and relative humidity. The African tree species, Terminalia superba Engl. & Diels has a large distribution area and potentially incorporates these variations in its tree rings. Tree ring analysis was performed on 60 plantation trees (increment cores) and 41 natural trees (stem disks) from Ivory Coast and the Congolese Mayombe Forest. Natural forests and old plantations (50–55 years) showed similar growth patterns. Regional chronologies were developed for the two sample regions and showed a long-distance relationship for the period 1959–2008. Growth in the Mayombe was associated with early rainy season precipitation, but no relation was found between tree growth and precipitation in Ivory Coast. Congolese trees possibly show a higher climate-sensitivity than Ivorian trees, because precipitation in the Mayombe is more limiting, and Congolese T. superba trees are found closer to the margins of their distribution. Likewise, tree growth in the Mayombe was also influenced by the SSTs of the Gulf of Guinea and the South Atlantic Ocean during the early rainy season. However, tree growth was influenced by ENSO in both regions. In the Mayombe, La Niña years were associated with stronger tree growth whereas in Ivory Coast, El Niño years corresponded with stronger tree growth. The presented relation between ENSO, precipitation and tree growth is original for equatorial African forests, suggesting an influence of global climate variability on tree growth.  相似文献   

Clanwilliam cedar (Widdringtonia cedarbergensis; WICE), a long-lived conifer with distinct tree rings in Cape Province, South Africa, has potential to provide a unique high-resolution climate proxy for southern Africa. However, the climate signal in WICE tree-ring width (TRW) is weak and the dendroclimatic potential of other WICE tree-ring parameters therefore needs to be explored. Here, we investigate the climatic signal in various tree-ring parameters, including TRW, Minimum Density (MND), Maximum Latewood Density (MXD), Maximum Latewood Blue Intensity (MXBI), and stable carbon and oxygen isotopes (δ18O and δ13C) measured in WICE samples collected in 1978. MND was negatively influenced by early spring (October-November) precipitation whereas TRW was positively influenced by spring November-December precipitation. MXD was negatively influenced by autumn (April-May) temperature whereas MXBI was not influenced by temperature. Both MXD and MXBI were negatively influenced by January-March and January-May precipitation respectively. We did not find a significant climate signal in either of the stable isotope time series, which were measured on a limited number of samples. WICE can live to be at least 356 years old and the current TRW chronology extends back to 1564 CE. The development of full-length chronologies of alternative tree-ring parameters, particularly MND, would allow for an annually resolved, multi-century spring precipitation reconstruction for this region in southern Africa, where vulnerability to future climate change is high.  相似文献   

The plasticity of climate-growth relationships of trees is one of the main factors determining the climate-induced changes in forest productivity and composition. In this study, high-frequency variation of tree-ring width (TRW) of four native and three alien tree species and two hybrids of Populus L. growing in Latvia (hemiboreal zone) was compared using a principal component analysis based on TRW indices for the period 1965–2009. The effect of climatic factors was assessed using a bootstrapped correlation analysis. Influence of common climatic factors related to the length of the vegetation season, winter temperature, and water regime in summer was traced in the TRW of the studied species and hybrids. The combination and effect of the identified factors differed by species (and hybrids), to a certain extent explaining the diversity of TRW patterns. Nevertheless, some similarities among the species were also observed, suggesting the plasticity of growth response. Scots pine was generally sensitive to winter temperatures, but Norway spruce was mainly sensitive to summer water regime, while black alder was sensitive to winter temperatures and precipitation in spring. In contrast, silver birch showed the lowest sensitivity to the tested climatic factors (demonstrating sensitivity to winter precipitation in a few sites), suggesting tolerance to weather fluctuations. The TRW of the alien species was primarily sensitive to climatic factors related to water regime in the summer of the year preceding the formation of tree-ring, implying differences in mechanisms regulating wood increment. Nevertheless, temperature in the dormant period was significant for European larch in a few sites, suggesting sensitivity to cold damage. The variation of TRW of Populus hybrids diverged from others, as their growth was negatively correlated with the temperature in autumn, spring, and summer and positively correlated with water balance. Although the annual water balance in Latvia is positive, the effect of water deficit on tree growth was apparent.  相似文献   

The spatial coverage of tree-ring chronologies in tropical South America is low compared to the extratropics, particularly in remote regions. Tree-ring dating from such tropical sites is limited by the generally weak temperature seasonality, complex coloration, and indistinct anatomical morphology in some tree species. As a result, there is a need to complement traditional methods of dendrochronology with innovative and independent approaches. Here, we supplement traditional tree-ring methods via the use of radiocarbon analyses to detect partial missing rings and/or false rings, and wood anatomical techniques to precisely delineate tree-ring boundaries. In so doing we present and confirm the annual periodicity of the first tree-ring width (TRW) chronology spanning from 1814 to 2017 for Juglans boliviana (‘nogal’), a tree species growing in a mid-elevation tropical moist forest in northern Bolivia. We collected 25 core samples and 4 cross-sections from living and recently harvested canopy-dominant trees, respectively. The sampled trees were growing in the Madidi National Park and had a mean age of 115 years old, with certain trees growing for over 200 years. Comparison of (residual and standard) TRW chronologies to monthly climate variables shows significant negative relationships to prior year May-August maximum temperatures (r = −0.54, p < 0.05) and positive relationships to dry season May-October precipitation (r = 0.60, p < 0.05) before the current year growing season. Additionally, the radial growth of Juglans boliviana shows a significant positive trend since 1979. Our findings describe a new and promising tree species for dendrochronology due to its longevity and highlight interdisciplinary techniques that can be used to expand the current tree-ring network in Bolivia and the greater South American tropics.  相似文献   

Two new Juniper tree-ring-width (TRW) chronologies spanning more than 500 years were developed in the Yellow River source area, North Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (NE-QTP). For the two studied sites, located approximately 50 km apart, split correlation and coherence analysis reveal unstable tree-growth responses to local moisture availability. While significant correlations are obtained with April–June local precipitation, Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and river flow from 1948/1954 to 1998 and from 1948/1954 to 1970s, these correlations vanish for the time period 1970s-1998. The local instrumental climate data (precipitation, PDSI and river flow) exhibit opposite correlations with large scale modes of variability (El Niño Southern Oscillation, ENSO, and Pacific Decadal Oscillation, PDO) before and after the 1977 PDO shift. One tree-ring chronology is coherent and anti-phased with instrumental ENSO/PDO indices at 5.2-year frequency. On the longer time span, this TRW chronology is compared with PDO reconstructed from historical Chinese data. This comparison also exhibits unstable multi-decadal relationships, notably in the mid 19th century. Altogether, the comparison between our two chronologies, local instrumental climate records, and ENSO/PDO indices suggest a cautious use of local TRW records for paleoclimate reconstructions. Further studies are needed to explore both the spatial coherency of tree-ring records and the temporal stability of their response to local and large scale climate variability.  相似文献   

The long-term radial growth responses to drought and climatic variability of less-studied species such as Abies borisii-regis (Mattf.) remain poorly understood.We tested the hypothesis that severe short-term drought conditions during summer months will impact the radial growth of A. borisii-regis (Mattf.) trees and such impact will have a more pronounced effect on latewood (LW) than earlywood (EW) width.Correlation analysis was employed to investigate the impact of climatic drivers (temperature, precipitation) and drought, using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) calculated at cumulative time scales (1–12 months), on EW, LW and tree-ring width (TRW) in A. borisii-regis (Mattf.) trees from South-Eastern Albania.We found that EW width was positively correlated with precipitation in July and previous September, while the LW width and TRW was enhanced by the current June–July precipitation. Previous autumn and current summer high temperatures constrained the radial growth in A. borisii-regis (Mattf.) trees, particularly the LW and TRW. All the tree-ring widths components showed the highest significant response to drought at short cumulative time scales (<4 months) mainly during July, August and September. The highest impact of drought was observed for the LW width.Under a future reduction of summer precipitation and temperature increase, the A. borisii-regis (Mattf.) may show a decrease in EW formation, causing a decline of radial growth, leading to a reduction in hydraulic conductivity and carbon uptake in these forests.  相似文献   

Stationary (time-stable) relationships between a tree-ring proxy and climatic drivers are a prerequisite for using tree rings as paleo-climatological archives, but non-stationarity has been detected worldwide. Here we use a classical, temperature-sensitive treeline site in Western Siberia to specifically test the influence of micro-site conditions (wet versus dry) on the stationarity of climate-growth relationships in three co-existing conifer species: Larix sibirica Ledeb., Picea obovata Ledeb., and Pinus sibirica DuTour. We test two commonly used tree-ring proxies, annual tree-ring width (TRW) and maximum latewood density (MXD), using moving windows and the bootstrapped transfer function stability test (BTFS). Summer temperature is the main driver of tree growth in all three species, but non-stationarities exist in all species and both tree-ring proxies. For TRW, we found stationarity only for larch from both micro-sites, while for MXD, we found stationarity for spruce from both micro-sites, and for pine from the wet micro-site. Micro-site variability did not seem to affect stationarity in any systematic way. We highlight the necessity to systematically test the influence of different methods of stationarity tests, since BTFS was more sensitive than moving-window analysis. Taken together, our results underscore the importance of testing the assumption of stationarity for diverse micro-sites, different species and proxies at all sites prior to any tree-ring based temperature reconstruction, since even within one site results can be drastically different.  相似文献   

Time series of tree-ring anatomical features are important to understand the functional role of xylem plasticity over the life span of trees, and thus to reconstruct past ecological and climatic conditions. Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) is a drought-tolerant tree widely distributed in the Mediterranean Basin. Chronologies of tree-ring width (TRW), vessel lumen area [maximum (MAX) and mean (MVA)] and vessel density (VD) were developed for the period 1942–2001. Each ring was divided into three sections to compare the intra-annual variation of vessel features with the climate conditions during the growing season. The common variability of tree-growth and vessel features was analyzed using a principal component analysis (PCA). Vessel lumen area (MAX and MVA) and TRW loaded positively on the first axis (PC1), whereas VD from the first and second part of the ring (VD1 and VD2) loaded negatively, suggesting that these variables share a common variance. On the other hand, VD in the last third of the ring (VD3) loaded positively on second axis (PC2). PC1 showed a strong positive correlation with precipitation during the hydrological year (prior October–September) and a negative correlation with temperature in spring (April–May), while PC2 showed a negative correlation with precipitation in June. Our results showed that TRW and vessel lumen area were mainly dependent on moisture conditions along the growing season, while vessel density probably plays an important role in the balance between hydraulic conductivity and safety to embolism to better adjust the hydraulic system to water availability.  相似文献   

We investigated climate–growth relationships (in terms of tree-ring width, basal area increment (BAI), and tree-ring δ13C signatures) of Quercus petraea in Central Europe (Luxembourg). Tree responses were assessed for 160 years and compared for sites with contrasting water supply (i.e. Cambisols vs. Regosols with 175 and 42 mm available water capacity, respectively). Oak trees displayed very low climate sensitivity, and climatic variables explained only 24 and 21 % of variance in tree-ring width (TRW) (Cambisol and Regosol sites, respectively). Contrary to our expectations, site-related differences in growth responses (i.e. BAI, δ13C signatures) to climate shifts were not significant. This finding suggests a high plasticity of oak trees in the study area. Despite a distinct growth depression found for all trees in the decade 1988–1997 (attributable to increasing annual mean temperatures by 1.1 °C), oak trees completely recovered in subsequent years. This indicates a high resilience of sessile oak to climate change. Shifts in δ13Ccorr signatures were mainly affected by temperature, and peaks in δ13Ccorr values (corrected for the anthropogenic increase in atmospheric CO2) coincided with decadal maximum temperatures. Correlations between δ13C signatures and TRW (mainly affected by precipitation) were not significant. This finding suggests that wood growth often was disconnected from carbon assimilation (e.g. due to carbon storage in the trunk or allocation to seeds). Since the selection of drought-resistant tree species gains importance within the context of adaptive forest management strategies, Q. petraea proves to be an adaptive tree species in Central Europe’s forests under shifting climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Seasonally dry tropical forests are an important global climate regulator and represent one of main drivers of carbon sink dynamics. However, projections of climate change suggest future productivity losses and negative impacts on forest functioning. Understanding the interaction between climate variability and tree growth responses between species with different growth strategies represents a crucial challenge to forecast ecosystem functioning in the future. Here we used tree ring chronology to evaluate changes in growth and climate sensitivity of two tropical tree species that co-occur in a seasonally dry tropical forest in Brazil: Cedrela odorata and Ceiba glaziovii. Using Pearson correlations and linear regressions we explored how growth variability is correlated with local (precipitation, temperature) and global (ocean temperature and El Niño Southern Oscillation - ENSO) climatic factors. Tree growth was closely related with precipitation in C. odorata (r = 0.59) and C. glaziovii (0.24). Differences were found at monthly level, which C. odorata showing greater sensitivity in the beginning of rainy season. The South Atlantic Temperature was positively correlated with C. odorata, while ENSO was negatively correlated. Our results showed a dominant effect of precipitation on tree growth and suggest that are different growth strategies among species, which C. odorata being the most sensitive to drought and C. glaziovii more adapted with parenchyma in trunk. Therefore, C. odorata is probably more vulnerable to the deleterious effects of future climate change than C. glaziovii. Our findings highlight the importance of understanding the climate sensitivity of different seasonally dry tropical forest species, which is critical to predicting carbon dynamics in tropical regions. These also reveal that differences in sensitivity must be considered when prioritizing conservation measures for seasonally dry tropical forests.  相似文献   


Key message

Compared with annual tree-ring cellulose δ 18 O, intra-annual cellulose δ 18 O has potential to reconstruct precipitation with higher resolution and stronger signal intensity.


Annual tree-ring cellulose oxygen isotope values (δ18O) of Fokienia hodginsii provide a promising proxy of monsoon-season precipitation in Southeast China. Measuring intra-annual cellulose δ18O values may reveal the seasonal variability of precipitation and the associated climate influences. Here, we examine intra-annual variation of cellulose δ18O values in Fokienia hodginsii and Cryptomeria fortune from Fujian Province, Southeast China. Both species exhibited considerable intra-annual variations in cellulose δ18O (range ~6 ‰) with a consistent pattern of enriched values near the annual ring boundary and depleted values in the central portion of the ring. Seasonal patterns in the tree-ring δ18O values generally followed changes in precipitation δ18O values. Compared with annual tree-ring cellulose δ18O, intra-annual cellulose δ18O has potential to reconstruct precipitation with higher resolution and stronger signal intensity. July tree-ring cellulose δ18O is significantly correlated (r = ?0.58, p < 0.05) with July precipitation, and June–August tree-ring cellulose δ18O and annual tree-ring cellulose δ18O, respectively, explain 52 and 41 % of the actual variance of April–August precipitation. In addition, May–October cellulose δ18O values during El Niño years are higher than in La Niña years, and April to October rainfall is lower in El Niño years than in La Niña years. Combining the significant correlations between inter-annual cellulose δ18O values and sea surface temperatures in the central tropical Pacific, our results support the hypothesis that El Niño–Southern Oscillation affects tree-ring cellulose δ18O in Southeast China by modulating seasonal precipitation.

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