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An odor emitted by an object signals the presence of that object and may draw attention to it. Can odors that are not actually emitted by an object also function as a signal? We investigated whether the degree of thematic congruency between an ambient odor and a magazine affected magazine sales in a retail store. We selected two odors: a grass odor, congruent with soccer, animal/nature and gardening magazines; and a sunflower odor, congruent with personal care and women's magazines. In a field study in three bookstores, the ambient odors did not increase sales for thematically congruent magazines, nor did they decrease sales for incongruent magazines. Several explanations for these unexpected findings are discussed.  相似文献   



Successful cooperation depends on reliable identification of friends and foes. Social insects discriminate colony members (nestmates/friends) from foreign workers (non-nestmates/foes) by colony-specific, multi-component colony odors. Traditionally, complex processing in the brain has been regarded as crucial for colony recognition. Odor information is represented as spatial patterns of activity and processed in the primary olfactory neuropile, the antennal lobe (AL) of insects, which is analogous to the vertebrate olfactory bulb. Correlative evidence indicates that the spatial activity patterns reflect odor-quality, i.e., how an odor is perceived. For colony odors, alternatively, a sensory filter in the peripheral nervous system was suggested, causing specific anosmia to nestmate colony odors. Here, we investigate neuronal correlates of colony odors in the brain of a social insect to directly test whether they are anosmic to nestmate colony odors and whether spatial activity patterns in the AL can predict how odor qualities like “friend” and “foe” are attributed to colony odors.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using ant dummies that mimic natural conditions, we presented colony odors and investigated their neuronal representation in the ant Camponotus floridanus. Nestmate and non-nestmate colony odors elicited neuronal activity: In the periphery, we recorded sensory responses of olfactory receptor neurons (electroantennography), and in the brain, we measured colony odor specific spatial activity patterns in the AL (calcium imaging). Surprisingly, upon repeated stimulation with the same colony odor, spatial activity patterns were variable, and as variable as activity patterns elicited by different colony odors.


Ants are not anosmic to nestmate colony odors. However, spatial activity patterns in the AL alone do not provide sufficient information for colony odor discrimination and this finding challenges the current notion of how odor quality is coded. Our result illustrates the enormous challenge for the nervous system to classify multi-component odors and indicates that other neuronal parameters, e.g., precise timing of neuronal activity, are likely necessary for attribution of odor quality to multi-component odors.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2012,61(5):651-659
Successful reproduction in vertebrates depends critically upon a suite of precopulatory behaviors that occur prior to mating. In Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), these behaviors include vaginal scent marking and preferential investigation of male odors. The neural regulation of vaginal marking and opposite-sex odor preference likely involves an interconnected set of steroid-sensitive nuclei that includes the medial amygdala (MA), the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), and the medial preoptic area (MPOA). For example, lesions of MA eliminate opposite-sex odor preference and reduce overall levels of vaginal marking, whereas lesions of MPOA decrease vaginal marking in response to male odors. Although BNST is densely interconnected with both MA and MPOA, little is known about the role of BNST in female precopulatory behaviors. To address this question, females received either bilateral, excitotoxic lesions of BNST (BNST-X) or sham lesions (SHAM), and were tested for scent marking and for investigatory responses to male and female odors. Whereas SHAM females vaginal marked more to male odors than female odors on two days of the estrous cycle, BNST-X females marked at equivalent levels to both odors. This deficit is not due to alterations in social odor investigation, as both BNST-X and SHAM females investigated male odors more than female odors. Finally, BNST lesions did not generally disrupt the cyclic changes in reproductive behaviors that occur across the estrous cycle. Taken together, these results demonstrate that BNST is critical for the normal expression of solicitational behaviors by females in response to male odor stimuli.  相似文献   

In Southeast Asia the native honey bee species Apis cerana is often attacked by hornets (Vespa velutina), mainly in the period from April to November. During the co-evolution of these two species honey bees have developed several strategies to defend themselves such as learning the odors of hornets and releasing alarm components to inform other mates. However, so far little is known about whether and how honey bees modulate their olfactory learning in the presence of the hornet predator and alarm components of honey bee itself. In the present study, we test for associative olfactory learning of A. cerana in the presence of predator odors, the alarm pheromone component isopentyl acetate (IPA), or a floral odor (hexanal) as a control. The results show that bees can detect live hornet odors, that there is almost no association between the innately aversive hornet odor and the appetitive stimulus sucrose, and that IPA is less well associated with an appetitive stimulus when compared with a floral odor. In order to imitate natural conditions, e.g. when bees are foraging on flowers and a predator shows up, or alarm pheromone is released by a captured mate, we tested combinations of the hornet odor and floral odor, or IPA and floral odor. Both of these combinations led to reduced learning scores. This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the prey-predator system between A. cerana and V. velutina.  相似文献   

The effect of pup cross-fostering by the house mouse Mus musculus and the mound-building mouse M. spicilegus on the odor preferences of sexually mature individuals has been studied for the first time. House and mound-building mice reared by females of a closely related species did not prefer any of the odors, in contrast to intact individuals of these species. Some individuals reared by females of a closely related species preferred the odor of foster species to conspecific odor. Early olfactory experience has been shown to alter the response of house mice and mound-building mice to odors of their own species and foster species.  相似文献   

Workers in a social insect colony have distinct experiences that may affect their performance in a learning task. In this study using free-foraging and flight-cage bumblebee Bombus huntii colonies, the strength of olfactory proboscis extension conditioning (PEC) was affected by a bee’s task specialization as a nurse or forager and the stimulus odor. Nurses (n?=?26) learned to respond to the odors 1-hexanol and lavender, but foragers (n?=?25) had inhibited conditioning to both odors. More nurses (73 %) than foragers (48 %) had at least one conditioned response (CR), and nurses displayed significantly more CRs than foragers. As expected, a pseudoconditioned control group (n?=?9) showed very few CRs. Among bees that were given a second day of trials, nurses—but not foragers—showed modest improvement. Such strong inhibition of PEC has not been described in honeybee or bumblebee foragers. The stimulus odor also affected conditioning strength in nurses. Lavender, a familiar odor, elicited earlier and more CRs than 1-hexanol. We propose that learning floral odors in the context of foraging may inhibit PEC in bumblebee foragers, whereas exposure to odors in the honey stores may prime subsequent learning in nurses.  相似文献   

Changes in body odor are known to be a consequence of many diseases. Much of the published work on disease-related and body odor changes has involved parasites and certain cancers. Much less studied have been viral diseases, possibly due to an absence of good animal model systems. Here we studied possible alteration of fecal odors in animals infected with avian influenza viruses (AIV). In a behavioral study, inbred C57BL/6 mice were trained in a standard Y-maze to discriminate odors emanating from feces collected from mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) infected with low-pathogenic avian influenza virus compared to fecal odors from non-infected controls. Mice could discriminate odors from non-infected compared to infected individual ducks on the basis of fecal odors when feces from post-infection periods were paired with feces from pre-infection periods. Prompted by this indication of odor change, fecal samples were subjected to dynamic headspace and solvent extraction analyses employing gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to identify chemical markers indicative of AIV infection. Chemical analyses indicated that AIV infection was associated with a marked increase of acetoin (3-hydroxy-2-butanone) in feces. These experiments demonstrate that information regarding viral infection exists via volatile metabolites present in feces. Further, they suggest that odor changes following virus infection could play a role in regulating behavior of conspecifics exposed to infected individuals.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the role of learning in olfactory host searching by the ichneumonid pupal parasitoid, Pimpla luctuosa Smith. Females learned to associate novel odors such as vanilla and strawberry with hosts when they oviposited in at least several hosts with the odors. Repeated experiences of hosts with an odor increased the response of the experienced odor, and females that had experienced host odor seven times responded to the experienced odors 90% of the time. Although the response by females to a learned odor gradually decreased with increasing host-deprivation time, 60% of the females that had experienced host odor 7 days earlier still responded to the experienced odor. Females also learned two separate odors associated with hosts at a time and responded to both odors without a preference for one odor over the other. When trained two separate odors with hosts, females learned the second odor more quickly than the first odor. After females experienced several stings in simulated hosts with the previously learned odor, they ceased to respond to the learned odor, suggesting that repeated unrewarding experiences cause females to cease to respond to the learned odors.  相似文献   

Many insects find resources by means of the olfactory cues of general odors after learning. To evaluate behavioral responses to the odor of a particular chemical after learning with reward or punishment quantitatively, we developed a standardized odor-training method in the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (Linnaeus), an important urban pest species. A classical olfactory conditioning procedure for a preference test was modified to become applicable to a single odor, by which a (?)-menthol or vanillin odor was independently associated with sucrose (reward) or sodium chloride solution (punishment). The strength of the association with the odor was evaluated with the increase or decrease in visit frequencies to the odor source after olfactory conditioning. The frequency increased after (?)-menthol was presented with a reward, while it did not change with the rewarded vanillin odor. With both odors, the frequency decreased significantly after training with a punishment. These results indicate that cockroaches learn a single compound odor presented as a conditioned stimulus, although the association of the odor with a reward or punishment depends on the chemical. This olfactory conditioning method can not only facilitate the analysis of cockroach behavior elicited by a learned single chemical odor, but also quantify the potential attractiveness or repellency of the chemical after learning.  相似文献   

Context-dependent changes in the perception of odor quality   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Ambiguous odor compounds, partly citrus-like and partly woodyin odor character, were seen to change in odor quality whenevaluated in the same session as more prototypical odors. Whentested with characteristically citrus odors, the ambiguous compoundsseemed more woody, and when tested with characteristically woodyodors, the ambiguous odorants were higher in citrus character,an example of perceptual contrast. Response frequency biaseswere ruled out as an explanation for this shift by an experimentin which responses other than citrus and woody ratings wereasked of the subjects during the contextual exposure. Simplesensory adaptation was found to be a potential contributor tothe effect, and a sufficient condition to produce similar shiftsin odor quality. However, adaptation was not a necessary conditionto produce the effect. This was seen in reversed pair experimentsin which the contextual odors were presented after the ambiguousstimuli. The contextual shift was robust—it was obtainedwith different ambiguous odors, contextual (conditioning) odors,numbers of contextual odors, orders of presentation of contextualodors relative to ambiguous odors, scale types, and rating tasksduring the presentation of contextual odors.  相似文献   

This video demonstrates a technique to establish the presence of a normally functioning olfactory system in a mouse. The test helps determine whether the mouse can discriminate between non-social odors and social odors, whether the mouse habituates to a repeatedly presented odor, and whether the mouse demonstrates dishabituation when presented with a novel odor. Since many social behavior tests measure the experimental animal’s response to a familiar or novel mouse, false positives can be avoided by establishing that the animals can detect and discriminate between social odors. There are similar considerations in learning tests such as fear conditioning that use odor to create a novel environment or olfactory cues as an associative stimulus. Deficits in the olfactory system would impair the ability to distinguish between contexts and to form an association with an olfactory cue during fear conditioning. In the odor habitation/dishabituation test, the mouse is repeatedly presented with several odors. Each odor is presented three times for two minutes. The investigator records the sniffing time directed towards the odor as the measurement of olfactory responsiveness. A typical mouse shows a decrease in response to the odor over repeated presentations (habituation). The experimenter then presents a novel odor that elicits increased sniffing towards the new odor (dishabituation). After repeated presentation of the novel odor the animal again shows habituation. This protocol involves the presentation of water, two or more non-social odors, and two social odors. In addition to reducing experimental confounds, this test can provide information on the function of the olfactory systems of new knockout, knock-in, and conditional knockout mouse lines.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Rodents discriminate and prefer familiar odors earlyin life. Almost from birth young rats suckle in response tomaternal odor, but suckle less when nipples are cleaned withorganic solvents. In two-choice tests, young prefer familiarnest odors, whether naturally occurring or artificially presented,and can even be made to tolerate odors normally aversive orto avoid odors normally pleasant. Variations in maternal dietcan alter odor preferences of theyoung. Nest odors can affect vocalization of young rodents. In contrastto the consistent effects of cold temperature and handling inthe many rodents studied, nest odors may affect vocalizationdifferently in different species. For example, familiar odorsreduce calling in rats, but increase calling in pine voles.Nest odor also alters spontaneous activity in young rats, whichlocomoteless when maternal odor is present. In this paper I report that home nest odors enhanced locomotionin rodents of three species (pine voles, Microtus pinetorum;white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus; and wild house mice,Mus musculus), but that the age at which this pattern occurredand the relationships of nest odors to vocalizations differedamong the species.  相似文献   

Testosterone-dependent olfactory signals emitted by male are well known to accelerate female puberty in mice (Vandenbergh effect). However, it remains unclear whether these chemosignals also influence adult expression of male-directed odor preference. Therefore, we exposed female mice to intact or castrated male bedding (vs clean bedding as control) during the peripubertal period (postnatal day (PD) 21–38) and measured male-directed odor preference in adulthood. At PD45 or PD60, females exposed to intact male odors, and thus showing puberty acceleration, preferred to investigate odors from intact males over females or castrated males. Females exposed to castrated male odors did not show puberty acceleration but preferred male (intact or castrated) over female odors. Finally, control females did not show any odor preference when tested at PD45, although a preference for male odors emerged later (PD60). In a second experiment, females that were exposed to intact male odors after pubertal transition (PD36–53) also preferred intact male over castrated male odors. In conclusion, our results indicate that peripubertal exposure to male odors induced early expression of male-directed odor preference regardless of puberty-accelerating effect and that induction of male-directed odor preference is not specific to the peripubertal period.  相似文献   

Mammalian newborns exhibit avid responsiveness to odor compounds emanating from conspecific milk. Milk is however developmentally heterogeneous in composition as a function of both evolved constraints and offspring demand. The present study aimed to verify whether milk odor attractivity for neonates is equally distributed along lactation in Mus musculus (Balb-c strain). Therefore, we exposed pups varying in age to milk samples collected from females in different lactational stages. The pups were assayed at postnatal days 2 (P2), 6 (P6) and 15 (P15) in a series of paired-choice tests opposing either murine milk and a blank (water), or two samples of milk collected in different stages of lactation [lactation days 2 (L2), 6 (L6), and 15 L15)]. Pups of any age were able to detect, and were attracted to, the odor of the different milk. When milk from different lactational stages were simultaneously presented, P2 pups oriented for a similar duration to the odors of L2 and of L6 milk, but significantly less to the odor of L15 milk. Next, P6 pups roamed equivalently over L2 and L6 milk odors, but still less over the odor of L15 milk. Finally, P15 pups explored as much L15 milk odor as the odors of both L2 and L6 milk. This developmental shift in milk attractivity is discussed in terms of changing chemosensory properties of milk and of shifting chemosensory abilities/experience of pups.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to determine roles of odor learning in food foraging of the larval parasitoid,Microplitis croceipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Females that had neither fed on sucrose water nor experienced any odor and females that had experienced an odor without feeding failed to respond to any odors in a wind tunnel. Most of the females that had fed without an odor also did not respond to odors. However, most of the females that had experienced an odor during feeding on sucrose water flew to the odor. These results indicate that when females experience an odor during feeding, they learn to associate the odor with food and subsequently respond to the odor. As age of females increased, their response to an experienced odor increased, peaked 2 to 5 days after emergence, and then decreased. With an increasing number of odor experiences while feeding, accuracy of females choosing the experienced odor increased. Females that experienced an odor while feeding three to five times chose the experienced odor 90% of the time. When females experienced an odor while feeding five times, the memory of food associated odor lasted at least 2 days. When they experienced food with two odors successively, they could memorize both odors, and multiple experiences did not cause memory interference. Even when females had learned a food-associated odor, their response to the learned odor ceased after several visits on patches containing the odor but no food. Such negative experience may cause switching of food searching to new odors by females.  相似文献   

Chemical signals influence the selection of potential nest cavities by honey bee reproductive swarms. Attractants for swarms include the odors of old dark honey bee brood combs, odors from noncomb hive materials and propolis, and Nasonov pheromone, the odor released from the Nasonov glands of worker bees. Based on crossover and choice test experiments, swarms were shown to prefer, among otherwise identical cavities, those cavities containing Nasonov pheromone over cavities with only comb or other hive odors, cavities containing old comb over those with only noncomb odors or propolis, and cavities containing noncomb odors or propolis over those without bee or hive odor. Synergy between odors was not observed; that is, comb and/or noncomb hive odors did not enhance the attractiveness of Nasonov pheromone. The data support a model based on a hierarchy of olfactory attractants used by honey bee swarms, in order of highest to lowest: Nasonov pheromone, comb odor, noncomb and propolis odors, and, finally, absence of bee- or hive-produced odor.  相似文献   

Only little is known about whether single volatile compounds are as efficient in eliciting behavioral responses in animals as the whole complex mixture of a behaviorally relevant odor. Recent studies analysing the composition of volatiles in mammalian blood, an important prey-associated odor stimulus for predators, found the odorant trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal to evoke a typical “metallic, blood-like” odor quality in humans. We therefore assessed the behavior of captive Asian wild dogs (Cuon alpinus), African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), South American bush dogs (Speothos venaticus), and Siberian tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) when presented with wooden logs that were impregnated either with mammalian blood or with the blood odor component trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal, and compared it to their behavior towards a fruity odor (iso-pentyl acetate) and a near-odorless solvent (diethyl phthalate) as control. We found that all four species displayed significantly more interactions with the odorized wooden logs such as sniffing, licking, biting, pawing, and toying, when they were impregnated with the two prey-associated odors compared to the two non-prey-associated odors. Most importantly, no significant differences were found in the number of interactions with the wooden logs impregnated with mammalian blood and the blood odor component in any of the four species. Only one of the four species, the South American bush dogs, displayed a significant decrease in the number of interactions with the odorized logs across the five sessions performed per odor stimulus. Taken together, the results demonstrate that a single blood odor component can be as efficient in eliciting behavioral responses in large carnivores as the odor of real blood, suggesting that trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal may be perceived by predators as a “character impact compound” of mammalian blood odor. Further, the results suggest that odorized wooden logs are a suitable manner of environmental enrichment for captive carnivores.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(1):1-7
We studied in a laboratory experiment using stream tanks if two percid prey fish, the perch (Perca fluviatilis) and the ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus), can recognize and respond to increased predation risk using odors of two piscivores, the pike (Esox lucius) and the burbot (Lota lota). Burbot is night-active most of the year but pike hunts predominantly visually whenever there is enough light. Perch is a common day-active prey of pike and dark-active ruffe that of burbot. We predicted that besides recognizing the predator odors, the prey species would respond more strongly to odors of the predator which share the same activity pattern. Both perch and ruffe clearly responded to both predator fish odors. They decreased movements and erected the spiny dorsal fins. Fin erection showed clearly the black warning ornamentation in the fin and thus erected fin may function besides as mechanical defense also as warning ornament for an approaching predator. No rapid escape movements were generally observed. Both perch and ruffe responded more strongly to pike odor than to burbot. There were no clear differences in response between day and night. In conclusion, we were able to verify clear predator odor recognition by both prey fish. Both perch and ruffe responded to both predator odors and it seemed that pike forms a stronger threat for both prey species. Despite of diel activity differences both perch and ruffe used the same antipredatory strategies, but the day-active perch seemed to have a more flexible antipredatory behavior by responding more strongly to burbot threat during the night when burbot is active.  相似文献   



Insect herbivory induces plant odors that attract herbivores'' natural enemies. Assuming this attraction emerges from individual compounds, genetic control over odor emission of crops may provide a rationale for manipulating the distribution of predators used for pest control. However, studies on odor perception in vertebrates and invertebrates suggest that olfactory information processing of mixtures results in odor percepts that are a synthetic whole and not a set of components that could function as recognizable individual attractants. Here, we ask if predators respond to herbivore-induced attractants in odor mixtures or to odor mixture as a whole.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied a system consisting of Lima bean, the herbivorous mite Tetranychus urticae and the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. We found that four herbivore-induced bean volatiles are not attractive in pure form while a fifth, methyl salicylate (MeSA), is. Several reduced mixtures deficient in one component compared to the full spider-mite induced blend were not attractive despite the presence of MeSA indicating that the predators cannot detect this component in these odor mixtures. A mixture of all five HIPV is most attractive, when offered together with the non-induced odor of Lima bean. Odors that elicit no response in their pure form were essential components of the attractive mixture.


We conclude that the predatory mites perceive odors as a synthetic whole and that the hypothesis that predatory mites recognize attractive HIPV in odor mixtures is unsupported.  相似文献   

In order to assess the influence of odors on human performance and implicit memory for odors, 108 subjects completed a variety of tests in weakly scented (jasmine, lavender or odorless) rooms without having been made aware of the odor. After a 30 min interval the subjects were shown slides of different surroundings, including the room they had been in, and were requested to rate how well a set of 12 odors, including a blank, would fit to these surroundings. Half of these contexts contained visual cues related to two of the presented odors (leather and coffee). After the rating of fit the subjects had to rate the odors for pleasantness, were asked to identify the odors with their correct names and to tell where and when they had last smelled these odors. One subject remembered smelling the odor (jasmine) in the room and was discarded from the analysis of the results for the rating of fit. None of the others reported recollection of the experimental odors. The results showed that in general jasmine had a negative and lavender a positive effect on test performance. If an odor-related visual cue was present in the context, the related odor was always rated highest in fit to that context. Furthermore, the subjects working in rooms with an odor subsequently assigned this odor to the visual context of that room to a significantly higher degree than subjects working in rooms with different odors. Since none of the subjects reported that they had smelled the odor in the rooms where performance testing took place, it was concluded that the memory for these odors was implicit. Further analysis showed that such memory was only found in subjects who were unable to supply the right name for the odor. The possible consequences of this latter finding for understanding the relationship between sensory (episodic) and semantic odor memory are discussed.  相似文献   

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