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豇豆荚螟的生物学特性与防治技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文较全面地报道了豇豆荚螟在湖南长沙、湘潭地区的生物学特征、发生动态与环境因子的关系 ,提出了以化学防治为主的豇豆荚螟综合防治技术。豇豆荚螟在上述两地区 1年能发生 6~ 7代 ;1~ 6代各代历期依次为 33.5,2 3,2 1,2 8,34.5和 4 4天。寄主生育期可影响该虫的发生量 ,采用“治花不治角 ,打顶不打底”的施药方法 ,能提高药剂防治效果 ,降低农药残留量。在防治试验用的 12种药剂中 ,2 5%乙酰甲胺磷乳油、2 .5%敌杀死乳油、生长调节剂 5%定虫隆 (抑太保 )、细菌性杀虫剂 Bt乳剂和 HD- 1的防治效果在 80 %以上 ;灭幼脲 2号、甲氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯和辛硫磷 ,防治效果在 70 %~ 80 %之间 ;而敌百虫、乐果、敌敌畏的防治效果不达 70 %  相似文献   

从豆野螟分布、发生为害及综合防治等几方面综述了该虫的研究进展.气候因子、豆类品种、栽培耕作制度及天敌是影响豆野螟发生的主要因素.在防治方面,主要是化学防治,生物防治开始受到重视.在综述基础上,探讨了豆野螟今后研究的内容和重点.  相似文献   

豆野螟的生物学特性及其防治   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
豆野螟Maruea testulalisGeyer(1832)是我国豆类蔬菜,特别是长豇豆Vigna sesguipedalis的主要害虫。在杭州,一年发生七代,以预蛹越冬。以1—3代为害为主。一龄幼虫头宽0.197毫米,Dyar常数为1.653。随虫龄增加,取食场所从花器转向豆荚。产卵前期为3—4天,羽化后6—8天卵量最集中。幼虫、蛹发育历期与日平均温度间的对数回归方程为Y1=3.5825—1.7766x,Yp=3.8118-2.0800x。卵期2—4天。田间为害以6—8月为主;灯下威虫有7月和9—10月两个高峰。有分距姬蜂Cremastus sp.和稻苞虫寄蝇Pseudoperiehaeta insidiosa二种天敌。应用80%敌敌畏800倍等农药,在百花虫数达40头上下、二龄幼虫约占50%时,兼喷植株、落地花,能达到降低花、荚被害率,提高鲜荚产量、品质和降低成本的效果。  相似文献   

茉莉花蕾螟的田间综合防治技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在广西横县进行了人工释放赤眼蜂、喷施无公害生物农药、黑光灯诱杀成虫等技术协调组合防治茉莉花蕾螟的田间示范试验。试验结果表明 :处理区茉莉花农药残留降低 90 %以上 ,农药残留指标达到中华人民共和国农业行业标准NY5 0 1 7 2 0 0 1的要求 ;防治效果显著提高 ,防治成本降低 3 9.2 % ,为农户增收节支约 280 5 .0元 /hm2 。  相似文献   

本文采用五点取样法调查了豇豆荚螟Maruca vitrata Fabricius在武汉地区春豇豆开花结荚期的为害情况,并分析了幼虫分布的虫龄结构。结果表明,豇豆荚螟在豇豆开花结荚期对花的危害率显著高于豆荚;百花虫量和百荚虫量最高分别为65头和15头,分别位于盛花末期和盛荚中后期。花器中1龄幼虫比例显著高于3~5龄幼虫,而荚中4龄和5龄幼虫比例显著高于1~3龄幼虫。豇豆花不同部位的虫龄结构存在显著差异,如花药中的1龄幼虫比例显著高于3~5龄幼虫;花萼中1~3龄幼虫比例显著高于4龄和5龄幼虫;而子房中各龄期幼虫分布比例不存在显著差异。花萼中各龄期幼虫的比例均显著高于花药和子房。本研究明确了豇豆荚螟幼虫在豇豆开花结荚期的为害情况及虫龄结构,对于制定该虫的科学防控策略具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文以绿豆粉、长豇豆粉、酵母粉、多维葡萄糖、琼脂、山梨酸和甲醛为原料配制了6种人工饲料饲养豇豆荚螟Maruca testulalis Geyer,以改进其人工饲料的饲养效果。结果表明:以绿豆粉和长豇豆粉为主要原料配制的配方5和配方6饲养效果较好。尤其是配方6,豇豆荚螟的幼虫存活率和历期、蛹重和化蛹率、成虫羽化率与天然饲料饲养的豇豆荚螟相比没有差异,表明该人工饲料可用于室内人工饲养豇豆荚螟。  相似文献   

二十一世纪以来我国水稻害虫治理成就与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻是我国最主要的粮食作物,对于保障粮食安全具有重要意义。本文从21世纪以来近20年我国水稻主要害虫演变及其主要影响因子、水稻害虫的非化学防控技术和应急防控技术等方面综述了进入21世纪以来的主要成就,并从进一步提高害虫预测预报水平、加快抗性品种的培育与应用、强化绿色防控技术开发、集成与创新、提高专业化服务组织能力和服务水平、加强政策保障等方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

双纹须歧角螟的生物学及防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
双纹须歧角螟Trichophysetis cretacea Butler茉莉花的重要害虫之一。对它的生物学特性、生活史以及防治进行了研究。该虫在广西南宁年发生14代,幼虫有4个龄期,完成1个世代需14~22d,其中产卵前期2~3d,卵期2~4d,幼虫期5~10d,蛹期5~8d。世代重叠,发生高峰期在6~9月。采用综合防治方法,其中包括使用阿维菌素系列农药效果较好。  相似文献   

中国豆野螟性信息素腺体组份的化学结构鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究中国豆野螟Marucavitrata(Fabricius)性信息素腺体成分。分析证实(反,反)-10,12-十六碳二烯醛(E,E-10,12-16∶ALD)是中国豆野螟性信息素腺体的主要组份;同时利用GC和GC-MS发现(反,反)-10,12-十六碳二烯醇(E,E-10,12-16∶OH)和反-10-十六碳单烯醛(E-10-16∶ALD)也是中国豆野螟性信息素腺体的组份;三者在腺体中分别以51∶4∶45的比例存在。  相似文献   

中国农业害虫防治科技70年的成就与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立70年以来,随着农业生产方式的不断变革和科技进步,农业害虫的防治策略从20世纪50年代的农业防治发展到80年代的综合防治和现阶段的绿色防控,害虫防治越来越高效、科学和环保。中国农业昆虫学家先后研究明确了水稻、小麦、玉米、棉花、蔬菜和果树等作物主要害虫发生规律,创新了一系列监测预警、生物防治、物理防治、化学生态调控、抗药性治理和抗虫育种技术,构建了以重要作物生产过程和重大致灾害虫为对象的综合防治技术体系。研发的以农业防治为主的蝗虫防控技术体系、以异地测报治理为主的粘虫Mythimnaseparata防控技术体系、以化学农药应急防治为主的稻飞虱防控技术体系、以生物防治为主的玉米螟Ostriniafurnacalis防控技术体系和以转基因技术为主的棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera防控技术体系等害虫治理模式,已成为国际农业害虫防治的经典案例。展望未来,信息技术和人工智能技术、基因组技术、农业生物技术等高新技术发展正推动害虫智能化精准识别与监测预警、智能化精准对靶施药、基因诊断与快速检测、害虫种群遗传调控、区域性生态调控和转基因防治技术的不断创新与广泛应用。  相似文献   

Maruca vitrata is an economically significant insect pest of cowpea in sub-Saharan Africa. Understanding the seasonal population patterns of M. vitrata is essential for the establishment of effective pest management strategies. M. vitrata larval populations on cultivated cowpea and adult flying activities were monitored in addition to scouting for host plants and parasitoids during 2 consecutive years in 2010 and 2011 in southwestern Burkina Faso. Our data suggest that M. vitrata populations overlapped on cultivated cowpea and alternate host plants during the rainy season. During the cowpea off-season, M. vitrata maintained a permanent population on the wild host plants Mucuna poggei and Daniella oliveri. The parasitoid fauna include three species, Phanerotoma leucobasis Kri., Braunsia kriegeri End. and Bracon sp. Implications of these finding for pest management strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Maruca vitrata Fabricius is a pantropical lepidopteran pest of legumes. Phylogenetic analysis of a mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase-I gene (cox1) fragment indicates that three Maruca sp. mitochondrial lineages have unique geographic distributions [lineages 1 and 2: Australia, Taiwan, and West Africa (Niger, Nigeria, and Burkina Faso), and lineage 3: Puerto Rico]. The haplotype (T30, T114) is specific to lineages 1&2 and was assayed by NsiI and SacI polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) within population samples; it was not observed in the Puerto Rican samples, but was nearly fixed among samples from West Africa, Australia and Taiwan (85.5?C100%). Re-sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of PCR-RFLP defined cox1 haplotypes indicate that nucleotide diversity is highest among samples from West Africa. Phylogenetic reconstruction based upon ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer-2 (ITS-2) sequences provided additional evidence for three Maruca sp. clades. These data suggest that multiple unique Maruca species or subspecies are present worldwide, which has implications for the management of this pest species-complex.  相似文献   

The legume pod-borer Maruca vitrata (Fabricius), [Lepidoptera: Pyralidae] is a major constraint restricting increased cowpea production in tropical Africa and Asia. Since lectins are known to have insecticidal properties against several pests, a survey was undertaken to screen for the effects of 25 lectins from 15 plant families on the development of Maruca pod borer (MPB) larvae. The list included 8 galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine-, 7 mannose-, 5 complex glycan-, 2 sialic acid- and 3, N-acetylglucosamine-specific lectins. Feeding bioassays using artificial diet were carried out at 2% (w/w) topical levels. Although a total of 16 lectins had detrimental effects pertaining either to larval survival, weight, feeding inhibition, pupation, adult emergence and/or fecundity, only the Listera ovata agglutinin (LOA) (Orchidaceae) and Galanthus nivalis (Amaryllidaceae) agglutinin were effective against MPB larvae for all six parameters examined. Larval mortality and feeding inhibition caused by the most active lectin (LOA) was above 60%.  相似文献   

The legume pod borer (Maruca vitrata) is a major destructive insect found on the yard-long bean, causing serious damage from the flowering stage. Because growers mostly rely on synthetic pesticides to control this insect, it has developed resistance to some pesticides. Information on the efficacy of bio-pesticides against this pest in Thailand is scarce. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of selected bio-pesticides against M. vitrata. Among six commercially available bio-pesticides, only Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki and B. thuringiensis subsp. aizawai were found to be more effective against M. vitrata under laboratory conditions, while neem was least effective. In a field trial undertaken between June and September 2011, both B. thuringiensis formulations significantly reduced pod damage compared with untreated plots of the yard-long bean. A similar efficacy pattern was observed during the second field trial between October 2011 and January 2012. These results suggest that B. thuringiensis formulations could become important components in an integrated pest management strategy for controlling M. vitrata on the yard-long bean in Thailand. However, the results of the current study imply the need for additional field trials with combinations of microbial, botanical, and chemical pesticides rather than a single bio-pesticide per treatment in the management of M. vitrata.  相似文献   

Mass rearing of the legume podborer Maruca vitrata (Fablicius) can be a very labor-intensive process. To improve the labor-saving method for larval raising, rearing experiments were conducted using 14 diet regimens, with and without diet-switching between the earlier and latter larval stages. Six different semi-synthetic diets were used, including four crude commercial diets. Larvae showed the highest performance in survival rate, developmental duration and pupal weight when reared on the following diet regimen: (1) 1st to 2nd instars—Insecta F-II (a commercial semi-synthetic diet for herbivorous insects, containing no mulberry leaf powder) mixed with 50 % azuki bean powder; (2) 3rd to 5th instars—switch to a crude commercial diet, either Insecta LFS (a semi-synthetic diet for herbivorous insects, containing mulberry leaf powder) or Insecta F-II mixed with 10 % azuki bean powder. In the feeding experiments, larvae in the earlier stages tended to prefer diets containing azuki bean or mulberry leaf powder, whereas larvae in the latter stages were non-selective in their feeding preference. The exception was Insecta F-II mixed with 50 % azuki bean powder, for which the larvae showed a significantly high preference between 24 and 96 h following release.  相似文献   

豆野螟成虫行为学特征及性信息素产生与释放节律   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
豆野螟Maruca vitrata (Fabricius)是一种严重的泛热带豆类蔬菜害虫。本文在(29±1)℃、相对湿度75%~80%、光周期14L∶10D条件下研究了豆野螟成虫的羽化、交尾行为以及雌蛾性信息素的释放节律。结果表明:其羽化行为全天可见,在雌蛾中,86%于暗期羽化; 在雄蛾中,73%于暗期羽化。雌雄蛾羽化行为在暗期第4、5和8 h差异达到显著 (t>4; P<0.05)。交尾活动发生在暗期19:00到5:00之间,交尾持续时间最短约为20 min,最长约为90 min,3日龄进入暗期第5 h具有最高的交尾率。1、6和7日龄成虫具有单个交尾高峰,2到5日龄成虫具有两个交尾高峰。同一日龄成虫交尾在暗期前半段平均花费的时间要明显高于在后半段花费的时间。低龄和高龄的成虫用于交尾的时间明显高于中龄的性成熟成虫。成虫的开始交尾时间随着日龄的增加逐渐前移。雄蛾对进入暗期后第5 h和第9 h处女雌蛾的性腺提取物和空气收集性信息素的触角电位反应最强,对 3日龄处女雌蛾的性腺提取物和空气收集性信息素的触角电位反应最强。处女雌蛾田间诱蛾试验表明:23:00-01:00为诱蛾高峰期,3日龄处女雌蛾的诱蛾效果最好。该蛾的羽化、交尾及性信息素产生与释放均存在节律上的一致性。雌蛾的性信息素释放的时间较长,见于整个暗期,然而交尾行为发生时间较短,主要发生于两个交尾高峰之间。  相似文献   

The soybean pod borer, Maruca vitrata is one of the key insect pests of tropical legumes. It damages tender leaf axils, flower buds, flowers and pods by webbing and boring clusters of flowers and pods. In this study, we investigated the survival and life table parameters of M. vitrata on several leguminous crops; soybean (cvs. Daewon, Poongsannamool and Socheongja), azuki bean (cv. Hongeon), mung bean (cv. Sanpo), and cowpea (cv. Jangchae), compared to artificial diet to assess the antibiosis resistance to M. vitrata. The life‐variables of M. vitrata were significantly affected by the tested legume cultivars. None of the larvae fed cowpea cultivar Jangchae survived. The azuki bean cultivar Hongeon and mung bean cultivar Sanpo were found susceptible to M. vitrata, whereas cowpea cultivar Jangchae and soybean cultivar Daewon showed antibiosis resistance to M. vitrata. Further studies should examine the chemicals associated with leguminous crop cultivars and its mechanism to develop a control method against M. vitrata.  相似文献   

Nemorilla maculosa Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae) is a solitary endoparasitoid of the legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a key pest of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (Fabaceae) in Africa. A colony of N. maculosa, introduced for experimental purposes from Taiwan to the laboratories of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Benin, was used for our studies. Olfactory reponses of N. maculosa to leaves of infested or uninfested cowpea and yellow peabush, Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Pers. (Fabaceae), and to M. vitrata larvae were evaluated in a four‐arm olfactometer. For all combinations of odor sources, responses between naïve and oviposition‐experienced female flies did not differ. Nemorilla maculosa females were attracted by odors from uninfested leaves of yellow peabush and flowers of cowpea when compared with clean air, and they were attracted to plants damaged by M. vitrata with larvae removed. However, the female fly did not discriminate between odors from infested and uninfested plants. The parasitic fly N. maculosa proved well able to use volatile compounds from various host plants (peabush and cowpea) to locate its host, with a more pronounced attraction by the combination of host larvae and infested host plant parts. These findings are discussed in light of the prospective use of N. maculosa as a biological control agent against the legume pod borer.  相似文献   

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